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Thread replies: 521
Thread images: 189

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Full Accel and Astral Buddy chapters soon. Railgun's Dream Ranker is over and the manga is on hiatus until September.
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<Leave the White Queen to me Nii-sama.>
>Accel was the magic spin-off all along
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What do you guys think she is? A vampire? She seems to have a bride theme going on.
Kamikoto a never ever
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Reminder that the game will be the first adaptation of OT15, it was already first for OT14
A cock hungry slut, just like all the rest.
I really want her to be a vampire, but I don't think it'll be that.
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Estelle wasn't a cock hungry slut. Also, I suppose the title of purest girl in the series now belongs to her since Junko has become a yuri harem protagonist.
Probably either a vampire or fairy tale reference. Snow White maybe? Belle?
Give her some time, she'll come around. In the end, no woman can resist the cock.

Is this a newfag thing?
I'm refusing to read Astral Buddy unless/until something interesting happens and it drops the Kurokoshit and yuribait cancer. Teleporting turd seems to have only been one chapter, hopefully she doesn't come back
That's nice and all but try not to shitpost when other people are talking about it.
I leave when others talk about it. Not too interested in ruining it for others. After all I may read it one day.
Kyousuke is a terrible father sticking his newborn daughter in clothes like that.
It would definitely explain why Accel was so quick to accept magic as a thing in the LN. Of course our main reference is Misaka and she's still trying to figure out how IB works.
>claims to love Touma so much she is terrified of losing him and depressed about "muh stage"
>too retarded to even work on understanding his power, never mind magic

Mikoto a shit
White Queen is NOT
Kyosuke done fucked up making another potential yandere.
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At least he didn't throw his newborn daughter in the world by herself and let her start genocidal organizations like Shinobu did with his. Good thing the White Queen is around to tell Kyousuke his little girl went crazy.
She's an android. Remember Outlaw Star?
There's no need to understand magic because it doesn't exist. Everything can be explained by science. Except for magnets.
Fuckin magnets man. How do they work?
>Kamachi's MC's are 3 for 3 for having shit daughters

Wow. I mean Kazakiri is shit but at least she's been more helpful than destructive so far. Good job Touma?
Wait for IT to take the form of a girl.
> Oni shortstack
Oh my.
Quenser and Heivia picking up a little girl somewhere and Beatrice repopulating the Iberian Orc village when?
> little girl
Amnesiac Mariydi?
Speaking of which, what would the two on the left look like in loli form. Have ideas for every one of them except those two.
Wasn't there one that was shaped like a dick?
Think that one was called the Plant Dragon or something. Closest I have is this tremors looking thing in the corner.
>This will never actually get a series so you won't see this fight animated
shit is the next part TL'd already?
It's all fully translated.
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That would be season 2 material anyway, a 2-cour season would likely end with volume 5.
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> too retarded to even work on understanding his power
I love this meme.
It's not a meme faggot
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Anon I'm going to guess that there's probably two "big" reasons this girl you posted has any fans in this series and I say "this girl" because I legitimately can't remember her name.

Anybody wanna guess? I'll give you a hint: it's not her eyes.
The world is ending
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It's a meme because his power is actually not broken at all but in the face of noodle armed magic beta males that wouldn't even give Peewee Herman a good fight without their magic abilities in a fist fight you can see how he would shine against them. God forbid Touma ever tries to fight somebody worthwhile like Kurozuma or Kuroko.
No, it's a meme, along with "Mikoto is a boy".
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People only say that because she's more capable than 99% of the "men" in this series. I truly believe that. I remember when the meme first started.
"Mikoto is a boy" is definitely a meme which does it's job of triggering you. But the fact Mikoto is too retarded to figure out Touma's power definitely isn't a meme
>Mikotoshits getting triggered over "Mikoto is a boy"
Mikoto is shit in literally everything she's in, even the games she happens to be in
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Why do you even think that's her job? She has her own things to worry about and I guarantee the only thing he understands about her power is that she shoots electricity from her hands when it's way more complex than that. Just because you self insert as Kamijou doesn't mean you have to ignore anything not in his favor anon. Mikoto deserves a little more respect.
> But the fact Mikoto is too retarded to figure out Touma's power definitely isn't a meme
Living with Down syndrome must be hard for you, anon.
>being this fucking triggered
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Besides Mikoto is in one of the most elite schools in AC while Kamijou is in the equivalent of special ed for high schoolers. Trying to compare their intelligence is actually laughable.
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>mentioning it makes you triggered
>Mikotohaters being this retarded
Can't make this shit up.
Why are Mikotofags so whiny and defensive over their retarded waifu
Mikoto a shit.
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I think it mostly comes down to the fact that she's the best character in the series and people can't stop talking about her no matter how hard Kamachi tries to force Kamijou down everybody's throats. Any excuse to discuss her will suffice for them anon because nothing much else in this series really matters in the long run.
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Kamachi will forever look back on the day where he made Kamijou the main character instead of Mikoto with tears in his eyes.

Fun fact: Satens character design was the original for Mikoto
"W-weeeh, there's a meme that calls muh waifu a boy even though it's obvious no one actually believes it and it's just a joke so I have to whine about it" definitely qualifies as being triggered
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Well Tokiwadai is an all girls school. I think if they actually made a somewhat believable meme that was actually funny it would actually hold up better but I'm pretty sure it's the same two people trying to spam it over and over hoping that one day it will stick. It's sad to watch
>I can't provide a viable argument to prove my shitposting so I call him whiny and defensive

I only briefly mentioned it, as an example so I could compare the initial discussion subject to something. Do you know what words "example" and "comparison" mean?
Although, go on. Prove yourself to be even dumber than both Mikoto and Touma could ever hope to become.
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If anything I would be questioning if Othinus is a girl. That's something to actually worry about. She was a magic god and had almost infinite power at one point. Who can say for sure that she didn't just transform herself into a girl like that Homunculus from FMA because she liked the body better? We all know her body is artificial anyways otherwise she'd look like that fucked up zombie grandpa magic god who happens to be way younger than her in the first place.
Translation: "W-weeh, muh Miko-chan's honor on an anonymous imageboard"
Depends on the type of cock ,anon
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It's your fault for talking to him anon. You guys both look like uneducated monkeys for fighting over something as obvious as water to the rest of us.
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Summer break was a mistake
How childish.
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The bigger mistake is people talking about anime they don't actually understand. I realize Kamachi isn't the best writer but let's give him the benefit of not taking everything he writes at face value.
Protip: if you don't like a joke, opinion, or whatever, the absolute worst thing you could do on this website to make it go away is respond to it. Reply to it or complain about it and it'll just get worse cause that's just how this place is.
>tfw Aogami is corrupting our pure Junko in the following chapters.
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Instead of autistically arguing about the intelligence of Mikoto, let's autistically argue about something else. Who's the best Kamachi duo? Doesn't matter what series.
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You know who.
Is that even a question? There's only one way to answer that.
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I appreciate the effort but that "tip" is actually very rookie in most other places but considering this is a Raildex thread and not an elite Railgun thread I guess passing it off as pro isn't far fetched. Just be carful from now on.
Didn't mean to make this a reply to you.
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I'm quite fond of Accelerator and Last Order, as well as Accelerator and Hamazura. I unironically liked Touma the best around Index at the beginning of the series.
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Really? How about the one that sells the most combined merchandise out of all the characters he's ever invented in his career. How about them?
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>long pause

Didn't mean to bring a logical argument into this guys. Just ignore it.
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>"Mikoto is a boy".
Holy hell, It took six years for this dead meme from our board to get into /a/.
It apparently triggers sensitive Mikotofags
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>he actually fucking asks
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You shouldn't post here with such excellent taste. You'll be corrupted.
Здесь на эту тему давно шутят, дебил.
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You have some nice tastes, my fine anon.
Here, have a Accel & LO pic
is this supposed to be an index LN?
I never understood this pairing. The closest I can imagine to it being a thing is drunk Touma thinking Accelerator is a girl and getting touchy feely and Accelerator not stop it because Network feedback for some random reason. Still a huge stretch
Shut up, сука.
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Since when did fujos ever make sense?
oh cool. i knew i recognized that shitty hair
How rude. Short hair suits Headband-chan fine.
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The fujo guide to shipping:

>Two at least moderately good looking guys
>They've interacted at least once (This is optional)

If they really want gay there's so many less forced, sensible options in this series.
They get off to the contrast
Mobileposter a шлюха
What makes Railgun so much more entertaining and clever than Index? Only OT15 comes close to the quality of Railgun?
Thor and Touma also provide visual contrast. Kakeru and Touma provide personality contrast. Frankly, those two relationships could not have been more fujobait
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I honestly don't get how they take the god of thunder one of the supposed most badass manly gods of all time and end up with a transsexual noodle armed guy who is perpetually being cucked by one of the worst girls in the series.

This >>158975449
>who is perpetually being cucked by one of the worst girls in the series.

I can actually only think of Mikoto when you write this. Who the fuck are you talking about?
>What makes Railgun so much more entertaining and clever than Index? Only OT15 comes close to the quality of Railgun?
Mobileposter doesn't read LNs, долбоёб. А Рельса всё равно лучше Индексоговна.
Kakeru and Touma had literally all the yaoi bait going for it. Had Kakeru been introduced earlier and animated, I bet that pairing would rival Kamikoto's popularity.
Mikoto a best
Everyone one of you a pest
Stop the jest
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Thanks guys. You basically took all of the efforts of the other anon in the thread who think they're untouchable, manifested them into a giant dildo and fucked them all square in the ass.

Also Thor is actually a bad character.
I agree, but she still reads the wiki.

by any chance, does the last word translate to Indexshit?
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That doesn't answer my question dicknugget, who the fuck are you talking about?
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Message me with respect if you want an answer because I'm not obligated to tell you any of my thoughts.
> who is perpetually being cucked by one of the worst girls in the series.
He's clearly talking about Othinus.
Kuso thread
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I hope you guys all have enough common sense to realize they make all the other males weak and if they're strong ugly or feminine on purpose to help Kamijou stay popular because he actually lacks a personality and I'm not joking about that in any way. He's created to be dull on purpose to appeal to the largest amount of people. If he had a personality it would push some people away who don't like that specific one so congratulations. Your favorite characters a robot.
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Last I checked Mikoto doesn't need 100% of the females to be nerfed or look many to remain the #1 golden girl of the series. I laugh when Kamijou fanboys try and compare the two of them.
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In fact Mikoto deals with the absolute opposite. Kamachi goes all out and brings in the big guns making her compete against girls with breasts the size of watermelons and everyday outfits that cover less of their bodies than their actual swimsuits and these girls charge at Kamijou's two inch dick like it's going to fall off at any moment and he's the last male on earth. This is objectively a lot of competition considering I know for a fact 99% of you self insert as Kamijou yet she still manages to keep her place at the #1 spot.
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Here's your (you)
>It apparently triggers sensitive Mikotofags
That's purpose of this meme, It became wide spread when several group of trolls spread this meme to every anime and manga community in our country on april's fool 2011 and it's rage on until early 2014.
Pretty sure most of those posts about wanting to choke on Mikoto's smelly cock belong to Mikotofags.
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Yea but you probably wouldn't be sure you had a dick if it was lobbed inside Kamijous mouth either. I think Mikoto fans have a sense of humor beyond pointless memes anon.
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The facts are if I said Kamijou passes up on all the girls he does because he has genital warts and he's embarrassed about them that statement would unironically hold more ground than saying Mikoto is a boy because she attends an all girls school and has bathed with tons of other girls.
Touma is just an ugly girl.
Mikoto a slut
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Which one of these girls besides Mikoto would you choose to make a level five if Kamachi said he'd do you this one favor and nothing else.
I would personally like to see Uiharu punch Kakine in the face so probably her.
Uiharu for the memes
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>all of these filtered posts

Holy shit, is she back?
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It's ded because most of the people who first got into this series have outgrown anime by now. The sales drop every year.
How about instead of bragging about filtering somebody who makes it easy to filer them on purpose and asking somebody else your retarded question you just check for yourself? I promise you anon you're not internet Jesus for knowing how to filter someone.
Stop not posting images
What happened to your precious filter? Funfact: it works because I make it work
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What a sad thread

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This thread gravely lacks Kamisato! Post the best normal highschool boy!!!
I unironically think that Mikoto is best girl
I ironically think that Mikoto is best girl
Kamikoto soon
Season 3
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Mikoto Misaka >>> Railgun

I want you to think about that one for a minute anon.
Mikoto has such a beautiful name, how can other girls compete?
2ch is such a shitty site, I can't find shit there how am I supposed to search for the Kamachi general?
Use "toaru series"
とある this or do I have to put series too ?
Yes, include "series" in there in katakana.
If I typed it correct then there haven't been threads for 2 months, where am I fucking up here とある シリーズ
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Indeed, it lacks normality here.
I found this http://hitomi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1491998262
and it is really funny because we truly are one and the same.
I never believed people before but the posting styles are one and the same.
It doesn't seem that they have dedicated shitposters though, that is one thing that differs from us.

No, that old one
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Latest 2ch thread
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Still no Kamisato?
Jailbreak when?
>yfw we finally get back to England and Anglican magicians with Aleister (female), Archbishop of the Anglican Church
>Itsuwa is there and there's subtle reference on how she finally got out of Necessarius' "probation" period after attacking another Anglican magician
Daihaseisai arc anime???
One of these is not like the other.
Where is this from again?
Why don't these things get proper artists like what Love Live and Idolmaster does for their mobage? ;_;
I wanna rail awaki
>that crisp railgun S artsyle

Can't wait for season 3
I wanna fuck that
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You got some 'splainin to do!
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Stupid kamisatofag trying hard to be relevant
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This >>158981936

>Tsuchi shooting an old lady in the first episode, in this crispy sexy quality
>Touma fighting Tsuchi and Aogami
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It seems that you want me to send you to a new world
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dig you own grave
kill yourself
Stop this, you're not funny.
>Touma finally gets revenge on Index only because she looked like Aogami
The Railgun: Astral Buddy Manga Editor says "When I am about to lose heart or something, whenever I look at the comments and reviews from the past I am able to gain motivation so it really helps me a lot..."

You mean the "mangaka", right?
J-Jesus Kamachi want our feedback from him?
How to 2D shota again?

Captcha: gaymor magna
Not at all.
Drills-chan getting a good whiff of Misaki.
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It's funny how it's constantly slammed into your ignorant faces that Misaki is "better" than Drills when in all reality it's basically just a form of brainwashing.
The tech ban against magicians doesn't help either.
Noone said it's her job but i'm going to have to point out that she's clearly putting great effort into discovering it. She was trying to hack the AC database when regular hacking is a lifetime imprisonment in AC.
People will eventually begin to believe it's true.
This is the 2nd chapter where the story starts with Junko waking up.
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Okay so what's the problem? At least she's trying anon. I mean God forbid a girl has any ambition to learn anything in a series without people flipping their lids and going hulk on 4chan.
Wait? Do we finally see the student council?
Everyone else figured it out immediately, and she repeatedly cut off Touma trying to explain what his power is, even accel with a concussion figured out that Touma's fist negates powers.
She's also actually Odin. There's no way she's not actually a guy.
Never stop protecting her smile, Mobile-chan.
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I mean is Kamijou supposed to be a badass because he just assumes he knows how Mikoto's power works because in his mind it's basically "she's the electric girl" anon? It reminds me of those people who pretend they don't know shit about anything because they think it's cute and I literally want to make them dig their own graves and blow their brains out.
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Oh, she's back.
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>Touma's fist negates powers.

Yea well obviously she already knows that because her powers won't work on him. Can't you even try thinking from her point of view? You can't think of literally any reason at all why she'd put in the effort? In your mind is Mikoto just some dumb idiot who made it into one of the best schools in her world by mistake?
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People will see what they want to see anon as long as it supports their argument. The fact that Othinus is probably a guy most likely didn't even register as a possibility in their heads.
She made it into Tokiwadai because she was lucky to be chosen and have her powers developed. AC could have more level 5s if Aleister wanted and the Parameter List is a lie.
I'm starting to feel like I joined this fanbase far too late and it's basically a dying series with the fans clinging on to a barely existent hope for a season 3...
I'm starting to feel like this is an attempt for (You)s.
I'm new to 4chan and I still don't get the concept of (You)'s

Please enlighten me, anon.
Here's a (You)
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These guys don't see it but I see every little thing that Mickey Mouse fuckhouse Kamachi tries to swing past you all in this series and it's honestly as transparent as Kanzaki's panties when talking to Kamijou most of the time but their all so caught up in the shitshow that is this series that nobody ever actually questions anything. They refuse to do it for some unknown reason. I really think it's a form of desperation due to the fact that they've all invested so much time into this series that they can't even admit to themselves how bad Kamachi has gotten.
It means you're a faggot and should kill yourself.
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Actually she doesn't. She's that dumb. She just knows he can survive her attacks. It's only now that she's starting to suspect it has to do with his hand.
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So you're implying she has bad grades and is failing in school and wouldn't be able to make the cut otherwise?
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I like Railgun too.

Does this mean a phone will materialize in my hand, whenever I decide to post Railgun related shit?
Guess, I'll post with caution
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Just because she's not jumping to a conclusion right away like most normal people doesn't mean she's "dumb" anon. You actually don't understand anything about Mikoto.
>yfw Dream Ranker Arc is basically just SS2 but with only a few stories and the connecting thing with all the stories is Indian Poker instead of Gemstones
40+ volumes to still not figure out something a person you're stalking would just tell you if you let them is pretty dumb.
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Gas the Queens! Colour war now!
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Why should she even trust him? He could be buddy buddy with her but why would he tell her his power and possibly reveal his weaknesses to her? Mikoto isn't that dumb to just take what he says at face value like some pathetic fan girl. She's learned from the best.
To defeat a White Queen, you need a Black King.
Black King Kyousuke fucking when?
Demon Lord Touma when?
Punished Quenser when?
>To defeat a White Queen, you need a Black King.

Only BBC can defeat her?
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We already have the Demon Queen.
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>inb4 Kuroko wouldn't know anything about that

Yea except she would because she works for Judgment and has actual training.
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As expected.
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> Actually she doesn't.
[Citation needed]
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>Black King.
Kyousuke confirmed to channel the power of the Pharaohs. White Queen will be banished to the shadow realm.
I want Touma's eggs
I want to rip Hamazura's shirt off
Mariydi is one feisty loli I'd want to bed with
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I didn't mean to actually snap at you but I'm just not feeling normal today. You can have your opinion or whatever but that doesn't mean you're automatically right. You don't have to completely leave.
I want to bathe with Accelerator
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Thanks for blogging, Mobile-san.
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That's what I get for trying to be nice.
I hope to someday draw porn so good I can get noticed by a manga writer
Look at everything Junko gets to do with Misaki. Kuroko should take notes, stop being an obnoxious cunt and maybe your onee-sama will give you attention.
I suggest you practice, anon.
c-could you post a sample artwork of yours, anon
Junko is the onee-sama.
Misaki is the Kuroko.
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It seems Drill-chan Chp.03 has 37 pages long
Railgun Chp 97 has 12 Pages
and Accel more than 20's
So, whats the read/watch order?
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I want to literally BE Frenda and get bullied by Mugino everyday, because I enjoy pain.
>Railgun Chp 97 has 12 Pages
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full raw in a couple hours
We will dump here all of them
Release order for anime: Index, Railgun, Index II, Railgun S
LN you can start from the beginning, or start where the anime stops which is SS1/volume 14.
Railgun's 4th arc just ended, you can read it all at any time but your enjoyment and understanding of this most recent arc will probably be better if you've read up to volume 15 of the LN.
Accelerator manga and Astral Buddy are best saved for last.
Railgun is already a monthly manga. Why so few pages?
Seeing the last scene in the chapter, it seems like Misaki is trying to bait Junko to do something.
Maybe Fuyukawa hasn't been feeling good, thus the hiatus.
I don't recommend reading the novels until Volume 14, since the anime covered the material better anyway. Keep in mind that Railgun takes place before/during Index.
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>the anime covered the material better
>OT4 and OT13
Not a hiatus but a break
Railgun manga now gets winter uniforms
>hiatus until September
>right after Dengeki Dream submissions close
>right before Fall Festival
Index III soooon
everythings lining up again
Damn why does BT doesn't show end of vol.7 chapter for me?

It stops at the Stage 04 chapter for me.
Railgun had the winter uniforms like 13 chapters ago.
Index III OP by ________
So British band.
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Don't ask stupid questions!
Who's gonna voice Kakine?
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Battle Royale NEVER
It's not a question, it's FILL IN THE BLANKS you baka blonde loli!
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Post Toumas.
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bitch you're already dead
and you won't even be playable
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You're a fucking volleyball now
It doesn't matter now that eventually a Kakine main is going to beat everyone, unless he manages to be Kazakiri tier bad
The could have patched Kazakiri and given her a buff while the beta was down, no?
sure they could have, but how would anyone know?
she'll still probably be weaker than both Misha and Index as transforming characters though unless she gets some nuke attacks of her own
One way to find out what's going on though is that there should be some chinks playing their small scale release test in 2 days or some shit, maybe some will upload videos screenshots or stream it
If you want to start from where the anime left off, you need to read the epilogues of OT6 and OT13, then SS1 ch3 before starting on OT14.
Hope Kuroko got nerfed
Kuroko wasn't even the strongest though, you people slept on Mugino,Accel and Misha
Accel's easy as fuck to beat though
Injury Accel can literally spam and he has a fuckload of gun attacks
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t. White Queen
Mikoto trying to kill herself again when?
JAM Project
When she realizes she'll never win Touma
Then there's nothing to worry about here since she will. Thank you anon. Now im relieved
Why are you posting ancient threads and the spoilers thread instead of the actual Kamachi general?

>thread made 6/7
>latest post is 781st, june 27

No one fucks the bassist.
The rest of the board doesn't really go much faster. I'd say it's more of a side-effect of only having a single country around to shitpost.
>inb4 Kyousuke gains about 80 more awards and becomes a material himself to fight the Queen.
Speaking of awards how do they work and what exactly are they? Can any sufficiently powerful Material grand awards to summoners?
Mugino blowing herself up again when?
2ch is always slow
Have they said anything else about the mobage since they first found out about it?
up >>158981629
Kawada "I don't have anything to eat" Mami.
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New mobile-poster is here
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I went away for a little bit and suddenly i see mobileposter sobbing like a clingy girlfriend. Did I just accidentally seduce mobileposter chan? This is troublesome. I'm not into tsunderes.
>seducing my cute wife
Why are you doing this to me, anon?
I didn't mean to! I'm immune to tsundere charms! I implore you to take your wife and give make sure she only has heart pupils for you!
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4chan is free country dude,
I want Frenda to be a refugee on my dick
I want Nagai to also write the novels
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When is Mikoto gonna mindrape Touma until he falls in love for her like a normal girl?
>This kills the Hamazura
He's already been conditioned to prefer a fairy
I want to kill the faggot who wishes Nagai to also write the novels
Othinus already did that, good luck trying to undo billions of years of work.
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Why does Haimura draw such weird chunky hands?
>Mikoto asking Misaki for a favor
>makes deal with her
>they share Touman's autism
No, they'll take turns eating his eggs.
How would you like Touma's eggs, tell me, anons?
Scrambled with bacon
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half raw
I want Touma's raw love
I want his salmonella
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What sort of mother will she be?
Surprisingly overprotective
You'd assume that she'd be a hard ass parent, but I think she'd be surprisingly loving and a spoiler.
She'd still bully the father and everyone else though.
Obsessive and overprotective.
Depends on whether Hamazura pays attention to her.
If he doesn't she'll probably drown the kids in the bed.
Her child certainly wouldn't go hungry, at least.
>Mugino psychotic killer mom
>Hamazura drunkard dad
When? [/Spoiler]
>Mikoto will never grab your balls like this
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Which one of these would make a fine prostitute?
>ywn grab Mikoto by her pussy like this
Saten and Mikoto.
Reminder that s1 looked so shitty because JC didn't expect it to get so big and worked on Toradora the same season.
>Drown the kids in the bed
>Which one of these would make a fine prostitute?
Kuroko will please old ladies for yuri experience.
Touma's bed.
Kuroko IS an old lady.
>Touma comes home to see one of his last sanctuaries defiled in such a manner by some bitch he's seen maybe 4 times.

Not sure how many hours of fairy sniffing would be necessary to calm him down.
>Fucking anyone but Rikou
Mugino's only chance is to make Rikou have an "accident" and hope Shiage looks her way once he's done grieving.
Why does it look like the character on left has a vibrator?
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Because she does. Mariydi a slut, Hime is purest girl.
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Wanna talk/ask Kamachi?
be my guess:


Shirakiji Bldg., 1-2-33, Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
E-mail:[email protected]

Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0002
E-mail: [email protected]
Time to sign him up for gay porn.
That sounds extremely painful.
for you
>being in the public eye and using your name in your email, even if its only a pen name
>Using your pen name in your personal email
Mikoto and Kuroko.
Just imagine the nigh infinite amount of lewd things Kuroko can do with her teleportation for you and then when you cum inside her she can put it in her mouth or all over her body.

Mikoto is inexperienced but has the passion of a true whore in her heart. She also keeps fit so she'll be nice and tight.

Maybe I'm the only one, but I liked some parts of Season 1's art style. The characters look softer/cuter some times.
Finally finished reading the entire volume.
Alright /a/, how do we defeat "The Colorless Little Girl Dedicated to a Single Goal (aie – a – oio – ei – ueo – ioa – e – uai – ee)"?
With the White Queen being serious.
An unexplored for an unexplored. Aiwass.
Fill her with my color (seed).
Where's the raws?
But then we're back to White Queen being the strongest again. That solves nothing at all.
>every passionate female is a whore
Yeah, feel free to scream now, Kyousuke.
Just have some steamy romantic sex with her before snd after you fight the Little Girl and things should sort themselves out Kyousuke.
The #1 calculations don't lie. She is scientifically proven to be a slut running around shaking her hips for men and pigs.
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Academy City -LOL.png
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According to google map
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 154-0002 is:
Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School

could be?
but Nice try Anon

You know, I really miss Itsuwa for some reason. I was neutral to her before, but she has been growing on me.
If she's still dedicated to a single goal but defeating the White Queen twisted it, what could her new goal be?
She's a top 3 magic girl
Speaking of which, would Aiwass be divine or unexplored class? He kind of is a deity of legend but also comprises the physical laws of the pure world which kind of fits the description of unexplored.
Fuck that. I'll just going to have to find my actual blood related little sister and start playing 5D parcheesi or something.
just Ignore her
She is >>158991429
New moblie-poster
He'd definitely be Unexplored. Aleister's worship of Aiwass is the same as White Queen worship.
Since White Queen goal is to win over Kyousuke, clearly her new goal is to win him before WQ does.
>Called Kyouske Nii-Sama
>Twisted by the White Queen
Take a guess
> Kyousuke now has two all-powerful yandere imouto-types
The suffering just won't stop, will it.
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Are you talking about the cheeks, by any chance, asks Misaka as she shows off her cute face?
>asks Misaka as she
Who are you and why are you possessing the brat?
So Kyousuke not only has to deal with White Queen, he also has to deal with this Colorless Little Girl character and it's all his fault?
>You'll never pick up an Amnesiac Mariydi somewhere and convince her you're her onii-chan
So, what exactly is the difference between third summoning and the fourth? The ability to create original unexplored summons?
The major difference seems to be playing pool to change the summon's attacks when before it just determined what was being summoned.
He basically swallowed a fly. And then he swallowed a spider to get the fly. So now he'll swallow a bird to get the spider. He'll eventually have a whole imouto harem.

I hope that Kyosuke's other onee san comes back from the dead somehow. Seems kind of a waste to leave her dead.
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Does anyone get the feeling that Takitsubo is going to come in to play somehow in the next few volumes? Kakine and the Level 6 too. Kamachi keeps leaving little hints and foreshadowing for certain characters, then does nothing with them for volumes on end. I feel like it's all about to come together again though, kind of like in OT.
He took forever to just confirm IT's existence, and then he teased the Aleister possibilities literally 13 years ago. The man is scary.
Also the whole thing with the RPG stats. The Queen can be defeated with the fourth ceremony because it forces her unlimited power into a digital format where it can be understood and countered perfectly.
Is there a certain order to watch this?
Magic > railgun?
Season 3 SOON
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>Aneri was first introduced as a support AI for the Dragon Rider
>Aneri is actually a downgraded version of Mina Mathers
>Mina can borrow power from Aiwass/Dragon
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>Aiwass' core
>Kamachi played me like a fiddle again
>the hints were in plain fucking sight all along
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Same. I also don't think Misaki getting a novel of her own was supposed to be throw away either. I think she's going to play a big part in the events to come
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Then again, this abortion exists.
I'm confused, didn't she want to kiss Touma like the others? Why waste her first kiss?
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>Hamazura will pilot Aiwass
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Keikaku man.png
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fuck i wrote the wrong captcha and lost a lot of time
Myth&Roid will be great
They have one good song.

Misaki has probably made out with Touma multiple times, and Touma would be none the wiser
hopefully soon, I will enjoy the suffer
I doubt she was actually planning to kiss her. She was probably was just teasing her.
Ice Boats did eventually become relevant again with Vento in WW3, so not even that volume works as an exception in this context.
So, which one is getting sacrificed so IT-chan can get a boost?
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Thanks anon
First "lip" kiss
I am Vento of the Front! Hear me, Queen of the Adria-
Index > Railgun
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So sorry I miss.gif
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Sorry guy, our Japanese contributor miss buying Digital Daioh this night (Today, June 27, 2017)
She will continue/contribute tomorrow (June 28, 2017) at same time (around 07:00 AM JST) or less
but if you think / you guys want to start first:
>Toaru Kagaku no Railgun Gaiden: Astral Buddy Chapter 03
>View - http://imgur.com/a/gOPsi
>D/L 54Mb - http://www.mediafire.com/file/23v4v5mb9n64256/Astral_Buddy_Chapter_03.zip

that source from teiba >>158984038
last time (2x) they miss a couple pages

Tomorrow we will share all down here
>Railgun 97 - 'just' 12 pages
>Astral Buddy - 'assume' 34 pages
>Accel 36 - 'Vampire New arc' around 30 pages
>Idol-Accel - 12 pages

Thank you for your attention.

>doujin get

Sasuga Tsuchi
Game? What game?
Wait, are you calling it a Vampire arc because that's the popular theory here or is it actually really a vampire?
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>vampire arc
>there were people that doubted Kamachi remembered about "vampires"
Thanks to you!
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Raildex Golden Age: Part 2 is beginning.

I'm going to fuck an Abyss Demon and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me
Welcome to two months ago.
Chinks are developing a raildex mobage, a few of us got in the beta and one anon discovered OT14+ assets in it. Now chinks are shilling GRS left and right.
Currently in a small beta of 30ish people, another large scale or outright open beta should begin in July.
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I'm here to save Raildex
Since Railgun is taking such a big hiatus I guess we're hitting up Russia eh? After that hopefully we can jump into NT territory. As far as Accelerator goes, I hope the art improves some more, still glad Kamachi even fucking remembered Vampires. D-Does this mean Himegami will be relevant again?
>we've meme'd almost everything into reality this year
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>vampires finally show up 13 years after Himegami's volume
>she remains irrelevant and doesn't even get a cameo
The ultimate insult. I'm starting to feel bad for her in advance.
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Who is this? Looks just like Misaka.
Chisaki Miyazaki, from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san.
And yeah, that shot gives her a striking resemblance. If only she'd win MC.
Is it worth reading and/or watching?
I think the manga's worth a read, mainly because the interactions between MC and the girls changes for the better over time. There's no anime, but the author wants one this year, which is a good sign.
Sweet. I'll definitely give it a look, thanks.
I actually don't think Himegami is going to get a cameo here. That's largely because I don't think this will be the only time vampires show up.

I think this arc is just going to give us more information on vampires and probably give us a huge hint as to why Himegami can kill them in the first place. The next vampire arc (which will probably be in the novels but it might be in Railgun) would simply expand on what this arc taught us and confirm the huge hint about Himegami.
Another vampire arc would have to be in Railgun. It's a bit late in the LN to have them do much now. Accel and Railgun have been treading the same topics like souls too, so it wouldn't be a surprise.
Quite a few people seem to strongly believe the novels are nowhere close to ending, so if they are correct, there'd be plenty of room for them to show up. If the series finale is close like a different group here thinks, it wouldn't be all that strange to have them show up and do or at least try to do something towards the end. I do agree Railgun would be fine, too. Continuing the connection would be cool. I just feel like one way or another they'll show up one more time outside of Accelerator
Anon, I think you're missing a fundamental point. Vampires have ZERO plot relevance whatsoever.
Pretty much everything else Kamachi threw at us ended up making sense and being actually obvious in retrospect.
Vampires simply do not make any sense. They'll never be relevant.
How do you know they'll have zero plot relevance? I totally agree with them not being very relevant or else they'd have shown up before now. But I'd say it's a little too early to say they'll have NO impact on the plot, even if their effect on the series is guaranteed to be miniscule.

We don't even know what vampires are just yet. Kamachi could do a lot of things with them if he wanted. Including making them filler. But he could also pull out something like "vampires are kinda like magic gods and Himegami is their WR/IB" if he felt like it.
How do we make Mikoto believe in magic?
We don't
Have fight between Almighty Thor and Misaka.
Arc blades
>He's an electromaster


I am wielding the power of the almighty Thor, god of Lightning and agriculture.
>Is that his ability name?
Misaka thinks that magic is an alternate method of esper-like abilities. This is in fact true since esper abilities are a form of magic.
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Send her to the world where the experts hang out.
No, magic and esper abilities can be explained with the same set of rules. That's all we learned. It's not the same and magic and esper abilities being the same thing.
Have Misaki assess Touma's mental age with Mental Out.
Misaki might turn into a vegetable if she accidentally accesses even 1% of all that shit he repressed.
>Vampire New arc
Time for that shrine girl to shine
Do we even know why Misaki's ability works until Touma hits his head with his right hand yet he couldn't hear the Judgment telepath during the Sherry Cromwell incident?
> yet he couldn't hear the Judgment telepath during the Sherry Cromwell incident?
Her power uses microfilaments and Touma accidentally broke the one connecting to him with his right hand.
Hummus hell really does a number on you.

Chances are it works differently than Mental Out.
It probably has to do with that universal magical monopoly game thingy the cabal was working on that would enable any idiot to discover new magic. Alister probably uses a modified version of that for the esper program.
Her power is basically like two cups and a string. Touma's hand happened to be in the way due to his habit of touching his head.
>Her power uses microfilaments and Touma accidentally broke the one connecting to him with his right hand.
That would be a good explanation. He didn't hear the warning due to being unfortunate enough to accidentally touch the filament.

>Chances are it works differently than Mental Out.
Of course it works differently. But both are abilities aimed towards affecting the brain (or the ears which are also on the head). Yet one is only dispelled when his hand hits his brain while the other didn't work from the start.
In fact if abilities like Misaki's work on him until his hand hits his head there's a large vulnerability. A magician who could cast a spell to control someone could simply make him kill himself with his left hand.
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That's probably the exact reason that Touma is always tapping his head with his hand. Such a trick wouldn't last long on Touma due to that.
Accelerator, 30 pages confirmed.

The chapter ends when accelerator finds the girl in a suitcase.

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Jail break soon..jpg
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>As its name implied, it was a type of telepathy that created an invisible string by changing the transmission rate of the vibrations in the air. This string worked like a speaking tube. The voice would be conveyed through the pipelike cord of air vibrations and only come out of the very end of it. Kamijou couldn’t see what path the strings were taking—since they were invisible—but his right hand had probably touched the string linking him and the telepath girl, which is why it couldn’t reach him.
Touma wasn't hearing anything because it doesn't directly interface with the brain. His hand was in the way to start with.

This is why Index and Kazakiri didn't hear it at first either.
JC Staff is getting a panel in Anime Expo
>We go from Touma dropping spaghetti over an idle Kanzaki to immediately shit talking and sexually harassing a snarky hyper sexy titty monster cat lady

How the boy has grown.
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Its this time for real right guys
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Astral Buddy 3 Translation: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ofm279e4isu4u3u/Astral+3.txt
May be you post them in new thread.
>girl in a suitcase
Like I said, vampires do not exist.
Touma tends not to drop spaghetti in the middle of life-or-death situations, he doesn't have time.
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>turn everything around
>Index 3 happens instead
>it's a masterpiece
>credits finish rolling and then BS7 epilogue
Bullshit, J.C. Staff wasn't in Anime Expo last year
This is from a Granblue doujinshi, isn't it? Is it any good?

Nice. Good work on Blood Sign 7, by the way.
Thanks js06.
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If Miki isn't there, then no chance.
>Granblue doujin
Never knew, sasuga image crops.
How can an elementary schooler be this fast?
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>Anime Expo
>s3 announcement in America

Yeah, right.
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Damn I totally forgot. I guess I have to reread the early volumes.
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By the way, while you're here, do you have any specific day to update Hexennacht like you used to do Kamachi's other work on weekends? I just finished volume 3 and don't know how long it usually takes you to translate them or if you have a schedule for it.
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>499 Posts
>89 IPs
Sasuga Raildexfags
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Better than 499 posts, 499 IPs.
I've mostly been translating it on weekdays, but it's been slow going since I've been busier during the week lately.
100-120 IP is find through.
I see. Thanks. I guess I'll wait for the whole volume to be translated first before reading, then.
I am slowly reading the LN and I just reached the Daihasei arc, why is this two volumes long anyways? I don't remember it being that long int he anime. Also please tell me the Iceboat arc is better in written format. The only saving grace for it in the anime was Wakamoto.
> Also please tell me the Iceboat arc is better in written format
Good luck
Iceboats is the worst LN arc by far.
> I don't remember it being that long int he anime
It was six episodes long, which is longer than any of the single-volume adaptations.
That's the most boring part of the novel. Daihaseisai + Ice boats.

Don't worry, you'll get rewarded with 0930

To me, the boring parts are the one when Touma fights the nuns.
OT8 was the only thing saving the worst streak that Kamachi ever had.
Looking at all of Touma's dragon designs and the plant dragon is creepy as fuck. I don't care what somebody does for me, if I saw that fucker come out of their arm I would love them a little less.
That too. I kind of liked the Tree Diagram Remnants arc though, but that was the only one I enjoyed from volume 7 to 11.
It's not like Touma chose to have a bunch of dragons in his arm.
If he stopped hogging all of the cuteness points he's apparently been accumulating throughout the series he might be able to make them look less horrifying.
Is that a color page for ants?
If she's not a vampire them my guess she's a magician based off fairy tales.

We've already had Cinderella. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty both had an element of "princess wakes up from magic slumber" so I'm guessing she's one of those two
> Snow White
Will Marian's relatives show up?
Perhaps. If she's Snow White, maybe her magic has to do with poison. Maybe we'll finally see what happens when you try to poison Accelerator
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