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Shingeki no Kyojin

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Thread replies: 525
Thread images: 166

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Why do so many people on this board pretend to hate Armin?
Because he's a mediocre plot device who got asspulled back to life.
They apparently don't like him living in place of their husbando Erwin.
Had Armin died in there, he would be completely redeemed in my eyes as a character.
He looks like the albino from the movie "Benchwarmers".
I like him.
What would he need to redeem himself from?

I get it that Erwinfags are mad about Armin living instead of him but what did he do before that made people dislike him?


I like him too, he brings balance to LE POWER OF FEMALE BONER Mikasa and rage-powered Eren.
Fuck armin
Why did your past thread die without reaching bump limit? That's weird
What do you mean? I didn't remake this thread, check the archive.
Has Armin snapped yet?
That lie to Bert was a step in the right direction, but I need more.
Oh, true, this thread looks pretty decent. It doesn't seem like the work of an attention whore
He actually ate Bert.
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Give me the page
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Top: Bert trying to kill Armin
Bottom: Armin later eating him
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Best manga moment.
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>a few people shipped annie and connie before she turned out to be the FT
wew lad
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Very nice.
Is he fully unhinged or does he try to justify his actions.
He cries around, because they chose him to survive and eat bert instead of erwin twice I believe.
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You have literally no proof
I'm in a desperate need for a doujin of Mikasa washing dirty hobo Eren with her mouth
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If Erwin didn't die I wouldn't have hates him. Armins noble dead would have redemed his character.

Would be fun to see Eren and Mikasa hating Hange and Levi for it. The only way I can like Armin in the future is if Eren and Armin will become ideological opponents or something.
Maybe next year after the anime ends and more fags get into the current arc.
I do. I can smell her from here.
“No one really knows about this world. That’s why I am choosing the man I want to trust.
This applies to Erwin also.
No one really knows what he is thinking about.
But I trust his decisions.
Even it finally turns out to be the worst scenario, Erwin is able to make his choice without any fear.
That’s why I chose to follow him. I chose to fight.
In order to fight against this shitty world. In order to catch the freedom I felt outside the wall.
I chose everything by myself.
Even Erwin will lead me to hell, I will never regret.
Never. Not even a bit.“

What did Levi mean by that?
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Endgame right here, brothers.
He is in love with Erwin's monster cock.
Is Armin even popular with the Japanese?
Please take a time to laugh at this >>158807237
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This was his mentality before chapter 50, obviously.

Fujo pls. Erwin is dead because of Levi. You need to get over your dead ship.
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Reiner is so handsome.
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Not particularly, I don't think so.
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I want to watch airships with this man.
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I wish I could suck Levi's dick silly.
What the fuck is that blade?
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Is your family messy, /a/?
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eh, he certainly isn't my favourite. Even out of the main 3, I would say I like Eren more.
what did he mean by this? Is this a coincidence or is Isayama a fan of yaoi? ngl I always had a feeling he was gay
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Basically confirming LeviXEren.
Nah, that's a thing in Japan actually.
He's a huge faggot
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So isayama is a closet faggot?

Does he have a gf?
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I tried searching for this kind of thing on google images and literally nothing came up, so I assumed he took direct inspiration from the yaoi manga.
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He is a yurifag but also said he knows what fujos like, because there might be a fujo inside of him.
>no matter how many nazi germany AU fanfics you read it'll never quench your thirst for the adults in nazi uniforms
This kills the man.
>he ate a fujo
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What's the best fujo ship in this series?
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The uniform and general Nazi aesthetic is truly stunning.
So does the memory stuff work for all Titans? Should I start shipping Armin with Reiner and/or Annie now?
Annie and Bert.

Annie because she has a penis.
No, little after this shit was revealed some nips uploaded pictures of some sort of book showing the same cast system, you can search in the archives.
You would know if you weren't a newfag.
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Mankasa Eren
Look up Annie Arlert, friend. AA is confirmed canon.
armins face is so punchable in this picture, even more than in the manga honestly.
It's probably the most realistic and believable
We've all got to start somewhere SENPAI
>straight man
>the man who let him die for humanity's sake
i'm sorry but..

i like eren.

am i delusional?
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He's sort of funny sometimes, like when he attacked Reiner without hands.
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He's fucking cute
Why the Erwin dump? If you were discussing something and attached a erwin image every now and then, that's fine, but just wasting posts is so unnecessary.
>manlet followed Erwin because he thought he was humanity's hope
>was willing to die for the cause
>TFW he's not doing it for humanity

I'm glad Levi let him die and now he can be happy with his family.
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Erwin was straight. No need to drag him into the gay shipping.
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You got me.
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No he's really cute
Wow it's almost as if it's possible to like both genders but whatever I was more referring to Levi's dedication to him
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Jean and Armin
That was such a dedicated ruse. Convince everyone you were doing it for humanity, when really you were fulfilling a childhood dream and justifying your father's theories. Committing to that level of deception for so long is insane.
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Fine choice.
It's not really deception when he cared about humanity too though. Just to a lesser extent. He regretted every single person that died for all of this.
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How can anyone still dislike her after this?
I love this because this completely destroys fujos delusions who think Erwin is important because he's Erwin. No, manlet followed him because he really thought Erwin was fighting for a greater cause, that's literally all there is to that.
Levi is a humanityfag first and foremost.
At least the nazis won the fashion war
It made Erwin a more beautiful/purer soul in my eyes.
Literally why
Their kids would be mouse-sized.
I could unterstand when people hated Eren at the beginning but ever since the dina punch/uprising arc I unironically think he's a good character and better MC than in most shonen
>Wow it's almost as if it's possible to like both genders
Bisexuality is fake news.
Dumb roastie, why can't women understand friendship and cammaraderie between two man without thinking it's gay?
There's no reason to believe Erwin was bi when he's confirmed straight.
>Levi's dedication
His dedication is for Paradis. Erwin was the means to the end. Levi was using him as much as Erwin was using manlet.
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I'm late but I just watched the last episode.
And damn, Yuki Kaiji earned his paycheck this season. The crazy laughter was awesome and he even managed to make Eren sound manly during "I'll wrap you in as much as you want" moment. I bet Mikasa had to change her panty after this.
Is the "Female Titan" the official name of the titan power? I thought it was just a name given by the SC aka the dudes that have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
It's the official name. Zeke uses it in one of the later chapters.
They need to insert their sausage fingers inside their roasties while thinking of a straight man fucking a stoic manlet.
Said manlet becomes a moaning mess when he is fucked in the ass.
Roasties truly love these characters and are very loyal to them.
Except the Armored Titan being confirmed, we don't know what marley calls all of them.
Somehow the SC was on point with all the official titan names.
It's how the imprinting works. Somebody convinces them that principles exist and then they have to follow to examine that.
That scene was for retards saying "how do you know sub is better if you can't understand what they're saying?". That raw emotion, I was instantly in tears even though I read that part like 3 years ago.
Except founding titan.
Hange called it Progenitor
We know Marley calls MT "Beast Titan", and that they call Annie's titan "female titan"
Shit taste
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She managed the keep her promise after all these years, and had to attempt to kill her comrades to keep that promise. There's literally no reason to hate her unless you're Levi, Annie or Ymir.
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yesyes, I know, but I shouldn't like him to be honest.

he's the cliché "Don't ever give up and you'll succeed!" shounen MC and i feel like an idiot for not disliking him.
>Liking Shitren
You should
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Stop being gay
Watching this episode made me wish that Isayama didn't stop the developpment between Eren and Mikasa after that scene. Not even wanting romantic just some meaningful moments
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Nice digits
He's not like that at all
They need to insert their sausage fingers inside their dripping roasties while thinking of a straight man fucking a stoic manlet.
Said manlet becomes a moaning mess when he is fucked in the ass.
Roasties truly love these characters and are very loyal to them.
Whats been going on these last few chapters since the time skip? Can someone sum it up for me in one post.
Yes he is when he is not being an emo fagget
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Now this is believable.
I like when he's edgy and fully of self-hatred. the whole "I HAVEN'T CHANGE I'M STILL A USELESS FUCK" while laughing and crying was amazing.
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>not liking Eren
The most unstable character on the show and he's not afraid to show it, ever since episose 2 he's been deeply disturbed.
We see what the Marleyan Eldians are doing
>some new characters
>old Reinier and Zeke
>no grim reminder
>tfw you want to like Pieck, but she almost killed Hange
I'm so confused
you got deadly digits yourself
we're getting used to the other side
seeing warriors' past, what they are fighting for, zeke might have a plan of his own, eren is mostly likely infiltrated
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When will see more Mads? I miss him already.
I didn't know such beauty was possible
Eren has*
Isayama is fucking shameless kek
Delusional fucking EMfag
>Last manga chapter starts with 100 years timeskip
Your reaction?
I wonder if he'll imprint onto someone new. Chapter 52 showed he regarded Hanji as capable as Erwin. The difference here is that he is close to Hanji because he actually likes her, not due to his ackerautism.
>mfw S4 never ever
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Stap bulli
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They won the big game, but their pitcher was useless so it might be the end for them anyway.
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EMfags, the species of delusion.
>those dead eyes
Zophia looks like she is related to Annie.
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I hope Jean doesn't think of Armin as a consolation prize.
Hongo OUT
kek saved
And their damage control is extraordinary.
Wish Isayama still drew Mikasa like this. She's not as cute anymore
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alright, that is in fact kind of redeeming.

or when he got kidnapped the 1000th time and hes self conscious about it. That was indeed hilarious.
While I think his male characters got better, his female characters look worse now.
You're gonna love the uprising arc then
I like when Eren said he remember all the soldier names that die for him that proved that he always thinks about other despite his over the top rage. Now him being conflicted over his desire, responsibility to the dead and people expectation really diverse him from other shounen mc, I'm excited for his choice after the truth, will he be a genocider or a messiah
alright, how many delusions do you actually have, jean?

nothing ever indicated that you would ever get laid by anyone else than eren maybe.

leave this thread, jean, leave as long as you can.
I don't know what's worse, someone actually took the time to upload an anime video explaining something that was completely obvious or the fact that someone actually took the time to look this up and watch the video just to post it to 4chan.
Correct me if I am wrong but she wasn't really calm at all here.
Isayama actually got worse at drawing faces, what the fuck happened
this, desu.
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Here is a clash Mikasa for comparison.
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What is it about Mads that the Japenese love so much?
What are you guys on? Mikasa is much prettier now.
She was devastated but managed to keep her emotions from taking over.

She gave in shortly afterwards though when she finished with her speech.
Not at all. He always get replaced by Erwin or manlet.
My problem with current Isayama art style are the fish lips
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He's fucking magical in his role of Hannibal
She was either that emotionally broken that she seemed calm or she was just pretending to be calm. She knew herself that she acted recklessly afterwards.
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here is one for edits if anyone wants it.
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Holy shit his art used to be terrible. Gotta love Carla's tiny hand.
Kojimbo meme'd him into popularity, now all the /v/ fags pretend to like him. But he's a legit good actor
Reminded me of this
Looks like a kid is under her trying to silence her.
Mikasa is currently pregnant with Jean's child.
screencap this.
She used up her gass really quickly, she wasn't thinking straight or even truly calm herself, partly broken I'd say. But regained herself after facing death
Can't unsee
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Jean plz
>shitmin thread
>Infested with LHfats and mongfags
You rather her be pregnant with Armong or shitlet child?
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Armong a shit.
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Well she is raising little ragetard back at home

Jean can help raise her wifes son after Eren dies of titan aids though :^)
Kek, its just mildly sad and given up at best. For someone that obsess her emotion was lacking at that time. Its just proved that Mikasa doesn't really need Eren or anything, she just using him as a placeholder and anyone can replace Eren if he die because of that, she really need to let him go for her happiness.
Could Zeke have found a cure for shifter AIDS?
>Kek, its just mildly sad and given up at best.
She literally tries to kill herself right after that scene.
>given up
What does that mean nigger
>mildly sad
What does that mean nigga
>mildly sad and given up at best

Anon she basically attempted suicide right afterwards. The only hing that kept her from giving up on life last second was the fact that she wouldn't be able to think of Eren anymore.
I would be in the same state if I lost my family twice at that age.
Jeanbo doesn't want a useless baggage and her spawn
I love the fact there's always a retard to bite the bait
Shut the fuck up, reddit.
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>you have your hands clenched around her throut
>you can prevent Titians from shifter
>Everyone gathers around
>Jean yells out "kill that bitch , she murdered Marco
>every one starts chanting "KILL THAT BITCH !KILL THAT BITCH!KILL THAT BITCH!"
>tears start to roll down her face
>They conjugate at the tip of chin
>you feel them tears sliding through your knuckles

Wat do?
What the fuck happened to the art in that chapter?
mrs smith pls
And what if someone came to her rescue other than titan Eren? Are you saying history wont repeat itself? Her reason to fight back wasn't because of trying to remember Eren originally. it was because the Ackerman hax of knowing what to do or being logical in a situation as represented by a beating brain or whatever when she was about to get killed by a titan.
I check if she weighs more than a duck
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I didn't post this!
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>>you have your hands clenched around her throut
Your hate boner for Anniefags is obvious
Because he's a manlet. And that brings me to my next point : why does anyone like Levi? He's five fucking 2. My cousin who's in middle school is taller than him. I guess that explains why Levi is so moody all the time. Small man syndrome am I right? I bet he's a virgin LOL

But for real though, fuck all this short male pandering in anime. Manlets need to stop being such insecure little bitches so Japan will stop feeling obligated to put pathetic manlet self inserts into their cartoons.
Sure you didn't
Maybe, but there's only one I truly hate, even if I dislike Annie in general.

However, that wasn't me who posted that.

Sure, we believe you.
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Why does Annie stink?
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Goodnight Sweet Commander Handsome.
You'll always live in our hearts.
She doesn't though.
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4 years without washing
True, her unconcious ackerman genes kept her moving for survival.
didn't they retake shiganshina?
someone will randomly find a dead corpse on their bed.
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>I'd start to cry and slowly release my hands
>she leans into my soldier and cries her hearts content
>everyone scream "TRAITOR!!"
>I unsheath my claymore
>"I anon shall defend thee forevermore!"
Retard, literally all in paradise do anything about hygiene. And I question her getting any dirties inside her fucking crystal.
i bet the crystal smells like smegma.
>Do anything*
Do little
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>Why do so many people on this board pretend to hate Armin?
No idea seriously. He has never done anything annoying in the entirety of the Manga but everyone seems to hate him for wanting to see the sea which is stupid since he barely talks about it. I can't remember the last time i saw an Anime with three friends so close to each other. After everythng they have went through they are still together like in day one. Usually at this point one has turn evil, died or simply stop being friends. So props to Isayama for creating such a great frienship that is unusual in Anime.
nusual because Mikasa is the strongest of all yet autistic, Armin a scaredy cat with some brain and Eren an edgy retard
corpses stink worse than humans
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>finally return home after many long years displaced to Wall Rose
>rotting commander on your bed
Dead inside her crystal meme again? Fuck off already with that.
we hate him cause hes always sherlocking everything, his intelligence is gary stu tier.
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How would she survive a week without eating nor drinking anything? She literally killed herself so that the SC won't get informations. This was foreshadowed in the Forest battle.
why doesnt erwin have a german surname?
I mean, Reiner was able to transfer his consciousness from his brain to his body. It's not exactly the most realistic story.
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I love that he has an English surname personally. Makes me feel closer to him.
EMfags literally oblivious to facts and small but big details
((((((Erwin)))))) is not as he seems.
yeah, isayama is probably gonna do another one of these "Annie transferred her mind into her asshole" asspull
It's not the same thing. Transfering your consciousness to avoid one (well two) attacks != never ever eating or drinking anything at all. Shifter are Humans that need to consume things as well.
Maybe it'll be spun as the material of the crystal somehow ~sustained her. Who knows.
Just imagine she's freezed in time.
It's not that hard.
But that's not what happened.
The names in the series are a bit of a mix. A good example is Jean. His first name is French and has the surname Kirstein which is German/Jewish.
That's why I said "imagine".
It's not what happened but it seems damn close to it.
This fucking meme again, literally fuck off. You tried this yesterday too. Go kill yourself
What is he plotting?
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>eating his mom's hair
3/10 from the start
It's cute
Fuck you.
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>It's a Keith gets angry that Grisha got to fuck Carla episode
What is the best drawn panel from the manga?
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Don't cry when it turns out she died.
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He killed best boy, looks like a little faggot and is a plot device.
>Erwin's smile
Armin seeing bert/colossal in his dream
Ymir never got to marry Historia.
While this really hints that she killed herself, please don't forget Annie Arlert and she stinks.
Anon, please. Kill yourself, what's the use in posting a page which rebukes your fucking theory. Erwin himself fucking realized after that, that she escaped. All you do is shitpost
I certainly will not, but don't be such an autist, people survived worse in this manga I'm looking at you, Armong
How does that undo that she was prepared to be killed by a titan if her escape through the stream failed?
Literally how is this page supposed to prove she died inside the crystal?
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I quite like this one
Would erwin have been a better CT?
Guys Ymir any chapter now
wow someone is really triggered over Annie's death here
Reminder : she can't breathe in the crystal. Besides, she isn't receiving any sunlight in her cave, so her titan powers can't sustain her
She's dead didn't you read the last chapter.
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This is very cute.

I also want to lick and suck his 'ice lolly'.
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It's supposed to prove that she would rather sudoku than let them torture her to get infos.
Yes. And he would've grown his arm back.
You're a speedreader, she is resting inside the crystal which is inside Pork's heart. She will break free soon and marry Eren.
But she was not, not at all. That was Erwin just assuming that she did. She called the titans and used them to escape. Where are you getting all these stupid headcanons from?
>How does that undo that she was prepared to be killed by a titan if her escape through the stream failed?
Where was this even partly implied, Erwin himself quickly realized the mistake. Annie literly never thought of dying in that moment.
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Oh no.
>But she was not, not at all.
Do you really think there was no risk from sliding away while being surrounded by dozens of titans?
Damn, how are you this retarded?
How are you? She JUST crystalized herself, so they couldn't torture her for infos.
How would she be inside his heart while he is in human form. Did she get shrunken to the size of an ant.
>zeke knew annie is dead by now
>still lied to BR
No, I am honestly more surprised about the fact that you think that was the reason. Maybe it slipped your fucking brain since you like speedreading. But all the titans IGNORED the humans and went for the Female titan. Meaning Annie was ignored to when shr escaped. Read the chapter again.
>It's another Miss Smith spam thread
Do you think they'll skip the torture scenes in the anime?
It's a titan wormhole, holy shit, where do you speedreaders come from?
Little Erwin always looks so fancy. I like it.
Yes, that's right. God heavens you are not that retarded. But it was not to kill herself idiot.
>But all the titans IGNORED the humans and went for the Female titan.
Who do you think is the female titan?
Fuck, are you the same one who posted the thing about Annie yo-yoing the guy to create a wormhole? That was comedy gold.
>titan wormhole
Please indicate me the page where anything resembling a wormhole is mentioned
Annie is dead, get over it.
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I want to pet the Hisu.
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The real question is:
Do you think they'll skip the molestation scene?
Yes, kek.

Reread the whole manga.
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>Anon doesn't know about Titan Time-space Wormhole technology
God, you cannot be this retarded. Annie slipped away because all of the attention from the titans were on the Female TITANS body. Not Annie's human body. All the titans ignored all the humans.
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Kruger is the best man
I'd be more afraid for removing Shit Machine.
>Post dead who.
She has a shifter body though
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>ywn give Hisu headpats
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He was very cute and smart!
He's such a DILF tbqh
Is it in the same page where the Asians are making gundams to fight the titans from Marley?
Get over yourself.
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I don't really get the part when Carla talks about "you don't need to be special" to Keith. Can anybody explain?
Pic related, how's it a big deal?
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Zeke's subtly established brain problems
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Damn, it's always funny how legit mad dumb waifushits get
Reread the whole chapter.
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so handsome
Wow, you're pretty unfunny.
>notices something incredibly obvious about the situation
>announces it
>everyone reacts as if he is some sort of master strategist

This is why I hate Armin.
read it again
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Fun fact. Annie is the only character to have bathed.
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Because she always stink so bad
This is why everyone hates Armin.
Deal with it faggot, you're wrong. Pure titans have only ever shown a strong attraction to the titan bodies a shifter makes. Never have I seen Titan focus a shifter before that is not in the titan body. I hope you are done now.
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Aww yiss
She must at least smell better than the characters that don't bathe.
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Petra was cute. I was sad when she died.
I still think Annie is best girl though, sorry.
Took them this long to fully explain Reiner's backstory. If I hadn't just watched the season 2 dub, I probably would have forgotten all the old build up.
>Never have I seen Titan focus a shifter before that is not in the titan body.
Except with reiner at the castle or like a thousand other scenes.
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>Reiner at the castle.
Reiner was the one opening the fucking door and stood in front of him. What do you think the titans gonna do. Ignore the human in front of him. Stop embarrasing yourself
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Then what's your point? You're the one saying Titan's would ignore shifters.
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Is anyone else worried that Isayama with his shit drawing skills is going to fuck up the full frontal reveal of timeskip hobo Eren? I want it to look really good but I feel like I'm going to be disappointed.
Explain Marcel's death
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and mysterious
Why was Eren eaten at Trost then?
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Where the fuck is the soap? How do they have pressurized water like that?
>Bert thought the cruel and nothing else.
>Mikasa thinks the world is cruel but also very beautiful

Literally ceramics
From what we have seen, pure titans have only ever shown a strong attraction to the titan bodies shifters create. The titans in the forest ignored all the humans and focused on the female titans body. Annie slipped out and easily escaped in the chaos since the focus was on her titan body.

We have never seen once in the manga that a pure titan can tell the differnce between a human shifter and a human.
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She put it down?
Gravity showers.
Wut? Marcel's death? You mean where Ymir titan encounered 4 litteral shifter humans by pure fucking chancr and atttacked one. What would the difference have been if it had been just humans?
By your logic, if ymir didn't help Reiner, the titans would have stopped after eating his titan body. They wouldn't.
I think he can do pretty good faces when he wants to. Reiner looks fine as fuck.
He knows how much fujos are waiting.
Could Levi single handedly defeat all 9 titans at once.
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Because he jumped in it's fucking mouth.
What the fuck are you actually talking about?
No, but he did defeat FT and Ape on his on. He would lose against AT simply because of the spread out hardening and probably against CT too. I can see him defeating the Attack Titan and Founding Titan in a one on one though. Probably Jaw and Backpack titan too.
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I always want to know whats secret and truths behind his melancholy eyes
What are you talking about? When Annie called them to eat her, she practically ordered them to ignore the humans an kill her. Eren, with the coordinate, does this with reiner as goal to kill them. If annie could just walk away, why would reiner need ymir's help? By your logic they would only eat that titan body and he could just walk away.
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What is the limit of Levi's spinning capability?

Could he out-spin Sheev?
If we get a S3 how frequent will the following be?
>panning stills with speed lines
>recycled animation
>CGI (especially when on horseback)
He is almost strong enough to open a titan wormhole. He and Mikasa will spin at the same time to open a gate to marley where eren is.
Uprising will have good animation because it has almost zero acrion until turkey.
But in RTS the threads will be filled with those.
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What is the next step of his master plan? Are we going to get some "ZEEEEEEKE-EREEEEEENN" moment? Are we going to get Pieck taking the Z? Are we going to get Warrior's first war battle? Zeke's master plan? Are going to see Beast Titan fighting skills?
Uprising Hisu looks great.
I despise Armin so damn much, I never thought it was possible to out-Gary Stu the manlet but he did it. I don't know how Isayama can write geniuses such as Hanji and Erwin in a tolerable manner but completely overdo it with that little faggot.

I also hate Mikasa, she has no redeeming qualities and I'm sick of the strong womyn trope where they have no personality and/or are satellite characters.

Eren is the only tolerable EMA to me, but I do not particularly like him either.
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All of the above, hopefully.
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Zeke has less than one year to live. Whatever his master plan is, it is bound to fail
Anon, did you forget the panel of Hisu injecting herself?
Curing titan AIDS.
Nope. She looks like a strange mixture of Eren and Armin as a complete midget
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Are you just trolling or something? When the FT screamed, all of their attention was focused on the titan, on the titan of the shifter. When they tore off the restraint, Annie was able to escape easily, since the all of the attention of the pure titans was on the titan body.
>why would reiner need ymir's help? By your logic they would only eat that titan body and he could just walk away.
Seriously how are you comparing that with what happened in the forest.
Eren looks like Carla and Armin looks like a girl. A mix of that sounds cute to me.
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Amem Anon.

Crashing this walls...

He looks like the kind of guy who only needs 24h to finish the job.

Is this life size scale?
He said that he wants to "save" Eren so I guess he has some kind of method to cure the titan cancer?

Maybe he wants to get rid of all the titan powers in general.
Predictions for the next chapter?

>More Reiner flashback
>3-4 pages about the hobo

I despise Bort so damn much, I never thought it was possible to create such a shitty, whiny antagonist

I also hate Annie , she has no redeeming qualities and I'm sick of the strong womyn trope where they have no personality and/or are satellite characters.

Reiner is the only tolerable BRA to me, but I do not particularly like him either.
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If this is to end in fire, then we should all burn together. All of us. You, me, every anon that's ever posted in these threads. You're my people whether we like it or not.
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Will we get to see hobo erens face this chapter coming up?
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>RBAMPP getting their powers
>Wall attack from their POV
>Some more cock tease bout hoboren
I have no idea why you think I'm a BRAfaggot. I actually hate Bort as well, and indifferent to RA.
Because all the titans also ignored the humans in reiner's case? Are you stupid?
Fish lips Eren is pretty ugly and Armong is also quite ugly, a mixture of the two drawn as literal bug eyed midget body is pretty damn ugly
Most likely.
I hope to god we do, I'm fucking desperate.
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Probably this.
Your waifu is ugly.
Just accept, every girl is ugly with Isayamas """"""art"""""""""
I mean I do agree as I'm not that other anon, but I kind of like Isayama's shitty art.
Could you imagine how upset would you be if you opened THREE threads before bump limit to spite someone on a anonymous imageboard, and that someone's thread still managed to keep itself alive and purposefully used until bump limit? Can you even fathom the anal devastation?
Thank god based Wit is here.
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Zeke just want to protect his little brother, CUTE!
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Post canon endgame pairings
We have always seen pure titans put focus on the titan bodies of a shifters, hence why they tried to devour Eren's titan body. Never have we seen pure titans put focus on a shifter which has NOT shifted. So it's not far off to assume pure titans cannot tell the difference between a human and a shifter in human form.

In Reiners fucking case, they were VERY far away from the actual walls. Using their 3dmg was also out of option since there were no trees around. Since the coordinate also put focus on Bertold, Reiner leaving the armored titan would have been a stupid choice. Because no one would have been able to protect Berthold if he did so.

Reiners case was also vastly different then fucking Annie's.
Because she doesn't do anything after that
You're ugly.
Nobody cares about your forced dramas, landwhale desperate for attention from strangers on internet.
There is, your (you).
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Eren has more art with the manlet than with Mikasa
Mankasa isn't even the most popular girl, it's Hanji that is.
>Pretending to be me just to get the attention
Stop. Really, search yourself a man, get a hobby, or get a psychologist, you need help. I'm not joking. I'm really worried about you. Isn't that enough? Talk to your family, and please, please do get some help
Reiner is dead inside
Zeke has a master plan
Some good hearted kid wants to save his waifu (Reiner's cousin) from becoming the new AT
Is that drawn by that one BRfujo Nene?

Mikasa just need a personality, can´t believe that Eren even had more dialogue with Petra than with her.
Who knows? I thought that Udo and Zofia looked exactly like BA at first, and in the end it turns out that Gabi is the one related to Reiner despite looking nothing like him
He's completely irrelevant. I don't even understand why is he even there most of the time.
Since Reiner is now Isayama favorite character, will Jean die?
Kill yourself, Alfonso and stop begging for attention.
So Annie was ignored for no reason, but at the same time Reiner wouldn't be because he's not your waifu? Very interesting argument.
Falco > Gabi. I hope he's the one who gets to live.
Why does anyone care about who makes the threads or which thread reaches bump limit? Are you gay or something?
Not more than Isayama's Uprising arc Historia
Is pretty obvious it's just you, fatwhale, not that OP. You probably can't get mad as long as you get any type of attention.
She is though.

Scored 4th in the newest poll, highest female character
That's a lie though
Why was Erin able to control all the titans the second time when he sent them on Reiner even though he wasn't touching a royal?
Seriously, how does your brain function? How do you even go through basic life? Did you even try to remotely read what I said? We have never seen that pure titans can tell the difference between a human and a shifter in human form. Since all the titans ignored every human, the titans must have put focus on the FT instead of Annie. Explaining why she escaped so easily?
>Reiner wouldn't be because he's not your waifu?
Very ironic coming from the faggot ignoring the manga because he has a rageboner worse then Eren for Annie.
Because they hadn't completely eaten Dina, so the coordinate power wasn't over yet. They hadn't accomplished their task and he just redirected them to Reiner.
>We have never seen that pure titans can tell the difference between a human and a shifter in human form. Since all the titans ignored every human, the titans must have put focus on the FT instead of Annie.
By that logic exactly, reiner should be able to walk away with bertholdt. It's your words.
You mean a proxyfagged online poll? Where MikaQT boosted her by the thousands within a day?
10 pages wasted on Falco, Gestapo come to ask Reiner about some things Gabi reported him saying, last page is another officer arriving yelling about evidence of an unlawful titan transformation inside Liberio last night and everybody looking at Reiner.
yeah, just that it was impossible for them to escape since they didnt have horses and the odm gear is useless in an open field when it coes to mobility, and if they would have tried to escape, the SL could have just killed them easily.

Is the whole "eren needs to touch a royal to use the coordinate" actually a confirmed theory? I get he needs to touch a royal in titan form to gain memories but I must have missed the other part being canon.
Okay, you are not reading my posts confirmed.
>Since the coordinate also put focus on Bertold, Reiner leaving the armored titan would have been a stupid choice. Because no one would have been able to protect Berthold if he did so.
Kill yourself
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Except that makes 0 sense. If that was the case, there would be no reason for Ymir to save them, Eren's coordinate woudln't actually kill them and the SC wouldn't be able to follow them anyway, because if Bert transforms after losing eren they would all be blasted away and die.
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For some reason I liked him in the first season, but now I just groan whenever I see him.
So in your headcanon, Annie doesn't put focus on her body, but Eren does on their human bodies? What a fucking waifufag.
Fucking speedreader.
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He'll come back, though Colt.
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Armongkeks on suicide watch
How are you two still arguing about this?
titans ignoring humans in annie's case means they ignore annie, but titans ignoring humans in reiner's case, means they don't ignore reiner?
>Hey, Eren, let's go collect seashells on the beach together!
>Hey, Eren, I bet there's a nice view of the sunset on top of that hill! Will you come with me so I can capture it with this "camera"?
>Hey, Eren, let's see if Captain Levi needs any help with making dinner!
>Hey, Eren, do you want to go on a run with me tomorrow morning?
>Hey, Eren, would you please help me crack open this strange thing I saw hanging from a tree?
>Hey, Eren--
How does that matter to the post you replied to? It actually supports the notion that Reiner needed Ymir, because he would fucking die.
Can you prove it my dude? She also frequently tops newtype polls. If anyone proxyfagged for a character, it was borthole fans
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>almost as much votes as little bitch Armong
>two hours later on top 3
>Not proxyfagged.
Do people really want Eren to have another emo faggot phase ?
Yes, it does, since Ymir went and saved Bertholds life there. Since Reiner said he could not protect him.
>reiner should be able to walk away with bertholdt.
Are you guys braindead? Bertholdt was about to be eaten by the titans.
He wouldn't be Eren otherwise.
To be fair, everyone got proxyfagged in that poll
Don't bother with them. Literally more retarded them pure titans.
And that's what the post you called a speedreader was implying. Work on your reading comprehension.
Anniefags have no brain.
>Implying she's not popular enough for that kind of thing to not be unusual
You should be directing your anger at borthole, really. Mikasa was always top female sometimes switiching places with Hanji but ultimately coming out of top because she's poster girl
Did Hanji ever really rival Mikasa in popularity? I always thought it went Mikasa - Sasha - Historia.
What are people arguing about? The manga lays things out quite clearly.

Mindless titans normally want to eat humans, human form shifters, and the titan bodies created by shifters. They want to eat all of them. Also, there is no indication that mindless titans can tell the difference between humans and humans who hold the power of one of the 9, but are in human form.
The mindless titans in the forest were attracted by the FTs specific ability to call titans.
The FT's call focused the mindless titans on the FT body, which made them ignore all the human soliders. This also led them to ignore Annie's human body, who escaped as they devoured the FT form.
Nah, Mikasa and Eren got proxyfagged far more. And I am not a kid to get mad about irrelevant shit.
Hanji has gotten ridiculously popular ever since she started getting paired with manlet
Sasha and Hisu are less polular than Armong.
Please, anon.
>yeah, just that it was impossible for them to escape since they didnt have horses and the odm gear is useless in an open field when it coes to mobility, and if they would have tried to escape, the SL could have just killed them easily.
>If that was the case, there would be no reason for Ymir to save them.
But there was still reason for Ymir to save them because Reiner could not protect Berthold. So let's say Reiner tried escaping on foot, when the pure titans focus the Armored titan, which Reiner left then Bertold would still be in trouble.
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Eren did the exact same to kill Reiner. Do you think the titans would just stop after ripping his Titan apart?
Thank you man, which i have been saying the whole time
>yeah, just that it was impossible for them to escape since they didnt have horses and the odm gear is useless in an open field when it coes to mobility, and if they would have tried to escape, the SL could have just killed them easily.
But that's wrong. Reiner and Bertholdt couldn't just walk away, you retard. The titans were literally trying to eat Bert. Are you reading with your ass?
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Dem sexy owl
No, they would go to the very next thing. But that is not the point. the pure titans were focusing the AT. If Reiner left the titan body, the titans would still focus it until the job was done.
>So let's say Reiner tried escaping on foot, when the pure titans focus the Armored titan, which Reiner left then Bertold would still be in trouble.
Why? Can't Bertholdt walk away with him in your fanfic? He isn't even the goal of the attack after all.
Can someone post the webm for mikasa getting completely and utter BTFO by erens rejection
>Bertold would still be in trouble.
Yes, i said that. Read my post properly idiot.
>No, they would go to the very next thing.
Then the whole argument that there was no risk for Annie is retarded as I was saying.
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Not to anime onlys
>Why? Can't Bertholdt walk away with him in your fanfic? He isn't even the goal of the attack after all.
No, you fucking idiot. Why are you shitposting? The coordinate put focus on Berthold, Berthold himself. In Reiners case it was on the Armored Titan and not on Reiner's human body.
The coordinate and the FT's ability to call the titans are different things. The call of the FT merely attracts titans to itself, whereas the coordinate commands titans to do a specific thing.

In this case, Eren commanded the titans to kill reiner and bert. Which would have involved them eating the AT body as well as Reiner and Bert's human bodies.

They are two different abilities used in different ways.
No, it's not. Cause Annie could have safely left the place until the Ft's body was devoured. The focus was still on the Female Titan and not on Annie. Get your head out of your ass anon
meant to reply to>>158813343
>The coordinate put focus on Berthold, Berthold himself. In Reiners case it was on the Armored Titan and not on Reiner's human body.
Holy shit, I see man, that headcanon makes sense! He only wanted to kill Bert and Reiner's titan, not Reiner himself! He needed Reiner to open a titan wormhole to marley. It all connects!
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Ultra kek
>Does nothing the whole season

>The call of the FT merely attracts titans to itself, whereas the coordinate commands titans to do a specific thing.
Well than there would be no reason for them to ignore annie coming out.

And the focus was also the AT, so Reiner could leave in your fanfic?
Could be, but the point still stands that pure titans cannot put humans and shifter humans apart. So they ignored Annie, because their focus was the Female titan body. Thinking Annie was trying to kill herself in the forest is just retarded.
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Heres the updated one
No one said that though. Just that she took the risk.
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Everyone was proxyfagged to some degree, you can't say who was "more" because you have no proof
>well then there was no reason for them to ignore Annie
There was. The mindless titans were attracted to he physical titan form of the FT. This is distinct to Annie's human body.
Then we get back to reiner just leaving the AT.

You're the one saying Eren didn't want to kill Reiner.

Imagine when season 3 is airing, he is going to make the fans melt.
Never underestimate the power of the manlet.
That hair... Is this hobo Eren?
>I rape her until while she is passing out to profit from her body pulsating
>then when she's all sleepy I take her into a below ground dungeon
>I give her the time to explain it all to me
>we have cute little Eldian kids together.
Are you sure?>>158810779 This whole argument started with that idiot
>if her escape failed
Do you know what risk means?
I think Sasha's fallen off lately. She peaked in Clash of the Titans as far I can tell.
Should have been Schmit, which is one of the most Germanic of German names
We literally know very little about the coordinate, but even I can tell that there is a difference between the coordinate and Annie's scream. The Titans disregarding all humans ruthlessly attacked the Female Titan body. Ignoring everything but the Female titan who attracted the titans with her roar, Annie could easily escape.
The command was to kill Reiner so they would have. For what will be the second time; the coordinate and the female titans ability are not the same thing and do not function in the same way.
Eren's order was specifically to kill Reiner so Reiner could not have escaped. The female titans call focused the attention of the titans on the FT, it did not issue the command "kill Annie". These are different powers used in different ways. They do not operate under the same rules.
was sarcastic
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She doesn´t need the manlet to be a good character though. Though everytime Armin is on screen she suddenly become a retard about titans
>The Titans disregarding all humans ruthlessly attacked the Female Titan body
Which also happened to Dina and Reiner. Even after reiner left with Ymir, they still ran into his direction ignoring the humans.
Of course she has, she has done absolutely nothing since then and doesn't have a retarded hardcore fanbase to keep her relevant like for instance Jean fujos.

But she used to be really popular at some point.
Read the entire post, it wasn't. He actually thinks Reiner and Bertholdt could just leave, fucking retard.
I know, but
>she was prepared to be killed by a titan if her escape through the stream failed?
This is untrue, since the titans ignored Annie after she left the female titans body. They all attacked the female titan who screamed. Just like they did here:>>158812060. She had no plans on getting killed
I can't fucking believe that she needed Armin to be reminded that didans can't move at night despite she being the one who made that discovery.
Then why did the titans attack Bertholdt and Ymir when they were around reiner and you expect them not giving a fuck about annie?

Sasha was a good character in the first arc, now she is just poor comedy, and the bow thing was a CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT as cheap as female character cutting her hair.
I don't blame them, could you do that while fucking surfing?
They attacked Bert because that was part of the command. Killing both Bert and Reiner.

Ymir attacked the titans, not the others way around. They were ignoring Ymir, who was safely standing with Historia until she chose to attack the titans.
isayama just need to show that armin is 'smart', when he's nothing special, even figuring out annie's identity happened because he was at the right place at the right time
Difference being you could give direct specific orders with the coordinate, What Annie did was just attract the titans to her titan body. That is just my point.

The Titans disregarded Annie's human body for her titan body which attracted the titan by her scream. There was no risk, even for her, since the titans ignored all. This may not sound very convincing but i believe there is a difference between how specific Annie's call and Eren's order was.

i don't believe that, my point was that reiner and bert couldn't just escape.

jesus christ, kill yourself.

Not only that, she didn´t think about Reiner and Bert hiding behind the walls. Armin is one of those characters where the author needs to make the rest of the characters literal retards everytime he is on screen.
Don't bother, he is a lost cause. Thinking the orders from the coordinate and the suicide call of the FT are comparable like that
that's simply because isayama isn't smart enough to make a character who is smart.

because that would mean that isayama would have to create complex puzzles that armin has to solve, which he is incapable of.
>because he was at the right place at the right time
More like because he was at three right places at three right times.

>cleaned his 3DMG alongside Marco
>got attacked by the FT and Annie decided to let him live for some reason
>was in the 3DMG inspection alongside Annie
This is why I dislike him so much. He's nothing special but everyone treats him like he's a keikaku master and the one who is going to save humanity with his wit.
I think he did a good job with some of the stuff like Erwin using the expedition to bait the other wall titans into showing themselves, the long distance formation and Erwin using titans to attack Reiner.

And as someone said a few threads ago, Armin figuring out that FT was a shifter because it attacked instead of eating is a better example of showing intelligence than just having him be at the right place and the right time to find stuff.
And like Erwin and Hanji reasonably suspecting there were more shifters as soon as they knew that was a thing, that they were working together, and they might be interested in the appearance of a new unassociated one. Armin really only looks good when he's puzzling out what Erwin's doing so he can exposit it.
This, both Hanji and Erwin are well done smart characters, only when Armin is involved they seem to be affected by his aura of retardation.
He's actually dressed up as a Carabiniere (italian military police)
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