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Kemono Friends

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 557
Thread images: 251

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Why'd the last thread get pruned?
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this is why we don't write Edition in the OP friends

Have a cute Kaban
OP was a faggot.
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Who Bossu here?
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I want to befriend Margay
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"Edition". Generals are not allowed.
Why does this always happen, previous thread gets deleted because two or so people get triggered by the word edition so I check to make sure no other threads have been created and then once I finish creating the thread this one pops up. Why do I always get such shitty luck.
Do anons want to make a game together?
So edition threads here are against the rules? No wonder they get deleted even when they are the more popular thread.
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Mangaka Wolf Kemono Friends.gif
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Any new one of these yet?
Because some things can only be learned by lurking. Learning at the very least what sort of behavior you need to avoid in any community is vital.
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Sorry anon. If it's any consolation I've had that exact same thing happen to me before despite creating it earlier than the one that pops up later.

Have a Japari Donut.
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I Wont Eat.gif
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Natural selection at work.
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su su sugoooi.jpg
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I like pleasure spiked with pain
And music is my aeroplane
It's my aeroplane
Songbird sweet and sour Jane
And music is my aeroplane
It's my aeroplane
Pleasure spiked with pain
That mother fucker always spiked with pain
Nice looking cup of coffee. Is there a Civet Friend?
No amount of lurking can prepare you for the unpredictable, took last thread hours to be put up yet this one was instant.
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Yes though not the kind that is used to make coffee though I believe this one can spray you like a skunk.
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be well anon
I want to protect this bag
I want to bag this bag
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I want to be a friend with benefits with Silver Fox.
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I want to eat chicken with Margay.
this is absolute rubbish.. the stig has actually refused to have a go at it on the test track .. these japari blokes should be ashamed of themselves
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I want to eat Margay.
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But the chicken comes first.
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*hugs you from behind*
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I honestly will nvr be able to get the fucker who draws this as well as the fuckers who enjoy this.

Friends are for loving.
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Why do Jaguar and Serval do this strange greeting? Is it a cat thing? Although I don't remember Sand Cat, Lion or Margay doing it.
Maybe Arai-san likes it rough.
put those margays away
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>know that I am now trapped in a death embrace
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Do you know the Cheeroki legend of the two wolfs, anon? You are feeding the wrong one.
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I like this special cat
They are making cat paws with their hands.
They're (big) cats, so they're doing some sort of cat paw greeting. It's cute as fuck and one of my favorite things in the entire show.
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those girls in the background are hot
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Should I feed this one, then?
>that shinoa
I forgot seraph even existed.
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You should see those fanarts of stabbing the friends. That guy drew far worse than strangling.
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That wasn't originally an option, but I guess it's a good choice.
So someone finally drew a picture of hug friend hugging. Now all we need are pictures of her doing lewd things with her long tongue.
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I love Giraffe's design so much.
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Some people have issues, serious issues.
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Which friend would you bang in japari bus? Would you still do it if there were other passengers?
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fuck off.jpg
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Hug friend says no.
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Why the hell are you guys being so lewd today?

I want to hand feed those owls.
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Breeding with Kaban.
I fucking hate western artists
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As others have said before... I really didn't care for her at first, but with time you end appreciating her design.
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So it finally happened, huh?

These threads are basically image dumps now.
we have our days
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Funny considering how there is already one here. >>>/c/2894898
Yes anon, we know
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I understand the feeling, but it's not fair to generalize. Just be thankful that KF didn't become popular among the tumblrinas...
Couldn't Kaban have just picked up Serval and left? The boss Cerulean wasn't going to follow them if she didn't light that torch.
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>next Kancolle/Touhou
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Yeah, have a generation ? Serval
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too big
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Kemono Friends.png
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If she didn't light the torch, Bigdog would just roam around the park, making more Friends meet Aardwolf's fate.
Also, they needed an excuse to make the final battle scene, which was pretty damn cool.
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I want to marry red fox.

But they knew that it followed sunlight. It was just sitting there not moving when they first found it at night. Couldn't she have just pulled back with Serval and then continued their plan with help?
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godzilla friend.jpg
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That artist likes them big.
I wonder if there's a minimum amount of Sandstar required to work on a creature, and if it even works on bizarre constantly evolving organisms.
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Maybe Kaban didn't have enough strength to carry Serval and thought that the cerulean would step of her.
but honestly, you're thinking about it too much. Just enjoy the cute girls and the badass bag.
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Why is she bullied?
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There's this animal in Keroro with a very similar design to wolf - eye color, markings, the thick white fur around the neck. In spite of the similar design though, it was an anime-only character (so not necessarily designed by Yoshizaki Mine), and it was described as a dog in the episode.

However, as it turns out, its first appearance was in a Keroro drama cd, which had characters and concept by Yoshizaki Mine, and there it's never called a dog. Makes me wonder if the design was really meant to be a wolf all along...

But Kaban is a smart girl. I'm bothered by this loophole because it's not like her to make that kind of mistake.
How long does it take between a season ending and a new one being announced?

This is a very tricky thing to do now that this series is popular
Friends were made for bullying
why generation "?"
Maybe she grew tired of Japari Park and just wanted to ride eternal, shinny and chrome in Valhalla.
There should be a red patch on her cheek to indicate physical aggression.
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>How long does it take between a season ending and a new one being announced?
There's really no pattern for something like that, if the 2nd season wasn't planned from the start. Right now, there's an announcement for a new "animated project", including with a character design, but they haven't confirmed what it is for some reason.
That's all I come here for
>How long does it take between a season ending and a new one being announced?
Really depends. It took 14 years for Kino s2.
Probably because they don't want to confirm how much time has passed since the Japari Park was abandoned, or when that happened in relation to the Cerulean Queen stuff. If they said 3rd generation it'd imply that it came right after the 2nd one, while leaving it like that they can throw as much stuff as they want there.
I guess they're tying to figure out how to upgrade the 3D further
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Big mistake. They should be working their asses off on another well written story, instead.
I'd put something warm in her pocket if you know what I mean.
I find these amusing. Marsupials are cool too
A piece of toast?
Kaban do not distress the Friends
I should do that theme next time. Anyone have a picture of all the Marsupial friends together?
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No, my dick in her vagina.
I think if someone were foolish enough to lewd the Friends, they'd make the absolute worst choice in impregnating marsupial Friends. One night, they might wake up to seeing a tiny red fetus crawl out of the Friend and slowly make its way into their apron pocket.
That doesn't make sense, there are no pockets involved there.

Yes there is. It's a hot pocket.
No food involved either, stop lying!
I like the way the artists draws eyes.
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Video games.png
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Speaking of geimu, any friend here watching the Nasa marathon?
The what?
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I am but this isn't the right place to talk about it.
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Would you let her thighs crush your head? Can you imagine the smell of her sweaty muscled thighs and pussy vapors as she slowly crush your head. It's ecstatic.
seeing this image always hurt my back.
True, well there's a thread for it in the board meant for it after all. Was just curious if any Friend was.
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gaymu dayo.png
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>Not having waited for the cleaner edit
>You will never spend your days sitting on the floor wasting your parents money as a below average girl
Sounds like such an easy life
Why not both?

Checking the snippets, I'm surprised how the backgrounds themselves are 3D with clever use of textures
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>Why not both?
Because a producer who chases two rabbit Friends, catches neither.
The story and story telling made KF, not the graphics.
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finally rereading my old Sgt Frog volumes.
I forgot how amazing this was.
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I don't know, I hate being a borderline neet but that might just be because of the shit that keeps me from being a true neet.
He looked so weird, at least Natsumi and mother were always sexy.
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Onsen saikoo~oo.gif
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I want to shitpost with Red Fox
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dinosaurs friends.jpg
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>only jobs available in my area are selling vacuum cleaners
Not sure if it's still NEET, but I make money from donating plasma.
That's not too bad

Much less grotesque and messy compared to how birth is done by placental mammals
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>Not sure if it's still NEET, but I make money from donating plasma.
I should do that then save up enough to leave this shithole. Forgot it was even a thing, thanks.
Since Kaban's a double human, wouldn't that mean any baby a person puts into her would effectively rape her body to kingdom come with an absurd amount of hormones for 9-10 months straight?
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>No option for Wisest Bird
I'm pretty pissed off that this lame CGI show is becoming such a massive success when there are other, actual, legitimately well-animated shows this season that people are pouring their hearts and souls into. I mean I realize you guys like laughing at the stupidity of this show, but the fact that it's exploded this much is just a big middle finger to the whole anime industry.
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Serval is Kaban's pet and Fennec is Arai-san's onee-chan so the only real option is Grape-kun confessing to Hululu that he's practiced egg fertilizing while thinking about her.
Then they should get better at writing.
>But Kaban is a smart girl. I'm bothered by this loophole because it's not like her to make that kind of mistake.
Kaban represents humans and all humans make stupid mistakes.
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Don't worry anon; the success of Kemono Friends means more 3DCG shows like gdgd Fairies and Tesagure in the future, probably.
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that's nice
But that's a completely different Red Fox
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anime bros.webm
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>new geemu
Oh boy I hope it's VR.
Imagine seeing yourself with a complete stranger in some really old photo.
I've been gone for a bit. Did they reveal what the sales figures were yet? Weren't they going to do that on the 22nd?
I think I've figured it out.

I love simple CG, when its not trying to show off and appear pretty it works, I've seen other full CG movies where they try to emulate hair and other complex stuff and it just looks trash, take this and FAGirls where the hair is mostly just solid and it works great.
She remembers due to sandstar or some bullshit
I'd probably be more confused than sad.
Most likely come up with some dumb theories in the process.
>Holy shit, I'm a time traveler!
So it's like the experience you get when you look at really old photographs of yourself from when you were a toddler and were being held by someone you were told was your cousin when you were younger.
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Nah because that's not you in the photo as you are today. That's just being a stupid forgetful kid.
Seeing you as you are today but in a hundred year old photograph with a stranger, let alone a supposed extinct species, is some shit straight out of a Call of Cthulhu campaign.
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I happy that you're upset.

In fact, this entire post makes my day.
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Since Kaban is technically a newborn babby, how did she know how to make a paper airplane, and how did she know what it was called?
Sando Star
How do any of the friends know how to speak Japanese and eat Japariman instead of each other?
That knowledge was pre-installed in her?

I would after getting it warmed up.

Sacrificing herself when she didn't need to? Humans don't do that.
Bigdog noticed them before the torch.
Seems like sandstar caused her to inherit basic human knowledge without needing personal experience. In the same way it also seems to give other friends at least partial human knowledge, such as language.
Yes they do. Don't underestimate humans.
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Japari live.jpg
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Japari live

Anime humans doing this all the time.
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But after she rescued Serval it was just going to sit there. It couldn't even see very well in the dark anyway.
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>naked Silver Fox in public bath

I want to commit gentle public sexual acts with her.

What happened while Serval slept between episodes.
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Why am I somewhat aroused by this?
>Nanomachines, son!
>Life Fibers, daughter!

There needs to be a "Sandstar, Friend!" image to answer questions like these.

Sandcat decides to visit the foxes
>Show her the hot water bottle because she's freezing
>She still loses interest
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Can somene help me understand?
Did the artist mean that such activities were popular at his school?
What makes you think that? It attacked Serval in the dark at ep11 and fought friends in the dark at ep12. It got weakened after Serval was rescued and was staring at them so it probably wanted to take her back.
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I want a bossu beanie

But after Serval was rescued and it fell to its knees it was staring away from them. It didn't turn until Kaban lit that torch.
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its time nanoda!
This is some good shit, I should get back into listening to hiphop.
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Kon kon!
This image somehow makes me dizzy.
More like, as a Human Friend, she has a fundamental grasp on human inventions and concepts, so things like building a bridge, constructing an igloo, or folding a paper airplane are second nature to her. Kaban could probably make bicycles out of stuff lying around the park if the problem of travel over land arises when the bus runs out of power again.
The close up of Bigdog and the sound effect implied that it turned towards them at that moment.
>It didn't turn until Kaban lit that torch.
I can't see any implication of that.
>Cerulean launching flares
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This suits their personalities way more
I want to cum a 50cal into your brain
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I'm surprised that he didn't color the rabbit ears to somewhat look like serval's ears.
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Is there any other videos of toki's singing being made good?
It's already good.
Gooder then
Say my name!
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Where will Kaban live once her adventure's done?

[_] Savanna
[_] Somewhere else
[_] Perpetually nomadic
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otter dance.gif
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Dem jags
In your heart.
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>tweet: 1:59
>post: 2:00
What are you doing, anon?
But its 6:30 anon. Are you ok?
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I rove rucky beast
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This is just too cute
I want it, if only for the beauty of rucky beast.
What a weird rat.
S2 announcement never.
But how?

Is this custom made from scratch?
Why would it be?
Don't mini figs already exist?
He made a lot of them.
I wonder how Friends would react to seeing a non Friend version of themselves.
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ss (2017-05-25 at 04.58.33).png
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Special hug.
Adult attack!
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Making friends
What are those silly owls doing?
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What would it cost me to get to be a cute kashikoi?
Season 2 when?
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kemofure owls hug.jpg
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Scientific experiments
being kashikoi
Driving without a license.
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kashikoi x2
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forgot saved friends version of this please help
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look at this burrito
That;s a kashikoi burrito.
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Wise hour
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I needed this in my life, thanks.
Put it back in its tin.
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Watching with Tatsuki!
Where is the other Serval, Mirai talked to?
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>This program is not available in your region.
Is this a proper region lock or just since its not live yet?
Fucking dead.
dead :<
Silver-san buy me geimu
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how did they swap heads?
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about what are they singing?
about you :3
>Songbird sweet and sour
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is beaver jealous?
Bit of that, bit of murderous rage.
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>Spend all day gathering wood to make you and your new wife a house and come home to find her kissing other friends

Beaver deserves better.
Prairie knows how to make it up to her
this plate of tofu represents KF challenging not just the status quo in the anime industry, but challenging anime viewers to release their preconceptions so that they may ascend to a higher level of consciousness
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There is a friend developing a Kemono Friends 3d adventure game. Looks tanoshii.



Anyone have info about the programmer?
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>serval is a cat
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So this dude wasn't able to buy one of the official Kemono Friends buckets
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Campo flicker needs way more art, she is just so cute
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Thats unityanon. He posts sometimes
Servals are cats.
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>Western current year artists like landwhales
What a huge suprise
Thats a lot of cute cats
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So this game has a story mode too?
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>blocks your path

wat do?
Run, hippos are seriously dangerous.
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>he would run from this
Are you gay, anon?
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Nobody remembers Ocelot.
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Japan, never change
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>prairie dog literally has to run up and kiss beaver everytime she sees her

beaver is so koun-na
Very kashikoi.
I wanna hug her.
Pray tell whats the difference between this thread and the thread that had "edition" in the op?
Oh wait its exactly nothing, same posters posting same posts and literally only difference is a word in the op.
Mods are literal autists. They don't want generals, but also don't want more than one thread for the same show. The rules nowadays are bonkers.
Because when the thread has "edition" in the title it gets derailed into nothing but people bitching about it immediately. It really has nothing to do with generals.
/v/ format and general.
>it's a general anyway
No retard.
That doesn't even make sense. As long as people are interested in something and popular restricting the number of threads forces it to be a general.
It triggers autists who think they safe guard the board for degenerating by going on some holy crusade against generals. When the board already shit the bed years ago when no fun allowed mods took over.
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hippos are the 2nd most deadly animal of africa, I would run too.

look at her eyes, malicious intent
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OP "Youkoso Japari Park e with Kaban" was aired in radio.

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Tea with Toki.
It's pretty bad recently. I keep seeing stuff get deleted that would have simply been ignored a few years ago.
Will toki and alpaca judge me for my tea taste?
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Man, I wish it was June.
I was just reading the post about how some countryside fans feel neglected with the guy all like

"Can't go the shop, can't go to the cafe, can't get one of Tatsuki's postcards, can't go the Friends meetings, can't go to Comitia 120 or Zoo Collabs, can't go to the screenings, there's no guidebooks in normal shops and they take weeks to order."

Someone responded "Leave your house for just a minute and you can see wildlife! (smugface)"
I have to stay pure for Toki
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It's thanks to this show I found out about ibis
Why does this show seem to make some people so angry?

If you even mention you liked it outside these threads on /a/ it starts a shitposting attack fairly reliably.
Did someone just shoot Serval through the head?
Because its the furry mlp cg show of the year.
>of the year
There is normally one each year?
it's a how a sudden surprising discovery is often shown in mangat
Dunno, I'm just repeating what other say.

Last vaguely furry cg one I remember was show by rock
Newtype flash, but Friend version.
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it didnt record the intro but i don't want to mess with a proxy and my time and date settings again so if you want a better one do it yourself
Anyone got their dispatch e-mail for Guidebook 3 yet? Apparently nips are starting to receive them from Amazon.
I just got a refund from amazon.jp for £6.80 on Guidebook 1. Not really sure why. Maybe to do with that thing where you can pre-pay import tax incase it gets applied?
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Holy shit, the vocals feel so complete now that Kaban's there. Thanks, anon.
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>talking part
No problem. I'm sorry that the intro is missing, but it's under 2 weeks until we get an actual one anyway.
That was really good. The talking part made me smile for a minute.
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I actually don't like the first half as much, but the talking part and everything after is great.
Suit yourself, I think Kaban's singing is adorable.
You are forgetting the Serval cried when she saw herself with Mirai in the hololog thing so I don't think it is that much different for Red Fox.
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Why would Fennec need VR when she already has the real thing?
Why has no one drawn the anteater friends with long tongues yet even though they give giraffe friend a long tongue in fanart.
Oh great, besides the lack of oxygen due to the altitude and the steep incline, you have those flare fags up there as well. This shit should be fucking fined.
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Not again, fuck, wrong thread. My bad.

>Inb4 another warning for a mistake again
Would your cum turn it into volcanic rock?
You must be very new here, even back when the show was airing there were a few image dump occasions.
If you don't want images to be posted, go to a text board. OH WAIT
Sugoi, you are a Friend who is good at being clumsy!
Aww shit, is this out or just a test?
I like to imagine Tsuchinoko urges other friends into "human recreation" plays where they try to recreate human scenarios and places based off poorly gathered information.
I'd like to see the soapland play
>Why not both?
Because fans of the show do not want it to improve for the most part.

It still remains just as vague now too.

Fukuhara did mention it just recently, perhaps yesterday or the day before and still referred to it as a "new video production" rather than season 2. He just said something like "We are busy trying to meet everybody's expectations for a new video production".
It's scheduled to be released on Saturday, it seems.
I got bored so here's one with the opening there if you're autistic about that kind of thing
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>they even used Hululu's Japariman line

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Cute, but the mouth seems too dark. Maybe it's just the video.
>We are busy trying to meet everybody's expectations for a new video production
At least that confirms they are actually doing SOMETHING right?
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>that font
So the story is that the owls are organizing a fighting tournament for PPP tickets or something?
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they now have the ability to request for a better budget

But the question is how to pull it off since making better models would still require manpower
The story is the owls are organising a fighting tournament to see who gets to eat Kaban.
Better hands is all I ask for
What's coming out of her glove
If the Production Committee know what is good for them they will request that the animation is kept the same. It's what the fans want overwhelmingly.
Are those bird sounds from The Twekve Taxs of Asterix?

Sweat, being an idol is hard work.

She looks really handsome in that picture.
anon knows he wants to be the fish
This is not my fetish
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While Kaban was taking a bath, Serval did unspeakable things to her glove.
Is it legal to share songs you record from the radio?
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Yes. Trust me, I'm a serval.
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>That talking part.

Perfect. I don't regret preordering the CD at all. I kind of hope this version ends up being the S2 OP.
Probably not but don't sweat the small details
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I'm moeing all over.
Holy shit, this is the worst thing for my heart right now.
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I just noticed I instinctively type Friends rather than friends now when typing friends.
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I thought I was the only one who fell victim to this curse.
I see what you did there.
I really hope that they end up visiting that airport at some point.
Seems like a lot of work for one small fish.
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I see nothing wrong with that.
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I want to put my hands in here.
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Even when talking about characters from this show, I randomly alternate between Friends and friends.
And I'm thinking what a mess we're in, hard to know where to begin.
>do it yourself
so i cut out part from the original vers and pasted into yours hopefully with little seam. just the audio quality differs. here ya'll go until a CD rip comes out
There should be more pictures of alternate outfit Friends.
I think Kaban can be considered as Lucy Beast's principal now.
Then why didn't she just order Boss to forget about the don't speak to Friends rule? Instead of asking Serval for tricking Lucky Beast and make him belive Kaban is in danger so he can speak to a Friend.
I already rerecorded it with the cut out intro, but it sounds a bit weird since there was background music in the radio show that was still playing when the track started, I think.

But thanks for the edit. People can use what they prefer, that way.
Just because she was considered park staff for a moment doesn't mean she can completely override his programming,
Quality translation.
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You are not alone
It doesn't matter how technically excellent a piece of work is, if it's incapable of engaging the reader, listener, or viewer, then it's a poor piece of work.
In other words; write a good story, plan carefully to tell it well, then pour what's left into eye candy, instead of doing it in the opposite order.
>ywn be that fennec
Just end me
vai a merda
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Start serializing in newspapers.
>Fennec's smugness transcends to the 3d world
Shit, this feels much more complete than the original version
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Fennec's レズ rubbed off to Arai-san, it seems.
I know it's really silly, but I'm glad this turned out well for the voice actors.
Especially because of how brutal the voice work competition is.
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Mirai's memories.
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I didn't get mine yet, still says arriving Jun 7-8 but I assume it'll end up being a week earlier like Vol. 2 was.
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Best friend.png
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I'm really glad this isn't standard StudioS fare, otherwise big, muscular, scary-looking men and giant monsters would be torturing, beating, raping, and eventually tearing apart the Friends.
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Friends can heal anything. Asanagi is next in line.
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>the talking segment
Why are there big bonfires?
So Friends know to stay away so they don't get run over by landing planes.
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It looks cool
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Little bonfires aren't as impressive
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top smug.jpg
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Adding another one to my collection.
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OST when? I wanna listen to the Savannah theme at work to make me feel like I'm on a comfy adventure.
Damn that lady got the Asian cranked up to 200%
5 minutes
June I think
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but wasn't that a different Serval?
I assume its so you can see where the runway is. If you look at some of the concept art in the books it looks much more like they initially planned a tropical kind of island theme and I believe I have read that it was stated in interviews that was the case too.
All Servals are connected by a magical interdimensional force.
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I love short hair lion!
Terrible. I like short hair but Lion needs the fluff.
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>short hair lion
How horrifying.
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The owls don't understand human etiquette.
Will being famous for a meme show really boost their profile though? Most of the good VA work in Kemono Friends was the cameos by actual established seiyuus. And the penguins were hardly even in it except for the previews which were all improvised anyways.
>meme show
You've invalidated your entire post.
Which Friend is the most kashikoi?
I want to be interdimensionally connected to Serval
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They're really, really stupid.
Wouldn't short hair work if the lion Lion Friend came from was female? She wouldn't even have the neck fur either.
I guess, but it doesn't really make for a good design.
We don't really know for sure. It seems like that would be the case, but some people have suggested that the Friends just look that way to better show what animal they are.
Like, it would be kind of hard to tell what Moose is without her antlers, despite that being a male-only trait.
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If the owls are so dumb then why are they the chiefs of the island, huh? Don't you ever talk bad about us again or else I'll personally have to scare you straight.
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Do we need to break out the burning owls photos you baka?
Not these dummies, thats for sure
I dunno, tricking Kaban into cooking for them was pretty clever.
Thats not saying much, you could trick kaban into doing anything for some information on humans
Show some respect anon, they literally saved Japari Park.
I wonder what the owls would have demanded if they were boys.
please scare me
Can I ask her to hold my hands?
I don't think it would be hard to trick a day old child.
thank god, Friends are females
>Noticed new doujin scanned
>Kaban is a shota
>Everyone has cowtits
Why do the scanners have such bad taste. At least there seems to be some non-h up, but 1 of those is barely even sketches.
Aside from the Serval tofu, was there anything else interesting in Guidebook 3?
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Hakase scares you to DEATH.jpg
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You asked for it.
Hakase, that is improper behaviour.
Please dont bully the tarantula
now I am scared, yamete!
Wouldn't the Owls be the better leader of Japari Park?
Wouldn't IV be better than VI?
Wouldn't Fall From Heaven III be better than VI?
4 didn't hold up well. Too messy for its good.
Owls are not for lewd. Owls are for feeding curry rice.
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You are a wise anon
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chubby birb.jpg
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I'm really glad there are no images of the owls vomiting pellets.
Mostly because artists have fun drawing their fetishes and scenarios they've made up. Also, if you haven't noticed, plenty of those breast sizes are in fact close to being accurate.
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Kemono Friends live show
Kemono Friends manga
Kemono Friends zoo events
Kemono Friends video game
Kemono Friends VR experience
Kemono Friends figmas and lunch boxes
Kemono Friends temporary tattoos
Kemono Friends permanent tattoos
Kemono Friends reconstructive surgeries
Kemono Friends independent states
Kemono Friends world domination
so cute!
what the actual fuck

>no Kemono Friends illuminati
That smug is great.
what does that hand sign mean?
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I just don't know why I find the kemofure seiyuu so cute.
You have 'five' minutes to live
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I just realized how much Kemono Friends is going to hurt my wallet in the future. I'm okay with it.
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I'm preparing for the flood of nendos. Its going to hurt so back but be so worth it
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Hululu nendo would be an instant buy if it came with a little Grape-kun.
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I like to imagine Tsuchinoko urges other friends into "human procreation" plays.
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I'm excited for marine friends, I hope they don't land right away. Also for whoever is on the boat.
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I hope its 6 episodes on a boat. 1 on the new island realizing there is no sandstar and they cant survive then 5 heading home.
Just hold your bitcoin, anon. It's on the rise.
A human can only last 3 days without water.
It takes only 1 day to show noticeable effects

Kaban carried no provisions and the Friends don't seem smarter.
Sandstar would keep them safe but boy, would it be uncomfortable
Sell them now, bitcoins will crash when the new japaricoin currency goes live.
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Is there a pelican friend already?
Kaban has something in the bags there. I don't expect Serval's to be anything useful.
>Kaban has something in the bags there
Had, all the bags are now full of Friends
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>no provisions
>Kaban carried no provisions

But she did, it was shown in the back of the boat. The audio drama is all about the PPP collecting japari buns for the trip.
>I don't expect Serval's to be anything useful.
Stolen Japari buns.
Yeah I wish they were full of friends.
We already know what the drama is about?
Yeah it was announced a while back. It's written and directed by Tatsuki as well.
I didn't see a water jug or anything
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Go away, Miura.
oh shit never mind
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Easy peasy
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>shedding tears for nana
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Nana is a good girl
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Shoebill is basically a scary prehistorical pelican.
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The live performance at Bushiroad 10th anniversary was apparently broadcast on TV in Japan earlier. Wonder if a video will surface.
It probably will.
Oh I remember Arai-san said she's going to kiss Fennec.
Found it
or some of it I am not sure
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I find it really funny that instead of hiring VAs to match the character design, they chose VAs based on personality, so you have Sandcat's VA who's a cute girl that gets bored really easily, Fennec's who somehow also has that fucking smug face that I want to slap off, and all the PPPs look like sluts.
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That crowd is pretty loud.
>PPPs look like sluts
wrong, WRONG!
Fans usually are.
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I suppose but its not as if everyone is there to see them.
I wonder if that edited down version is to fit in the twitter video limit or is as long as it was on the TV/
Watching that made me smile, but then I remembered I'll probably never get to see anything like that live.
When the crowd cheers during the talking/self introduction bit Serval's VAs smile in response looks quite genuine. I guess they aren't really used to it being no names only a few months ago.
I'm new to buying anime merch and I want the serval nendo + others as they come out. I see that amiami says "In cases of manufacturer stock shortages, pre-order items will be offered on a first come, first served basis." Does this happen often? I'd like to leave ordering it until close to the date due to being unsure on money. Plus the general popularity of this show makes me think it might sell insanely quick
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It just means "we have these until they're sold out". If you can still order it you're fine.
Cool. I have a reminder set up for the month before so I should get one.
That part is actually true, shoebills have existed since before recorded history began. It's the pelican-part that's the issue, since shoebills are more like storks.
>different Servals
What did he mean by this?
Theres more than 1 form of media that serval exists in
Looks like he drew the game, manga and anime versions of Serval.
>3 arms
>3 legs
I didn't know they had Servals in the Zone.
Shit, that's cool. I guess they really are Dinosaurs after all.
Is that Nana on the right?
Yes you can read the ナナ
Thing is, recorded history is like the last 5000 years or so, and everything before that is considered prehistory. Virtually every animal and plant species alive today is "prehistoric".
Manga Serval, OK.
Anime Serval, OK.
Extra Serval. What.
A stand-in was needed when Anime Serval was fucking killed mid-show.
Solid Serval
What did hemean by this?
It's for when a Serval dies, you have a backup Serval.
Punished "Venom" Serval
Now Fennec needs to kiss her back.
>He doesnt have an extra serval
That rodent has a cute outfit.
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