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Buyfag thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 509
Thread images: 147

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Read the guide before asking any questions

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Something about her hair looks very wrong to me, especially the lower parts.
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I don't see it
Don't you just want to squeeze those chubby cheeks
I choose this thread since the OP image is better.

So what's the verdict on this figure? Good? Bad? Meme-tier?
I like it
no cast off, no buy. it's as easy as that.
Takao is love tier, ordered
It's definitely meme-tier now but that's independent of being good or bad. I think it's pretty mediocre, myself. The body is dynamite but the face, hair and stand are nothing to write home about.
Post here http >>>157380535
Yeah no, this was made first, fuck off.
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i don't know about you but these might be the hottest sleeves i have ever seen.
how the fuck can you guys like this
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Why not?
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I mean her breasts are practically spilling out of her dress, there's not much left to the imagination in the first place.

A skirt cast-off would be pretty nice though.
the face looks a little weird...
who the fuck cares, I made that thread. kill yourself shitposter.
Yeah I dont like your shitty overexposed pictures of an early prototype either
This looks so bad
I feel like most of the Aria figures are expensive. They are quite good though.
Judging by the anons in these threads and the autistic comments left on the MFC page, it's easily one of the most polarizing scale released in a while.

Does Alter even knows how to make good 1/6 scales?
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Fuck off faggot.
What happened to James? Did that spic finally die or something?
Fuck off.
I dunno, but noodles posts in the discord chat sometimes.
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got these delivered today. no idea if I'll even unwrap them because i know reading it online/ digitally is always the superior way. but i gotta say, shit look good on a shelf.
Good selection there. If I collected physical porn I'd probably want the Japanese version of a few of those.
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So do people unironically buy porn to support the artists?
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Better than buying BDs because "it supports the industry".
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>all fucking Fakku!™ books

All you're doing is supporting Jewcob's shitty business model you moron. Buy raw stuff from Toranoana/Melonbooks if you are really that desperate to 'support' the artists directly.
i don't wana be that guy but..... it's censored and written in a language that is not English.....
Great taste!
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So, I'm moving to a new place.

Post rooms. I need inspiration. Bonus points if almost everything is Ikea based, as I won't be able to afford anything better since I'll be broke as fuck.

I only saved this pic from the threads
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2/10 not enough figures.
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I like that display case
oi fuck off
Wow that's pretty good
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Too bad Fakku doesn't release lolicon artists/artwork, I'd only buy 2 or 3 of their current tanks.
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I really like this guy's set-up. It's sleek and the display case is sexy.
Fuck off newfag.
>that sailor jupiter doujin
Good taste, save the boats.
what case is that?
Fuck that room looks so comfy
Doubt I'll ever find anything that spacious I can afford though
oi fuck off
where do you guys put your boxes?
In the attic above my room.
The trash.
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well holy fuck.
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How long does it take to clean all that?
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>Togo delayed again
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Not planning on preordering it, but I love the face and the boob spillage.

How come it doesn't? I'm genuinely curious.

I love the blue rocks he used for the ocean on the bottom two shelves!
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What was the verdict on this? Surprised to see it still in stock plenty places
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12K for a 1/10? Dang, it seems like this hobby's getting more expensive every day.
I don't really get the point of multiple monitors. I've got two myself, but the second is always off. Much easier to organize everything on one larger screen. One 4k > Two 1080
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I prefer two 1080, I have a game running on one and shitposting on the second one.

Thinking on a third one but that would just be to play some vidya in panoramic
Somehow I don't think these are good conditions for your scales
>one honoka
You already ruined the theme.
>Not gluing a picture of his face over Honks
Well duh. One 4k = 4 1080p.
Then again, pic related is a 1/8 for 8K.
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Back when I was quite the "gamer" I thought so too, but now that I play maybe 1h a week, I prefer to just run in windowed and alt tab whenever there's some downtime
What's the deal with all those multiple scrolls and figures? I kinda get it if you wanna cum on them, but still.

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Dude what. I literally could not live with at least 2 of my monitors.
Ever notice how this site only uses like 1/3 of your monitor? It's perfect for a vertical monitor.

Once you get used to all the real-estate it's hard going back
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Basements are fine. Never have to worry about heat problems. Nice and dark too so no sun problems either.
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last day
Sorry, I'm trying to find more with furniture.
My issue is having to turn my head to see what's on the other screen. You can mitigate this by moving to be in between both monitors, but not having my work directly in front of me just feels weird, and the large bezel in the middle of my periphery is quite annoying
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Looked meh without the lights

Looks stupidly tacky with those lights on
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Seems like the Chaos;Head's protagonist basement.
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Is she 1:1 or is everything to scale?
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How new are you?
>He doesn't know
That's scale Autism at work. I almost wish I had the drive to put something similar together.
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>That's scale Autism at work. I almost wish I had the drive to put something similar together.
Fuck off and stop same fagging to advertise.
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Dont be a try hard. Im well acquainted with how they operate. Doesn't mean I'm not going to yell about it every time.
reminder you'll never own this display case
Looks too industrial
Why not?
Its German and expensive.
What headphone amp is that?
Can anyone id those speakers?
Got a link?
Decent amounts of cash is something I have been blessed with.
Sorry, Dutch.
Yamaha HS5
>Audio Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
>payment request
I wanted another delay!

I guess this guy does podcasts or something, because I thought those were mainly for recording purposes.
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If I buy it, will they make Cadenza Kongou figure?
How do I get something like those pictures he has on his walls?
>[Damage] Base peg for the left foot. The figure can stand on its own.

the figure itself stands only in one foot, so that means the peg is about to break?
Manga work or gaming, I PR and typeset and it helps being able to look at both the raw and the script without switching windows.
I get the distinct impression you're a BRS fan
Check the filenames anon.
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Dolls are so cute
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What's a good place to get manga magazines (and getting them shipped to North America without stupidly expensive shipping)?
In particular I'm looking at Ultra Jump.
i know right
i dont understand why everyone is jizzing over it it's a really bland looking piece of shit
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oh shit I think I have that mug
now THIS looks cozy
The attraction for a lot of people is that it's not censored, and also the guy who runs it is a douchebag with way too much free time who hunts down every site who posts Fagku releases and teabags them. Basically, see >>157382230

It does. This guy is being a faggot. Buying anime on home video is the best way of showing support since way more money gets back to the creators than buying merchandise where every licensor involved in the deal takes a big chunk.
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Isn't the vibration from the speakers bad for the doll?

Actually, what am I saying? Everything is bad for dolls.
That kind of money and good taste wasted on garbage like Black Rock Shooter.
How on earth do you keep dakimakura covers up on the wall like that short of sticking pushpins through them?
Not really
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Got some merch from Toraware no Palm, my latest obsession.
Still waiting on a towel, manga anthology and a few acrylic keychains.
heck off homo
what is that very small grandaddy gundam? I don't think I've ever seen anything gundam like that before.
it has a pretty cool base so i feel like its worth the price
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>Kogals, sluts, and whatever!
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Must be nice to be a wealthy nip
I'm glad I'm not a bishoujo collector, some of them look worse than bootlegs, fucking kotobukiya.
Buyfaggotry will make me stop being a NEET and get a job.
>choosing a shit figure.
Good, stop being a burden to society you useless piece of shit.
most of them are just mediocre, this one >>157392737 is a fucking joke
What's the game about?
I remember people complaining about this room when it was first posted for "trying too hard to be Japanese" but I really like it.
Doesn't look like the Reimu I know, which is usually short bob haired. Also that black ribbon is off-putting. Lovely base. Is Griffon dead yet?
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Anyone else order this HOT slut?

This man-cave have potential but definitely need a lot of work.
tempted, but shipping will be at least 5-6k for me.
That face reminds me of the bad learn to draw anime thing.
It looks sexy, but 1/4.5 scale is kind of an awkward size to display for most people. Even most 1/6 scale figures are pushing it for me and my cases.
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She isn't very attractive, so the sculpt is fine.
I think i saw it once in the japanese app store. Looks like a dating sim game to me

I would have preferred a full clothed ver though..


Not awkward at all, there are many 1/4,5 by A-plus, so the size itself isn't a big problem.
This one looks kind of good and kind of bad at the same time. I hate the porn magazines because why buy them physically, really? But I also like the boxes that are on display because it creates a cozy feeling. And the display case is nice and I like that there aren't too many figures because a lot of people tend to do that which makes things look cramped.

Then you get to the second picture and it just looks like pure shit honestly. Way too much shit everywhere.

This is a case of too little/not enough decoration/interior design + too much white color which ends up making it look like a hybrid hospital/prison cell. So many people who try minimalism but utterly fail at it. The display case also looks ugly.

I like this one a lot except for the figures on the very top. They look so out of place, especially with the shadows being cast off them. Remove them and it'd be a high-tier setup. It would be top-tier if cleaning wasn't such a pain in the ass.

Literally Ken-sama. Trying way too hard to be a weeaboo.

Honestly I feel like way too many people buy a display case, fill them to the brim with figures and call it a day. That just doesn't work because it looks like shit. Personally I don't own a lot of figures (about 7-8) so I have them displayed out in the open on my bedroom drawer which is pretty long so the entire look fits. If I had any more (like 15+) then I would consider a display case, but it also has to fit with the rest of the interior design.
t. attention-whore.
>mfw I have 3 of those.
Take your Ritalin buddy>>157393990
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Shipped today.
>anime flopped
>still doing the entire set
At least gotta them commend for the perseverance.
They had that shit lined up and ready to go out of the gate. It happens pretty often that GSC makes merch for flops.
But two of them were just concept art at WonFes. I imagined at that point the would back off and release only what they already had, if at all.
Afterall they've cancelled painted prototypes in the past yet these are ready to go.
>Inoue Kiyoshirou
Good taste my boy.
Just makes it more important for them to recoup their losses via merchandising.
Probably some kind of contract. I assume GSC's overlords own the franchise or something.
she's the only decent looking lilith girl
Cute cats
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I wish /a/ had battlestation threads.
It's always the same shit posted every time no matter where it is.
There was a thread on /w/ a while ago that had different stuff with a lot of buyfags, which was nice. Most other boards just get triggered by anime on an anime website.
I want a doll but I'm too poor.
Nice aegis, I've got the ti6 one
I'm glad they kept with it I want my Saaya!
The prototype always looks better than the finished product you fucking dumbass.
Only showing concept art at Wonfes doesn't mean they were still at the concept art step, it's just what they were willing to show at that moment.

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Sometimes I wonder how I, alongside many others, thought this was acceptable.
there will never be another Holo figure, that's why I purchased her.
It still means that the prototype wasn't finished.
Considering how BanG Dream was doing, the logical thing to do would be to put them on-hold, specially considering they've cancelled far more finished stuff previously.
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Still, even when that was partly true (the other one being anime design and with crazy aftermarket prices), I still only feel sadness when looking at it. It's like it can't even shine next to nendos.
The game and the music are doing fine, just the anime flopped.
we'll have to do for now and then purchase more holos if a miracle creates them. it's not like it's a bad thing having 5x of your waifu.
>shitty business model

Shitty in what way, exactly, considering it probably has the one of the most consumer-friendly businesses in the industry, all the while being great for the artists as well?

I mean if you don't personally like Jacob for whatever reason just say so, but there's no reason to unnecessarily extrapolate from there.
While it's not the best figure, it's definitely worth 6K.
Specially considering it's my waifu, I'd rather have something good and not 5+ shitty things
Wolf-form Holo when?
The shelf and the weird as fuck stands for your nendos ruins it. Honestly looks like trash.
Tell Jacob to make shipping to Australia cheaper than $20 per book and I will pay for his books.
Jelly as fuck.

Did you paint your room yourself or do anything special to it? Also what's that desk?
Nah, I got someone else to paint it. Nothing special though, just two different colors, with a slightly cream-ish white on the sides and a brown-ish grey on the front and back. The desk was custom made.
Sounds expensive as hell. Are you rich or something?
When you make it
Not him, but what about it is expensive? Painting your walls or ordering a custom made plank of wood?
weeaboofags cant paint walls and hire labour to do it for them
I can get a butcher's block of pure wood for $35 fully lacquered and oiled and a set of legs is anywhere from $10 to $100 that you drill in yourself. I assume a custom-made desk runs anywhere from $300 and up.
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some one explain this to me?
>never went through customs
>'into sorting center' twice
>a different package around the same cost went through customs and sorting center faster than this one has been sitting 'in sorting center'.

They probably saw something weird in the scanner that they use.
Its doujns the other box was doujins as well also it never hit customs?
There are X-Ray scanners everywhere bro.

Or maybe a dog sniffed some cocaine from Japan.
>I wish /a/ had cancerous circlejerking
No you don't
Get a load of this faggot. Have a (you).
Stacked up nendos always look like shit, but what's wrong with the shelf?
ITT: Unanswered questions
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what do you use to light your detolfs?
most /a/nons sit on shitty laptops and stream anime
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>going have four figures coming from Amico this month from all thewe fucking delays piled up
>prepared for the massive coffin-box tree rape

My post-woman always gives me a nasty look when a box like that arrives.
give her a nasty look back
>My post-woman always gives me a nasty look when a box like that arrives.
give her nasty
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Can't stop The Thickening.
>My post-woman always gives me a nasty look when a box like that arrives.

She knows and she's envious
This >>157401254. You're gonna have to rape her until she ahegaos every time she sees a box with FRAGILE! HANDLE WITH CARE! written on it in that particular font. It's the only way.
>So, I'm moving to a new place.
>Post rooms. I need inspiration. Bonus points if almost everything is Ikea based, as I won't be able to afford anything better since I'll be broke as fuck.
>I only saved this pic from the threads

I've seen your room already before.
Are you Russian?
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>You will die before this figure ever gets released
Man, that's gotta look great.
That anatomy is fucked up.
Pretty disappointing, especially since it's an Alter figure.
How so?
How does Orchid Seed do it?
I wish I never knew about it, because now I want it too.

what's the point with a figure that small?.
I like girls in hakama
What do you guys think about this?
To make your sick look bigger in comparison.

Too flashy

Ill wait for ALTER.
Jeanne Alter is a meme, not sure why she's so popular. I vastly prefer the holy saint version.
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>release date on Orchid Seed's website changed from May to ”Summer 2017”

For fucks sake
Wasn't this scheduled for like January?
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So far 6 months of delay, still no one can top this
She's maybe a meme character wise but her design is undeniably awesome
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Got Softness last week and finally remembered to take a picture.
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New mogudan figure.
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>tfw doujins arrived in the mail
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Goddamit, phone autorotates the preview image it seems.
Just stop.
Just accept that you are a disgrace for your family and stop trying.
Fuck it I give up. Rotated it 90 degrees and its 180 somehow. Do it later on my desktop I guess.
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What did he mean by this ?
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Here my dude
How much was she delayed?
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I think I got it now.
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What's the update on that trap figure from Rocket Boy?
There is no update.
Not me, but touche anon. That was pretty good.
I can't exactly remember, at least 10 months I think.
I guess it's worth it. She's gorgeous.
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My Yui got company now.
Beatrix figure never. >:^(

Damn, I was going to ask you where you got your desk.

I'm moving to a new place soon and I'm going to have a bigger room. Looking around for design ideas and display cases for my collection.
Yui has such a beautiful body. I'm thinking about pre-ordering her bunny fig.
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I did a little more.
And it's a shame, my heart and dick could get behind that one.
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I have complex feelings about that one.

>bunny suit with a sword for some reason
>those curves though
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Also the idea of potentially having to buy all 3 terrifies me.
>with a sword for some reason
Probably to add a little more purple to the color scheme. Not many Freeing bunnies have bright contrasting colors like that.
There is an infinite number of purple colored objects that aren't a sword.

>Yui with an eggplant
>good pose

it's one of the best 1/4 Freeing out there, I'd PO her if I had the money
And yet she would look ridiculous next to 1/4 Meiya. I wish Freeing would stop with the bunny shit.
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>I wish Freeing would stop with the bunny shit.
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>I wish Freeing would stop with the bunny shit.
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still no kumiko figure, life is suffering
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What the fuck.
Needs more feet
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Thinking about pre-ordering this, but the face is giving me doubts.
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Blythe Technica.jpg
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Oh hey, from Technika.
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The hair looks really static and unnatural too. Those curves are looking great though.
I got her and I think she's great.
Bigger than I expected as well.
I'm not crazy about her midsection.
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Their bunny figures are pretty good, although I hear that their other figures are hit and miss.

Face looks a little shoddy, but everything else appears decent.
Nah, that's not my room, I wish it was. I only saved this pic from a buyfag thread.
already posted this fagboy
fuck me man, is it wrong to just buy it for the sake of fapping? or should i just be happy with pictures?
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I gave in and bought lewdbooks from fakku

i love them
That's half the reason most people here buy these things. If you've got money to spare and are certain you won't regret it later, then I don't see any problem with it.
>supporting fat and ugly jews

I'm laughing at you because I'm literally fapping to those in perfect quality for free online.
It's not wrong but the dick tends to be fickle. Fap to the image set two or three times, sleep on it, then order if you still want it or better yet order after release. One figure you don't like anymore probably won't kill you but it's better not to waste the money.
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I support both the artists and fakku

this is a buyfag thread, go be a poorfag somewhere else you butthurt pandafag
is Mojarin exclusive to fakku now?
Yes she is
Kill yourself, plebbit.
>no loli
into the trash it goes
this is a buyfag thread
fakku is the largest english ero manga publisher in the world
also the best one

if you aren't interested in discussing or sharing your purchases please fuck off to another thread
It just feels a bit wrong because I don't display some of the them, just take them up whenever i wanna fap. I feel sad for them
This is a buyfag thread on /a/.
If you buy from Fakku you should fuck off to any other place.
Don't bother.

There are a few salty anons who monitor 4chan for all mentions of fakku like this. They are lonely sad people like >>157410601
Artist can always work in other magazines
Is this on the book?
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I'm looking forward to getting this Tama.
Tharja, Ryuuko, and Jubilee?
Yeah some of the recent books have afterwards from the artists to their fakku fans
nendo knockers
Is that a physical thing only?
I dont remember seeing stuff like that on the digital ones
Why are you still here, please leave. We already told you we don't want you.
Bikki butt and Tamo titties in one package is going to be a great unboxing.
Yes, it will be wondrous.
I bought their latest digital book and it has a fakku afterword from the artist
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They're in digital versions too. In-book afterwords from the author for the English version are a a pretty recent thing though, I think the F4U book was the first to get one. The new Higenamuchi book has one as well.

There's been artist comments on the site itself for a longer time though, which you can find on books, doujins, and some subscription chapters too. See the top comments in these for example: https://www.fakku.net/hentai/metamorphosis-english
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>severe box damage on a model kit box
Thank god for autistic nips, saves me to much cash.
<Someone is shilling for Fakku
>Daiz instantly joins in
What a coincidence.
I see, thank you for the prompt reply
The bot is just that good
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Also god damn, this was a lot more parts than i thought it would be. First time with a kit, so i thought it would be fun.
>replying to fakku shills
People like to talk about the stuff they buy and enjoy, you know. This shouldn't exactly be a foreign concept here, especially in this thread.

As for me, I already dropped by earlier and kept the thread open.
Are these made in Japan?
I remember gundams kits used to be made there
It's not fucking fun at all.

Also, don't make a special edition your first one. First one always looks a little cobby
Still waiting for a loli book
Which will never happen
yes. they are basically gundam kits, just with female characters.

i use a gundamn kit to 'retrain' my cut plastic skills before i break FAGs... because gundamn kits are cheap nowadays
that's cute.
Post cute kumiko pictures instead faggot.
fakku has tons of loli releases in the sub, that's what I prefer anyway
I work with building and fixing small electronics(like soldering surface mount stuff under a microscope stuff) all the time so I'm skilled with fine details. I think i'll be able to handle this. I already have nice high quality shear nippers that i use for electronics too and some very fine sandpaper.
So they are made in Japan?
Yeah I know what they are already watch the anime, but wanted to know if they aren't Chinese made
I know, already have most of the rips, but I want a book in the flesh
i can't find a made in china tag on the FAG sets. so ... yeah japan.

the gundam ones mention made in china though
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/h/ would like to have a word with you.
Loli generally stays in the subscription and other digital stuff (eg. doujin releases). Full-on physical loli books are their whole own ballpark, although loli has started making its way to regular physical book releases already. There's a loli chapter in the Leopard book from a while back and another in the Higenamuchi tank that just came out.
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Oops, that was not the page I was supposed to post, had the wrong book folder open
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Take your shilling elsewhere baldman

I want Architect but i don't know if manda's Architect is this or last year.
>That first post with the emoji
>All those normalfags talking about their parents
>OP unironically saying lol
/h/ is cancer. Thank you for proving my point.
All those thing happen on /a/ already, how about your kill yourself
Mods dont give a fuck about crossboarders, have you seen the catalogue?
Full of /v/ like threads and dont forget the occasional /pol/fags shitting up threads
I believe that the copyright holder also invested in them or the licence contract have bind GSC in making a complete set before hand the anime flopped, that's my guess
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>I already lost a leg in an accident so cutting of an arm won't make a difference
You are cancer.
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I didn't realize fakku sold figures until this thread

ordered faster than the speed of light
You say that like this board is Wizchan lite.
A good $40 more than other places.
Stop shilling you autist.
You overpayed hard.
Go back to your subreddit

Which is less likely to get hit by VAT, DHL or EMS?

Package is 2big for SAL
DHL will just get past VAT if they mention "gift". 100% of my packages did that

so it depends on the sender
I'll be in Japan next week, was going to visit Mandrake in Nakano.

Am I able to have them ship it if I buy in store? Can't take it with me right now because my case can't fit it.
Link? I want to buy it
>Am I able to have them ship it if I buy in store?
Maybe but I don't see the point, you could simply buy it over the internet right now.
Or just ship it yourself right after buying it, you'll be able to undervalue and chose whatever shipping method you want.
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original release november 2015
actual release december 2016
Gonna need sauce on this claim, I'm not finding it cheaper
It's feeding his monitors.
Most Alters are memes. I like Alter MGX though, since she is already so different.
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I hate when people say liking Jeanne Alter is a meme. I've loved her since Orleans, and I started playing FGO at launch.
god damn
is this the autistic anti-fakku screeching I've been told to ignore?
I don't know, I've only played for about a year and I honestly just don't understand the appeal of most the Avenger class servants character-wise.

I really liked her outfit in the Shinjuku Chapter at least though.
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Well, she's the only Avenger I really like. It's a combination of how ruthless and angry she can be + her hangups over being a "fake" + the dorky shit she does like pic related that endear her to me. The scene in Shinjuku where she stays behind to fight Lobo because she's projecting on him is a perfect example of why I like her.

tl;dr she presses all my buttons. Shinjuku outfit scale when.
Is it weird if I buy 2-3 figures every 3 months instead of every month like most people?
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I need a blushing Shinjuku Jalter scale.
That's what I usually did.

Get an xacto knife and some nippers or you'll regret it.
Okay so you were both full of shit. Fakku has the cheapest price on that pre-order
Not at all. I've gotten a lot more selective due to low space and having bought a ton over the years. I'm typically ordering around 4-5/yr now.

This isn't even remotely true. Take Rebis, for example. He did a Q&A with Patreon backers and was asked specifically about Fakku and if it was worth it. Of the one release Fakku did of his, he got 10% of the sales from it. That means 90% was split between Fakku and Wani. How is that fair to the artists? They don't decide to have their works published through Fakku, they're merely told by Wani, or in many cases like with Haru Yukiko and Okumoto Yuta, they weren't even told at all.

If you want to support artists, import the book or donate to their Patreons if they have one. Pick up the releases on DLSite or DMM English if they exist. Fakku is a service to English speakers only and fails to be in any way meaningful to an artist's income. Kill yourself, Daiz.
All of this

Jacob and Daiz are both jews. Who would've guessed. They're also both monstrously ugly. Coincidence? I think not.
No he didn't. I follow Rebis and he never said that. It doesn't even make sense when you consider that Fakku never actually released one of his solo works, it's always a duo

Honestly just fuck off out of this thread. you must be the same idiots trying to make them look bad on the figure price and you got wrecked already

>He did a Q&A with Patreon backers and was asked specifically about Fakku and if it was worth it. Of the one release Fakku did of his, he got 10% of the sales from it.

Can you link or screenshot this (if it's backer only)? I'd like to see what exactly he's talking about considering FAKKU has only published two magazine chapters from him in the subscription and nothing else.

>They don't decide to have their works published through Fakku, they're merely told by Wani, or in many cases like with Haru Yukiko and Okumoto Yuta, they weren't even told at all.

This is also completely false, everything that gets published on FAKKU needs to be approved by the artist, and in couple cases they've said no (eg. ShindoL when Metamorphosis was still being serialized since he was releasing it on his Patreon in English at the time). A couple times Wani's editors have messed up on informing artists when exactly the English publishing would start, though.

>Pick up the releases on DLSite or DMM English if they exist.

The artists actually get less on those site in comparison to FAKKU, though (50-60% vs 70%).
why do you feel the need to defend yourself and your company to people who clearly don't like you and will likely never use it
Someone has to call out these trolls spreading bullshit
I enjoy setting things straight.
Im more impressed by the nice cameras than the rooms in these.
He's autistic and can't keep his bald mouth shut.
These threads used to be alright, slow and lots of complaining but alright.
Then you showed up and ruined them like you ruin everything else.
Buy a fucking ad you worthless fool.
I agree with Daiz here. There are people coming to this thread and spreading lies about Fakku.

Correcting those people is okay. I want to be informed of the truth
I enjoy you triggering the auchismos.
Put your trip back on or go kys, pick one or both
>order some shit from Mandarake
>first time buying from them
>they make it look like the input of my credit card info was a mistake
>input my credit card and submit 3-4 more times before giving up
>try to purchase shit today at local grocery
>credit card doesn't go through
>check +$400 on $130 purchase from Mandarake
>get home
>credit charge is gone

What do I do? Do I order just one more time? Why the fuck don't they have a confirmation that my credit card info was accepted. Fuck!
People like you are why we can't have nice things. Your autism is off the charts.
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I don't usually like Sonicos but god damn. How did they manage a girl this thick
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And you enjoy shitting up the place.
This thread used to be a nice place till you showed up
I'm not sure how, but my dick certainly appreciates it.
How do you guys afford this hobby? Some of you guys have collections worth over 2k. I have a few figures myself, but in total, they add up to less than 500 USD.
Gunna preorder this so hard
>Some of you guys have collections worth over 2k.
>Only 2k
Yeah, I wish we could ban casuals like that as well
Get a job hippie
If you want this threads to be good just ignore the obvious bait and he won't show up, as simple as that.
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my dick
Hey, I'm not the one raging over someone else's purchases here. I wouldn't have even shown up here if it wasn't for people posting badly misinformed shit on the subject.
I work full-time in a department store and only buy figures of characters I like (at least the ones with reputable manufacturers).
>people posting badly misinformed shit on the subject
That's what the guide is for, dumbass.
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>working in retail
>not picking yourself up by your bootstraps and becoming a software developer making 55k starting in FL
I pump gas. No really, I do.
The sad part is that it really is obvious, but retards still reply to it. The amount of newfags and crossboarders here lately is insane.
It doesn't have anything on FAKKU, though, which is what this particular discussion was about.
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We should probably add Fakku to the guide now that they've been at it 2+ years
This gets asked too often here. But you usually build up your collection over a long time. Even if you only spend $50 a month, if you've been collecting for a while then over the span of three and a half year you can spend 2k.

Unless you are one of those people who likes everything, this hobby honestly isn't that expensive. Within a year, I usually only see 4-5 figures I want. Figures have been more expensive lately but that still ends up around maybe $600 a year or $50 a month. $50 a month is comparable to what some people pay for phone / internet etc.
Landscaper at a private golf course.
It's a step in the right direction, especially since it's my last year in college.
>It doesn't have anything on FAKKU, though,
that's the point
>that's the point
that's the problem
I still don't understand how can people work and go to college at the same time. I just go to college and it completly destroys my life,
and that's the same for all my classmates.
I guess it's different for each country.
That wouldn't change anything, though - it still means pointing to the guide is currently irrelevant when it comes to this particular subject, since it simply doesn't cover it.
Some people balance it better than others.
>That wouldn't change anything, though - it still means pointing to the guide is currently irrelevant when it comes to this particular subject, since it simply doesn't cover it.
that's the point you clearly need to come here more often
You can't balance shit when you have classes from 8:30 to 18:00 everyday and have tests every week. And if you have a lighter schedule, you still get worn out by the stress and depression that basically 80% of this country has.
Serious question...do you guys feeling awkward when bringing a girl over to your place and she sees your figures?

What do you say?
I'm not adding Fakku to the guide.

>do you guys feeling awkward when bringing a girl over to your place and she sees your figures?
>What do you say?
I ask her how she got the blindfold off
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Shut the fuck up you bald fuck.
Cool story bro
thus keeping the guide even more irrelevant
Why don't you do it shill?
Fakku is less expensive than Amiami

Doesn't answer the question, fakku is cheaper and ships from the United States
It looks objectively nice.
Even if I'm not working I'll always have my music player or youtube up on my second monitor.

I've been collecting since high school, I'm 30 now.

Having a job helps.
I don't blame you. I fell into the latter, but I still ended up exhausted even after 3 days of classes.
It's a Blythe, they always look fucked up.
This looks like something from about 2002.
If anyone here has bought from Fakku, then please give me the following information:
>Price compared to Japan (excluding shipping)
>Shipping price
>Delay after Jap release
>Countries they ship to/don't ship to
>If they use points/bonuses or some shit
>Any misc information people should know when reading the guide

I've never bought from them and never will, so unless someone else wants to add them then I need this information to put them in the guide. And as much as some people don't like them, it's better if the guide includes them. If you don't like them, then feel free to say why and I'll take it into consideration when adding them.

If there's any other store missing then give me the same information and I'll sort it out.
The design does too, which is funny
>Tfw only buy a couple figures a year but spend hours every week watching figure unboxings and reviews
I just wish there was stuff uncensored like Fakku but in Japanese. Not a fan of their TL.
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Good setup, awful taste.
I still don't get why amico was trying to charge me 12k just for shipping that celia.
Why would you display a figure still in her box? This looks so retarded.
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Can barely find any vids or reviews of this, anyone own it/know how good it's meant to be?
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Jeanne Alter is hilarious and adorable and her haters are retarded.
Her ass is way too big
And that swimsuit is way too small. It looks uncomfortable with her boobs stretching and digging into it
kill yourself, meme-bandwagoner
Can't wait for FGO to be released in english
It's okay, relatively cheap these days
That's about what I expected, it is pretty cheap and I dont like any of her other figs, so i'll probably get it, thanks
why?, with a N5 level you're more than ok.
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All their Native stuff is marked up.
In other news, the sky is blue.
Just like every other western retailer like TOM. No surprise here.
I hate Fakku but if you actually release a physical loli book I will purchase it.
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Some stuff I got recently. What should you do if you want to frame items like postcards or plastic cards of an specific size?
Find a frame of a specific size and then use it. You'll want to figure out which specific size and whether or not you want matting before anything else.
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What are the benefits to this?
Personal taste and fitting oddly sized things into normal sized frames.
You have a cute waifu anon, I really like her massive breasts.
You shouldn't focus on her breasts, she has lots of great aspects beyond that! Like her plump thighs
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Is this a GK? There's such a thing as GK jointshit? Cause fuck this looks pretty nice
I agree it is her best fig.
I didn't think the game was that simple.
>those Miyuki posters
What are you doing here, Tatsuya?
i like your ps4
Sasuga Onii-sama
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I work in concrete construction. It's suffering but the pay is not bad.
Personally I like using clear frames.
Are you getting the one Phantom World figure they're making? I really thought they would bank on her
Yes of course. Probably the only figure she is going to ever get. I can't see Aquamarine releasing a prototype of the one they announced.
>GK jointshit
Sort of. It's more just customs. It's what the Archetype blanks are for.
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It looks pretty good. Mai deserves more figures
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1. I was financially comfortable already but I got a part-time job so I'd have extra money to blow on wotastuff. I telecommute to my full-time so it works out pretty well.
2. I buy used a lot. Generally I don't preorder unless it's something I really want and/or it's something that will likely get expensive in the aftermarket. It's not hard if you're smart about it; I've been collecting figures about seven years and have yet to get a bad deal or a bootleg.
3. I always get SAL unless there's no other choice. Rage about it as much as you want, but with what I spend in a year the savings easily covers half a dozen figures I wouldn't have had the budget for otherwise.

I'm going to be adding my 200th figure to the collection this year. Space is getting to be a problem, but amassing little plastic friends is as much fun as it's ever been.
Too bad. Why can't companies make joints that look that good?
It's not. I'm certified N2 and I regularly miss plot points when I'm not paying close attention, plus there's Nasu's love of obscure words so hauling out the dictionary is a frequent thing.
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They make elaborate figma from time to time.
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How hard would it be to fix it? It's MotoSeiba, right handle.
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You're going to need a really small pin vise.
Doable, but a little work. To fix it properly, you'll need to pin it. The "Broken Joints" link in the repair section of the guide will show you how. Or just google it. A local hobby store should have all the tools you need.
Just a normal pin vise and a standard drill index from a hobby shop will have plenty of small bits that will work.

Since it's not load bearing you can probably get away with using wire rather than a metal rod as well.
Thanks, the figure isn't even mine, it's on Manda for 6k. I'm not able to afford it, so someone here should just pick it up.
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The face is terrible. If you want a Mogudan cow get the Orchid Seed one.
Or get the cow.
But the figure is 12 dollars cheaper at nippon-yasan than it is on Fakku. So there is somewhere selling it for cheaper. Fore reference 20,980¥ = 188.61 US
>Busy season
>"Please allow 10-14 days for your order to be processed"
>plastic toys
>for personal use only
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wow i sure biffed that up dudes
>plastic toys (used)
>for personal use only
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They can but really only on non flesh parts. Robots, armored suits, kamen rider shit, dolls with cloth clothes etc.

A lot of times they sacrifice looks for articulation, too, which isn't the worst idea for jointshit.
What is your cutest figure/scale?
Is that something you bought or is it something extra in the packaging?
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>had to pay 20€ to customs and had to sell my scraps of dignity once again and say there's a human shaped doll in it

This is the worst part of buyfagging
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I can't decide between the two.
>posts on 4chan
>has even scraps of dignity
>say there's a human shaped doll in it
Why? Do they ask you whats inside at the post office?
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Does the Calne in the back have joints in the arms, it always looked to me like these black balls are joints
Negative, everything is static. One arm hooks into the elbow, the other into the sleeve.
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That's a missed oportunity
It would have make that figure even more cool iy you can pose her arms, even if it was a limited range
Still both figures are cool
We need more 'lovecraftian' figures like these
Why bother going personally?
Don't you have an option to send some papers like order form, proof of purchase, etc. and let them do their shit without your presence?
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I want pic related so bad. I do have the floating Hoshijiro though.
The design is cool, I haven't checked the source material but as I understand it is a good series
Can't decide between my Galko and Mai Nendos.
I work in the medical field although since this a third world shit-hole, the pay sucks compared to the West in the same field

Sonico broke it
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>did the same few days ago
>customs decide they want to be a bunch of lazy motherfuckers
>shipment sitting in customs warehouse for 4 days now
I've already read this shit for free on multiple sites lmao.
Do you actually, literally think we buy 50K figures every fucking month? No you fucking retard. I spend about 30K-40K every 3-4 months on a few high-quality figures. I've done that since early 2015 so I've built up a small collection of nice figures.
What is that?
Jeanne Alter at least makes sense, since she was branded a witch and murdered for it. Then comes back as Avenger class. Altria Alter is purely fanservice and has no place in the context of her own legend.
>Altria Alter is purely fanservice

She would be purely fanservice if she was introduced with no context, just "Hey, here's dark Saber!" She had a part in the story in Heaven's Feel, at least.
just let it go, retard.
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