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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 184

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You know, 17 was already stronger than Goku when he was first introduced in the Cell Saga, why is him being able to be around god level after a decade later bad?

Frieza was able to rival gods after 4 months of training, and HE was weaker than 17.
That's a nice ass 17 has there.
Super doesn't make sense anon. JUST TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF
how is that foreshadowing, it's just a parallel between freeza and frost
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When will we see our bro Beerus kick some more ass?
we need more dragon ball rpgs
Funny how people bitched and called GT trash because of things like 17+17 being able to stand up to SS4. Now 17 fighting on par with SSB after training with poachers in DBS is being fiercely defended.

>Android 17 + Android 17 (with a trenchcoat!)=SS4

>The power-scaling in GT bothered me a lot
>Two Android 17's >= SS4 Goku

>Two Android 17's > SS4

>Extreme power discrepancies, like Super 17's existence and Base Kid Goku being stronger than SS4 Goku at times

>Super 17 >= SS4 Goku

>At least DBS is much more consistent in terms of power-scaling than GT
>Two Android 17's >= SS4 Goku
Because Freeza had the excuse of being the first one to randomly get stronger than everybody else off-screen. Any time after that, there is no more tolerance for it and rightly so.

Also, it at least somewhat made sense. He was a prodigy among prodigies and a complete genetic freak from the get-go. No training at all and he was the strongest guy in the universe outside of Beerus and Buu. 17 had a fixed level of strength that was installed into him by Gero. It logically makes no sense for him to get any stronger unless he did some Genos-type shit and upgraded.

Aside from that, all he's been doing is hitting poachers. That sucks dick as an explanation for how he got so strong, especially knowing what Goku went through for all those years.

It's just bad writing.
>not including the theme
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Foreshadowing for Frost becoming evil and Freeza a good guy in the ToP arc
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>sped up
>shit quality
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#17 and #18 are not cyborgs, they are closer to Captain America and Wolverine. Only their bombs are mechanical, all the rest is biological.
Those must be over 9000 poachers
Even watching paint dry would be fun if you did that.
>17 had a fixed level of strength that was installed into him by Gero
This is headcanon and Toriyama has stated that the Androids can train to get stronger just like anyone else.
>#17 and #18 are not cyborgs
That is literally and objectively false.
never actually noticed how the song criticize politicians/dictators/system, never got the analogy
with Freeza, thought it was just a song for him, pretty cool to be honest
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Is it perfect time?
I know people are going to defend this, so I'll say it right now: Don't.

Both Goku and 17 were holding back, sure. But there's still a problem here: There is no visible 'Gap' between the two. If they were both holding back yet were seemingly equal? Then that means 17 is still somehow stronger than a Goku who has:

Trained 7 years in otherworld
Absorbed the Power of SSG
Fought a GoD and lived to talk about it
Fought Golden Frieza, who was as strong as a form several times stronger than SSG
Trained for 3 years in the RoSaT
Got his ass handed to him by Hit
Received numerous zenkais over the Black Arc
Fought an insanely powerful Fusion that only got fucked up because Black and Zamasu weren't compatible. Had they been, then they would have been truly fucked through and through.
Became x10 stronger: proven by Goku overpowering Hit without the need of Kaioken x10. Hit wasn't holding back either, the dude was going all out like he promised he would. Fucker killed Goku, which is quite the feat.

All 17 has done is:
Range a fucking park for a decade or more.
Give some energy to the Genki Dama to destroy Majin Buu.

That's fucking it.
It's illogical and stupid as shit.
It's plot convenience and it's garbage. They could've at least fucking explained it.

Despite all of this, this dumb ass motherfucker is like:
Toei what the fuck are you doing???
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Not hyped yet?
Or watching TFS

or most things on youtube, really.
I can't say how relieved I am that others in this thread are calling out Super for being the complete clusterfuck it is.

Every goddamn episode, some completely unnecessary inconsistency or character-derailing moment is thrown in for shits and giggles. It feels like Toei and/or Toriyama are TRYING to shit on their own series.

Power scaling is all over the damn place, you literally can't even make a solid guess on how strong half the cast is. Piccolo and Frieza get some of the most ridiculous boosts in the entire series. "But if Frieza did it, why can't anyone!?"

Goku becomes a completely unbearable cunt with no personality aside from annoying fight junkie, and suddenly, "muh original japanese goku, not meant to be a hero"

He's always been a flawed dipshit, but in the original manga, he showed plenty of examples of wanting to defend others. Flawed judgement/bad decisions=/=complete apathy

All I want to do is punch DBS Goku in the goddamn face, but he'd probably love that, too.

And that's just the tip of the goddamn iceberg.

>inb4 GT

It's shit, too. But I'll give it one thing, its characters didn't look like cardboard cutouts in every other shot.
>#17 and #18 are not cyborgs
>Only their bombs are mechanical
>all the rest is biological
please go back to neoseeker forums
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>>this redditspacing
You have to go back.
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It's not foreshadowing if it only exists in the manga.

Meaning this was never in Toriyama's script...unless Toyo knows something Toriyama doesn't
Still funny.
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>#17 and #18 are not cyborgs
Anon you know shit about enhanced humans.
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>its characters didn't look like cardboard cutouts in every other shot.

No, they instead looked like weird Hong Kong bootleg versions because of GT's horrid style.
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Are Friezafags Gilcucks?
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Are you gonna start autisticly post this in every thread?

17 in GT never said anything about continuing to train. As far as we could tell, he had the same strength as he did during the Cell Saga.

17 in Super got stronger, and he explained that he was training.

Not only did 17 continue to train in DBS, SSB Goku can control his strength because of SSB's perfect ki control

GT's 17 didn't say anything about training, and two of them were inexplicably stronger than SS4
Is Adam Jensen from the Deus Ex series a cyborg or a Android?
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what the fug freezler I'm not ok with this
When they spice things up with another movie.
I agree with everything you just said. Lets just enjoy Super for what it is..........mediocre
>people thinks that they aren't cyborgs because they were improved "at cellular level"

So they think Cell wasn't an android because it was biological?
Quick, use the swastika stance!
is the animation quality better in BDs?
I know they fixed up some shit in saiyan god arc but did they reanimate shit in other arcs too?
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> Defending the worst Saga in the worst DB show
>Lets just enjoy Super for what it is
You wish.

>It's not foreshadowing if it only exists in the manga.
How your brain work?
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>17 in GT never said anything about continuing to train. As far as we could tell, he had the same strength as he did during the Cell Saga.
>GT's 17 didn't say anything about training, and two of them were inexplicably stronger than SS4

Wrong, one of the 17 was modified by Dr Gero(the person who created him) and Dr. Myuu(another Genius creator). This 17 fused with the other one.

>17 in Super got stronger, and he explained that he was training.
Yeah by beating up regular humans, wow.

>SSB Goku can control his strength because of SSB's perfect ki control
Pic related also 17 was holding back aswell.
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Would you drink her fluids?
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You called?

May blessings be upon you, fellow soldiers of Lord Frieza.
>worst DB show

See: >>157704668
Liking GT is one thing, an opinion I can accept but not agree with, however thinking that it's better than Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z is another thing entirely.
Whenever these dudes get to kick ass too.
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>Cellfags still THIS salty
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I'd drink her fucking sweat if I could hit that in return
Nope, I just find it funny how people were shitting on GT because of shit writing regarding Super 17's powerup, while these same people damage control the shit out of DBS for doing the same probably even worse.

I still prefer DBS over GT.
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A cute!
>responding to himself after no one replied
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If liking GT makes you a Pedro, what does liking Super make you?
Will the GoDs actually finally see some action? I've been waiting for this for quite a while myself, but they're just there, lingering in the background.
will TOEI give Frost a golden transformation or a silver one?
>gilfags this stupid

UNRIVALED is the one with a limitless sword and Impossible stances.
A normal, functioning human being.
>insert wall of text about bad pacing, poorly written one dimensional characters, how there's no actual feeling of anything at stake, missed opportunities, inconsistencies, artificial romance, the fact it's hard to care about any of the characters we once loved because they're portrayed so badly
Silver would be inferior, I'd rather diamond or platinum
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>Will the GoDs actually finally see some action?
A faggot
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fucking fujos man, you guys never cease to amaze me with your blatant refusal of straightness
a Jamal
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GT Pros:
> Japanese OST

GT Cons:
>Keeping Goku a kid throughout the series
>First saga = poor attempt to mimic Dragon Ball's feeling of adventure
>Random minion "stronger than Majin Buu!"
>Pan in general
>Android 17 + Android 17 (with a trenchcoat!)=SS4
>SS4 isn't a natural progression from SS3. You can skip from SS1 to SS4 if you can control G.Oozaru
>SS4 Goku's magic pants. Also why is Goku ONLY an adult as SS4?
> SS4 Vegeta's Supet Mullet
>Becoming Golden Oozaru because of "blutz waves" is stupid
>Trunks was lame.
>Trunks was also hurt from a car crash
>Goten was a complete shit character
>So was Marron. Shit and useless.
>Bra, with her being the daughter of Vegeta and Saiyan heritage, never fought. Also shit character.
>Uub, the second coming of Goku, was shit
> Uub also jobbed after fusing with Buu
>No adult Gotenks, not like it matters because Trunks/Goten individually were ruined.
> Old Kai being able to pull out Goku's tail with tweezers came out of nowhere.
> Why didn't Old Kai mention this in the Buu Saga?
>Pan not becoming SS. But Goku Jr does.
>Piccolo was basically absent. Except when they killed him off.
>Same with Krillin
>Was Tien even in GT?
>Gohan's loss of Mystic wasn't explained
>Gohan supposedly continued training, but was completely useless
>Kid Goku's base form = SS3 Buu Saga Goku
>Despite that, Kid Goku cannot hold SS3 for a decent time
>Kid Goku beating Freeza & Cell at the same time, base form, with a stick
>SS4 Goku cannot beat Super 17, but Base Kid Goku can in one shot
>SS4 Goku cannot tank a ki blast from Omega, but Base Kid Goku can
>7 Shadow Dragons, basically only Goku fights
>GT stands for "Goku Time". Fuck everyone else.
>SS4 Vegeta was useless
>Vegeta in general was useless. Except for his body being used by a villain.
> Vegeta couldn't even beat un-fused Android 17
>Final villain was bland, lame, and had a boring personality and terrible design
>The realization that as Dragon ball continued in series it got worse and worse
That was like over 60 episodes ago, something new would help
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1 more day before her popularity skyrockets
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No rebuttal huh? >>157704689
Top kek
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Why is Deku such a ningen?
That doesn't even make sense anon
Are you really just posting the same exact response from last thread, faggot?

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do saiyans even sweat? They can breathe in space and they have never been shown sweating in the entire series unlike human scum
>Are you really just posting the same exact response from last thread, faggot?
You mean exactly like you? Yeah.

See >>157700024
By training he didn't mean beat up poachers. He probably did the same thing everyone else does when training by themselves. And since his body has been enhanced his potential might be far above everyone else's.
they have gotten so lazy that her body almost looks like a stick figure with hair drawn on
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Her torso is way too slim
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I'm hoping they do since I've been waiting too. Surely they'd know people would want to see them smash shit, especially after all their reveals, so it's a matter of time.
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>that puny pathetic aura compared to Vegeta's

Caulifla will be Namek SSJ Goku level lol

>add in the fact that villains like Cell and Frieza were only there for comical relief/Goku bashing purposes.
>Nappa barked like a fucking God before Vegeta killed him again, acting all smug before inevitably jobbing to fucking unfused 17
>17 actually being a villain who would willingly submit to Gero's and Myu's wiles
>Baby being a poor man's Frieza
>Gohan and Goten being literally worse than jobbers
>Trunks being a whiny bitch
>Pan's autistic screeching
>Bulma looking like Hillary Clinton, Chichi and Videl looking like old grandmothers
>Gohan being a massive faggot
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Caulifla is going job harder than Vegeta ever did
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>they have never been shown sweating in the entire series
Anon have you ever watched/read DB before?
the new symbol of the alt right
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cabba still waiting for that juice
>Comparing a high budget movie to Philippines Toei sweatshop stillframe
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>all these responses to the same post from cauliflafag
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Goddamnit I honestly thought I had avoided you

Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z had constant moments of the characters we were supporting feeling outmatched and trying their hardest to to win, attempting to outsmart their opponent in the process too and unwillingly working together with what was still deemed to be their enemy or even nemesis.

Right now Dragon Ball Super is just "Here's a reason here's a training session in a time bubble of some sort, here's a fight repeated over and over again."

I've posted a lot several months ago about how dull the characters are and how they just all magically get along with each other, with the biggest disagreement so far being "I don't feel like it, I have other things to do or I don't care".

Part of Dragon Ball was the tension even amongst the main cast, that none of them were fully reliable, that there were several parties all fighting to achieve the same goal but there was one big bad with an edge over the others. This kinda started fizzling out during the Cell saga, and was pretty much gone by the time Vegeta blew himself up during the Buu arc.

I really fucking enjoyed that, I really fucking enjoyed Vegeta's Final Flash and conning Perfect Cell into standing in place after realizing how much he had fucked everyone and himself over by allowing him to reach perfection, I mean yes there were certain parts that I refused to accept like a fucking Cell Jr dissipating his Final Flash like it was nothing. That was bullshit.

Gimme a breather, I mean do you really want to hear me rant more? I'll probably go off on a tangent on how much I love the original Dragon Ball series.

Z had its shitty moments (5 minutes etc), but when there were good moments, they were really fucking good - Super hasn't had any good moments that have made me really shit myself in excitement and yell "YES, THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME".

Once Super gives me several moments of Holy Fuck I just creamed myself then I will give Super a better opinion.
I pulled Vegito Blue and Merged Zamasu in 137 stones. How good are they Dokkan fellows?
Made me giggle
>trying this hard
Vegetable didn't deserve this
>tfw you will never impregnate a toph
Smugpup can you and Cauliflafag kill yourselves?
>And since his body has been enhanced his potential might be far above everyone else's.
Then why isn't 18 in the same boat?
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>Are Friezafags Gilcucks?
>tfw you're found out
>tfw it's a Cellcuck anyway and you will never be as salty as he is
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>Super hasn't had any good moments that have made me really shit myself in excitement and yell "YES, THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME".
Not even this? :^)
>>Super hasn't had any good moments that have made me really shit myself in excitement and yell "YES, THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME".

>Super hasn't had any good moments that have made me really shit myself in excitement and yell "YES, THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME".

If you didn't lose your shit when Goku went Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken against Hitto (no matter how retarded this seems to be right now) you are no dragon ball fan.
Is it me or does Cauli look like fan-art who made it into an anime. What's with her hips and waist?
Please I already have a log up my ass talking about why Super disappoints me.
She looks like a Xenoverse created character.
Then stop watching it and get a fucking life?
No I didn't, because it wasn't anything new, it was just "Oh, neat, they're doing this again, nice to see they remember but it's not anything new, and there wasn't any build up to it".
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It's not fair it was supposed to be HIS turn!
Watch out, he's going to say he invested so much of his precious time on it so he can't stop watching.

She basically has U16Bra's SSJ hair
so /a/, how much did you lose your shit when you first heard of the Frieza thing?
Unrelated but I've never met Gilfag who wasn't a pretentious jackass, that's probably why they like him so much so they can pretend they're him.
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Right here anon
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>If you didn't lose your shit when Goku went Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken against Hitto
Lame as shit.
I didn't give a shit to be honest anon
This is how much we know you're a newfag, namefagging cunt.
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I am here. Eagerly awaiting the return of Lord Frieza.
Actually, both her and Kale look like they're from Fusions for the 3DS as characters with different names.
Lucky too bad you cant get Vegito dokkaned cause they forgot to bring his event back.
It comes on 30 minutes after a far superior show that I AM invested in watching.
She didn't train for 10 years and Gero made her weaker.
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Stay delusional.
>at this point goku and vegeta should be so strong with ssb that they could kill her just by looking at her
>but it's okay because they'll hold back
>what does liking Super make you?
Someone with incredible bad taste or low standards.

What do you mean? I always used this name, you fucking autist.
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>had to go on mobile
>20 year difference
>animation gets worse
A patrician.
Why does Boogie Back exist? It does NOT sound like it belongs in a Dragon Ball anime... wtf
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>I always used this name
>also proud of namefagging on an anonymous board
Right here and ready for Lord Freeza to humiliate me.
>Smug Moe rebuttal

Kill yourself
Like with most things.
>after a far superior show that I AM invested in watching.
Which is?
Shit taste.
You can say that about all the songs in Super.
Super is a bigger pedro show than GT.

>gods and recolor and shitty animation
90% of the show looks like some kid badly cropped a picture of goku and frieza and edited hair and colors to make new characters.
No actual rebuttal was needed since you going on mobile to avoid your samefagging was pretty fucking obvious, Cauliflafag.
I love you for posting this anon, SSJ4 felt so weak getting shit on by school shooter 17
And after that you still spend a whole week complaining about having a log stuck up your ass over said 30-minute-long episode.
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I can't wait.
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If you're still debating powerlevels/powerscaling, fuck off. Why fuck off? If the producer of the god damned show doesn't care about consistency, then that's it, it's done. The arguments are fucking dead.

Is SSB Goku holding back? Against Krillin? Yeah, it's obvious Krillin can't hold his own against Base Goku alone, this was already proven.

Is SSB Goku holding back against 17? Fuck no. It's obvious with all the Hype they had around 17, they intended for him to be near that level. This SSB Goku which went through hell and earth against Goku Black and Zamasu, fought a God-Level version of his race's killer, and has even fought a God Of Destruction and lived to tell the tale, struggled against a park ranger.

Quit arguing it, quit acting as if you can PROVE anything about ANYONE anymore. The shit I said about Krillin?? I could be fucking WRONG. If the producer doesn't care at all then obviously neither should you. Arguing endlessly is pointless.

Protip: Nobody is forcing you to watch the show. It may suck now, but if it stresses y'all out to the point where you have to blow up countless threads full of the same, spiteful shit; """""grown adults""""" who can't handle cartoons? Then you should stop watching it, seriously.

I myself am loving it, because I also don't give a shit what happens as long as it's cool as fuck. (Of course I, nor anyone wants anymore extreme situations like the ones we've had, especially if they're poorly animated or written as bad or worse.)

tl;dr: Literally nothing you debate about DBS powerscaling issues can be proven. So stop wasting hours trying to prove random anons on 4chan wrong when they can easily just fucking ignore you, lol.
It's pretty sad you assert this belief this hard.
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saiyan girls shouldn't be anorexic they are suppose to be a warrior race
Agreed. 100% not a fan of "God" or "Super God" 'transformations'
Of course, but Cauliflafag doesn't have standards.
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>saiyan girls shouldn't be anorexic they are suppose to be a warrior race

But so many people bitched about Kale being too muscular, so now we have noodle arms Caulifla
I mean, you can say it about Z too.


And Kai


GT too.


Dragon Ball as well


With that said, I do actually like all of these songs.
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Because I care about Dragon Ball. If I didn't have so much respect for the Toriyama I used to know, I would've happily thrown Super into the trash despite its convenient timeslot. Yeah sure rip on me for actually giving a shit about what's largely considered easy access trash tier normie anime, but that's how I feel about it.
>There is one person in this thread so incredibly autistic that he believes anyone who likes Caulifla is one person

Seek help
>so many people bitched about Kale being too muscular, so now we have noodle arms Caulifla
I wouldn't rule out legendary rule 63 not being Broly with tits, and not the good rule 63 one thats been floating around made by the fanbase, I mean, brollys head on a very manly womans body.
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>cauliflafag whiteknighting himself
He's too broken. He can just HAKAI everything now.
>bad pacing,
Except it's way better than DBZ in that regard.
Frieza! I'm coming for you, you murderous self-serving traitor! It's over!
I'm pretty sure I've seen an image from a magazine that stated 17 is the weaker Cyborg.
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Shut up, i like my girls skinny
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kid torankusu sword.jpg
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Me too anon

Reminder that saiyans are jews:

few in numbers, black haired, superior powerlevel/iq
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>TFW somebody saves your post
What the fuck, why was Dragon Ball always filled with such girly pop songs?
Frieza was the jew.
Saiyans were black.
>superior powerlevel
Jews use other people to fight, so that one doesn't really work.
How much you guys want to bet with me that those Roshi scenes in the last episodes (with Yurin and Puar) will be erased when they get dubbed in USA?
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Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
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Time to get BTFO Cauliflafag samefag

Dirty monkeys aren't beautiful.
Caulifla looks like one of those girls that get addicted to waist training and go way too far
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Have you ever been so ignored that you samefagged yourself 3 times?
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You Dragon Ball fags still don't know what true suffering is. You haven't tasted real disappointment. Your suffering and bitching is small time.
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>implying cauliflafag won't change IPs to vote for his love-boner for such a shit character


Spotted the GT-loving Pedro.
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Zamasu Portals.png
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Reminder this shit was hype and 1000 times better than purple Bio-Broly arm.

Janemba didn't use portals like this.
time to get rigged
>Saiyans were black
So this is why Toriyama named Goku Black?
So the namefag is also Cauliflafag oh it makes sense now.
So why make a strawpoll in the first place, ningen?
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>desperate samefag attack
>it's super effective
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Cauliflafag is coming full force with rigging. It's as bad as his samefagging.
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>thinking the fridgefucker is a monkeylover
How adorable.
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What the fuck is even happening here?
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>pedro STILL accusing everyone that remotely likes Cauli to be the same person
You swift between being a namefagging freezafag, to zamasufag, and finally cauliflafag to make your samefagging less obvious.
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I miss them...
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autist are mad people like Caulifla, so he assumes everyone who likes what he doesn't like is a samefag

despite being clearly wrong

>muh IP switch

The excuses will never end
Average day on the dragon ball generals
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Allah Head ch'Allah.jpg
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Truly the most enlightened poster.
>those timestamps
At least wait 3 minutes before immediately deciding to samefag again.
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don't remind me
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Ningen tears.png
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I'm not even her. See >>157706744
Cry some more.
>I'm not even her.
You're not helping your case here, Cauliflafag.
His face looks weird there
>Saiyans get stronger every time you beat them
Does this also mean a saiyan's pussy gets tighter every time you rape her?
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super animation.gif
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>inb4 pedro meme, I hate both gt and super equally

Super Pros:

Super Cons:
>Making Goku a fucking retard compared to his: -DB self(age 15+), his Buu arc counterpart, Z movies counterpart, GT counterpart, and even the Super Manga counterpart.
>First two sagas literally shitty retelling of two decent movies, except with worse animation and a budget of 10 cents.
>Angry Vegeta surpasses SSJ3 Goku
>"not even merging can beat him !"
>Gods out of toriyama's ass
>Hold hands to become stronger than all past enemies and make Vegettto and Buuhan look like children.
>Gohan turns into a loser again
>Super Saiyan Baby pan.
>Frieza is stronger than Super Saiyan Blue because 4 months of pushups and sit ups.
>"Silly Goku, told you not to let your guard down! ;)"
>time rewind plot for literally no reason other than to make Goku the hero instead of Vegeta
>Vegeta jobs left and right
>Winnie the Pooh, assassin Pikkon, skinnier kid Gohan, Frieza 2.0, and roboman villains as the "Main" opening arc.
>bad animation throughout the entire fucking arc.
>Goku vs hit = 2 minutes of "decent" animation.
>time skip
>"le so original super kaioken! never thought of that one, eh tory-sama? ;)"
>Goku gains so much speed that he is faster than the act of skipping time.
>that shit doesn't even make sense
>improve with longer time skip
>Goku gives up because it wasn't challenging enough
>jello Vegeta or some shit, made no sense.
>Back to the Future, Trunks 2.0!
>Villain angry at Goku, hates mortals so he steals a mortal body to gain power and punish mortals and gods because they like mortals.
>convoluted plot that made no sense in the anime
>Vegetto Blue had 30 seconds of good animation
>he doesn't do shit
>zeno-button plot
>two trunks' in the same future plot
>17 is as strong as blue
>SSJ"->2<-" Goku vs Mystic Gohan(seriously wtf)
>Buu is useless all the time
>Revive Frieza plot 17 fucking times
>boogie back
>who the fuck wrote any of this
>did i mention bad animation?
Tell me why you namefag. You don't translate, draw, or leak, so what makes you important?

Sorry, but unlike Jobgeta I do not let ningen like you trample my pride.
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i don't come here for reminders like this
fuck all of you
>You don't translate, draw, or leak, so what makes you important?
Nothing makes him important. Though, he wants to be as relevant as he can make threads before the bump limit. At least smugpup's autism is entertaining.
Cauliflafag, you've already been exposed.
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How come Gohan never sung a song about Goku?

The music in Super isn't shit, that should be a pro
>Over a week ago
>Toyocucks vs Toeishills

>Cauliflafags vs Anti-Cauliflafags

Why do you guys always have to fight with each other over the most stupid shit


I haven't even gloated about Caulifla much in ANY thread, I am a full-blooded Freezafag you filthy monkey.
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It's a Dragon Ball thread, that's just how it's been since the dawn of time, sadly.
>Janemba didn't use portals like this.
Janemba punched portals and opened them near Goku, Zamas threw Goku through portals.

imo the former was done better. It's like toyo took janemba and twisted the move around to do the same thing but in a different way.
>I haven't even gloated about Caulifla
Sure you have. You samefag, don't you? You do.
>I am a full-blooded Freezafag
t. Toyocuck
>Gilfags on /a/

At least anime vs manga was funny.
Yeah, they indistinguishable from every other anon on this board
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>Cauliflafag, you've already been exposed.
>repeating the same lie enough will hopefully convince everyone else to believe me
>Cauliflafags vs Anti-Cauliflafags
Drop that s for Cauliflafag, it's just one autist.
Pedros get tired of spamming the same arguments of GT vs Super and Toyo vs Toei so they try to change tactics.

Waifufags, MAI-TORANKUSU, ningenposting, etc. are all preferable to these shitposters.
>At least anime vs manga was funny.
This, the people hating on Cauliflafags should just learn to use filters or fuck off back to their tumblr safespaces
>anime vs manga
Hell no, it was always people copypasting the same arguments over and over and screaming buzzwords
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>kalecucks this salty that kale has a forehead as big as Vegeta
Holy fuck, thanks for ruining the thread, Cauliflag. You couldn't contain your autism, could you?
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Gt Pros:
>ss4 design
>pan fanservice
>expanded DB's lore
>got rid of deadweight jobbing characters
>recaptured the sense of adventure in OG-DB
>techniques became useful again
>powerlevelfags got BTFO
>cameos by popular characters like Frieza and Dr Gero
>villains with actual realistic motivations beyond "muh destroy the universe"
>finally adressed the OP dragon balls and nerfed them accordingly by making them accumulate evil energy with each wish
>Piccolo becoming guardian of hell as Zenchan intended
>Big Bang Kamehameha
>Golden Ape transformation, brilliant
>characters actually aged, unlike in super where Trunks and Goten are still toddlers

Gt Cons:
>It didn't last longer.
>Had a rushed ending and it didn't make any sense
Nah, it was just as shit if not worse.
You wanna fight too you lil shit?
Zamasufags are a lot worse than the shitposters, especially when they start posting their gay porn
You're part of the problem
Why is Whis so submissive to Goku and Vegeta? Is he that gay?
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She barely has any screentime and I hate Caulifla alrady because of you faggots
>Gt Pros:
>>ss4 design

Opinion disregarded
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>Waifufags, MAI-TORANKUSU, ningenposting, etc. are all preferable to these shitposters.
I miss when times were simpler and less autistic.
>the people hating on Cauliflafags
It's one triggered tumblrite
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Here's your (You) Pedro
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>Ash being Argentinian confirmed
holy shit /vp/
At this point we can all agree that Zamasu did nothing wrong.
>better than SSJ4
Back to >>>/kanzenshuu/
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I feel the same anon. Unfortunately these autists just couldn't stop with their waifu shilling.
Imagine being as autistic as Cauliflafags and Anti-Cauliflafags
>too dumb to form my own opinions based on the source material
>influenced by a few college aged losers on 4chan posting pictures of a character
>being as autistic as Cauliflafags
I couldn't imagine. Their autism reached a level that cannot be comprehended.
>some universe will lose almost all their team members in a row
>their remaining fighters will tank 90% of the foes before jobbing epically

Do men with hair on their chests scare you, anon?
He didn't wish for the death of all the ningens, and he lost and got erased by Zeno, that's two things done wrong
Running away after being btfo Cauliflafag? Going back to your namefagging?
Nobody cares holy fuck, I'm convinced you're just false flagging at this point to make someone look bad
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To this day, no level of butthurt has amused me so much.
What about men with hair on their feet?
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The Freeza headcanon thread was so comfy, why can't we stay like that?
>Nobody cares holy fuck
t. cauliflafag
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>magic furpants
>Pan is the worst character in GT
>not canon so can't expand anything
>Trunks replaces Gohan as resident jobber
>adventure shit was the worst arc of the series
>muh saiyans, muh goku, muh negative energy
>piccolo literally does nothing
>ahhh my eyes
>everybody aged like shit

I miss that thread... this is why we can't have nice things. Because of these autists ruining perfectly good things.
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How will the anticaulifla samefag ever recover?
I didn't say that.
>Because of these autists
>these autists
You have no one to blame but yourself, Cauliflafag.

link to the video of ash's crushing defeat?
No, but men covered in pink fur, wearing eyeliner and magic pants certainly look fucking stupid.
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faulconer saves the world.png
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You aren't worshiping GT, in Paco's mind you can ONLY be a Superfag.
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Leave Goku to us
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>ahhh my eyes

Fuck you why did you remind me of this shit. That hurt to watch.
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What would be a good way to make Goku 'the bad guy' of any hypothetical future arc and who should it be resolved?
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Why couldn't Goku's fur be more like Vegeta's? Vegeta has tight leather pants and he still looks less gay than Goku does.
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>65 IPs
>279 replies
>nothing but two autists arguing with each other
Never change.
No, Goku is too good for female monkeys
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>already don't care about Caulifla
>faggots are derailing threads in her name
>you can't go through a thread without Caulifla shoved in your face
>go from not caring to being tired of her
Cauliflafag hasn't shitted up the threads nearly as much as Trunks and Maifags though. The sheer consistency, volume and repetitiveness of them has just been a cancer you've gotten used to that you shouldn't accept or get used to.
This. Cauliflafags always proving to be the absolute worst.
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Kale's design is so shit

Fuck Toriyama
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Still whiteknighting yourself Cauliflafag?
>This. Cauliflafags always proving to be the absolute worst.
>majority of thread with Mai, Frieza and Zamasu posters
>Caulifla shoved in your face


t. Tumblr
you mean he gets magic boots and wristbands too?
what the fuck, GT?
About to watch the movies and start Super.

Did they ever use that power metal song in the Frieza movie proper?
>one raging autist crying about caulifla every other post

tumblr is leaking again
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>No, but men covered in pink fur, wearing eyeliner and magic pants certainly look fucking stupid.

1.- Its red not pink
2.- Its an extra pair of eyelashes to protect the eyes from punches and shit
3.- Piccolo created clothes out of thin air, its implied kii has some magic qualities to it
Yes, twice.
I really think SS4 should have been more of a "Magic" transformation then a proper Super Saiyan transformation. It honestly would have made more sense.
>GT takes the original ending Vegeta
>he is no longer the fighter he once was
>"Noooooooo GT sucks"
>Super takes the remastered ending Vegeta(the shitty one)
>"Super is the best thing evarr!11!!@!!@"
fucking fags
Why can't you faggots accept that Caulifla has potential of being the greatest not only character, BUT FIRST FEMALE super saiyan? Every thing about her is great, so if you disagree, you're retarded.
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Why do autists get so triggered by Caulifla?
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>this thread in a nutshell
>cauliflafag using the waahhh tumblr boogyman rebuttal once again
>going back on mobile
It's pink you fuck, VEGETA is red.
Eyelashes don't work that way, and Goku's eyes get damaged anyway.
Piccolo is not a monkey.
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Here's your (you)
You need to kill yourself.


>no, kii doesn't work like that, muh magic pants
>Piccolo created clothes out of thin air

Isn't that because of magic Namekian powers? Not Monkey Saiyan powers?
So much samefagging going on here it's unreal

It's just one autist samefag
So when did Goku learn the Clothes Beam?
>You need to kill yourself.
Cauliflafag needs to kill himself too.
>Its an extra pair of eyelashes to protect the eyes from punches and shit

This is THE dumbest thing I have heard in a Dragon Ball thread, and that's saying something.
i love how dbztards complaining about this shit when with fuison you also get magic clothes
Are you really this hype for a girl getting a transformation that immature children can achieve?
SSJ is done to death buddy. You have to be at least SSJ2 to be worth something.
And West Black fag.
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>but men covered in pink fur
>wearing eyeliner
>magic pants

>pink hair?
>magic clothes?

And Trunks fags
I guess next SS4 Goku will create a set of Dragon Balls too, nice.
Honestly Vegeta should have vacation to the universe 6 Saiyan planet. It would just be a huge relief for him.

Bulma not letting Vegeta name the kid was a complete cunt move.
Do they even still post here?
And while we're at it, Maifags.
It's Rose not pink you faggot
Fusion IS magic though.
>It's pink you fuck, VEGETA is red.
To be fair, Goku's fur is supposed to be red, that's literally his design description, and it's red in all the video games. They just colored him pink in the show for whatever fucking reason; it's GT, it was a mistake.
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Stop taking his bait

Just keep posting more Caulifla since it triggers the snowflake so much. Maybe he'll go back to tumblr
Haven't seen the West anons in a while.
And Gohanfags
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Why couldn't Toriyama draw her toned like this?
I'll never fucking understand this. Where the fuck did I mention anything about Goku Black? Why are you assuming that just because I think SS4 looks like shit I think Goku Black is okay at all?

God fucking damn it, I hate them both.
>Bitch I look like Goku
I mean, Soulja Boy foreshadoweed it for the longest time but none of you payed attention to it.
>It's Rose not pink
>called rose
>colored pink
Superfags assmad? Not even a juan, just pointing out facts right now.
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>g-go back to tumblr for disliking a character that I like
>anybody that dislikes my character is the same person
Ya'll can't be serious
what kind of soda is he drinking?
>Do they even still post here?
I'm still here, but I'm not that autist who does those those fucking cringe ">ywn have west black" posts. I just made earring edits for fun.


The point is that kii works in mysterious ways. SSJ4 can't create dragon balls nor clothes for other people to wear, but it creates pants for yourself.
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The shitstorm will be a good one tomorrow night to pick between these 2.
That's Cauliflafags for you.
Still this butthurt? Have some more Caulifla.
Piccolo can create clothes becuase Namekians are inherintly magic.

Kibito can because he's a Shinjin, who are also magic.

Saiyans are not shown to be magic at all or possess any magic qualities, so why does it create pants using magic?

If SS4 was an actual Magic transformation and not just the natural progression of the already non-magic Super Saiyan transformations, it would be understandable. But as is, it's ridiculous.

No one has noticed but Caulifla is the combination of Gine(physical apperance) and Buu Saga Videl(tomboy personality).
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I'll be picking smugpup he's all mine, haters gon' hate
>it creates pants for yourself
And that's fucking stupid. Thank you.
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Yeah, I can see why this caulifla anon is autistic
Think we'll see him next episode?
That's why she's best girl. Until she follows Videl's footsteps and becomes irrelevant and loses her personality after one arc.
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kid mai toyo.png
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>that autist who does those those fucking cringe ">ywn have west black" posts
I don't know what you're talking about but it's nice to know there are still West anons around
Give me three good reasons why I should stop posting Caulifla and I'll stop.
Sad isn't it?
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I hope so
Don't stop, his tears are delicious
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>Saiyans are not shown to be magic at all or possess any magic qualities,

Up until they discovered the SSJ4 transformation.

Just because base namekians have stronger magical powers than base saiyans doesn't mean they latter lack them, that's a logical fallacy.
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>weird forehead
fixed, couldn't stand how it looked.
Is it just me, or is Kale getting uglier each episode?

Must be a subtle metamorphosis into fembroly
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Good to be around.
Wait, I haven't seen DBS since the end of the dragon balls tournament and the guy with time hax or some shit, Freezer is a good guy now ? What ?
i bet it was toyocuck who wanted a female super sayajin

thanks for ruin the threads with waifushit
That gif's cute! thanks anon it's honestly too bad that Caulifla has such an autistic cult fandom
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>too bad that Caulifla has such an autistic cult fandom
Yeah, no doubt she'd be disgusted at their autism.
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So how will he react to Goku sidelining him for Jiren?
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Videl was doomed the moment she was human and daugther of Mr Satan.
Ruin what? What has always been shit?
>That gif's cute! thanks anon it's honestly too bad that Caulifla has such an autistic cult fandom

Nice falseflagging, samefag
You shouldn't stop posting altogether, just calm down a bit, the Caulifla posting has oversaturated the threads lately
Ningen flavored soda
Videl was doomed the minute she became associated with Cuckhan
>thanks for ruin the threads with waifushit
These Cauliflafags need to be gassed.
Nothing really happens after that. But now there's an All-Universe battle royale going on and Frieza is going to be on Goku's team. (losing universes get erased)
Looks like the anti-cauliflafag had to resort to mobile posting. Sad!
Would Zamasu consider Majin Buu a ningen?
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I like Caulifla
>losing universes get erased
...Goku ?
>cauliflag pulling the samefag card
I'm not desperate like you, Cauliflafag. What you see is other people tired of your retardation.
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You just popped my samefag accusation cherry, thanks again anon
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Beerus was the one who destroyed Planet Vegeta, Frieza was just an unwilling pawn and well-intended extremist
Majin Buu is the biggest mistake ningen could create.
Even worse, he absorbed and stole the powers of the kai.
if goku loses he gets erased
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Probably not, but would still dislike him because he's neither a god or a ningen
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>samefags having waifuwars
>meanwhile mfw just lurking and refreshing for the past half hour
Caulifla fans arent even as annoying as Touka fans, Ashi fans, Jolyne fans, Tsuyu fans,
>ningen could create.
Didn't Buu exist before the ningens and the evil of the ningens corrupted him?
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Have him, he might bleed over your couch though. I hear he moults a lot too.
>Majin Buu is the biggest mistake ningen could create.
You do know that Buu is older than both Beerus and Zamas, right? He's probably older than Whis too.
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>I like Caulifla

Most non-autists do, too
I'm sure Goku would be able to bullshit himself out of being deleted only to forget to do the same for his universe

Not just that - Frieza was basically Beerus' lackey the whole time.
Oh also the only other post i've made on the Caulifla subject was
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>people who don't like the character i shill are autistic
>DBS ends with Goku's universe losing
>that's it, DB franchise is over outside of games and merch
I agree with you m8 but basement virgins that specialize in MUH anime are always going to be butthurt panzys about everything that doesn't meet their very high standards
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It's almost like people can't stop taking each other's bait.

Transformations are magic too.

How does SS3 make any sense or kii beams?
give it a rest, you've been exposed shill
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Same. It's the same deal as when the usual manga vs anime pops up.
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I wish I had a translation for this. I want to apply the text.
Monkey hair.
Genki power.

Are the pants actually genki monkey hair?
>give it a rest, you've been exposed shill
do you know what that means?
At least the Toyo people post funny Toei stillframes. I really miss that.
>imo the former was done better.
To be fair it was the fat Janemba that did it, and gave up on the ability after three hits.

Zamasu's tossing Goku through portals rapidly looks a lot more badass in the manga.
>not 8 out of 12
At least its better than Shin/Beerus yaoi pics.
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i hope they are NOT gay.
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What Goku is best Goku?
>>DBS ends with Goku's universe losing
That would open chances for spinoffs with the winner universe plus the 4 that weren't involved.
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mai wink.png
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I'll look up some Japanese dictionary and try to translate it anon
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I hope you guys realize there are several multiverses and that Zeno is only at the top of the weakest one.

More on Dragon Ball Ultra
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Remember Insanityfag? He was the hero we needed, but didn't deserve.
If only the whole thread could be as smart as you Beerus anons
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>only 1 million
>tfw you try to exaggerate but then you underestimate
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>Are the pants actually genki monkey hair?
...that's fuckin' gross, man.
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>mfw can't keep up because thread is going 2fast
It's called Rose like rose wine, which is a pinkish tint you uncultured swine.
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If you could, that'd be great.

Idk how that would work, but at this point I wouldn't give a shit because MORE DRAGONBALL.
He'll fight Piccolo instead.
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Beerus anons are the worst
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Its canon that the true supreme being is Toriyama himself

Zenchans are just an allegory to the slaves he uses to draw shit for him

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>Dragon Ball Ultra
>it's based on the ultradragonballwiki
Who do the Attendants represent?
>Transformations are magic too.
>How does SS3 make any sense or kii beams?
All of that has to do with metamorphosis. Saiyan DNA allows them to undergo physical changes extremely quickly. SSJ3 is just hairgrowth, Oozaru is a big change to their entire body structure.

Ki beams are just energy expelled from the body that has been condensed, and it's fiction, so they have special enough properties to have a physical appearance and or effect the outside environment enough to grant the illusion of a physical appearance. It all makes sense when you think about it.

Dan Dan is a good song, but not a good opening song. Dan Dan is a better ending song than it is an opening song, serving as a counterpoint to Romantic Ageru Yo.

>Dan Dan is a better ending song
That's why GT ended with it, because it's a GOAT ending theme.
Lava Goku will save us!
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>tfw my universe is full of jobbing furfags and will make me lose my job

life is suffering scoob
someone post the original source of dog beerus
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That shits amazing. As if they think TV Tokyo and Nintendo give a flying shit about manchildren in their late 20's crying about how Ash didn't win. It's a fucking show for 8 year old kids, they expect each generation of kids to move on from it by the time they hit 12-13. I think I stopped watching Pokemon by 1/3rd of the way into the Johto league.
>the saiyan chicks have barely had screentime and they still take up most of the shitposting

How erratic will these threads be when pic related gets screentime? And how worse will it get when there's a stupid reveal about him actually being evil?
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What does her breath smell like?
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Did anyone else read Kajika by Toriyama?
It's objectively kid Goku
I don't get it, why were people mad? Ash is supposed to lose at the end, always. Was that supposed to be a series finale or something? Ash losing makes sense, unless he got robbed.
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>Retards getting hyped for fem saiyans thinking they will do shit
>Frieza has people to take his frustration on(lol)

Literally punching bags for him. They are gonna fight fodder before he comes in and have his way with them only to have mageta or hit come save them.
I read it a couple years ago. I think I like Sandland more, but Kajika is good. Jaco is better than both.

I only watched the first 2 seasons, did Ash get to bang misty?
Misty has been fucking Tracy for over 10 years now.
Ash has a better, less bitchy waifu now.
It was funny
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What kind of meta?
Haya is best girl.
>Was that supposed to be a series finale or something?

I'm guessing that's what people wanted, but new games were revealed before the league happened so I have no clue what people were expecting.
>implying Hit is stronger than Kale LSSJ

Yeah, no.
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Ash canonically got a french waifu

Misty a shit
>tfw you realize that Goku has literally built himself a Harem full of rivals
Out of all the times he tried, this was basically the closest he's ever gotten to winning. He had a solid team, as well as one of his mons having an OC Donut Steel Special Snowflake super form that has only (in the anime) been seen a grand total of one other time, 5000 years ago or something.
u6 deserves to be erased
they fell for the saiyan waifu meme
It looks like smugpup, edit him into smugpup if you can.
Toriyama drew them with red blood.
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tfw you're the only ribriannefag in the world
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The only reason he's testing Frieza and Hit is to make Vegeta-kun jealous and step up his game.
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If that's a sin then I deserve to be erased aswell
Because Ash had literally everything going for him.
>one of, if not, the best team he ever had
>Very strong Greninja had the advantage over Mega Charaizard, which was weakened by pikachu
>hell the same greninja was able to beat a mega grass type, where it has the disadvantage
>That special shuriken move
>All Alain had to motivate him was a loli, hell he barely wanted to be champion
And Ash still jobbed. He'll never get this close again
It reminded me of Dragon Ball quite a bit, and would've liked to see it continue, but the more I think about it, it just felt too much like a Dragon Ball clone manga.

Would've liked to see more of her, she didn't do much in Kajika

Sure... I guess, gimme a few minutes
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Remember when Masako's Goku voice wasn't annoying?
Her "fighting sounds" were actually really good, now all we have is "DYAADADADADADADADADADA"
>Toei tracing


Ash also has a pikachu who cant defeat rock type pokemons, from what I can recall.

So its no surprise he's still a loser.
>Ash was given super sheshul donut steel frog he can combine with and still jobbed

Must feel nice to be in denial..

>implying Frieza isn't the Best Girl of the Harem
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>Ash is supposed to lose at the end, always.

You'd think after 5 Pokemon generation tournaments where he lost consecutively people would stop caring, but apparently not. Apparently something happened where they assumed he was close to winning or w/e. As if they all forgot what happened in the Sinnoh league where he got fucked up by a guy who had legendaries for no reason.

>Was that supposed to be a series finale or something?

No it wasn't. The anime is about selling toys and to end it would not be a wise choice for something that keeps producing a shitton of money.
*can defeat rock type pokemons
>>one of, if not, the best team he ever had
>that garbage type coverage

He deserved to lose
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I'm sorry, do you see a Hit figurine?
super pedro
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slug meat

Pokemon is like the japanese simpsons.

No matter how many years pass Ash will remain a 10 year old with a lvl 5 pikachu
>rebranded shitposting that takes the better part of a thread vs a few drawn pictures
Any gay shit posted here can be perfectly ignored if you aren't a sensitive tard. This applies for some of the Zamasu and Caulifla/Kale posting too.
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I'm still fucking mad
>As if they think TV Tokyo and Nintendo give a flying shit about manchildren in their late 20's crying about how Ash didn't win. It's a fucking show for 8 year old kids, they expect each generation of kids to move on from it by the time they hit 12-13.

You'd think these kind of people would've moved on after him having unevolved teams and the show's repetitive formula. I got sick of the show as a kid when I realized I ended up having better and more exciting adventures in the games than watching Ash fuck around doing nothing productive.

These collages never include Fat Buu sitting on Vegeta and pummeling his face in.
>literally broly with tits
>and yet people still waifu her
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>tfw when Jobhan and Jobgeta wil job to Chick Broly
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Saiyans are space Asians.
Why'd this turn into a pokemon thread, I mean it's better than what we were doing before, but why?
>stepping his game up
>Wanted to get away from the Pokemon board for a while so I go to the anime board
>First thread I check is full of Pokemon posting

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Here, plagiarism at its best.
>I did it again, mom!
fucking die

The blame should go to the producer, not Nozawa.

She didnt do atatatatata in the last 2 movies.
Could we get a story time for Kajika?
literal autism
That actually looks like it would fit, thanks

He will defeat Brianne and if he gets to face Kale, I bet it would end up with both eliminating each other.

More like why is she mad at Cabba?
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You're wrong.

Thats why Toriyama turned the show into a saiyan wankfest by the time DB hit the Buu Saga.

>literal autism

You keep saying that but once a mod deletes a thread when one is still up and going.
Sure, I'll go grab a copy off of mangafox.
People have wanted to fuck Broly for the longest, and now since there's a non-gay version obviously people will waifu her.
Is that in the full color manga?
Ok now edit the entiret of Kajika into a manga about smugpup.
Fucking hell man. Even without sound, Goku punching Frieza in the gut really feels like it has "weight" to it. You can 'feel' the impact of the punch. Even though the animation in Super right now is better than in the earlier episodes, none of it felt like it had any 'weight'. It looks nice and is flashy, but it feels static, devoid of impact.
When I was growing up Dragon Ball Z was very popular with black kids. It was always the black kids who were making absurd power level fan wank.

Since when do Mexicans take that title?
Same in my experience, it was always nigs who were absolute DB fanatics
Oh no
At least the fight ended in a satisfying way, unlike the garbage black arc.
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