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One Piece

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Thread replies: 509
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Wedding soon.

Expectations on how things will go down?
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Weddings will be wrecked
The whole purpose of the Law-Strawhat Alliance is to take away the external powers of the Yonko. We took away Smile production which will greatly harm Kadios power without fighting Kaido directly. Maybe this arc we see a mistrust and separation between Big Moms political marriages which will weaken her without weakening Big Mom directly
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Stream still going.
Blueno fight just started. Ohara soon.
Be nice.
Jinbei acts as voice of reason and says that it’ll be difficult to convince Sanji to return. Nami is shown pouting in response, which really made me smile. Everyone and their mother has posted on the significance of the slap after Sanji and Luffy’s fight, but I want to draw attention to another important aspect of that whole scene: Nami begging and pleading with Sanji to stop.
If you think about it, the fact that he didn’t listen to her was the main reason behind her slapping him. Yes, he hurt her emotionally, and he hurt Luffy physically, but if he had listened to her even a little bit, instead of glaring at her like an ass, I don’t think she would have slapped him. Nami knows firsthand how difficult it will be to convince Sanji because she has already failed at it. Jinbei’s doubts probably reminded her of that. I’m sure she’s also sad about slapping him and I’m still wondering what their reconciliation is going to be like.
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Just a quick reminder Nami uses -kun with Sanji in affectionate way. She dropped it when he broke her heart, but she still uses it when he is not around. They will make up and everything will go back to normal
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Soon. Very soon
Cringy af meme that a 14 year old would make

That way if this keeps up, The Yonko 4-way struggle will eventually break because the extra powers that they have at their disposal will be weakened. Dismantling the Shichibukai is also integral in weakening the Navy's balance as well. Disrupting this balance is essential in making it a rat race to one piece instead of the 4-way struggle of power we currently have.
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Just look at Nami’s expression… I think there’s two reason for it:
>She’s understood the weight of Sanji’s role bc of Jinbe’s words and she’s thinking about their last meeting (aka the slap)
>She’s upset bc Jinbe said it won’t be easy to bring him back.
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Who's ready?
I think SaNafags are more annoying than Jinbeifags, LuNafags, Monetfags, Carrotfags and Caesarfags combined.
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Are you mad SaNa will happen, sweetie?
They're going to get much worse once Sanji and Nami meet up again in the next chapter or two
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Can't wait
Please fucking end yourselves SaNafags

Everyone knows Nami will pair up with Jinbe by the end of the manga. She craves the BFC she had daily from Arlong during her formative years, no human can even compete with a fishmans ribbed sausage.
They are, that's why you should hide and ignore their posts instead of responding so you don't get sucked into the shitposting
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Who is ready for the first mate to finally take his rightful place in the crew?
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SaNa is love. Stop saying this
i need a rundown
Stop being a little bitch.
The gorosei bow down to them
They owns all of vegapunks labs
You write like a 14 years old
Cracker: Can create an manipulate superhard Crackers

Smoothie: Can drain people's fluids/nutrients and turn them into a drink.

What can named Katakuri (Potato Starch) do?
What can *a guy* named Katakuri do?

He'd be a shithot tailor, that's for sure. Imagine how nicely he could press shirt collars.
Will Big Mom go down this arc?
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would you?
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I really want to see Zoro act like the straight man only for Jinbe to knock some sense into him. It's gonna be great.
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Leave Big Mom to me
I still can't tell him and the other brother apart
Why are the Vinsmokes so fucking boring and one dimensional
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Who is he, /a/?
I used to be on the ichiji train but this chapter basically confirmed him to be a retard
They still have more personality than all of Big Mom's kids besides Pudding.
>implying he doesn't know the homies are snitches
nah ichiji is retarded, if he wasn't a retard, he'd have respect for sanji, instead he sees it fit to remind him of his position in the family heirarchy
what happens if he morphs back when you're inside
That's because he is above Sanji, retard
except he's not

sanji could easily btfo all three, 1v3, and I'm not even a sanjifag
Arlong had two dicks, oda confirmed it
Objectively wrong. Ichiji is way above all of them, even Luffy
>Objectively wrong. Ichiji is way above all of them, even Luffy
oh, you're missing chromosomes aren't you

does your caretaker know you're posting on this website?
Not an argument.
Why in the world would Ichiji require Big Mom's flag to conquer North Blue if he was even half as powerful as you guys claim
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Is anyone still keeping track of all her goddamn kids, why are there so many
sanji could conquer east/north blue by himself for fucks sake
I imagine it would be a bad time for everyone involved.
>Jobbinfags btfo

Who's next? My money is on Ichifags, followed by SaNafags
maybe they'd rather have dominion over people/land then just massacre them and fuck up the system, and Germa 66 is underworld so it doesn't carry the same prestige, they could potentially steamroll the region but they'd rather have them submit at the feat of big mom
Is Cracker stronger than Sanji?
Yes. Don't think current sanji haki is strong enough to break the biscuit soldiers.

>Luffy needed Nami's help to beat Cracker in the span of several days (might have been like a day and a half)
>Sanji only managed to knock Luffy's tooth out going all out while Luffy wasn't even resisting

Yeah, Cracker would steamroll Sanji without breaking a sweat.
We call them all fags for a reason. They're all fucking insufferable.
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Um, no sweetie. SanjixNami will have their moment soon. And, darling Sanji and Nami will be canon.

Have a good day honey
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Year of Jinbe's death
>replying seriously
Newfag detected
It was 11 hours.
But Sanji gains a combat bonus to all food related opponents.
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>Celestial Dragons bow to Bog.D.anoffs

>In contact with space pirates

>Possess strong haki-like abilities

>Control Mariejois with an iron but fair fist

>Own castles & banks across all four seas

>Direct descendants of the ancient D blood line

>Will bankroll the first cities on Moon (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

>Own 99% of Vegapunk's research facilities on Earth

>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bog.D.anoffs babies

>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Drum Island monasteries & Punk Hazard

>Ancient Shandian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

>They own Frankybot R&D labs around the new world

>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

>The Bog.D.anoffs are in regular communication with God Enel and his angels, forwarding the word of Enel to the citizens of Angel Island. Who do you think set up the meeting between Luffy & the White Baretes (First meeting between the pirates and angels in over 22 years) and arranged Gan Fall's banishment to the White Sea?

>They learned how to read Poneglyph's in under a week

>Island states entrust their beli reserves with the twins. There's no beli in Mariejois.

>The twins are about 8 centuries old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.
Friendly reminder that Nami called Ussop manly after seeing him for the first time after the timeskip. Meanwhile, she never made such comments towards Sanji. UsNa > SaNa.
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>"wow you look less like a pussy now"
>Cat Burglar
>Goes after the guy with the innocent sickly waifu desperately awaiting his return

predictable whore

But she didn't go for Sanji.
>reading comprehension
Anyways, Sanji is hers. She is getting him back!
Sanji will ruin everything, he can't even see that pudding and his bros are faking.
Their plan is too suddenly shoot big mom instead of sanjiat the wedding but that's all ruined now.

Because he'll have admirals on his ass if he isn't backed up by a yonkou.
Stop looking for (You)s by repeatedly posting this crap.
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It's true, a strawhat is said to die this year. It will be him or Sanji
Can you give me proper thoughts instead of your meme reply?
So who's the least necessary SH? I'm speaking about the crewmate that contributes the least to the crew, both in terms of their specific role in the crew and their combat ability.
The fire starters behind every last major incident in the past 2 years, even doing from within the Yonko crews themselves like Capone. That's the Worst Generation way.

however he get stomped by Ichiji
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Anyone that can read moonrunes translate this?
Usopp, he had a niche before Franky but not now

I hope you can see that "contributing" is not the metric by which the SHs decide whether to care about their crew
It was Brook, not anymore. Maybe Robin if Luffy being able to understand Zunisha is evidence of him having the same ability as Roger.
So the people that shot Bobbin.

Blackbeard? Capone? Revolutionaries? Or just some random guys that Pudding altered the memories of to think BM had ordered them. To shoot Bobbin? Or Don Krieg?

It's not just Zunisha, he understood the sea kings at the end of Fishman Island too.
Because he hid paper in his body? I'm sure Sanji could hide it up his assistant or Luffy could put it in his mouth. Being able to hide sheets of paper in an orifice doesn't really redeem him for about a decade of being a useless lemon.
Brook is the musician and stronger than Usopp. Also, his soul shit makes him an insanely amazing spy (although I doubt neo-Oda will really go much further with this angle)
>what happens if he morphs back when you're inside

Good question. He canonically morphs a vagina, right? So would it like cut off your dick when the hole closes? Or does it turn into a dick, pushes yours out, and then you end up with the tips touching?

I guess anal would be safer. I'd do it for science.
without usopp, the WHOLE crew and countless other pirates, civilians, royals, and even people in the navy would be forgotten slave toys.

GOD USOPP actually now has thousands of followers like he used to boast.
He's fucking Robin endlessly. on Law's submarine. That is, until Law switches Robin out for himself and Zoro keeps plugging away.
Pretty accurate.
The point is not whether the character has contributed/can contribute, they all can
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Does anyone else realize that this is bege's best chance to steal a poneglyph? And not just a running but the poneglyph itself, by shoving it into his body. If he actually accomplishes it then he'll be the second closest supernova to being pirate king (1st being luffy) Furthermore, supernova who's closest to being PK (excluding other pirates obviously)
1. Monkey D Luffy
2. Trafalgar D Water Law
3. Drake barrels
4. Capone bege
5. Scratchmen Apoo
6. Urouge
8. Jewellery Bonney
9. Eustass kidd (he originally was pretty high up in my list with his alliances and shit, but now that he's getting raped on the regular, he'll be plucky if he can even be seen as a man by his crew. Furthermore, the man has lost an arm and has a scar. I don't think he's ready for the new world
LEts be real here

Luffy is going to take down Big Mom this arc

compared to Whitebeard, Kaido and Shanks she's a weak piece of crap

Luffy naturally resists Zeus
Nami can take care of Promethesus's fire
She can't take Luffy's life span because Luffy isn't afraid of her

Luffy will one shot her with Gear 4th and that'll be that

"Yonko" my ass she's not even impressive
Bege, Don Krieg and Bonney
Capone seems more like the type to build/take over an empire before trying to become king, like Big Mom or Teach. It's hard to believe the poneglyphs he cant even read are more important to him than expanding his own influence
Luffy is the odd one out by skipping Yonko and heading straight for pirate king
She's a woman so Luffy won't do shit
>inb4 Alvida
Got team-rocketed and those were better days
This has a higher chance of happening than Nami ending up with any of the male strawhats.
>a strawhat is said to die this year.
huh? when was this said?
fuck you and this pic
>the poneglyph itself, by shoving it into his body.

desu it feels weird if they can actually affect poneglyphs with DFs
Pls I don't need another Legend of Korra
shhh anon don't break their delusions
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>Capone meets with this man and threatens Zeff if he doesn't go with him
>He has no reason to help some Chef in the East Blue
>Zeff dies
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You are all fucking morons. It was bege,vito and the asshole with a gun arm
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Best pairing! Incredible chemistry in the manga and great doujins!
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>Capone meets with this man and threatens Zeff if he doesn't go with him
>He has no reason to help some Chef in the East Blue
>Zeff dies
Excellent adaptation
Fuck you & your pic faggot
it's pretty clear that oda is setting it up that big mom will get taken down, this way, when luffy gets btfo by kaidou it'll be that much more impactful
Big mom is also underworld.

They'd get them either way. Heck, under Akainu's regime they are probably more likely to get shit on by the Marines then if they just went to war normally.
Your dick inside his.
cappone betrays mama
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Sanji and Nami will kiss
>She's a woman so Luffy won't do shit
Then why does he keep saying "come at me Big Bitch, I'll fight you"?
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canon soon
Because Luffy himself has no qualms with doing shit, but his writer won't let him
>Bog D. Anoffs
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>Start watching One Piece
>Get to Marineford
>Mfw Ace's death was completely his own failt
>wedding soon
>no chapter until next month
soon my ass
Kek where is this meme came from?
>Robin and Nami have probably kissed
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Yet the underage kiddies here still hate Akainu
The Weak cannot understand Justice
Well that's just his character. Hot blooded just like his own father.
Well he is still evil for bombing the ohara ship.
His methods were pretty extreme but if you think about it, his reasoning was correct. If a single scholar survived and got away then they would have to repeat the Buster Call all over again.
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It's the moment I've been waiting for since Impel down. Of course I'm ready.
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My prediction. Sanji's going to show up for the wedding all stoic and silent, the ceremony's going to proceed as normal. Then when Pudding puts a bullet in his head, he'll bounce back up and reveal himself to be Luffy wearing the Sanji germa mask.
How do they even know bullets work against haki.
And what makes you think rubber can stop bullets that can go through metal.

If his reasoning was correct he would leave the Marines to join the revolutionaries or nuke Mariejois.
No he isn't
>Let scholar go
>Scholar/s is used by pirates to find the ancient weapons
>Pirates use said weapon
>Let scholar/s go
>Scholar is found again
>Second Buster call

He literally did nothing wrong

Explain the murder of the marine who tried run away.
this arc is so bad it makes shipping fags tolerable

It seems like this arc kicked shipping fags into overdrive. Up until now the OP community seemed largely romance free, with shipping relegated to the fanart. Now this whole arc it seems like people won't shut the fuck up about Nami/Sanji.

God I hope there's no Straw Hat couples until the end.
I gues Akainu's reasonings was that it was a war, and the guy abandoned his comrades to save his own life.

But by the time COby screamed for it to stop he was clearly murderdrunk.
Well this arc is full of unnecessary forced drama and soap-opera tier "twists" that appeals to the tumblr audience.
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So someone just did this lady pirate on /ic/. What would her power and name be /a/.

No. It's that their ship has never been so close to be canonically denied.
February is short, stop whining.
hello anon
sauce ?
steel logia
Steel doesn't occur naturally.
Iron then

Were Logia only being naturally occurring substance/force ever an official rule or have they all just been that way so far?
Zoan could only be normal animals until mythical zoans were introduced
Obviously "mythical" creatures are real in the OP universe.
Even Buddha?
I think if Caribou's fruit can be considered a "natural element" there's room for, at least some, interpretation here.

Zunisha killed him 800 years ago. Sad stuff really
But swamps occur naturally, and steel is man-made only.
wasn't here for the last 2 chapters. how did /a/ react?

react to what?
The guy's immediate response was "iron then".
People confusing steel and iron is common and not a big deal.
Literally nothing has happened in the last two chapters.
People being stupid is a pretty big deal.
This place must be really important then
Pedantry is a mark of autism.

To move on from the original point.
An iron logia could well exist and be consistent with other logias we've seen so far.

Oda probably wouldn't even call it that, it'd be called "metal-metal fruit" or some shit.

Caesar's fruit is just vague 'gas' and allows the manipulation of air and poisonous gas made by Caesar himself. Some vague 'metal' logia allowing one to create steal isn't really out of question.
Toei would never let a Straw Hat die. Ruins merch.
A metal logia would be one of the most wanted fruits in the world

You could crash entire economies with that
Holy shit I had the same idea

Wapol does it better.
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What elements are left for future Logia fruits?
Laughed at Bobbin jobbin', and "I WADDA COOK" actually happened.

Which logias do we have left?

Magma is technically molten metal. Does it count?

molten rock stupid nigger
Good thing Jinbe is not a Straw Hat.

This arc, and Dressrosa, is showing that Oda is having a very hard time with drama is his series.

It's just... bad.
Do you think Sanji is a better or worse character since this arc started?

I don't think this chapter was intented to be the main emotional chapter. Sanji's breakdown as he spy on Pudding was. Sanji saving is family by doing some epic shit will be. It was never supposed to be the same as Robin's moment. It's not the same story...
>Totaly understand why Luffy resist bullet.

It's not because he his resistant, it because his rubber body don't even try to stop the bullet. It's stretch until the bullet lost it's speed and then go back to normal, repelling the bullet.
He once spent an entire arc bleeding from his nose. Now he's shedding tears.
Can't wait for an arc where he pukes all the time.
I think that is what ruined OP for me in a lot of ways - Robin story.

Or more specifically, the long lead up through various arcs. It's why I found the Impel Down and Marineford arcs to be so fantastic too, I guess.
I like the idea of a wood/plant one, sounds chill.

I think it'll be a while before we get a new logia though.

We're going straight into Wano/Zoan-town soon.
Better, but that's not saying much

>more specifically, the long lead up through various arcs.

>It's why I found the Impel Down and Marineford arcs to be so fantastic too, I guess.

You find fantastic the product of what you hate?
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The phone call that saved Jinbei
Was the Sanji leaving thing really that much of a lead up, though?

Imo it was more something tacked on. Sure, there was a door open way, way back but it didn't have any effect on the story, or added to any sort of narrative tension/drama until recently.
>his reasoning was correct
>"hey these guys are trying to learn this SUPER SECRET HISTORY not even you know anything about, go nuke the fuck out of their island sakazuki"

And he tries to call that "absolute justice"? More like "lapdog justice"

Nop. But Big Mom as a whole was though.
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>These dudes think Bobbin and his fodder ilk are "heavyweights"
There's absolutely no way the Vinsmokes aren't super weak garbage
I hope that Sanji broke the promise of don't attack girls.
You're setting yourself up to a disappointment.
Not gonna happen
He hasn't done anything great this entire arc but cry and not believe in his own crew.
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I hope so
Sanji is probably the worst Straw Hat. His fighting style is boring, his gags are basic "ITS A HOT GIRL WOOOARG" shit,he has no special relationship with anyone except zorro and it's simple rivalry (maybe because they could be a single "cool guy" character instead of two useless one). His backstory is complex and interesting but what defines him is that HE FUCKING REJECTS IT.

Seriously I hope he dies or change DRASTICLY
>His fighting style is boring

Bitch please... Most enjoyable fighter after Luffy. Also Sanji is cool, don't hate on the man he will kick ass soon.
>bad translation
You need to take a step back and realize that the SH are into the heavyweight category too.
We're in the late middlegame early endgame now.
Let's list Sanji's attack and techniques
>kick up
>kick down
>kick lateral
>block with leg
>and they all make that face

>Most enjoyable fighter after Luffy
Your right about that, if you except Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Zoro and Brook
>Let's list Sanji's attack and techniques
You can reduce any chater to this shit.

>Hit with sword

>Hit with weather

I'm really hoping when he gets back he's friendly to the male crewmates and is collected towards Robin. To sort of give the impression that he's maturing as a character. But I know he's probably just going to yell and Zoro and gush about being reunited with ROBIN-CHWAAAN!! because Oda thinks plot progress is showing things going back to normal.
How did Viz translate it? Not here to argue, genuinely curious.
Just not enough to check for myself.
Oda said there won't be, so I'm not sure why shipping fags are so vocal about it.
could you build an actual argument instead of simply criticizing anon ? like please list sanji's "different" attacks.
They never mentioned their power. Just their bounties.
"Just imagine the bounty on that group" something like that
The SH and BM are the protagonists and main players of this arc, so the Vinsmokes have to meet that standard to be anything other than dumpster-tier here

We already know everyone in that family aside from MAYBE Ichiji is at best slightly weaker than Sanji, so yeah
>hit with rubber limbs

>cuts with swords

>transforms into things to do stuff

Collier Shoot, Collier, Épaule, Côtelette, Selle, Poitrine, Gigot, Mouton Shoot, Réception, Flanchet Kick, Anti-Manner Kick Course(Menu Bonne Manière), Joue Shoot,Basse-Côte, Longe ,Tendron, Quasi;Queue, Cuisseau;Jarret, Veau Shoot, Concassé, Troisième Haché, Bouquetière Shoot, Slice Shoot, menu festivité, Brochette, Collier Flip, Frites Assort, Escalope, Parage Shoot, Santen Découpage, Shishi Nabe Shoot, Cuissot Shot, Premier Haché, Usopp Special Salt Ball, Extra Haché, Jenga canon.
you forgot Croissant, Baguette and Camembert

There's way more i'm bored. There's like over 100 named attacks.
nice wiki faggot. still doesn't indicate how his fighting style is interesting. it's just a list of parts where Sanji kicks. It's not even "here's a kick with the hell, and here's a kick with the leg or the knee" naaah it's a kick. Seriously this is not even autism, it's pure stupidity, are you fucking 6yr old ? Or will you put the "ah don't have time for arguments on the internet because ah'm a huge busy fag"
fuck off to /trash/
>All of them just Sanji kicking somewhere in a different place.

Sanji has like 3 moves:

-Diable jambe kicking
-Kicking really fast
Rakuen Onna Kaizoku 2
EROMANCE DAWN is also good.
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Sanji and Pudding will kiss

Yes. And Zoro has only two moves. Sword slash and pound cannon.
Zoro has different ways to sword slash though.
He has multiple techniques using 1, 2 or 3 swords which aren't just the same slash but aiming somewhere else.
All of the Zoro panels where he uses a finisher are almost literally copypasted, it's always him up front looking big and posing while we see the enemy's back as they writhe in pain and blood flows out from the slash
> like please list sanji's "different" attacks.

Be more specific, anon. Sanji is the pure brawler type. His whole fighting style is all about flashy dodges, kapoera moves and acrobatics kicks. I tought everyone loved those flashy brawlers like Rock Lee.
Daz Bones?
He's the man inside my heart
can zoro cut steel beams?
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>reading manga for first time
>current chapter is edited by psychoduck, traslated by vee

No but Sanji can melt them.
he learned how to cut steel on mr1 so yes, he should be able to cut random steel now
Drum Island is the stuff of nightmare
Aren't the digitally colored chapters all well edited and translated?
With ease
>Of course he has a katana.

Seriously, yes he obviously can, I think even Brook could do this.
I hope so
i'm actually almost there now, just saw wapol get flung away.
yeah, but the site i'm reading from occasionally has a few chapters that are just poorly scanned and translated. any recommendations for a better place to read it? i'm on mangafreak

Mangafox has the official translation i think.
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What does it mean?
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>tfw surrounded by incompetent idiots who can't even help me die

What's wrong faggot?
link me up famo

It's on mangafox.me
Kaido is fucking awesome.
isn't working for me lad. vis really jew it up here in burgerstan
Is anyone still hosting this old translation where Bon Clay goes "I'm gay! There is no kidding!" in his first appearance? Shit was hilarious.
Try kissmanga

Sanji leaving was a lead up to Big Mom's actual introduction.
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Are we going to know their names someday? Heat and Wire are already known but nothing for the rest.
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Will there ever be an arc where the crew is together again? What's the point of having that many crew members when you can't even use them all?

If there won't be any opportunity to reveal them in the manga (which is likely), then Oda will reveal it in SBS/Databook at some point.
Yeah, Wano. Besides, splitting the crew is a good idea if you want to give everyone something to do and also use some side characters.
>Vinsmokes overestimated Bobbin
If Capone is the one who rekt Bobbin, is he stronger than Vinsmokes?
Bobbin more like Jobbin
While Dressrosa is much better read in one go, im still wondering why the arc had so much padding?
>Luffy and gang having to run and confront Doflamingo Again after they were just face to face with him
>That random chapter with the jacket guy that lead nowhere
>Luffy needing ten minutes to recharge
Also birdcage sill feels like a cheap plotdevice
Birdcage was the obligatory "big threat to the entire location" plot device. What's gonna threaten to destroy Whole Cake? Big Mom goes on a rampage when Luffy eats the wedding cake?
>A bunch of North Blue hicks
>Standing up to even the Jobbers of the New World
>Big Mom goes on a rampage when Luffy eats the wedding cake?

Yup Big Mom on a rampage because of the cake+tamatebako+ betrayal.
>Big Mom goes on a rampage
Pretty much, forcing several different characters to co-operate to defeat her. Big Moms defeat will be a group effort
I think Funk Brothers were supposed to show that not everyone in the Colisseum was a Lucy supporter and some were selfish and wanted the bounties, which makes sense
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Post stuff/events you want to see in the series that will make you pic related.

I'll start,
Strawhats use Coup de Burst to escape situation and Kaido catches it
While I think the 10 minute recharge for Gear Fourth and everyone having to stop the birdcage felt unnecessary, I also think it was somewhat important so we could see that it had a huge drawback if he can't take down his opponent quickly.
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Mihawk shows up on Wano after traveling on Buggy's ship to escape the Reverie betrayal only to take Kaidou's head off for killing his master Kozuki Oden.
That would be a amazing sight, with everyone looking in shock as Kaido casually drop the ship aside.
Something actually happening in the chapter.
>it had a huge drawback if he can't take down his opponent quickly.

I don't think it was the purpose of it. It was to give credit to the citizens. The drawback will never be that much of an issue again. See Luffy vs Cracker.
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Reminder Oda's editors twitted this
Of course it will. Luffy isn't going to have infinite amounts of food to refuel him every fight like with Cracker
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Nop. It was just for the citizens. Luffy will eat before the fight or have enough time.
That's not how it works.
that's not Oda's editor
Wrong thread.
Canon soon.
1. Editors are not his assistants
2. They did tweeted it. Go to their twitter
Reminder that you're a shitposter and should fuck off.
I'm almost thinking of reporting SaNa posting as spam but I'm not sure how the mods will react to it.
I was doing this for a while. The don't react at all. Still, it's fun.
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Reminder Oda BTFO'd you already.
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Meh. So I'll do it when I lose my patience completely.
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You may hiss the bride? So Sanji is a snek in disguise?
So do you think Sanji is just a whiny pussy?
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I remember someone getting warned or banned for abusing the report system.
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It's absolute justice because the World Government/Marines told him to do it. Sakazuki has no individualistic morals, he believes the whatever orders he receives from higher ups are the correct morals.
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Rerad his talks with Gorosei at the end of Dressrosa. That's simply not the case.
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did you cry?
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Alright folks, tell me what you think
They all look like shit

That kind of shit is generally considered a capital crime IRL. The only thing that makes Akainu special is that he skipped the formalities and executed him on the spot.
He turns into a potato.

He was trained wrong purposely, as a joke.
Art style makes me want to puke directly into my dog's mouth.

Other then that it's alright.
Worse than Transformers.
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nah it was shit
steamy stinky oily shit

He wanted the chapter number of Gear 4's debut to parallel the chapter number of Gear 2's debut.
Reminder that Oda died in the 2011 tsunami. Shounen Jump got Hack to covertly replace him because letting that news out would kill one of their biggest cash cows.
>that chapter where Doflamingo shoots Law in front of the colosseum and it's supposed to be a sad and big moment but Law survives and fights again like an hour later
so that's why one piece sucks now? And Sanji is a different character now?
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The Strawhats arrive on Wano and they see all their friends like pic related.
Law is the reason behind everything that went wrong with One Piece in the last few arc
Law sure was great on FIshman Island...
>implying they will get out of WCI alive
saying stupid contrarian thing won't make your dad proud, fucker
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more like this
>Implying implying

Projecting much? Law was fine.
Law is a boring edgelord desu
First time in these threads?
>confirmed for 3dgExL0rD
>2000 chapter long useless flashback, introducing a nice char that get killed by his fault
>op as fuck fruit that he uses to make shitty freaky friday shenanigans and dodging instead of actually fighting
>nominated for the Golden Sasuke Award for being both angry and sad all the time
>doesn't even have a crew to give a hand
Sanji is the strongest Strawhat. No Devil fruit, weapon, cybernetic augmentation, demon magic, etc. Raw strength.

>2000 chapter long useless flashback

Fucking heretic. That's one of the best thing in the whole manga.

>op as fuck fruit that he uses to make shitty freaky friday shenanigans and dodging instead of actually fighting

It ain't OP. Don't see you are hating on a creative power in a shonen manga.

> nominated for the Golden Sasuke Award for being both angry and sad all the time

True. Except he has good reason to be like that. And him getting BTFO and making fun of by the strawhats make it ok.

I think he's highly overrated and i don't understand why people love him that much but he's still a good character.
Well, it's better than Moon Over June.
Not by much though.
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Leave Kaido to me
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>leave kaido to me
SaNa is one piece related.
Only because it triggers you it does not mean it's a shitpost
By definition it is though.
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>Tfw you realise that the mods are SaNafags
Everyone should be
There was no info on the weapons in that phoneglyph tho.
The question is if Akainu knew or was fooled by the Gorosei?

? The oharans were the key to every poneglyphes.
it's not about that one poneglyph, it's about the potential to read all of them and translate them for the world to understand.

They don't want the real history found out I'm assuming.
that bich of puding, carrot new nakama???
>The question is if Akainu knew or was fooled by the Gorosei?

He was only a vice admiral at the time so it's doubtful they told him anything about One Piece or the true history, he would have had to make his call based off the weapons argument.
The buster call itself was unjustified (especially since we know that the real reason the world government destroyed Ohara was to prevent the unveiling of the true history, not to stop the spread of the ancient weapons).
If you take that stance shouldn't you be ragging on Sengoku and Aokiji who also went along with it?
kys yourself faggot
>gotta wait an extra week to watch Ichijifags get BTFO

That's some real autistic shit you came up with here
Yeah, honestly. Everyone at the top of the marines who doesn't secretly hate the organization is a wretched person, Sengoku and Garp included. (Aokiji is not a great guy since he went along with the buster call but at least he was the only marine shown to see Akainu's actions as unacceptable, and now seems to be actively working against the marines.)

That's a far cry from people like Sengoku and Garp who spent their lives working towards a world where the government has the right to kill towns full of innocent people or seek out pregnant women and babies and kill them for literally no reason, without the government being held accountable for their actions - and then slunk off into retirement like cowards instead of using the remainder of their lives to fight the system. I'm not sure anyone could ever make an argument for them being good people by any standard.
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I wonder why people believe Aokiji is not genuine with BB. That's the kind of shit a guy like him would do.
To be more specific, Akainu actually took actions to ensure there would not be another buster call in the future

Whereas Aokiji took actions that led to a survivor that ruined the whole purpose, and which actually did lead to another buster call in the future.

From a certain perspective Akainu definitely made the right call. Of course since we know that the stuff about the weapons being dangerous isn't the actual reason behind the censorship their actions seem ridiculous, but they are very defensible from the very limited perspective of the characters.
Reminder, most of Roger's crew knows about the true history of the world, and chose to not reveal it for a reason. Rayleigh even says to Robin that Ohara's scholars might have been going too fast, hence their fate.

As long as we don't know what the Void Century actually is we can't judge the WG. The ancients weapons were reasons enough to destroy Ohara.
However, Akainu's actions to ensure there would not be another buster call were to amplify the current one. I don't think there is really any meaningful difference between what Akainu did and allowing another buster call to happen later - the end result is that innocent people still died needlessly.

I'd also argue that Akainu choosing to murder civilians based on limited information is itself immoral. If he doesn't know the full story then he shouldn't be killing random people period.
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> As long as we don't know what the Void Century actually is we can't judge the WG
With wave after wave of violent pirates surging through the Pirate Age worldwide with numerous kingdoms overthrown and countless wars started by them, siding with Akainu as long as he keeps peace and stability wouldn't be a tough choice for most rulers/citizens.
Not really Law's flashback and story was pretty much the only unambiguously decent thing in Dresrossa. He was only annoying in PH

One Piece has been subtly going in this direction of storytelling since at least Impel Down. I'd say Enies Lobby but that was still closer to the traditional OP and then we had TB+Sabaody who were outliers (breather "fun first" arc and short transition arc that purposefully didn't adhere to the formula, but even then Sabaody had that same thing of fragmenting everything and feeling like a photo album)
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Even the marines are becoming woke to how full of shit the WG is.
The fact you called it a meme shows how retarded you are.

Meme status is earned, a freshly created humorous image isn't a meme.

You're as bad as the cucks who think all image macros are memes.

Honestly... I have started being really into One Piece at Sabaondy. Love where the manga is headed and also loved Dressrosa.
Fuji was recruited in a worldwide draft, I don't think he was a marine until recently.
I meant that in the context of the Buster Call.

Plus I think the WG keeps the World Nobles around because they possess something extremely precious, that Dolflamingo wanted to get with the help of the Ope-Ope no Mi immortality. I think the fact that he knew about it also pushed the WG into making him a Warlord or something.

It justifies a cold blooded murder? Fucking hell you guys are scary.

The World Nobles are the WG.... They are ruling the world.
>Only just got to reading the new chapter
>Luffy looks like he's been starving for fucking weeks
Well most people who have been into One Piece for 10+ years tend more towards sour for most post-TS stuff

>inb4 'I don't'
You can easily check what I'm saying.
Desertion is a capital offense lol

In which barbaric country?

But why would anyone follow an uncharismatic repulsive group of people. Why are people like admirals following them to this end.

Royalty/monarachies start off pretty well because they're established by someone who demonstrated their power well, but they start to crumble when generations go by and you have weak stupid rulers and your military leaders realise you're full of shit.
The Gorosei don't seem like the manbabies spoiled gross abusers that that CD are. They actually look like much more reasonable people who have "reasons"
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>be vice admiral
>2 admirals left their position
>fuck yea this is my chance
>WG hires tall overpowered newfags instead
What would it help him achieve which siding with revolutionaries wouldn't? There might be some reason but we don't know it.
Plus Sakazuki who killed a soldier on spot for deserting and ordered killing of citizens fearing the slightest possibility of a scholar escaping going 'I don't care what this idiot is doing' as a reaction to Kuzan siding with BB is pretty suspicious.
Name one VA who is strong enough to be Admiral besides the two who could've already taken up the offer 20 years ago
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Not only that, he invented two new VAs over the TS who were also considered for the position.
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Chaton and Momosaugi.
I think Oda confirmed they aren't Nobles.
Every country in the world 80 years ago. Yanno, since the last meaningful wars
I have an idea that BB proposed an alliance with the Revos, who accepted on uneasy terms since BB's fleet is probably stronger and they could stand to gain something out of it.

Baltigo news were fabricated to give the false impression that the Revos are weak right now, which will make their+BB's raiding of Reverie that much more effective.

It's probably not gonna happen now since Sabo was characterized as an absolute 100% Good Guy, but before that the Revos as grey "ends justify means" radical extremists was not only possible but coherent.
I don't think that ever happened

Horrifying. I just checked though. It happened only once 100 years ago. I'm not an expert but i doubt it's still in application today even in your country.
Not every CD is a manchild. Otohime was able to negotiate the migration of fishmen with some of them and gain their approval.
Valid. Aokiji's decision sort of trampled on all the deaths that occurred in this one before they hit the civilian ship though.

>I'd also argue that Akainu choosing to murder civilians based on limited information is itself immoral. If he doesn't know the full story then he shouldn't be killing random people period.
Isn't that sort of his job to make life-death decisions on limited information?
But as a group, they probably are. Doflamingo characterizes them as such and nobody in there had the same compassion for him when he was 8
Even if 1 or 2 scholars escaped on that boat, it doesn't mean they would have to repeat a Buster Call. They would just send someone to capture them individually, like they did with Robin (except Aokiji doesn't give a shit).

They only had to bring out the BC on Enies Lobby because Spandam is a mouthbreather and because Pirates were fucking destroying the entire facility
Yeah, surely most of them are, but the idea is that Gorousei being reasonable men do't mean they aren't CD.
>(c) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, but if the desertion or attempt to desert occurs at any other time, by such punishment, other than death, as a court-martial may direct."

From the Uniform Code of Military Justice, you can find it just by googling desertion.
They are the 800 year old generals who were the MVPs in the war against the AK I never said they weren't CDs. But they clearly aren't on the same playing field as the spacesuit wearing incestual weirdos. I'm not even sure if those people know much about the Void Century.

They are the descendants of some powerfull emperors who took over the world. Surely some of them turned out to be alright even after 800 years. By alright i don't mean morally.

> Find the Ope Ope no mi
> Force someone to perfom the surgery
> power reincarnate in a fruit
> Repeat

It's possible, right?
>I never said they weren't CDs
I know, I just wanted to give you a context in which I given the example.
Robin, who they never captured and is still at large. They got pretty lucky that Robin herself didn't have any interest in reviving the weapons and taking revenge, considering she has already ended up with the knowledge of where 2 of them are.

She's totally going to raid Mariejoie with her friends though. And the Sunny is most probably Pluton.
And they could have also just taken the Ohara residents into custody and investigated every single one and only execute those who could read the poneglyph. However the point of the buster call is that the ends justify the means, and it's the same situation with the boat
Yeah, but it probably wouldn't be just for revenge for what happened on Ohara but because of whatever greater crimes the WG has been hiding on Raftel.

>And the Sunny is most probably Pluton.

They might share some features but I'm pretty sure that it's not the full weapon. Franky and Iceburg know better than to just build it and Sunny is too wimpy to destroy the world and annihilate islands.
Well, it was revealed that one of these "weapons" can't be revived nor controlled since it is a person with a will to do what they want. Who knows how the other 2 operate, maybe you need a special ability to maneuver Pluton as well and I feel like Uranus is going to be the craziest most abstract of the 3
I'm not sure. Pluton need to exist at the present time. If Sunny is not capable to play the role of Pluton they need to find it somewhere.
Possible, but the requirements for Pluton's operation can't be too esoteric otherwise all the designer's fears about it being used for the wrong purposes and needing to build another one seem a little silly.

Don't we already know that the original is located somewhere in Alabasta?
We were told it was "somewhere on Sandy Island"

I don't think if there is such a requirement that it would be pointed out in the blueprints.

It's just that since we learned these "weapons" can be, well, not weapons at all (Shirahoshi) I think something similar might apply to all of them (+ Zunisha control power assuming that's not a weapon)
Why would Sunny be Pluton? It's not like Franky would just build it because he could and we've already seen most if not all it was capable of.
>Don't we already know that the original is located somewhere in Alabasta?

No ones know. My headcanon is that it has been destroyed. For me there's no doubt, Gaon Roar Cannon is the power of Pluton. It's probably not supposed to run with Cola.
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Forgot about this.
>Don't we already know that the original is located somewhere in Alabasta?
I thought it was that the Poneglyph in Alabasta held it's location and that Robin knows but won't tell.
Maybe I'm remembering wrong though.

all of them are bad for different reasons
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Franky's dream is to make the most powerfull battleship ever. He get his hands on the blueprint of the legendary Pluton. Why wouldn't he put some of the same features on his master piece? Sunny Go is probably an improved Pluton. I don't see any ships stealing the spotlight of the Sunny.

Thousand Sunny * RIP
Isn't Franky's dream to build a ship that'll sail every sea?

Yes but he's also obessed with powerfull weapons. He's all about battleships.
I'm honestly rooting for Big Mom

I hope she kills all the vinsmokes before the bomb goes off
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Yeah, but it wouldn't really fit with the idea you can build another one to stop the first if it ends up the wrong hands. Especially if the second hypothetical copy couldn't be operated by the people who build it to stop the first.

Franky's own backstory was obviously intended to parallel the decisions involved with Pluton and it wouldn't really fit the messages it had about weapons if it was more than a weapon that could be used by anybody.

My bad, I remembered some line about Crocodile intending to turn the country upside down to find it after he owns the country but that was probably bad memory/anime subs.
People will die for sure. Judge has 100% chance to die.
I bet Pluton is a mecha, or something to do with body augmentation. That way it can still have blueprints but involve a specific human.
I hate mechas though
>I bet Pluton is a mecha

It's a battleship. It's confirmed.
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Any good OP doujin where it's more true to the official style, even if not 100%. I know of One with Robin and Franky and one with Nami and the Arlong pirates. Any more?
>not turning into mecha
After what happened to him you would think Franky would understand why you don't just build dangerous weapons like Pluton.

Also the reaction of everyone who's ever caught a glimpse of the blueprints instantly recognized it as something amazing.
>After what happened to him you would think Franky would understand why you don't just build dangerous weapons like Pluton.

The whole point Tom made as he died was that Franky had to be proud of the weapons he made and to continue making them...
I feel like everyone here is vastly underestimating how powerful BM is
That wasn't about weapons in particular, he told Franky he didn't care about what he built but to never abandon his creations.

Ships = kids, builders = parents, parents need to responsible for their kids. Building dangerous things for no reason is not being responsible.
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>Pink hare
>Brown boar
>Smokers was going to be White Snake before he lost his credibility

Do you think there will be a Marine for each animal EoS?

Not true. The message was never "don't build weapons"...
And that's not what I said.
By the way, I must say that the wall "Let's kill all the pregnant women and baby of this region of North Blue" is pretty stupid.

Even with the will of the D. nothing say that Roger children gonna become a new roger, he would have the will but not the power, ect..

On the other hand, such a slaughter will lead to people hating the Marines and GW to no end, and they gonna be a LOT of them, each a new potential recruit for the revolutionary. And the worst is, by doing this, you gonna create children, pretty angry about their mom and brothers/sister getting killed, that could all potentially be the next Dragon.

>The marines litteraly creating its own ennemy.
It's okay, when reports of what they doing start spreading in the newspapers, they can just say "fake news!" Then again, the people of the One Piece world don't seem as retarded as Americans, so maybe not.
They own the newspapers.
>Why doesn't Franky use Pluton blueprints?
>Why doesn't Luffy just ask Rayliegh to guide them to raftel?

He did use them partially for sure...
>lead to people hating the Marines and GW to no end
Not if they feared hated and feared Roger more, which the general public did
Roger was a ruthless man who destroyed nations for trivial reasons and was in possession of WMD
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I don't know that they'll all be filled in but possibly.

What I am 100% looking for is for Coby to have a named attack/nickname of a zodiac animal that isn't taken.


I can see him with a Sheep move somehow.
Well when you mother/wife/sister/daugther get kill, you probably gonna hate the people who did it regardless.

I don't get Oda's characterization of Roger, did he harm innocent people or what? Why are people so terrified of him, brainwashing by the government?

Because all of the characters that have actually met him have fond memories of him...

I mean if the Mink dudes liked him, he can't be a bad guy.

I'm thinking it's just propaganda. It still works today.

Don´t let them put you down and keep sharpening those skills, you are the drawfag of tomorrow.

Kill yourself, cancer.
Only suitable nickname for Coby is Pink Pussy
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I'm sure he's gotten a lot stronger over the TS.

To call him a pussy is a little unfair.
He's got a lot of guts.

Especially to talk shit to his commanding officer who kills deserters.
Why is there dicks growing from one of the graves?
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>Because all of the characters that have actually met him have fond memories of him

Sociopaths are pretty charismatic
He was actually not a sociopath, he show violent reaction when his crew or people he loved get insult, hurt, disrespect, ect...

He was also giving a fuck about Ace, a true sociopath have no empathy.

For all we know squardo was one of those pirates that were complete assholes that pillaged and murdered people.
Marine Ford is written like a tragedy and Ace had a fatal flaw.
Whenever Ace did something retarded they always mentioned that it was just like Roger. Wouldn't be surprising if he did some unintentionally terrible things, like Luffy breaking out tons of dangerous criminals from Impel Down.

There's also the fact that he started the great pirate age which has caused endless amounts of grief for people all over the world.
>I'm thinking it's just propaganda
You think? Of course it is. Just like everything else. You think a civilian in the middle of bumfuck village nowhere knows anything about the world besides what the WG puts in the newspaper? Most people still think the navy beat Crocodile and the Straw Hats destroyed Enies Lobby (directly).

Absolutely nothing that the WG does that is questionable gets reported to the rest of the world. On the other hand, anything anyone else does gets spun to make them look bad (Ohara are demons plotting to destroy the world etc)
He spent the whole of the battle of Marineford before that point crying his eyes out like a little bitch.
I honestly don't see what Garp saw in Coby.
Thanks for not discussing my post assholes :/
Sauce for the Robin and Franky one ?
He is the act of doubting in Usopp, hence why Usopp only developed haki once he finally rid himself of the mask in Dressrosa claming bold and loudly "I am Usopp! Sniper of the Straw hate Pirates"!

No more lies, all truths.
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What is shanks' purpose even?
He has most likely already been to raftel with roger.
So now he just resides as a strongfag in the new world with nothing left but partying?
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Shanks is the true villain.

Only a D. can access One Piece and he is using Luffy.
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There's nothing with being a fag as long as you're not a being a fag about it.
>tfw when you realise fucking Buggy go to Raftel
>Buggy know the secret history
>That's why he never give a dam fuck about the one piece
>He his in fact deeply depress by what he learn and try to hide it behind a cynical greediness.

Being Buggy is suffering.
Carrots Nationality is British


Doing the yonko job of Roger, keeping the balance intact while waiting for Luffy to be ready.
The redpill is true suffering. Once you swallow it, you can't go back.
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>red haired yonkos hate this guy
>find out in one shitty tearjerker why
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one piece is a portal to the void century
the series is at 50% again
This has to be wrong. I have a pic on my tablet it show three people standing on separate stacks of books.

The first guy on the smallest stack sees a pretty landscape in front of him. The second guy is on a larger stack and sees the pretty landscape is a mere painting on a wall, behind the wall is the real world and it is desolate. The third man is on a stack much larger than either previous stack, he reaches the clouds and sees beauty.

The point of the image is that there is a point in personal development that reaches further than the dark realizations of the world.
Post it in the next thread w/out that pic and I'll consider replying

Why is Law so high? He doesn't want to be PK. He's just gonna help Luffy becoming PK.
And I don't even think Urouge whant to be PK, I think he dosn't give a fuck and just have a goal of his own. Probably just wrecking shit and having fun.

People are assuming the worst generation want to become PK. But it's already confirmed it's not the case for Law. I don't see Bege bege after the One Piece. I think he just wants an empire yonko/mafia style for his son/family to rule over.
Found it


What if i have vertigo?
Law said that he'll be the one to become pirate king when he was fighting the marines with kidd and luffy. And I guess I shouldn't have said "pirate king". I meant who's closer to finding one piece, which would effectively make that said pirate "The king"

No, he din't. He just smiled. Kid and Luffy did.
without hesitation
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How much mileage do you use Mr. Spee D reader?

What? Law din't say he wants to become PK...
>doesn't recognize facial expressions
who cares about this debate.

We later learned Law's goal was to get back at Doffy. He said he planned on dying at Dressrosa and didn't expect to meet back up with his crew.

He clearly is not in the running for PK.
>butting into other people's conversations
>not realizing that now that law has gotten over the whole doffy thing he's now going to try to find the one piece

That's what we all tought at this moment. The thing is, he din't say anything about becoming the PK.

And as this anon says >>153639799 We now know for sure it was never his intention.

Out of the worst generation only Kid, BB and Luffy have been confirmed to be after the One Piece.
Pretty sure it's just a shitpost.

You are just plain wrong. Law was like "Hey Doffy look at strawhat, he's the one who can perfom miracles". It's crystal clear Law think Luffy will be the PK. And he never intended to be the PK himself.
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It doesn't matter, if law didn't say he believes that luffy will be king then he doesn't believe it. Don't just go assuming shit and furthermore I did not want to use this trump card but you leave me no choice. Pic related bitch

You know that pic could simply be used to point out Oda's bad writing, right?

I'm a Oda cock sucker. And... Well yeah it doesn't add up. I din't remember the "don't get rushed. One Piece isn't going anywhere".
i'm bored

Same, what do you want to do anon?
Let us embrace the bunny rabbit.
>hey guys I just want to kill Doflamingo and than myself
>hey guys I dedicated my entire life to killing this one person after everyone I knew died and he killed the one person I had left

I think it's easy to see that as evidence if you ignore every thing we learned about Law after that. Especially where he said he never intended to meet up with his crew after Dressrosa.
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I want to fug that rabbit.
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post some good doujins
Secondary option being Brulee turns Luffy into Sanji
Vivi likes luffy confirmed. Cobra wanted her to marry but she doesn't want to.
Was it rape?
or maybe Law had plans for his life if it was possible he survived Doflamingo?
He didn't.
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Doesn't matter now that doffy is gone law is gonna get back to looking for one piece. Keep in mind that he initially never expected dressrosa to be his grave. He expected to have doffy quit his position and get slaughtered by admirals or kill Caesar and have doffy slain by kaido. He only started giving up hope when he actually met doffy face to face and got his shit pushed in.

>hey guys I just want to kill Doflamingo and than myself

What? Are you trying to be sarcastic or just making shit up
Wow Toei really is milking this reverie thing as filler, huh?
It's only the biggest political gathering to happen in the world, of which we've only seen once in a flashback before.
Why is the anime so shit?

Half of the last episode was Alabasta flashbacks.
Except its not the actual reverie but flashback of previous arcs, tard.
Why doesn't Robin teach someone in the crew how to read Poneglyphs?
>no background
What's the deal with the Capone slime on her shoulder?

He's always there.
Good question based on a common misunderstanding.

Nico Olivia and Nico Robin could read the Poneglyphs intrinsically. The people of Ohara could not read them in the same way, but instead were in the process of slowly deciphering them and recording the way they were deciphered.

Robin can read them like Luffy could hear the sea kings.
Robin is the only one who is interested and capable

If she spent two years with the revolutionaries and didn't teach them a single thing about reading them, then Oda is truly a hack
Dude she was like 5 years old at Ohara. It's not a skill that can be learned. She knows it like Jinbe talks to whalesharks.
She was 8, and obviously more intelligent than the average kid.

And if it was a skill that didn't need to be leaned, Momonosuke would know the language by now.
Are the poneglyphs code or language?
Robin's lineage is unknown. She can latently read it. Momonosuke is an example of what happens when you can't.
Wasn't she a child genius or something like that.
And she used her devil fruit power to read books in the locked basement of the tree where the Poneglyphs was, and that's how she learned to read them.
Momonosuke's relatives can encrypt messages in invincible stone.
Robin's relatives can read the encryption.
It's only stated that Robin, and in one single panel her mom, can read the poneglyphs.

Clover could not.
I think the point is that she's smarter than them and figured out how to read it by watching them work.
This doesn't follow because her mom could read them too.

Ohara was NOT Robin's native island, or her mom's. They went there, and it may have been her father's, but only Robin and her mother could read glyphs.
Also CP0 murdered Robin's mom on panel like Bellemere, except Nico's death was a targeted assassination by the WG followed by a buster call, not a random killing by a thug.
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Are you sure about this? I remember thinking it too, but rereading Robin's flashback I couldn't find any indication that it was innate and unique to her, and that she mentions that she studied hard makes it sound like a learned thing.
How does that not follow? Her mother could have just been smarter than them as well.
Robin was a genius scholar who was learning all sorts of things on the side that helped contextualize the language. Sabo and Koala aren't just going to pick up how to read the ancient kingdom's heiroglyphs from a couple Sunday sessions.

Language is code.
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Of course she learned a thing, her mom and her crew stationed there for a reason.

Ohara knew about the stars. Obviously the poneglyphs she read talked about the cosmos, but she hit a dead end knowing nothing of them.

>not realizing that all of that has completely changed now that Luffy annihilated his tormentor and made it clear that it wouldn't have even been close without him
Yeah but they have different purposes
>What? Are you trying to be sarcastic or just making shit up

I was making reference to him having no ambition beyond Doflamingo. see>>153639799
>He said he planned on dying at Dressrosa and didn't expect to meet back up with his crew.

He didn't really give two shits about Kaidou and he left his crew on Zou without any real expectation of seeing them again.
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All the Ohara scholars were able to read the poneglyphs, not just Robin and Olvia.
They were able to decipher them, Robin was able to read them.

There is a difference. One is painstaking and one is casually easy.
This looks so nasty colored. It looks like stickers plastered on backgrounds.
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Any reason in particular you think this is the case?
Wouldn't even mind.
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