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Did the chartanon die or give up? Haven't seen a thread

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Did the chartanon die or give up? Haven't seen a thread in a few days and we were almost done.
he's the S100 D100 anon after all
Unfortunately accurate

At least we got farther than /his/
which azai is it? kyousuke or kyouhei?
I still think Kyubey should go in that blank spot at S100 D85
I still think Kyubey didn't suffer that much

nor did he deserve it
I brought this up before but why is Fuminori from Saya no Uta lower in suffering than Kouji? And it's a difference of 55 to 70 too, which is huge.
Kyubei deserves no more 50, and it's extremely hard to properly say how much he actually suffered.
I saw someone mention this in another thread but never asked. Yuuko on the top left. Her entire existence was suffering but what in the source was different? I heard the anime actually managed to tone things down a bit but I don't know what. I honestly would put her up at her spot regardless of how the VN turned out. Fuck I'm still shaken from that.
>Kyosuke not at S0, D100
>suffering: 50
>how much they deserved it: 60
but he didn't do anything wrong
>Did the chartanon die
Damn I hope so. He should be in his shitty chart himself
He is (100,100)
He was fool and obsessed over something he knew he couldn't get or take back. While he didn't "deserve" it, it was a consequence of not giving up on it.
Do 4chan boards next chartfag. On /qa/ or something.
He could have said "fuck it," taken the second chance life so generously handed him, and live a happy life with his fat friend and space waifu.
But no, he couldn't get over it, and he couldn't give up on waifu #1 even after she died, he deserved every bit of it.
The self sacrifice element is absolutely retarded. You have Osamu Mikumo halfways because of it, yet Guts, Killy and the Fire Punch guy also should be at the right then, because it was their choices that made them go through hell. They could always have gone far away and ignore their goals, and you can say the same about any character. This chart is an absolute piece of smelly shit. Also how did the fag from Hatsuko no Maria went from being on the left to a seventy on the right?
He didn't suffer that much, tho
I think Zenigata fits in one of the blank squares. 80 S/50 D would probably be the best choice
He was kinda of a jerk mary sue.
Fuck him.
I think most of the suffering argument revolves around his state at the end of Rebellion, although it isn't elaborated on much. And his Deserves value can literally be almost anything which is why even though I love Madoka I don't think it would be a good idea to have him on here.
>mfw /tv/ finished it first than /a/ and /his/ and we didn't even suspect it
>Mr. Rogers
>5 Deserved
On what planet
>Shin Godzilla
>deserving any of it
Dude was just in a permanent state of confusion from the second he transformed
Who's S:100. D:100 on there?
>some remembered desert punk
Also, Kanta in the perfect spot, he was a massive cunt to everyone.
>all those servants
>still no medea
>caring about what /tv/, /co/ or any other normalfag board think
Kill thyself.
Has /v/ made an attempt yet?
It's in progress from what I saw. Slow progress.
Is that fucking JAWS on S40D50?
How did the bloodthirsty prehistoric shark suffer?
Shitty chart made by people that does not event watch anime.
I mean, he's getting mindraped by all of Earth's suffering constantly, and he couldn't even perceive such suffering until Homura forced him to acknowledge it. And it is indeed hurting him -- he's seen stumbling around and he looks afraid, and his fur is disheveled. I'm trying to think of something worse than being forced to feel an entirely alien sense of pain, and then also having that pain be turned up to infinity at the exact same time, forever. Shit sucks.
stabbed and exploded
I was going to create a thread in 20 mins
Should we use this one or create another?
Kill yourself.
use this one
I'd love to but I can do that later
Fine by me
This one is fine, I guess.
Let's not do things we don't need to.
May as well use this one until it dies.

Also: to avoid the shitstorm that happened last time, declare all Madoka positions LOCKED, or remove them entirely.
Seconding for lock, madoka should be represented.
Yep, at least until all the slots are filled in.
Third for lock. Removing was only being advocated by retards.
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Hey chartanon, arrow anon here. I propose you move Kohaku down a notch (she was just raped when she was a kid, compare it to the stuff Sakura had to go through).

I am also supporting the motion of locking Madoka characters, and if possible, locking all the characters at the border of the chart. (i.e.: all those with S: 0, S:100, D: 0 and D: 100).
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Last threads: >>157544847

Let's focus on filling the 3 spots we have left
No removing characters until we complete the chart, the only one we might remove is Bernkastel since we had complaints about her since the first thread.

As >>157715061 said, let's not discuss Homura/Kyouko position, the only one we should discuss about right now is Sayaka since that's what we were doing last thread. before the homura thing
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Skull Knight

S: 95
D: 60

(above Lord Genome)

He's suffered almost as much as Guts has, if not more. And he was also a vicious conqueror so he deserves a lot of his pain. Also he fucked everything up in the Kushan arc.
That's an old chart my arrowbro, she's already there in the new one
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Before we do ANYTHING, replace S100/D100 spot with pic related
haha kill me.
Or take out "No picture available" and edit it in
Anyone against this suggestion?

He deserved more than that
Anyone against this?
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Yeah /tv/ did a great job, but /his/ is not that fast they should complete it in 3-4 threads
/v/ started theirs too
Who is the 100/100 slot?
That's Carthage
Is that Etheldreda?
Why is Killy's suffering so high, again? Is he even programmed to feel suffering?
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And this is /v/'s.
I'm applying these changes >>157715307
I like how we have Nep and they have Noire
>Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight not on the 100 S, 0 D space
shit list
I like them putting the G-Man where he is.
I don't really like how the entire top row is already filled up. Still pretty interesting regardless.
Near Akabara and The Intention of the Abyss? Yes
That's a good question, for a human his fate would be certainly a S100 but if we had to consider the character's understanding of suffering for the S part, wouldn't it be too subjective to even measure?
I don't know if I made it clear
They had nepgear too, but removed her
What are we going to name the different quadrants/sectors of the chart? I vaguely remember the /co/ chart having labels on various regions
Where's Gordan Freeman on that list?
>Shadowlord suffering less than Nier
Shit list
>handsome jack

Cmon, he'd be a solid competitor for 100,100
I can't believe that there's no Won Sul in that chart.

Anyway, put him where Gaku from Qualia is right now and move the others 3 to the left.

Also, why is Hades so high in the suffering and so low in deserving? I can't think of a single D100 that deserves as much or more than him other than maybe Frieza.
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Can we please stop talking about /v/ and /tv/s charts and focus on finishing our own?
You could have just not made this post and instead proposed an addition to the chart.
And you could have killed yourself while writing that post.
Propostion: Kyuubey goes on the last open place in the chart, wherever that may be.

Nobody can decide where to put him, but he's so iconic that he honestly should be included.

So let fate do it instead.
As long as you keep replying to me, I'll keep replying to you. Think about your next move before you contribute more towards the bump limit.
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Forgot pic.
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But... we just filled that spotted >>157715307
We could switch Hades with Alderp, alderp was doomed to spent eternity in hell feeling despair but i don't why he's a D100, he only did some pacts with a demon
Anyone against this?
Give me a quick rundown on her suffering
I agree that Kyubey should be on the chart. Without a doubt.
Please do that, Hades in S85D100 would be perfect, and Won Sul would also fit Hades currently spot.
Complete mental breakdown
Pressured to be in rape scenes
Nearly actually raped
Forced to kill
Believing she's a serial killer
Closest person to her turns out to try and kill her
Deadly stalkers
Feeling responsible for stalker attacks
Identity crisis
Basically fucking insane by the end
Isn't she from perfect blue? I believe she was a singer and was raped, went insane, murdered someone, was attacked by her friend who was crazy
What happened to Won Sul for the 95S?
Anyone against switching Hades with Alderp?
why no you fucker
I think Sayaka is fine in that general area. I'd make an argument about her mental state and the pain of her gradually realizing the depth of her personal failure, but I think what really seals the spot for her is turning into a witch, which is an incarnation of despair and generally some pretty serious shit.
No, we shouldn't sacrifice the last spot when it has been proven that there's too much ambiguity to placing Kyubey.
Is this really suffering on the same level as Griffith?
>the movie changed her simply dying to being trapped on the yuri void forever
Its more than Virgil thats for fucking sure
There are people that have been in that state for god knows how long in that same tier and even below that. Perfect Blue girl went through that shit for like max 1 year.
we could put someone from S85 to S90 and add her
I don't think Sayaka should be above Kyouko, considering her suffering was much shorter and she didn't get anyone killed.

Revised proposition: Add a square off of the border of the chart, where white space would be as in >>157715787
label it
and put Kyuubey there
Seconded. Why was that never changed?
Is Gaku from Qualia the Purple on there. I can't really tell.
I agree with that other anon about Killy. He seems fine with his fate, never complains, never tries to escape from it. It's like saying a computer is suffering because it doesn't have arms and can only do calculus all day.
She killed those two guys on the train, didn't she?
>I just want to understand the world!
>suffering allegedly deserved

>some stupid dumb bitch
>"she didn't deserve it!"

That's some bull fucking shit.
>sends 5 million people to Hell because he was too lazy to study
>not deserving it
Honestly, you surely MUST have seen the answer with your own eyes...
I still disagree because I consider the part about turning into a witch to be the hinge of my argument. I don't think I'd disagree with moving Sayaka within the 65-70S and 35-40D range but she really shouldn't be outside of that.
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Would this be good?
Sayaka would go below Kyouko in the S scale and I feel like Gaara and Rem could go up. What do you guys think?
Works for me.
Well this was fast. We could just change her with Gaara then
Damn, I really want to see /v/'s chart finished, but they didn't even update to the new template yet. There are no literally whos at all in their chart.
We doing Mima or not
>Rem could go up
Fuck no
He never sent them to Hell. They were with him. And he didn't know suffering is bad, since he isn't human, so he doesn't share our morality - he's unable to have empathy.
Help me out here, anons.
Does "How much they deserved it" represent how much a character should have suffered, or does it represent how much they deserved the amount of suffering they got?
Hahaha that'd be great, but I don't know if the other anons would like it
They seem to hate Kyubey
So.. should his suffering go down? Or you guys want to remove him?
uh.. he's one of the guys who killed more people in the chart
We already went through this. It's obvious that the x axis is about how much suffering they deserved to have, not how much their actual suffering is correct.
How much they should have suffered
How much they should have
Just look at Umaru
I think it's the second one. I'd defer to Chartanon's definition though.
He didn't know what he was doing!
But fine, fine. If you guys disagree so much, at least move Asuka to that empty space at top right, okay?
Removing the "it" from the bottom would make sure nobody could misinterpret this.
>So.. should his suffering go down? Or you guys want to remove him?
I'd remove him.
>Hahaha that'd be great, but I don't know if the other anons would like it
>They seem to hate Kyubey
I mean, it's the most accurate representation of the situation with him right now so I say do it

Also the guy bitching about Father is baiting you
Actually, yes. That'd work alright. But it really isn't that much of a issue.
I actually like the proposal for QB although I stayed silent because I don't know how everyone else feels about the issue. I think it's appropriate though, given how much people have argued about him.
and this was my idea for her >>157716692
We would need to find a S85 that could go to the S90 line though

>I'd remove him.
Alright we will see that after we complete the chart. Otherwise this won't end
I'd switch Victor Nikiforov from YoI and Kotoura san. Kotoura san had a childhood of suffering, certainly more than Victor (or even remove YoI)
I can do that
Anyone against?
Put Subaru where the empty spot, Kaneki in Subaru's spot and Mima in Kaneki's spot
>wanting to move subaru
I'm calling the re:zerofags
I think he suffered a bit more than Virgil, who is in the 90 S
Killy isn't a robot, he was a former human who got cybernetic augs before the Silicon hacked the netsphere. Just a normal cop doing his job (which is a statement about how OP pre-disaster humanity was). The safeguard based all their designs around his implants. Bottom line: he should still be able to feel suffering, since he can feel emotions at all. He takes pleasure in purging Silicon, for instance.

Keep him at 100, he's not an unfeeling robot.
So changing "it" to "to" then?
Who cares.
>S0, D100
>Ted Mosby
The guy had his wife die on him. How is he "zero suffering"? If anything, Sheldon Cooper should be in his spot.
>What happened to Won Sul for the 95S?
Long story short, after the fall of Jushin he was was killed, revived by one of the people that he hates the most in the world, had his body almost completely destroyed several times, was tortured by the guy that revived him and was forcibly fused with a lot of monsters (pic related). He was then send against a whole army and was finally killed for good in a huge exposition.
Why don't we replace sayaka with Kyubey to solve both problems, if we're willing to leave his placement to chance.
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Where does Pipimi belong?
>JJ Abrams
>75 D
for what purpose
>Sheldon Cooper was taken out from the ultimate asshole meme spot
/tv/ has no taste and too much autism. I'd expect them to at least do the memes right.
We get it, you're a newfag. Go shit in a different thread.
Wasn't the Chartanon trip supposed to go on anon's face?
I know he isn't a robot, but if you really want to have him in the chart, then put his human form there, and not so high on either scale. It's highly debatable whether the Killy featured in Blame suffers at all.
>He takes pleasure in purging Silicon
When was that ever shown?
It's those fags that complain about lens flare all the time. It's like they hate fun.
No one gives a fuck, crossboarder.
Fucking worst plot twist of the decade

Go worship this samefagging tripfag somewhere else, you cancerous faggots.
Sounds good, but the S95 spot is filled, we could put someone in the S100 but I don't know which one.
We could put him on S90 too
Nvm let's not change for now, it'd take some time to fix it
But we couldn't even find a good place for him... low D/high S? low S/high D? low S/low D? I think this idea is good >>157716767
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Can you please change Diavolo (3rd from the top right) to pic related? Anyone who has read the part knows that's not even the "real" Diavolo in the chart.
Did you change your mind about putting Hades in the S85D100? Just put him in the spot that Hades was. That said, S90 is not bad for him.
/his/ has it pretty tough though
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>When was that ever shown?
Vol 1, Ch 7
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Also he's capable of feeling things like surprise/shock, etc

Since they gave him the ability to feel when they gave him is augmented body, it's a reasonable assumption that they allowed him to suffer too, to the extent that they just didn't fuck with his emotions too much. And if he can suffer, he suffered a hell of a lot.
Put questions marks as a label for Kyuubey's box to emphasize it
>one spot
About time.
Are we still putting character group labels on the chart?
>Asuka is still at 20 deserving
>but we couldn't even find a good place for him
That's my point, why create a new square? The concern is people want him to be on the chart despite being impossible to place. It seems fair that if he should go up, it should be over a "lesser" character from his own show, especially when that character has a problem with every solution being rejected.
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>only one spot left
>Homuraguy is here
pls no
>SOL corner (for low S low D)
>JUST (extreme S extreme D)
I dunno
Go away
>this teasing again
lolly lilly lel
go kill yourself
No merit in fitting in with a bunch of retards, newfag. You'll regret it eight years from now, when you grow up
Ironically that was where Kyubey was originally, before the spergs showed up to bitch about him.
Throw Skull knight in that last spot, he's essentially Guts, but immortal. He was also a brutal dictator so he deserves much of it.
Swap Mr. Satan with Neptunia, then swap Neptunia with Tamamo
SK is already on the chart
Why is Homura so high in suffering and so low in deserving? I believe that the girl that made several alternatives time lines, a few of which ended with most if not all dead, just because she couldn' dealt with her crush dying really deserve a lot of suffering.
Sorry, saw the post earlier but not that he got placed.
>Center: Complex Characters
>Top Left: Cry Corner
>Center Right: /a/ssholes
>Center Bottom: Smug Moeshit

Your choice.



>neptunia suffering
>Megumeme suffering on the same level as Edward Elric or Kayo
The fuck? I recall more people complaining about this, so I thought it got changed.
I think the line of reasoning for giving Kyubey an exception is that:

1) He is from a very well-known show that is particularly remembered for being about suffering, not to mention his meme tag line

2) From what I can see he is among the characters most argued about in the making of this chart

3) From what I can see he has by far the widest variance out of any character for where he could be placed
I don't want to live in a world where people believe kirby deserves to suffer any whatsoever.
Someone quick suggest a character for the last position in the chart before sperglords derail the thread AGAIN
More like
>mr. satan suffering
At least Neptunia gets sealed for all eternity in some games and some endings.
Your mom giving birth to you.
There are no suggestions for the same reason you couldn't post one
Little psycho shit that kills everything in its path and only exclusively gives a shit when his world is about to end or just petty shit.

He's perfect where he is.
Is she already on there
Just put Kyubey in it and fuck the sperglords.
Are you using his faint smile as an indication of him taking pleasure in killing Silicons? And I think telling them he destroyed the nest was to provoke them.
Not mentionning the first volume is pretty much a proto-Blame and is not perfectly consistent with the rest. Killy is a lot more expressionless in the other volumes.
Finally, this is at most an argument for Killy being able to feel pleasure or surprise. You should show instances when he suffered, but the guy seems not to feel any kind of pain and never to get bored. At most he may feel some kind of frustration because of his never-ending quest, but that's just speculation.

We know he has feelings, but we don't know if he suffers, you're just making assumptions. We can assume he did suffer a lot in the past and eventually became numb to it. But again, it's just an assumption, not something that was featured in the manga.
Seconded. I'd recommend moving Ed up anyways. He suffered more than everyone in that tier (except maybe arguably Pitou)
Isn't Ed the one too low? Luluco is there with Megumin and she didn't suffer like Edward
Well, we could put Megumin down if you want, how about we change her with Mr Braun?
If nobody has any other suggestions, put Kyubey in the final spot and call it a day, Chartanon. If people don't like it they're welcome to suggest a replacement
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We could move her a little to the right if you want to
I agree. Fuck the spergs, put Kyubey in there and we're done. it's taken nearly a week to do this, don't drag it out any longer.
Maybe move Black Rock Shooter to Ed's place, more Al to BRS's place, and move Ed to where Alphonse was. Because they experienced equal amounts of suffering, but Ed deserved it a little more
I assume in Megumin's case there's something in the LN I haven't read yet but I have no idea what Luluco is doing up there. She's 2 rows above the depression guy from NHK.
>all those fucking video game characters
>half of them don't even have anime adaptations
Jesus, fuck off /a/.
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I'm requesting these changes

1. Yes, Utena died in the end, but I think Anemone was forced to endure much more physical and emotional pain during her entire life, + she became crippled in the manga version

2. I'm pretty sure Kenshin's life was way more gruesome than Sayaka's, who at least had a family and lived in a comfortable house
>Adachi that high
/v/ is fucking retarded.
How about Skuld for the final spot? Sadistic mass-muderer in life who relished the idea of death both for her victims and for herself. Eventually, after her defeat her captors injected her with a drug that shut down her brain function to it's bare minimum and left her in a catatonic state for the rest of her life, only for her body to be used for "experimental" purposes. Thus preventing her from ever experiencing the death she desired again.
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Forgot pic
The only problem with Adachi's placement is how far to the right he is.
>they experienced equal amounts of suffering, but Ed deserved it a little more
I'd say Al got the short end of the stick, being trapped in an armor body for years, unable to sleep, eat, smell, or feel.
Anyway, the Elrics are a bit difficult to place because there are two versions of them. While their background is mostly the same in both continuities, Brotherhood has a happier ending.
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Anyonw got any ideas for S:100 D:85
Anyone against?
Uh where are the arrows? Well, I guess you want Utena and Kenshin swapped?
Anyone against?
nvm I'm blind, now I see the arrows
we could just switch ed with master asia
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Please swap Etheldreda with Master Therion. They effectively have the same amount of suffering, with the difference that Master Therion is half human, and seem to be a lot more affected by that suffering. Also, he is a lot more iconic.
What happened to Math to be on the same level of suffering as Goblin Slayer?
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Also, if you still need someone to fill that spot Tiberius would fit like a glove. Guy was a massive sadist that doomed thousands of people to death, and had to stopped before he killed an whole city, and he ended up being sent to an dimension where all of the outer gods of the Cthullu verse are, and I am pretty sure that they didn't like the new member all that much.
Who is 100 Suffering/99 Deserved?
Who's S 100 D 0?
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Yuuko Amamiya
It's actually done.
So are we finished at last?
holy shit it's done
Huh. It's ok.
Fucking finally. Thank you for doing God's work, anon.
Are we done now, how many characters still need to be moved?
Shouldn't it be "how much they deserved" and not "how much they deserved it?"
Dare I make the suggestion that any further fine tuning should be limited to either this or one more thread, after which all the positions are locked and the chart is considered finished?
Can't argue with those trips.
>200+ posts about Homura's position omitted
Alright I'll change it
Sounds great

Where is the Homuraguy now
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i am glad we are done but...
shouldnt we replace the vn characters with anime or manga characters?
Roleplaying in his madoka thread, hopefully
Please swap Won Sul with Ragna.
Doing god's work
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>never loved by anyone in her life
>physically and emotionally abused by both her father and mother since she was born
>all attempts to change her situation were met with an increase with suffering
>family divorces and mother blames her for everything while slowly killing herself by refusing to eat
>lived 2 years taking care of her mothers corpse as if she was alive, in an unhealthy environment full of trash to disguise the smell.
>betrayed by her own teacher and classmates leading to becoming a shut-in for 2 years
>moves away to start anew and by trying to help someone she becomes hated by everyone in her new school, including the one she helped
>described later as an oddity level creature that constantly self-destructs in order to preserve her level of sanity
>gets in college but can't pay rent, and gets kicked out by jealous girlfriend to not being able to stay in any place until years later
>ends up in her old home where all the abuse happened in the hopes of someday repainting it with happy memories

She is fine in 60, she is pretty much on the top of people who don't live on battlefields, and only below Shinobu in suffering in her own series.
No. Do it.
I'd give it one more thread for the sake of everyone getting to see the time limit, but I'll leave it to your discretion.
>someone finally listens to me in a chart thread
Even though it's not a character placement, I love you
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Pls no
this was for >>157720197
Umaru in the bottom right never fails to make me laugh
Can we start to put label now? Cry Corner is a good one for high S low D.
Sure thing Satan. Now take her to hell with you.
No thanks, don't wanna be anywhere near that rat
I have no idea why Char's S score is so high. It's ridiculous to say he suffered more than Lelouch and Kaiji, for example. Swap him with Yomi.
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>not even Satan likes Umaru
Seconding this.
What's the point of making this chart if it's gonna be just cold autism.
I don't really know the characters above Fuminori but I really think he should be moved up 2 or 3 rows. Preferably 70 where Kouji is.

Also, I was always under the impression that "deserved" meant how much they deserved the suffering they got, and not how much suffering they deserve to have. I'm not sure I like the wording change there because it kind of makes a lot of the positions more questionable in my opinion.
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Like this?
Anyone against this?
Where is Fuminori? I only see Saya, anyone against this?
Who are 100/0 and 0/100?
>Slice of Life association (low S low D)
>Pity party (mid S low D)
>Cosmic punching bags (high S low D)
>JUST- (extreme S low D)

>Bratty battalion (low S mid D)
>Normalfags (mid S mid D)
>Punished (high S mid D)
>Victims of causality (extreme S mid D)

>Karmic thieves (low S high D)
>Can't keep getting away with it (mid S high D)
>Hoisted by own petard (high S high D)
>Just desserts buffet (extreme S high D)

r8 my titles, /a/
Yuuko Amamiya from EF
and Umaru
Centralize it a bit more and you're good.
Keep adding the other labels.
0/100 is Umaru.
Make the text a bit bolder, so it stands out against the pictures more. Either a garish border, or garish color
we need to agree on the titles first
Not him but what makes her 100/0?
my suggestions >>157721400
Cry Corner is great for High S low D.
Aren't these the ones that /co/ used? I think that we shouldn't use them.
Fuminori is S55 D95.
I wanted to add different colors for each title but I could put a red border in every title if you want to
Can you make two versions, one with text and one without?
1. Nah, how about "Comfy Corner"?
2. Pretty nice
3. I like this but it seems like an extreme S
4. Kek

5. I approve of this
6. How about "Passed life's tests"
7. Yes
8. "Life tested too hard"

9. "We piss off /a/"
10. Sure
11. I like this too
12. I feel like this could be better but I can't come up with anything better.
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I'll keep updating without titles and once we are done with the positions I'll add them so you guys can have both.
Meanwhile we can decide which titles will be used
If you guys have a better image for any character, I'll gladly change it
>1. Nah, how about "Comfy Corner"?
"Cinnamon Rolls" or "the Pastry Section"
Who's the billboard head at (65,95)
It's been years since I watched 02, what was the deal with Blackwargreymon?
Priscilla from Claymore
good question
You forgot to put Edward in the 50S25D slot. Master Asia is repeated.
Nice catch, I'll change it
Who's at (35, 15)? The picture is too dark to tell.
I still think that Kars should be moved over to the left one or two columns.
Why is it 100/100?
Muh Rome
YunYun from Konosuba
What do you guys think?
100S because Rome completely destroyed it 2-3(?) times and threw salt in their soil so nothing could grow back
No idea about the 100D
Consider >>157721823

Becuse it must fall.
So why isn't Hitler at 100/100?
>implying hitler suffered
So is Kyubey just going to stay there or will he ultimately go somewhere
In the final battle Carthage was so inferior that they were making bows with women's hair to defend themselves, they were annihilated
I'll try to move the characters around first and then put the titles, otherwise it'll be hard to move them
But I'll consider your suggestion
Shitty aztecs-tier horrific rituals. Also ancient Roman memes.

Jesus what did they do to piss off Rome that much? Was it seriously just the elephant prank?
Why is Anthy so high on the on the deserves scale? Not saying she should be on the really low values since she was complicit with Akio, but that's too high.

In the first place she took Dio away because he was suffering from too much demand. And the whole system was inherently bullshit anyway. It forces people into tiny role boxes. Then in Ohtori she was stuck in a mutual abuse cycle with all the hate in the world torturing her making her unable to face change.
Rome was just tsundere for Carthage-chan.
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Who is 100/100?
Is it (You)?
We could swap her with Zeref if you want, he did some bad things after all

Again, anyone against moving Kars 2 blocks to the left?
What's the rationale for moving Kars?

This was from last thread, I don't know if >>157722315 wants to add something but that's the only argument I've seen so far
Welp, I guess there's not much to change after all. This must really be it. Fuck those labels.

Thank you for your work, Chartfag. You did good.
Sounds good to me
I'd like it even lower but that swap is better than the current position yeah.

Didn't Zeref just happily get to heaven with his loli?
Senjougahara should be on the lower left, she suffered quite high (rape, and sexual harrasment, family selling her out).
Yeah, I am not sure if Zeref should be in the S100 anymore, he did get a (very) happy end.
Balrog and blue hair witch deserve less suffering than Quote and Blond robot?
Why? That makes little to no sense.
You could swap her with Master Therion, he did summon Cthullu fully aware that he was going to try to kill everything in the planet after all.
Who is at 100S0D?
Sorry for being new
It was already asked and answered in the thread.
What do you think? >>157723494
Alright changing Kars
Don't you mean top left?
I could move her up 1 block, Suiryu was only beaten badly but lived a very good life before that
Yuuko Amamiya
this was the third time I answered it, pls read the thread
This is the third time this has been asked in this thread
>Yuuko Amamiya
Literally who?
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Literally google it, you dumb idiot.
I did, and she's a nobody.
Why put her there?
Yeah I am okay as long as she is in the chart, thanks for the hard work!
This, I feel like a character everyone knows should be in a corner spot, that's how it is on every other board
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Added these changes
I think swapping Yuuko and Rika would be acceptable, since Higurashi is a well-known series.
I don't know half the characters and I still disagree. There's no point if it's all meme-of-the-season anime flooding the chart either. I'd rather if the characters are there from mostly an objective standpoint regardless of popularity.
Can we replace Kaneki with Mima
We're talking about the corner spots, not the whole board
Wait, every board do this?
why is adachi on there twice?
otherwise lovin it
Anyone else feel Polnareff should be higher on the suffering scale?
>his sister was raped and murdered
>got hypnotized by dio
>toilet shenanigans
>his friend ges stabbed in the back and shot in the head then dies
>got lied to and his friend didn't really die but was just unconscious
>now his friend dies for real by getting eaten by a ball of void
>his dog friend gets kicked to death
>his elder friend turns senile
>gets crippled by an angry punch from an op stand
>goes in hiding with an arrow for awhile with his wheelchair
>stand goes crazy with the arrow later
>gets his soul swapped with a turtle
>actual body dies and loses stand
>spirit is now trapped in said turtle
>other friend gets sliced by a gay priest
/co/ and /tv/ completed theirs, /v/ /a/ and /his/ are still doing it (we are close to finishing though)
/tg/s just started theirs.
He had it worse than Jonathan that's for sure
Unrelated question, Hitagi from Monogatari was mentioned but I can't find her, am I fucking blind?
I heard /sp/ was going to do one too but I'm not sure about it
We could move him 1-2 blocks up.
He certainly suffered more than RBS
You're not blind, took me 10 minutes squinting my eyes on the chart and couldnt see her
Where is Kyubey going to end up?
Why exactly does Slaine deserve suffering. Slaine did nothing wrong, and got NTRed in spite of that.

The only mistake he made was not dicking the sister.
Fuck I though Tsubasa was Hitagi
I guess Senjougahara isn't in
Kaneki would be a bad choice to remove, maybe we should find a character from an anime with 4-5 characters already in
He's in the bottom left, we couldn't reach an agreement about his position
AOT protag deserves more suffering for being a whiny annoying prick.
He's already near the murderers, that's enough D for him
He has many haters on /a/, somebody even wanted him on 80 20, which is bullshit.
We could move him 2 spots to the left
I'm sure he deserved it less than Lelouch

Again, anyone against moving Polnareff 2 blocks up?
Yeah, people argued about it

That would be good. I'm sure most will get sorted out if we do what that one anon suggested and compare characters that are next to each other, starting from the bottom left corner.
he got used to his meat vision and fucked saya everyday
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>if we do what that one anon suggested

>Pick a character
>Do they suffer more than the character below but less than the character above?
>Do they deserve it more than the character to the left but less than the character to the right?
>If yes to both, character is placed correctly in relation with its neighbors
>If not, change accordingly

>Then keep going until the chart starts making sense. Ideally, considering characters belong to different genres, suffering would be relative to the character and should be valued on how much of a big deal it is for him/her


Was.... /his/ basing this off real history, or how people perceive history?

Because Jesus Christ this is insanely biased and wrong on so many levels even when just considering the whole structure.
Yup, that's it
>Tougou and Karin are now both gone

Punpun needs to be further right.
>Kamina not in the high suffering low deserving corner
>People acknowledging Reki's existence
Slightly less trash chart
Jesus is something more like 50:5
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At least Sonoko is still in, and in a valuable spot

I did this >>157725643

Anyone have a good pic for yunyun? Otherwise I'll just get one from google
why would punpun deserve anything
I was talking about a lot of them, but in general Jesus would be a 50:50 generally.

Hell even from a christian standpoint he deserved what he got, he lived as a sinner, commited crimes, pissed off everyone, went against the major religion in the area, that to me even from a biased christian standpoint means he deserved it probably 100%, and in the end it was what was meant to happen preordained, he came here to "die for our sins" meaning he deserved suffering he got.

Though again maybe it's 0:100 since he's now essentially the king of the universe forever for a brief amount of torture he would forget in an infinitely small drop in an infinitely large ocean of time.

Not christian but generally the story i'd say a compromise would be 50:50.
Did you expect anything else?
>Jesus Christ
>lived as a sinner
Anon, please tell me you're not serious
Look at the people further right on the X-axis though, do you really think Jesus belongs there?
He should be moved down too. Having him on the same suffering level as Nagato looks weird.
Let's not discuss non/a/ here, that might get the thread deleted.
switch punpun with brook (was trapped 50 years alone in the middle of the sea) and then switch punpun with mikasa
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too bad. this is a christian imageboard,
you filthy pagan scum.

Sounds good, anyone against this?
Someone involved on the /v/ one make another thread for it
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Read the Bible before you spout your blasphemy, you heretic harlot.
Shoo shoo, /v/ermin.
Why don't you try asking on >>>/v/ ?
Where is Shiraume Ume, she definitely deserves a spot on the high D and low S
I think their chartanon gave up, I don't like their chart design too
Yeah, Punpun didn't suffer as much as the people in that range.
we just completed the chart though
Now we just need a green chart.
/b/ chart
>No Bento bitch
>No Kaori or anyone from Your lie in April
>No Clannad girls
>No Kanon
>No Umineko

This chart is actually trash
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>no Umineko

Did you even look at the chart?
>No Umineko
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We could start with this. Do you think this area is ok? Nothing stands out to me personally.
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Everything seems fine there. The SoL corner is pretty chill

How about this part?
Where is tomoya?
I'd swap Bakugou and Kirino maybe, but I dropped OreImo so I'd ask others.
I was thinking about putting yunyun one block up and Akko one to the left
What do you think?

I agree with bakugan going up
uh, Bakugou
Akko one to left is ok
>Suffering 70

Wow jail must suck.
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>No Atom, no Lupin, no Versailles, no Golgo, no Nausicaa

/a/ having no interest in the roots of the art I see.
You can suggest their place and then we can vote. After all we could have more meme-y characters as replacement, that is, if we agree on that.


>sayaka is still high suffering

So did we decide to abandon that issue or?
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Forgot the image
She went 1 block down, do you want her to go down more?
Wait let me get this straight bitch gets run over by a car and dies right before her happy end but then later on still gets it via supernatural bullshit. I fail to see how she suffered more then someone who's died a countless number of times in extremely brutal ways for pretty much no reason.

Drop her down to 50 or 40 or something and move everyone up one she shits all over the point of suffering part where she is now..
Is that Mr Braun five spots below her? You could switch them, I recall his life being pretty shit
I think Sakura and Archer should swap. She was sexually tortured everyday of her live from being five years old. I don't see how that's less suffering than just being a shitty superhero.
At least watch the anime, faggot
Archer spent an eternity murdering people even though his wish was to be able to finally save everyone. His suffering lasted a whole lot longer than Sakura's.
Polnareff is too far to the left. Too late though.
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Yes let's watching an entire anime for the sake of this thread. Great idea anon.

As it stands unless someone can explain to me what makes her so special I say both Rika and Angry Manjew are far more deserving of her spot.
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Can we change the space dandy image to this? Here he's actually in his usual outfit
>No, anon, I'm not looking for information, I'm looking to be spoon-fed information
Anyone against this?

We could swap him with chopper

You guys decide about Yuuko's position/Sakura and archer

Thanks, will change it
>anyone against this?

Yes. Mr. Braun had a crappy life, but I think Sakura turning into a witch takes the cake there.
I wouldn't really say that Braun has suffered that much
uh he's talking about sayaka
I'm ok with anything that involves moving Sakura farther to the right/lower.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry.
>I'm ok with anything that involves moving Sakura farther to the right/lower.
Maybe provide arguments for that? Because you just sound like a hater. Every time I visit these threads I see somebody bitching about the Madokas.
but sakura isn't a madoka
Compared to other characters on S65?
Hell, she's suffered even less than Kyoko and somehow is a spot above her. Having one shitty week is not equal to or worse than inadvertently killing your family and living a life of constant struggle to survive. If not five spots, she should at least be two lower
Oh fuck, I was reading the Sayaka discussion.
I don't disagree. I just don't think she should be dropped five spots. We should wait until we get to that section to discuss it in detail. We're still on the bottom rows.
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Sakura also murdered many many people. In her route she gets saved but there's no gaurantee that her route is canon, in the other routes her suffering could continue for an untold amount of time. Consider also that Sakura's suffering drover her insane while Archer's only caused extreme self loathing. Clearly she was more affected by her experiences.
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anything to change?
Renton did nothing wrong
>Maybe provide arguments for that? Because you just sound like a hater.

Shit he's on to me.

>Every time I visit these threads I see somebody bitching about the Madokas.

Also you're retarded.

But seriously Archer clearly suffered way more then Sakura. She was only raped for like a decade. He was forced to murder people for an eternity when all he wanted to do was save people.
She's only more effected because she has a child's willpower.

I think Nadeko should be pushed to the right of Aqua and the Haganai MC. Memes aside, neither of them threaten to murder/actually attempt to murder anyone.
What does Haruhi suffered from?
I think trying to kill your pastself to erase yourself from existence is a little past self-loathing anon.
Touma suffered a lot since he been sent to 100 billion phases of hell.

He should be at (40 deserve,100 suffering).
As much as I hate Asshime, she does get choked, shot and spends 2 years in a coma, so her suffering should be higher.

Otherwise, she spent her life living in luxury while her people suffered in poverty and she never addresses that, she always talks about MUH EARTH and is insanely oblivious to the people around her
Nice pun
I would swap Nandeko with the flan hair guy
switch aqua and haruhi
Haruhi didn't suffer, aqua suffered a lot in her fight with that slime
Actually I think she should be removed from the chart. She isn't a character memorable for her suffering or a memorable character at all, there's already Slaine from Aldnoah and it's not that popular of an anime to deserve 2 spots.
the Swede from Hell on Wheels
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I'm satisfied with that.
Switch Nyaa-tan with Akko on D:40 column. Akko hasn't had friends die yet.
Didn't we go through that block already?....
Well, anyone against this?
Nadeko suffering less than Haruhi doesn't seem right at all. Snake suffers a total mental breakdown that's not exactly painless.
>only one madoka-related issue left

Wonderful, they gave so many issues it should be named "Madoka vs /a/: the battle of suffering"
I wasn't here for it. Sorry Chartfag. Thanks for the work though.
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What the fug is (30,80)?
Replace with Death
Two words: Homura and Kyubey.
2 soul eater characters in
Yuuko Amamiya right? It would ruin the impact if you don't see for yourself. She's from ef. But view spoiler at your own discretion. I'd rather you watch the series though. You'll get a better idea than my summary.
>in church orphanage at very young age
>gets pushed away by only person she gets attached to there
>goes to a stepbrother
>everything is ok for a while
>stepbrother gets resentful that he's caring for a replacement sister and not the real thing
>starts abusing her
>stabs, cuts, bruises, burns, etc
>this goes on for years
>eventually decides to rape her on Christmas
>she wanted to save virginity for love
>she eventually runs into guy from orphanage in high school
>step brother starts abusing and raping her more since he's a teacher and knows what's going on
>gets guy from orphanage to fall in love and confess
>eventually reveals her past to guy and shows her scarred battered body and starts going bananas and listing when and how each wound came from
>guy tries to confront brother but gets ass kicked and death threatened
>they both try eloping
>brother finds them pretty easily and continues to break guy's spirits
>brother takes girl back and eventually snaps and burns his house and himself with it
>girl finally free
>spend time watching over orphans and living life
>about to spend Christmas with love
>waits for him with scarf as present but gets hit by shitty Japanese driver and bleeds to death at church
>spends a decade or so as holy church ghost waiting for that time they were supposed to share on Christmas
>apparently this is the toned down anime version

This is the best summary I can offer from what I remember. It might be spot on or it might be missing some details. People say that her life was even worse in the VN if you could imagine. I don't know the details though. Oh and the guy I mentioned is 2 blocks below on the chart. He has his own suffering too.
Meant to reply to this
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Alright, how about this then?
That is just sad. No wonder she is where she is.
I see asura, who's the other?
Eren should be lower on the suffering scale. Also why isn't Guts the one to have deserved it the less?
So then I say Sakura should just be moved into the spot next to Archer, S90 D 45
I think there's no way sakura deserved her suffering more than Archer seeing as it started before she could even speak or think for herself. Archer's own choices led him to his fate, even if it was disproportional to his actions.
guts killed someone when he was a child
angra mainyu and yuuko deserved it even less than him
She deserved it based on her actions during Heaven's Feel. If you take a look at some of the other characters, the actions that made them deserve it come long after their suffering, Griffith for example.
That doesn't make sense either. So suffering is measured by amount of times they died? By that logic all characters who haven't died or don't have extra continues or lifetimes or whatever shouldn't be anywhere near the top.
To be honest the magical negro and Gambino deserved it.
How is it fair that she is punished for actions that were caused by insanity she developed due to the punishment.?? Also it's not very clear if her actions were due to her own agency or due to the grail/Angra Mainyu's influence
How so? Did you read his manga?
His wife literally gets fucking jellyfied in front of him and he was starving on the street most of his early life. He ends up as fucking livestock for SERN. He also betrays Suzuha without knowing it and realizes when it's too late.
How is that not suffering very much? I don't know about comparisons but he certainly did suffer a bit. Also animefags got a completely neutered telling of his story.
Seems good
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Its very clear. Kotomine, who has also had close contact with Angra Mainyu, states very clearly that she is acting under her own accord.
Why the fuck is Dr. Light at 25D? He was at fault for half of everything.
I'm still disappointed with Erika's removal. She got called an unimportant side character, even though that's obviously not true, and then got replaced.
the main problem with erika wasn't her importance but the fact that she couldn't be correctly placed in the chart so op put her on a spot with high S/high D which is not true
Bertolt and Yukio should be higher and lower on suffer, no? Also what the fuck did Pakunoda do wrong? I don't see Kurapika.
Yeah. I remember not wanting to watch anymore after that certain revelation. I I wasn't prepared. It's a little campy at times but not bad of a series. I recommend watching them. But fuck I wanted these two to be happy. If I was Yuu (0, 90) I would have killed myself.
>swallowed by the mud
Just like Saber and Berseker who turned into completely existences after exposure to the grail's contents? Also the end of Heavens Feel contradicts Kirei because Shiriou stabs sakura with oathbreaker causing her to return back to normal. Clearly Mainyu was influencing her actions. Kirei is known for playing mindgames with people, he could just be latching onto a small grain of truth and inciting Sakura to overthink it. Which would make sense as it would worsen her mental state and accelerate ths birth of Angya Mainyu(I really can't spell that name gomen)
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Changes applied
>I don't see Kurapika.
Whether or not she's being manipulated, she's still doing what she wanted. All the corruption did was give her the means to accomplish her goals. Angry Manjew gave her the push, but she still committed mass murder and did nothing to restrain herself.

ChartAnon, can Touma increase it (40/100) at least?
Chill, we'll get there at some point.
It's better. I would have placed Nadeko at around S25, at least, but that's just me.

I just find the comparative suffering really out of whack in several places on the overall chart. Satoshi & Bert both at 30 for instance. Or Luluco all the way up at S45 when she just suffered puppy love & then gets a happy ending. Or Hisoka having a ball but apparently suffering as much as Gendo. But if you listened to the likes of me, the chart would never get finished.
Akko did nothing wrong.
>high D
Unless you haven't read Umineko, you should know why Erika's generally hated/loved and considered a great villain. Sure, she doesn't work on global scale as let's say Dio, but does that make her less deserving?

>high S
I agree that this is questionable, but it seems people always forget the whole getting left in the void by her master thing, which especially for Erika, had to be far worse than death. I'd place her lower than she used to be, but she undeniably went through suffering.
The fact that she would never have done those things if she hadn't suffered still stands. Regardless of how much angry mayo influended her actions,(which is reallly unclear) she was punished as a complete innocent. It's like locking someone up and torturing them and when they go crazy and hurt someone or something you use that as justification for locking them up in the first place.
Mikoto should not be higher than Accelerator. Who is the memelord that came up with that? She had one arc where she broke down and quickly returned to prancing around in her usual adventures.
Accelerator literally went through hell and back in WW3 to save his loli and got shit thrown his way ever since he was a kid. Mikoto should be 50 at best and I'd bump Accelerator up to 75/80 or higher, suffering wise.
why would touma even be s100?
By that logic, Griffith barely deserves any of his suffering.
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I really don't understand the placement of many of the philosophers/authors on this chart, maybe I'm just missing out on some elaborate /his/ memes though.

Who's the disfigured man on 95/55?
Seems odd to have Erika when not even Battler or Beato are on there, when they're the main characters of Umineko.
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>Regardless of how much angry mayo influended her actions,(which is reallly unclear)
>Misaka suffering less than accelerator
are you trying to bait?
For spending a time longer than the universe exists for being tortured until he was on the blink of death before being brought back just go through it all over and over again, presumably. I'd leave him at 95 though, it was an absurd amount of suffering, but it still wasn't eternal and ended at one point.
Not that guy, but she has a single incident with Accelerator and that was his life. She suffered for what maybe a week?
No. Have you actually read the LN?
The normally happy people are all hugging the bottom two rows and the rest is just increasing degrees of suffering. Nice.
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what do you guys think?
Any change?
0 deserved pizza loli should be higher
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>deserving ANY suffering
Shit list
I wouldn't put in Beato, but I agree with Battler. Instead of Beato I'd go with Yasu. Not that anyone's getting in at this point. I was complaining about Erika because she got in and was removed for a shallow reason.
I think Job Trunhit should be lowered in suffering, but probably kept at the same level of D. He managed to weasel his way out of a lot of trouble and only bit off more than he could chew at the very end.
I'm not sure Ohgi is there for meme status but if not he should probably be a bit lower than 100. He's a moron mostly, but in the end he was just listening to an enemy prince throw suspicions on his leader. Dumb, but not really evil or deserving of suffering as high as most
Who would you change Mikoto with to make her go down?
Why is Dandy so high on the D scale again?
Honestly, Momoka shouldn't be that high on deserve. She didn't really do anything to deserve snek levels of suffering. Whoever placed her at 100 initially was probably insane.
Do give the reasons at least. Anon.

I don't know who that is
Satou from Ajin literally murdered thousands of people with zero regards to anyone's life because he's simply treating life as a game. Back when he still was an american soldier he fucked over an entire operation in Vietnam on purpose to "make it more thrilling and entertaining" and now that he's immortal he's treating life as a NG+ as he plays terrorist and tries to fuck over Japan and the world for a high score. He deserved more than 75 for sure, maybe switch him with Adachi?
Wouldn't it be the opposite? That you have to give reasons for why someone deserves the suffering? The absence of reasons to deserve suffering would be the argument
Who would we put in his place?
We need someone very bad
I'd put her where the HOPE guy is right now, whatever that white haired dude from danganronpa is called.
The Ohgi meme is powerful. If you're going to use that logic, Umaru would lose her place of honour as well, yet I wouldn't move her from it for anything.

Who is S100, D85? I know that she is from Heavy Object. I haven't read the novel. Why is she in that position?
I don't know who would go there, it's just that "Dude your leader is brainwashing you" "Shit maybe he's right" seems like a shit reason to be at 100.
Yeah if it's a meme it's fine, I was just unsure if it was meant to be serious
You don't know who Griffith is? And you're in this thread?

Refer to >>157729873
Trunhit propogated wars that killed millions of people and used space-kkk to beat up political opponents, then when his faction was about to lose he defected to the enemy and helped repress his home nation. In the end he was shot by a dying officer out of spite. That was basically the only time he suffered in the whole series.
See >>157719176
Alright guys, which one of them deserves a 100?
Since Ohgi will go down a few blocks on D we need a high deserving character
I actually think that the knowledge that he will always be placed in those sorts of situations in the future should bump him up. Since his personality and his power prevent him from ever finding relief. Though I think 95 is adequate, should a 100 slot around his area of deservedness go free then he should be the prime candidate for moving up.
Am I blind and can't see Makoto from School Days?

That guy is the pinnacle Got Suffering and Deserved It
>the knowledge that he will always be placed in those sorts of situations in the future should bump him up.
Eh, as he says to his dad in Angel Fall we shouldn't assume that he wouldn't want to be in those situations to save people regardless though.
Maybe switching Nadeko and Momoka. What did Momoka even suffer besides a comedic rape from Urara? While Nadeko is way below Cat and Math in suffering, she still had a pretty dysfunctional family and unhealthy lifestyle and relationships until she was a late teenager.
Yeah, you're blind buddy.
Kenshin being 65/35 is a crime he had the remaining people that even cared alittle for him brutally slaughtered right in front of him when he was small child and even then decided to even all who died even the murderers a grave.
Iok at S10 is too low. Being humiliated at every turn and dying like a bitch is merits a 25, at least.
>haruko was moved back to zero suffering
fuck off whoever did this
ambiguous, the girl or the fat lady?
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About the Mikasa problem, would this solve it?
If anyone disagree with this, it won't be done

Guys please focus on the block we can do the rest later
Probably the same reason Kikyou suffered more than Punpun or Zeref more than Skull Knight. Even though we know close to none about SK.
Seems fair enough
>nazis and jews right next to each other
you can't really have it both ways
That is a fair level, yes

His suffering still goes on after that infinite hell of going through 100 billion of phrases. His everyday life is a misfortune. He isn't getting any break.

That is the reason of why I put him at s100.
This process is making me question what it means to suffer and what it means to deserve it. For example, is Salaryman Tanya really suffering or is she having the time of her second-chance life without consciously acknowledging it?
>he lived as a sinner and commited crimes from a christian standpoint
What fucking shit are you on because I don't want it.
>went against the major religion in the area
Oh. Someone took the pagan larper coolaid.
As others have pointed out he gets better though and he doesn't mind the daily misfortune as much as he lets on. I wouldn't put him on the same level as people like Guts and Angra Manyu. 95 is fine
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Is this ok?
Problem is Ohgi suffered basically nothing so he shouldn't move up on that in the slightest. Leaving him there is fine if it's for the memes
I'm fairly sure he only said that to his dad to ease his guilt. It's the fact that he has a personality that cannot ignore those sorts of situations combined with an ability that manipulates fate to put those situations in front of him that's the problem. Even if he is suffering willingly to save someone, you can be sure that he'd rather that situation had never occurred in the first place.
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is this better? Genthru was a psychopath, seems fair for D100
I wouldn't mind Satou at 100D, but that way his S would seem too low (and Ohgi's too high, too)
Even if it's for the memes he only looks bad at the later part of the stories.
If you do ask me, maybe I would replace him with Gian instead.

I agree on this.
Honest question here.
Mikan from Danganronpa is stuck at 85 suffering, and while i agree she suffered, i feel shes too high.
also i believe there was some sort of consensus on that you didnt suffer that much if it was a happy ending? was some fuss about kumagawa essentially suffering a lot but due to having a happy ending he ended lower? because theres alot of "winners" on the high suffering chart still
How is Hyoudou worthy of S20? The most he ever suffered was losing a bit of money and staying up past his bedtime.
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>Happy ending
>Even if he is suffering willingly to save someone, you can be sure that he'd rather that situation had never occurred in the first place.
Well actually we recently confirmed that he enjoys saving people to an extent. He doesn't wish for them to happen per se but he does want to save people. Regardless as I said he's got a decent life all things considered past his hell, so he shouldn't be at full suffering like people who knew nothing but torture all their lives like Manjew.
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...how about this then
that was the argumentation of the thread at the time. he used to be higher up on the list but people kept trying to move him down for that very reason
we already umaru as a meme there

Again, if no one is against this >>157730138
I'll do it
I'd leave Ohgi as is since it's a meme. If you were going to move him to as far as he actually deserves we'd be talking down to 40 or so after all, not worth it.
Looks good
>moving rem
I don't envy you the shitstorm you're about to get
meh, alright won't move him.
Is it possible to bring Momoka to 35, 40, or 45? She's literally a CGDCT character.
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Can we get anime pictures in for the Koe no Katachi characters? Ueno's at S20 D55.
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And Kawai's at S5 D65
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Sorry to be so late on this but I feel that Aiko is more deserving of Punpun's spot than he is.

Unless I'm blind and missed her in the chart
In the next thread we can check if the change is possible, I don't know if the other anons agree and they're gone now
Just remind me about it in the next thread
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Yuno should have move after this incident.
>Karin is kill
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