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Koe No Katachi

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Thread replies: 360
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Be careful who you call ugly in middle school.
Shinji is that you?
Why is that man wearing a girl's school uniform?
He became a really handsome young man

also a lesbian
>used to be an adorable short-haired loli
>turned into an ugly piece of shit
Time really is merciless.
This is my wife Shouko
The cutest.
Finally someone who can appreciate best girl.
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Who knew that cute, chubby loli would turn into a beautiful, young tomboy?
I didn't know any Japanese people had freckles.
I've had chex with your wife.
Damn, she matured divinely.
Look like she got pull out from Conan
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that face looks familiar
/u/ thread?
Uh shes still ugly lmao those fucking freckles she looks like a boy
Ah, I wondered why I was rock solid when this ugly bitch came on screen.
She drew them after joining tumblr community
Anybody else think that this movie was an utter disappointment?
Opposite for me. Never liked KyoAni crap.
It was better than I ever imagined it to be actually

I think the movie was really beautiful. I'm a little disappointed with the ending because there was no conclusion of the implied romance between Shouko and MC.

However, the main theme of the plot was redemption, not romance, and the manga also doesn't resolve this issue. So they did the best they could given the source material.

The pacing of the movie was sometimes a little too fast. They also skipped some very important parts of the original story but that's unavoidable given the time they had. Perhaps a series would've been better, but then the overall production quality would not have been this good.
Maybe, but just a bit.
Shinji was always a pretty boy all alonh
Exactly, that's a very cute boy
Fuck off with your generals faggot.

+ flawed MC

+ deaf grl theme is refreshing

+ most of the supporting characters add interesting perspectives

+ the development of the bullying and the consequences for everybody involved felt really natural

+ music, art and animation were great

+ all the emotional scenes hit home, especially the fight scene between loli Shouko and shota MC

- comic relief guy was meh
- Shouko's love for MC came out of nowhere and I think it would've been more interesting if MC had to first prove to Shouko that he has changed, rather than her forgiving him instantly
- stereotypical "MC is too dense to understand girls like him"
- Shouko's absolute dependence on MC and Sahara was strange given that a nice girl like her should've found other friends
- things escalated too quickly in the second half of the movie
- Shouko's suicidal tendencies needed more attention
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Freckles man. I wonder where else they are on her body.
Also ++ for tall girl

That's because has Nadia's looks.

Shinji looks like Nadia.

Asuka has Nadia's personality.

Rei reflects Nadia's alien nature and shares her worldview (she is also a vegetarian like her)
Nope, I was really impressed.
>Asuka has Nadia's personality
Hell no.
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Nadia is a short-tempered tsundere who lashs out at people because of her own insecurities and shows signs of depression because of events in her past. That's basically Asuka.
I'm absolutely surprised they didn't do an adaptation of the scene where Shouko is lying in bed after her failed suicide attempt reflecting on her childhood innocence.

Anybody have the picture btw?
>still ugly
pic unrelated anon?
Didn't she imagine how different things could've went if she was able to talk?
There was an art of her in thigh high boots, back in the manga threads. I lost the picture, which is a shame.
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she ends up being a total lesbo right? i got to read the manga some day
Did you fucks even read the damn manga when it was being translated on /a/?
Did you even read those posts?
Kill yourself.
Reading manga in this case cheapens the experience.
How so?
I wouldn't say so
I wasn't disappointed because I wasn't expecting much. Just underwhelmed. It was a bit insignificant, and forgettable "oh it was nothing" to me after seeing all the hype and rage about it here. If it was by any other studio it would have had 2 or 3 threads and be gone by now like many much better films have fared here.
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Second best girl coming through
Doea the movie say somewhere that you need to read the manga first or something?
I read the manga a year before the movie was announced.

The film was a great experience. Felt true to the original but less clutter.
Adapting a pretty long manga into a movie, the fact that Yamada isn't as adept with male characters, and that I already read the manga and thought it was only okay made me doubt that this was going to be on the level of her other works. Not to mention that in my opinion she's knocked it out of the park with all her work so far, so it wouldn't be surprising if this one didn't work out so well.

However the level of detail in the character animation, the realistic expressions on the characters, the overall airtight production and being able to empathize with the characters pretty well made it my favorite anime, even trumping K-On!
Both are different takes on the story, but in terms of the movie, no, nothing's missing.
Forgot to add 'first'. Reading manga first made people compare movie to it all the time and make them dissapointed about things not being explained properly and ignoring fact that movie and manga should be experienced as different stories, not one being expanded version of the other.
Literally half the manga is missing, the important half at that. Character arcs are squeezed into nothing.
From the movie? The whole thing was completely refocused in such a way to avoid any of that.
So? The movie was over two hours long as is.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I read the manga first, didn't cheapen anything. Maybe made me appreciate it even more.
So where does this rank among modern KyoAni? Starting at Chuunibyo
Just watch it yourself, nerd
Bully Ueno!
Koe no Katachi > Tamako Love Story > Hibike S1 = Hibike S2 > Tamako Market > Amagi > Maidragon > Free S1 > Chunibyo S1 > Kyoukai no Kanata > Phantom World

Didn't watch: Free S2, Chunibyo S2, Mirai-hen, High Speed
For me, it's the most emotionally honest and aesthetically rich thing they've ever made. But that's just me.
You know what. I would swap Maiddragon with Amagi but other than that I don't disagree. That said even the best of those isn't notable in the bigger picture of the anime industry for anything other than production quality when it comes to TV anime.
she's still ugly.
Same opinion as this guy >>157694007
It's extremely down to earth, probably the most down to earth anime out there.
Ueno did nothing wrong, she just wanted to be bullied by ishida.
Koe no Katachi >>> Hibike Euphonium I+II > Tamako Love Story > Chuunibyou I > Amagi Brilliant Park > Chuunibyou II > Free I > Kyoukai no Kanata >> Tamako Market > Phantom World.

I haven't seen Free's 2nd season and the various films. (Honestly, Koe no Katachi is up there with Disappearance.)
You are just asking for it with a comment like that to be honest. An undefinable measure like "out there", making a claim of "most ever" for such a recent movie. It's like you are begging for someone to call you new.
>t. butthurt Shinkaifag
The cruelty and selfishness that characterized a bunch of my friendships growing up (both my own and others') that KnK didn't shy away from whatsoever was such a breath of fresh air, since most of their stuff before showed the Highschool Experienceâ„¢ as basically pretty-people-being-nice-to-eachother.
But she's cute in both pictures
Makes me wonder how Violet will turn out. I hope Yoshida will be doing the script, but probably not.
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Why is she so best? I can't stop thinking about her
I couldn't care less about Shinkai. I just think that if the person is using the term "down to earth" in the way I understand it to mean then there are far more "down to earth" anime. This is a film filled with teenage angst, drama, suicide, bullying. Lots of extreme and dramatic situations. On the other hand you can quite easily find anime that just depict normal non drama filled everyday life in a genuine and realistic way.
I've seen tons of anime, and I can't think of any that comes close. Even among Yamada's work, KnK doesn't have the idealization of K-On! or the quirkiness of Tamako.
Hell, the most unrealistic part of Koe no Katachi is Shouya and Shouko waking up in the middle of the night and bumping into each other on the bridge.

Hell, if you can think of an anime as down to earth as Koe no Katachi then I'm all ears because I'd like to watch it.
A lot of people complain about KnK's ending because the hinted at romance between Ishida and Shouko is not confirmed.

I think that's ok. What bothers me far more is that Ueno and Shouko never resolved their issues with each other. In a way, Ueno is the main "antagonist" in the sense that she is somebody who the silent voice of Shouko cannot reach. When Ueno read the letter, I thought that this was going to be it. Finally these two will have their confrontation and work things out. But nope. Ueno just irrationally punches Shouko who doesn't defend herself like usual. That was the most disappointing part of the story for me. I so much wanted these two to see each other's guts. Them becoming friends would've been icing on the cake.

Because she is a more complex character than the average moeblob. Flawed characters are always more interesting and Ueno is incredibly flawed.
Ueno's arc comes to completion when she verbalizes how she accepts Shouko's personality being just the way she is, and actually begins to learn sign language. Look at how everyone reacts and how she runs away, it's clearly a big step for her.
How about Anne of Green Gables or Only Yesterday?
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>her flaws are what makes her lovable

I like that.
That story looks very fantastical anyway, but it could turn out to be something interesting.

I also like KnK a lot, but I don't think that the second half of the story wasn't "down to earth". Things escalated way too quickly in an unnatural fashion for the sake of dramabombs.

The anime adaptation of Usagi Drop, for instance, is more "down to earth" if you ask me (although I prefer KnK for other reasons).
Dramatic? Sure. Extreme? Not even close.
You must have had a very sheltered life.
I admittedly haven't seen Anne but it does take place in a non-contemporary setting so that takes away from the down-to-earthness of the show, and Only Yesterday switches back and forth between the past and present, which adds a layer of mystery and fantasy to it, albeit small. Not to mention they recorded the voices before animating the adult segments so there's a big disconnection between the child and adult scenes.

Tokyo Godfathers came to mind when I think down to earth, but it has a lot of quirkiness to it as well.

While I loved it, Usagi Drop is idealized child rearing.
I don't think things escalated too quickly in KnK, there was a logical progression from Shouya and Shouko meeting up until the point where she tries to kill herself.
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Koe no Katachi was genuine and realistic though.
>you can quite easily find anime that just depict normal non drama filled everyday life in a genuine and realistic way.

I have a hard time believing that. Generally speaking, in dramas the circumstances are often exceptional but the characters tend to be more natural, i.e. with tons of flaws.

In other shows, the circumstances might be normal but the characters tend to be very unnatural in the sense that they are too cheerful, too nice, too carefree etc.

Non Non Biyori, for instance, is just about a bunch of kids who do normal stuff in the countryside. But the kids themselves are anything but normal. All of their characteristics are incredibly exaggerated and all of them have good intentions. Not that this is bad, but it's not normal either.
>The anime adaptation of Usagi Drop, for instance, is more "down to earth" if you ask me
No fucking way. Small children don't act like that at all. It was an escapist parenting fantasy. (I liked it tho)
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>ywn go on a deito with ueno while riding a bike
>Ueno will never be your childhood friend
Why even go on?
Most well animated chex ever
I just melt at this
the catharsis, the anger, it's so palpable
>she will never be your elementary school seatmate

I don't see how any of the switching between perspectives in Only Yesterday removed any element of being down to earth. Showing someone remembering something nostalgically is down to earth in itself and so is the idea it would be a distorted memory.

And then I don't really think a "non-contemporary" setting in the case of Anne changes anything about being down to earth. It's not as if its a fantasy setting. It's just the everyday life of a girl who happens to be surrounded by a different culture. I mean if you are just going to argue that something being culturally different excludes it from being down to earth then you shouldn't really describe anime as down to earth at all.

This conversation though is kind of worthless unless you are going to define/able to define what you mean by down to earth. Otherwise we are just going to be talking about different things and wondering why the other person doesn't understand us.
Yeah everyone saves their suicidal deaf crush from falling over a balcony by happening to walk in at just the right moment and then falls off an apartment block balcony and lives to tell the tale. So down to earth and realistic. Happens to us all right?

If Okada's name was on it you same people would be calling it melodramatic tripe.
>there was a logical progression from Shouya and Shouko meeting up until the point where she tries to kill herself.

That's one of the things which I think really needed more attention, both in the manga and in the movie.

First of all, I had a hard time believing that Shouko was still virtually friendless after seven years. She is a very nice and polite person. Surely more mature people, or even more kids such as Sahara, would eventually approach her and form a bond with her. I was first expecting a role reversal of Shouko and Shouya where she is the girl everybody likes, whereas he is the boy everybody despises. Perhaps it was her superstition that she brings misfortune to people that made her deliberately push people away? However, if that's the case, then why did she want Shouya to find Sahara.

Secondly, Shouko felt guilty for ruining people's relationships. The fight on the bridge was the straw that broke the camel's back and she decided to remove herself for everybody else's sake. Yes, we do learn that Shouko was suicidal early on (that's why her sister photographed dead animals), probably because of the bullying, Yuzuru's suffering and the harsh treatment of her mother. However, the actual trigger for her suicide attempt was nevertheless what happened to her friends on the bridge . Let's look at the people on the bridge:

There is a boy who bullied her as a kid.
A girl who has shown nothing but resentment for her.
Sahara who she hasn't seen since she was a kid.
Two people who were complete strangers a couple of months ago.

Why is she so incredibly attached to these people and to Ishida in particular? She tries to confess her love for him. That development was far too sudden. It needed to be more fleshed out. I could never put myself into Shouko's shoes because she is so obsessed with people who should try to win her approval, not the other way around.

I almost shoked on the lump in my throat when she said that she was doing her best in that deaf-people-voice.
>used to be feminine shota
>turned into muscular hairy man
"Wow this boy is in hospital after stopping my deaf daughter from killing herself, I'd imagine all the guilt and self-loathing that drove her to the attempt is now stronger than ever, I guess I'll leave her to wander around outside the hospital unsupervised where she can get bullied by the bitch who hates her also there's all this traffic around."

This shit was even more contrived than the retarded bridge scene. Shouko would be in some form of protective custody the fucking moment they explained what happened, or at the very least she'd be glued to her mum's side. The writing in this movie fell flat in a lot of places.
>There is a boy who bullied her as a kid.
yeah I'm sure that's how she saw him
nothing at all in the movie hinted at anything else
Watching the movie, I wasn't entirely sure why the deaf girl even liked the spiky haired guy whose name I can't remember now. It didn't make sense to me. Some guy who bullied you turns up and is nice to you for like what felt like a couple of weeks in the film. Then suddenly you love him with no explanation. I don't even feel like the idea that she might love him was hinted at before that.
Nobody is claiming the film is perfect, it's generally acknowledged as a 7/10 solid experience.
Not to mention the cheesy as fuck ending. Seriously? Some kind of "shared" dream need to go see each other suddenly? The guy rips out his hospital tubes and just leaves because he had a feeling? Like fuck that is ever going to happen in reality. You'd just lay there in pain and think, well that was a weird dream maybe I should text her.
Well, my definition of down to earth is close to realistic as possible. Set in the present time period, no huge narrative shifts, no standard anime reaction faces, stuff like that. Essentially if you take a real person's life that exists today, cut out all the boring stuff, and played it from point A to B.

Something that's unique to Koe no Katachi in particular is the amount of realistic expression and emotion put into the faces into the characters. Even among other Kyoani shows Koe no Katachi stands out in this regard. Anne and Only Yesterday are much more exaggerated, taking away from the down to earth feeling.

Not to say that the stuff you mentioned isn't down to earth, they very much are, but Koe no Katachi takes it much farther.
I know that she is in love with him. But it's unclear why. Even if we just shrug it off and say "love at first sight" it would make more sense for her to be more defensive. If the person who hurt you is also the person you love, then he has even greated potential of hurting you. And since this was a story about the redemption of a very flawed boy who is shunned for good reason, it would've been better if the person who he wronged the most didn't make it THAT easy for him to win her over.
She was probably in love with him from the moment he wiped down the blackboard
I wanna marry Ueno
It's entirely plausible. Some level of fabrication is necessary in every story. You're just nitpicking at this point.

What a cute boy. But why is he dressed like a girl?
Emotions can't be rationalized in a traditional cause-and-effect sense, and "winning her over" was only the tip of the iceberg as far as his redemptive journey was concerned, in reality it was about winning himself over.
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I really liked her speech on the roller coaster. Really showed me this should have been a longer movie or should have been made into a 1-2 cour series to explore the characters more.
>Anne and Only Yesterday are much more exaggerated, taking away from the down to earth feeling.
You're completely wrong, but so is the other guy. Both Koe no Katachi and Omohide Poroporo are "down to earth" dramas.
>formatting paragraphs is reddit spacing
Fuck off

Why did you pick that moment? Shouko isn't retarded. She knew that it was probably him and that he was actually mocking her. She always says "thank you" or "sorry" even if she did nothing wrong or when people harm her (or only fake being nice to her). The manga explains why she does that.

When or why she fell in love with him is not clear. However, it is likely that she already loved him when they were kids. Her sister said that she deosn't get angry at people or fight back. But she did get angry at Ishida and fought him. Either she loved him back than, or something else made him at least special to her.
Only Yesterday and Anne are far closer to being realistic given the time periods they are set in than KnK. You really think the whole suicidal save and fall from the balcony then ending up alive is realistic? You think that a girl being allowed to wander around alone after just trying to kill herself is realistic? You think a teenage boy pulling hospital tubes out of himself to go meet his love because of a vision in a dream is realistic? You are kidding yourself if you do.

It isn't a realistic film, its a film that disposes of realism for the sake of narrative and emotional heightening wherever it sees fit. Sure there is lots of subtle character acting and attention to detail there but that doesn't make the film realistic. If you want realistic animation there are far better examples of it in anime too.
>First of all, I had a hard time believing that Shouko was still virtually friendless after seven years.
Shouko doesn't reach out to other people, and did you see her school? It's full of older ladies. Not to mention normal people will have a hard time understanding her. It's not hard to assume she wouldn't make any friends.
>Why is she so incredibly attached to these people and to Ishida in particular?
Not so much the others as Ishida, but it was quite obvious Shouya was forcing himself to be happy and spend time with her after the bridge scene. He was practically living for her happiness at the cost of his own. Can you see how that would be a trigger for Shouko to off herself?
Generally acknowledged by who? Aggregators would suggest a far more positive response.
Emotions don't follow the kind of logic you'd like them to follow. Shouko liked Ishida because he's the only one that showed some genuine interest in her. She was isolated and grasping for any form of human contact. Teenagers have crushes all the time for no "reason". At the root are primitive biological drives.

You're very likely autistic.
>Why did you pick that moment? Shouko isn't retarded. She knew that it was probably him and that he was actually mocking her.
lol no she didn't
the fact that she wipes down his desk as a way to show gratitude made that abundantly clear
I'm not autistic the movie was just very poor at communicating why, how or even when she became particularly fond of the spiky haired guy. Up until the point they confessed it seemed to me like she didn't think of anything other than Friends.
The save was very plausible. Ishida went home to get the camera not too long after Shouko left (probably a couple minutes between their departures). And jumping off building is notorious for how many botched suicides it produces as a method, because people don't pick high enough places. If he didn't hit the ground head first to suffer some fatal head injury or didn't break his neck it's entirely plausible that he would survive if an ambulance was called on time. The heigh just wasn't large enough,

Stop nitpicking.
Like who? Most people I talk to agreed that it was an enjoyably flawed experience. Probably watch it again in a year or two then move on.
Only on /a/ have I seen people call it utter garbage or a lifechanging experience, neither of which are true.
>you'll never bully moeblobs together
>she'll never help you break your endless spiral of self-loathing
>you'll never see her act callous and abrasive towards everyone else except you
True but when two girls have a crush on the same guy out of nowhere and are so obsessed with him that it makes them violent/suicidal, the guy is already not like a normal (down-to-earth) guy. Him having two lovers without ever doing anything to earn them is already a little bit fairytale-like, don't you think?

Yes, you are also right that forgiving himself was one of the major (if not THE major) message. Perhaps it's just a personal preference of me that I would've liked him having it less easy to befriend Shouko.
It's pretty clear how and when it happened. She even literally hints at it at the bridge before they both jump in the river, but it went over your head because you just suck at reading people = A U T I S M.

And I just explained it to you a post ago. Way to go, autist
Her suicide was the result of a number of very serious issues, not just Ishida, same goes for Ueno. They both have a degree of self-loathing, Shouko mostly, because of her upbringing and disability.
A guy who bullied you suddenly shows up out of nowhere and gives you the notebook you used to communicate with and uses sign language, clear signs that he is trying very hard to redeem himself. He comes back and wants to spend time with you and obviously cares very much about you, even going as far as jumping into the river after you.

It's not hard to see how she would like him.
Check any of imdb, anidb, myanimelist, rottentomatoes and a plethora of other film sites. It has a high rating on each and every one. Your anecdotes are worth little.
Rotten tomatoes, Letterboxd, MAL, whatever movie site. Don't you for a second think I'm calling those reliable or accurate, but I think it's a better indicator of "general acknowledgement"
>I had a hard time believing that Shouko was still virtually friendless after seven years.
I'm 28 yo, and still friendless.
I'm not nitpicking, you are being unduly dismissive of things contradictory to the idea of the film you have constructed in your head. These are all significant parts of the narrative not small details, if I was saying "nobody combs their hair like that so the film is unrealistic" that would be nitpicking.

But no I am pointing out significant parts of the film that are unrealistic. Note saying something is unrealistic isn't saying its impossible so the plausibility of it is irrelevant. But it is just a fact that these scenes demonstrate they totally disregard realism for the sake of the narrative and emotional impact in significant parts of the film.
>you'll never see her act callous and abrasive towards everyone else except you


I want my Ueno
Those sites are all as bad as /a/ for hyperbole.
She wipes down his desk because she knows how much being bullied hurts. That's why she wants to help him. Imagine there was this guy who kept teasing you, threw sand in your face, kept stealing your hearing aids and threw them away and even physically harmed you. Would you think that this guy is honestly trying to protect your feelings? Shouko is not retarded. She knew that Ishida was the ringleader of the bullies.
> I am pointing out significant parts of the film that are unrealistic.
I've just explained to you that there is absolutely nothing unrealistic about it.
>Note saying something is unrealistic isn't saying its impossible so the plausibility of it is irrelevant.
You're an idiot.
She's naive, not retarded. Ishida was mad at her for cleaning his desk because he knows she's doing it under false pretenses, he tried to honestly get her to dislike him like he did her, but she didn't take to it, and it made him flip out.
Nice to see you talking out of your ass. Who cares about hard data anyway.
Feel free to offer up some evidence that suggests otherwise, then.
Critic opinions are not hard data, anon.
Unrealistic = implausible or fantastic. You're so confused I doubt even you know what the hell you're talking about at this point.
Yes they are, since the subject in question is how well received the film was. They are hard data indicative of its reception. Your ass isn't.
But you are not a nice, polite and cute girl who forgives everything and whose biggest dream is to be like by others, are you? On top of that, she has a disability which will make all the non-sociopaths even more sympathetic towards her.
>crossboarders still shitposting about Your Name in /a/
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>those eyes

Marry me Ueno!
>Yes they are
Bait. Movie critics are not different than /a/. They're parasites. They're not even close to art critics who actually have education in field
>I want my Ueno
Worst thing is, she exists, but she doesn't want you.
It is unrealistic though. Realistic would be deaf girl jumps off the end. Realistic would be deaf girl being kept under watch so she couldn't commit suicide again. Realistic would be Ishida and deaf girl not both simultaneously having some kind of vision in a dream then running to meet each other at a bridge. It's all unrealistic drama for the sake of the narrative and creating emotional impact. They are all things that could happen sure but if you are being realistic about it none of that would happen the way it did or half as dramatically. We could go back to the moon in the next five years if we wanted it could happen. It could happen but is it being realistic to claim that it actually would happen? Not really.
>Ishida was mad at her for cleaning his desk because he knows she's doing it under false pretenses

Huh? It's made perfectly clear that Ishida did not realize what Shouka was doing to his desk. He hated her because he blamed her for losing his friends. The moment he realized what he was doing was the moment he stopped blaming her and started hating himself instead.

>he tried to honestly get her to dislike him like he did her
That's just your headcanon. Nowhere in the actual story is this expressed or even hinted at. He describes her as a person from another planet who he wants to study. He treats her like the animals he finds. When he finds an ant, he blocks its path to see how it will react. He purs salt on slugs to see what will happen. He tortures animals not because he wants the animals to hate him, but because he wants to see what the reaction will be. That's why he started mistreating that "alien girl". Then he made the discovery that she never retaliates. Then he said to himself "at that moment I realized how to use her". He found a person he hated and who he could mistreat without fearing retaliation.
Jesus Christ
Third person jumping into the discussion. First, can we stop this BS discussion about realism? Nobody wants a totally realistic story because that would be incredibly boring. I think what the other anon meant was that the characters behaved more like people with complex emotions and less like the one-dimensional characters we see in many other shows.
Firstly you said "generally acknowledged" with no mention of trained film critics and second, I'll ask again to see some proper data that agrees with you. So far you've only cited "most people I've talked to."
>t. Frodo
Fuck off already. You're a turbo nitpicker.
Why eyes like hers make me want to blind her?
>hurr durr
Those sites have user scores as well. Where is your data faggot? For the third time: your ass is not data.
>don't point out unrealistic major parts of the film when having a discussion about the films realism
Disabilityfag pls. You already have that deaf slut
Because you're mentally ill teen?
>Realistic would be Ishida and deaf girl not both simultaneously having some kind of vision in a dream then running to meet each other at a bridge
You're retarded at all levels.
Too much heat from the Aryan oppression?
You have yet to point out anything unrealistic in Koe no Katachi. On the contrary, you rpovide plenty of examples that show just how warped your idea of "realism" is. Keeping a deaf person in a straightjacket is not realistic.
He sees her scrubbing his desk and than sees it clean, I think he puts 2 and 2 together.
Fair enough. Something a little bit more extensive would've been appreciated. For all we know, Shouko still has no idea that Ueno and her have several things in common: They both love Ishida and they both hate themselves. Despite their major differences, they could've found some common ground and truly empathized with each other. Instead, we just see Ueno trying her best to tolerate Shouko.
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Nope. He realized it after she left.
I just pointed out three unrealistic things. So much denial going on here. I never said anything about a straightjacket either. Have fun making up strawman arguments to attack because you have no reason to the actual ones though.
As far as bullying portrayal goes, KnK is pretty realistic.
Baby steps. If you want common ground, Ueno communicating with signs was basically that.
I knew the movie would revived this awful manga and inject it with fucking idiots.
I'm not talking about the manga, I'm talking about the film.
>So much denial going on here
No. You just retarded.
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Indeed. Compare the bullying in KnK to the bullying in Fukushuu Kyoushitsu or Misu Misou.

KnK did a very good job of properly explaining the reason why somebody is bullied without thereby justifying it. We see the bullying from the perspective of the bully and understand their flawed reasoning, rather than just focus on the victim who has to deal with bullies who could just as well be soulless monsters.
Yet you can't actually attack any of my arguments. Just ignore them in favour of insults and strawmen. The definition of realistic you are applying is ridiculously lax because your only criteria seems to be that it's something that could plausibly happen. You can come up with all kinds of plausible things that are unrealistic. Ishida could have pushed her off of the balcony instead of save her. That's entirely plausible but would it be realistic? No not at all.
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Top: anything ishihara does with hibike at the top

Good: Blind KnK

Average: Yuri Market

Eh: Predator KnK

Trash: anything takemotoshit
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Ok so what's the point of the nigger loli, the sister who is never shown and the Brazillian dad? They didn't serve any purpose as far as I can see and considering how much material was cut from the manga, I'm surprised that they wasted even a single frame on these utterly pointless characters.
Complex my ass. She's just in love with a boy and barely knows how to actully handle that feeling. She is the most immature of the bunch.
>attack any of my arguments
>insults and strawmen
Because you're retarded snob? Like guy who calling out Star Wars because of sound in space.
Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
The irony...
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The movie ended at an OK spot but there was so much more that happened after that point that you miss out on.
You're the poster unwilling to engage in an argument, not me.
The definition of realism I'm applying is the common sensical one. Your definition of "realism" seems to be "stuff happening as I would want it to happen". Sorry, but that shit doesn't fly with anyone but you. There is a single instance that is not realistic in Koe no Katachi: Shouko and Shouya meeting at the bridge after he woke up in the hospital. It's implausible, very unlikely.

But it's alright because it's a great scene, storytelling-wise. You're a nitpicking sperg, end off discussion.
You're not talking to just one guy, you do realise that right? And you've yet to argue anything I said: none of the events you describe as unrealistic (bar the meeting after the hospitalisation) is in any way unrealistic. It's very plausible and convincingly portrayed. You just dismiss it out of hand because stuff doesn't happen as you'd want it to have happened.

You're a joke dude.

>muh balcony
These are both me btw.
Fuck off
nigga you don't even know what realistic means fuck off
At least she is neither a moustache twirling villain nor a generic white knight. Like any normal person, she has selfish reasons for her actions but also despises her own selfishness.

She also fits very well into the major theme of the story, i.e. communication. Every problem in the story is caused by miscommunication. Shouko's attempts to not make people mad is interpreted as aggressive behavior by others, such as Ueno herself. Shouko, on the other hand, doesn't correctly interpret Ueno's warnings. Ueno interprets Shouko's self loathing (something they have in common) as playing the victim and Shouko doesn't seem to get when Ueno signals her to get away from Ishida (she probably never realized that being in love with him is another thing they have in common). Ueno's tendency to not be satisifed until she hits somebody can also be seen as her being unable to express herself properly.
This sort of faux-elitism is a joke given /a/ state. You can fuck off instead.
>Your definition of "realism" seems to be "stuff happening as I would want it to happen
That isn't what I have said at all. You aren't applying the common sensical definition of realistic at all mine is the common sense one. Things that can happen and have a decent likelihood of happening in reality, that is realistic, not fantastical and romanticised things like those which happen in KnK like I have pointed out.

You can keep repeating "its not unrealistic" but that really isn't changing it. Those things would not realistically ever happen. The deaf girl would have had to have had an extremely uncaring family to be left alone so long after a suicide. The chances of someone being prevented from committing suicide and then Ishida surviving it in the way he did are both extremely lucky. The bridge thing is just flat out obviously there for romanticism and emotional impact and devoid of realism.

The only joke here is you.

Yeah I got that.
Kill yourself.
I refuse to give up /a/ to the cancer.
Not nearly enough. I binch read the entire thing yesterday and hoped that there was no resolution in the movie because the manga is still ongoing. But nope. The manga ended as well and there is no resolution to so many things. It left me with a really strange feeling of being fullfilled and unfullfilled at the same time.
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>no mention of best girl (female)

What the fuck.
How do you recharge your emotional batteries after a movie like this? I have a long weekend and want to watch more movies like it, but I feel like I need a rest before I can get that invested into new characters again.
>Things that can happen and have a decent likelihood of happening in reality, that is realistic
That's exactly the definition of realism I'm using. Nice to see you backpedalling like crazy though.

I already explained to you how the things you point out as "unrealistic" have a decent likelihood of happening in reality. I didn't just repeat "it's not realistic". But you ignored the post entirely and pretend otherwise instead.
>The chances of someone being prevented from committing suicide and then Ishida surviving it in the way he did are both extremely lucky.
Given the circumstances, not true. See above again. You've yet to answer. >>157695809
Your answer to this? "Just because it's plausible doesn't mean it's realistic". Way to contradict yourself shit-for-brains.

>The bridge thing is just flat out obviously there for romanticism and emotional impact and devoid of realism.
Also already pointed out that I don't disagree that this scene is not that realistic, but it doesn't matter. Stories are not documentaries, a little conceit is fine.

So really, stfu already you sperg.
Stop trying so hard to fit in you newfag. /a/'s been full of reddit cancer for more than half a decade.
I like Yuzuru. I really do. Second favorite character in the manga/anime. However, for the sake of the story, I feel like it would've been better if Yuzuru and Shouko were combined into one character named Shouko. In many respects, Yuzuru was merely the logical consequence of things that happened to Shouko. Shouko's mother wants her to be more boyish (i.e. less fragile), so Yuzuru becomes the tomboy for Shouko's sake. Shouko becomes suicidal, so Yuzuru starts photographing dead animals. That creepy guy who bullied Shouko in elemetary school showed up again, so Yuzuru takes revenge on her sister's behalf and tests whether the guy can be trusted. Virtually every apect of her character is being a crutch for her sister and do all the logical things Shouko herself doesn't do. That's why I think that Shouko's character should be combined with Yuzuru. Normal Yuzuru would be Shouko's public facade which she developed as a self-defense mechanism. Left apart, Shouko seems naive, illogical and too helpless.
>Stop trying so hard to fit
Only cancer would say that. Please kill yourself or leave.
>Nice to see you backpedalling like crazy though.
It's the same definition I have been using the entire time.
>Given the circumstances, not true. See above again. You've yet to answer.
I don't buy that him saving her had a decent likelihood of happening nor him surviving the fall its as simple as that really. Finding her sure. Catching her in time, being able to drag her up, then falling over himself and surviving. Nope.
>Way to contradict yourself shit-for-brains.
That isn't a contradiction. Plausible and "decent likelihood" are not functionally equivalent. The difference is in degrees. Not at things that are plausible will necessarily have a decent likelihood of happening but all things that have a decent likelihood of happening must be plausible.

You didn't address the fact that no caring family like deaf girl was shown to have would allow her to be alone so long after a failed attempt to commit suicide realistically either.
>you can hear the pianist moving around in the OST
So fucking good
Pedro is based and their kid is cute
swap maid dragon with amagi and this is pretty spot on
its very very tactile
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>see that there is a special volume

>notice that it's about the bitch mom I don't care about
>I don't buy that him saving her had a decent likelihood of happening nor him surviving the fall its as simple as that really
Good thing you buying it has nothing to do with it being realistic or not. This sort of thing happens. You're just totally unfamiliar with such situations.
>Plausible and "decent likelihood" are not functionally equivalent.
They are actually. You just have a bizarre understanding of "decent" in that phrasing because you're a sperg that's disconnected from reality.
>ou didn't address the fact that no caring family like deaf girl was shown to have
I did. You're exaggerating. They did look after her, they just didn't jump the horse with tracking devices and straightjackets like you would've wanted. Caring parents also show some trust, not just paranoia. Please never have children.
I've been on /a/ since 2006. Stop trying so hard to fit in you obvious newshit.
What's the best sub to torrent?
>This sort of thing happens
Okay. Sure. People pull people up from balconies all the time and survive falls from them all the time. I mean seeing as people survive all the time realistically Ishida should have just let her fall.
>They are actually.
No they aren't and I just explained how. You haven't been able to explain anything here just say "its not like that because you're a sperg".
> They did look after her, they just didn't jump the horse with tracking devices and straightjackets like you would've wanted.
That's a great strawman you've got there but thats not anything I have argued they would have done. You wouldn't be allowing your child to wander around unattended after a recent suicide attempt if you cared about them. Please never have children.

So once again it just comes down to insults and strawmen. Ok whatever I am done. Have your last reply because you are too much of an autistic fuck to stop otherwise.
35mm 1080p, high resolution + no black bars

You two need to stop. Seriously. It's not healthy and you both are wasting big amounts of your valuable free time.
>People pull people up from balconies all the time and survive falls from them all the time.
Stopped reading here. Keep your retarded hyperbole to yourself. You're clutching at straws. Been doing it from the start actually.

A brickwall of autism. That's what you are. There is a decent likelyhood that Ishida would arrive at home in time because he left not soon after. There is a decent likelyhood that he'd reach her before she fell because they were only several metres away when she started to get up on the railing. There is a decent likelyhood that he'd catch her because he is tall and she is a slender tiny girl.

There is nothing unrealistic about this scene.
I'm on a day off work and just been laying in the sun anyway. Not really wasting my time anymore than I was already.
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>Not caring about Nishimama
Shit taste anon
I'm asking the fansub, not the screen resolution.
I kind of hate how the cut the flashback to when nishimiya was a baby and the dad left because he couldn't handle having a special needs kid. That scene gave so much character to nishi-mom.
Linking this both to point out how clueless you are and to encourage you to use this newfound information to jump off the right building and spare the world of your autism.
Still 35mm
>Still 35mm
The fuck man?
Give me a fansub to download, my monitor isn't even 35mm.
>hes still responding
>he calls other people autistic
The fansub group is called 35mm
Anon, you expect me to fall for a bait this obvious?
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Can somebody explain to this retard what's up with these things? I really feel like I am missing something.

Yes I know what they are used for, but why did Shouko pick them? In the manga, she was really shocked when Ishida admitted that he didn't know what they were for.
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Can we all agree that the real victim was Nishimama and that she deserved a better life than the hard one she went through?
Who are you quoting?
I was asking myself the same question.
>why did Shouko pick them?
Because they're cute.
Everybody in the story deserved a better life except arguably that shitty teacher. The mother was also as much a perpetrator as she was a victim.
>not caring about the moms
What's wrong with you?
Both of them are strong willed women who had to take care of their own children without their shit husbands.
If given the chance I'd happily make both of them my wives.
>inb4 polygyny
Women after certain age realize it's better because their work load is lightened by the addition of another wife.
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I can't tell if you're trolling or genuinely retarded, but here you go anyways
I wonder if she meant to buy them for him in the first place. The day she gave them to him she accidentally bumped into him and as he was trying to leave she stopped him and gave them to him (and then confessing). So maybe she just gave them to him out of spur of the moment?
She wanted to confess to him on that day. That's why she changed her hairstyle for that day. She probably simply wanted to meet him later. Perhaps she was on her way to the bridge and then ask Ishida to go somewhere private.
I think she was repaying him for the cat pouch
Oh shit you're right. She ended up with the cat puch from Ueno, right?

Did we ever learn whether the love message could've still inside it or if turd head removed it for good?
Most likely. She was also looking at her phone as if she wanted to invite him out but couldn't think of what to say. I was just wondering if perhaps she was going to give those to someone else at her school or something.

Ah that's true. Maybe she thinks Shouya likes cute stuff because of the pouch then.
I don't think they included that in the movie at all, it simply goes that Ishida buys it from the store when Ueno isn't there and gives it to Shouko.
Ok but what about the manga? Is it a possibility that Shouko got Ueno's "I always liked you" message, assuming that it was from Ishida? That would help explain her sudden decision to confess to him.
Maybe, I don't remember much from the manga tBh
Didn't Ueno still give it to him?
Ok let's cut to the chase. What are the chances of this getting some kind of continuation. Sequal, prequel, spinoff, extra volumes etc.?
In the movie, that is.
Not in the film, as far as I know. Ishida buys it from the store after finding out that Ueno isn't there, gives it to Yuzuru, who then gives it to Shouko.
No. That I am certain of. That's why he never realized that Ueno was even into him. At the end she wants to tell him three things he doesn't know, the third being her love for him. But before she gets to that, she runs off and says "figure it out for yourself".
Ueno is there. She has a Clark Kent disguise and is the one who gives them the pouch.
fuck off with your photoshop
Wait, for real? I figured the film would've drawn more attention to her if that actually was her in disguise. That's wild.
> if that actually was her in disguise
Are you honest to god retarded? How can you not notice that?
Enough with the insults ok bro
Alright, a troll. Still funny though, thanks anon.
Sahara is 1.95cm tall in that picture.
Make me, faggot.
You know, this is really depressing to me
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Yes, it is her. But I just rewatched the scene and she isn't shown giving them the pouch. That what happens in the manga though.
The point of Pedro is to show that race mixing isn't too bad and that Japan should start doing it
Honestly Ishida's reaction totally convinced me that it was someone else. They go past it real quickly.
>>157699888 (observed)
>I figured the film would've drawn more attention to her if that actually was her in disguise. That's wild.
>That's wild.
(don't tell me you're that guy who's been arguing about realism before)
I knew Yamada was a liberal but not a leftist SJW cuck. What a shame.
The manga was much better, but the film was still decent.
Huh? No.
if you've ever done high level competitive sport you'll realise how fucking on point ping pong is

I always imagine that half the people who disliked it only really did because they're just not the type to know how relatable it is
The point of Ueno is to show we are all flawed and Yamada is just like us
I don't understand why they wouldn't at least put this part in the movie.

It was very important to understand Ueno's motives.
No, the point of Pedro is to show that Ishida comes from a lower middle-class family. A respectable Japanese family would never have accepted a nigger in their family. Other details pertinent to this are Ishida always getting worried first about money (he first feels remorse for what he did when he finds out that the hearing aids were expensive, for example.) Another thing is the fact that he's been raised by a single mom.

Basically it's shorthand for "Ishida's family is dysfunctional/abnormal".
Ueno is such a cutie
>It was very important to understand Ueno's motives.
Except it wasn't. That she had a crush on Ishida was obvious enough. (I haven't read the manga and this is the first time I hear of this detail with the note in the cat pouch; seems entirely redundant to me.)
I have one major problem with Ueno's character.

She didn't help Ishida or contact him for several years despite being in love with him? Totally understandable considering peer pressure and how awkward the situation would've been.

She hits a deaf girl, confronts people directly in public and isn't afraid to insult them? Also perfectly understandable if she is an outgoing character like that.

In isolation, these two things make sense. Howver, the combination of the two doesn't make sense. If Ueno is the kind of person who gives in to societal or peer pressure, she wouldn't publicly behave like that towards Shouko and Sahara. On the other hand, if she was a person who is willing to shit on societal conventions and isn't scared away by awkward situations, then she should've been able to contact Ishida.
>The manga was much better,
While watching the movie, I was never sure whether she just felt guilty and missed Ishida as a friend, or if she was in love with him. The manga made that clear. It also did a better job at explaining why Ueno felt like she was under attack by Shouko.
>She didn't help Ishida or contact him for several years despite being in love with him?
She wasn't in love with him. She had a crush on him when they were younger and that crush re-ignited when they met again.
the pacing was too fast for the characters and the story fully develope. like who the fuck was that redhead guy? he came out of nowhere, then fucked off over nothing significant and when at the end he and the mc made up and became friends again I couldn't help but burst out laughing at how stupid and meaningless their relationship was while the film tries to convince you it's a big deal
Nice pasta.
The movie was an overall better experience but the manga filled in some much needed detail. The problem with the movie is that it stayed true to many characters without ever explaining why they are the way they are. As such, the movie cannot completely stand on its own and kinda depends on the manga.
yfw she gets Ueno
>the movie cannot completely stand on its own and kinda depends on the manga.
Completely disagree. I haven't read the manga and I don't think anything in the film was missing. Maybe you're too focused on the side characters.
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She seems really obsessed with him though. Not to mention that her inner dialogue literally says "I always liked Ishida" and "like", in this context, means "love".
Ok, you only watched the movie. What impression did you have from Shouko's mom?
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Shouko: Grew up with only females.
Ueno: Grew up with only males.
Souko: Silent and reserved.
Ueno: Loud and outgoing.

Yet, both love the same person, both despise themselves and both have trouble expressing themselves properly.

I think these two characters were specifically designed to be two sides of the same coin.
That's deep
Is there a decent torrent for this yet?
>Shouko would be in some form of protective custody the fucking moment they explained what happened, or at the very least she'd be glued to her mum's side.

She is 18. You cannot put her anywhere unless she wants to be put there.
Does Ueno really hate herself? I thought the whole point was that Shouko blamed herself for everything while Ueno only blamed others.
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A very stoic woman who doesn't always have the best influence on her daughters however well-intentioned she may be. Probably a lot of the drama in the story is in part due to her not knowing how to involve herself.
I think you might be right. I had this vivid memory of a scene where she cries and says that she despises herself. But now I cannot find it. I thought it was after she fought with Nishimama, but there she only says that Ishida wouldn't like a person who hits others. So perhaps she was just designed to be her opposite after all.
You happy? You understand her and she understands you?
I'm talking about the film. I couldn't care less about the manga. That stuff you posted seems too pulled by the hair.
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Love needs no words, anon.
I still fell like I haven't really gotten to know Shouko. The movie needed a lot more scenes where she wasn't just crying or looking sad in the background.
Somebody got a webm of Shouko signing "baka"?
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She feels inferior to Shouko due to Ishida's affection for one and not the other. When they're at the theme park and Ishida sort of but not quite admits he hates her she immediately goes and takes Shouko on the ferris wheel and tries to push her out of the picture for good.

But, like you said, her issue is mainly putting all the responsibility on someone else, Shouko, much like she put it all on Ishida back when they were in school. She's a more uncooth version of Kawai - who does essentially the same thing to Ishida.
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I don't think there is any anime movie that triggers the protective instinct more than this. I was already making plans to create a mighty team of anti-bully rangers when I realized that I don't care about 3DPD and I cannot protect 2D from being bullied.

Thanks! Saved.
Filthy secondary.
Understanding means more than just words idiot. Answer my question.
why does he have to draw such grotesque subject matter, I honestly believe he could create wonderful and unique non-pornographic stories with his amazingly cute character designs and endearing storylines.
That's what I implied, anon. We understand each other through love.
That's not how I interpreted that scene at all. In the ferris wheel, Ueno offers her to coexist and only lashed out after Shouko apologized again. What if Shouko accepted her deal? In the manga, it's even more obvious that she is attempting to make up with her because Ishida tells her that she must apologize to Shouko first if she wants to apologize to him. I think this was Ueno's attempt at initating a public apology but still letting Shouko know that she hates her guts.
Careful then. She may want to kill herself because things are perfect and for some reason they will get even better if she died. Martyr complex girl.
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This is your anime director for the night, say something nice to her!
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So is this the greatest redemption story ever told?
Just retire already, your directing style resembles a graduate student who just pirated Magic Bullet Looks. Your cookie cutter framing and dutch angles are overused. Please, please Yamada-san, get pregnant, form a family, and stop infecting KyoAni with your amateur directing.
I hear she's married. Where is her husband?
Why does she look so sad in this picture?
Ok now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Kawai is the worst person in the story? She has literally no redeeming quality.
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Well, the manga is often too over dramatic with many situations like Shoukos suffering and Uenos love for Ishida. The movie toned many of these scenes down which makes the story so much better. It's just a shame that they had to cut out so much background stuff, but oh well
No, I don't think she's a bad person.
She says in the manga that she "feels sick of herself" so yeah
Not in the film so it doesn't count. Manga Ueno =/= film Ueno.
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>being this much of a newfag
Go back to >>>/v/
only if you go back to plebiddit
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threadly reminder
So you don't deny you're from /v/
This scene destroys me
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This movie was pretty special to be honest, I think it deserves every ounce of praise it's received so far.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. It dragged a little bit in the middle but understandably so given how the first act was just rife with emotion and tension. The last act was stunning too, you could really feel how hard Ishida and Shouko were trying, and when Shouko failed, he pulled through for her.

I really liked how it wasn't a love story but one of redemption and growth for the characters. The confession halfway through the movie probably threw people off as they were probably expecting it to turn into a love story, but it was more for Shouko's character than anyone else. That scene could have probably been executed differently.

Greatest redemption story ever told? I don't know, I don't think I've seen enough redemption stories, but fuck me sideways if Koe no Katachi wasn't a fucking good one.
It wasn't all that special. Pretty contrived in a lot of ways and very melodramatic as well.
Does anyone remember which chapter the Don't touch me you filthy casual scene was from?
One in volume 2 i think
Cute. I wish I had a big sister when I was growing up.
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The movie had potential to be good - i mean, Yamada did an ok job portraying all strong parts of one shot manga. Knowing how atrocious and incoherent the serialized manga is, i was really curious how she will approach that portion of the material. And, well, it seems she tried - there were cool parts where she rethought scenes and made them look more natural.
But holy shit, she did it in the most unnecessary places, leaving all cringy and forced shit, that needed serious rewrite, untouched.
As a director, she fucked up most serious part of manga - the altogether bridge scene. While absolutely necessary for the plot, it was absolute fucking mess, and she just left it as is. This really showed her incompetence.
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I thought it was fine. It really showed how everyone was pretty much the same except for Shouya, who had clearly given up on living his own life at that moment.
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Was Eyebrows a kiddie fiddler or just a cuck?
How though?
No, it fucking wasn't.
It was just some talking heads spouting random text without any kind of dialog composition, suspense, resolving. It felt as a necessary plot burden even more than in a manga, with a characters staying in one place, saying required unnatural shit without any actual point, just for the sake of script progression.
>I like it therefore it's realistic
great thread boys
There was a point, anon. In fact, it was a very pivotal scene in the movie.
I think if you look at the film and think the plotting of events actually matter rather than the delivery then you've missed the point. The film is a sensory experience first, a story second but even then the audiovisual component of the film is its most important character and it captures and portrays the emotional journey of Ishida far better than the manga does.
>very pivotal scene in the movie
That's what i'm fucking saying.
My complaint is - it presents all crucial information in the most bland, clumsy and forced way, pouring at viewer/reader all the plot points at once, making characters behave as retarded answering machines
Also, what the fuck with editing? These quick jump cuts felt so fucking amateurish that it hurt
For example?
I don't think you know what reddit spacing is. Reddit doesn't allow white space between paragraphs, at least not in a normal way. So you often see on reddit literal walls of text without breating room.
You would know
Yes, I don't go around shitposting about muh reddit spacing without first knowing what it actually is, so I don't look like a retard.
What the fuck?
Ok, not a "jump cuts" as in Requiem for a dream, just a quick cuts to variuous things that completely ruined rhytm of a scene. IIt was throughout the movie, i'd gave few more precise examples, but i have deleted it already and won't bother with webm anyway
It's arthouse direction pleb
it's sloppy-ass production m8
That's fine, no worries. I didn't find anything wrong with it though.
Haven't seen the movie, was waiting for good subs but I guess 35mm are good enough. But from the few scenes I've seen, it looks like they were trying to cut to the beat of some songs like a trailer or music video.
Go back to plebbit. You're cancer.
Make me.
Nice plebbit spacing.
See >>157711372
It showed how much he hasn't grown up.
Yeah Redditors aren't used to such freedom so they post their gay walls of text here only with bad spacing too
The phone message wasn't going to be anything serious like a confession, just an excuse to get Ishida out and meet up with her. The message isn't important.
That's exactly what reddit spacing is pal.
This post >>157709471 is an example of 4chan paragraph formatting. Double new line after every "paragraph" is a clear tell you're from reddit.
I cordially invite you to fuck off and never return.
Nice bait.
Leave faggot.
See >>157712064
should i read the manga first
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