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One Piece

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Thread replies: 514
Thread images: 84

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What was Pudding's secret message here?
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"SaPu is canon"
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Is Law stronger than Zoro?
In episode 616, you can see Law cutting the entire island and Vergo with his Haki on full power in half, using only 'room' which is his Devil Fruit power, and it doesn't seem like Law was using Haki because his sword didn't turn black. But Zoro had to use Santoryu Ogi Three Thousand Worlds to cut Pica in half with Haki on all of his swords. Does that mean that Law is stronger than Zoro skill-wise?
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what did they do?
Roughly ”Carrot a best”
Kill people, rape people, destroy some villages, etc.
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Who's ready for him to fuck shit up next chapter?
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>"This series only has 3 years left."
10 years minimum.
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"Year of Jinbe 's death"
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Does Carrot has a chance to become a strawhat?

We barely know her backstory, just like Nami and Robin when they joined first.
What's his name gonna be?
The Skitt'ler
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People were saying 10 years minimum 5 years ago when we were in Punk Hazard.
Denial is tough to get over, I get it.
best antagonist post time skip????
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Big Mom
Shame he was killed off so easily so some forced popularity character could get shoehorned into the story for so long.
zoro is yonko level, every fanboy knows it
What do you mean? You believes it will end in less than 10 years?
Best Mom for me but the Doflamingo family flashback was very good. Caesar is better as a side character than he was as a antagonist.
great assassin, national level threat, druglord, tyrant/moonlighting as contraband kingpin and Revolutionary sympathizer
Of course.
Like I posted, people have been spewing the 10 years estimate for YEARS now.
7 years ago when the time skip ended and the Return to Sabaody Arc started people were still saying that there's about 10 years of One Piece left.
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I-It's not fair bros! Why is that fat boring fish joining instead of my waifu! REEEEEEEEEEEE! Y-year of Jinbe's death!
She is pretty an honorary member like Vivi, if she doesn't stick with the crew she'll just join one of the ships in Luffy's fleet.
There's so much things which need to happen... I think10 years is a fair assumption. It might be more.
L'Arc Enciel
Je ne pense pas.
She's gonna stay behind to help protect Zou
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God I fucking hate the anime with such a passion.
Whoever is in charge of choosing the color schemes for the characters and environments needs to be shot.
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>God makes a pledge of commitment to Noah in Genesis 9:1–17. The priestly (Elohim) version takes the form of a covenant arrangement. The covenant is sealed with the sign of a rainbow, after a storm, as a reminder.

Noah the Rainbow will BTFO Bege and Jinbe.
Color schemes are approved by Oda.
>we'll never get the old art style ever again
for those who are asking fr carrot to join the straw hats think about this:

if she joins now who will join when they fight in Zou? if jimbei joins now but perhaps she will join in the wano arc
Why do people mistake Kizaru's natural chill disposition with him not trying?
I don't think people saying she'll join mean it will be this arc.
I think it's the fact that he only uses his sword occasionally and is the only original admiral to not use his animal themed attack.
Nope, she want adventure.
so did vivi
Because we never saw him in a single serious 1v1 encounter until now. He never went all out.
Carrot isn't a fucking princess with high priorities.
You are again doing the same mistake. Kizaru clearly went all out in the war.
count how many other people you can say this about in the series
It's probably enough adventure to see WCI AND Wano.
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>They eventually beat Big Mom
>Pedro and Carrot go back to Zou
>People will think the minks are strong as fuck for taking down a Yonko
>Since Nekomamushi and Inuarashi are all fucked up, Pedro and Carrot will be the Rulers of Night and Day because of their strength
This is what's gonna happen
Against who?
So, after Wano she's going to say "Oh it was fun but i don't care anymore."? If Inu and Neko are still alive i don't see her staying on Zou.
Doesnt matter, my point still stands.
Everyone. He tried his best to stop Marco and had to rely on the others.
No Wano is the perfect point to reintroduce Marco and make Nekowhatever leave with Pedro and Carrot at the end.
Nope, we will see them at Wano at least.
If you think those little brawls count as going all out, you're retarded. He looked just fine when he threw the fight against Beckmann.
Carrot has no reason to leave.
Carrot is staying until Elbaf she wants to see the giants senpai it has been foretold
There will be giant carrots in Elbaf and Carrot will lose her shit screencap this.
She got her big adventure. She has literally no reason to see Luffy's story through unlike all the real crewmembers.
yes, get the furries out, wouldn't even mind if they just dropped Chopper too
Who are you to talk in her place?
Now this is autism.
Then this will happen after Wano
there goes the thread
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Is he merely pretending?
Come on, shut the fuck up. Carrot is a genuine candidate. Stop being so assblasted because she's a girl and a furry.
Why is he so cute when he's crying
Ban deluded Furryfags.
Nope, she will stay, we will know more about her later, i'm sure of it.

Like Nami and Robin, their backstory were showed only after a few arcs.
>being this deluded
M-monet is joining any time now just like Rebecca!!
By that logic Pedro is a good candidate too because he wants to see the dawn created by the strawhats. Face it you're bunny is not joining
Are these really the final fight pairings? All those members of big mom's crew we met in set-up and instead the straw hats are fighting people introduced in the last 5 chapters.

Where the fuck are tamago, randolph, amande, opera, galette, mont d'or and smoothie?
Pedro joining confiirmed

Carrot is literally with them right now.

He's about to die, too old, no young like carrot
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Threads about Carrot are the best ones
Pedro is actually better than Carrot in that aspect, since he's already a believer in Luffy becoming PK and wants to support the SHs. Carrot just wanted "adventure".
Zoro actually does damage with his slashes.
Repeat after me
I'm a Carrotfag but people here truly believed that Rebecca and Monet will join.

First, they were too weak.
Guess Kinemon and the fuccboi are also crewmembers
Pedro is going to die senpai
>He's about to die, too old,
Remember when people said this about Brook?
He's not "oh wow adventure is fun" in every panel he's in and had mutiple deathflags. He's supposed to have very little time left. Less likely. I don't care if she does or not. She's a legitimate candidate.
Running away like a little bitch
>mont d'or
He appeared this chapter
Don't worry she's gonna appear next chapter guaranteed it
And Robin just wanted a place to stay then became attached to the strawhats.

Pedro literraly backed up my claim
So why don't they just shoot them?
Sort of seems like plot convenient stalling for time at this point...
>Carrot just wanted "adventure".
That's not much of an evidence though. Usopp joined cause they were friends, Robin joined because Luffy stopped her from committing suicide, and Brook joined because he asked.
Carrot has downed all of Big Moms lesser henchmen she is one of the MVPs of this arc
Pedro hasn't done shit and is about to job to Oven and then be killed in Big Moms rampage
they were just a waste of pages

brook is potentially immortal and pedro canonically has a few months left to live. go be a retard somewhere else
No strawhat believed directly about luffy becoming PK, stop saying shit.
They have to wait for mamas yes and shes kind of not into it right now
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Doflamingo. Not even a debate.
I didn't know Judge was gonna turn out to be so pathetic
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>it's a "carrotfags ruin another thread" episode
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Actually all sort of did. Zoro was the only one to say it out loud rather early
they want the vinsmokes to see sanji die first
He's going to get killed by the rainbow.
>Posts autistic shitposts as a Carrotfag
>Quickly downloads a .png from google
>Le Carrotfags ruin the thread
Zorofags... Always falseflagging to not seem like the shitiest fanbase
Just because we're saying the truth.

Luffy need a strong member, Jinbe is not the one willing to follow him EVERYWHERE, Jinbe is the type of guy who will try to get the biggest army possible for luffy.

Sort of, but the strawhat truly showed that ni thriller bark, before, their dreams come first.
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When will he appear?
Aldeady did.

in my dreams
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>Jinbe is not the one willing to follow him EVERYWHERE
Jimbei is literally joining the crew Carrotfag
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>Believing this

It's an alliance for now.

You think Jinbe will enjoy adventure like the others?
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Please sign my petition to make Caesar nakama.

Caesar's value to the Strawhats is huge!
He's super cute, kind, funny, and is a logia. The Strawhats need a logia on their crew.

If we can get enough signatures, Trump-sama will make an official statement.

Protect this smile!
Jinbe is literally ready to kill himself for Luffy anytime, are you okay?
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>carrotfags now argue against jinbe
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>It's an alliance for now.
Did you not read the last 2 chapters or i am being memed here?
Shut the fuck up. Jinbei is joining. Stop falseflaggin' as Carrot believer.
Luffy asked him to join and he said yes, after he leaves BM which happened a chapter ago. Hes a strawhat right now.
Not him but I don't think Jinbe will stay in the crew
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>caesarfags still exist
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REEEEE No! I don't want Carrot to join!
Pretty sure it's all you
You are trying to make the Carrot theory look bad.
>the state of jinbefag denial

year of jinbe's death
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Caesar is unironically fucking great of course he has fans
I know, I just don't think it will last forever.

Also, there is still at least 1-2 possible member.
Probably not. Carrotfags are legit autistic just like Sanacucks.
They've been arguing against him since the beginning of this arc
who keeps posting this FUCKING picture
You're retarded.

I'm not a Carrotfag but Jinbe will die.
>Luffy says he'll never let anyone of his nakama die ever after Ace's death
>hurr jinbe will die
>jinbefag rage
>making me tear up over a guy in a fucking tutu
Fuck you oda
Their theory is possible, since Jinbe will not last forever thanks to Big Mom.
i'm hype for the next few chapters

if they KO big mam, everything starts to crumble, citizens and buildings disappears
One asshole is falseflagging as a Carrotfag which is painfully obvious.
But I'm glad he's doing it because we get to talk about Carrot. Thanks anon.
Luffy is naive.

He's not strong enough yet.
Carrot is a possible candidate though, they truly need a strong warrior and something new.

>Ace will not die, believe me
>they truly need a strong warrior
Good thing we have Jimbei
>Luffy is badly poisoned and thrown in a freezing hellscape
>Buggy and Galdino ran off
>Bon Kurei's desperate attempt to rescue Luffy and escape before they both succumb to the environment
>Waking up in floor 4.5, the Okama's Paradise against all odds

Impel Down was atmospheric as fuck.
Honestly Carrot makes a lot more sense than Jimbei.

It wouldn't surprise me if Oda introduced her because his initially planned nakama turned out pretty unpopular among the target audience.
Big Mom's life stealing powers dont work on Jinbe, so no.
Hmm I think he already beat Mihawk
I would like Carrot joining but how the fuck does Jinbe make less sense?
She can still punch him to death but yeah Oda is never going to that.
Carrot is 100% guaranteed to join the crew
Technically she did already.
>Carrot asks if she can join the crew at the end of WCI
>What do you mean Carrot? Haven't you been part of the crew this whole time?
Look at the last poll. Jinbe's quite popuar
this. she's more of a straw hat atm than jinbe.
Jinbe isn't new.

Also, I doubt that he will stay for long.
No, it will happen after Wano. If it does.
Carrot will be more popular, screencap this.
fuck off jinbefag
>Caesar has been with the crew for 5 years

Never would've guessed during Punk Hazard.
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What would Carrotfags be?
How salty are the fishfucks gonna be when Carrot joins instead?
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Time for a strawpoll!

Guy in a fursuit.
Jinbe already got a big tile with the rest of the crew in the all characters picture. Carrot will officially join later, if she joins at all.
>piece of rubber
>talking reindeer
>"keep the straw hats pure"
Anyone remember that webm of one guy in a furry costume pretending to assfuck another? That's how.
Chopper's just a reindeer, not his fault he can talk.

Neither of those are races.
I hope Arlong eats a Devil Fruit.
Why? He's not even relevant anymore.
saw-saw fruit?
Well, at least, we only have a few Jinbefags.
Carrot has been introduced because she will win the Luffybowl and cuck Boa
made me chuckle
That way he could become relevant again. Getting Haki in 2 years is a given
>and cuck Boa
Sounds like a really good way to get murdered by an angry amazonian
They're about to do it right now. The sound effect in that panel is "Gacha" (Click), the sound of them readying their guns.
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We already got a fishman with a devil fruit. We don't need another one.
Carrot doujins WHEN!???!?!?!?!!!!
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I just watched Heart of Gold, and what did I think about it?
>we already had a logia we dont need another one
Don't worry. Luffy will protect his nakama.
I want to fap but I'm still in the 'recharging' time, what do?
good fanservice and fun
>Jinbeifags BTFO by Carrotfags

Carrot is confirmed then.
A bit late to the party, since I somehow missed when the sub for Gold came out but is Gold the best OP movie so far?
Sure like most movies it's an impossible scenario but I thought the writer pulled enough strings with Oda´s thumbs up to make an actually engaging movie for a change.
And I'm not sure if I dreamed that up but new attacks in a fucking shonen movie?

9/10 as OP fan
well meant 6.5/10 as a wannabe film critic
Will Carrot really be popular in the polls? She's not a little mascot like Chopper and though Japan likes waifus they aren't very big fans of kemono.
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Is anyone kind of sad that that's what's going to happen?

Look how happy they all are. Big mom was my least favorite yonko but her whole deal is actually pretty cool, and I like her power.

She's basically God to these creatures, what's gonna happen to them when she's dead? What's gonna happen to all the people who live in her country?
Why is Carrot that popular here?
6 was better. Z was the same tier.
This was my face on that day watching it live. I was 14.
Cute, hot and strong.
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She'll be at least as popular as Perona.
I think people here just don't like Jinbei
I assume everyone will get their lifespan back just like when Sugar got knocked out and everyone got un-toyed

>inb4 Pedro confirmed stawhat
After the Zou arc, the amount of furfags in these threads have increased exponentially.
Because unless you are baiting or autistic about her being a bunny girl there's nothing really not to like about her
How many times do I have to say this, he's crying to soften the hard candy enveloping him in prison. Oda=Goda, why would Judge cry in a moment like this anyway? He's buying time, no other way about. Few more tears and he's free, gonna roadhouse kick his bastards out of candy and the party's just getting started. Screencap this, you know it's gonna happen
Are you some kind of psychopath?
Why do Japs like Sanji?
>Triggered Jinbeifags

Even nips spit on him, you will see how more popular Carrot is.
Damn. Rukia's kind of hot here.
>Why do Japs like Zoro?
He used to be sort of cool before the timeskip
No matter who joins, it's going to be weird adjusting to a 10th crewmember. I caught up with the series right at the chapter Brook officially joined, and that was back in 2008.
But Sanji is shit.
We were always here, we just didn't yet have any female anthro character to get in love with.
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When will he make his move?
>But Law is shit
Why do Japs like Ace even though he's fucking DEAD?
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Secret Island was my favourite movie before Gold.
I Really liked Z too but for me it's more on paar with the only other noteworthy OP movie Wild World.

I don't know, all these call backs, the music, the nods to other films, I frickin loved it.
Oda said back when he hit around chapter 500 that he intends to wrap the series up soon. I think it was during the sabaody volumes. Now we're here.
what happened to penguinfag?
He gived us Carrot, so it's fair.
Strange, I remember the persistant meme that we would be only half way in.
Is that doffy
>it's been almost a decade since we had a new member in the crew
i feel old
That's what his editor said a few years ago. But oda said in a SBS back then that he wants to wrap it up soon after commenting that he surpassed dragonball's chapter count
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Carrot is basically confirmed.

I mean, oda teased her strength, she want adventure.

The sign are here.

I'm sure that she will be popular enough among nips.
I can't wait for the outrage in these threads when Carrot places higher than Jinbe.
when did mozu and kiwi bleach their hair?
He's basically dead, it was teased numerous times.
>why would Judge cry in a moment like this anyway?

Because there's no way in hell he was leaving this arc without Sanji either blowing him the fuck out or reconciling with him.

Judge is just a normal dude with survival instincts while his sons had all that shit bred out of them.
how do we know she's strong? she hasn't done much
Next Chapter when?
Next Job when?
She put zoro in difficulty, almost killed luffy.

>I'm from the future. I'm warning you all in advance. you're NOT ready for this twist
40 more chaps of this arc
100 chaps to defeat Kaido
100 chaps to save Shanks and attend reverie
100 chaps to fite blackbeard and get the last poneyglyph
Sign of strength and possible gags then.
tru, thanks for the reminder. probably a rookie tier fighter or a bit less
>40 more chaps of this arc
This arc is confirmed to end this year, it'll be 25 more at most.
Next week.
Word, not a huge difference though. I'm guessing it goes to 900 as is usual of an arc
just like Zoro did when he tried to give up his life to Kuma in order for Luffy to live and become pirate king
When Buggy becomes Pirate King
Wow, what a retarded parallel here.

I guess Big Mom is a robot send to protect luffy
Why was dressrosa so shittily paced? Glad they stopped that shit.

Too be honest, fine with me, nobody want's to see any padding arcs anymore anyway.
The story is ripe enough, let the Kaidou and Bigmom refight arc collapse into one, let BB beat up Shanks offscreen or rather within an small interlude and get that shit going in direction Raftel or mainland, depending on which of the two is the less important to the conclusion.

I'd like to have adventures with my main men of shonen for the rest of my life too, in theory but knowing from experience that's just nostalgia and not applicable to how I, and I'd argue most, really feel.
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CoO is usefu-
You've recharged long enough anon
Dressrosa was a bad arc after the tournament I gotta say. He introduced a ton of characters and probably had a fit tryna get the tiers right
Had to introduce a bunch of necessary plot threads like Sabo and the fleet.
i can't take it anymore

i NEED carrot doujins

grind up the doujin and inject it straight into my veins
I'm not sure I agree honestly.

If the padding is good I say go for it.
Learning about all these people's lives and the different worlds etc etc.

To spend this long and then rush the ending seems like an extreme waste to me.
Like, he should've gone faster on Dressrosa and Skypia, not here.

Nel-Zel is a God
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Carrotfags are degenerate
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>Big Mom has her own version of the "Bird Cage"
>50+ more chapters of WCI
how would you feel about this?
there's so much left it's not even funny. Even 200 more chapters would last another 4 years, and there are probably more than 2 arcs left conservatively
So are jinbefags. Remember THE jinbefag?
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So I just thought of something how the fuck is zeus even going to hurt luffy? He was immune to the man who ate the lightning fruit how could a thunder cloud hurt him? On top of that big moms soul powers won't work on him because he won't feel fear so how the fuck is this big bitch going to fight him?
I miss his sexy Jinbei pics
It was originally going to be two separate arcs (a Dwarfs arc and a "Passion" arc), but Oda, ironically, tried to speed things up by combining them into a single arc. This just backfired and instead of two regular arcs we got a single double length arc.
>He thinks Shanks will be saved
You forgot the arc in space, Elbaf, the final war against the WG and whatever they will be doing on FI.
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I'll say Caesar but he's a nakama.
I loved doffy at the beginning but he disappointed me on every aspect (specialy his past).
So the only correct answer is our best boi Jack
Honestly. It was not shittily paced. Just long.
How the fuck did Doflamnigo disappoint in any shape or way nigger?
She can still burn him
And I'm assuming she can punch him with haki or try to just fucking eat him
WG tied in to reverie, Shanks most definitely will not be saved you're right about that, arc in space? Elbaf?
If only there were like two other powerful homies or something. Hmmmmm. She could probably tank G4 in her normal state too. This whole plan to make her vulnerable is based on Bege assessing she's a ridiculous tank.
I'd say there is even more left even rushed how I described it but in the end only one thing will matter, does the man have the balls to send us off in more than one happily after chapter, you know what I mean.
He's the best jobber in one piece.

It's an achievement to beat Smoker in this
All future crew members are joining in groups rather than just one at a time. Jinbei is joining, but expect other members.
>shape or way
oh foreigners lol
Jinbefag shitposting was gross but short. Carrotfags in another hand are a plague.
>Big mom fast enough to hit luffy
Nigga travled a few miles in a spilt second the Dressosa arc and big mom is a fat bitch.
Hum? Elbaf has been foreshadowed since years and has been confirmed to be a future arc in WCI. Enel's mini adventure pretty much confirmed there will be an arc in space. His adventure was directly tied to the poneglyphes.
Lol you're assuming she even has to go all out. Luffy isn't immune to getting slashed and burned.
I have no idea what you're talking about but I don't know who to blame, you or me. I've read the thing three times now
I'm kind of assuming she is strong enough to fight him, being a fucking yonko.
Could be wrong though

And you're right about the whole lightning thing. If that was her speed solution she is kinda memed here.

Unless that rainbow moves at the speed of light or some bs.

And what the fuck does napoleon do anyway?
She's using Prometheus as a knucle duster. She's strong on her own.
>Big mom using his big ass sword fast enough to hit luffy
Even fucking mihawk had a hard time hitting luffy with a sword and that was in marineford
The only real thing she has is her fire thinking about it
and her probably ridiculous strength, seeing as how she smashes up cities in her rampages and is generally a fat bitch
>bird people
Please tell me there are reptillian folks guarding Raftel or something.
It's you. Definitely you.
>big ass sword

The sword is just an assumption on how Napoleon works. We haven't seen that one in action yet. It's not like Luffy can even hurt her to begin with.
*The Kaido
I would appreciate just a little bit explanation on your part. Do you have a screenshot or smth?
Indeed. He's the most memorable and likeable loser of the series.

>How the fuck did Doflamnigo disappoint in any shape or way nigger?
I expected a lot more from Doffy and his background. At the end he was just a "meh". I guess it's my fault for getting hyped too much.
Please lurk an english teacher for 2 more years before posting here, I mean, I can only guess what you actually mean.
Almost like in a DB thread.
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Goddamn fucking scalies.
Dragons. Which are sentient super beasts.
Somebody recommend a manga that I should be reading. Besides One Piece, Kingdom, and AoT
She can give life to anything. Including the chairs, tables, the ground, clouds in the sky, the rainbow (who's already alive). She can reduce his mouvement with her homies then punch him to death. Or just catch his hands as he tries to attack her and beat him to do death. She has options i think.
Big Mom
>she starts bringing their surroundings to life to help her in the fight
That sounds fucking awesome
>Law is the only one of the top 10 that doesn't smile or laugh

When does Luffy learn awakening?
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Who the fuck in their right mind would recommend AoT?
Read the manga or google it

>People are dying because of a worthless war
>We can't save all of them but if we let it continue, more will die


>Everyone is threatened to lose their lives
Fuck off. OPT exist for a reason.
>forgetting Jack
When the Monkey God inside him wakes up
that's not gonna get me anywhere. I have a feeling you're talking out of your ass
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Literally google elbaf you dumb nigga
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Elbaf has been foreshadowed with Dory and Brogy. Usopp said he wanted to go there. In WCI we learned about Loki the prince of Elbaf. It's pretty much sure we will have an arc on Elbaf.

For the space arc there was clearly a history between them and an old civilization. Fair to assume it will be relevant later. In this adventure Oda showed us how to get to the moons. It's a story about adventurers (especially Franky and Nami). They will probably go there too. There's also one of the lies of Usopp which din't happen yet about an alian merchant.
im not sure about you, but i think it was kida meh.


you forgot the supersoldier failure and the talking marimo
Strawpollfag is another shade of cancer huh
that sounds laughable but I have no argument against it
Is that loss?
What a retarded poll.

Those who vote for Dressrosa are just trolling.
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Pudding chan, the light and the true.
Kiss yourself
Why laughable?
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Because he doesn't read the manga.
Don't forget. Harjudin is part of Luffy's fleet and that's probably no coincidence. He'll likely be a key player on Elbaf.
Well I'm used to leddit opinions so I wanted to make sure y'all were good
from that little bit of throwaway humor you assume they'll be headed to space (which the more I think about it isn't that ridiculous but would be unnecessary and adds very little to the manga). I have nothing to say about the Elbaf part but I'm skeptical. What's WCI?
Sometimes I wonder how some people made it this far while being so retarded
Just like the two on enies lobby or the giant on Sabaody
Weekly Cinema Interests
>skeptical about a place that has been continuously mentioned and foreshadowed since Little Garden
>what's WCI

Just admit you're a know nothing Spee D. Reader.
Whole Cake Island. Humor? What part?
Elbaf will obviously happen. It's been alluded to ever since they entered the grandline with the Red and Blue Ogre giants and Ussop literally said "I can't wait until we get to Elbaf" at the end of Dressrosa.
i'm so horny, can someone post some carrot doujins?
I'm pretty new to these threads I'll admit that. I don't know what you've discussed and this has definitely been helping me read deeper.

I'm still highly skeptical and have no idea what >>156778891 is, so it's possible I'm dealing with much less information than y'all. I've read the manga three times already and watched a decent bit of the anime.
So we have handsome/edgy Beansman and fermented Beansman now, where is Riceman? Aren't those gooks always proud about their sweet rice and shit?
that's evidence I was unaware of. I'm a bit less skeptical now
Kill yourself anytime
It's Whole Cake Island. The current arc. He's messing with you. Just read again the Enel's Great Space Mission. You might see what i'm talking about. For Elbaf yeah as they said the arc is pretty much set in stone.
Honesly Carrot would be a decent Strawhat but i just can't get it up to furries.
Don't be an asshole like that. He's fine.
>Enel's Great Space Mission
that was unironically fascinating
I like her but I don't want her on the crew simply cause she's a furry
I'm in the same boat but instead of dysfunctions my major concern is the leeway she would present to actual furries.
Ok. Well i believe Oda showing the road to the moons wasn't random. It serves almost no purpose in the story.
I'm less sold on that part. It's just a cool extra thing in my opinion
I get that yeah. I'm just convinced Oda isn't going to pass on the opportunity to make an arc in space. It would be sad for them to not explore every craziest places.
>Space arc
Is toriko didn't get a space arc one piece sure as hell isn't getting one.
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Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing
>captcha us Bellamy Close
One Piece isn't going to be axed, anon.
I don't think there's been a cover story that didn't become relevant in some way. Most famously is Buggy's. Even the CP9 and Walpol one are relevant now with CP0 and the Reverie.
One piece also hasn't been building towards a space arc since the being unlike Toriko
Wapol will be there for the Reverie.
I don't understand how Toriko is relevant to predict what will happen in One Piece...
Any art of Sanji titfucking Nami or Pudding?
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I love those, keep em comin
He can't even write/handle his phone properly don't look to deep into it.

Especially when we have DB arcs going between universes now.
And One Piece has becoma a bigger property than Dragonball. If Oda wants it, it will happen, people, complaining as much as they might, would eat everything up he churns out.
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Look at what is shown and infer.
I applaud your tenacity, nigger anon
>31 votes for Carrot
Seriously? Oh my god.
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Who the fuck is voting for Icebergs Mouse, and the long island guy??!?
Every time I think he can't go further, what does he do? He fucking goes further!
Ceasar is the Buggy we deserved.
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Someone do a Big News meme of 9/11
Buggy isnt a jobber tho
>Jobbed to the fucking weather
He is a jobber of the biggest kind.
It's literally the original one.
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>Buggy actually defeated Luffy and Zoro at some point
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>Buggy could become an unstoppable force of nature causing nuclear explosions if he awakes his DF.
Gedatsu's hasn't become relevant yet
Him spilting himself in half in anyway all ready proves this theory wrong. What do you think happens when he spilts apart? His fucking atom split too
>Jinbe already got a big tile with the rest of the crew in the all characters picture
you do realize that was shopped, right?
Anon I hope when Morgans appears in the anime you step it up to gifs. You're doing gods work.
There is also a whole set up of Enel going to the moon, the automatas going there and the Space Pirates found doing who knows what in there.

Also the moon civilization Enel found.

Honestly, space arc is a given, be it the Strawhats going there or Enel coming back to Earth and exposing what's up for everyone
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>carrotfags and jinbefags arguing over who will join the SH
Doesn't matter, there is only one endgame in one piece you faggots
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The Space Arc is going to be where the last fourth Road Poneglyph is located.
>Le Grinning Man xd

I mean,if antything he will the gateway for anything >>156780563 if you soberly think about it.
There's usually a couple of troll/joke votes on these polls.
Hordy jones
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>try to make a homage to old cartoons with googly eyes on everything and having everything bounce around
>still half-ass the budget so most everything looks like tweened toonboom-tier garbage
God, I fucking hate Toei.
worst antagonist post timeskip
Absolute fodder tier.

His crew was pathetic too.
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What if Morgans power is to split into the individual news coos?
I don't see why him being dead means they have to choose another character. A favorite is a favorite.
>retarded parallel
No you just couldn't understand it. Jinbe intending to die for Luffy doesn't mean he will die. Zoro intended to die for Luffy and ended up living.

You already got blown the fuck out. Stop being a bitch and accept that Jinbe is here to stay.
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>5 years ago when we were in Punk Hazard.
for what purpose?
I've been saying this for a while. Big Mom will get fucked up because Luffy, Nami, and Jinbe are the perfect combination of abilities to counter her.

Can't get electrocuted by zeus
Can use Zeus to her advantage as she can manipulate any cloud for lightning.
Can help counter Prometheus so long as he has access to liquid. This means that Big Mom can't use Zeus against Luffy to create a huge storm as it just makes Jinbe even stronger. In any case, this helps eliminate Zeus from the fight altogether.

Big Mom is strong as fuck and normally, every crew or pirate would have to deal with Big Mom with Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon. However in this case it's Luffy vs Big Mom without Zeus, and possibly without prometheus depending on how much liquid is available. It's still in Big Mom's favor, but the fight became much less difficult due to natural counters.
Buggy slicing himself is like slicing a piece of bread, his atoms don't get sliced.
How are they going to end in a 1v3 against her? What will save them is Big Mom attacking everyone.
Do you not know what minimum means?
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>retards think Carrot is furry

No she isn't. She's love. And I want her to bear our children.
I'm pretty sure big mom has something prepared for counters to her elements; Enel didn't know what rubber was because he only knew his island and skypeia. Big Mom has been all over the world and fought all kinds of enemies; her knowledge of the world is much higher than the average one piece villain
I'm expecting a brawl as it's in a small place. Sort of like Marine ford except not as long. There's no way fights are split up 1v1 style when everyone is right next to each other.

Hell, Big Mom doesn't necessarily have to lose the fight. Those natural counters just makes Big Mom less scary in general and makes their escape more viable.
Big Mom could be my favorite villain. And I'm not worried about her jobbing yet. Big Mom is terrifying. She has all sorts of horrors in store.
Big Mom?
You mean Big Job lamo.
Doesn't matter what she's considered, I'd still fuck her.
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Hahahaha Mamama-Mama!
Hello this is Big job say something nice about her.
By your chart carrot is AT LEAST semi furry and you could make an argument that she is furry.
Carrot is somewhere in between semi and not furry. Because she has the nose and fur, but her hands and feet aren't animal claws. She has her battle claws but those are weapons under those are regular sized human hands.
Jinbe will die soon.

Now go die.
So she's somewhere between semi furry and furry
why aren't we talking about this arc's mvp?

anyone find these panels hilarious? I can already imagine the rumors forming:
>the straw hats are so insane they attacked a yonkou at her most well guarded
>the straw hats are so insane one of their members peeled the skin off his face as a distraction
No cause they have animal claw like hands and feet starting at semi-furry. But Carrot also has the nose and fur. So she isn't completely not furry.
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woops. forgot image
We are talking about the MVP Carrot who conquered the mirror realm and made the entire plan possible.
pudding wants a cacao individual to jam it in to her whole cake, cover her biscuits in nut cheese, and eats it like candy
Alright enough already we get it everyone loves Carrot ok don't ruin it
Avalo looks like Kaido's underling, he's probably an ex-Calamity.
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I want to cum inside the bunny
>>the straw hats are so insane one of their members peeled the skin off his face as a distraction
I hope oda delivers this line in a mini rumor arc about the world's opinion of the straw hats
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So what happens if the assassination plan is actually successful? Seems unlikely to off a Emperor this early into New World, but if it does:

>We get to see instability caused by all of Big Mom's territory being up for grabs
>Marines go 100% on Luffy's ass to prevent another Blackbeard situation
>All of Strawhat Fleet pirates gain the same attention
>Blackbeard and Kaido also begin to move to take more control of the New World
>Shanks gets even more drunk
He looks like the silhouette of the broker that is going to talk to Jack, but that guy seems to have real horns
Carrot is like 1.5, which is almost-not-furry.
The plan will not be successful but Big Mom's infrastructure will be totally obliterated by the fracturing of the family.
It's already stressed that she's basically a huge shitter using marriages for power with an Achilles heel that just got struck. The fucking bomb box has been foreshadowed since Fishman island and it still hasn't been opened.

They'll dip but 10 bucks says all the Marine Admirals show up to clean house just so we can move on to Wano with a clean slate.
Big Meme sounds better

>this early
WC is literally the 5th arc of the New World. I just hope she won't go don like a bad jobber and give Luffy one of his hardest fights.
So which one of Big Mom's children will open the tametabako to try to calm her down?
For you.
The guy who lied about getting his ass whooped
>>Shanks gets even more drunk
A+ prediction, everyone forgets that detail
agreed since fujitora may be right on luffy's tail a la smoker-kun
He's probably already on a boat for the other end of the world at this moment.
It's 100% she's losing there and even maybe dying.
There's Bege with his chaos fetish and Morgans with big his news fetish present. They aren't there for a half assed ending. It's pretty obvious what will happen

>Big Mom goes crazy
>Gets shot in the confusion
>Attack everyone
> People either die, run away or fight her
> She dies/faints from the poison at the very end
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A real shame that there is a poison sucker in the room...
Now that I think about it, Reiju could easily suck all the poison from Magellan and defeat him
Reiju for nakama
Katakuri went pale because he saw Big Mom kill Pudding.
>Reiju sucks poison and saves big mom
>poison so strong Reiju can't convert it
>puddings 3rd eye awakens
>sacrifices her life for Reiju
>Sanji gets ultimate power up motivation for not being to save his sister or his wife
Sure, Reiju is going to save... Big Mom!? I'm wondering if you guys even think about what you are saying sometimes.
If Katakuri were to die, would he be able to see the afterlife?
no because there's no afterlife. Once you die you become nothing
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Reiju can't suck Kinjite, which burns through fucking metal.

If Kinjite gets on her its eating through her flesh.

however, they make a great OTP
Her exoskeleton
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what shitty fanart. it almost looked so good too, but they literally gave carrot human skin. what a waste.
Who knows? Did you expect Brook to break mother Caramel's picture too?
No. Are you really comparing Reiju saving her enemy to a member of the operation other than Luffy actually breaking the photo?
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Maybe it won't hit Big Mom. Or circumstances may change. But are you seriously so narratively blind that you can't see why pic related happened from a storyteller's perspective? Did you think it was filler?
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No, i believe it will be used on someone. Not Big Mom.
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is there a way we can just enjoy carrot without without arguing about whether she's furry or not? regardless, she's still anthro, which appeals to about 90% of this userbase

I'm just pulling your leg; Don't mind me,
really. Just pointing out this sad coincidence that someone is about to die poisoned while at the same room there is another person capable of sucking poison out of people
Yes. Law is stronger than zoro for now.
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Dadji is going to force Reiju to SUCC Big Mom in trade for Germa getting to live.
>shape or way
Suck my black, big dick fuckboi
Why have people been making memes about some random bird saying "This is big news"?
Are you by any chance an anime only fag?
If souls exist then afterlife is not a stretch.
Also Brook's been to hell.
Maybe read the manga
What's the problem with that?
Not him, but try to spend your time better anon.
What will happen to the person who is punched by Big Mom? Is a Big Mom punch a survivable thing?
He's a journal owner overexcited by every tragedy shouting "This is big news!".
Post Judge's face when he realized Ichiji Niji and Yonji are failed experiments and Sanji is his only true son
Unless Sanji unlocks his exoskeleton or whatever its not gonna happen.
People always talk about how One Piece is a kid friendly manga but Oda's messagse are really something.... Every government aren't what they seem to be and are corrupts and the medias are scums.
Judge doesn't have an exoskeleton. The Jobsmokes aren't like him. On some level he has to see they are machines not his children.
Kinda missread your post. Well i guess after he saves them. But i hope Sanji wont forgive him.
Just fuck the real one you motherfucking degenerate.
I can't imagine he would. But he will probably proxy forgive them through Reiju.
Wow. Spee D Reader is a Justin Timberlakeposter. Whoddathunk?
That sounds pretty kid friendly to me. oda has taught us again and again not to trust big brother, and that the friends we choose are more important than family
I do read the manga, call me Spee D Reader but why do people care about that line he said so much? Also this arc has so many characters that its hard to remember them all.
>Dying in One Piece
What chapter is he even on? I just looked through the last 4 and didn't even see him. He is from this arc right?
Kid friendly doesn't mean dumb. Also One Piece being too kid friendly and mainstream is the worst thing ever. No, i don't want it to be an edge fest and i like the funny parts in it but still. Especially the anime where they censored shit like Sakazuki burning down the half of Whitebeard's head.
Maybe. But isn't it surprising for a mainstream manga like that? The manga has a revolutionnary tone very pronounced.
He's doing that in the last two.
Vinsmoke was hyped as fuck and now Oda turned them into trash.
Chapter 860 he got introduced, you speedreader
They aren't done yet. It's just the well deserved downfall of Judge.
How many Big News was fake?
Is there a signal wich they can activate secretly and call the Germa army?
everyone here is stupid and you know it

wano is a ruse. admirals haven't been relevant since marineford (did pretty much nothing in dressrossa) and the Vinsmokes are invited to the reverie.

they'll wrap up the wedding when big mom gets shot (dies) bege gets most of credit, Vinsmokes get overshadowed by the big news and the strawhats take the germa ship to the reverie

>yfw you can't refute this
Maybe yeah. Also, the one who has their weapons his Bege.



20 chapter cover arc of big news Morgan running his bird company when?
Another powerlevel fag that is pissed his headcannon didn't turn out true.
>the Vinsmokes are invited to the reverie

I think they were invited for the reverie before.
And reveries has a circular system, they call the same Kingdom only for the second or whatever next reverie.

If theye were invited for the current one, despite the Tea Party (inb4 you must attend because of Mama, they could make a deal with her in that case) one of them would be there.
I didn't mean any powerlevel.
Germa was hyped since Zou, Oda did spent chapters to introduce them, even the Germa Tank, Germa soldiers were introduced, and now they aren't vene used and Germa got BTFO on a pathetic way.
Oi Carrot, look what you did, it's on your nose.
I spend almost the same time while reading the manga. I recheck every single chapter and I'm always shocked how many details did I not spot during the first read.
I love you shitposter. We going to get a Cinco de Mayo theme today?
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Original Zoroposter here, that guy isn't me, and yes there will be a Cinco de Mayo theme
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So how disappointed is this guy right now
>Oda created Carrot as a way to turn all his readers into furries

He's trying to corrupt the youth
can oda please just hype up a villain without all the jobbber shitposting? jesus christ have none of you ever written a story before
He's excided, because he knows it's just all an act.
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if you're not a furry already, a single one piece character isn't going to change your mind. if you already were, carrot doesn't really matter because she doesn't get any real screentime and virtually no doujins exist of her. there won't be more furries or less, just a new fetish on the smorgasbord of fetishes
Law isn't that strong he just has an almost broken devil fruit
So what kind of man is Oda?

He teach trough One Piece, that racism is bad, the bad guys always fails, you can reach your dreams if you try hard, etc.

But he still handles women as lesser, and not even one strong woman was introduced.
If it was, then she turned into the one who needs help and the protaginist saves her.
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>and not even one strong woman was introduced.
Big Mom. And everyone need to be saved by Luffy in the manga.
I wouldn't wonder if a BIG NEWS picture meme generator already exists.
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Everyone can get redemption or needs help
Look at caribou
>Big Mom

Just wait until her sad backstory.
Plus she's still the weakest one of the Yonko which suggests again, even in a leader position women cannot be as powerful as men.
>Plus she's still the weakest one of the Yonko
That's your own headcanon, sexist.
>then she turned into the one who needs help
Everyone needs help sometimes, Anon
I don't get this one
Bisoromi Bear is literally the only antagonist that didnt job.
That's not his point.
Zoro jobbed to Arlong
I want to hug that bunny.
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Carrot cannot join.
Just imagine, she would literally fuck everyone on her heat.
It's the only way Luffy can pass on his genes. Hancock doesn't even have the sex ed to rape Luffy.
>Luffy can pass on his genes

And by some One Piece logic human+bunny mink->monkey mink.
And then the next Monkey D. is a literal monkey.
Did she became a cannibal?

I mean, when Luffy cooked for the team and mixed all ingredient it probably contained animal meat which belonged to furry animals. However minks eat only meat of "hairless" animals. For example frog, fish, etc.
Any food they had was , seafood, came from Zou or had been on the sunny for over 10 days. I doubt there was any red meat
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Doflaminho has a sad past but he was evil
Big mom likely has a sad past but chose to be evil
some could be spared by swirlyhat pirates while Luffy wasn't around
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as long as he doesn't forget the lie it's all right
Why doesn't Big Mom just have back up photos of Mother Caramel?
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