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Little Witch Academia - Rabu Edition

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Thread replies: 521
Thread images: 164

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Diana a cute.jpg
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This show is a goldmine for memes, reaction pics and webms. Post what you managed to salvage from this episode (no gifs allowed).
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Akko dress flapping.webm
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Every episode provides some kind of Akko nonsense, I love it.
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Akko prancing.webm
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More Akko. Btw I couldn't bring myself to cut Sucy from these webms, she's too much best girl.
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Sucy toying with Akko.png
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Sucy being best girl, exhibit A.
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Poor Diana
I wish Diana would confess to me.

When is she going to get the screen time she deserves?
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Why'd they go to chum lee for dresses. I'm sure Ursula would of hooked them up with the fanciest shit
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>Akko didn't pick the bunny outfit
Should have at least taken the ears.
>I wanna be home studying
>Nobody here loves me
>The idiot gets the guy
>My Feet Hurt
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>Ursula starts looking through her closet
>Akko sees the Chariot uniform
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What is Sucy doing with her hand ?
$10 to any Anon who draws me some Lotte facesistting.
Who the fuck calls themselves perfect with a straight face?
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Lotte can summon ants
Akko looked cuter as a bunny. She should have kept the ears and the nose.
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Akko stride.webm
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Perfect people
So are we just going to ignore the fact that Akko's giant squirrel probably killed a lot of people before it was finally subdued? I'm not calling her a murderer, but she's still indirectly responsible the the deaths of a lot of innocent people. That's a new low for her.

She can't keep getting away with it.
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>Just realized that Hannah let her hair down for the party
So their plan is to absorb all the witches to become the ultimate life form?
I think he was messing with her here

>perfect unlike you
I mean fuck you Andrew you're playing too hard to get. Almost broke her lil heart
>you're going to be the leader of the nation

ah yes Conservatives at their best
He's no onii-chan.
>Akko actually did a full blown magic spell without fucking it up

Its working
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Whats her end game?
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Diana the beauty.png
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No need to pity her.
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my brain is full of akko.png
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That night
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Sucy shrug.png
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Who knows, scratching her butt?
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How can one little witch be so cute?
No blush? not fapping?

You're already degenerate drawfag, we've broken you draw some cute double date pls
Lotte being treated like a girl for once was really cute. I hope they continue her relationship with Andrew's friend.
Akko seems to be a natural black mage.
>explosion magic
>turning squirrels into giant warbeasts
She's more suited to becoming Dark Chariot and ushering a new era of magic and world order where might makes right.
Someone should draw him furiously masturbating.
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Akkos mating dance.webm
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Whatever happen to the yay thing? It was Akko's cutest quirk
>yfw Akko becomes the final boss and Ursula/Chariot has to stop her
she's lost it, marking her full transition from a bumbling otaku to a full-fledged entertainer
I watch this at least twice a day.
>trigger will never have the guts to do it
she did say a Yatta when she smacked the bee

was the first one since like.. 7 episodes?
Me too. It would be cute to see Lotte going out to meet Frank every now and then.
He was teasing her because she made fun of his perfect rich guy attitude before
Akko stomping around in a prideful huff while wearing silly dresses is the best thing.
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Hannah & Barbara.webm
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I love how they're always in sync with their animations.
it's a family-friendly show not Meguca
>diana is that one person at parties in the corner that wants to go home and do things instead
So I hired these two escorts for the night to accompany me to this bullshit party my bud was throwing for his pretty boy (probably gay) son, but all they did was mess around teasing this poor handicapped girl and fawn over this other blonde girl who apparently was a friend of theirs. Hardly what I paid good money for. In the end, when it finally came to having sex as was their obligation, all they did was lie there like two dead fish.

I honestly don't think they had a clue as to what they were supposed to do and the entire thing was really awkward.

2/10 - You should hire that Redhead with the green eyes instead if you're looking for a good fuck.

On the plus side, the canapés were delicious.
What if they're a hivemind gestalt entity?
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Threadly remindr that ursula has holes just for her armpits
What do they smell like?
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>mfw this episode
wtf I love Diana now
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Its not the same without the voices
Dove roll-on deodorant. It's good for sensitive skin.
What ever happened to the guy that sent his dad the Constanze press here pantsu image?
i'm gonna need some backstory for this
>No best girl

Shit episode

Okay it made me laugh, I liked it a lot. w-we'll get more best sensei next episode, r-right?
I thought that was a gun edit from the thumbnail.
that's what they want you to think
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Yes. She will die though
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Post endgame.
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>I'm hungry, caw!
>Feed me, caw!
>Those caws and that laugh
So cute.
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They'll breed like rabbits
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The plot will start next episode, right?
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Andrew is going to pound that commoner little witch cunny.
Looks like they had the chili for lunch now the after affects are happening....

It kinda looks like she's tugging her underwear outta her butt crack.
Lotte's the kinda girl you take on a date and then you grab her butt halfway through to her hear yelp and get embarrassed.
Well see on friday
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Fuck off, ADD-kun.
>implying Diana needed that bee to fall in love with herself
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What does her butt feel like?
Do you think, by the end, we'll see them hold hands?
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>It's a Andrew revolts against his Dad and tries to save Akko from something plot.
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Cute as fug
Why would you get embarrassed after grabbing her butt?
Akko puts out on the first date. Too dumb to use protection too.
>it's a tripfag makes a shit post post
Small and petite, but not in a bad way. The size fits her dainty frame but it would still be very soft and pliable. Very pale cheeks that would get red marks when you sink your fingers into them.
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Why do they all look like dudes
I can't believe that Akko x Andrew is actually happening.
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>anata ga suki ya


>Akko goes through a journey of discovery about herself while dealing with slowly encroaching corrupt witch within the school is trying to take over and oust anyone who believes in SC
>The Guy ends up getting hosptialized somehow
>Akko and main villain meet at the helm of a boat and have an exchange of words where the villain explains they want to surpass SC's legacy and create a title for herself and Akko says SC is more than the legend
>Villain removes her shirt 'You're not the only one who has mastered both Light and Dark Arts
>Both clash shoulder to shoulder and have a boss fight more hype than it should be.
So how is this 2 cour going to work.

Are we 2 episodes away from having to wait a couple months for the next episodes to pick up or are we going episode 11, 12, 13, 14, etc continuously?
It's not split cour
>Akko the Warlock
Is it officially Yanson or Janson?
>recap episode inevitable

I don't speak chinese
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Like KLK's recap right?

>tfw 1 minute of recap trolling
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Which character has a hidden motive?
it's kanataka not chinese
>lotte and frank

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what is there to even recap?
Is this a Flip Flappers reference?
Ye, I don't read korean.
>she wants to develop feelings first

Like a true traditional lady
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They better not. I'm still waiting for Akko to learn some shit and experience some plot
This was the third best episode behind Shrooms episode and Broomstick Redline episode
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Barbara has a very cute butt that I want to eat!
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>lotte knowing it's not real but was hoping deep inside that it's real

This never hit me home so hard
>faggots still complaining about no plot

Like THAT Utena recap
>still can't fly
Shoujo style Akko is gorgeous, would fall for
I was going to say. Despite the bad reputation recap episodes get, and they can get pretty bad, they're also a prime opportunity for series to get really creative in how they're done. I'm not necessarily sure LWA will have one, it sort of doesn't feel like that kind of show. But if it did, it'd probably fall into something more along the lines of KLK and Utena than anything more traditional.
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>shitposter kept on saying the flop meme

>got BTFO by tattun and said that the studio themselves won't take a hit

>also 10/10 episode
todays a good day and it looks like they lost yet another thing to shitpost with
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>Ending slides didnt change to tease episode 11
Recap episodes almost never happen becayse there's an actual eeed to recap stuff, but because the studio fucks up their scheduling and need an extra week to finish the actual episode(s), but because they need to air something in the timeslot, they use recaps as they don't take much time to make (just stick together various clips from the aired episodes and record some narration and it's done)
Everytime I wake up from a good dream

I always say to myself

It's too good to be real

Then I cry myself back to sleep
Just watched the episode, those were some top-tier antics. Akko is hotter in that dress than she has any right to be, they were fucking pushing it with the exposed shoulders and low cut, I guess it's to make up for the fact her skirt can't be short. After that speech on the fountain about Chariot, I would follow Akko to the ends of the earth.

I can't help but focus on what I'm seeing as negatives, though
- It felt really short
- I was bothered by how Sucy didn't suffer from the bee like everyone else, it would be fun to see what would happen. I'm getting kinda frustrated by how Sucy gets away with all the shit she pulls every episode
- I agree with this guy about Lotte in this episode >>154533271
- I'm disappointed Hannah and Barbara were passed out most of the episode
- I'm disappointed Diana wasn't there for much more than a one-note joke, couldn't she have had more to say/do while attending the party than just "well I don't much care for this"?
- I wish Andrew could be more interesting, his character's a bit of a bore, his arc is already pretty predictable
- I don't like the Akko/Andrew/Diana love triangle - I don't mind whatever tension there is between Andrew and Diana, whether they would just shun each other or chase each other , that's fine, but Akko liking Andrew and Andrew warming up to Akko I couldn't care less about. It feels like it's going further than it needs to, them just respecting each other would be enough.
- When he discovers Akko and shows her the door, Andrew says: "Witches, outdated and phony as they are, have no place here", while Diana, Hannah and Barbara are stood right there... not only did the characters not acknowledge the problem here, but neither did the show?
- The Flight of the Bumblebee scene fell kinda flat. It was immediately clear they were trying to evoke a sort of Looney Tunes type scene, but the execution was lacking. When all the guests were getting stung, was it supposed to match the music?
Post Akko eyes
I like it
I'm sensitive to sunlight
not edgy

>making the MC the villain
>LWA music montage recap like Lain
Will it happen?
Link to the Tattun post? I don't come to the threads until I watch the episode
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Where can i sub to your blog?
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>new episode is out
>I am at work
>I will leave work in 8 hours
>can't get home after that because I need to go a whore house
>get home pretty late today
>download episode while I will sleep
>wake up, put episode in cellphone
>watch LWA tomorrow inside the bus

Life is suffering
But it can become real now.
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I remember having more fun with the Luluco threads from early 2016.
What happened to all the LWA hype?
He's a good friend.
Slow start
He's teasing Akko because he knows she's wet for him.
Shitposting and yurifags ruined everything
>haters gonna hate.
I meant to quote >>154536223
No fun allowed plotfags happened.
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Akko sad 1.webm
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>lotte knowing it's not real but was hoping deep inside that it's real
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>Andrew tells his dad to stuff it and that he's going to start playing.
>Marries Akko and becomes a world famous pianist.
>A few months into their marriage, Akko starts performing "back up vocals" for his performance by shrieking like a dying cat into the mic.
Akko Ono!
Akko is influenced by Shiny Chariot, she has to make her magic flashy as fuck.
>- It felt really short
That's a good thing. Means it got your attention and that the pacing was good enough you never stopped to notice time passing.

Luluco didn't have forced 24/7 general threads. We discussed the episode on airing day for a day or two and let it die till another aired.
luluco was just 4 mins of crazy, really different stuff.
In b4 Andrew uses Frank to check up on Akko whenever he visits Lotte
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my brain is full of akko.png
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Andrew gets shot ;_;
I'm so conficted, I love Akko, but I want to fuck Hanna so fucking badly,
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Shut up Barbara.
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>anata ga suki ya
Why didn't this happen?
Trigger said the second half, so in the next couple of episodes we should start getting more of the main plot.
Did he remove his wife because she was a witch?
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>have to wait another week for another episode

I cant handle this
>tfw can't get images of akkobutt out of my mind
Dere diana was cute as fuck

>n-now look what you made me say!
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Wonder how many times I've jerked it to that doujinshi.
Fuck you
>My Feet Hurt

kekd for some reason
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Nice consecutive 00s
Andrew has shit taste. He should go for Boris-chan instead.
this show would honestly be 100% better if Andrew didn't exist t b h

Keep Frank because he's a cool cat, but toss Andrew please
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we need edits, on the double
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Yoshinari, you can't just throw 1984 around willy-nilly without us expecting its inclusion in the show to mean something...
Damn this was depressing
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So will Andrew be the tsundere of the relationship or Akko?
Kinda surprised me that Akko's starting to show a bit of tsun here and there, I would've liked it more if Andrew was the full blown tsundere.
>goes to brothel
>still need to watch anime girls doing anime girl things
1984 is a shit book and George Orwell is a shit writer.
>>can't get home after that because I need to go a whore house

To pick up your little sister?

Frank was a bro, he said no truer words about Lotte
t. commie
>tfw my name is andrew
>tfw im good looking and stuck up
>tfw i suddenly have a cute autistic gf
>tfw i literally have to read 1984 next week for class

You can see the exact moment he fell for the retard
I would let Frank marry my daughter.

The bee reminded me of Doraemon.

I hate Doraemon.
He's right though.

It's got really bland prose.
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gonna redefine getting Franked.png
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There's something particularly cute about her disbelief when Frank starts seriously going for her after that.
Nice try Doki
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When will Diana arc begin? I want to see how she lost her YAY and how she gets it back.
>autist gf
That can't possibly be fun to deal with
Both don't want to assume it.
Akko a cute! CUTE!
>I hate Doraemon
You are not my nigga.
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Frank knew Lotte has potential to be a good loyal wife.

The next line he said you'd never find a girl like that so easily again hits it home.

Fuck, I watch this for escapism, not reality
>Andrew's face as he realizes he's trying to fuck a literal child with cartoon underwear

Poor lad.
What if Akko becomes one of the Trigger girls and LWA is actually her backstory?
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>Diana will never feel like that ever again

Tokyo Pig>Doraemon
>Akko is tsun tsun to andoryu
Akko and the gang are 16, Andrew and his gang are 18-20
Dere diana is one of the best things this show had
Why is a younger Andrew's Dad without glasses sitting next to young Diana
It's her dad, you twit
It was ok. Literal entry level tier, really.

It's better than Brave New World at least

Reread my post.
Buzz off Diana.
Whores can't fill the void in your soul
Neither can Japanese cartoons ;_;[/spoiler ]

The double tsun is a classic dynamic, though. And Akko was hardly ever the person to put up with people's better than you shit. When people push her she pushes back harder.
I like it when Sucy immitates what andrew said
It's insane how people complain about Andrew (and others about the presence of guys in general) merely existing.

I'd take this handsome son of a gun anytime over the brats from the original movie, imagine if those little shits had become the love interests instead? Hell no, men of wealth and taste like Andrew and Frank are the only answer.
>tfw you'll never fug a fin
>She doesn't deny it
>Andrew doesn't deny it

What did they mean by this?
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Lotte is at purest girl status right now

>doesn't want to mislead Frank so she asks to get to know him as a friend first
>You will never have a Lotte in your life
I want to die.
>wake up
>new witch episode
Good start of the day.
Episode was top cute, keks were had, good stuff.
FrankxLotte OTP
Do you think she has some residual love venom that makes her occasionally horny for Akko and in the most inconvenient times?
Diana getting double NTR'd is real
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Or you could just not have any romance, ever thought about that?

I don't know why everyone needs to shove romance in every little thing. Isn't this supposed to be a kids show anyway? Why force romance drama in a kids show
only man of wealth AND taste is Frank though
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>ywn hang around with lotte in the city library

She doesn't need them anyway. She can just fuck her two chihuahua whenever she wants!
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Sucy episode is the best by far.
Most entertaining and humorous.
We need more Abenobashi-esqu events.
>running theme of the show is follow your dreams
>Everyone is held back by expectations and status
>Akko is there to free them and give them yay

Akko is the cutest and will gladly have her give me yay.
>Diana will never be dere for you
>Isn't this supposed to be a kids show anyway?
Stuff for children are filled with puppy love.

Media for toddlers on Discovery Kids that lack romance.
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>tfw ywn compete in the akko-bowl
>Frank and Lotte hangout in quite book store/Pawn Stars: LWA and bond over being secondary characters in their own lives
I wonder how Andrew got a friend like Frank anyway. In these sorts of situations it's usually a "parents were friends" sort of thing Though we know he wouldn't have been around when Andrew was around Diana, as short a time as that apparently was.
except in the context of the show, Andrew reading 1984 symbolizes that his ideals do not align with his father's
You mean we need more Imaishi-directed episodes.

This looks really lewd. Doujins when?
Did you ever watch a kid's show
>digimon had romance (with confirmed end ships)
>pokemon had romance tease every season
>disney movies filled with romantic stories about princesses and heroes
>It's her dad, you twit
It's clearly her butler.
Pretty much.
>L-L-Look at what you just made me said!
Yeah the Imaishi episodes were really good and had a lot of funny moments. It helps that Akko's VA knows how to really make her sound like a lovable sperg.
>Diana didnt drop a chariot hint
9.9/10 episode but that would've made it a 10
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>made me said
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remove witch.jpg
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>I wonder how Andrew got a friend like Frank anyway.
Frank seems like the kind of guy who, having approached Andrew once for whatever reason, kept following him wherever he went. And Andrew couldn't care enough to tell him to fuck off, and if he did Frank probably laughed it off.
Or they're roommates and things started from there.
>Hannah and Barbara switch hairstyles and earrings

They're totally gay for each other.
>It helps that Akko's VA knows how to really make her sound like a lovable sperg.
At this point I think they're getting her to scream every episode on purpose. I love it
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>L-L-Look at what you just made me Said!
>of all the anime in this whole season I laughed the most in this episode
I didn't like the Sucy episode as much as i hoped i would.
Seems like a lot of people here liked it, but it didn't do much for me.
Wtf I like Frank now.

In all seriousness, he was pretty cool at the last part of the episode.
Why does Diana, a quiet and polite girl, hang out with such vulgar friends?
First of all, LWA is not a kids show. Its a late-night anime meaning its target audience are mid-twenty neckbeards with disposable income.

New here?
All the eventual couples in this show are so cute.
little /cric/ academia
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I understand if it didn't deliver what you were looking for.
Maybe I'm just a sucker for Imaishi.
I think Luluco's best episode was nine.
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I wonder if Luna Nova has a cricket team.
They don't have much control over the timeslot

And Producer confirmed it's a family friendly show, meaning for all ages.
He knew traditional girls are the best and are rare nowadays

He gambled immediately the moment he saw Lotte, you'd never see someone like that again
It was a very funny episode.

Funny things cause laughter, you see.
The way her voice deepens to make it sound all serious had my sides launching. Akko's seiyuu is too good.
Frank is actually 10/10 husbando-tier, Lotte better not miss out
I hope Frank doesn't jump to the next little witch a few episodes later, and another one after that.
He should stay loyal to Lotte. Background romances are the best.
Slave to her own reputation and family name, Diana isn't free to tell them to fuck off.
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I need to celebrate my birthday.
I am 32 now
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I have to fill this with Akkos
I'm thinking of either chibis or the trippy doushita no?
oh god
>Her blush is very subtle and dainty

Cute! Diana is cute!
It must feel horrible for old man to see his son and heir engaging in degenerate rice burning instead of properly continuing his old and noble lineage. I feel sorry for him.
>You realize Diana lost her Yay because her parents don't love her, they love her talent
>They never spent time with her and the Butler or Maids took her out, never her parents.
>When a Parent visitation episode happens Akko's parents cheer for her every time she does anything while Diana's just look at her with judging expectation.
> The episode is titled A Gilded Cage
Nigga that's kawaii.

you need to make a stupid sexy Flanders version with Akko's butt.
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>Shiny Chariot underwear

That would be so totally her.
Very cute!
I think I got diabetes.
I can't watch this episode.
It makes me cringe so bad.


Paired with Lotte
>low self esteem

And then theres Andrew
>stoic personality
>stuck up
>skeptic towards magic

Paired with Akko
>full of spirit

They really went for the opposite-attract trope there, didnt they?
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Time skip where we see Akko and Andrew's babies WHEN
Try to make him look more pissed and tsundere about it, less miserable/worried. But that's kawaii as fuck
I usually have to pause a show if there's a "haha look at this crazy misunderstanding" joke, but that didn't happen for me this episode.

It might be my favorite so far.
>Best butt
>Best thighs
>Best shoulders

>Best hips
>Best girl overall

This episode made it crystal clear thar Andrew has absolutely zero feelings for Akko without brainwashing him via magic. Glad that got cleared up and shippers can stop now.
I can't stand socially awkward situations even in anime, cartoons or movies.
They make me feel so fucking uncomfortable.
Happy birthday, non-wizard anon
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Goddammit akko

This was too cute
>Most handsome boy

doujin about Diana and Lucy teaming up on Akko when?
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That part almost broke my heart. Thankfully, Franky saved it.


Akko's parents look like the most normal and grounded people. How the hell they managed to raise a potential walking nuke like Akko?
Chibis all the way
He being an Earl means jack shit in the face of being Head of the State, the grumpy man himself said the old must perish and give way to the new.

Prime Ministers and Cingressmen don't need to care about lineage, they need to keep conections and know dirty secrets to blackmail others, who they marry doesn't matter, Yuroop had its fait share of politicians who married former top models, dancer and any other beauty marrying into status.
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idk where to place butts
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This Bee is super cute.
He doesnt have feelings for her at the moment, but as his buddy mentioned in the end of the episode, it's fairly obvious to everyone that Akko caught his attention.
Never imagined this dumb witch being cute when flustered
I-I'm still in the s-show too you know
This is a wasp
do not fuck the bee
Trigger didn't get to decide the time-slot.
That already belongs to Androyu
Lotte is the best >>154537056
If you don't want a girl like Lotte there's seriously something wrong with you.
And I'm saying this as an Akkofag.
no, it's a Fallin Lovelove Bee
do you even pay attention?
>Diana envisioned her as a masculine princess that sweeps her off of her feet
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I don't care.

Porn when?
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And I'm waiting for you to get more screentime.
Andrew's basically a muggle, gender-swapped Diana. They're even related.
It's hip to fuck bees.

Don't worry.

Hopefully you will steal the show second to Akko and show around your magical power level.
>this complete separation from reality.
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>arguably the 2nd most important LWA character behind Akko
>has only appeared in what, 5 out of the 10 episodes for an extended time

Trigger please
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>it's a Lotte excuses herself during the date to masturbate in the restroom episode.
It's so cute
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Do you actually want bee porn? Anything specific?
Also, am I misremembering, or is this the first time they've actually said Hannah's and Barbara's names on the show?
What emotion is that expression supposed to convey?
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Got a ton of Diana caps this episode
I guess everyone was Bee witched from her sting.
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>Diana is curious about Akko
>Diana's Chariot reveal coming
>Diana bigger role in second half
This episode killed all of the
>Akko is a horny fujo
theories though. She's a good gal
Wittle Lich Academia
Andrew, the most likely love interest, is guaranteed to die in the end. Resurrection happens, but Akko has to kill him as per Ursula's orders
Have at least 1 (you) because I liked it.
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>"This is my life nowadays"
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In every version of this scene, the original OVA, the manga and the anime, Akko's with her parents and Diana is with a butler, Diana apparently flew all the way to Japan to see this show.

Just how lonely is Diana? Why'd she even get out of the car just to say she doesn't want to go to the party then get back in when nobody even paid attention to what she said?
FUCK. I'mout

>>Diana's Chariot reveal coming
What does that mean, her revealing she was a fan?
Diana is the third more important and she is the same place. Diana and Ursula have the same problem, they have a big reveal tied to their characters and even if said big reveal is obvious it will completely change the way in which Akko interacts with them.
>watching Akko and the gang perform the bippidy boppity boo spell in the courtyard from the window of her office

>she sees them get their dresses

>o-oh... they're going to a party... I guess they got invited and I didn't. haha h-how nice for them.

>muffled sobbing heard from Ursula's room as Akko and the gang happily pedal to the Earl's estate
ha i get it
>tfw I'm the sexiest
Yes. The thing that will completely change the way in which Akko looks at her.
I was a little disappointed we didn't get more Diana-in-love antics this episode. Like they introduced it and then she ran off and didn't come back until the episode was practically over. Having her sperg over Akko more would've been funny, especially since we've had a lot more time to get to know her than we have with Andrew.
>This is Diana when she grows up
How do you screenshot MPC with subs?
I seriously thought she'd accept when Frank offered to take her to the library, she has a lot of restraint.
There wasn't enough /u/ bait in this. They could've teased Diana x Akko a bit more.
Has the Shiny Rod ever made an appearance again since episode 3?
Lotte is an imouto tier character.
Diana in love with Akko would change babbled about liking Chariot.
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Episode 6.
Seriously, what is the likelihood of Akko ending up with someone by the end of the series?
Do we even know if tv Diana likes chariot? She hasn't even acknowledged chariot's existence yet outside of telling Akko the witch world doesn't like her.

Unless they tease it soon, I'd be tempted to suspect the "secretly chariot fan" aspect of her character has been dropped entirely in favour of a melancholy british noble
>ywn marry adult princess diana

shes actually the best girl despite her attitude, but i bet you she'll mellow out by the end of the show. i can't wait for her glorious smile to finally shine
More like the likelihood of someone Akko loved dying by the end of the series.
Andrew's father might be a cunt but he isn't completely wrong about the usefulness of withches though.

Witches can perform grand acts that can benefit society as whole, but the fact that they need their source to always be at ready or else their powers are severely gimped is quite the issue, they can't be very uselful outside their limited range, carrying the stone would be hassle and force them to choose which situation is of more importance because the source can't be in more than one place at the same time.

Also having humanity completely reliant on witches is bound to inspire a corrupt witch who thinks she should be worshipped for bestowing the weak humans with her superior life changing arts.

It's a serious matter that needs to be brought up by someone laying reasonable reasons for why witches are a thing of the past, not someone who wants to remove them.
6, the Fountain of Polaris episode. It's probably for the best since they've shown Akko actually getting gud on her own through guts and hard work without relying on it's plot macguffin abilities.
She was in the audience in episode 1.
t. Andrew's father
better bullying than the satania/raphiel
How much andryou x akko have you drawn so far drawfag?
She was in the crowd of the show in ep1 so it's safe to say she is.
Yes, look at her face when she sees the Shiny Rod for the first time as well as Andrew talking about her being obessed with some strange magic in her childhood that caused the other kids to make fun of her and avoid her and Diana defending herself by saying that it was popular at the time.
It's in the opening scene of episode 1 and was confirmed by Trigger at Trigger Night since she is Amemiya's favorite alongside Sucy.
Pretty sure the popular magic Andrew was talking about in episode 6 was Diana being obsessed with Chariot
Why is the show flopping? Is it because of the hamfisted romance?
>Diana was the mc all along
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How does Diana manage to look like such a smug bitch even when she's confessing?
>>tfw i literally have to read 1984 next week for class
How are you liking middle school?
>Do we even know if tv Diana likes chariot?
Diana knew the correct spelling for Chariot's spell cards, expressed a brief admiration for the rod Akko said was Chariot's own famed Shiny Rod before dismissing it as a fake.

Diana obviously wad a hardcore Chariot fan, but whatevet happened that made Chariot not so much of a role model now forced Diana to hide her adoration for Chariot, someone of her status can't openly admire someone whose reputation isn't comendable.
I want an english noblewoman to look down on me and bully my body and soul ;_;
Only looks good if its 2D anon.
I actually rewinded to watch that part again. Too cute.
As soon as she knows Diana has lost her dream she will do a 180 and try to become her friend.
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i loved it. at least i dont have to read it again, 15 years ago is close enough to have it fresh in my memory, right?
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If Ursula had a black dress my dick would be a diamond 247
>implying Akko's the problem
Diana being a stuck up bitch is the problem
She's not a bitch
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Does anyone remember? I genuinely can't remember if they've said their names before.
I managed to log in to his email and delete the email. I also removed the quick contacts menu app that caused the problem in the first place.
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Hannah's name got called out in one of the early episodes. Not so sure on Barbara/Barbera.
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It's been very subtle, but the hints are there.
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>YAY becomes NAY
Just checked the damage on /u/. I don't take joy in seeing them pissed off, but that's what they get for raising their expectations so high based on nothing.

One post made a good point though, the show feels kinda unfulfilling, Andrew's kinda bland, Diana's also been kinda bland, especially compared to the OVAs, the show would've been better without Andrew, and instead Diana gets to have his character growth. An extra, un-magical aristocrat dude doesn't feel like its needed in this show. He has yet too really justify his inclusion.

I mean, if whatever plans they have for the second cour work out well, then fine, but I think it's clear the aimless dilly-dallying of the first cour has caused a significant chunk of the audience to lose faith in it, and possibly drop it.
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32 including duplicates and growing...
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This was really refreshing

Really refreshing
No fanservice, no Isekai, humor more in line with western tastes.

LWA isn't really what makes a work popular in Japan right now.

It's only the BDs that aren't selling much though, comercially it has already picked Netflix' interest, that alone is a deal breaker, LWA will do better in the west.
Hannah called Barbara by her name in episode 4.
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Truly doing god's work.
>Also having humanity completely reliant on >witches is bound to inspire a corrupt witch who thinks she should be worshipped for bestowing the weak humans with her superior life changing arts.

Chances are that this already happened and that's why muggles don't use magic for everyday stuff anymore, even if it is more practical than technology, they don't want to risk witches becoming arrogant again.
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Dont remind me of my miserable life
Ah. Well, then.
Is Akko giving him a broom ride? 2adorable holy shit

Good job
Shitty witches can't give us space elevators, orbital rings, relatively cheap Global warming solution and can't turn earth us to type2 Kardashev scale civ
it really was. i was honestly sad for her but best boy immediately showed up and fixed that. its just as refreshing to see a guy openly ask a girl out without spilling his spaghetti everywhere

i hope this ends up being a real couple like gamagoriXmako - he already has his foot in the door
Andrew is pretty much the same as Diana,I meant that Akko can't let go any chance of helping people, llike with the caged fish or the undead pirate.
I honestly expected Frank to be the one that only thinks with his dick

Guess I was wrong
That's honestly my frustration with the show right now. It's too much Akko, Lotte and Sucy goofy antics.

Where is Ursula? Where is Diana? Where is Team B of Amanda, Constanze and Jasminka?

LWA has a plethora of great characters that are just basically getting sidelined or appear for 1 minute then are completely gone for the rest of the episode in favor of Akko, Lotte and Sucy doing goofy stuff.

I like the trio, don't get me wrong, but man, you gotta let the other characters shine too.

I'm sure we'll get that tonal shift in Season 2 but yeah, unfulfilling is the right word right now.
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>diana ntr
This is not okay.
He already told you little witches are the best.
Also a major reason it's not doing so hot is it's late night timeslot is inappropriate for what has essentially been a SatAM show thematically.
Another thing worth noting is that LWA's first BD isn't coming 'till April and preorders are usually at their strongest when they first become available and just before release.
>tfw Akko was really cute this episode
Andrew and her being tsun tsun for each other was cute too.
After reading some interviews, I think Trigger are being overly cautious with characters such as Diana because they don't want anyone to take the spotlight from Akko.

Still, they do need to give Diana a little more attention. I guess it's a matter of figuring out a good balance.
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I love diana too! in an abusive way
Can anyone really justify being a Lottefag now that we know she is canonically homely?
It's not like Lotte is allowed to do anything other than tell Akko and Sucy to maybe cut it out before deciding to just go along with it.
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Fucking sake m8, just post it.
Just listen to Frank.
You're my favorite LWAfag

Never stop
Akko has no business being this gorgeous in a dress
There could be more worse ways they could handle a little romance in these kind of shows.

But they handled it the best. I think Trigger does best with this
The last part where they say they don't like the other really cement their tsun. QT couple.
I actually don't know if it would have been better to mix the story episodes with the episodic adventures in the first half but maybe they're planning some major game changers that would've made that impossible.
>Bunnyear nomnom
I'm intrigued.
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Too adorable
On that note, is Lotte not afraid of getting expelled?
We know Sucy doesn't give much of a shit, but with Lotte being involved in Akko's troublemaking so often, you'd think there is a point where even she would stay out of it.
There's nothing better in the world than toying with /u/, Akko.
>Didn't dance over the Water
>Laughing Bat Li and GekiBlue
Both are shit.
Dystopias are for faggots.
It looks like she's flashing him.
Diana and Andrew's problem is that they currently overlap a bit too much. Diana will need to have a backstory different from "strict parents forced her to drop Chariot" or we will basically have the same character two times.
I want this episode to happen.
>its just as refreshing to see a guy openly ask a girl out without spilling his spaghetti everywhere
This, I also like how Frank asked Lotte out directly without exageratted blushes and nervousness that harem MCs usually does.
Not really, the last boost in preorders comes 2-3 days before the show comes out, not weeks before.
They're just doing the good ol' three act structure but ballooned up to 25 episodes.
>harem MC
>ask anyone out
Frank was smooth as fuck. Maybe why Japs went wild when it aired because they didn't expect it
>i hope this ends up being a real couple like gamagoriXmako - he already has his foot in the door

Eeeh, anon, I have some bad bews for you: Gamagori and Mako are not canon, not even a couple. Head writer debunked it after ep.25.

However, there are more possibilities for Franky and Lotte, since they have an actual and awknowleged basis.
>I think it's clear the aimless dilly-dallying of the first cour has caused a significant chunk of the audience to lose faith in it, and possibly drop it.

I've been here since day one of the first OVA
Plotfags are a minority

The show keeps getting better every week. I don't understand the hate. They have more than enough time to give character growth to plenty of characters in upcoming episodes. Just enjoy the ride.
>What is this man doing?
>"It's called picking up girls."
I bet her back story is:
>loves Chariot, wants to be like her; studies real hard
>older girls at the academy tell her it's stupid and not cool
>she adopts their beliefs and abandons Chariot to be cool
>she resents herself all the time for it, but projects that resentment on to Akko
The price of having best friends is sometimes being pulled into stupid shit that you know it's gonna end badly but you go along with it anyway.

Also it is through all of the trouble making that the trio are experiencing new and exiting things about magic that they wouldn't have gotten by just hiting the books.
Frank reminds me a little too much of Lupin III.
The hikikomori went wild
Reminder that paku paku paaku paku paku paaku paku paku paku paku
paaku paku paku
Plotfags sure are a pain in the ass.
I don't speak fish.
It's the goofy wide mouth smile
it's cute
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>frank is smooth as silk
>lotte is as pure as the driven snow

such a good couple. i like that lotte put him in the friendzone first and i doubt that will hinder his progress; he seems smart and focused enough to know that's where some relationships start and not where they all go to die
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So that means the second act is already overdue
My bad, but they still act that way.
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>He doesn't speak fish
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>not a real couple

you will never convince me of otherwise. this is one time i will not let go of head canon
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what did she mean by this?
Chariot's deal is obviously bigger than kids not thinking she is cool anymore, she adopted a new identity and the academy doesn't have halls or rooms with her name on it despite she being a prodigy, meaning something happened for her prestige to drop to almost zero
Happy Birthday, you triple faggot
>triple faggot
I know right? He's gonna fuck GIRLS later today, like lol wtf
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Satsuki Gamagori makes more sense
That still leaves Diana and Andrew being pretty similar

Well, they literally told fans to keep whatever romantic stuff they wanted in their fanworks, so yeah, you're doing it pretty well. I'm not stopping you either.
I've always loved these two instead of him and Mako. Nothing against Mako, of course.
When Ryuuko got cut in half by Ragyo and Mako started losing her shit, wasn't he the one who put her hat back on before rushing off to help Satsuki fight Raygo?
Maybe that's the point, that sets some common ground for them to bond later when Akko makes them join her "let's save magic" team.
She reminded him of his mum.
Yes, and?
Shut up Freud.
Diana's mom is bed ridden and sick.
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WHy do you want a plot? Why do you want to ruin the cute witches doing cute things?
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Yoshinari might have some kinks he needs to get out of his system
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I think these bug women were potentially villains in Gurren Lagann?
Probably since that's Yoshinari's prototype design for Lagann before Imaishi told him that he wanted a more classic Mazinger-style design. They were also going to spend around 4 episodes underground on the early draft.
Anime is extremely liberal by Japanese society standards Anon.
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she lost it and became punished akko.
Liberalism belongs in fantasy anyway.
I always like how people switch into this "Does the show really NEED romance?" whenever dudes show up on screen, no matter how hard they were calling for the girls to drop to the ground and start scissoring just before that.
Oh boy please someone do a "I wish I was home" edit with Diana
Ago and Diane is the otp
These are actually all prettty good points I find myself agreeing with
Go back to /pol/.
Holy fuck, is t/u/mblr still holding up after this episode?
Hi, anon, you seem lost, this is /a/, what you need is /pol/. Please remember to remember that in the future.
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mktn does.
Oh, don't worry, nobody will. Now go back to /pol/ already.
I don't think anyone had hopes for /u/ in this unironically
Are all people political awoken this angry?
This is why I swallowed the blue pill.
Stop pretending to be /pol/ faggot.
>against tradition
Does not compute
>that piano-erection in the background
He was at full mast when he said that, wasn't he
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Oh they did.
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>even fucking Non Non Biyori has more plot than this shit
Ursula would have tried to stop them.
Basically they sneaked into a party just cause Akko wanted to make it a pointless payback at H&B.
I'm glad that Trump won but this shit doesn't belong on /a/.
If you want to bait and pretend like a /pol/tard go to /tv/ nigger.
Yes because I too want LWA with KlK animation
I'm sure you would find a lot of of like-minded people who would be happy to write out their toughts on the subject if you just fucked off to /pol/ instead of shitposting on /a/.
>1984 is leftist propaganda designed to sway people away from conservative values because hurrdurr it's spooky fascist. Leftism should be banned for its natire to call everyone who cares about society a fascist.

You've never read the book, I see. The Party is a socialist reworking of British society and a criticism of the errors socialism can lead to, like the Soviet Union. And it was written by a socialist. Unlike you, he wasn't blinded by ideology.
BUt I am getting lots of (you)s here
The only good recap episode is Utena's.
It already started faggot.
Orwell was against communism you retard
Trump is the one that wants to censor the media, m8.
Reminder that Akko is for boys and Diana is for gentlemen.
Go here later >>154538793
Akko is for boys and Diana is for girls
Fuck off false flagging nigger.
Trump is a paid Russian shill who hates journalist who doesn't kiss his ass every day and hires family, friends and business partners to important political positions. So much for draining the swamp.
Fuck off and kill yourself you god damned retard
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watch someone make a thread anyway
>Diana is for Chariot.

I can hope.
Who here is patiently waiting for Diana to get broken down, get bullied and suffer a lot in the second half?

Dianafag btw.
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It was never about draining the swamp, it was about teaching liberals a lesson. Well, for me, it was about getting more money, Trump's very business friendly and now my family and I will be very well off after 8 years of him.
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<- I'm a crossboarder too and i want to molest this guy
Fucking plotfag
You were right. Now there are 4 LWA threads, fucking 4
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Mktn too knpk for us.
>teaching liberals a lesson

In how to make government even more corrupt and cronyist? Well, he does a great job at that.
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huh, I had the same idea for a reaction image.
she is pretty homely, isnt she?
Lotte x Frank is a cute couple.
Frank should be the Andrew. Andrew is so uninteresting. I cannot see why any of the main witches should like him. There is such a personality wall between them, only Diana would be suited for the task. They would become the tipical rich couple married out of invesrtement that hate each other but stay togeteher cause each is a trophy spouse for the other.
Cause a love hotel is what is gonna happen next.
He's loaded with fat stacks of money and will become the next president of the country.

what else do the girls need?
He is gonna renounce to his title at the end of the show.
Akko don't look like the kind of girl that would sell herself to the best offer. She do everything to pursue her own interest and dream.
I can't imagine her in a golden cage, forced to behave, cause Andrew must show off his awesomeness.
Leader of a nation... he cannot even talk back to daddy. Great leader, seriously.
which is why Diana gets Andrew in the end
Diana is the comic relief character now.

That would be bullshit and you know it.

The witches are goimg to need a political support when all the shit finally comes down and everything is said and Andy is the perfect candidate for that role. At most, he'll end up playing the piano whenever he wants and being more flexible with the magical community supporting them since his position representing the muggles.
Yeah, that would be the most natural outcome.
I usually don't care about couples, but an Akko x Andrew ending would look like so freaking forced.
I know shippers love conflict but there is nothing that justify an attraction between each other.
You missed the point that he doesn't even want to be a politician, he wants to be a pianist. Being part of the high society, he was forced since child to follow orders, that is why he is interested in Akko, the wild girl that follows her dreams until the end.
>Gay pianist
If you want to give a musician boyfriend to a main girl at least make him shred guitars.
I can empathize his dad.
Andrew is literally genderbent Diana.
You do realise that you are the one forcing a romantic relationship between two character who at most traded barbs and clearly don't care much for each other one way or another, right? Really, your only argument is "they're both rich kids". At least Akko and Andrew showed an obvious interest, wether it's romantic or not, for each other, wich is way more than can be said for Andrew and Diana

No, i said that Diana is the only one i see suited for the role. Andrew can end married with his hand for what i care.
I always got Sunohara vibes from Frank, this confirmed, he may seem dumb at first sight, but when things get serious he is a total bro.
>hating classical music
fuck you and the shit reddit board you rode in on

I think you mean Frankfully he saved it.
Frank's thoughts of Lotte are exactly like mine. Its such a shame girls like Lotte are rare to find nowadays.

Every guy thinks with his dick till he finds the one.
Whats wrong with being homely?
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