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The EVA Rebuilds are just another one of Shinji's Instrumentality fantasies/nightmares, right?

I mean in the beginning everything seems to be going Shinji's way - he's more assertive, more competent, Asuka is less outright hostile to him, Rei is less closed off, and both girls are outright competing for his affection. Even his own father is ever so slightly warmer to him. This is his fantasy: Shinji is loved, Shinji is the hero, Shinji saves the day.

Then he remembers the bad - he replaces Toji with Asuka because of his guilt over being unable to prevent her death. He tries to save Rei and accidentally triggers Third Impact, and then fourteen years pass without him (or the viewer) to witness it. Then when he comes to, nobody has really changed. Asuka hasn't aged because he can't imagine her any older, Rei is back to the lifeless doll she was after II died. Kaworu dies again because of Shinji's actions and in a way that makes him feel as helpless as when he did it the first time. And when he tries to fix it all, everything goes even worse. This is his nightmare: Shinji is hated, Shinji is the villain, Shinji has doomed humanity.

This is his greatest fears made manifest: that he was being manipulated by his parents, that he was too weak to save everyone else, and when he tried his hardest, he only made things worse. This is just him freaking out in the LCL and trying to sort through what has happened to him up until this point. Maybe it's not even just his dream - since everyone else is with him, maybe they're playing their parts - that's why Kaworu is seemingly aware of things "happening again" and why Asuka is wearing the eyepatch - she brought her injury back with her at the very end of EoE; she must've accepted it as her self-image.
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>Just watched Eva and EoE the other day
>Apparently the remake movies aren't actually remake movies
Fuck, back into the rabbit hole I go
They are and they aren't.
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Obligatory if/before this thread gets rolling.
toji's sister is there a lot of people changed.
I need a guide on what even happened at the end. The whole instrumentality project just did not get absorbed by my brain in a way that means anything
the project was to create a single god entity with humans in control. Once every soul is thrown into the fire, it was with shinji in control.
The whole thing could have been done with Lillith and adam, or with an awoken eva with an s2 engine and the mass produced evas, or all the above.
Ok, that makes sense.

So the ending with him choking Asuka out meant that he was rejecting instrumentality? Or does rebuild imply that that didn't even actually happen
what I want to know is what was Gendo's original plan before Yui got absorbed.
Gendo and Yui were both working on the same plan. Gendo changed it when she left him because he couldn't bear to be without her.
it's him regaining his own mind back with out the LCL, and the last moment with auska in the LCL is him choking the life out of her for leaving him alone.
but was that plan? Instrumentality?
To reject Instrumentality. They were working with SEELE, but wanted to betray them and save humanity. Yui's plan was the one that worked.
>let's remake a series about death and german philosophy, except no one dies and there is no philosophy
But I thought she just wanted to become a relic to humankind how is that saving them?
Because there's a choice to be made with Instrumentality - they picked Shinji to make that choice and Yui sacrificed herself to protect and guide him to make the right call.
by being the soul for the eva. The eva is the relic that would shape the future.
How new?
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This is now a gachimuchi thread
if anything the rebuild series is just that, a rebuild from the previous 4 times it has passed. It's my guess that people like Mari remember or know that the world had reset 3 or 4 times, hence her playful nature to all these situations. The reason she keeps fighting though is that things are getting closer and closer to stopping these rebuilds.
Korwu or what ever his name is, has so many coffins on the moon is so he can keep coming back to with memories intact. The thing is Seele may or may not know of these rebuilds each time but creates a Kaworu just in case he fails.
It's not a reboot but a rebuild each time.
All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.
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>Manga establishes Yui and Mari know each other
>Rebuild establishes pilots don't age
So will Shinji make all things new at the end during his second coming?
Damn cylons
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I thought this was Asuka's mother or something
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>Evageeks thinks Mari is Shinsuka kid
>She's actually his lesbian aunt
I wonder if I should buy the manga or just read suspect fan translations.

Fuck you Anno, stop making me spend money on your Chris Carter bullshit. I'm sorry. I love you. Come back.
Just read it on mangahere. The translation is ok for a fan translation.
>this actually happens
Will Master Anno forgive us for not believing in him?
I've always believed.

It's been two months since I first watched NGE. 3.33 isn't bad.
Mari's hair isn't black. She could be the older woman in the manga but we'll never know if it's suppose to be an alternate timeline version of her or if it's just Sadamoto sameface. She's definitely the woman in the 3.0 photo considering all the tiny little tricks they used to somewhat hide that it's her like the slight red tint to change her hair color and concealing her eye color while leaving in her trademark red glasses. Supposedly Sadamoto did an interview where he talked to someone from Khara about the 3.0+1.0 script and they said they weren't going to have time to do anything with Mari so it's pretty much game over as far as getting her role in the story unless someone was full of shit or they do some major rewrites.
Knowing this franchise, probably both.

That kid is Asuka's half-sister, no? If it is Mari, that explains a lot in their relationship.

I agree with you though that it's probably her in the photo. How deep does this rabbit hole go?
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>That kid is Asuka's half-sister, no?
I don't think it's ever elaborated on. Asuka's mother just hates the other woman and her child for reasons that are never explained if I'm remembering things correctly. It's maybe my least favorite change in the manga. Even if it was manga Mari there's a serious gap between when Mari actually knew Asuka's mother and when the events surrounding Project E and second impact happen that would need to set up how she went from being totally ambivalent about Mari to hating her. I guess it's possible she was also gay for Yui since wanting Yui seems to be a recurring theme in why characters hate each other.

>How deep does this rabbit hole go?
I was kinda assuming Mari was going to end up being on Team Yui in the endgame and this would all be revealed at some point but assuming the Sadamoto interview is accurate it's probably been dropped.
Well she can't be related to Asuka at all. Besides the fact that she was a contemporary of Yui; Unit-02 would've had a shitfit if Mari was somehow connected to Asuka.
>Well she can't be related to Asuka at all.
Yeah. I don't think she's the woman in the manga either, that would just be too out of left field. She's probably just dead in the manga timeline post second impact.
You think Mari from the manga is dead?

For what purpose?
Reminder that the mangaka outright stated the Mari bonus chapter was "fanservice" to try to fit her into his manga somehow and the entire manga series was done without input from Anno or any of the anime staff.

Too lazy to quote the entire thread
>A question about the Evangelion manga, were you completely free on the script or were you consulting director Anno?
Sadamoto: There isn’t any script. When you make anime there are the storyboards, right? We were just sharing them, so I’m on the same level as a fan. I just wrote it on my own, looking at the storyboards. So I didn’t consult anyone, and of course no one from the TV series’ staff intervened in my manga.

>So, in the last page of the manga there is Mari, one of the Rebuild’s characters…
Sadamoto: Oh, that’s not in the storyline, it’s just an extra chapter for the manga volume. It’s even apart from the movies, like fanservice. Just something you mustn’t think too hard about. (laugh) It’s just something that went through my mind, I thought it would be funny if it were like that.

>I see. So it was not a request?
Sadamoto: It wasn’t and… since she appeared in Jo, Ha and Q, I wondered what her role in the story would be, and when I asked the staff, they told me that it won’t be possible to really go further in one film, so they had to tie the main story up, and that Mari may have almost no screen time. So I wondered what the point was, and decided to add a little bit of her story in the manga, on impulse. So it’s really not something the staff of the movies thought about or asked me to do, just something you can consider as a play of mine.

>I see, since you know, fans tend to read deep into that kind of thing.
Yamaga: Yeah, particularly on Evangelion. They think every little detail has a meaning. (laugh)
Sadamoto: Well, but of course when we see Mari in Jo or Ha and see her call Gendo Gendo-kun or smell Shinji’s odor, she’s doing many strange things. Besides she seems to like songs of the Showa era very much since she’s singing them. So my guess is, whether she’s really interested in the Showa era, or she’s born back then and has not aged since. And you know, since in Q, they introduced the concept that children who were chosen as pilots don’t age, I’d endorse the latter, saying Mari is someone from Shinji’s mother’s generation, and that she somehow became a pilot and didn’t age since. But again, it’s only me imagining all this. (laugh)

>Has director Anno decided about that?
Sadamoto: Like I said, director Anno hasn’t approved or refuted that idea, he has nothing to do with what I just said.

Source: https://wavemotioncannon.com/2017/02/21/the-current-status-of-gainax-interview-hiroyuki-yamaga-yoshiyuki-sadamoto-september-2016/
I don't really know where else she'd be since she was working with all the people from Nerv but doesn't appear anywhere else.

Part of the theory was the little hints in Rebuild like the photo, her referring to Gendo as Gendo-kun which would mean she either knows him fairly well or was being cute, and telling Rei Q the original was friendlier which would be a reference to either Yui or Rei II. It'd be pretty funny if Sadamoto stumbled onto Anno's plan by accident.
I think so too, but just a reminder to not take the manga as "gospel" from Anno himself.

There's also a possibility that Anno could be shooting a reference back towards the manga, who knows. I'm just worried the final Rebuild won't answer all the questions (it probably won't)
>It'd be pretty funny if Sadamoto stumbled onto Anno's plan by accident.
If what he says is true (and who knows), they could just be playing off of one another. 2.0 and 3.0 underwent huge rewrites, no?
I didn't hate 3.33 either, but I felt like it wasn't adding anything
>I think so too, but just a reminder to not take the manga as "gospel" from Anno himself.
I actually didn't know Sadamoto had clarified on exactly what the context of the bonus chapter was. I'd only read the snippet about her not having much screentime. I know when it came out there was a lot of (now unfounded) speculation that Anno had forced him to do it to try and make his multiverse vision of Eva more established.

>There's also a possibility that Anno could be shooting a reference back towards the manga, who knows.
I suspect they're both working off the same set of notes Sadamoto did during 2.0 for the character. Mari was essentially all Sadamoto in design and backstory.

>I'm just worried the final Rebuild won't answer all the questions (it probably won't)
Yeah I have a feeling a lot of things will be left hanging. I'd be willing to accept a two part conclusion being made simultaneously and released separately if it meant everything got tied up.

We don't have the CRC for 3.0 yet, presumably because it would reveal too much about the plot but 2.0 underwent hundreds of rewrites. Like I said above I suspect they both have the same set of notes and are working off it to almost the exact same ends.
How the fuck did I get sucked into NGE? I feel like a biblical scholar trying to parse apocrypha and interpret nonsense scripture.
It can happen with anything. You can find people arguing the minutiae of Warhammer 40k on /tg/ pretty much 24/7. If people will discuss the story of why tiny plastic men fight other tiny plastic men in excruciating detail they'll discuss anything.
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