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Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai

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Thread replies: 522
Thread images: 105

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And that's all we need.
So technically we should be able to see her anus?
Which sin would you fug?
pick one
picked up thanks anon
Mammon-sama for me, please!
>seven sins
>it's just lust
Shit show, dropped.
Where is her anus?
angels dont poop
This is so cringey.
nice bait, I thought it had something to do with 7 deadly sins manga and wasted 5 minutes
>Sin: The Seven Deadly Sins
What did they mean by this?
I really liked the song that was playing on Maria's phone at the end. Hopefully they release it in one of the CDs
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Statania ugly?
If I pull that off will she die?
UNCENSORED WEHN im pretty lazy to check if they uploaded that version
It is not bait when the problem is that you're retarded.
I love PLOT

I just watched the uncensored version about 10 minutes ago. Its out.
same fucking title
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Anyone actually own some of the figures from the line?

It's up.
ima check then

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>It another sympathy for the devil episode
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>those faces
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Jesus christ that's an insanely lewd fig.
>finally get home
>check new releases
Now this is a way to spend the rest of the day.
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It's art.
consider suicide
Leviathan technically not one of them yet, so shouldn't there only be 6 sins?
Similar title. Anybody with a brain would notice the difference.
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I just own Santa Satan
Wish I had the full set though
>Literally the same title with a redundant word in front of it.
Did nobody in marketing think "Wait this might be mistaken for a product that isn't ours", or is that the whole godamn point?
who cares
>Perfect show for a male self-insert
>Not including it
Come the fuck on. They did it with their samurai franchise. What a waste. I mean self-inserts are pretty beta, but otaku yuri is even worse. The epitome of beta, so afraid of even your own male self-insert. Guess I will just wait for the compiled ecchi scenes yet again then.
People who like the other thing care, I imagine.
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The 7 Virtues ain't any better
Own most of them, save a couple recolors
What sin is Levitan anyway? Retardcy?
>People who like the other thing care, I imagine.
Are those people really that stupid and whiny?

Melancholy was missing, they even mentioned it
>let me JUST insert a fat nigger
that's basically a hentai anon stop
what does your GF think of your figs?
>they even mentioned it
Weren't they referring to Belial there?

Also, wasn't Belial the lord of lies?
>reading comprehension
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Belial is related to Vainglory

And no, Belial wasnt the one missing, if you look carefully she walks form behind not from the missing seat
She's not officially recognized as one of the seven sins right now though she's meant to be Envy. Same with Lucifer and Pride.
Is it a problem if I'm finding this to be interesting and super interesting at the same time?
I see, I must be confusing something.

Care to elaborate the difference between melancholy and sloth? Aren't both of those "acedia" in latin?
Nope, I feel the same way. Which is good because I prefer these shows to be at least a little bit interesting.
Self inserts have been surprisingly okay in 2017. They stepped away from the Rito faggot archetype and went with the early 00s of lazysmart and cockyunlucky types.
>A fallen angel becoming a demonlord
sounds interesting to me beside the fapping
Thats why melancholy was replaced, the current 7 sins do not takin into account melancholy nor vainglory, and there are two new character in there asking for a place in the 7 seats , do the math
>The one named Satan isn't the boss
I guess names are meaningless in this setting
>this everything
please stop I can't sin on good friday
the one named Lucifer is gonna be the boss

if you're a jew Lucifer and Satan are two different individuals, but christians are dumb and forgot how to read books or something so they ended up thinking/teaching that they are two different names for one person
is this yuri?
Melancholy was considered a form of pride, so it was removed from the church's list of sins.

Melancholy was only added to sloth later on, so Sloth will betray Melancholy, causing Levi to become a deadly sin.
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>being a christcuck

come on, you know you want to fap
it's sukinshippu
repent on your sin and teach your dick a lesson
In Dante's inferno, the one at the center of the ninth circle (for the treacherous) was Lucifer, for having committed treason against God himself.

Lucifer is like 20 times better than some shitty male would be.

Consider suicide.
>ED still censored in the AT-X broadcast

Got to save something for the BDs
I get why Lucifer's a big deal, but isn't Satan supposed to be a pretty damn big deal as well? Would have thought Satan would be the leader before Lucifer becomes the new leader.

Also did Lucifer get groped by Leviathan in religious text?
The devil doesn't need our sympathy, he needs our worship. Good call mate.
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More like Astaroth will leave the seat on her own, canonically she is even more of a sloth than sloth herself and would prefer to spent her days bawwing and being overly emotional than doing anything
God is a dick. Can't handle the bants.
The episode said that Belial is actually second to Satan in power. The point is that her sin is vanity so she THINKS she's the leader, but nobody else cares enough to argue with her about it. Until Lucifer breaks in, and being the sin of pride she isn't going to let somebody else claim to be her superior.
You discovered 19th century philosophy, congratulations.
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He actually gave you something better.
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Virtues > Sins
I think it just meant physical power rather than authority or overall power. Like, every sin has a field they excel in except for Belial, who's second in every field.

I guess the Sins just have no real hierarchy among them right now.
How is this acceptable?
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Christianity, specially Catholicism, seem to think of the "devil" with several names, such as Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub. In canon texts, however, they are different entities, and the one who rules Hell is Lucifer, who, as it's name suggested, as the angel closest to God.
>muh otaku normalfag crying
Yeah, you're a newfag.
Maria is the self-insert, not Lucifer.
Uncensored version is already out, just waiting for subs or some shit. Also Heavenly Virtues Anime/Manga when?
Why would they censor ecchi, I have no idea.
Good thing uncensored's been on nyaa for a while
>not watching the uncensored version
uncensored https://nyaa.proxydesk.xyz/?page=view&tid=917277
or just read the older post
Gotta let this run on some nip prude TV channels
Would been funny to see an "x" where the asshole should have been.
What's the difference between this version and the [RH] one?
> Insert a shitty male self insert that would avoid any sexual contact with the girls and act like a faggot the whole show

Spotted the beta
So is there some kind of hierachy among them besides Lucifer being on top?
its probably the same but im just using this one
The bible must have been written by Gaben because they'll never release the third act. I want to know if Lucifer beats God.
Really nice that they got pre-Rebellion Queen's Blade staff on this. We know they'll go as far as they can with this.
There is no real hierarchy, even lucifer is sometimes placed on par with the rest of them
There is that fanfic where the pedo guy on a desert says he saw god and he must kill all jews.
There is also that sidestory of jesus in space.
It's complicated, the Ars Goetia, for example, assign ranking and titles onto demons, but there obviously isn't a consensus.
Is this the swan song of ecchi anime before the Olympics?
The swan song of anime, even.
>muh olympics
It isn't going to change shit anon stop fear mongering
Is Maria a nephalem?
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First episode is super interesting.
No she's baha.
This would be way too gay if Maria was a guy.

I mean, no one ever felt up my butt and told me that I have child-bearing hips.
My thoughts exactly. Hirako Kaneku could also have been a good choice as director but looks like he is making some comedy show this summer.
>tfw every time an episode airs, opposing threads pop up on /a/, each encouraging /a/nons to support their side
Could be fun!
Which one is chastity?
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Remember the Super Ultra Hyper Miracle censor?
The slut looking one.
Is Michael the one in red?
She represents temperance, isn't it?
Not much of a side to support if one side gets an anime and the other doesn't.

Michael was shown in the anime, yeah she's the one wearing red.
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Lord of Flat.
And this was published in a Shonen Magazine? Dear God.
It's just not the same though.
>Lord of Gluttony

explain this
I want to virtuously impregnate them all.
Read the thread
Don't you mean dear Satan?
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Gap moe.
Read the fucking thread, FGT.
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All goes to her ass
>tfw when you eat and eat and eat and yet your breasts don't get bigger
He did character design for Catteleya back in the day, and he's either doing hentai or Tsuzeru Children atm. I prefer that they got the og director.
>The AOTS this season is a fapbait show
As if we needed any confirmation current season is utter shit.
wtf is the point of series like this? just have them fuck a gigantic shaft and be done with it.
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>but christians are dumb and forgot how to read books or something so they ended up thinking/teaching that they are two different names for one person
They are actually just messed up the translation of ONE FUCKING WORD.
Why do people still support Crunchyroll if even a cursory examination of what their paying members watch censored results in simple obvious translation errors...?
CR: I couldn't say anything so you turned me into a fallen angel?
She says: You couldn't give me any retort, so you forced me to fall?/become a fallen (angel)?

CR: You're supposed to be God. So much for being omnipotent.
She says: You're supposed to be God, but you're being THIS petty?

CR: Sorry, you've got those wide hips, you know?
She says: sorry, I just can't help my hands going to those child birthing hips after all.

15:20 You think you can sit at the head of the Seven Mortal Sins?
She says: You think someone like you is fit to sit as the leader of the Seven Deadly/Mortal Sins?

Omae gotoki

I actually have no idea how someone translates petty (utsuwa ga chiisai) as being ominipotent (bannou). I tried asking the Crunchyroll staff for an opinion on Gabriel Dropout last season and got blocked by him immediately after he couldn't answer about why the subs were localised heavily.
Every anime is fapbait.
Gut worms.
Maria is cute.
>the uncensored version is blurry as shit
Oh boy, I might as well be streaming.
it would be extremely painful

>she's flat and thin because she's starving
They're localized so heavily because crunchyroll is for fucking normalfags, he probably blocked you for asking such an obvious question
I see ass and flash.

But what about nipples? A man can't live off cleavage alone.
You just want to complain to sound like an smartass.
You are correct anon now feed your wife
it has nipple sucking 4 minutes in.
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They are all just fanfic of Judaism
Speaking of unc anime, what about that monk opm shit? Anyone know the release date of ep 2 18+ version?
Is there a good encode of this shit somewhere?
Actually this series is great, strong 1st ep too. Not even talking with my lower head here.
Im complaining about the rest of the shows.
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Make way everyone! I'm picking up a new series.
>Jews are behind everything
As expected.
>She represents temperance, isn't it?
For the figures, no. She represents Faith.
Torah was the original work, then there was a sequel with a MC change, called the Old Testament, which was so popular it spawned fan works, one of them being the Koran, and side stories, one of them being the book of Mormon.
Faith isn't a one of the seven virtues though.
Satan > Lucifer
What subs is everyone that isn't a normalfag using instead then?
This ReinWeiss uncensored release is just using CR's script.
Rabinism is actually younger than christianity.
Satan a shit.
Hush your mouth.
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Good taste.
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>Ass-fingering demon lesbian

Well it does here. Besides there are different variations of the 7 Virtues.
>two anime with Satan as best girl in a row
Is this the year of Satan?
Our Lady Maria is the cutest sinner.
>lord of wrath and fire
I see they got their inspiration from both Abramelin and from Lanterne of Light.
The seven virtues are opposed to the seven sins.
Lust - Chastity
Gluttony - Temperance
Greed - Charity
Sloth - Diligence
Wrath - Patience
Envy - Kindness
Pride - Humility
What's her endgame?
Keep Levi from doing more butt stuff to her
conquer the demon kingdom and gay orgies everyday with all the literal semon demons
Rape god
Is god also a voluptuous female?
CR's script because there's no fucking choice if you don't know nip.
Is this the face of a heterosexual girl?
Someone have a bigger version of that pic??
Lucifer muh waifu.
She is a brown loli.
>wanting males

get back to /y/
Looks like a typical haremshit MC (female).
Why did she stab human mc?
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>Is this the year of Satan?
so why should i watch the rest of this instead of a hentai? it doesnt have much plot either
Shit I was not prepared for just how lewd this was.
Because she wanted to penetrate her real bad but she didn't have a dick.
Can you translate those virtues into their angel name?
Spats and short hair are my weak spots.
Looks like RH added some styling to the subs instead of just having white-text-black-outline. Otherwise they're the same
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trash show
>the best girl dies in the first episode
Off to a shitty start, aren't we?
Animation quality.
You wouldn't a sin, would you?
>thinking she's dead when she's MC
The animation quality is so fucking great for ecchi show.
I hope they can keep this quality 'til the end of the show.
Trash post
she got triggered at being called an angel
This one makes me diamonds. Must be the tongue.
Is it really OK for clergy to dress like this? I didn't like Francis for his whole thing on refugees, but this is something I can sign up for.
After this is over how long do you think it'll take for the 7 Heavenly Virtues to get an anime and maybe manga?
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I have no knowledge of this series, but my favorite sin often ends up being either Gluttony or Sloth.
How's my taste?
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Jesus is OK with them
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So... which girl have the biggest tits?

This is very important
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Sloth is nice.
Truly greedy.

Would worship and sacrifice virgins to her
I want to sin with a sin.

She is Alanis Morrissette.
Belial a breast. BREAST
>the anime's chief animation supervisor is a woman

Not a bad idea at all in a show where having appealing drawings of women is important.
I really, REALLY want to snuggle and nap with Sloth.
Not bad, Beelzebub is a cute
I hope Lucifer ends up humiliating Michael. That would be perfect.
Forgot "puffy"
I want to eat with Beelzebub
all the other ones in the credit sequence have beams of light covering up the nips, but the archdemon of lust just doesn't have nipples in the first place?
they're schoolgirls at a catholic school, not nuns
she wants them all
Beelzebub is so small.
so basically sluts?
Well when 7 Deadly Sins came out I wasted time on it thinking it had something to do with the figs. So fuck you too, buddy
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Do you have some problem with naked girls, anon?
>wonderful ass

She's perfect.
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Nice one
>that squid
>female fundoshi
>vaginal sticker
>lesbian buttstuff

these are top-tier fetishes
>her shits are thicker than your arm
most stuff about demons and hell was actually made up by writers like dante and milton. lucifer is supposed to be a king of babylon from the book of isaiah, and satan is just a title meaning adversary. jesus even calls peter satan when he argues with him.
>flat chest
>nice ass
>cute as a button
My tastes have not failed me. picked up.
Stay on twitter, faggot.
It doesn't matter how much you eat, girlie; your boobs won't get any bigger.
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muh dik
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How did the fig makers (and anime makers) get away with that?
I wish this could be a thing in this world. Like it would be awesome if this replaces a G-String...
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Monkey magic
Is this one a furry?
>Biggest tits
Instant Best girl
Shame white haired didn't have inverted nipples.

She's so cute.
I would buy these figs if I didn't care about real life.
Not really. Just a catgirl analogue.
Decade, even.
>that brief look when she reaches it
She never washed her finger after that.
>female protag

The fuck??
Is this a manga adaptation or is it a multimedia project?
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Its a commercial for the figures, like every other hobby japan franchise
Those voices oh god my dick
Thought a bird pooped on her ass from the thumbnail
It has 2 manga spin offs, one is seinen and the other is shonen, both have a few chapters out but only the shonen version is on hobby japan's website/
Can I enjoy this show without a solid knowledge of religions or will my lack of religious knowledge hamper my enjoyment of it?
>girls are now sins

What's next? Girls as keyboard keys? The girlkeys that get pressed the least would be jealous of those pressed the most etc.
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The best commercial
Do you think that the japanese guy that wrote the plot for an anime featuring lesbian demons with big tits is well versed in christian demonology?
>tfw no onee-sama to follow around and do lewd stuff with
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A lot of the symbolism and themes will be lost on you. Probably wouldn't be very enjoyable
Just read Divine Comedy and play Diablo.
That's what I did, at least
>drill hair
>RIPPED stockings
>dem lips
Ah~, she's the semen demon for me.
>play Diablo

Just trying to get through Arreat Summit with my Zealot b D2EX.
In hell.
Nostalgia is truly an amazing thing.
When someone showed me Evangelion and I was lukewarm to it, they blamed my lack of religious knowledge for not understanding why Evangelion was art.
This is way deeper than Evangelion.
That game was a real experience.
Anno doesn't know shit about Christianity, though. He just threw the religious symbolism it because.
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I want to take you into my room and form a LAN party. We can take animu watching breaks.
Xenogears does a better job using Judeo-christian mythos than Eva.
>dat delicious curvy ass
Xenogears is about Gnosticism.
So is anything SMT.
She's a smelly fujo.
>helel and lucifer are different demons
Well, Lucifer also can't be made by fusing Helel, Beelzebub, Satan, Abaddon and Samael if you want to go there.
I want to get tied up and gang raped by these demons
Most of them are lesbians, anon.
For a moment I thought this was from the second season of nanatsu no taizai with Meliodas...
This comes out on Good Friday.
Welp, time to fap.
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Does she have booze and a giant slime ball?
At the very least Asmodeus could use some semen
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Voice of Leviathan
>all those censors
may as well wait for bd
>didn't read the thread
Enjoy your pointless wait
>not watching atx
>show that's literally nothing but sexy girls and fanservice
>make them dykes
Explain the logic
for more fan service
Her figure is suppose to be released this month provided Orchid Seed doesn't delay it again.

I think Mammon's are bigger. Not by much though.
even better
I would rather watch 4 tits than 2 tits.
You might be gay.
That's even hotter.
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>self-insertfags and yurihaters triggered
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Satania is much sexier than the cowtitted bitch on the right.
Holy shit, did not catch that! Niiiiiiice!
Cute not sexy.
>specially Catholicism
Uh, opposite
Its particularly protestants
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>episode 3 is about the daemons lapdacing men
I hope yurifriends don't kill themselves.
>have plenty of sexy girls
>there is a high chance of them doing something for fanservice
>have plenty of sexy girls and one guy
>they all just fall on him but he'll rarely sensually caress them or tease them on purpose

1 + 1 = 2
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>get back from being holy at church
>check /a/ for wholesome Chinese moving pictures that will enrich my soul and morals
>get assaulted by this heinous product instead
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>episode 5 is about them corrupting girls and boys into becoming homosexuals, thus turning them into sinners

I hope hetfriends don't hang themselves
I think it's perfect like this. People who don't care for yuri can just claim they're just "playing around".

With a male MC it would be much less lewd because self-inserters get triggered if the guy is not a complete beta cuck like them and gets too busy with the girls
Come join us brother
What's the alternative? A Gynophobic beta MC?
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this much laughter.gif
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>this show is already triggering christfags

Yeah, I know your post was ironic.
Hows CR video? Censored?
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i touched mi peepee while watching this episode,
am i a sinner /a/?

Censored to all fuck. Get the uncensored version off of nyaa.

The sad thing is I wasn't joking about the first one. Fuck you for sending me to hell, /a/.
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>Dark Load
>watching this on good friday
May your soul burn in hell
My penis appreciate that.Thanks.
>goes on /a/
>expects NOT to be exposed to things that will send him DIRECTLY to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $200
Anon pls.
How are christfags trying to push moralfaggotry on /a/ going to recover after this show is over? About 6 steady months of trying to work their way into the board culture is going to come completely undo.
I seriously hope we get some badass lewd battles between the virtues and sins. Nothing gets me harder than to see angels be corrupted by demons.

Technically speaking, it's only a sin if you put the penis in a vagina. Anything else isn't a sin proper (so sayeth the official rules), but later Popes twisted it around and added their own interpretations (such as looking at lewd images, fapping, etc are supposedly "adultery"). Said interpretations can be highly questionable at times, such as Popes creating making it a sin to tell the truth about someone when it isn't necessary and doing so harms their reputation. Said rule was thrown into place to prevent people from criticizing the church for example.
>not futa angels purifying demon girls with their holy seed
Wont happen, at least not this season. The 7 virtues are quite new as a franchise, they most likely will milk the figure market before releasing a series about them
are there any angels attached to a particular virtue?
How fapworthy would you rate this one, compared to most ecchi? lets say 0-10 where 0 is "got soft and needed to look at something else" and 10 is "basically a hentai/didn't even last to the end of the episode"
Originally it was only a sin to cheat, marriage was more of a formality for those really trying hard
>angels be corrupted by demons.
Fuck yes, I want this too.
4/10 so far. I guess it will get lewder though, but episode 1 had more plot than PLOT.
A solid 7. Ass gropings and fingerings really do wonders for my dick.

Wait, is there an anime for the angel side of this?
Acting straight for one episode doesn’t undo an entire season of being a raging lezbo.
No(t yet). But there should be.

It spent most of the time on plot. Yeah, kind of unbelievable, but the plot so far is looking as interesting as the PLOT.
>6 steady months
What? Are you referencing Drifters threads or something?
Follow up question: did it make you release your demons?
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Only Micheal has a figurine as far as i can find
Why do we even need to fight? I still can't comprehend the mentality of "if these characters don't fit a specific behavioral pattern, I hate the show".
>nipple sucking scene
>metal drum background sound
My penis is confused.
I had already masturbated twice before watching this, so no.
Not at all, just an escalating trend I've noticed. Pay no mind to it.

>angels are all vapid whores and dressed as badly as the seven deadly sins

Michael having the commie getup doesn't help either.


>caring about lucifer

She's unpure now due to having a finger up her butthole.
I stupidly fapped right before watching the episode. I couldn't get myself to cum.
All of them
Nigger, this is a show about fucking demons, semen ones at that. Not a single character in this show is pure. Not the school girls, not the demons, not the angels, not even god.
Girls fingering each other's buttholes is literally the purest thing possible.
No it's not you dip.
>She's unpure now due to having a finger up her butthole.
It's not impure if it's another girl's finger.

>not the angels, not even god.

Cease this heretical behavior right this instant.

We need an OVA of Michael and Lucifer getting it on.
>Nanatsu no Taizai
This has nothing to do with the perv shota one, right?
I fapped before checking the episode and when it was at the middle part
Nah, I can only masturbate to total H stuff. If they were getting dicked by faceless demons I would have fapped.
who's who among those angels anyway?
I did. But I haven't fapped in awhile and demon girls are a huge fetish of mine. In retrospect, not a lot of lewd happened in the episode. In fact, I fapped to the ED.
>And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.
on the other hand you can't sin with a girl that doesn't exist
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>Not a single character in this show is pure
Please present the proof that Wrath isn't pure.
>creating an entire heaven, hell, and reality full of horny beings just to share "love" with other people
They're all sluts, and god is the sluttiest of all.
Ah yes,the famous finger up your butthole friendship handshake.
I taught hat one to my little sister.
>god is afraid of being out slutted by Lucifer
Did she like it?
Probably because I'm not in jail.
it gave me memories of mi uncle
You mean the old "invisible finger" trick?
>no eighth deadly sin of despond with corresponding heavenly virtue of hope
>implying there won't be hatesex scenes in this

Come on now.
Instantly worst girl, without a doubt.
Envy is too cute for this show.
So will this be yurishit?
she said her finger smelled funny

All signs point to yet. However, I could easily see Lust getting freaky with anything that moves.
Look upthread for a brief bit on melancholy; there's sort of an explanation of its role there.
Your taste is shit; kill yourself immediately.

2/10 bait made me reply.
where are their halos? shouldn't the first one be humility too?
>tits so big they don't even fit into the poster

Sounds like a prospective for a Tinklebell game.
I want to dick dilligence
>No Loli angel
Oh well, the center has a nice JC-vibe though.
>probably a big whore
For Christian chatolics Satan and Lucifer are two complete different beast. Don't clump all of the Christians together.
so what if they are different demons?
they still are the enemy of god
Panties aren’t white, she isn’t a virgin.
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seriously ll 13.png
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This is going to air on ATX, right?
michael, gabriel, raphael, and uriel probably. then maybe phanuel and raguel and some other one.
Its airing on ATX, retard
>looks like an uptight bitch

Then why is it censored so bad
Its not, read the fucking thread you chimp
is this a better encode than the one that popped up in the last thread?

Rude. Now I will never read the thread to spite you!
The webm or the source of the webm? If its the source of the webm, I dont know the exact raw they are using but ohys was mentioned in its torrent comments.
Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai >>>> Nanatsu no Taizai
wait is not the same show?
I'm glad to see that they all have thick asses, thighs, and wide hips.
Thanks. I was wondering why some of the lines didn't make sense/fit.
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>heart pupils
best girl

When do they get an anime?
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>Chastity looks like it was drawn by Asanagi, probably enjoys drug enhanced sex
>Temperance can't control herself when she sees a cock
>Charity isn't a whore, since whores get paid
kindness please
It's what the angels try to do in Viper GTS which 99% of current /a/ is probably too young to remember.
1 Star'd
Asmo-slut is sultry but Lucifer is objectivelly an interesting fucktoy (woman, character). Then there's Levi and her super sluttery and cutesy human(?) MC.

Fuck, this be hard.
this is great comedy
I doubt she's gonna be more than the token loli, or even get decent lewds.
Why is her nipples so high up?
The're pointing upwards
My self-insert is imaginary. I don't need some nip self-insert. It looks fucking retarded when it's outside your own head.
What if I want to self insert as one of the demons?
Keeps them pure.
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>I mean, no one ever felt up my butt and told me that I have child-bearing hips.

I-i'm male and that happened to me twice, once in high school and then at university both times it was a female that did it, god knows if it was ironical
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It's called "not catering to teenagers"
And fuck you and your twisted "dyke" view on lesbians, no, they are not, they are girls who like other girls, ergo have good taste.
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Same desu. I keep rewatching that scene.
just do it.
I want Asmo to unmake me a Cherryboy.
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You know what? So do I.
One could either self insert as Gnosis or that thing that covers the sluts on the ED which was one of Levi's minions.
all their voices trigger me.
Satan guide my cock
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mfw just the tip.png
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I've never really liked Lucifer when it came to the figures but her anime design is great
>Instead of lewd escapades with humans, it's a QB clone.

I thought it'd be different.
>there will never be a hatefuck doujin with Lucifer
she's pretty big.

>implying it isn't going to get lewd as fuck with the human girls we've already been shown
I just want an emotionless sex doujin with Lucifer doing that face

you mean girl. It's a retarded format.
There's samurai girls but I vaguely remember the mc being slightly beta.
I don't think I'll be able to stay awake by episode 3
The whole episode looked really nice, seriously most ecchis don't look this good
which lesbian is the most raging out of the lot, i wish to get a figure of them.

Lust or Envy, easily.
Are you unable to get it up anymore, gramps?
Lucifer penetrated a girl already.
>triple the lewd
Belial is so thick oh lord
IIRC from my poor reading of stuff back when the figures were new and I could be bothered trying to read the confessions they were putting on the site the sexuality is something like:
>Leviathan: wants to fuck her oneesama Lucifer
>Asmodeus: likes everything, girls fucking guys, girls fucking girls, guys fucking guys
>Lucifer: don't remember any specific indicators of what she likes, but on top of Leviathan, Beelzebub also serves her like a pet
>Satan: likes cute things and seems to want to fuck Beelzebub
>Mammon: didn't see any indicators of what she did or didn't like
>Belphegor: smelly neet/fujo that reads BL and I think one time mentioned she wouldn't mind a husband that could support her lazy lifestyle so she doesn't have to do anything
>Beelzebub: only seems to care about food

I wouldn't really expect any real lesbians in this show though.
what do they look like on the figure?
>I wouldn't really expect any real lesbians in this show though.
>real lesbians
If they continue with the same pace and without guys it will be good enough. Not like they're suddenly heterosexual if there isn't any serious romance.
>2 pairs of panties
what did the animators mean by this?
Pointing upwards somewhat but not as far as the anime shows
Gluttony best Sinfu
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Don't mind me, just postin best sin
It really doesn't matter. All that matters is your fantasies.
The only thing that matters is what's shown in the anime.
Not unless my /d/ fetishes are involved. I can appreciate these fine tits and ass, but can not get off to them
This show has a pretty good plot. I like waching shows with good plots.
Belphegor sounds like your average 20-something Japanese woman
Nah. This is just fapbait designs meant to sell figures.
any good images with the names on all of them
So what? Still more relevant than some random faggot's "fantasies".
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So since this is confirmed AOTD, what does that make best girl (pic related)?
isn't it ironic?
Wait, are you seriously upset that he implied you could make up whatever fantasies you want about the characters and their preferences?
> those damn heels she wears at the ending with nothing else on

My dick is certainly feeling some wrathy, raging feelings from that.
You can make up your cringy fanfics. They don't matter more than the anime though.
wgat do you think about ending song??
dumb milf that would dick any demon for more sin
You are projecting too hard. I don't know about you but I don't turn my fap fantasies into fanfics. Sounds like you do though.
Nobody cares about your fap fantasies you irrelevant cunt.
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step into the light.webm
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darn most of the character designs i like are the het ones as usual, guess envy will do.
>all that talk about poledancing in episode 3

Fuck I need it now.
That's such an underrepresented fanservice tool in anime. There needs to be more of it.
She's mine you fuck.
What happened to Belial and the missing demon from episode 1?
She is so fucking THICK.
The missing seat is Envy. Coincidentally episode 2 is called "Driven wild by envy".
I'm hoping she gets a figure.
There's actually a total of 9 sins. Pride and Envy aren't official member of the 7 sins as of episode 1 and they'll most likely be replacing Vanity and Melancholy. If you check online about the seven deadly sins, there are two historic sins that are no longer considered a part of the Seven Deadly Sins.
>the one on the pedestal doesn't ship direct to my country

I'm edging a poop right now, otherwise I'd say the same.

She's literally demon Ange.
Don't compare her with that garbage.
>Horrible subs
my anon the uncensored version link is posted somewhere in the thread
>most likely be replacing Vanity and Melancholy
Fuck. I hope not. Getting some serious team rocket vibes from those two and I don't want them to leave.

Also I want to fuck them.
I thought I was getting S2 of this. Oh well.
>tfw Belial sama will never crush your head between her thighs like a watermelon
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Cute and sexy.
You certainly do to reply, weirdo.
She looks like she has draenei legs there.
I'm pretty sure Astaroth is the obligatory bullybait girl of the cast. Belial might have a stick up her own ass once sh gets kicked out but the other definitely will just mope around.
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Melancholy hasn't made a debut in the anime yet, she's the one who was missing that the others pointed out.

Pic is Astorath (Melancholy) figure.
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Stupid and retarded.
I can't fap to the ED because there's an ultra demon laughing at me.
what website is that from?
>Dark Load worshiper

God bless your english Japan.
That only makes her more rapeable.
Is Kindness Gabriel and Charity Raphael, perchance? What about the others?
> panties down signing she's ready to fuck
> fuck me heels

Literally postd it yourself.
Where are the guys who knock on my door every week?
First, fuck you.
Second, I don't see anyone ugly here, only the imlication of a cute busty girl becoming a hot woman.
Leviathan = Belial > Satan = Beelzebub >= Asmodeus > Astaroth > Belphegor > Lucifer > Mammon
Really, that's what I thought.
This anime is so shit, yet it's gonna be the only anime I'm going to watch this season probably.
Pleasantly surprised with the animation quality.

Thought it would be shit but it reminds me of Yuusha ni Narenakatta.
You are the third act.
The wonderful world of big fig franchises.
but she's still wearing panties
>it reminds me of Yuusha ni Narenakatta.
the director is the same
I'm having Shinmai flashbacks.

Gluttony. All the others have full-retard tittymonster designs.
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>watching the censored version
Uncensored version is out retarded washboard fucker.
>small tits
>huge ass
>enjoys eating huge cocks
>voiced by Chino
Gluttony is literally perfect.
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No wonder she was so fappable. I'll have to skip the scenes where she gets groped or I'll never finish an episode.
I hate "sexy" character design so much.
Can someone explain to me why CR uses the uncensored version? It really doesn't make any sense - this is the fucking internet, the digital age not TV. You shouldn't have licensed it in the first place if you were scared of ecchi.

However, if they're just taking the version that they're given and have no choice in the matter then I understand.

nevertheless a censored version is missing the point and therefore its existence is meaningless.
AT-X is a premium channel and pays a lot to be the only ones providing an uncensored release before the BDs. Why said deals affect internationa licensing, I don't know. Maybe because the japs hope it'll make the westerners buy BDs.
instead of buy the blurays it's buy an atx subscription, only the ed is even censored there so it's still buy the blurays. they don't care that we can't get atx even if we wanted to because fuk u american piggu.
ok thanks for spoonfeeding me AT-X info. in the past i always wondered how uncensored TV versions exist
I found you Ms. New Booty
>It's called "not catering to teenagers"
Except the entire show is exactly that and nothing else. In fact, that is the reason why they all are so eager to show off each other's bodies to the audience.
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