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One Piece

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Thread replies: 523
Thread images: 104

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What's gonna happen to Caesar and Brulee at the end of this?
Down with shipper OPs
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Doffy fags get out!
Flee from WCI, end up in buggy's crew.
Passionate lovemaking.
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Best boy Daifuku will beat the shit out of them.
next cover story will be Caesar's and Brulee's Honeymoon
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>Big Mom herself will be weaker, but instead will rely more on her crew instead
No. Just no, get some reading comprehension. Her whole family is scared shitless of her. She's the same kind of monster as Kaido...
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now that i think about it, brulee would perfectly fit in buggy's crew
does he have to keep rubbing himself in order to keep the genie outside?
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Who? I only see Gastino.
>posting this three times
Wow nigga relax
Doujins when?
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CoO is usefu-
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Big News!
Never forget the canon.
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leave dying to me
Can Brulee make herself look like a hot babe with her mirror powers?

I dunno man, we don't know too much about Kaido.

Atleast we haven't seen him casually killing his own children over random cravings and mistakes. She's likely the worst person so far.
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Couldn't Judge be the new nakama instead of Jinbe? He has a sad past, he has a dream and shed tears for it, he currently needs to be saved and things look hopeless. That's the requirements.
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Sanji and Pudding are literally destined for each other.
Can someone explain who this person is
I keep seeing this shit

It's making me nervous for some reason.
I'm concerned about the person posting this
Maybe he has dirt on him
>crackerfags are from /v/
is having a bounty over 1 Billion a sure sign the character will be a jobber?
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Jinbe is going to join and I will spam my shit again
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>Her whole family is scared shitless of her.
The older ones like Perospero and Katakuri, ie the important ones, don't seem to be "scared shitless" of her. For example, in pic related, Katakuri kicks Luffy even though he knows it'll piss her off, and then talks back to her to explain himself. They aren't scared of her, and I'm sure that Big Mom respects her stronger children, they just don't love her like a mother, but rather respect her like a captain.
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He'd need to fill a role in the crew though and the scientist role is already filled by Caesar
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Dogtooth is a piece of shi-
It's my fault there was three thread going at once?
SaPufags, SaNafags, they both the same spam shits and autistic with their shippings.
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Year of Jinbe's death
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Are you going to keep posting this til the end of the arc? Or the end of the year?
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I-It's not fair bros! Why is that fat boring fish joining instead of my waifu! REEEEEEEEEEEE! Y-year of Jinbe's death!
Both will. Wano is Carrot's arc.
Caesar is going to reveal that in fact he never was evil (as you can see him crying when chopper and nami called him sum).

His sad past is that he was a good cientist that was always on the shadow of vegapunk, lacking resources he couldnt help people so he began to go on the extremes that even vegapunk wasn't allowed to go and with time he lost himself on his evil characterization because that way it was easier to cope with the guilt, then he joins the strawhat reserve team after jinbei's death.
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He will keep posting it until Jinbe dies.
This. He is going to take her to the altar and ask Big Mom to marry Brulee
Pedro is my waifu too
I feel like the Whole Cake arc was terrible only because it pandered to furries, like all the furries crawled out of the woodworks because of it. Introducing the Minks tribe was a bad move by Oda, granted I feel like furries only care about Carrot so not too bad I suppose. It's just the Carrot's popular is so high that it's actually terrible because of how popular she is among furries.

It's like when Zootopia came out and everyone went crazy for Judy Hopps, that's how I see Carrot, except the thing with Zootopia is it pandered to normalfags so it was actually much worse. I'll never forget the shitstorm that was Zootopia when it first came out, it was horrible.

*throw jellybeans*
pshh nothing personal
and since caesar needs a best man, the big mom pirates will break doffy out of impel down, because he's the only one who's kinda friends with caesar and the dream team will be united again.
You're retarded
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>MFW I upset furries and Carrotfags
>Calls me retarded as their only defense

Stay mad, Carrot is a shit character and personally I hope she doesn't join the crew or have any interaction with the crew after the Whole Cake arc just so you can cry some more.
WCI and Zou are their own arcs. Plus we've had anthropomorphic animals since zoan and fishmen. Oda likes animals.
Do you think Doffy is stronger than Cracker?
It's true we've had anthropomorphic animals but not like Carrot, I'd say Carrot is in a class all her own because I don't recall the fanbase being so obsessed with a specific anthropomorphic character like Carrot before.

That's just why I'm singling out Carrot, something about her is different and it's driving the fanbase wild. She's cancer.
Minks in Whole Cake Island:
Woah there, thats a lot of pandering. Oda must be a furgag
The OP fanbase literally gushes over chopper
>Doesn't notice all the Carrotfags
>Carrot porn

Come on now, I never see anyone talking about Pedro or giving a shit about him. All I ever see is "Carrot this" and "Carrot that." blah blah blah

I'd rather them gush over Chopper than Carrot, Chopper is an OG crew member. Carrot is just someone that furfags want to join because she's cute and they want to fuck her.
Spend less time on the internet, anon. You aren't able to think straight anymore. Carrot get a fair amount of praise. Nothing unusual, you are the one making a fixation on furries.
She's the first vagina in a long time to have a sort of reasonable chance of joining the crew. In fact, she (temporarily) did. See Monet and Rebecca fags for this phenomenon in its most autistic form
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I'd take Carrotfags over spergs like you any day.
I think you're taking the "carrot should join" people too seriously.
>tfw kaido's crew won't be half as interesting and varied as the big mom pirates
feels bad
Barely anyone posts about Carrot lately. Once she does something again all the Carrot posters will come out of the woodworks but for now you look dumb for complaining about Carrotfags.
BM and BB are the only interesting yonkou. Shanks might turn out dope though.
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see >>156730907

>tfw there's more shitposting about carrotposting than actual carrotposting
You from the future?
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Whoa. I never thought about this. What if all the retarded posters are actually like the same two or three people? Like, they think Carrot isn't joining and Doflamingo is stronger than Cracker and Big Mom is going down here and Usopp isn't the weakest Straw Hat and all sorts of other shit that's super obvious to the rest of us, but they're missing part of their brain or something.

I worked at a place where every now and then, this lady would come in with like a train of people with mental problems, and they'd do some menial work, eat lunch, gross everyone out, and then leave. Do you think there's a lady who brings people like that to 4chan? Are they all part of this down syndrome train?
Carrot isn't exactly furry. Style is so cartoonish she is as alien as the humans.
You didn't answer my question.
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So we all agree that Usopp will die like a true brave warrior of the sea, right?
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I'm not him, I'm talking about him. You asking him that question made me wonder if all the "wrong" posters are actually just a couple people who are wrong about everything.
All I see is the word 'Jobber' and Cracker v Doffy arguments. Cracker is stronger btw
wow rude
>Big Mom is going down here
But she is. You just proved your theory false.
>Saves my image
>Changes man to cuck in the title
Personalized bait just for me? Well shucks how could I refuse.
There's no organized group of shitposters, but there are obvious individual posters who come just to shitpost like marinefag and turboautist.
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you're literally posting about carrot. you are now a carrotfag
Qweensland, that's where.
He's just mad because Carrot makes his dick hard but his dad said furries are a no-no.
Who is turboautist
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Does anons shitposting mean we get to post about Carrot now? hurray
desu I don't want Big Mom to go down this arc, I just want them to rescue Sanji and leave, because I really like the Big Mom pirates, and I the characters within that crew to disband almost as soon as they were introduced. I want more Katakuri, Smoothie, Daifuku and Oven. And anyway, I wouldn't want Luffy to defeat a Yonko when he is so far below Yonko level. He's not even Yonko commander level, he struggled against Cracker.
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Best pairing! Incredible chemistry in the manga and great doujins!
I guess the man who screams at samefaggin'. He's not there anymore or just calmed down on his autism.
The "planes in OP" and "star navigation" guy.
Nah, i don't want dead strawhats other than Brook yohoho
Hmm, I must have missed him, I don't remember this.
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What's his endgame?
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Why not? The manga need to go on. They take down Big Mom and Kaido as a group (worst gen) then we have a few arcs for them to take over the world with Luffy becoming PK at the end. I want this personally. It's better for Kaido and Big Mom to lose like that, not by getting defeated in 1v1.
Haha that shit should have been capped. Literally the highest form of autism i've seen here including monet and sanafags
He did this a lot of times. He takes a random subject, start arguing with someone then the whole thread start arguing with him then he calls everyone samefag and you have a whole thread just filled with that as a result.
Why is Blackbeard after the revolutionaries?
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Seriously what the fuck, when did /a/ become SCARED of furries? The more rabid hate I see, the more indiscriminate ridicule of furries, the more insecurity I see. They're literally scared of a fetish, what the fuck?
he wants dragon's fruit
To job and die a complete failure

I don't want to be associated with your kind
What if One Piece ends and Jinbe never died?
>"Hey, baby. Wanna see my genie?|
Weapons apparently. Probably asserting his reputation as well.
So has any SH ever actually killed anyone? Like actually on screen too? What I can only remember is maybe during the beginning when Luffy was trying to get Zoro to join him and someone telling him how he killed pirates or whatever.
/a/ likes to pretend monster girls and furries are two different things, when in fact they are 1 singular fetish
So epic. You "pretended" to be retarded. Top kek bro.
Was he the same guy who called everyone a tumblr landwhale and asked them to show tits. i ironically took on his mantle once for shits and giggles
>Chopper: God damn Sanji have some self respect.
>when in fact they are 1 singular fetish
Lamias, harpys etc. are good. Dogheads are not.
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don't mind me, just ruining the thread
These threads give me a huge feeling of Dejavú.

It's like endless eight all over. But instead of Kyoun-kun denva, it's ODA, WHERE'S MY NIGGA ZORO?
Except most furfags are like

>That's not real 'monster'! Reeeeee fuck off weebs

There's quite a leap from where you're fapping to girls with accessories or mermaid types to fapping to literal dog faces.
Not dying. He's already failing at that.
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>dogheads are not
That's just like, your opinion, man.
I want to _pet Carrot
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>literal bitch tits

This is why we can't have nice things.
Zoro and Robin have. Brook likely did too. Zoro may have killed nameless fodder on panel too though you could argue the same of Luffy.
>reee fuck off weebs
i have literally never seen a furfag say anything like this. where the hell are you getting the idea that weebs and furfags are somehow mutually exclusive?
Oda has made it clear that Commanders are strong but no invincible. Bege put all of his hopes in a desperate plan that required perfect setup, and he's not just a nobody. Who the fuck would risk battle with BM Pirates from the front door? Akainu? Yeah he might wipe them, or maybe he's defeated and then the WG is instantly fucked. Point is, no one is going to risk it.

I can't believe people are actually expecting DBZ levels of power creep with the Yonkous.
Stop responding to the mouthbreathing autist.
You don't see me running around in a "human" shirt, Carrot.
Don't be a stereotype, you dumb bunny.
Luffy just knocks them out with punches and kicks and have the marines clean up the mess.
>triggered by a cute bunny
koto waru
>You don't see me running around in a "human" shirt
That's because you're a fag with no fashion sense.
Furfags on /v/.
They are literal Narutards and DBfags. Not even joking or calling name. I'm sure that's what they are. You can clearly pin point at which moment this kind of mentality started flooding the thread. It did happen during Dressrosa, after Naruto ended.
Is this a jojo reference?
shitty typo
How fast is he rubbing?
Why was Sanji holding back against Niji? Beating the crap out of him wouldn't have meant that hes refusing them marriage so Zeff would've been safe.

i hope he and his bros will fight some lower ranking big mom shitters to show of their power. I doubt he will get a special threatment even though ichijifag has right in one thing which is that he looks like a badass. Niji looks like the crazy one and Yonji's head is like an onion lel.
Yeah, I've seen the furfags on /v/. And I'm honestly jealous, they just post a couple pictures of the character they like, have a thread every once in a while, and simply get to enjoy that character. They're not occupying themselves with worrying about whether it's a specific fetish or not. Then you look at /a/, where it's literally impossible to have a carrot thread because of the rabid anti-furfags trying to gatekeep for no particular reason.
>ywn read a manga drawn by Carrot
What are you talking about?

If anything the commanders are underperfoming, Cracker went out for good before the arc even climaxed, Snack is dead, Smoothie nowhere to be seen, Katakuri freaking about how he can't do anything.
>wanting to read Bishōnen
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>S-Sanji will fight against Katakuri!!! H-he's almost as strong as Zoro, y-you'll see!!
i don't think Luffy is paying attention to not kill the fodders he fights against. I mean even his normal punches can break walls easily, so an average joe would die easily against him.
Cracker wasn't exactly underwhelming. Had not been for Nami he would have trashed Luffy, the SH's strongest member.
You're right about Smoothie and Katakuri being pretty laughable so far though.
What is it with some people actually believing that Daifuku and Oven are comparable to fucking Sweet Commanders? There's a reason why they've been introduced right now and have no titles.
They got really fucking lucky too that Nami happened to have the card warding off the homies.
More like Jobji kek.
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Mom's gonna FREAK
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If carrot draws bishoujo then she should have an understanding of romance right? How can she still be such an airhead, garchu'ing people, if her artstyle literally derives from a romantic genre? she knows, doesn't she?
Kurakka was kind of a counter against Luffy. I mean he was able to create basically infinite durable soldier. Plus he was a strong haki user and a swordsman as well.
Mommy's gonna JOB*
Why do you think she came aboard? She wants Luffy's carrot.
One Piece?
More like Job Piss. lmao.
More like Job Piss of Shit
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That reminds me

>T-they're gonna take down Big Mom!
>Who cares if he took eleven hours with Nami's help to defeat Cracker?

What do jobberfags have to say for themselves?
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not gonna like Bege has been really cool these chapters
>not gonna like Bege
fuck you
Bege's man comparing them to the commanders must have helped, speedreader.
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Ace died again ;_;
once again, no one fucking cares shill
Dont reply to him
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Was prime Rayleigh stronger than Shanks?
The irony. Luffy being an insect to Big Mom has nothing to do with her getting taken down or not. We all know if it was an all out fight they woulnd't have a single chance. Your jobposter mentality is clearly showing. Powerlvlfag to the extreme.
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Based Morgans.

Who even knows.

I mean he must be stronger than 1-Armed Shanks off of pure assumption.

But both at their peak, who even knows. We haven't seen them really do anything or struggle against anything.
He didn't compared them, he just mentioned that they all were monsters. Sanji, Zoro and Luffy might be monsters, but that doesn't mean Sanji is in their level.
Where the fuck are the Carrot doujins?

She's been introduced for years...
I don't know why you guys are always mad about furries. You all would fuck anything with a pussy that's not masculine.
That includes stuff like Big Mom though.
There is absolutely no reason to assume that the powergap between them is that big. Otherwise they would have called amanda, bobbin or some other weakling monster as well.
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Who wouldn't fuck this THICC goddess?
Are you implying there's that much of a gap between Luffy/Zoro and Sanji? Come on now.
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why is brulee so lewd
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Why didn't i remember this. Have to re-read some more chapters to see if i missed more of Morgans.
That's like saying where are the Big Mom doujins
>comparing Carrot to Big Mom

Even Monet got doujins...
Besides water, what doesn't he counter with his infinite supply of soldiers?
>comparing Carrot to Big Mom
you're right that's an insult to big mom
That's a straight comparison. He reconises them to be the same-tier.
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Leave Big Mom to me!!
Monet is a monster girl. Carrot is a literal furry.
Gas yourself.

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Thank god Morgans wasn't on Ennies Lobby. If he didn't die of a heart-attack due to excitement, the Buster Call might have gotten him.
you mad furfag?
>still haven't gassed yourself
> sanji time
So, without autistic shipping, what's going to happen with Pudding?

Her switching sides to help (at least momentarily) Sanji and the rest is pretty much guaranteed, but to what extent? I can see her tagging along for a while in the Thousand Sunny if only because of her potential genetic power. That could interest Robin and Wano.

Or we could just pass by that tribe's island. I still think we're gonna have more flashbacks, maybe showing her father and also her relationship with Lola.
Links or it didn't happen
tfw you will never have Carrot's fur tickle your balls when you pork her
sorry i'm not /d/egenerate fetishes like yourself
Time to lose against a noname weakling like Daifuku.
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Daifuku is only buying time for his big bro Jobberkuri
>Being this new
>yelling at zoro bro
please leave
FUCK. This was her best outfit.
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I hope she has a bad bitch form that makes Nami look plain. But I meant that be it a furry or monster girl they would always fuck something like pic related but they rather be tsundere about it.
the thumbnail looks like the "JUST" meme
I would honestly like it more if Sanji stayed with her and Reiju at WCI somehow and work in the underworld so that luffy has someone there too, but that would be too good.
Get your eyes checked.
You're just saying that because you don't like Sanji desu.

I can see her staying at Wano. Or WCI if BM's reign is truly dismantled for good. Otherwise, it'd be too dangerous for her to be there, considering that, even if she somehow didn't change sides, she's still (to Mama's eyes) the main cause for the plan's failure.
new nakama
Foxxy or almost any logia. these are the first who came to my mind.
Not really. Replacing Joker in the underworld would make him a pretty sick character.
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God Tier
>Big News posters
>Carrot posters

High Tier
>Urouge posters
>Jinbe's death posters

Mid Tier
>Ichiji posters
>Jobber/Job/Jobbing posts

Low Tier
>Pudding posters
>Jinbe posters

In the trash tier
>Shipping posters in general
Why? The "strongest haki Luffy's ever faced" is definitely sturdy enough to protect him from fire, sand, etc. It's just as much of a counter as any physical attack.
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Anime has had some wink wink scenes. Do they know something we don't?
kill yourself carrotfag
>something about her is different and it's driving the fanbase wild. She's cancer.

Its called being FotM, see:Monet and Rebecca
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>Uroge posters
>Not in ascended tier
>Carrot posters
>Not in trash tier
You only got the "in the trash tier" right.
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>visit sad panda
>type one piece
>mfw no doujins with carrot

i've got no reasons to live anymore
>Urouge and Zoroposters not in God tier
List discarded
Urougefags are the only good posters everyone else is trash
I hope Judge dies for being a crybaby bitch and then Sanji has to lead Germa 66 to take his place.
>Carrot posters in God Tier
>Zoro poster not in God Tier
Furfags get out

i want to cream her so bad
Why is the Zoro poster any different? Don't you guys remember the mods had to fucking ban people because the 25-30 first post of each thread were only people posting their memes?
Monet tho
Why do people enjoy shitposting more than talking about One Piece?
does anybody have that picture of pudding's third eye awakening, with zoro bursting out of it? i think it was tagged as spoilers a few threads back
Nothing has happened in 10 chapters
She'll go with the Straw Hats as a "hostage" so Big Mom won't go after Baratie and the others.
Kill yourself
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What a stupid fucking plot point.
>he cut a fucking city in half with that punch
She's just in shock.
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He's going to post it everyday until you like it.
Looking back, Whitebeard should have married Big Mom. He would have a real and bigger family and they would be unbeatable. Who knows maybe Weevil is their kid and his "mom" is just tricking him.
Don't kid yourself, all shitposting is trash tier.
Luffy took her carrot.
my theory is that Shanks learned everything from Rayleigh, so he's sort of the new generation Rayleigh
Can't blame Whitebeard for not marrying an ugly psychopath that kills her own children if they don't bring her candy.
Newfags leave.
He's the placeholder between Roger and Luffy.
why couldn't Daifuku just transform into a genie like Hawkins with his scarecrown looking monster?

Oda just keeps making the Paracemia type devil fruit more ridiculous than it already was
Because now there's the lamp and the genie. You and your taste are just lame as fuck.
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Because his fruit power is being a lamp not a genie.
I can actually see this happening
They aren't going to be successful in killing her. The best they can hope for is knocking her out
Why not? It would be so neat for Oda to actually kill her. She's 68 years old. She's not going to be in prison, she's not going to be redeemed. What is he going to do with her?
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>God tier posters
Bonney is Big Momfags
>Shit tier posters
Bonney is not Big Momfags
Big Mom and Kaido will fight in a huge war, victor will get taken out by Strawhats, Teach will then likely take out Shanks making him the defacto King of the Pirates until Luffy beats him
Calling it now, daifuku will get destroyed by diable jambe kicks within 5 or less chapters , don't quote me on this though
if Bonney turned herself into a 5 year old girl mid fuck and I nut inside her, would I go to jail?
oh hadn't noticed his power is being a lamp sorry
Daifuku will hit Pudding when she tries to get in the way again and then Sanji will go apeshit on him.
Just wait for it anon, the epic chimpout where she activates her strongest conquerers haki ever (or some other shit) and tries to kill literally everyone will be worth it
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>mfw Sanji gets a powerup because Pudding gets hurt.
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I posted this in the last thread, but my autism led me to make this slightly more polished version.
>he jobs anyways
Maybe. I like the idea but that's a lot of character in one place.. That's why i believe Big Mom will be taken down right now. We have already Marco and the remnants, the samurais, Kid, Apoo, Drake, Hawkins, Law, the Minks, Kaido, the Strawhats for Wano. Her coming with just a small group at the very end of the arc maybe...
aren't you tired of being a faggot?
Daifuku already did hit her though.
I'm excited. I'm waiting for that since Pound hyped her tantrums.
Ah, a Shipperfag, eh?
He and Buggy will be revealed as brothers.
What do a gangster and a clown have in common?
>a gangster
you are mixing him up with somebody aren't you
I was thinking it'd be the midway arc in the New World indicating another shift in world powers since there'd be a huge power vacuum with both Kaido and Big Mom dying in the same battle
Better than being a jobjifag.
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How strong would Sanji be if he used his knives while fighting?
doffy tier, so a little below yonko commanders like cracker
Still a fucking jobber
so, who exactly do we want to make the carrot doujin? how do we proceed from here?
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>inb4 where is this one character that is dead/retired I can't fucking read


The Yonko
Kong probably


The Admirals


The Yonko Commandersincluding WB's top jobbers


The Vice Admirals
Vergoprobably dead but whatever
The Rest of the supernovas

Anything below isn't worth cataloguing
ayy lmao
>CoA diable jambe type shit knife duel wielding
Would be hype as fuck, especially if he used actual weapons instead of cookware.
Not much stronger than he is now since any worthwhile enemy could shatter them instantly
Daifuku horribly punched Pudding in front of Sanji, he like the gentleman who is, kick Daifuku ass for doing that blasfemy and awaken a new power up that ridiculize all Zoro power ups, and on the way he will defeat Katakuri for not be a jobber, then he get up carefully Pudding and tell her more beautiful things about her third-eye, then she redeemed and help Luffy and Cappone to stop her mother and save the family of her true love.

He is the most durable villan we have seen yet in action, just by pure stamina he could beat Cracker and other memes
Dragon's top commander, Jesus Burgess jobbed to him
>Doflamingo in the same tier as Kuzan and the Admirals
The fuck am I reading

And you forgot to include Magellan in A tier
maynard nor sabo himself believed he could stand up to an admiral like fuji

not same tier
>Doflamingo could beat Cracker!!!

Spicy meme
>And you forgot to include Magellan in A tier
ah shit
>The fuck am I reading
The truth
I sorta wanna try to draw lewd of Big Mom. She's got some great tits.
>Implying he couldn't
>That Ace death
Webm please
Looks like it'd be a good reaction image
I honestly hope we see Morgans in Wano, imagine his erection if Kaido falls in battle
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>The Admirals
find someone who does HQ carrot doujins, then crowdfunding
HQ OP doujins*

like someone's who's a fan of the series and has done a ton of work, just not carrot (yet)

1. Marco
2. Smoker
3. Sanjob
4. Moria
5. Portgas D. Job
6. Cracker

9001. Kuzan
9000001. Sakazuki
>Doffy and Sabo are tier above Luffy
>fucking Doffy in the same tier as Garp
>Garp below Mihawk
>Sai higher than Sanji
>Cabbage and Barto are in the same tier as Sanji, Pica and Vergo
>Urouge is below the yonko commanders while he was able to take one out
Also, guys like Jack or Cracker has some chance against the admirals, depending on the circumstances and the machup. There is no such thing as "yonko commander level" they are vice admiral at worst and admiral at best.
Why the fuck is Hancock so high?
Magellan shouldn't be in a tier where everyone would kick the shit out of him
>above Smoker
>Cracker is literally the 6th while he jobbed to group effort
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>putting anyone above smoker
Makes some sense. Not even a boafag but she can use haki and her power is supposed to be effective against anyone who isn't asexual or won't stab themselves so they won't focus on her tits.
Are you implying that Cracker is stronger than Doffy?
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implying? it's generally accepted here by everyone except doffyfags
>No Jack
Not by far but i think he is. Even though Doffy's strongs would be more effective against him than Luffy's punching.

I know his fruit is awesome but really.. he's yonko commander at best.
>Implying Zoro could have beaten Vergo
>cedar clown
>buggy the clown
Linlin is cute.
At the best he could replace Crack on that list but he isn't that much of a jobber. He had a stalemate against Dog and Cat, most likely got his ass kicked Sengoku, Issho and Tsuru but in that case he obviously bit off way more than he can chew and Zunisha is literally island sized while Jack is a df user travelling on a ship.
>left to right
I'd put money on Jun but he hasn't done a one piece doujin in a while, I still love his Perona one.
kinda same here
>people still belive meme commander level is a thing
prove that Law > Zoro
protip: you can't
>muh captain level
>muh shichibukai level
there is no such thing
i'd dare to say he could have beaten Doffy in a hard fight. Since G4 beat him relatively easily.
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>one piece memer
>muh shichibukai level
shichibukai level is over vice admiral but below admiral. Captain level is like post timeskip Nami.

what if i stealed it from normiebook?? :'(
If you believe pre-timeskip Mihawk and pre-timeskip Crocodile are remotely similar you're retarded. Even Lucci was above "shichibukai" by that standard but he's so far below Mihawk it's not even a challenge.
Shichibukais are vastly different in power, they are chosen for prestige and poltical reasons above all.
Buggy is the living proof of this.
Again, if you think 7 warlords are in the same tier, you're retarded
well Zoro injured Kuma in his prime... what about that?
Kuma is probably the second strongest warlord, behind Mihawk.

Mihwak is definitely the strongest shichibukay because he used to be a rival of Shanks, and he is canonically the best swordsman in the entire world.

There is no such thing as a shichibukai tier. Each and every one is as strong as himself.
I'd say it's pretty certain that Zolo, Brook, Robin and Luffy have killed people, either intentionally or not. I doubt that Chopper, Nami, Usopp or Sanji have. Franky may have done it while he was a crimelord.
Kuma is overrated. He was a problem pre timeskip but now Franky could give him a good fight.

its just thir average level. like you would do a calculation including all of them. The only warlords who are actually warlord level are Croco, Moria, Jinbei and pre-timeskip Teach. Maybe Hancock if the top tier can resist her hax fruit.
On screen? I think Robin killed that one fat fuck during Skypeia and i dont know about that Nero dude franky fought.
made a little gif of it
but still is a feat of a injured zoro pretimeskip :/
Are you joking? Kuma would trash Franky with zero effort.
you have to go back
no u

No one jobs like my man Smoker.

Dude went from a legit badass that Luffy could only run away from to some guy Franky could take on if he had Haki. Hell people are saying fucking Coby may have taken his place.

I bet he's back at Loguetown beating some scrub pirates that just got started.
Coby has taken the place of Smoker and Lucci.
Wait because he'll soon replace Marines as a whole including admirals. I bet he's going to be the final, toughest marine to beat - BY FAR.
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how mad will shipperfags get when pic related gets to wife sanji in the end?
Thank you
Franky held off 3 executives, a vice admiral and a butch of fodders while happily screaming SUUUUPER. Kuma might slap him away but its just sends him to another island without damaging him.

wasn't Nero killed by Lucci after the fight?
I WADDA LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OP doujins are always the same and on top of that they are always shit too, no good art ever. Such a waste of potential. You would think that a franchise as big as One Piece would have at least 10 new doujins every new comiket or something, but nah.

It's always Nami, Robin, Hancock and now Rebecca too. Pathetic.
pretty much agreed
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the animu sucks, they said
yes, he was """""""""""killed"""""""""""
>not Straw Hat

I think Brulee is going to die due to giving up the will to live and exhausting her powers
it's because she says it on a per-syllable and it's alpha timed, and "Straw Hat" is only two syllables
oh wow that single scene was well directed anime sure is good a masterpiece even this single scene redeems the entire franchise from being animated by niggers and koreans
finally seen the light eh
did queenzflip originally says this or something?
Nope he was loking for his nigga Sanji. Maybe now that he found him he came ere to shitpost as some old man looking for Zolo.
>episode 147

does not compute
It's more about the furries in the 4chan ecosystem. They are ravenous and deranged creatures hellbent on fucking anything that moves. They can literally derail or even force everyone else out of a thread with their creepy fetish.
It's build up so that when she opens the Tamatebako to try to confort herself, it explodes and she snaps from all piling up. She's going to be mad as all hell.
Katakuri and Perospero are in their 40's, they just know how to deal with Big Mom in ways that don't leave them dead. Even Perospero was afraid of her going into a rage from Carmel's photo.
I want to show my friends this anime, would this be a good scene to start them off with? Or should I go with classic moments like alabasta or jaya.
what's wrong with the first episode? It sets the tone and has everything you need
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>nobody shipping pedro x carrot in this current year
Perospero looks in his 50s, Dogtooth is in his 40s I would say. On a similar note, I get the feeling that Big Mom had more of her daughters earlier than the sons given how old Brulee looks as the 8th daughter.
If you want to show your friends the show, why start with something they won't see again for hundreds and hundreds of episodes? Go for early Grand Line if you can't show them the beginning.
Waifufags ruined Carrot.
Pedro treats Carrot like a little sister who gets in trouble all the time
Should I re-read Dressrosa just to get my fix on Robin?
Why do people hate chopper being cute? Does he have to be an ugly ducking to be likeable?
Because he's supposed to be a monster and do badass shit, now he just activates his cute forms and does meme shit like kung-fu.
Chopper being cute is almost inverse to how helpful he is.
Buggy's crew is actually scary especially if he gets Brulee and Caesar
That sounds like a thirteen year old's complaint.
He's been extremely helpful on Zou and Whole Cake Island.
not an argument
He was normal, reindeer looking cute pre-timeskip but his post timeksip model is forced. Also why the fuck does he use the small form as his default instead of the semi-human form. Its ineffective in every way.
>inb4 Bege secretly can see the future too.
His Sabaody look is barely different from his current one, and he's always preferred Brain Point. His human form is used quite often, but it's never ever been his default because he's a scholar, not a bruiser.
wouldn't be easier to do medical shit with human hands instead of fucking hooves?
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I was out on the West Coast today, got some Tillamook cheese curds, saw the Cape Maeres Lighthouse and walked the Pacific Beach. On the way there I passed through the Tillamook Burn, where in 1933, a combination of low rain, and poorly managed lumber yards started a forest fire that burned over 200,000 acres. A similarly large blaze hit the grounds every six years for another 18, causing a fear that the land had been cursed, and searing the mountainsides black with ash for miles around.

And that's STILL not going to be as harsh a burn as your butts are gonna feel when you realize that Monet was alive all along and will be nakama.

Daily reminder that Monet threw the note.
Clearly not, since he's perfectly capable in Brain Point.
You realize this is the same bitch that freaked out and killed her son right? Bitch is unstable.
I did it /a/.

Started watching the anime for the first time about 9 months ago, and have just caught up to current.

I'm kinda sad. Thinking about jumping over to the manga now. What a fucking story.
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All he does is mix medicine and put plasters on people, he isn't a surgeon, so fingers are wholly unnecessary. It's also easier for him to establish himself as a doctor and not someone trying to harm injured people in his small brain point than his human gorilla form. If he was always in human form and was labeled as the doctor rather than the crew pet who knows how much more danger he would attract to himself. As far as I'm concerned him being small most of the time is the smart choice.
that's what I did, but I finished that shit really quick being a neet
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Definitely read the manga, the anime has been shit since the timeskip.
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Well obviously so she wouldn't outshine all those c-listers. Monet would be all anyone talked about if she jumped in there.
Is Perospero stronger than Sanji?

Same slut who went berserk and killed her children over some snack she suddenly had a craving for. This time Luffy fucked it up.

Same slut who went insane when the photo of Mother Caramel "tipped" over. This time it's fucking broken due to best skelly.

She's in shock, hyperventilating, and it also helps that she's also retarded.
now that we have sana, sapu, ichiji and jobfags i realise you monetfag wasn't even that bad.
Actually, I was really close to stopping after the timeskip, but I gave it a break and came back in strong.

Glad I did but some of it was definitely a bit of a slog. Manga time it is!
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How long did it take you, annon?
Don't rush it though. You just watched it all, let it sink for a little and reread when you feel like you've forgotten a lot of it. Otherwise your vision may be biased from the anime.
Whitebeard was a fag
i think he just means white cake island
and by white cake island i think i meant whole cake island
What was your impression of Big News Morgans when he was first introduced, and what do you think of him now?
back then: THIS IS BIG NEWS!

he always seemed like a character from through the looking glass
Good lookin out. I think I've earned a bit of a break. I remember trying to start One Piece a few years back, and immediately hating Luffy from the beginning. I don't know why, it just didn't stick. I'm glad I gave it another shot. It's taken over HxH as one of my favorites, and I love Luffy now. Even though sometimes he frustrates the dog shit out of me.

My break after timeskip was only a week or so. I couldn't go much longer without knowing what was going to happen.
>chopper went through a mirror and had to follow a white rabbit
i love the idea of a big sentient bird being the boss of those newspaper seagulls.
Ha, I hadn't even made the connection yet I'm dumb.
He's a fun meme and also >>156742215

I hope big news sticks around for a while.
All of the Strawhats and allies present are going to get some serious notoriety out of this. It's one thing for the Marines etc. to report on events later, but Big News is RIGHT THERE while Mama is getting taken down. Brook's bounty should fucking skyrocket.
also, it will be a global headline that Judge cried like a bitch and begged. germa is finished even if they don't die
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was this the biggest "Oda is a hack" moment?
>hehehe ZOMG GUYS HE'S GOT THE PIRATE KINGS HAT!!!!!!!!! will luffy become pirate king or wont he ;) gee i guess you'll have to tune in again to find out! it's so ambiguous!
trying too hard anon
>never being so mad you don't know what to be mad at anymore
why was doffy such a jobbing faggot

his crew sucked ass too
>I hope big news sticks around for a while.
This, i want to see him everytime we have big news in the One Piece world now
>Judge crying like a bitch

It makes a certain amount of sense, but it's so fucking weird to see it in action.
Some of theses yonko commanders are bigger jobbers than doffy
Who did Doffy job against?
>why was doffy such a jobbing faggot
Dude nearly killed an entire island of people while simultaneously fighting two high bounty pirates
>his crew sucked ass too
They were past their prime, look at how much more badass they were when Rosinante was alive.

*find out where your nigga zoro is actually at pg.11*
He's going to say something retarded like Luffy.
Guys, what if bonney is big mom and whitebeards daughter???
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>Guys, what if BIG NEWS???
>just realized the only blu-ray one piece RAW rip on the internet has every 4th frame duplicated for episodes 266 to 525

not like this...

fuck you SOFCJ RAWs
He's crying
that's just fat, my man
I still struggle trying to imagine someone getting hard enough to fuck Big Mom, throwing Whitebeard in the mix doesn't help
No, because luckily for you, she is infamous for doing so.
It's basically a Stand
What h-manga author would be able to make a good doujin featuring Big Mom?
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Usopp threw a marine into aqua laguna, he died for sure
nah the other marines paddling who were looking for t bone coulda got him

implausible, but possible. and generally if theres 1% chance someone can get saved in OP, they do
Is shanks the weakest yonko?
He doesn't look or sound impressive compare to the rest
back then: the President of the World Economic Journal a literal vulture and involved with the underworld big times. What did comrade Oda mean by this?

now: I know why they call him "Big News" Morgans. Must be annoying to stand near him during the Happening.
I very well could have missed something, but after Jack got his shit smacked by Zunisha, he was at the bottom of the sea, and was asking himself if and when someone or something was going to lift him up out of the water. Wtf was that? Was this addressed in the anime and I missed it, or has it not yet been revealed?
Shanks fended off Kaido when the latter tried to get in on the Whitebeard war action, and his presence alone was enough was enough to get the frenzied marines to back down.

Dude has no devil fruit powers, lost his dominant arm, and yet still manages to stay on top.
zoro could beat him
Smoker and Ace are much bigger jobbers than Jack and Judge.
Yeah but can Zoro not cut paper?
Good read anon, it's nice to see new people discover One Piece, I wish I was you.
He's a pirate.
He sees a valuable target like the Revolutionary HQ; he ransacks it.
No fucks given about whatever they're fighting for.
Thanks annon. I'm excited to pick up where I left of on the manga!

If you could make up your own devil fruit power, what would you want to have?
New straw hats
I don't understand why he keeps coming to the threads though.
Why, what happened to their old ones?
Thicc mom ate them.
>Judge tries to still attend Reverie only to get laughed at by everyone, especially the North Blue kings
It was the biggest "Oda died in the 2011 tsunami" moment.
>no shanks
>no magellan
>no enel
>no god buggy
A logia probably. One that would allow me to travel fast from a place to another since I'm always in a hurry.
Hes just your average one piece (speed)reader fag who happens to be either a hopeless waifufag ,a baiter, most likely both but when he doesn't shitpost hes still among us posting normal shit.
Good choice. If I could have one, it'd be a Paramecia that allowed me to sing or beatbox or something. It would make everyone passive, and just wanna hang out and have a good time. Similar to Brook's musical abilities, but with real power over people.
not worth losing the ability to swim, honestly

i love swimming, giving that up would be a great loss
I can't swim for shit anyway, so having a devil fruit for me would be a big plus, even a shit zoan one
>tfw you eat the swimmu swimmu no mi
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I like this one. You could do some cool stuff
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What did they mean by this?
sui sui was a cool fruit, and senor pink was one hard-boiled dude

i dunno, maybe. id still miss swimming in water though
Isn't that already Gura Gura? Although you could probably make yourself vibrate at such high frequencies that you would be incredibly sharp to anything you come into contact with. Good offense and defense.
>propel yourself via vibration
>generate any sound
>ignite the air
>cause electrons to flow in a certain direction
and more.
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Zoro can't 1v1 a commander
Luffy can't 1v1 a commander
What's this nonsense of Sanji 1v1'ing a commander, and Luffy beating a Yonko?

I'm genuinely curious, how many people became furries all because of Oda? If furry is too strong, than how many people became willing to jerk it to a non-human anthropormophic animal all because of Oda?
Carrot by proxy is a member of the Strawhats for all they know.
What's important is identity, even if Bege reported the Zou alliance saying shit like "the Strawhats + this mink who we haven't determined if they're SH or Zou" is fairly pointless when you can just use "Strawhats" as a blanket term and mean the same thing.

If it was someone of larger status like Dogstorm or Catviper, they would probably make the distinction.
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>Dogstorm or Catviper

Did I miss something?
One thing I'm really looking forward to when Big Mom kicks the bucket is her whole kingdom evaporating.
Building countries on the back of a devil fruit is a stupid idea, as Doffy kindly demonstrated.
>Did I miss something?
Yes. The Viz translation
Are you retarded?
Zoro bodied the highest executive officer in Doffy's family, who was also Vergo's superior.

My guess is that Zoro could have beaten Doffy, albeit with a bit more effort. We haven't seen him go all out since the time skip.
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>how many people became furries because of oda
idk, probably a couple? does masturbating to anthro REALLY make you a furry? i think most people enjoy it in moderation along with a couple other fetishes
So the pacifistas that Luffy and co. one shot after the ts were prototypes. What do you think the new ones are like?
Vergo was an executive himself, Monet was the officer
Zoro had tons of help to beat Pica
>Muh Zolo
>Tons of help to beat Pica

He had someone throw him into the air from across the city. It's help, but nothing like anyone actually weakening Pica for him.
I don't even fap to Carrot or cartoons in general

I just think Carrot is cute and fun. She brings cuteness and joy to all the scenes she is in.
Doflamingo is only Yonko Commander Tier and the original 3 admirals should be at least as strong as Big Mom from what we've seen.
Probably pretty strong.
I'm predicting that the end goal is to just replace the 7 Warlord system with Pacifistas.
This accomplishes a lot of things, like possibly forcing Hancock/Buggy/Mihawk into the New World and(or) into the Strawhat alliance. Specifically the WG taking a huge shit on Amazon Lily will give Oda the chance to turn Hancock into a more interesting character. Imagine if one of her sisters got recaptured and they discover the brand.

This will probably happen after Weevil gets BTFO in order to ally with Marco, leaving those 3 + "Kuma".
7 warlords is too much of a fucking colossal failure at this point, the system directly produced Blackbeard ffs.
I can't wait until Zoro gets BTFO in Wano and all the Zorofags start calling Oda a hack and posting panels from the Pica fight.
I might like this happening, specifically from his sword trying to kill him in order to finally swap to a more bloodthirsty guy.
I mean he left Monet and Pica alive lol, what a pussy.

Also we might finally explain asura or put it in the grave for good.
>Straw Hat-Heart Alliance
>Aim for Kaido
>End up fighting Big Mom
>Kidd-Hawkins-Apoo Alliance
>Aim for Shanks
>End up fighting Kaido
They might at this point even have the DF powers of other marines, maybe even the magma of Akainu.

Who knows? They must be hella stronger than the ones we have seen 2 years ago, Vegapunk doesn't joke at service after all.

I wonder what kind of weapons he inserted Devil Fruits too, since a sword could have it, what other machines couldn't? Like tanks or cannons.
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>Germa 66 joins strawhat fleet
>Luffy gains an army of evildoers under his command
>Which basically means they're free to just shit up the place in general and give him a terrible name
>Bonney and Urouge
>Aim for Big Mon
>End up fighting Shanks
>I mean he left Monet and Pica alive lol, what a pussy.
Careful with that edge. You don't want to kill yourself before you even start high school.
Pretty sure he's already crossed that bridge with Barto and lots of others in his fleet. Dude also released a ton of horrible criminals back into the world and has bad publicity through WG media. He's a pirate after all, not a hero.
>implying that they're not going to rescue cute chef
>implying that they're not going to completely smash all the cloning tech
>implying that Pudding can't use her fruit to let the Vinsmokes remember these feels
Where do the Straw Hats get their funds for food and what not
>this reading comprehension
>Zorofag calling someone edgy
Mostly donations from people they save but they've also been shown to steal stuff despite most "lulz not a pirate" faggots forcing themselves to forget it.
They catch half their food, and Nami squirrels away the little that isn't blown on parties for buying provisions later.

They probably also get treasure every once in a while, be it through dredging, gifts, or actual piracy.
Usually through hand outs from whatever island they help. Or stealing.
New chapter, when?
>implying anything in my post implied that I'm anywhere near a Zorofag
You really aren't in high school yet with that terrible reading comprehension and edginess.
This reminds me, they still have the Thriller Bark treasure, don't they?
All the gold they got from Skypia paid for the ship+a lot of crap.
At which point they scored again at Thriller Bark, then mooched off other people for two years, then got together and lifted a fucking store worth of clothing from Pappug.

Like legit the most piracy they've ever done is probably Franky helping himself to all of Vegapunk's old shit, he had to have made some money to afford the Wapolmetal. I don't know what Nami did to those old men to let her live there for free and take all their shit.
S Tier
Sniper King
God Tier
From the perspective of a demonic cursed sword known for killing all previous owners - that Zorro has outright stated is bloodthirsty - if given the choice between killing people and not killing people it would probably pick killing people and strongly disapprove of not killing people.

Please learn to read and post more carefully in the future, especially when someone tells you to read the post again.
Yeah, that's most likely Oda's cheatcode for why they're never in need of money.

Zoro killed that zombie that had Brook's shadow because he wanted the sword.

Usopp outright scammed a lot of skypiea citizens to get his hands on lots of dials.

They also always take whatever they need at the momment without consideration of who it belongs to.
Buggy should be over Mihawk
This I wanna know who jobs next.
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don't forget Buggy
Next thursday, as usual
My girl Carrot isn't that thick

Why they make her have those gross wide hips/thick thighs?
Who do you think will job next, anon?
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>implying OP doujin artists have any creativity

You'll take another Nami/Robin doujin and you'll like it!
>a reward that was explicitly agreed upon before the duel and given to him
>honest trade, common blue sea objects in exchange for common white sea objects is a "scam"

Your definition of piracy is about as good as Luffy's.
Eating Pudding's Cafe is about the most extreme pillaging they've done. And it barely counts because anyone willingly living there is supporting Big Mom in some way.
n e w t h r e a d

No man get this they ate the DICK girl fruit lmao
it's a mythical zoan
I think we will enter in Big Mom's flashback next chapter. Little Charlotte will be the next one to job and then Mother Caramel in a couple chapters after, I believe
>Even sogeking.
Confirmed for fake, you gave it away with that statement, anon.
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This is now a Gaimon thread.
does anyone have that fake spoiler were Doflamingo is making his castle Sogeking-proof?
What changes do y'all not like?
I really don't like usopp's plant based shit
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Is Kaido post-timeskip Gaimon?
It's kind of growing on me but I hope he introduces bugs or something. Right now it's underwhelming. I think Oda wanted him to feel more distinct from Nami since his best attacks before were elemental dial bullets.
What the fuck is that
I'm not overly fond of Buggy's post-timeskip appearance, and I'm still having trouble mentally associating BF-37 with Franky's previous Ace Ventura-like BF-36 look. Maybe it's the buzzcut he's usually got nowadays.
what was the point of Gaimon
Fuck you!!!
Out in the sea, you become your greed.
What was up with that misrepresentation of what he looks like
Robin's redesign and Chopper's sliding scale of mascot cuteness.
strongly agree

I honestly can't say I like any of their redesigns
But those stick out to me the worst
Robin looks worse
Franky looks worse
Chopper looks worse
Don't you find it hard to believe that characters like big mom, doflamingo, hancock, aokiji, etc are so strong when they don't seem like the kind of characters that never trained a day in their life? Like they just got overpowered devil fruits and that's it or some shit
A little tale, a good and short one. The kind that we don't get anymore and won't anytime soon, not from Oda at least

Where is the One Piece spin off that was supposed to release this year anyway???
A lot of those characters are older than 40 and have a ton of experience. Just look at Luffy's growth from East Blue. While young, Hancock definitely had training too. Just look at her island's culture.
"Training" for these guy basically means "know how to use your devil fruit to the best of its ability".

There's a reason Logias are generally untouchable throughout Paradise.
Fighting is ample training.
I like post-timeskip Brooke better. And I liked him before. He doesn't do the ungentlemanly gentleman bit, but he's got the whole Soul King thing going on. Improvement.

I want to see Zoro take Hawkeye's eye in a fight, so he has two again.

It took me a long time to get over Franky's new look...
OP power scale is based on will power not on raw physical strength
I'm honestly not sure if it's because I'm western but I can't believe that Japs 25 and under find "let me see your panties" repeated 80 million times funny.

Nip humor can be pretty decent but we've reached full retard.
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some people are just born freaks and then take advantage of that later in life
spin off?
I know what you mean. But spending that much time alone might have the same effect on me. Just sayin'.
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Well done
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This is surreal
>Monetfag visited your town
A friend invited me to go to the lighthouse today but I had to work
>tfw I missed the opportunity to unknowingly see the face of Monetfag

How was Portland, by the way?
Reminder that, while One Piece has a power level faggotry element to it's story, the One Piece world is not a Martial Arts oriented world like Dragon Ball or Naruto. Having crazy powers and balls of steel are enough to accomplish things which garner fear and infamy
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