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Would you watch an anime based on the SnK AU?

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 274
Thread images: 129

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Would you watch an anime based on the SnK AU?
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why was everything so convenient for reiner to survive every situation?


He's a warrior
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In this heat it might be too hot to bearably be close to someone but if he wanted cuddles I would be a good little wife and give him them. Naturally I would want to cuddle him too.
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Was it autism?
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Time to poundtown.jpg
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Because he is a Legendary Armored Titan,he is the Armored Shifter.
At least put Shingeki on the title.

Using the other thread.
They already had a SnK AU anime, and it was garbage
AM will be endgame.
But Annie has never met molester-kun
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Eren I...
Bottom left panel looks like Armin has a huge arm and hand
no you idiot
armin have the curse of ymir
But it was that gag shit. Isayama's looked better.
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Endgame right here, brothers.
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>EP are cute, CUTE!
I mean, isn''t that the true endgame of everything?
Reminder that Eren will eat all the other shards of Ymir's soul and break her curse
Eren will eat everyone.

Real endgame right here, brothers.
Historiafags and Mikasafags should be friends not enemies.
>Eren eating Armong

I need this.
What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep making shitty threads? Can't you at least make a tiny bit of effort?
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Cucked Galliard.png
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So what's the deal with the Season 2 intro?
Why is the Beast Titan given special cosmic significance?
Not worth a (You).
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Post more pictures with Hisu's thighs showing
It's just meant to look cool and trick animeonlyfags
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thirsty ho
>Being this desperate for attention
Why don't you marry a cock and make your worthless existence not be a literal shitstain?
Reminder that Pieck takes 92kg of Z every fucking day while all the manlet named Porko can do is fapping to her moans.
Most are friends or tolerate each other. Ignore the shippers.
Fat whales can't marry, not even into cucks
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>being upset for no reason on the internet

But that's lewd.
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angery hisu.png
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>eren vs zeke fight
>both beating the shit out of each other in human form
>they're getting weaker because titan cancer
>both fall to the floor
>a few moments of talking whilst lying down
>then they get up
>they crawl to each other
>stand up
>embrace each other
>bite each other's shoulder
>they both turn into titans
>fight proceeds
>every time zeke punches eren he gets a memory flash because muh royal blood
>entire history of the world flashes before eren's eyes while he and zeke fight to the death

If this doesn't happen then Isayama is a fucking hack.
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It's fine if nobody reports it and it doesn't show anything overtly sexual.
>Agan and Again. Forever.
How wet Mikasa was?
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Here's a cute pic instead just in case
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Cute Hisu pics are best when she's younger.
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Her face says it all.
Not as wet as she would have been with the kiss
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Wild Ride.jpg
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>Zeke and Pieck was in the mainland on missions
>They were sent to Paradis together
>Two tents
>Four Warriors

>Wait for my pic
I want hisu to 3d wire backflip onto my dick
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Do you think Historia thinks about Ymir once in a while after these 4 years or she moved on already?
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remove this image. hisu is pettan. pettan!
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Why would she thinks about trash?
He still has 9 years.
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Dedicate your heart!
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This one is the most active though.
It's impossible to completely move on from a person that used to mean the world to you.
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I don't care what anyone says. Never stop
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>Mikasa will never look at you the way she looks at Eren
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I never will! Thank you for your support anon!

I do this for Erwin!
She literally has the biggest bust out of the 104th
>Implying Porko likes Pieck
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I love Armilia.
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>Protect her smile at all cost!
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>I love Historia
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Well, I got to chapter 85. Still reserving judgement until I see the outcome of what's happened but if people hate Armin simply because other people chose for him to live over Erwin that's, well, fucking dumb. But I could see Armin's future actions turning people really against him.
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>next season, smile protected

But Pieck likes the Z and the Zeed.
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>getting your thread discarded three times
>being this mad about it
Man, man, man.
You gross me out.
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Why? He doesn't feel good. I don't think he will be able to carry with all the burden alone. That's why Hange said they're both in the same position. I think we will see Armin really stressed.
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I dont like this.
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People often pick dumb reasons to dislike characters. But at least if Armin is too stressed to be useful, I would understand why people dislike him, even if I wouldn't agree with it. So far, where I'm at, he's done nothing that could make me see why someone would hate him (not including people who simply don't like his character, which I think is something else entirely).
Who cucked you? Literally headcanons.
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Like this then.
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Is Annie trying to smile here?
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>Literally Headcanon vs headcanon
Why not push my headcanon?

Looks like she's straining out a big poo.
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Reiner and Annie would have been a hot couple desu.
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I think she is just pissed at Reiner for calling her a womanlet and pretending to be Marcel, so she wants to put him back in his place.
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Seeing how Mikasa and Levi are the last Ackermanns shouldn't they try to get along better?
Why, just because they share a last name? Don't be a cuck.
They don't really seem to care about being related.
Pretty much. All of tumblr is on it with Erwin, shipping, overweight and zero discussion
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Leave Erwin alone I'm still in mourning
They're just distant relatives. They don't have to get along just because they share the same name.
Thank god you're too fat to ever get pregnant. Literally prime candidate to be Münchhausen by proxy by the extreme, histrionic attention seeking
If I was the only [insert whatever] person in the world with the exception of one other person, I'd probably try to get along.
How many cuts do you have on your wrists and how many times have you showed them to everyone you could?
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Go back to your thread.
Move on Mrs. Smith.
That's you, those people are someone else.
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chuugakkou manga
nice samefagging
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Jesus this is good.

I'm actually not the one posting all the Erwin posts
I'm just one of the many enjoying them
You're mentally ill. Seek help
Which volume though?
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ME can do it.jpg
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Kokoro wo sasageyo~~
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Stop spamming already.
Fuck off with your delusional fanarts.
>Still thinks that that guy is going to bother to reply to her despite ignoring her for the entire day
>Attention whoring for an entire day on an anonymous website
Mentally unstable, and creepy
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Ok, but delete your offtopic spam first.
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Again and again.jpg
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I see WIT is putting these make-up artists to work.
Nice, I love it.
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I will never move on.
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Why would a shifter need a butt like this?
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>Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP or MbP) is a term often used when a caregiver or spouse fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems in those who are in their care, with the primary motive of gaining attention or sympathy from others.
Please, I beg of you, never have children. Don't make them suffer for your egoism.
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>google ジーク
>first result is pic related

if they're nips, why are they named 'Ackermann'
>people hate Armin simply because other people chose for him to live
People hate him for bad writing, asspulls and the dumbness of the whole situation.
They aren't nips. Mikasa is half nippon warrior and half german science mutation. Levi is only the later as of now.

Thank you!!
I'm still watching the first season.
So, Mikasa and Eren get together eventually in the manga?
Does Mikasa at least says she likes Eren or something? I love me some shipping
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I shall not argue with your opinion or taste, anon. I am glad that you show love and dedication to your commander, just as I do mine.
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She doesn't confess her love, but she gets her feelings across in some form... they arent a couple though. At least not as far as we know.
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Wait a sec....I that you CommanderLover-Chan? Its me,the Zekefag.
this is Mikasa success with Eren in the manga
Loving commander is the best way to honor his memory.
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the dawn of EH.jpg
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I'll fix you up senpai
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Yes, it's me. Mrs Smith. You're a good egg, Zekefag!

Absolutely. He deserves all the love in the world!
That's neat I guess
I want to MURDER Eren if he he gets with anyone else than Mikasa.
Great, another thread with zero discussion, Erwin spamming, shipping and not even funny memes
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How did you feel when this happened?
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Oooooooooooooooooooooohhh ma dog,nice to see you again,anon.
What was your thoughts about the last episode of Season II?
Its okay, Mikasa will be the one leaving him to be happy, the author said so.
>they finally managed to beat the female titan but the beast titan is unbeatable
Top fucking kek
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I really enjoyed it, though I thought it was a shame that a few scenes were cut on the wall. The ending was great I thought. It was nice to see Erwin cut (almost) to Zeke. I feel like a conversation between the two of them would have been so interesting!

Were you glad to finally hear Zeke speak?
>So, Mikasa and Eren get together eventually in the manga?
Nope, and I highly doubt they ever will

>Does Mikasa at least says she likes Eren or something?

She doesn't outright say it, but she let him know how important he is to her. A very nice scene. But there's not more developpment after this and the ship got btfo by the author.
Was it supposed to be a big deal?
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Hes the plot armored titan afterall.
Nice numbers, but I guess you're an aof?
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Come to the big boys ship, while you can.
>implying the MGS4 ending hype/memes aren't the best part
Because she's divine from head to toe, bum included.
Armin's a bad person and this confirmed it.
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Best girl & Best Eren.png
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>eventual end game
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The Warchief Zeke Jaeger.gif
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What really surprised me was the fact that everyone premonitions about the last episode was right,we saw Erwin speaking what they will do next(just like the end of season I),we saw BRY on top of the wall and we got Zeke finishing the Season,it was really cool.

He sounds jut like I was expected.
Sasha !
>the ship got btfo by the author.
Isn't there even a ""doujin"" that everyone thinks was drawn by him of the two together?
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Loves her potato's
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I felt bad for Armin.
Trips for Annie's ass
No, I've kept up with the manga since before it had an anime announced, which is why I laugh at implications that the beast titan is somehow invincible when he got blown out of the water the moment he came face to face with Levi. Things were so different before RtS.
Pretty sure she does. Even Kenny still thought about Uri at the end and Ymir was the most important person to her.
While the artstyle is super close, I really doubt it's him
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That's a good point about Erwin saying what they will do next. I imagine at the end of the first cour of season 3, following Uprising, they might follow the same pattern.

However, sadly, he won't be around at the end of season 4. It will be left for someone else to take up that role.

Was cool to see Zeke though. I hope they keep his quirky little moments in there, like when he complained about the drink being hot.
The pixiv artist had to make a statement saying he wasn't Isayama, its not him just some fan artist. The same guy even did Eren and Annie stuff. It's not that hard to replicate Isayama's style, you see it all over pixiv if you browse it long enough.
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Sorry my man, Eren becomes a hisufag.
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best shingekis.jpg
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>"Eren? Where are you going?"
>"I need to leave this place, Jean. I must see the truth with my on eyes."
>"Are you going to Marley? You can't, you'll be killed."
>"Are you going to stop me? Will you tell the others?"
>"I'm sorry, Jean. Even if it's treason, I need to do this."
>"It's okay, Eren. Remember? Even if we are the enemies of humanity, I will always be your ally."
This is pottery at it finest state
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Ripped Warchief.png
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>I imagine at the end of the first cour of season 3, following Uprising, they might follow the same pattern.
Maybe before the start of Shiganshina Arc we will get a "Erwin speech".

>However, sadly, he won't be around at the end of season 4. It will be left for someone else to take up that role.
Since the new arc is about the Warriors,what if Zeke is the one introducing the other side of the continent and saying what they will do next.

>Was cool to see Zeke though. I hope they keep his quirky little moments in there, like when he complained about the drink being hot.
Me too,he has such a...douchebag personality,kind reminds me of Dante.
Leaked dialogues for Eren's flashback next chapter
>"Eren? Where are you going?"
>"I need to leave this place, Historia. I must see the truth with my on eyes."
>"Are you going to Marley? You can't, you'll be killed."
>"Are you going to stop me? Will you tell the others?"
>"I'm sorry, Historia. Even if it's treason, I need to do this."
>"It's okay, Eren. Remember? Even if we are the enemies of humanity, I will always be your ally."
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It would be a good parallel to see Zeke introduce the warriors, that's for sure. He seems to be around the same rank as Erwin in their 'army' I guess, at least when it comes to instructing the junior warriors. In the official meetings too he's a valued person, just like Erwin, but neither are at the head of the table.
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A shame he doesn't draw anymore
I would have loved a new doujin with long hair Eren
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>this is still going on
I love you guys.
>This is the liberty we've won for ourselves:Outer Haven! And with this weapon I will destroy JD! Then,everything ends,and everything begins! But as for you,brother,you'll stay here to mark this island's watery grave! This is it,brother; Our final moment.The battle has ended,but we are not yet free! The war is over...but...You and I still have a score to settle.

>"Zeke? Where are you going?"
>"I need to leave this place, Pieck. I must see the truth with my on eyes."
>"Are you going to Paradis? You can't, you'll be killed."
>"Are you going to stop me? Will you tell the others?"
>"I'm sorry, Pieck. Even if it's treason,I need to do this."
>"It's okay, Zeke. Remember? Even if we are the enemies of humanity, I will always be your ally."

Anons can be m8s,anon.

Yeah,it would also be cool if he gives a little nods to his real plans,like saying what he will do next or what Marley thinks he will do next.
>Pic is not even related
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He definitely is keeping his real intentions quiet. I hope he reveals them to Eren as they are bound to meet, but even then, I still hope we're left questioning whether Zeke is telling the entire truth.
At least change Outer Heaven with "The New Empire of Eldia", weapon with "your titan", JD with "Marley"
I liked it. It made me smile.
Yeah,it would be interesting if we are kept in the shadows about his true intentions,but it would be a good thing that he actully made all the deaths he caused worth it,by releasing his people from this whole situation.

Goddamn it,I forgot about this.Next time I will change it.
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There already one
>implying he didn't grow it out partly to please Historia since he looks like Ymir when it's long
Now all he needs is to pencil in some freckles and he's solid.
Fucking beautiful.
Sadly he still got a whiny baby face.
Looks like Connie in the thumbnail
what are the best frodo's for snk?
Which Dante? Blood Angels' Chapter Master or medieval poet?
Historia looks like an aylien there
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But he is like a fusion between Dante and Vergil from DMC.
hes the best character
>Zeke will be succeed by Colt.
>Ocelot's favorite gun as a Colt SAA.
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Same artist though, just a bad angle
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Monkey Troubles.png
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>Big Boss=Grisha/Kruger
>Metal Gears=Titans
>Mads Mikkelsen worked with Kojima,creator of the MGS
Why does this seem so hilarious to me?
How is Annie the Boss? She had nothing to do with Grisha
Not much. I mean, Eren and Mikasa killed people when they were children. This is nothing.
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Grish/Kruger=BIG Boss
Her CQC?
Zeke has the dullest personality of the entire series
for me, it wouldn't matter what you tell me. you killed my mother and thousands of innocent people. I'll tie you to a tree and have the crows pick at your eyes....
Annie is the Boss only if Eren is Big Boss.
Maybe it because Hisu have this "nigga, are you serious?' face.
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>I'm already a demon.
Boss is the reason behind everything Big Boss did.

If Grisha is BB then it makes more sense for Kruger to be The Boss.

If anything Annie would be Sniper Wolf or something like that
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I can't wait for Marley Gear Solid.

Wait a second,Big Boss was Solid Snake's and Liquid's "father" ? Boss didn't taught Solid Snake the basics of CQC? Or did a confused BB with SS again? Well,looks like I have to play the old ones,and the new ones again.
Erwin is Big Boss, just look how he commands a large military force, misses an arm and its called a demon.
The comparisons only exist as a joke and they shouldn't extend much beyond the basics, but Annie and Eren's relationship as CQC mentor and student somewhat resembles the Boss and Naked Snake's relationship. The Boss taught him everything he knew that made him into the soldier he is today, and he eventually had to kill her as part of a mission, she became his enemy for reasons he didn't understand and he had to fight her using the techniques she taught him. At a very, very basic level it's similar but that's it. Either way, making these comparisons, again, is all just for jokes.
But the "Boss" that's missing an arm is actually Big Boss's stand-in, a phantom, a random medic who while a great soldier just happened to be the one who was in the same helicopter as Big Boss when it all went down. All these posts make me miss /mgg/.
Yeah,but this shows tha I need to play more MGS saga.
So if we're doing the MGS comparisons, who is Raiden and who is Senator Armstrong?
Who's Kaz Miller?
But Levi doesn't have any of Raiden's charms, like his nice ass or general nerdiness.
Damn, even the plot fist perfectly with MGS2, Isayama loves Hideo Kojima.
What? Don't let the memes get to you, they're completely different stories even if it's funny to compare. I wish Isayama had the military sense that Kojima used during the making of the Metal Gear series.
I would rather not watch those threads made by an attention whore anymore
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Which Eren do you like the most?
Eren Eren's the only one for me.
Mikasa looks cute.
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Eren of course
Armin Eren looks really cute.
He's the worst out of all of them.
The bucket one
Why are they so good together?
They're good friends.
Guess who's a fan of the series?
you never know what kind of people is into anime.
I guess manlet by default

>Senator Armstrong?
Reiner, since he won't die!!!!
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Because he has to be pretty fucking high on psychedelics to be coerced into liking Historia instead of Mikasa.
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Endgame right here, brothers.
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Hisu vs Mikasa.jpg
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Well, he said in Spoof that he is into stylish girly girls
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>played college ball you know
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Cant wait too see this man on action in s3
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Is this the most patrician ship of SnK?
>When people don't pay attention to your thread anymore
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>every AU version of Mikasa wants to fuck Eren
What does it mean?
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It's one of her defining traits?
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Remember how Armongfags used to say when the first high school AU pic came out that Gothkasa wouldn't want Eren and she would be into Armin instead?
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She's into Armin. She recruited Eren so he could save him from JEan.
They look like the main cast of Danny Phantom
Mr Blank

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I miss AMdrawfag so much.
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Well, you got 50% right at least.
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Tell me this doesn't exude style and femininity.
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God bless.
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Yeah, that settles it. Eren is definitely not attracted to females.

It's the hair man. He's just not into brunettes.

But her hair is black.
>being this fixated on which thread is being used
delete this
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