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2/15/2017- Still no word on part 5 adaptation.
Gay thread
>The Bruno SAS and Sticky Fingers SAS cost 130 dollars.
kill me
Time to work your ass off, anon
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>was planning on buying some figures eventually
>prices are rising in general
It's getting pretty ridiculous yea

I've been trying to get Part 5 figures before they inevitably sell out/skyrocket in price
>part 5 thread
New JoJolion chapter when.
Spoilers where.
Part 5 definitely, if its real popular in Japan

Was checking out for Okuyasu but he's just gone or in a ridiculous price now so just gonna have to look for what's left or rare

Gonna hope they restock
What does /jojo/ think of Hokuto no Ken?
I'm glad that JJBA stopped being like it after part 1
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Threadly reminder that we're getting:

Great Festival happening on the 19th
>Event announced 2 months after the first airing of DiU (June 21st)
>DiU cast doing things
>Performance of CNBT, Chase, and Great Days at the event
>Possible reveal of either the Rohan OVA or Vento Aureo (There was a similar event called The Last Crusaders that announced part 4)

New JJL chapter coming out near the 17-18th
>Spoilers a couple days before
>Highway Star 2.0
>Yasuho might do something with the tooth
>More Gappy

WonderFest Winter 2017 starting on the 19th
>SASs: Gyro (Painted), Johnny (Prototype*), Funny Valentine (Prototype*), and D4C (Prototype*) *They could also be painted, but this is the first time we'll be seeing them so we don't know.
>Statue Legends: Rohan, Giorno, Gold Experience, Bruno, and Sticky Fingers
>Maybe more?
Same. Araki realized that his manga would never be as good as HnK, so he added his own "le bizarreness x )))" to his series to mask how he's shit at creating manga.
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>there's an enemy
>how could anyone ever beat him??!!
>but the protagonist yells really loud and has determinations and wins because he's the strongest because he's the protagonist
Idk if I wanna spend that much. I have that easy. It's just a lot for two figures.
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I don't feel like arguing with the underage.
not an argument
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I'm pretty sure that was his point you autist
I want Dio to shit in my mouth
do vampires shit?
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I imagine they could, right? JoJo vampires seem mostly human (they have reflections, aren't damaged by holy stuff etc) so I don't see why their digestive-systems would stop working.
Before he became a vampire, right?
Maybe vampires shit like bat guano or something
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Jojo isn't funny. There, I said it.
It's okay.
part 2, 4, and 5 are a little funny.
But they only drink blood.
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Shit taste out
Exactly, vampire-bats drink only blood and they shit guano
>Thinking gay = bad
How new
It hasn't even been 2 months since the last season, chill the fuck out.
Behold the Nijimura brothers
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It's 5am I mistook the meaning
Taking edit requests
Behold you hours old post.
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you missed part 6
I wonder what the chances are of the part 5 announcement. I really hope it happens, but I could also see them maybe just focusing on the Rohan OVA - which I hope won't set back part 5 too much.
With pusspuss
haha, that's knee-slappingly funny
bbc going through annasui when white snake punched him

That's about as funny as the series gets
The chances of part 5 and 6 are ZETTAI HYAKU PASENTO DESU HAI
Part 7 is another story
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Oh, I'm fairly sure it will be adapted, I just meant whether it will be announced during the event in a couple of days.

Got the original?
Ill just wait for doc to post it
it's shit
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Doubtful imo, they're only like halfway through releasing DiU BDs and they're not gonna announce a new project before they're all out. Even if it's announced here it won't air until Q4 this year at the absolute earliest unless it's even more rushed than DiU seemed. It was good but clearly done on a budget and very fast.
this too
This one will take a bit.
Yeah, I'd rather wait a bit longer if it means more quality control.
>Lo-rez as fuk.
Hey guys remember when Kira said he's descended from a samurai clan?
Well, I happened to read up on some Japanese history and there was a protocol master named Kira Yoshinaka in feudal Japan who was killed 1701.
Where in Japan is he from though? If he's nowhere near Sendai then it was doubtfully intentional on Araki's part. Would be cool if Araki autistically went through history textbooks trying to find a samurai from his area whose family name was Kira though.
Speaking of which, they were also a lot faster to release the BDs for SDC which were all out just a few months after it aired. DiU at this rate will first be done by mid-summer, so maybe we'll first get the announcement around then?

Wanted to make Weather into a ful dick but realised I don't have the effort.
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Do you want the balls coming out the other end?
The fuck is even going on
thank you my dudes
Where you the one who requested this one too? http://i.imgur.com/J23zTJf.png

Or is dick based donutting the new hip thing outside of putting beetles on your bro's dick?
Narancia is
Fuck you fucker
I'll tell them
But it's so hard, Anon it's so goddamn hard.
I'm blind.
I guess that's why you can't accept that he's a rotting corpse.
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Koichi is for ____
Fuck you fucker
Wintermute don't you do this to me!
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Why is Diavolo so fucking gay?
Because announcement is gonna be after all BDs for part 4 is sold out.
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He is the devil and just like G*d the person he must be closest to is a fresh young boy.
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What does this mean? I use Adblock
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DO you remember Screaming Fist Naranciafag?
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Added balls and removed Weather
Don't forget the live action movie, maybe we should expect a trailer after they release all the character posters.
Why did Naranciafag kill himself?
Why does anybody kill himself?
I guess I know if anyone does but it would take me twelve hours to explain the various factors in his history and how they correlate.
He was ready to do it for a long time but he kept going back to the freezer.
Christ what a tedious fuck.
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What additions do you want in the part 5 anime?
More Fugo and Abbachio
A sex scene with me and Narancia
Mostly more interactions.
Maybe Dop appearing in the background every now and then doing mundane things.
I'd like for the beginning and ending to be tweaked, but that's too much to ask.
The comrades I've lost...
(Dubanon, Mosaicanon)
The ones who made it (Pixelfagg)
The enemies we've defeated (Naranciafag) but was it all worth it?
I'm still here fucker.
You've lost.
What you liked from what was added in the part 4 anime?
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More interactions with La Squadra and the Guard Squad.
I know David like sticking as close to the manga for better or worse but part 5 could with just a few more extra scenes. Seeing the full Sorbet and Gelato cut up would be pretty cool. Even more so if they straight up copied The Godfather, it be a nod to Araki's movie fanaticism so won't be too far out.

Doppio just doing normal things but strangely would be a cute way to keep him involved. I like this.
You're dead and trying too hard.
It's never game over for me
> the you will never see Yo Yo Mama fight animated
More stuff for Trish, but that might be hard.
More group-interactions since all of those were gold.
Scenes showing La Squadra communicating with each other to make bridges between arcs and foreshadow future ones.
More scenes actually showing the drug-problems that the country apparently had, rather than making the druggie kid at the start and that guy at the very end the only ones we see.
An epilogue that shows Giorno starting to take command and make the place better.
When Buccellati finally dies for real, Narancia and Abbacchio being shown waiting for him in the clouds.
A final interaction between Abbacchio and Giorno, like Giorno wishing Abbacchio luck and him grumpily shooing him away.
No acknowledgement of PHF whatsoever.
>No acknowledgement of PHF whatsoever.
Why though?
It was a nice redemption arc for Fugo.
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and loving anal sex
Because it fucked up virtually every canon character other than him to make him look good.
But Doppio's phone antics were great
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What should the next Theory be?

>Last One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9d5_fyYZaE
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Golden Heart Golden Ring
Fugo looks pretty good there.
More interactions and character moments in general. Buccellati was a likable enough person that I did care about him, but the rest of the crew could use a little more focus on their chemistry with each other to make up for how they came off as a bunch of assholes most of the time.
Emporio is Sans
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Fugo is cute
Did Terunosuke die at the end of part 6 when MiH accelerated time? It speeds up time on non-living things after all and he was a book.
Is she us

Did Pucci accidentally save Teru from his terrible fate?
I want them to REMOVE Giorno's Broken damage-reflection and replace it with creative uses of his ability
davidp is too scared to change the storyline
What stand abilities could Rohan emulate, at least on a smaller scale, by writing commands on people?
E.g. "I will see everybody as [Insert person here]" for Paper Moon King
Or "My stand and I will stop moving for 5 seconds whenever Rohan Kishibe shouts 'The World'."
That actually sounds adorbale
The storyline would be the same though
What does Pompadour Josuke say when someone insults his hair? In Japanese, I mean.
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I just really, REALLY want them to add some additional scenes for the final fight, make it so Gio steals the arrow from Diavolo after an actual full-on fight between Gold Experience and King Crimson so him getting the arrow and killing Diavolo forever feels more built-up.
Honestly I just want to see another fist-fight like pic related
Omae wa mo shindeiru
Straights didnt have a reflection. That is how Joseph did the mirror trick, my favorite trick in JoJo
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ching chang chong my hair aint rong
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whatu za fucku did u justu sayu aboutu my haiaru
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> ywn have a bro close enough that people think you're gay when all you do is suck each other's dicks now and then
I'm not really an expert on how cours work, but there's no way part 5 is going to be less than 39 episodes, right?
Part 4 was a bit rushed at moments but still worked out alright, so considering part 5 is tad shorter and more fast-paced surely 39 episodes would be a nice fit. I just hope they don't somehow condense it more.
I really doubt part 5 would be less than 3 cours. It just wouldn't work.
Reverb, Part 3!

>OK boss, let's drop this dude! Yoooooo!
>Part 3! Three Freeze!
>He's now within 16 feet!
Yeah the only issue is will they have a break or just have no breaks like DIU did
When would be a good time for them to have a break? I'd really like it if VA's anime was SDC-tier in terms of actual animation quality and detail but with the flare and color and personality of part 4/2's style.

Seriously, imagine VA with:
>An ED as good as part 1's
>The absolute style and flair of part 2's adaptation
>The brilliant animation and great detail in most of part 3's episodes
>The better usage of color, slick transitions, great OST and creative choices (like switching arcs or adding more scenes) of part 4's anime
It'd be their best work yet.
Little Jolyne photo next to the stardust crew one on Jotaro's desk.
I hope 5 gets the split season treatment, but I don't want it to be overbloated like the Stardust anime. Maybe one two cour stretch then a final cour after a break? Might be possible.
I thought of something. What if they do 13 Episodes have a 2-4 month break (basically have more breaks but not as long breaks as SDC). So VA Part 1 would start in September and end in December. VA Part 2 would start in March and go on till July. VA Part 3 would start in September and be 13 episodes ending in December 2018
Have shorter breaks but have 3 instead of 2
Might be my impatience but that'd be too much, I'd only be fine with that if the animation quality and detail were the best Jojo's looked in the anime up to date.
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I'll be right back guys can you watch my stack of napkins for me.
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quads of disgust
Why have any breaks of the part 5 train?
That'd work. I don't see them ending the second four at Mystery of King Crimson so the best end point before the break would be the end of Notorious B.I.G/Spice Girl since it has a scene of Diavolo saying he's going to kill them himself starting with Abbacchio and ends with their arrival in Sardegna like how the first season will f SC ended with the arrival in Egypt. Then the last cour can start right off the bat with Doppio and Risotto and go through to Green Day then the batshit ending.
Here's a thought - where would be the best place to end the first cour
A month break or so for each cour would be fine as long as it maintained some seriously good quality.
After Grateful Dead?
To keep the animation quality high. DIU Suffered because it had no breaks. VA especially due to its high action moments will need a break.
DIU "suffered" because david had to keep outsourcing to Koreans most of time like any Japanese company.
Yeah. I have no problem with that as VA needs to have quality animation in its fights. I am sure VA will be finished by the end of next year and the breaks between coers would be a good way of keeping animation quality up while allowing VA to start earlier
Having no breaks did have a negative effect in DIU in terms of animation (though honestly i think pepole would have complained about the slow pacing more if their was breaks)
I've actually looked into it before and the best places to end it. First cour should end after Purple Haze and Man in the Mirror since it's the last fight that introduces main characters and ends with them fulfilling the boss' second assignment. With all the character setup out of the way cour 2 can dive right into the action with Grateful Dead, which is so long that fitting it in the first cour means all those episodes would have to be like 5 chapters each with all the episodes in the second and third being 3 each.
You could say that was due to time constraints. Not shitting ont he part 5 anime because it's my favourite one so far but the part 5 anime really does need some breaks and a higher budget to truly become a great animated part.
Hopefully, I'd be down with that then. Really can't wait for part 5, feels like DP have gotten better and better with every part, they learn from their mistakes to make the end product of the next adaptation even better.

Still remember how much fucking glee I felt when I found out they didn't pull a DIO's World and the last 5 episodes of DiU were the best in the series.
Nah Grateful Dead is too far in. End it just before Grateful Dead with Man in the Mirror and then start cour 2 with Grateful Dead and end it with Notorious B.I.G and you're set.
*not shitting on the part 4 anime
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>not posting superior version OP
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>mfw I made one of those autistic episode lists for Part 5 and I'm pretty confident it's how DP will tackle it
If they wanted to spend more time on the animation then it'd cost them more. It's all behind the budget. I can't see it mattering much whether there's a break or not.
Except they're not, unless you want bruno first and you want it immediately.
Share it you fuck, I'm interested.
Its too bad that nigga looks like Pucci
You thinking 38 episodes again?
I'm going to cum if David has the Bruno face lick scene right before the OP starts on episode 2.
While budget is the most important thing time is still an issue. DiU didn't just feel cheap it felt rushed too. If you look at the BD comparisons a lot of the fixes are colouring and drawing issues that went unnoticed by editing that seem more like the work of them not having enough time than not having the money to pay someone to colour something correctly or not forget to draw in details or draw them properly. KQ in it's reveal was clearly a time issue more than anything else, an unmoving frame that bad would never be allowed unless they literally had nothing better to put there and didn't have time to make something better. If they took breaks during GW's anime then it'd at least make the animation more consistent and there'd be less QUALITY, regardless of the rest of the animation quality.
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God damn that fight was well animated as fuck. Part 4 might've been rushed at some points but at least they saved their money for the finale, unlike Part 3.

1 - Gold Experience 1-3 (3)
2 - Buccellati's Coming 1-3 (3)
3 - Buccellati's Coming 4-5 / Meet The Gangster Behind the Wall 1 (3)
4 - Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall 2 / Gang Enrolment 1-2 (3)
5 - Gang Enrolment 3-5 (3)
6 - Gang Enrolment 6 / 5 Plus 1 / Find Polpo's Fortune (3)
7 - The Mystery of Soft Machine 1-2 / Moody Blues Retaliation 1-2 (4)
8 - Sex Pistols 1-4 (4)
9 - Sex Pistols Arrives 5-6 / The Location of the 600 Million / Operative Buccellati; the Boss' First Assignment (4)
10 - Narancia's Aerosmith 1-4 (4)
11 - Narancia's Aerosmith 5-8 (4)
12 - The Boss' Second Assignment; Retrieve the Key / Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze 1-3 (4)
13 - Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze 4-7 (4)

14 - The Express Train Heading Towards Firenze 1-2 / The Grateful Dead 1-2 (4)
15 - The Grateful Dead 3-7 (5)
16 - The Grateful Dead 8-12 (5)
17 - Baby Face 1-4 (4)
18 - Baby Face 5-7 / Towards Venezia (4)
19 - Get the "OA-Disc" / White Album 1-3 (4)
20 - White Album 4-7 (4)
21 - The Boss' Last Orders / Bruno Buccellati's Youth / The Mystery of King Crimson 1-2 (4)
22 - The Mystery of King Crimson 3-6 (4)
23 - The 'G' in Guts / Clash and Talking Head 1-3 (4)
24 - Clash and Talking Head 4-7 (4)
25 - Flightcode: Null - Head for Sardegna / Notorious B.I.G 1-3 (4)
26 - Notorious B.I.G 4-6 / Spice Girl 1-2 (5)

the BTD episodes were honest to god breathtakingly-good, and CDIU was just straight-up amazing
>Changing Josuke and Kira's color palettes to the one from the iconic cover of the final DiU volume
Also helps like fuck that the final episode is the best final episode in the entire series so far, out of all the things I expected, them being able to top Kira's BTD sequence from ASB was not one of them and holy fuck was it good.
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Does anyone else think that the anime made Killer Queen too expressive?

I mean it looks good in general, but I always liked Killer Queen's blank expression that added an air of creepyness whenever it was around. In the anime they sometimes gave it that severe expression like in pic related or sometimes even made it look angry, like when BtD appeared.
That argument kind of falls apart when you remember what DIO's World looked like even with the season being split though.

27 - The Island of Sardegna - Storm Warning! / My Name is Doppio 1-2 (3)
28 - King Crimson vs. Metallica 1-4 (4)
29 - King Crimson vs. Metallica 5-6 / Like the Falling Sky / Pronto! On the Line 1 (4)
30 - Pronto! On the Line 2 / Destination: Rome; the Colosseum / Green Day and Oasis 1-2 (4)
31 - Green Day and Oasis 3-6 (4)
32 - Green Day and Oasis 7-10 (4)
33 - Green Day and Oasis 11-14 (4)
34 - They Called Him Diavolo 1 / A Brief Flashback / They Called Him Diavolo 2 / Before the Arrow (4)
35 - The Requiem Plays Quietly 1-4 (4)
36 - The Requiem Plays Quietly 5-8 (4)
37 - Diavolo Rising 1-5 (5)
38 - King of Kings / Gold Experience Requiem 1-4 / Sleeping Slaves 1 (5/6) (Sleeping Slaves 1 and GER 4 were released as one chapter and are the length of a single chapter and are intended to lead into one another without a break. Sleeping Slaves 2 recaps SS1 so it acts as a good hook for the animeonlies for the final episode to keep them guessing)
39 - Sleeping Slaves 2-5 (4)

Only thing I'm not too sure about is the slow pacing of the first couple episodes but they do that regardless except for Part 1, and the early stuff has plenty of room for additional scenes with Koichi and Jotaro plus they can do some heavy foreshadowing of later stuff if they want. The most exciting aspect of GW being 19 chapters shorter than DiU is that there's plenty of room to add additional scenes without rushing anything.
I mean there's a big difference between making 39 or 48 episodes but it showed in literally everything that wasn't DIO's World.
This was due to mismanaged budget, though.
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Shit, I should have looked at that picture more closely before posting it, that's not a very good example. Here's a slightly better one
Is part 9 being leaked ?http://youtu.be/SpsezVsd0No
The early design was definitely a mistake when they were clearly able to actually make KQ look good in the end. Still, I didn't dislike as much as some and it did get gradually less pissed off as time went along.
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I actually kind of liked the expressiveness, made KQ look really good sometimes.
So i keep wondering...
Is Jolyne waifu material?
I don't agree with that. DIO's World only happened to be the part where everybody finally noticed it because it had been hyped up for so long.

That's merely an assumption.
Here's in my opinion what the 1st season should be:

Episode 1: Gold Experince (GE Part 1-Jan 16, Buccellati's Coming Part 1)

Episode 2: Buccellati's Coming (Buccellati's Coming Part 2-5 maybe Entering the Gang Part 1)

Episode 3: Entering the Gang Part 1: (Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall Part 1- Entering the Gang Part 2)

Episode 4: Entering the Gang Part 2 (Entering the Gang Part 3 - Entering the Gang Part 6 with new Koichi Scene added in)

Episode 5: 5 Plus 1 (5 Plus 1 to Mystery Behind Soft Machine Part 1)

Episode 6: Moody Blue Retaliates (Mystery Behind Soft Machine Part 2-Sex Pistols Part 1)

Episode 7: Sex Pistols Appear (Sex Pistols Part 2 -6)

Episode 8: Hidden Orders from the Boss (The Hidden Orders from the Boss - Narancia Aerosmith Part 1)

Episode 9 - Narancia's Aerosmith Part 1 - (Narancia Aerosmith Part 2-4 -)

Episode 10 - Narancia's Aerosmith Part 2 (Narancia's Aerosmith Part 5-8)

Episode 11 - Man in the Mirror/Purple Haze Part 1 (Boss's Second Mission - Man in the Mirror Part 1 -4

Episode 12 - Man in the Mirror Part 2 (Man in the Mirror Part 5-7. Express Train Part 1)
Here's a thought - could they do VA as 36 Episodes with 12 episodes each season. It's possible
I really like the red eyes, the normal white eyes that Shueisha use always looked kind of off to me like they were trying too hard to make it organic and relatable when the point is that like most Stands it isn't instantly recognisable as organic or artificial and despite the silliness of the design it still has a kind of demonic look. The red eyes really suit it. I hope they keep green/real for King Crimson though.
I think 36 Episodes would be perfect for VA.
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I have no idea why they decided to change Killer Queen's design early on. I didn't think he was too expressive in BTD/CDIU, though. He was actually way more expressive in the manga, even opening his mouth at some points.
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>a single season
>12 episodes each
Nah TV stations don't order shows in that format in Nipland, it's either 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 39, 48 or 52. Or sub 12. They've gotta fit allotted time slots and it takes a lot of dick sucking to get a show with an unusual episode count aired because it requires actual work in scheduling rather than throwing it in a vacant time slot.
I don't want a lot of 3 Chapter Episodes because they feel kinda plodding (remember how the Baby Episode added filler), 4 Chapter Episodes are ideal
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A pool episode.
I think the 1st episode should end with Bruno appearing and saying taste of a liar with the second episode starting with Giorno Flashback then Intro
Yeah they're pretty boring a lot of the time, though some do work. Unfortunately 5 needs a couple early on to ensure the quality of the later stuff but a slightly drawn out Black Sabbath arc with some bonus scenes isn't too bad a tradeoff.
It's possible but incredibly unlikely because >>153496309 so don't hold your breath, there isn't a precedent for it.
I think they should add a scene with Jotaro and Koichi at the end of Black Sabbath Arc. They can even forshadow Polneraff
What's everyone's favorite part in JoJolion so far?
Nah they aren't gonna do 4 chapters in the first episode especially given how exposition heavy those first few are, though that would be one of the absolute best ways to end a first episode ever.
39 then would be ideal

Should VA have a break or not a break?
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Every instance of CQC, love of gravity, Hato going in, aisho getting BUSED
Damo for sure, though Beetle Tendency is a close second and Dolomiti has potential. Damo's arc is literally one of the best story arcs in the entire series, while I don't think Araki has ever really lost it that arc was proof to me he still has it and better than ever.
It's sad the worst parts of VA (The Opening couple of arcs) will likely look the best. I don't mind the opening arcs of VA but it's slightly in the boring side till we get introduced to the rest of the gang
>DIU has one more BD than both halves of SDC put together despite having nine less episodes
They're gonna be megajews again with GW, aren't they?
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Damo's arc. Especially Hato's stand reveal. That got me so hype. Plus her stand is already one of my favorites design wise in JJL
If it means that the animation quality improves, then sure. But if they're still forced to use Koreans then might as well have no brakes on this train.
Baby Face will probably not be that well animated because Train Fights and White Album are right next to it
What fight are you most excited to see animated? To me it is 7 page long MUDA
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Mystery of King Crimson, Man in the Mirror, WHITE ARUBAMA,Metallica and 50 censors darker are all tied for me.
Torture dance
Everything, even Baby Face. Also, Romi Park should voice Giorno. His ASB voice actor was weak.
Do you think they will change Baby Face? I don't think a stand based around rape would be good for DP.
>Giorno sounding like a 10 year old girl
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>thinking japan would change rape material
What's your least favourite VA Fight
Well, they censor a fucking cigar.
Metallica, Mystery of King Crimson, Clash, Grateful Dead, Notorious BIG
thats because Jotaro is underage and smoking is no good.
Japan also thinks its okay to show little dick so im pretty sure a stand raping a woman and forcing her to bear its child is no problem.
Soft Machine, and that's saying something because even then the fight had a lot of great moments that made it enjoyable. Part 5's like the only part that doesn't have a single "eh" fight.
>Romi Park
That would butcher the character so hard.
>Giorno sounding like a 10 year old girl
Soft Machine.
I'd say Baby Face, but that has some good Giorno moments.
What if the song they choose for the ED is in Italian
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Yes. Romi's MUDA's are music to my ears while Daisuke's are weak as hell. It's like the difference between Goku's Japanese and English voice. The dub may have a more "fitting" voice actor, but the original has way more emotion.
Most of the fights in part 5 meld into one for me, it's hard to point out any of them that stick out in either a positive or negative way.
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It is going to be Gangsta Paradise by Coolio. My dad works at David and he confirmed
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My mother OWNS david productions and says that your dad has been sleeping in the custodians closet for 2 days now and needs to leave.
Her MUDAs are the only thing she does right. Daisuke's speaking voice is better for Giorno otherwise.
But my dad literally IS David. This is unfair.
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and your dad needs to leave the premises. They've been divorced for a while now.
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Akira Ishida for Doppio
i think 0 would work better
haha oh (you)
Would Diavolo fuck Doppio if he was able to separate from him? Or would he kill him?
>I don't feel like arguing.
>"Not an argument."

Are you an idiot?
I made the OP image last thread from a request actually. OP must have gotten lazy
>replying to a post from 7 hours ago
are you?
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>I really liked the ASB/EOH VA's for the part 5 cast.
If the anime were released in the same time as DBZ, what would change now?
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Who are you quoting?
>filler episode where jotaro is sent to hell and has to fight the pillar men
>The Sun pt. 5
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shitty soundtrack
fights would last 5 or 4 episodes with 20 seconds of fighting
DIO's WORLD would be 7 episodes with 4 of them being flashback

Kira being foreshadowed and the last three enemy stand users before Kira being an arc were all great additions.

One of the few problems i have with part 4 is the lack of foreshadow Kira receives. It's almost as if Araki had created him in the chapter he first appears.
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Nobody I accidentally green-texted
>Shitty soundtrack
>When DB had an amazing soundtrack
I can remember basically nothing from the Mista fight scene on the truck to the end of the part so the anime will be a nice change of pace.
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>shitty soundtrack
I hope you're talking about the Bruce Faulconer soundtrack.
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Yes im talking about the Bruce soundtrack.
Only Dragonball ive seen in Jap is original and Super. but lets not discuss it here.
Why does Gay Priest have a golden stand?
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Why not both

Honestly I don't think Diavolo would be able to kill Doppio, he didn't even kill his girlfriend and he was much closer to Doppio in more ways than one. Maybe he'd just lock Doppio up in a vault.
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Have my RNG fanfic.
Really? It was a pretty fun fight.
Sex Pistols is one of the best Stands in JoJo
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>windows 10
Would you marry Jolyne?
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>People giving GD&O three episodes
>One will be QUALITY
>Two will be two minutes of muda
>Three will be kino because everyone loves Bruno

Just throw me in the trash senpai
I already did

I would love to see one of the Part 5 Intros be similar to this but with less spoilers
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Is there a good place to keep up on development of the anime?
Gappy's creation is a real tear jerker
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The reference at first almost zipped by my head.

I'm like "wtf do Giorno and Cee Lo Green in all Gol-"
Do you think they will censor the whole body part got chopped up and emailed scene
sent in packages
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They'll probably stuff them in packages and just show the face reaction of opening it.
Who got mailed the dick slice?
La Squadra is going to receive a giant block of blackness
Will Joshu have a proper fight?
Will Kyo ever be relevant again
Will we have a fight in the Morio stadium?
Will we have Kaato/Jobin flashback?
Will we have Johnny expanded flashback?
Will we have a supreme lord of all rock humans that will tell us about his fight against SBRJoseph during WW2?
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Really fits in with today's time
You mean fits in with /pol/ becoming more obnoxious than ever? Seems so.
How many KKK rallies do you actually think are happening each year?
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>a cuck
nice nu-/pol/
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I meant that they punished him because of racemixing and not enrico who is the black one
Back then, Money was worth more than race.
I don't follow
he researched weather and found out that his mom fucked a black guy so he went after him, but ignored the fact that enrico is a black guy when the whole point is that he was supposed to be racist and hate black guys
I don't get it. What does that have to do with your first post?
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Why is there no JoJo themed Doom Megawad?
It fits in with todays time as in /pol/ and /int/ talking about forced race mixing propaganda in movies and TV shows
No it doesn't.
What would you like the OPs,EDs to be like in terms of tone and visuals. I don't think they will be 3D Animated as cool as that would be
Look up Kira DOOM mod.
How many breads have you eaten in your life?
I still think Gangsta's Paradise would be the perfect ED, maybe something somber in tone especially for the latter half with some symbolic colour imagery on the gang members that survived and the ones that didn't.
That's just a basic gameplay mod though. A megawad is something like Scythe 2 or Memento Mori.
Because Trump's shitty governing making USD weaker.
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Holy fuck this shot looks amazing, the detail and color is superb.
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Please post and talk about speed King
Thank you
LoL! Epic Trump Bait Meme My friend XDDD
It made me LOL (laugh out Loud xD)
It is ugly as fuck
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ugliest stand yet
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He's been in office for how many days now?
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post cutes
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Dinopants is not cute!
that's where you're wrong kiddo
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Like two/three weeks?

Stop posting this immediately.
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I want it's user to lick my eye while Speed King keeps my tea warm.

It's a pretty useful stand for everyday life
>Instant reheating for tea/coffee
>Heated bed, chairs, ect
>Get the temperature just right in the shower
>Makes cooking generally more efficency >Melt locks
>Make dope wood burning art
>nosebleed fuckers you hate
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is joubin a rock man?
>shoving three full length arcs into 4 anime episodes

It really wasnt
you know what, you're just mentally handicapped that's all, get off the internet, go take your meds
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>the world will never go down on your stando

why live?
Yeah, I really see a lot of mixed race kids being beaten by klansmen every day.
Killer Queen looks so shy.
It was though? The only negative bit was they cut out a chapter of Superfly, but the whole arc was handled really well. Hell Cheap Trick was better in the anime than it was in the manga, and the additional scenes they added to stitch the fights together were well done and they made Yoshihiro out to be a much more competent villain while also showing that he found Kira rather than having him randomly be by his side in BTD.

The Enigma and Cheap Trick episodes were really good highlights before the final arc, and it made three arcs that felt like padding before the finale actually feel like an all-out final attack against the group, a big penultimate arc if you will. Can't see why that's bad.
I want /pol/ to go back to their retard quarantine
>I still think Gangsta's Pa-
Into the trash with you
Besides Gangsters Paradise which ED song would you like to see
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You want to fucking go mate?
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i love these
Because everything you just said is purely subjective shit with no real points.
I'd say you're straight up stupid for thinking they did Cheap Trick BETTER when they tore that arc to fucking shreds.
But you're one of those people who uses words like "padding" and "filler" to describe "shit I didn't like in this weekly shounen" so I don't really expect much
I want people to stop trying to trigger /pol/ in the first place. They're the ones to blame.
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Why didn't blond Kira get any color changes in the anime? Would've loved to see purple suit + purple hair like pic related and that one cover.
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Its the Smash Mouth of Part 5
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You sound like a really fun guy. I'd say the points about making Yoshihiro out to be a more competent villain by showing how he recognised Kira and how he orchestrated having the other Stand users to attack Josuke and the group at once is a pretty objective way of showing him as a good villain.
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Just because it's the most popular pick doesn't mean it's the meme pick like Smash Mouth, still a pretty good song and it'd work relatively well with part 5.
I'd have absolutely no qualms though if a King Crimson song was the ED.
We will likely get something unexpected..or King Crimson
At least it's only a meme in this fandom for this specific reason and you can listen to it without some autist going "SHREK IS MY DADDY XD"
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>Thinking Fripp would allow anybody use his music
One short filler scene that exists to tie-up loose ends for TVtrope level thinkers does not validate the poorly pasted together mess that was the July whatever-day episodes. The only passable one was the bulk of Enigma, and even then I could sit down and point out every scene where DP cut corners on animation.
Animation cuts aren't the point here. I'm just saying it doesn't help that it's a motion comic crapfest 1/2 the time, AND THEN they go and decide to take liberties with 20 chapters worth of shit, and decide to just clumsily shove it altogether.
It didn't feel like a 'pen-ultimate arc' it felt like a goddamn rush to the end.
There was a King Crimson song in Children of Men so it isn't completely out of the question.
not him, but you sound like a gigantic fucking faggot haha holy shit.
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Have you not seen his blog? He's been sharing King Crimson (the Stand) memes, so he's pretty aware of the series now.
The only episode that felt rushed was Superfly, everything else mixed pretty well like the Enigma episodes and Cheap Trick as a whole was paced perfectly while also not being as much of a drag as it was in the manga. Literally my only issue with the arc was they cut out a chapter of Superfly and some of the QUALITY in the latter episodes, but we still got some great shit as well like pic related
>Can't defend crap anime episodes

Nice, why even open your trap, kiddo? :^)
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Yall niggas need to know, ya dont respond to b8
Would you mind if they choose an Italian Song for VA's ED
You're gonna get shat on for being aggressive, but I do agree with what you're saying. I also don't get why people are so eager to overlook the huge cut Superfly received.
>the Enigma episodes and Cheap Trick as a whole was paced perfectly while also not being as much of a drag as it was in the manga

The opinion of someone with AD/HD and a low-grade reading level.
It takes longer to watch anime than it does to read a manga, and if that statement is not true to you then there is *no* arguing any kind of sense because you were too concerned with getting to the end to actually give a shit about what you were reading.
Why even pretend you're a Jojo fan when you advocate the original story being cut to shit.
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lol this is like the 30th time i've seen you taking it up the ass in these threads. sad nigga sad!
>he-he...he's insulting my favorite aNIMEEE!!
>i-its just...b-bait! haha....

Really pathetic. Why don't you get some girl to suck those balls out of you and back into your sack?
>You're gonna get shat on for being aggressive
It's because 4chan is filled with underage kids who legit get upset at bad words being slung their way.
It's like a fucking highschool in here.

>boooo!! boooohooooo!!!!
Keep crying, bitch.
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dont even reply.
>they choose That's Amore
>Episode ends on Abbachio's death
>d-dont reply..just post memes..haha!
>i-its like when the school bullies comment on your f-facebook!! haha...just post memes!!
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The cut was what made the episode the worst episode in the arc in my opinion, but I still think the whole arc was done very well and overall was a step up from the manga. I don't get why people are so eager to shit on it as if it did nothing good though.
>The opinion of someone with AD/HD and a low-grade reading level.
Did you run out of things to say? The Enigma episodes were done pretty damn well with fantastic usage of OST and style, they replicated the trippy effect of the Stand pretty much perfectly in the anime and they even fixed the way Teru gets defeated so it actually made sense unlike in the manga. For Cheap Trick all they did was cut out some gags that were pretty much a repeat of the same thing, the arc lost no impact from cutting out a few gags on how Cheap Trick's couldn't walk properly because of Cheap Trick and the crawl to the alleyway as well as the showing of Rohan's gradual "sanity decline" was done perfectly thanks to how good the usages of colour were in those scenes.
David did way too well on the Cheap Trick defeat and Enigma like god damn.
Rohans Pasty Pale ass being completely helpless.
Teru the Gecko's Enigma coloring was out of this world.

That would be a cool ED
do you have the 'burgs or the 'tism?
Make the crew dance scene into a full-on ED with silly rap music a la the Oingo Boingo and Hol Horse & Boingo ED
And have literally every single crew member, their stands, previous enemies, their stands, and Koichi do it.
and once the part is over, release a full-length version with all the characters doing the dance and singing the stupid rap song. Like a UNITS version but with the characters
>this video is not available
>they even fixed the way Teru gets defeated so it actually made sense unlike in the manga.
It was exactly the same, though. Since you don't seem to remember the manga at all with your inclination towards the anime somehow being better while being shit 1/2 the time visually.
>For Cheap Trick all they did was cut out some gags that were pretty much a repeat of the same thing
Actually they cut half the arc into previous episodes and the actual Cheap Trick episode was 3-4 chapters dragged out to shit. Nevermind that they forced the idea that it happens all in the same day, which makes the time restraint even more retarded, but then cut scenes like Rohan sleeping that would have helped make their bullshit make more sense. Oh well though, who gives a shit about most of part 4 anyway?
>Rohan's gradual "sanity decline" was done perfectly thanks to how good the usages of colour were in those scenes.
If you say so.
If you had a brain in your head, you'd realize just how hard it is to make the argument you're making.
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Hopefully this one is available
>hahah!!...look they called me this in s-school!
>ill call these i-internet b-bullies that! take that!

I'm just 'aving a giggle ova 'ere m8 :'^D
Anime KQ is trash
I was joking when I thought of it, but I actually really want it as an ED now. At least for the first half
kq is trash period
This would be the most odd choice as the ED yet i can sort of see it happening.
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Friend, you might want to read the manga. This was how Enigma was defeated in the manga with the pages somehow joining together, in the anime Enigma was defeated by Highway Star seperating into pieces to grab the pages and pull them out of the shredder instead.
>Dragged out the arc
Out of all the things that it was, dragged out was definitely something it wasn't. It was pretty straight forward, and sure it's a shame they cut the sleeping-pizza gag but why would Rohan fall asleep with a Stand like that on his back? Him being awake the whole time shows him being alert, which is more smart if anything.
Since his body was technically hit with the arrow and he should have a connection with Diavolo regardless, is Doppio a stand user?
He's a stand user when he's inside Diavolo, but he doesn't seem to be one without him because Diavolo still had Epitaph.
Hard to say but im pretty sure yes.
He could see metallica on Risotto's severed leg
but this was when Diavolo lent DOppio KC's Arms and Epitaph
>Since you don't seem to remember the manga at all
>He says, completely forgetting how Enigma was defeated in the manga
This is too rich.
Yeah - i would an old school, slow paced song for the ED. Like something out of Frank Sinatra
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We can all agree that the Part 5 and DP hatefags are the most autistic people in these threads, right?
Friend, you might wanna understand that I only ever watched the anime once, but I've read the manga multiple times.
Your correct option would have been correcting me on the anime, because I don't remember it being changed.
But faggots are so quick to try to criticize people about the manga, because memes.
>Out of all the things that it was, dragged out was definitely something it wasn't. It was pretty straight forward
It was pretty dragged out. It's the small things, the little useless pans over and etc that fill in the seconds so less content will fill an episode's worth of shit.
I think Cheap Trick is the episode that got the Yoshishiro scene AND that useless Jotaro crap.
>and sure it's a shame they cut the sleeping-pizza gag but why would Rohan fall asleep with a Stand like that on his back? Him being awake the whole time shows him being alert, which is more smart if anything.
Because he was up all night developing photos, and he just had to keep calm sit down and wait.
They also cut way more than just the fucking delivery scene, but you go ahead and make this argument that it makes more sense for Rohan to be constantly alert even though he was alone inside his house waiting on help when he fell asleep
Something that represents the Italian Setting..or KC
I suspect Part 5 will have a similar artstyle to Part 4 but have better animation
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Jorge Joestar and all its fever dream wisdom actually plays with that, with the fact Doppio got seperated from Diavolo, playing with the 'rouge stand' theory. Doppio is a fucking enigma in that book
Cool meme, what's it like to have a brain that runs on retarded jokes made up by Anonymous on the internet?
Is it just like an empty space?
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No question about it, hatefags in general are the most autistic people in these threads.
I highly doubt they will drastically change up the artstyle for Part 5 since Part 5 is very similar to Part 4 in artstyle
I don't hate DP, I hate the industry.
Making an anime out of most things in our decade of 2010 is a mistake.
>Part 5 is very similar to Part 4 in artstyle
What? No it isn't.
The industry's shit but I'm just happy as hell to have an adaptation like the ones we're getting instead of pulling the short straw and getting something as god-awful as Berserk 2016.
Do you think they will heavily change the artstyle from Part 4 to Part 5
Is it?
I didnt found them that different
That's pretty dumb considering some of the opinions I've heard about that wretched shit (didn't watch, had it shortly described) I can easily apply to things in the part 3+4 anime both.
I'm thinking so. I hope it's as colorful and nice to look at as part 4's colorful and sleek designs while also having a bit more detail to it so it looks better while also still making for fluid animation.
How come in those little doodles Araki does Doppio is always pissed and Diavolo is smiling?
Late part 4 and part 5 are pretty similar in style, so I doubt it'll change much. It might get a rougher lineart and palette, maybe
I mean, you could, but I don't think they'd be anywhere near as valid. I enjoy the jojo anime more because it genuinely feels like they have true passion put in them. One episode of Berserk 2016 is worse than the 5 worst episodes in the entire JoJo anime combined.
Switching them up. Diavolo might have been hyper-bipolar before developing a split persona, which is why Diavolo is this hyper paranoid guy who is on edge all the time and Doppio is just kind of aloof.
Wouldn't you be happy that you had a twink inside you.
The same works for Doppio, wouldn't you be upset you had to be inside a smelly NEET.
I don't know, DIO's World was a pretty big let down. Especially after seeing what they did with some other arcs in the same season.
David Production has made plenty of mistakes but on the whole i wouldn't want JoJo to be animated by anyone else
Oh true, they did fuck up DIO's World greatly but at the same time it's apparent they've learnt a lot from their mistakes. Aside from screwing up Quiet Life 1, they absolutely nailed the finale this time to make BTD, CDIU and the last episode the best episodes in the adaptation so far (in my opinion). I have great faith that the part 5 anime will be the culmination of their experience and it'll be their best work yet.
>implying doppio wouldn't be turned on by his BO
Likewise, they capture the spirit of the series so damn well it's hard to imagine others doing better. Shit like changing the OPs to reflect the main villain's Stand or beautiful stuff like the Great Days UNITS. version make me feel grateful to have them.
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>they absolutely nailed the finale this time to make BTD, CDIU and the last episode the best episodes in the adaptation so far (in my opinion).
If you ask me, they have yet to top how I felt about pic related's episode when I watched it. I was pretty blown away.
For me the best thing they've ever done was BTD 1. The entire scene of Rohan finding Hayato and triggering BTD was done masterfully, the quality was golden, the style was fully there and the way they built up tension had me on the edge of my seat even though I knew what was going to happen.
>When the music picks up when Rohan thinks he's onto Kira's identity but suddenly cuts flat when the words "Rohan Kishibe was also killed" show up.
It also helps too that the scene in BTD 2 where they showed the whole gang exploding with Hayato falling back into BTD's effects was one of the first moments in the whole series to actually take my breath away.
>but on the whole i wouldn't want JoJo to be animated by anyone else

Jeez, DP should pay you for reviews.
If you're the samefag who is defending the 'pen ultimate arc' crap, do me a favor and reply
I don't have all day for this shit
Do you have that much of an issue with people enjoying the anime? You could just stick to the manga you know.
Calm your autism, man
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I have literally no issue with that, I have an issue with people poorly selling the argument that DP did anything better than the manga did.
Because there is no ground to stand on when it comes to those three arcs. There's multiple other things you can argue were better than the manga, and I'd agree. Like pic related being fixed.

Kill yourself, anon. There's no use for people who don't want to spend time to type more than a single sentence crying about a disease that is not nearly as wide-spread as you are forcing yourself to believe because of what 4chan tells you.
Davidshills are only above hatefags tho, they're sewer people
Okuyasu kinda looks like the guy from Kamen Rider drive
Keicho actually looks pretty damn good.
A possible PHF OVA.
I'm pretty sure that the MP 40s were not THAT big
Proof that Germany was on its A game.
A shame they couldn't overcome the Ruskies and their Lemmings tactics
Keicho looks pretty good, but Oku? That's where it went wrong.
Your posts honestly give off the impression that you think the anime is complete irredeemable garbage. Of course the manga is better but I don't think the anime is at all a bad adaptation, especially considering the year it was made in.
I mean, I'm still waiting to see how he acts in the movie first. Looks can be deceptive, I remember thinking Okuyasu's design for the part 4 anime didn't look good until I saw it in action.
More importantly no one can beat Russian Winter.
The anime goes up and down in quality because of how defunct and robbed the industry is, so DP is getting a standard adaption budget. When they choose to go up and when they choose to go down is often incorrect, I feel.
But most of it is fine, but when it fucks up it fucks up hard. I didn't even have as much of an issue with Quality Queen as I did Superfly/Engima/CheapTrick being clusterfucked and slathered with pointless shit featuring other characters, but it's like that anon from before said, I'm being 'too aggressive'.
I gotta point out that the way I post hasn't changed in all the time I've been on this cesspool of a site, and people only gradually started to find issue with it in the past 5-6 years.
Maybe the Germans should've read some history books instead of burning everything they found
Holy shit I'm retarded I thought that was Mikitaka
I didn't even read the fucking name on the poster
I wonder if Mikitaka will be in the movie
How long you've been posting doesn't change the fact that you're a cunt. David did as much justice as those fights deserved with July 15th.

All you've done is show how shit your taste is for caring so much about filler fights to begin with. "I don't have all day for this shit" my ass.
>all this talk about a movie

wtf, there's gonna be a movie?
How long it's been does seem to determine just how many pussbag kids have migrated from their baby forums and facebook onto 4chan so they can be
>anon and adult
It's really fucking laughable when people start crying about how mean I am.
>David did as much justice as those fights deserved
And here we come with these "Jojo fans". I don't get why you niggers are even in here. Why don't you go fuck off to some other 'battle shounen'. I'm really sick of talking to fucking 15 year-olds pretending to be 18+ and femanons who need to stay on their blogs.
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Holy shit they actually do good ass fucking hair. Keicho looks amazing. I have faith in this live action.
There's going to be a bunch of Part 4 live action movies.
At least two of them, in fact. The one that will be released this year has "chapter one" in its title.

Personally I think Takashi Miike is for the birds, but I expect a lot of people here are going to enjoy it for being wacky.
inb4 shitty cgi standos
inb4 sweaty japanese men covered in paint
You're unreasonably aggressive and seem to think your opinions are the truth. You are very annoying. That's why anons are "crying about how mean you are". Also, if /jojo/ is just too full of children for you, why don't you just go anywhere else? You being a fag here isn't going to scare them away.
I'll rephrase; David gave those arcs as much justice as they deserved.

You at least see why we're better off with July 15th as is right? You see why it had to be done that way, yes?
>You're unreasonably aggressive and seem to think your opinions are the truth.
Stop reading my posts with an angry voice, and most of the time I try to keep my opinions on on-track with what is true, and let me tell you that those arcs, which you already think are shit, are even shittier in the anime.
>You are very annoying. That's why anons are "crying about how mean you are". Also, if /jojo/ is just too full of children for you, why don't you just go anywhere else? You being a fag here isn't going to scare them away.
I'm annoying to self-important over-opinionated retards like you, because I'm you if you had the nuts to be a dick, you're probably too beta to say shit even anonymously online. And while these threads are filled with children and man-children alike who are INCREDIBLY impressionable and willing to parrot my (correct) opinions for me while I'm not in these threads.
So I come in and scream the loudest and act like a huge dick so people will pay attention to what I'm saying, and not the retarded shit you're trying to sell.
It can be annoying and they can sit back and have an aneurysm while reading my posts, but I'm getting what I want out of this.
>I'll rephrase; David gave those arcs as much justice as they deserved.
You didn't rephrase anything, you fucking idiot.
You just repeated yourself. Stop trying to act smart.
>You at least see why we're better off with July 15th as is right? You see why it had to be done that way, yes?
Because they had to fit everything in under 40 episodes despite part 4 being longer than 3 which had 48 episodes?
The budget given to them? Pointless filler to keep up continuity for people who had an autistic fit when each arc ended episodically in the manga?
All of the above?
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I smells a samefag.
You're a fucking genius.
You know you're supposed to call samefag when someone is attempting to pretend to be different anons and shill for the same opinion, right?
I'm just replying to you idiots.
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>Stop reading my posts with an angry voice
>I'm annoying to self-important over-opinionated retards like you, because I'm you if you had the nuts to be a dick, you're probably too beta to say shit even anonymously online.
>If you had a brain in your head, you'd realize just how hard it is to make the argument you're making.
>Why don't you get some girl to suck those balls out of you and back into your sack?
>Keep crying, bitch.
Really makes me think.
>no reply
>just will smith meme image
Really makes ME think.
Autism speaks.
I wish it would shut up.
Yeah, it sounds like the crest-fallen anon who can't function beyond two words.
Just stop feeding it attention.
I wish you would kill yourself, and that ain't happening so I guess I'm not going anywhere.
Ignoring the fact that I've been ever present in Jojo threads forever, I even watch silently as you all fetish post and prove what scumbag degenerates you are.
Really doesn't help when you're calling me autistic and crying.
>who are INCREDIBLY impressionable and willing to parrot my (correct) opinions for me while I'm not in these threads
Hold on, what? You do realize people might have the same opinion as you independently of you, right? Are you calling people sheep for agreeing with you now?
>I even watch silently as you all fetish post and prove what scumbag degenerates you are.
Did you have to write that so lewdly? Stop turning people on.
JoJo characters made for rape and torture

Weather Report
They could have the same opinion naturally, but I also noticed an influx of part 5 appreciation after I forced myself on every retarded kid until they called boogeyman on me
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Part 5 appreciation increased after they put out the new, actually good translation.
Don't get such a big head, any dramatic increase in part 5 appreciation is because these threads are rapidly infested with tumblr.
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Cool meme, definitely substitutes a response and doesn't make me roll my eyes.
>not a single girl
No, it didn't, because half the kids who roll into these threads won't even make an account for Batoto.

That does have a lot to do with it, but I've seen shit I've said be re-posted practically word for word minus the 'mean' parts.
Fact is, no one is gonna listen unless you're a dickhead.
>look at me I'm a chad on /a/
Wow impressive
Cool you get it. Look, considering how well they pulled off BtD/CDiU, I say grouping smaller arcs together the way they did works well.
It wasn't perfect and I'm sure they'll do better in future parts, but It's far preferable to having a slogfest like with SC.

You're not going to tell me you actually liked how drawn out that got, are you?
>not being a fag
Dumb faggot.
I want hermes to kick me in the balls a bunch of times
>no one is gonna listen unless you're a dickhead.
It's the exact opposite, actually. Don't you feel like no one is listening to you in this thread? It's because you're a dickhead.
This. Better translations are gaining it more love, and the inevitable adaptation will surely help as well.
I didn't realize you'd get enough air for brain activity with your head so far up your fucking ass.
Get more pathetic, retard.
>Cool you get it. Look, considering how well they pulled off BtD/CDiU, I say grouping smaller arcs together the way they did works well.
It wasn't perfect and I'm sure they'll do better in future parts, but It's far preferable to having a slogfest like with SC.

You're not going to tell me you actually liked how drawn out that got, are you?
Of course not. Actually, if you had switched the episode amounts for 3 and 4, things would have worked out better for both.
Oh well though, so much for the Jojo anime.
But why the fuck do you even care? You misuse the word filler and don't even give a shit about the arcs themselves.
i want her to stick and unstick me until i'm a bloody pulp.

want to join forces?
No Jojo girl is made for that.
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You do realize that you can just not reply to him, right?
Chadanon is CUTE!
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Some are.
>It's the exact opposite, actually. Don't you feel like no one is listening to you in this thread?
Untrue. I feel like everyone is listening and that's why other posts have slowed to a crawl. The fetish posters only spoke up because I mentioned them.
Get real, faggot.

Keep moaning, it excites the group I just formerly mentioned.
>He mentioned us again
Keep doing it please.
Chadanon is worst girl!
Fuck off out of this thread, Chadanon is the hero we need.
As long as it's relevant.
Keep thinking about the fact that I'm usually up all night watching you people do this while I wait for someone to post about LITERALLY anything else
Chadanon pleasures old men for money!
You sound like a fucking voyeur, I didn't know you were one of us. Welcome to the degenerate side of jojo threads man.
Chadanon is P U R E.
Chadanon is boring. Every time he pipes up, the threads derail into dull shit.
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>while I wait for someone to post about LITERALLY anything else
You could probably post something that encourages mature discourse if you hate fetish talk so much. Just don't do it like you did upthread.
That's because Chadanon only thinks fun things can be done irl, we need to show him the way.
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>But why the fuck do you even care? You misuse the word filler and don't even give a shit about the arcs themselves.
I was trying to piss you off, retard

I've just never seen someone voice they're dislike for July 15th so vehemently. It has its problems, but it is what it is.
It doesn't bother me as much as stupid faggots like you bother me. I'm happy to quietly lurk that weird shit while all you kids are in bed.
Fetish posting has always been a thing on every board in someway or another.
>Chadanon's experienced stuff from all threads
This just gets better and better.
Why? It just made me think you were a fucking idiot.
>I've just never seen someone voice they're dislike for July 15th so vehemently. It has its problems, but it is what it is.
I've had almost this exact same thing happen in like 3 other threads, I often think it's the same fucking guy every time too.
It seems we're connected by the red string of fate, anon, we're destined to clash heads every time someone brings up July 15th.
What part of
>ever present
don't you fucking understand? But keep calling me a chad as I explain how much attention I keep on a thread filled with Anonymous retards with discussion based around Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Chadanon can fit 3 dicks in his mouth and sing the national anthem!
Chad anon a slut! A SLUT!
Why couldn't you guys have started arguing when we hit like 450 posts instead?
Don't get so feisty man, we're all just ordinary guys on here.
Chadanon is an example to us all, have some respect for the guy dammit.
It's 「gravity」
chadanon's parents were ignoring him again so he had to seek attention in a jojo thread
Patriotism like that turns me on.
Who the fuck cares, you people are quick at making those new threads, and I bet there's more than one Jojo thread active at this moment.

>we're all just ordinary guys on here.
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I'm sorry I ever said the word chad.
I didn't think it would lead to so much shitposting.
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Show me your favorite MADs, everyooooooone~!
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You have to take responsibility
I knew what was coming.
Should have just kept calling me autistic
RIP lizard anon. You didn't deserve to be hit by a truck.
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ジョジョ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaXJyB6iqH08jwK5-IUYJ0avWcTAGyyyC
I chuckled at the Gryo Teddy Bear bit.
That's the best rendition of Narancia I've seen.
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What you think of part 8 Kira?
A nice OP/ED
A nice soundtrack
The really iconic scenes treated with care
Good voice actors

That's all I need to be content.

What I'd like to see but not necessarily expect:
A little more care given to Narancia's death.
A little more interactions with Giorno and the crew
Giving some of the iconic fights good animation
Not fucking up the pacing
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This one

Wow why don't you two just kiss already you sissy homofags
A-anon that's like 4 people including me
How do 4 people kiss at once
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That argument ended like half an hour ago anon.
A better explained Gold Experience (non Requiem).
Why'd koyasu's performance for dio get so much better in part 3 compared to 1?
He seemed kind of going through the motions to me compared to part 1 or ASB.
My favorite Part 8 character
>brutal as fuck, probably where Gappy gets it from
>normies get off my beach REEEE
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Why is it that the adaptation of DIO's World is so hated? I'm not arguing that it was good, I just don't get why everyone dislikes it.
It looked like shit when it aired, and the climax isn't paced as well as it could be.
>Punch stuff
>Stuff turns into living creatures
>This includes cells of any kind, like human tissue, allowing for regeneration
>If it punches a living creature, it "supercharges" with life (it will experience time much slower, and therefore pain Will last longer). This might have disappeared
>If a living creature GE created is attacked, it will reflect back the damage at the attacker. This was removed because of broken-ness
That's it
Why was Josuke so pale in the anime?
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Because despite being the most iconic battle of the franchise, it had the most QUALITY of the entire season. Like it's really clear they either ran out of time or money, when shit like Dark Blue Moon had better and more consistent visuals.
That said the QUALITY is mostly contained to the middle-part of episode 47, and the BDs did fix *some* of the more glaring problems ala >>153506555 but it's still a pretty big fuck-up. I still really like the fight though and it's probably the one I've rewatched the most.
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Oh shit, I didn't even notice.
There's many bad ones, but a lot of these are hardly an issue when they're shown for maybe 1 second far away from the camera.
Name a part with better villains than Part 5.
Pro tip: You can't
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We can all agree that HFTF is an excellent fighting game but has a garbage fanbase, right?
I'd argue that part 5 had the best fights in the entire series, severely underrated part.
otherwise, i agree.
also, which characters do you think they are made for bullying?
That's by far the samiest and least varied bunch of villains though.
I love Narancia!
I love Narancia stop this wintermute.
What's so bad about it compared to other fighting game fanbases?
fix sleeping slaves why the fuck did it even exist
It's a small community that usually has only around 10-40 players a day, yet manages to be just as toxic as some of the larger fighting games fanbases.
It's going to be even weirder in anime form. I don't see how they can possibly place it any earlier without spoiling the fuck out of the ending, and then it's going to take up at least a whole episode before it all wraps up.

Part 1 has the best fights
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What did he mean by this?
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this man's fat ass is holding The next chapter hostage.
>just as toxic
But what do they do?
What did anon mean by this?
He left one of the books on his chair and didn't notice it when he sat down
It was my favorite manga before JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Pretty fun to read, but the story is somewhat cliche and it sucks that literally everyone who can fight dies.
shit on new players, be a dick to people unprovoked, just act like overall pieces of shit.

My computer fucked for a sec, we good now.
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Really? The pastebin says otherwise
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