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Aikatsu and Pripara thread

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Thread replies: 615
Thread images: 189

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Even if its not March 14 in Nipland don't stay idle and you can still celebrate Ichigo's birthday!

Reminder Lily will win.
Post the one with Lala.
Ichigo's birthday was on the 15th.
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I hope you're all ready to get samui.
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I know it was a typo. I need to go to sleep.
I like that purple idle in left
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Lily and Yuri, you can do it! I believe in you!
They must be /u/, surely?
S4'ed Ako
Lily sucks
Pretty sure she's the one who always has juice boxes.
Hibiki is very cute.
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I can't deal with this.
FUCK cats.
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Okay, but I will be gentle.
Lala appear in movie?!
She's really good at it, too.
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I love Ichigo so much.
Not gonna catch up in time for the next episode airing, but I can probably do it before the next subs come out.

So on that note, time for Yuzu being Yuzu as fuck.
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I want to hugg Lala!
Rare footage of Yuzu not being happy.
What's Elsa doing in a witch school?
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How would you feel if, hypothetically, Lily is metaphorically unable to break out of her bird cage during her performance? In other words, if she collapses.
I want to fuck Lala.
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I'd rage like I've never raged at little girls' shows before. It would also be utter shit writing because she already had to skip S4 selection the previous year due to her health and they had her almost lose an important competition on-screen by collapsing.

She needs to break out of that cage and finally soar. Damn, her personal brand's special appeal is growing wings and she'll be the first Yotsuboshi idol to actually grow wings during a performance in S2. What else needs to be said?
Only the best idols collapse during a performance.
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Fun really is the best, as are idles wearing coords that don't match their usual type.

I especially liked the scene with Yume and Laura trying to convince Lily to do it. Laura just standing there waiting for Yume to stop tripping over her words before explaining what Yume was trying to say much more clearly. Slightly sad seeing Yume express her desire to perform with Koharu, they can't not do that at some point right? It would be pretty bad if they didn't.

Valentines day next, I'm watching episodes from a month ago now, it's quite exciting to be this close.
Lily's Zwei Wings will shatter
Lily will probably win. From a marketing perspective it makes no sense for her to lose just as she is getting the very first SPR and a new song.

Rola and Yume will both beat Yuri, though. The only winning adming will be Lily.
She will probably job to Elsa in S2, but she will win in S1. Everything is set-up for it and the game is giving her a next patch in the upcoming season.
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>Rola and Yume will both beat Yuri
I hope for their sakes she takes it well.
>The headmaster is a fucking dork you know
Yuzu knows what's up.
Lily is what Sumire should have been, a great character as well as just having a beautiful design.
Yeah, I like how the girls are onto his shit by that point. They know he likes to screw around.
Time for best girl
This is too cute for words. I don't think anyone could be as happy to receive chocolate from someone as Yozora is to receive from Mahiru.
Indeed, what a shame she turned out to be the way she is and fail like a loser at the end.
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I hope for the sake of my heart she does too.
>It would also be utter shit writing because she already had to skip S4 selection the previous year due to her health and they had her almost lose an important competition on-screen by collapsing.
I don't watch Stars so I didn't know Lily was stronger than even the main character's plotarmor but sick so can never do too well sports type of character.
Because of that, I don't think she'll win anything.
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I said I'd have it up by today and I meant it. Even if today's close to over.
Hey, Sumire may have had times where she didn't have much to say, but she spoke with her actions. The only people who fall are those that absolutely run their hardest.
>but she spoke with her actions
That was my favorite part about her, but her failing was still a bitch.
Sumire Gelato > normal Sumire
However many episodes later, and they're still stealing Koharu's signature move.

Yume was such a tease at the end with Subaru there, and she doesn't even know it. That can't have been easy for his heart. Imagine Yume telling you that you're more special than friends, only for it to be "rivals". Crushing defeat.
I want Lilienne to win but I don't think she will.
It's still nice progress though. If I was him, I'd be happy to be something else than just friends.
Yeah, but I have to imagine he had his hopes up a little, and then the rug was pulled out from under him.
Koharu's vengance will come soon enough
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Updated the birthday chart with M4 birthdays. I'll update it again as soon as we get Elza, Kirara, and Yui's birthdates.
Why would they give the first SPR to a loser?
Thanks for your service.
That's very forward of you Mahiru, what would Yozora think?
>people unironically thing there will be romantic resolution
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No need to imagine, he actually did.
Surely they're not just baiting little girls. They'd never do that!
Looks great, anon! I love Ichigo's hair.
Meant for >>154634623
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What do idols do when they need to fart on stage?
I want to play in the snow with Yume and Ako
You should add the Kinpri boys
Shin,Louis Feb29
Yukinojo July 9
Taiga May 4
Kakeru December 22
Minato August 21
Leo April 4
Yu March14
Ryo September 24
Alexander June 6
Jin July 18
Hijiri November 23
Rei August 8
Conceal, don't feel.
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I want to play with Snowharu.
I was going to at first, but it's so many characters for such a small part of idle activities. That's why I only included Hiro, Kouji, and and Kazuki.

I probably should at least add Jin, Hijiri, and Rei though.
Unless they shove the mic right up to their arse, it's probably not that big a deal.
I see.
Also I'm curious as to where you found the DMF character's birthdays.
Make like a beyblade and let it rip.
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I got them from the Pretty Rhythm wiki. The little girls at the Aikatsu and PriPara wikis are really thorough with their information, so I'd assume the PR little girls are thorough as well.

Updated with Rei, Jin, and Hijiri.
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I really liked this episode, it had a lot going for it.
I remember (because it was very recent) this episode was right near the BD release of the movie right? Which make it nice to bring back the idea of the Laura/Mahiru unit. I also remember particularly liking Honeybee Kiss as a song when it first showed up in episode 12 I had to look that up, and someone told me it had just shown up again recently, so I guess this was it.

As far as the episode goes, I especially liked the scene with the contrast between Ako and Yume playing in the snow and Mahiru and Laura having their serious talk. But then later they'd already started shovelling snow before Laura even had the idea. I also love crowd shots when you see side characters from earlier episodes there to cheer on the idle who they interacted with in an earlier episode, like Mahiru's gyarus,

As a side note, always treat the stage crew well, and they'll treat you well in return.

3 episodes left, provided the thread isn't in a full meltdown tomorrow, I'll finish up then.
With Doroshi there then Akari Gen wouldn't have been so dull.
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Just pray Lily doesn't lose, or this thread will be nuclear. Also, next episode is one of, if not the best of the series so look forward to it.
Nah, Hinaki was shit, Sumire didn't talk enough and Akari was fine, Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to have them 3 as the main trio? Akari, Rin and Juri would have been a better trio.
FUCK the admins.
I see, thanks.
I wonder where they got them, as I can't find them anywhere. In the All Star Selection guidebook there's only the months listed for the Japanese girls: Mia is August, Reina is October, Karin is May and Ayami is January. So it seems Ayami's is wrong. And there's no dates listed whatsoever for the Korean girls. There's nothing in the Visual Book either.
My wife on the left.
The BD was one or two weeks before.

Don't worry, we won't know until next week. Unless Laura murders her or something.
>Unless Laura murders her or something.
It's unlikely but I worry about everything.
If she has to drop out for some reason I don't think I'd dare watch an episode for a few days.
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Sleep is impossible.
Hm, you're right. I tried looking further into it and I'm not seeing it listed anywhere else. When Elza and co's birthdays get posted, I'll remove Puretty and change Prizmmy to just the month. If you notice anything else is wrong, please let me know.
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Of all the OG Aikatsu idols, I miss Ichigo the most.
I miss Aikatsu so much.
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I miss enjoying things.
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Stars just doesn't match that gentle feel and easy chemistry of the first series.
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It can't be gentle without Otome and her slope.
I don't enjoy anything anymore.
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I really want to cuddle and nap with Akari. I love her.
Become a cell phone.
I want to shove Hinaki out of bed and take her place.
I would become a cellphone for Akari.
No one misses Akarigen though
Speak for yourself.
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That goes without saying.
I liked Akari more than Ichigo.
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But I miss some of it.
I miss S3.
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That look of exasperation tho
I miss potatoes.
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Otome and Yuzu are lovely.
That's where you're wrong, fag.
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Who would've been in S4 if it was just original gen + DreAca? What if it was just Akarigen?
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Ichigogen: Ichigo, Mizuki, Otome, Seira
Akarigen: >>154638477
Close, but with Sumire also there Akari can't be the MC in Song Class.
>but she spoke with her actions
being boring isn't an action, dear anon
Sumire Gelato >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're less favorite idle > shit > normal Sumire
Otoshiro Noelle: dec 25
Sumire slips during the S4 election thus Akari becomes song class S4.
Dance should also be Rin as a 2nd year, just like Yuzu.
Missing Akari gen is like saying you miss DreCa
Who would you put in which class?
>implying Unko is better than anyone
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I miss DreAca
Theater: Aoi/Shion
Beauty: Ran
Dance: Otome? Noone really specialized in dancing during Ichigogen.
Song: Mizuki
Main characters can't be S4, silly anon
Theater: Shion
Beauty: That blonde old hag that was Spicy Ageha's grill before Ran
Dance: Hikari
Song: Mizuki
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Thank you. Added Noelle, Fixed Shion's birthday, changed Belle's picture to one that didn't have her face covered, removed Puretty and fixed Prizmmy's month.
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I love you, birthday anon
Isn't there supposed to be a 3rd kami aidoru girl? And other teams are 3 people, it's not fair. Maybe they'll reveal Lala is the third one.
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ma bro
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Needs a sour konbu jar. Also, Egret and Windy? Seriously? Now?
>Let's recycle the same body and slap on a new head for the whole line
Really wish idles had differing breast sizes
It looks really jarring with the adults who look like they don't go above a c/d cup (and that's being generous)
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It is probably some last ditch effort to milk that old series a little more, maybe?

>only breast size
nigga, yous maximally plebeian
I haven't watched Stars. Am I missing out?
If Bandai couldn't recycle the bodies you wouldn't be getting any figures because they've all sold like absolute shit.
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Well ass shots are super rare to begin with, I guess thighs would be an acceptable compromise
Actual adults have breasts even in Aikatsu.

Yes? I'm not sure what answer you were expecting. Did you watch the original Aikatsu? Just Pripara? Jewelpet? Fairilu? Watch everything.
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It does not.

If you want tits, go watch hentai, shounen, or harem trash.
You clearly haven't watched jewelpet
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Whether that's a valid complain or not I think we should first focus on how the character designs of most in Stars are all recycled from Aikatsu ones. And that they're doing it again with s2, seeing eliza.
Gloria's Glorias.
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>screenshot of a meme frame
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>meme of a meme meme
>meme asking meme if she wants to stop by her room.jpg
Lily will win by the way.
I get the odd feeling I remember a scene showing Jewlie with two other silhouetted goddesses, one of course being Janice.
Similar to how Fuwari, Hibiki and Ajimi were teased in the first S2 OP, but Ajimi didn't turn up until much much later.

I can't remember exactly where I saw it though, if it exists it appeared for a second during the 15 or so eps between S3 start and Janice announcing herself.
Either way, if there was a third goddess, she got dropped.
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I want to die
Punch shit characters like Rin in the face.
>Aikatsu fans are either grown adults or little girls
>figures targeted for adult
>garbage quality
Why do they do this?
I just can't understand
Can I punch Lily in the face?
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Do we blame this person for Kanata selling out before the other three on the first day?
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Elitist Goddess are gone and Lala is in charge now, let's give everyone Kami-Idol status.
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>one hour
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Ready to lose and drop song class
Do i need BETV to watch Aikatsu?
Of course, but you must Punch Rin in the face first my good friend.
Fucking dropped, this is the last draw. I will now wait for S2, jesus fuck. Just fucking remove that bitch already Bandai™.
There's a stream

3rd link down in the livestreams section in the guide http://pastebin.com/iDebHQu6

alternatively sherming66 if that doesn't work.
bless you anon
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A fan sent flowers in the shape of the design on Kanata's cat shirt to BNP.
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what does this say?
I'm not sure but I know that stream is usually up by now so it's probably safe to assume it wont be up. Use the other one >>154646194
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>That cocotama ending
I don't usually follow cocotama much but what the fuck?
I'm scared we're gonna get rainbow bullshit now
Vivit wants to grant Nozomi's wish before her father leaves, but she ran out of time, so she resorted to forbidden magic. Unfortunately she failed and it fucked her up something fierce, leading to the most tense ending Cocotama has ever had.
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I hope Yummy deliver
Kaoru is confirmed to be in the Song Class, so there's no limit to the number of admins per class.
>Average is above 26k points

Song class too strong
Go Lily!
Lily's fucked lol
welp, Lily ain't winning this
>Lily will beat Hime
Welp, the next few threads wont be pretty. Honestly thought she would get it.
Don't fuck this up Rola you slut
What if Rola Rainbows?
What a fucking mess
Everyone thought this will be Lily's episode, but turns out it's Rolos
Lily is a meme.
Not yet anon. She hasn't lost yet. Just wait a bit more.
Rola time.
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I'm done with this

Fuck this and fuck you

This is utterly indefensible shit writing

And the worst part is that it's not even done yet
See you next week.
Welp, Stars is ruined.
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Lily a meme
Haha, time for Yume to stomp her next episode and then get dismantled by Hime.
Well that was a waste of an episode.
Rainbow shootout next ep.
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Get fucked, Lily.
End of episode makes me feel like we're getting double rainbow next
Get ready for Yume to beat Hime next episode.

Damn, I had hopes this would actually be well-written.
>People are actually happy that the worst outcome that people have been dreading for weeks is happening
Sasuga /ai/
Meme character will beat Hime they said.
She has received enough development they said.
>get cucked by Rola
Lily fags tears are too sweet
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Rola Laughting.jpg
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I'm going to try to wait until everything is over to be upset. Maybe its not that bad.
Moroboshi sister is here.
It's rainbow time for everyone.
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A round of applause for our favorite memegirl.
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What if Hime only have enough juice for one last rainbow before lost her voice?
>Maybe its not that bad.
How exactly?

These are literally the only remaining options:

Yume wins, Hime second, Rola third
Hime wins, Yume second, Rola third
Hime wins, Rola second, Yume third

It's all fucked already.
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>mfw this mary sue BTFO out of hime next episode
>expect S4 Lily when we learn she wants to create her own brand
>prepare for disappointment once Lily got her own brand
>expect S4 Lily when she said she wouldn't make her own PR until she becomes S4
>prepare for disappointment when Yume's new hairstyle and brand is revealed
>expect S4 Lily when Ako lost to Tsubasa

I should've kept expecting disappointment.
>inb4 Moroboshi forces them to do a duet because he wants to bully Yume one last time before DreCa returns
Yume and Hime go rainbow and get disqualified. Rola rolls into top spot and everything's weird for the next year.
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At least for one week Roller is on top
Yume's going to win since she's creating her own brand.
As disappointing as Lily losing is, happy Rola is adorable and she hasn't been happy enough lately.
At least I'm a huge Yumefag so I can be a little happy about her winning next week, but she really shouldn't be winning in season 1.
The mean people who told Lily not to try being an idol were right.
Me on the left.
The only way I see this being alright is if everything goes to shit for Four Star once Red Mizuki and her harem show up and fuck them up.
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A weakling like Lily is unfit to be an idol. The gods of Aikatsu would be pleased.
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Yuri-chan-senpai. ;_;
At this point all they can do is wait for Yume/Rola to graduate because if they're already better than their upperclassman now, they wont have a fucking chance next time.
>mfw got extremely let down in succession by two children's anime I were loving
What do, /ai/? I feel like a fucking idiot for even caring.
The only way this turn of events can be justified is that they initially had three years of Stars planned, but cut it down to two once they saw that the sales weren't getting anywhere.
I knew everything would be fucked when I saw Yuri only got 26900 or so. Her stuff with Lily this episode was nice though.

And people say Tsubasa is a coward for wanting to get the fuck out of the mary sue class. Being an sidle is truly suffering.

That's not how anime production works at all.
They're abolishing the Dress Make System in the second year. It's not unreasonable to for them to plan two options.
I refuse to believe Lily was meant to be a sacrificial lion for Rola's alleged "development" from the start.
>S1 main trio become the top
>S2 main trio has to overcome new superior gaijin idles
>S3 Akarigen v2
That's what we call shit writing. There's a reason everyone dreaded for this to go to hell, because people actually expected something like this to happen from what they've seen of Stars writing so far. I'm as annoyed by this as the guy next to me but putting this on a last minute change is absolutely nonsensical.
So Lily is going to say "well fuck it im making that premium dress now"?
Is she going to kissu?
She has an SPR, under a new system. We don't know if she'll be regularly designing PR outfits.
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First they fuck Koharu by exiling her
Then they fuck Yozora by making her lose to her shitty sister and exiling her too
Now they make Lily lose
Stars was a mistake
>people actually expected something like this to happen from what they've seen of Stars writing so far
I never did expect this from the anime's writing. The only reasons to doubt Lily winning were her creating a brand without needing to become an S4 (which ties into the game), and the s2 promotional materials.
We haven't even begun, cuz now its time for Hime to job to Yume and then for everyone to get BTFO by Koharu and Mizuki.
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And it's not even over yet. Hope you are reading for Yume Sue beating Hime next week and for Rola to go back to being a jobber making today's episode utterly meaningless.
As you can see from my post I watched it for those 3 girls
Well Rola is good too
>putting this on a last minute change is absolutely nonsensical
I was thinking more of a mid season decision.
Time to sleep off the pain
Akatsukin, I love you but I seriously hope you don't try defending this writing.
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I can't tell which of these was worst-written.
With Frog you could tell the suits were the ones who pulled the rug under at the last minute with how much anime staff was complaining about the outcome on Twitter and as we all know complaining about your bosses publicly is a big no-no in Japan and yet they did of how platinum mad they were too.

Here? I'm not so sure if it was the execs sabotaging everything to maintain the status quo or just plain shit writing.

Stars wins this one for me.
At least 2wingS vs WM was just about the perceived quality of the songs and performances, not about the writing making a whole character pointless and cruelly treated, and with the next episode also almost certainly making the bullshit result in this one moot.
It makes sense that Yume beats Hime.
Hime is gone next year and Yume's initial goal was to beat Hime.
This means it has to happen some time but it can't happen without Hime.
It didn't need to happen so prematurely with a second season on the way. Mizuki left too but Ichigo eventually defeated her on a much bigger stage.
Yeah but Yume only cares about beating Hime because she's S4, not because she's Hime.
Ichigo was different because she wasn't after Mizuki because of her SLQ title. She was after Mizuki as a person. There's nothing comparable to Ichigo and Mizuki's relationship in Stars.
Yume beating Hime on her first year is absolutely nonsensical, over many much more experienced idles, no matter how much she wishes for it to happen or is her last chance for it to happen. Even without Rainbow Yume should lose considering Hime has an even stronger Rainbow. Just because something makes "sense" on paper, and when you diminish it to it's barest bones and completely ignoring everything else surrounding such an event, doesn't mean it should happen.
S4 is flawed, even starlight queen isn't really relevant on akarigen
Yume never was after Hime, she wanted BE Hime. That was a fucking plot point.
*even with rainbow
I should just sleep. Fuck this.
>S4 is flawed
How so exactly?

They are the tip top idols of the tip top school. They are the best of the bestest of them all in Japan.

Elsa can say she's the bestest idol in the world but that's just her being chuuni.
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How can Song Class be so OP?
It didn't make sense for Lily to beat Hime, but that didn't stop Lilyfags from going crazy.

>S4 ni naritai!
Yume's been saying this every time it was her episode
Someone organized a graph. >>154647454 Blue is Song, purple is Beauty, orange is Theater, and Yellow is Dance.
>It didn't make sense for Lily to beat Hime

As expected from someone defending Yume Sue.
I'm talking about her relationship with Hime, not about her S4 dreams.

Where I can find these songs from the game? Zero result from nyaa
>Lilyfags this butt hurt
>Loses to a meme character
I'm disappointed, but I can't say I didn't expect it, which in turn is what disappoints me the most, that this was a viable and possible outcome from the start.
Yeah, I'm butthurt. What's your point?
>Roller is vice-president
>previous vice-president was Yuzu
Roller is going to win it all.
Don't worry, the meme character is going to lose by 3k points to the double rainbow meme next week.
omoshiroi janai
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Please keep it coming your tears are delicious
>Getting all the work dumped on you while Yuzu goes to fuck around as usual
If that is what it means to win then I'd prefer to be a loser.
I'd laugh so hard since it would have actually gotten spoiled in advance and we just didn't notice.
I haven't even started watching Stars and I'm annoyed Lily didn't win.
Some guy in these threads actually said it.

Hime is winning, anyway. She goes last, last.
Reminder that if you defend today's events in any manner you are not a real Aikatsu fan.
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>Roller become Dance's S4 next year
>Lily and Yuzu graduate as losers
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H–Hey guys, I didn't become a kami idol, but I can at least be in the new show, r–right?
>implying they'll let Yume get fewer points than Mahiru or Hime fewer than any other S4
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Cry me a river.
It just wouldn't be PriPara without this cunt.
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This is why Lily lost.
Yume gave Rola some power and she stopped being a meme.
It stopped being a meme vs meme battle from then.
Hime is going to win. She is last.
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I really doubt Hime will not get the 30k.

Yume is gonna be second, the space between Rola, Lily and even Yuri is way too small and there's no way they are gonna let Yume place under Yuri.

The real question is if they will crank the Yume wanking to the max and they will make her tie with Hime or be even more stupid and she'll break the 30k limit somehow because Yume da bes.

I wish it had been raining and Lily was sick because of a slight breeze earlier. It would make all this crap still shitty but at least make sense.
The episode is titled "Become the number one star". Yume will win.
>Pokemon XYZ Episode 38 Kalos League Victory!
Just like Ash won the league, right?
I agree with a lot of the criticism S3 has had, but episode 138 was beautiful, honestly brought tears to my eyes. The goddesses taking the stage for a group song and acknowledging Salami as worthy, and then the final Making Drama where they fully ascend. It felt like not just winning an idol competition, but a culmination of everything they've been through these three years.
Hime is last. Losers don't go last.

Either way, the show did nothing to convince the audience that either Rola or Yume are at this level. Absolutely nothing.
My reasoning is actually the same as that fucking travesty but in reverse, with the shit writing favoring the MC who shouldn't win instead of the opposite.
Got around to watching the movie/s.

Stars: it was... okay? I mean, there were some amusing moments, and holy shit was it ever gay, but the conflict felt sort of half-baked and I didn't find the drama compelling overall. 5/10.

Starlight: Fucking masterpiece, absolutely hilarious, 10/10. Doesn't hurt that I actually really like Idol Katsudou. Only improvement could have been more Ichigo focus.

"Hey, the director can't help out, you're wrecking the script even further!"
Well, nothing to do at this point than wait for Elsa to hopefully fix this mess. Too bad stains like this are the kind that can never be washed out.
>27k Lily
Damn she's fucked in every sense.
>tfw your episodes are the bestest
>Next year's S4 is Yuzukoshou + Mahiru
Indeed, it's funny how Ako turned out to be the best of the main girls.
when i first saw her I was sure she'd be a meme
Would Yume getting 27100 points make it better or worse?
Worse if Hime gets 30k.
Hime WILL win. She goes last.
I immensely disliked Ako at first but she's been easily carrying Stars during it's second half. Her episodes have been on-point, she has had actual meaningful development, interesting and unique interactions with Kanata instead of being forced shippingbait like you know who, and last but not least her actions have consequence, everything makes sense as it should be. I was pretty scared that she would win just because even without PR but she lost which made her victory all the more bittersweet because she also lost at the same time. Seeing her breakdown was heartbreaking and you really felt for her. You wanted her to get "more" but you knew that at her current level this was as much as she could manage to do, it was on-point.

All I can think today is "What the fuck is this shit?"
>Lily and Yuri wrecked Yuzukoshou with their amazing offscreen performance
>neither gets top three in S4 selection while all of Yuzukoshou become S4
Quality writing.
Just like Yozora ;^) but in all seriousness, I mean if Yume gets 27100 or 27200 it would be funny if Hime gets 30k because it means nobody ever had a chance of getting even close to her, which is pretty sad.
Considering Hime popped out of her mom's vagoo singing and dancing, yeah.
Exactly, it's quite sad that the current gen couldn't even touch the feets of the previous one, you could even call them failures in that case.
The show did nothing to make the audience believe Rainbow-less Yume is on par with Rola, much less Hime.
>Just like Yozora
I really doubt Hime will be willing to throw away the match like Yozora did. Anything is possible at this point with all the Yumewank though.
inb4 that one guy that says it's fine because their goal was not to beat the old S4 but to become S4 and completely missed the point of why Ako was crying at the end of her episode and what Ako said on Mahiru's episode
>Yozora threw the match
nice meme.
She's right after all, if nobody defeats Hime then the new S4 would be 2 losers, Yuzu and Mahiru.
Nice willful ignorance.
>This meme again

Even though she obviously outclassed everyone as a model, Yozora got completely blown the fuck out by Mahiru during the actual idol section. It wasn't even close, Yozora's dancing was just inferior.
Isn't that what you're doing by trying to pretend Mahiru didn't win fair and square?
Indeedm she's better as a model than everyone else but as an idol in general she lost to Mahiru.
The most disappointing thing to me is once again the handling of Rola's character. Anyone but Hime beating Lily would be unacceptable writing, but they've fumbled Rola so badly that all of her supposed "Going my way" philosophy has never been shown clearly and guess what, it was yet again Yume who got her out of her funk and featured in almost every scene of her big flashback. Goddamnit.
t. Yozora

You are not convincing anyone. Go back to molesting Asahi in the rape dungeon.
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M4 spread with an interview and a new illustration in the next MY STAR issue.
Oh look it's this faggot that was screaming about how Lily was gonna beat Hime.
Hope you kill yourself and learn to pay attention to the show.
This is why last usually wins. There is no real feeling of accomplishment and it feels like a throw when the last doesn't win. It's more exciting when MC sees the big barrier she has to overcome and then wins.
Exactly, sadly I can't see anyone defeating Hime because even if Yume activates rainbow mode Hime can do so too and BTFO her so hard.
>Lily is not mentioned even once in the post
Are you okay anon?
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The new M4 artwork will be illustrated by Mitsubachi.

And jfc these character designs.
That would be me. I said there were no particular narrative stakes into Lily beating Hime because they almost never interacted and Lily never explicitly wished for that. Of course it would've been better if she did, but Lily coming in second would've still been acceptable writing. I never said anything about Ako in any of my posts.

But hey, what happened couldn't have been farther from our speculations so who fucking cares?
Holy sameface.
That guy is a lilyfag though. Nobody else thinks that people missed the point of Ako crying.
Unless the two perform on stage together, I can't really see either of them activating rainbow unless something like this happens.

>Yume has to go last for some reason (bullying), seeing Hime's performance makes her unconsciously do it again.
>Yume's performance is so good, and her progress impresses Hime so much, that she unwillingly activates it due to feeling threatened for the first time in forever.

Either way, if any of them rainbows up, the shame of doing so will probably make them forfiet on the spot.

I really want to see double rainbow though
>>>Yume's performance is so good, and her progress impresses Hime so much, that she unwillingly activates it due to feeling threatened for the first time in forever.
This sounds like bad fanfiction so badly I can see it happening.
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I really liked the Yuri and Lily stuff this episode even if everything else was crap. Adminkatsu is truly the best Aikatsu.
Magic Aikatsu powers were a mistake. Not only could I see this fanfic-tier development happening, I can also see not-Mizuki wrecking everyone with super perfect rainbow powers that don't negatively affect her at all.

They wrote themselves into a corner with the very first episode.
Doesn't really matter since this episode managed to shit on everything without the rainbow being involved.
>In a world without shit writing Lily and Yuri would be Stars main characters and we'd have had a real friendship duel where no matter which one wins everyone loses because everyone wanted them both to win
>What we got instead was for everyone to hope for characters to lose because it would be super stupid for them to win but are likely to anyway just because shit writing
Feels bad man.
Man I was so busy ranting that I forgot to download the episode.

I really wish Roller's rock aspect wasn't so downplayed. I get that this is just an upgrade of her regular aura, but ribbons and flowers? For that rock coord? I wonder if they didn't want to repeat Seira's unpopularity or something.
Aren't the flowers her family's symbol?
Oh you're right, I didn't realize they were sakura with this encode.
>Rola will be defeated by Yume so she won't actually have progressed one bit anyway
Ask yourself BNP, was this worth it?
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B-But she beat Lily! S-Self-produce! Omoshiroi Janai!
>her family's legacy and rock get downplayed for pointlessly throwing yurifaga a bone
Why can't they focus on the potentially interesting parts of Roller's character? The yuribait feels cheap compared to Ichigo/Aoi since Subaru has more presence than Naoto'd irrelevant ass.
What if Yume can't even defeat Rola and Hime curbstomp the last one?
>What if Yume can't even defeat Rola
Good one.
Her nonsensical philosophy would make more sense if she wrote her own songs.
She's the only one of the main four without any named fan characters too. It always goes back to Yume.
I'm done dreaming.
I'm a yurifag and at this point I want Yume and Rola to be separated and never interact again. How Rola's character is 90% Yume is fucking disgusting. It's a total insult to her character, well, the little character she used to have before Yume consumed it all.
It would explain why Roller became Veep instead of dumping it on the more deserving Yuri.

She gets one next week looking at the preview.
>Aikatsu magic is fueled by sucking out the soul of the person you love the most
90% of Aoi's role was fangirling Ichigo. People just forgave it because Ichigo was worth fangirling.
It's kind of weird to me that the Lauras score is so low compared to winners of other classes. DId they not even want people to entertain the possibility of her winning?
Aoi at least had other stuff going on besides eating out Ichigo at night while she slept.

Rola basically spent the whole series masturbating while thinking about how much better Yume was than her.
They couldn't decide if they wanted Rola to be the Aoi or the Seira so she ended up as a diluted version of both. Hope her basically becoming the SC president helps her.
When I saw that Lily could only get a meager 27k all kinds of red flags popped out in my head.
Other stuff like occasionally fangirling other idols?
Roller will become the next Tsubasa.
>SC President
>cool oneesan for the kohaus
>changing classes to cuck Haruka and become S4
Stuff like Naughty detective and being an idol professor, she at least gave us the illusion that she had her own life separate from Ichigo, though she ultimately wanted to support her because she was her first and number one fan.

Rola is just there. Ako has more relevance and personality than her. Even Mahiru's "muh Onee-chan" shit was more compelling.
>Oh no how dare the idol otaku since episode 1 sperg about idols!
Seriously dude? Of all shitty character writing that you could possibly complain about you are gonna complain about Aoi?

Plus, the comparison doesn't even hold because Aoi didn't go to sleep every night thinking "Why is Yume so better than me? What did I do wrong? Why is this happening?".
Sumire was the worst best friend character.

Aoi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rola > Sumire
It was nice to have Kaoru confirmed as a Song Class admin, though I'm still salty about the Beauty Class admin not ranking. All I wanted was her name.
She was supposed to be Akari's best friend character
You might think this. But if you rewatch Aikatsu, there's so much interacation and development between Aoi and Ichigo that other "friend" relationships feels like a joke.
Just like Yuu.
Yuu is the Koharu.
>Half assed rival
>Half assed frand
Sumire definitely overlaps the most with Rola. Almost to the point they are nearly identical. But you really can't get worse than Sumire, and Rola is abit better
Exactly, Luminas was pretty bad all around, no wonder they had to make Stars.



I still think the 1, 2, Sing For You performance(s) has the best CG animation in the series thus far. Just plagued by odd camera angles.

Dreaming bird Lily still looks terrible though, especially when they had so many opportunities to improve the stiffness.
Stars is more Aikatsu than Lumashit ever was.
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Stardom will be amazing.
I'm not sure I prefer boring like Akarigen or enraging like today's Stars.
Hinaki a wrong way of Pop girl, Sumire a half assed in everything that matter and Akari a boring.
I'm glad Lily at least hasn't gotten over her loss yet.
Hinaki doesn't deserve this. Her episode was truly good.
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Hinaki was a good character. I loved Akarigen.
That episode was awesome because Mikuru
was on it, take Mikuru away and the episode was average at best.
She didn't deserve to be in the middle of this trainwreck.
Sumire and Rola's main similarity is that their most interesting traits are completely ignored. Sumire should have been an occult idol that does tarit readings ever episode and Rola should be a rock idol that writes her own songs. I blame Seira's guitar toy flopping.
So you are saying you want more Karate Chopping Idols?
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Still better than Sumire.
>mfw unironically looking forward only to Ako and M4 now
And Venus Ark-related stuff, but it'll have to prove itself.
This is my wife.
>Main character who's extremely talented and has idoldom in her blood and then worked hard to refine her talent to become top idol
>Mary Sue
>Main character who starts from the bare bottom and works harder than everyone else combined to become top idol
>Mary Sue
>Main character who gets magical idol powers for no reason at all and beats everyone who's 100 times more experienced, talented and hard working than her just because
>Perfectly okay

Why is /ai/ so full of hypocrisy and double standards?
Because Yummy is the cutest.
>Ako's goal was to beat the S4
>gets into the S4 without doing so
>Yume's goal's repeatedly stated to be to get into the S4
>ranks second and gets into the S4 once Hime graduates

...this is where they're going, isn't it? Fuck everything.
Unless they decide Yume shouldn't become S4 yet and Rola becomes the S4 of the song class just because.
You want working hard?
107 episodes and a movie to beat a person shows you worked hard.
It'd be stupid, but at least it'd be an interesting kind of stupid.
>Rola wins S4 just for Yume to take it from her the next year
Forever a jobber no matter what she does. Just go to Dance Class already.

This episode proved Tsubasa right.
>Yume gets rainbow cancer and blows her entire performance
>Hime wins
>Rola stays in second and becomes S4 after Hime graduates

Would this be acceptable?
>Yume can only lose if she gets rainbow cancer!
As acceptable as Hime losing just because it was a rainy day. It would be a terrible cop-out.
It's already unsalvageable.
It's not like they're going to have Yume Sue lose to Rola any other way.

I'd kind of respect it if they did
At this point I don't really care. May as well keep going full speed ahead because there's no salvaging this trainwreck anymore.
If they had known Lily was going to be much more popular with little girls than Yume and Rola they wouldn't have written this.
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Remember, any outcome other than [my favourite character] winning is unnacceptable.
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I like Rola better than Lily, but still think Lily losing to her was bullshit
Nice Kanata.

Nice strawman.
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[My favorite character] is Yume, and I'm still salty about Lily losing.
Warned you guys Lily would loose.
Nice cat scarf.
Fanart of Lily and Greninja when?
I'm forever mad.
>Satoshi doesn't win
>Lily doesn't win
>Nozomi leaves
What the hell is up with this block?
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>Heart shaped pupils
>All this salt
Oh man next week is going to be worse than 2wingS vs WM no matter what happens
"Holy shit this is amazing."
"It's decent I guess."
"What the fuck is this shit?"
(You are here)
"I have made a huge mistake."
"Well, at least there's no way they'll fuck up S2, r-right?"
>"Well, at least there's no way they'll fuck up S2, r-right?"
Koharu is coming back, so I'd say S2 is already saved.
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Those arent pupils though, they are reflections.
I have a lot to say about this episode, but right now I think I'm just too sad and frustrated to properly convey my thoughts. I might do another post on the episode as a whole later, but right now I think I just need to cool down. I just seriously can't believe they would pull this shit, although I knew it was over as soon as Lily only got 27k.
I feel ya. You sound just like good old Adamant from PM last August.
Lilienne is too good for Stars.
This is awkward
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>best-non-s4-girl-turned-meme is now relevant again
What a glorious month.
Was that you? Fucking kek, I haven't lost my touch even after dropping XY&Z and leaving /padt/. How are things these days?
Nah, wasn't me. I meant it felt awkward to just randomly get namedropped like that here, of all places.
Yeah, that must've been our very own subber Akatsukin.

I hope you guys at PM are doing alright.
It feels like forever since that battle. I remember being salty that 2wingS won, not because of inferior talent, but because WM had had a special audition where they sung the second verse of Precious, and they somehow got beaten by 2wingS even though their performance was the same as before.

It's probably the nerves talking right now, but it really feels like a waste of a character. So what? Did they want to punish Lily for not having Glitter, even though she designed her own brand? All that tension building with Yuzu, Rola at the thermal baths, the fact she litterally saved the Gakuen by winning the competition... was it to say "but look guys, it's just like she was S4"? I hope she finds another dream to cling to, so that she can spread her wings for good, outside of that damned gakuen.
>here, of all places
Of course it shouldn't.
We're a fellow "marginalized" group, much like the precure, pokemon, and shounen fanbases.
>tfw eggfags feel marginalized even here
I'm also not Akatsukin! Just a really, really disappointed anon.

>tfw my favorite characters are Lily, Ako, and Yuri
I hate this regardlessly, but I could very begrudgingly come to terms with it if Lily became the staight-up top idol in S2 instead. Of course, that's not gonna happen.
Miyu looks extra qt in the Shining Star MV.
I heard they finally threw Sunain out of the group About time.
Great taste. A shame BNP has the trademark Japanese shit taste instead.
Good taste anon.
What is the context of this image again?
Cocotama, anon.
Then I guess Scott did the second good thing in his life by bitching about Sunain.
At this point I hope Yume wins everything so people actually drop the show and I don't have to read so many posts whining about "meme idols" and "jobbers" and "pity S4"
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oh, marginalized among the marginalized?
Cocotamafags are bros and welcome here, WTF™
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It just feels like a show nobody watches or cares about.
>whining about "meme idols"
Being a memegirl is a positive trait.
Not even Pripara gets that much discussion here nowadays.
I would watch Cocotama if I didn't have a procrastination problem that extends to anime watching.
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No idea.
Hey man, I picked it up as well. I have every intention of catching up.
Everyone wants to fuck Kokoro-chan
*steals ebipon*
I don't, I also don't give a fuck about the show.
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again, otome?
Me and the other guy watching Cocotama religiously every week aren't nobodies! I'm actually way more excited about it than Stars.
You were me until I heard they were writing out Nozomi. I love Ishihara Kaoi and now I just don't give a shit about the show.
Lily cutting her drills when?
No. And please don't speak for us all, not everyone here is into explicitly blatantly publicly declaring sexual urges like that.
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What is it with some of you and your vain desire for heresy?
>not everyone here is into explicitly blatantly publicly declaring sexual urges like that
If you don't do it on /a/ then where?
I'm just going to listen to Dreaming Bird and cry for the rest of the day.
Show me your butt, girly.
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What do you mean?
It could be justified by saying all of Yume's training after finding out, stop relying and breaking free of Rainbow gave her a huge power boost. After all we did see her go hard on her training after Koharu left.
The only problem is that they didn't do enough to show it so it will feel like an asspull
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Who's voicing the new girl?
Lily confirmed for defecting to Venus
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Despite it all, I think the thing that pissed me off the most about the episode was Yozora's line about how the goddess of victory isn't fickle, and rewards those who try their hardest. Lily's whole character is how she tries her hardest, harder than anyone else, despite having a sickly and frail body and that she was always being told she couldn't do it. We've been told Rola's trying hard, but the show certainly hasn't shown it since very early episodes, where as since her debut we've constantly seen Lily moving towards her dream.

Seriously, I let this slide after the Ako episode but what kind of message is Stars trying to tell little girls with this S4 selection? Ako did the right than and got fucked over because of it. Lily's tried her best despite having the world against her, and apparently the world was right and her best just wasn't enough.
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According to Rola her first performance post-rainbow was better than anything she'd done before. So they've defintely tried to show that she's even better now for having left it behind.
>but the show certainly hasn't shown it since very early episodes
not very much of it, no

we've been shown enough that she does train hard, especially after getting beaten by yume the other time not too long ago
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>thread gonna die in the mere spawn of 15 hours
Blame shitty writing and sour tears.
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>and apparently the world was right
She's still top-tier.
The world is wrong, bitch! There's still next time to try again and get to the top.
There's been a little, but it's hardly anything compared to all the build up they've give Lily since her debut.

There's a difference between showing and telling.
> what kind of message is Stars trying to tell little girls
Buy our toys, follow our fashion and be a good sheep for our capitalist society
go take your meds, autist
>every anime ever
>There's a difference between showing and telling.
That gets blown out of proportion in your awful mind.
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Lilyfags got blown in the ass.

Thanks Bamco.
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>when the whole thread is full of autists
It's not because everyone does something bad that it's good.
No one is arguing otherwise in any way, shape or form.
Sure, but they've never done much in performances to show someone being better, so outside of showing the training before and talking about the outcome after, they've done what they can. It would still be wrong to call it an asspull at this point though.
I'm glad I'm not a Lilyfag indeed.
>what kind of message is Stars trying to tell little girls with this S4 selection? Ako did the right than and got fucked over because of it.
"Sometimes, you should do what's right rather than what will pay off the most". Not a bad moral, really.
Isn't pripara getting its own Lily?
Yeah, as expected of Ako.
It's certainly not a bad moral, but I'm not sure if the younger ones will get the point. I could see many of them interpreting it as "If I do the right thing, it'll only turn out bad for me." Especially when they end an episode with Ako sobbing alone.
Yeah, the execution could've probably been a bit less subtle. Maybe they're just gambling on the kids watching alongside their parents? It IS a primetime show.
Next week better be a 700+ reply thread
Lily already lost, I don't see how next episode could be that much more of a saltmine.
I have no idea what void my last post disappeared into, but know that there's one person out there excited that Rola is in the lead. Yes, I was rooting for Lily the entire time, but that doesn't mean I'm dissatisfied.

Only cynical adults will take it in a negative way. Ako clearly got what she wanted when Subaru approved of her.
>I have no idea what void my last post disappeared into, but know that there's one person out there excited that Rola is in the lead. Yes, I was rooting for Lily the entire time, but that doesn't mean I'm dissatisfied.
What's the point? You know it won't last.
>Yes, I was rooting for Lily the entire time, but that doesn't mean I'm dissatisfied.
That's good. A real stab in the back would have been Lily completely dropping out due to illness or not even scoring in the top five.
I'm a journey/process type person. You have to be to really enjoy long series like these, don't you think? I can't understand people who only look at the results and ignore everything that led up to them.

Hey, at least she got a great scene with Yuri. It wasn't in the spotlight much, but they really were always doing admin stuff together. I was more happy for Yuri being happy than anything else.
>wake up
>lilyfags suddenly on suicidal

What a time to be alive.
>I can't understand people who only look at the results and ignore everything that led up to them.
But is you look at the lead up properly any result other than Lily getting S4 is bullshit.
>I can't understand people who only look at the results and ignore everything that led up to them.
because lilyfag tears are delicious
Yume will lose so hard she defects to venus ark and joins her best friend Koharu
>MC privilege
old news
I understand. Honestly, I was one of those people. I was saying that it should be Yume/Rola and Lily/Hime for the final battle and Yume wasn't mature enough. But if you look at Lily's attitude before going on, how she felt as though she might have been too greedy, and compare it to Rola who was basically enlightened to put scores and points behind her and only focus on her own unique performance, there's a clear difference.
>Yume will lose so hard she commits suicide.
I'd watch it.

We see Yume, zoomed far out, on the edge of a cliff, staring at the sunset as she cries. Then for a split second, we see her jump. Fast forward to a week later, show now focuses on Roller and the other girls. Girls go on as is Yume never existed. 10 epsiodes later, "Yume's disappearance" is briefly mentioned in passing.
Just punch Lily in the face, man.
Honestly I'd be okay with this.
Just punch you in the face, man.
>Lily lost to pink slut

The fact Nanase voices Lily and Rin makes this statement all the more cruel.
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>dat damage control
For you.™
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Punch Rin in the keks.
I could have missed something, but has Lily ever really been built up as an exceptional singer? Most of the time they focus on her skills as a designer, or her individuality. It doesn't strike me as odd that a Yume, who has been said to have amazing performances even after dropping the rainbow, or Rola who comes from a famous family and recently discovered a new state of being in addition to her already high skill levels might place higher in a song class audition.
Please speak and debate using your brain, not dumb internet memes, and ignore those who don't follow these rules.
We could've had a Thunderbolt anime instead of Stars. We could've had Noellekatsu. We could've had so much better.
When the dust has settled, only memes remain standing.

Feel free to quote me on that.
>We could've had so much better.
We could have had SpLasH!
>but has Lily ever really been built up as an exceptional singer?
>Lilyfags losing their shit

Is there a better feeling than this?
Not in this show.
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Coming inside of Rola or one of the S4s.
I don't feel this should be used to justify Lily's loss when earlier in this same thread we had a discussion about the legitimacy of Mahiru's victory due to having a better performance despite Yozora being a better model.
Please leave these kinds of hideous edits to /v/ermin and /b/uffoons.
Is it really Lilyfags? No, I think it's a lot of people who want to judge something without watching and thinking about it carefully.
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Da Vinci.
The guy claiming that Yozora lost because she's not good at dancing doesn't have a good point. They used a performance for episode 8 verbatim for crying out loud. No, the reason Mahiru won was because she went above and beyond anything she had done before.
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>acting high and mighty in a subreddit for little girl cartoons
>acting high and mighty
did no one anywhere here
Well it wasn't me making that argument earlier, so I don't know about that.
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This is how /ai/ dies. Not with a bang, but stale memes.
Stale memes and competitions.
Actually, one who doesn't take little girls cartoons seriously and seriously discussing about them doesn't belong here
>dies with a bang
Who has ever done that on /a/?
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No, this is a light hearted sub, take your autism akarigen arguments elsewhere
I like /ai/ when we have things to argue about. It's better than 500 posts of wanting to fuck lala.
Exactly, this is way better than stale memes and image dump that nobody cares about.
The only subs we need around here are for episodes, this here is a thread.
I generally agree but it pains me when the discussion arises from exceptionally shitty writing in a show.
I am gonna marry Miyu-tan!
It's not bad writing, and if you think it is, take a little time to explain why and don't just say "because of everything else that happened". At least be a little specific.
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>wanting to fuck lala
Not Lala, but the Stars girls.
Don't change it, criminal!
Not if I do it first!
It's been discussed. They didn't show nor even really tell enough that convinces me Rola (or Yume for that matter since it'll happen) could conceivably be better than Lily. Not even bringing up how the characters had been developed thus far and why it's especially cruel to not let Lily win.
Yeah, how dare people have standards and not take being fed shit to them and asking for more without complain. Kill yourself.
I am gonna marry Lily!
I want to mourn with you, but when Lily and Yuri go right up to Rola and genuinely congratulate her and even give a proverb (which I can't recall exactly) that basically says "around each corner is surely something good", it's time to start looking for why it happened, not why it couldn't have happened. Yuzu was supposed to represent the Lilyfag, and she accepted it. In time, I think everyone will too.
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No shit the characters will accept it. Do you think Lily is gonna throw a tantrum on-screen and ask for a re-match or something? Just because the characters can accept it doesn't mean the viewers can tell and call bullshit when it happens. Of course the characters have to conform to the results of the writing, doesn't make the writing any less good.
>lily lost
>suddenly memes

Really makes you think.
That's not an excuse nor does it make it better. It's Aikatsu, they're not going to have characters dwell negatively on losses too long. Doesn't mean I have to be okay with it since I think it conflicts with how the show had been going and that it constitutes terrible writing.

Am I supposed to be okay with Yume becoming S4 next episode? I'll never be okay with it happening so early even if I'll get used to it with time. I didn't accept Satoshi's loss in Pokémon XY&Z, I just dropped it because it was shit. Even if I won't go that far with Stars, doesn't mean I'll change my mind about this being bad writing.
>you'll never get your own mischievous mini-Ichigo
Did Rola accept Yume beating her in episode 29? No, she was frustrated and discouraged and left to go find herself. That's different than this situation.
>meme reply
There's no hiding your butthurt, lilyfag
>Lilycuck tears
awww yyiiiiiiiiiiisssssss
You're the one guzzling shit and complaining about it when you could just stop guzzling shit. I'm not sure I'm the one who should be killing myself here.
I think some people convinced themselves that Rola couldn't possibly do well because of the meme echo chamber we have here.
Please don't make deliberately bad posts.
That's inane. Meme Rola-posting or not there has been absolutely nothing in the show that pointed Rola to be able to surpass Lily, perhaps Yume after all soul-searching and other crap she did, but Lily is, or should have been, on another level.
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>lilyfag tears
Perhaps one "issue" was that there never was a comparison between Rola and Lily before. But a very good point was brought up in this very episode. Rola had adopted her "Going my way" back in 33 or so, but realized that she was really just copying Lily. It was only now that she surpassed that mindset, and thus the person who gave it to her. Anna as well supported Rola once more.
Or maybe because she kept losing to Yume and we haven't been shown her supposed improvements almost at all. Even the episode where she got the grade-up glitter was shared with Mahiru, and before that, the one where we were told she found her calling had a Lily performance instead.
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>but Lily is, or should have been, on another level.
That was never demonstrated.
It was only implied that she would be very tough competition. Her scoring second place confirms it.
Well, I guess it's confirmed now that Stars is even worse than Akari Gen. They should just end it now and move onto the next thing. At least for me I'm finally off the Aikatsu ride.
>>That was never demonstrated.
She did lose to Yume, but only up until episode 29, nearly 18 weeks ago. Her pair unit with Mahiru was a show of her new power.
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nah, bruh, nah
I stopped watching Stars 15 episodes in.
Sometimes I forget that this is on /a/ just like every other thread
>Best girl didn't win reeeee
>Least favorite girl killed [series/season] !!!
Really showed him, excellent counterpoint.
If only we all were so mature and enlightened as you are.
feel free to prove me wrong

Versus the rest of the newbies, Liliy's on another level, sure, though the same can easily be said of Yume, and Rola, and more.
For Rola, Lily meant tough competition, that's all.
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>tfw I haven't started watching Stars yet and have no idea what is going on
Just wait, next thread will be full of well thought out arguments and discussion.
Just suck on Rin's face, man.
Imagine if Akari beat Ichigo at the end of her first year.
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Surely you jest.
It's not magic or a miracle. All it takes is for everyone to respect themselves.
Ichigo wins in episode 50.
>All it takes is for everyone to respect each other.
Well, that is certainly possible.
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poyo loco
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