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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 578
Thread images: 150

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Why did Gowasu change his hairstyle?
kys faggot
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reminder that the ''most people here watch Super just for the trainwreck'' meme was indeed just a meme
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This is Goku Burakku.

Say something nice about him.
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Yamamuro killed DB
Nope. Bad writing can't justify Freezer Burn's genocide and dickery.
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He's /ourguy/
Why would I do that?
He fucked up at not killing Goku before he went SSJ
He's very sexually attractive
That angel looks high as fuck. I bet he doesn't even know what the fuck is happening right now.
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Black hugs Zamasu.jpg
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He loves Zamasu.
that angel looks high as fuck
what do you people think your life will be like when episode 77 eng dubbed is released? Since it is a very very long time from now.
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I didn't think Shin would be this comfortable around Majin "Dai Kaio Killer" Buu.
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I think we should all apologize to this hero and revive him with the dragon balls

Its Shaggy
Because he's Punished Zama---Gowasu now.
He showed off a SUBARASHI side of Nozawa-san's acting chops.

You are now imagining ChaosDukemon with Black's voice.
I miss Zarbon.
Why do you NINGEN keep posting my pupil hugging all the time don't you need to destroy something?
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Toyo Goku.png
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Reminder Toei Goku a shit
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bad art syle. low quality. little detail. animation is dumpy.

like how does toriko have better everything than DBS.
Can't wait to see Gohan eat shit again
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Calling it: Buu vs Doggo fight is going to be the SS4 reference; when buu absorbs said Doggo.
left is gohan right is vegeta, am i right?
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Drawfag here. Did I do it right?
>furry buu
>SS4 reference
>don't you need to destroy something?
Yes, Zamasu's boypussy.
oh fuck off already, Super might not be on par with DBZ's animation but now it's pretty much your average animation from the current industry
stop crying bitch nostalgia tears
I think so
They're the same character drawed in different styles. It looks mainly like Gohan because he's the main Z Fighter that we see an open face view of. Vegeta's widow's peak distorts his head and Goku's bangs cover his fivehead.
>tfw Zamasu was right
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Dragon Ball Super Animation 9.webm
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>it's pretty much your average animation from the current industry
Top kek
>yes goy job to the saiyan
>just remember to take the fall
>don't mess my zeni up
It'd be nice if it were possible to pause it.
I'm going to try and I'll post results when I'm done, good drawing btw.
the best scene ever desu
super saiyan reveal will always be something special
Yes keep cherrypicking the shit from U6 arc from over a year ago instead of posting the stuff from Zamasu or current arcs.
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Do it for her.jpg
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I want to titfuck Bulma.
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zamasu this faggot thinks we have anything down there
heh tough luck kid
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I stand by what I said
Zamasu was never wrong
zamasu arc was shit as well and current arc is just 2 eps with only difference being the colors, animation is the same, keep crying bitch nigga
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Majin "Choke angels until they turn blue" Buu
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Kissu! <3
>tfw we will never get the Goku Black arc with the current arc's new pseudo-retro art style
Feels bad man. I really like the filter they're using that bleaches colors and adds imperfections to the linework.
Also the generally more muscular designs.
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I hope you are ready to be BTFO in the next few episodes, webm-kun
You know we are not just letting you go like that, right?
>implying we can't just rip zamasu an asshole since he is a fruit
they are all male and they eat so they all have no penis and just a bp
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wat m8
these ningen I tell you zamasu you were bloody right they come with dumbest shit to satisfy themselves
>tfw you will never help Zamasu realize that there are good ningens

Feels bad, man.
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zamasu arc was like 20 eps and you literally only have like 30 seconds of good animations combined from that arc, how is that a good indicator of animation in that arc?
Majin "Make Satan your playfriend" Buu
This arc is going to be non-stop fighting for God knows how many episodes. Toei can't handle that kind of schedule. The only people getting BTFO are those who think this arc will look good.
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Gowasu sama, please...
That just happens to be the only webm I have, you shitposter
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super hang on.gif
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>the background as they're flying
what the fuck lmao

I'll admit the rest of it looks pretty good but damn they got lazy there when the quality for everything else jumped up.
nope i watch super just like everyone else, theres no more good animation besides your webm
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please what speak up and first could you brew some more tea
Fuck just keep posting sexy bitch-Zamatsu.
>maybe if I keep posting this every thread, it'll turn out to be real!

You know what's the danger of constantly posting the same shit every thread to the point of being instantly recognizable?
The utter and complete humiliation when things don't go your way, see: THE Gohanfag during the Zamasu arc
are they all male?
They're actually sexless, like the Nameks.
they are flying at high speed on the surface of a skyscraper you dumbass, the background looks exactly as it should
>there are good ningens

Name 1 (one)
Why hasn't Toei fired this cunt already? He's worse than useless.
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>mfw my universe is doomed thanks to Beerus' pet monkey
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>tfw this is the Evangelion universe
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Will Raditz ever come back?
As a character i felt like he was wasted. Why would you introduce Goku's brother, kill him and then never mention him again?
Zamasu when he was in Goku's body
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learn how to speak about the ones above you ningen he's not a bitch and definitely not sexy
They brought him back in 76, immediately forgot about him, and had Bulma attack Krillin with Nappa and Vegeta instead.
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When Beerus and Whis took Goku under their wing to train him to become a god of destruction, little did they know that he will destroy 11 out of the 12 universes.
A god using ningen flesh still godly, you filthy ningen scum
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reddit - the character.png
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Trying to catch up now. Am I close to the current arc? I seriously can't stand those filler episodes.
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He lives on as Super Saiyan 3 goku.

I want to see Super Saiyan 3 raditz though.
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>Humans somehow taking part and probably not every single one of them will job in the first fight.
>120 fucking participants of whom 90% likely will never be more than a fleeting background shot.
>In the whole of 11 other fucking universes there will likely be 2 if we are lucky 3 ningen that could be deemed serious competition for Goku.
>That fucking hopeful tune when Goku showed confidence it won't be their universe that gets erased opposed to 11 others.
>Atleast a few universes obliterated and handwaved as "Wew, atleast not U7 ;^)"
>Vegeta getting BTFO by some dude so Kakarotto can take over and play with him for one full episode.

Powerlevels all over the place.
Wasted potential at every corner.
Plotholes everywhere.
It will be glorious.

Whatever you say anon.
two more episodes after that one

also Gohan and Videl were super cute in those fillers, fuck you
>reddit - the character
fucking kek
New arc arts with Episode 77.
75 and 76 are Kuririn focused.

Also fuck you for hating the slice of life filer.
The only bad filler so far was Jelly Vegeta.
I didn't watch the shitty Saiyaman filler, but damn that looks terrible.
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>he's not a bitch
Toei can't write for shit.
the fillers are entertaining wtf you talking about.
>Beerus and Whis took Goku under their wing to train him to become a god of destruction

Why would they do that. Isn't Beerus almost immortal?

Yeah you're almost there.

Shit taste though, the filler in Super is better than the actual arcs.
it's just like I'm reading youtube comments!
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Not everyone is interested in watching filler.
I'll probably have my masters in education by then
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>taking a frame you can't normally see during a fast paced sequence
>it doesn't even look bad

you ok reatard
>hurr if you don't like my precious slice of life filler you must be from youtube!
Go fuck yourself.
That's what they did. God decisions made because of god reasons.
Leave Goku to me
I didn't say it looked bad, retard? I liked it.
Did anyone ever fansub that Future Trunks Special extended version of Revival of F?
Goku and Hit gonna team up and beat Zeno.
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I don't care about your sick perverted NINGEN drawings
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>people like these shitty fillers
Jesus Christ
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your wish is granted

minus Beerus and monkey is too human
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Twink boy Cabba handling Goku? Don't make me laugh anon.
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>lanky noodle arms supersaiyan
Is it just me or is the animation different in the latest episode? I feel like the colouring and lines are a little bit different from before.
What's the original context of this?
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U6 Cabba.jpg
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See >>153390848
they are and its more saturated to make it look like old db

Shin isn't tho.
But Zamasu looks like a twink too.
>You were right Zamasu...I will purge them all
>more saturated
The word you're looking for is desaturated.
But this isn't really desaturated rather than just bleached which is a different technique from desaturation.
Oh, so that's it. I do have to admit that I like the look of it and not because of nostalgia either since I never watched Dragonball as a kid due to it not airing where I lived.
I want to bully Zamasu.
You know, sometimes I feel like you people just WANT to hate something so much you start looking to find things to get autistically pissed off about
It's good to be able to enjoy things, goddamn this board is fucking cancer
>No Champa
>No Robot
>No Kuriboh
>No Sidra
>No Elephant

Shit meme fanfic
I wonder what Gowasu's reaction was when he found out Goku instigated this tournament. First Goku gets his star pupil hakai'd, and now Goku is getting the universes destroyed.
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>>153389008 #
I can legitimately see them pulling this if shit hits the fan.
I mean I know they won't but it would just be so cool and devious. Goku gets his shit pushed in so they resort to this to save the day.
Then it turns out that Zeno does indeed intend to destroy the loser universes but neglects to mention that he also has been wanting to merge the universes and has been planning to transplant the galaxies from the other 11 into the winner universe and destroy th husks all as part of his child-god keikaku. Allowing for a whole new arc of crowded-universe hijinks. Toei hiring me when?
>UMvC3 infinites
I still don't get how this works. Beerus was alive even before Shin since he was the one who put Old Kai into Z-Sword. Why didn't he die when Buu killed previous Kaioshin?
Says the faggot not able to read from that post that I will enjoy the fuck out of this, lighten up dude.
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oh for fuck's sake, when all kaioshins die so does Beerus
what is so complicated about this?
Someone should teach her how to apply lipstick correctly
screencapped for future posting
It simply gives it a more organic look.
Our brains are trained to look for patterns so perfect colors and linework just make our brains see those patterns immediately and lose our suspension of disbelief.
This new arc has a filter that adds imperfections to the linework, colors and the image itself in form of film grain which all come together and make it more enjoyable for our brains.
Then why does he care so much about Shin? There's still Old Kai even if Shin dies (and Kibito - does he count as Kaioshin?)
She's from another universe, what do you know about their fashion sense?
Or alternatively what do you know how egyptians painted their face?
When so many Dragon Ball faggots can't even try to work this shit out for themselves.
I'd rather have headcanon-fags than this.

Maybe he just forgot about Old Kai, I don't know
And no, Kibito is just an attendant
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Hes gunna turn into a big fat furry with his pink blubber gut and tits out. God damn are you dense?
damn those are some pretty big tits
you know after that autistic comment on ''why we watch anime'' in that other previous thread I'm very close to filter you out
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I did not need to read that.
You did not need to write that.
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manga Cabba best Cabba.png
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I fucking knew it. I knew the endgame of DB would eventually lead to Goku's immaturity and arrogance threatening the multiverse and Gohan having to be the one to take him out.
>her angel is a Chad
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>reddit - the character.png

Legitimately made me laugh.
>Universe 7 is about to be destroyed
>it's been revealed to be Goku's fault
>You just happened to find Bulma's backup time travel machine
>It malfunctions and sends you to Frieza ship as he blows up Planet Vegeta
>you have 1 thing to tell Frieza before he kills you for looking like a saiyan
What do you tell Frieza?
>mfw Gohan becomes a SSB and becomes the strongest fighter of all universes

Are you ready anon?
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who will be number one under him?
Is the worst attack and Krillin is shit anyone who uses that attack is shit you are shit
>a british cuck tries to justify garbage for three and a half minutes before shitting on more recent animation cause the colors were a little washed out
>>you have 1 thing to tell Frieza before he kills you for looking like a saiyan
I quickly put on a helmet so I look like a generic mook and don't get killed for looking like a saiyan.
why is /our/ angel a flaming homosexual?
stop being a hot head frieza
In canon or you include games?
You saw Vegeta doing that to cut Gohan's tail and Frieza using it on SSJ Goku before getting cut by his own disks
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Goku wants to Blow Zen-Oh Away .png
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You mean Goku telling Gohan to take him out and Goku having to finally kill himself because Gohan's an incompetent tit who can't seal the deal
For better team dynamics with Beerus?
>leave Goku to me
Why? Manga Goku is fine.
I think you mean Kikōhō
Is that the Korean studio that over animates One Piece? I recognize that shitty ass smoke cloud.
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he got over it.jpg
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Shin and Buu are gonna be best bros.

*instant transmissions behind him*
"this time I win frieza"
*cuts him(female) in half with my katana*
*I'm actually yajirobe*
I can only imagine what he was thinking this episode
>Oh, so when it comes to killing Kais you go all out, but when the fate of the universe is at stake you sit on your lazy ass and get beaten around? DAMN YOU BABIDI.
That Monkey God of Destruction looks like a brown SSJ4.
I hope we will get some prep time and new unexpected techniques/transaformations after that - just like before almost every saga in DBZ
>Female Frieza
Who would toriyama marry her off to and make her irrelevant
Leave Goku to us.
>pale skin
>brown hair
I don't look like a saiyan at all. Even Recoome's race fits better with me.
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Was Dragon Ball Minus a mistake or is it better than Bardock – The Father of Goku?
Will they ever animate Jaco the Galactic Patrolman? Like make it a Super special?
Start training nigga or you'll be licking deez monkey nutz.

Kiss me

They don't probably know yet that the Universes are going to get destroyed
You know, it's weird how it seems that the U9 Kaioshin and Hakaishin seem to get along well.
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Bardock & Gine.png
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Minus >>>>>>>>>> shitty edgy prophet Bardock adventure
Looks like Krillin will learn to enjoy pegging
How strong Buu could get if he absorbed all the other nine team mates just for the final fight?
>is it better than Bardock – The Father of Goku?
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>How to fix DB Minus
>Use Bardock - Father of Goku
>Add Gine
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R8 my collection
>shit taste
thank god you're trolling, right anon?
Do you think Shin still has PTSD?
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>i need to validate the fact I'm reading a comic strip as an adult so I'll add curse words to make it look mature to impress or shock my mom and dad despite the fact that im 36 years old.
It's sacrilege for a demon to be allowed to enter the Holy Place of the Gods. Come to think of it, this series has focused a lot on the Gods but never really references demons.
>Cell was stronger than Bojack and Broly
I'm sure Buu and him became great friends
So who is the big bad gonna turn out to be? The high priest? A bad universe being brought out? Something about one of the Zeno's being evil? Ayylien guy? Joker God of Destruction?
nice strawman
He is, solely by the fact that he is canon and Broly/Bojack are not.
No, but it's a shame Shin will never that kind of character development.

He really needs it.
> but never really references demons.
Dabura was the king of all demons from the realm of demons which exists as a sort of opposite world to the godly realm the kais live in.

Daubura was literally the best demons had
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>majin buu
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Looks like a bunch of scrapped mediocre character designs for the Other World tournament.

You'd think after 20 year or so years Pedro would *get* Toriyama and how he creates characters.
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>smarter than both of them
>ridiculous regen powers
>can get zenkai boots then regen right after
>knows martial arts
>is canon

Broly got beat by a couple of ssj1 hell I bet 7 Cell Jrs could beat Broly
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Why is Gine so perfect?
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There is nothing that can top Bardock - The Father of Goku. NOTHING. It's an amazing special all the way through.

If they ever animate Jaco I hope they animate it together with Minus as one thing.
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Buu isn't a demon, tho.
fuck off zamasu fag

t. Mangastream
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>your pupil that's just going through a phase bullied into a genocidal outrage by a ningen
>the first iteration of him is destroyed by the god that's pals with that ningen
>get shown the future where your pupil has become completely consumed by his hatred for mortals only to be ultimately defeated by that ningen and his friends before the universe is deleted
>later the ningen comes back and asks the deity that destroyed that universe to hold a tournament after which, all losing universes will be deleted
>be expected to stand and watch that ningen beat senseless people from your universe while in all current likelihood your universe will be a losing one, knowing that he has instigated all of this literally JUST FOR FUN
being Gowasu is suffering
Will female Broly be triggered by the name Kakarot ?
Frieza doesn't even know who Zamasu is, and probably doesn't know there are more universes and how to travel to those either.
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Make me.
Shut the fuck up nigger
Hey want to get immortality?
I'll show you this cool planet with orbs that can grant 3 wishes
Hello Lord Freeza
>Bahahaha Bardock she follows you like a lost puppy.
>I bet she cooks for you too.
I think you mean turned on
Gib to Gbl pls.
So what is up with Angels. Can they show emotions like sadness or are all their emotions them faking it?
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The fuck you saiyan.png
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I bet Fasha fucks Gine on the side
That's because Beerus was given his lifespan by Zenno.

oh well
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Gine is not for lewds, anon
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Leave Zeno to me
How far could 18 and 17 go with training abusing their unlimited stamina?

Should Tenshinhan be at least ss2 level considering he never stopped training?

How strong is gayoshin? He said he could defeat Cell easily, but I dont really see that happening
cutest angel
>Should Tenshinhan be at least ss2 level considering he never stopped training?
No. Humans have limits, anon.
Shin was crapping his pants at Dabura who was as strong as Cell. At most he's probably as strong as Semi-Perfect Cell in terms of power.
How did Zamasu and early Black defeated the future gods? Considering the weak power levels they startedr with they would have trouble with most kaioshins let alone gods of destruction.
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>Should Tenshinhan be at least ss2 level considering he never stopped training?

What the fuck
>SSJ2 Gohan killed Cell
>SSJ2 Gohan couldn't scratch Broly
Broly massacres Cell.
>muh special snowflakes powers which let me see Freeza will fuck us
>muh special pointless squad instead only Tooma
>muh power beyond some elite warriors even if I'm supposed to be low class scum, thing which will never happened until saiyan arc, according to Vegeta's words
>muh I don't care about my son as a regular saiyan except when I'm dying because he will fight the guy who killed me, look me, I'm a hero now
>muh I just survived Dodoria's attack even if Dodoria is stronger than even saiyan arc Vegeta
>muh look me guys I'm a total badass right? Let me be relevant in some dozens of games, because I'm totally usefull, necessary and cool right?
>muh I just survived Freeza's attack via retcon so I'm a Super Saiyan in toei's continuity now
>muh look me guys I'm another evil Not!Goku with mask
>muh hey I'm a SS3 time patroler SS3 now

Toei-Bardock sucks, as his special and how they handled it through the years.
Superman's origin DB version >>>>>>>>>> shitty edgy fanfic
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What is his end game?

>any kind of limit when "he feels like it"
Why is Krillin the strongest human
He's a Makaioshin, but yeah a kind of demon
rape Vados
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because of this guy right here
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Leave dad to me.
If Dabura was the king then what was Piccolo daimaio?

Regardless, king vegeta isnt the strongest saiyan. There might be stronger demons.
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Super's problem is that it's afraid to take risks and leave the status quo of Z. It's afraid to do anything different because they need to keep the show in the same marketable iconicity as Z was in albeit with the obvious changes to keep it in line with the real ending of the manga.

One inexcusable issue this show seems to have on account of it's desire to avoid leaving the norm is it's character focus. Goku and Vegeta are marketable, so all the focus is put on them. They were stronger at the end of the manga, so don't bother with anyone else, right? Well part of what made Z so much better was this feeling of teamwork. Everyone pitching in for a common goal. All these different characters with a role to play. Hey, sure Krillin was weak during the Namek arc, but was he vital to the story? Yes. Okay Tien had a small, weak part to play in the Buu arc, but was his contribution useful and cool? Yes. This is why everyone's so excited for the next arc. Dragon Ball was never just about Goku. Seeing everyone together, along with the brave move of bringing 17 back, is fucking exciting.

But I know that the next arc is going to just have a few lazy, mundane fights for everyone else (including 17) to partake in, and then it's going to make the fight between Goku and the main rival like 15 episodes long.

Super needs to stop being a victim of its own design. Super is a product and it needs to stop feeling like one.

Young Gohan never fought Broly at Super Saiyan 2
Why should we leave Piccolo to him?
>that receding hairline

So I wonder, is Toriyama aware that Vegeta and Goku end up doing everything and the rest of the characters just stand in the background, commenting everything? Why won't he come up with something that would allow to unlock potential in humans, so they could be useful? Why not make them learn Kaioken?
He got a double filler episode only for him, featuring Goku, Roshi and 18.

If you mean the kai, he should at the very least give Cell the fight of his life. He was able to take beatings from SSJ3 level opponents (Super Buu with two Kais absorbed and Fat Buu) despite not being very effective.

His attacks will hurt Cell much more as his regen isn't Buu-tier broken.
Baldness = Power for humans in Dragon Ball, and Krillin's baldness is next level
>half of those points
So you are trolling? I keep falling for the bait.
About the demon king from original Dragon Ball? Not Piccolo. There was another.
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>universes all get erased after losing
>universe that wins the tourny uses the dragonballs to wish all the universes back
>back to status quo
wHY the fuck do they draw his eyes like that he looks so retarded
16 year old shit Gohan couldn't scratch Broly.
Cell Games Gohan would destroy him
His hairline is the same as it was at 16
>No Gowasu gets a new apprentice episode
He didnt train a single day after cell. He got surpassed long time ago.

>but muh destructo disk
That shit doesnt work on anyone worth a shit, its slow, unreliable, never won a single fight and finally and most important...


Thats his superpower. So Tenshinhan knows the destructo disc along with literally every other technique he ever saw in the series.
They kept his Elder-Kai eyes without letting him keep the Elder Kai form
even if your post isn't indicative of that, he's still bang on
Why are female Buus best waifu race
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>Should Tenshinhan be at least ss2 level considering he never stopped training?
should be god level now
Sad you aren't trolling and you really enjoy that shitty fanfiction. Solid State Scouter is cool as fuck, though.
I don't see him performing Kaioken. Myth busted.

Gohan actually overpowered Broly a few times and got hits in. Your point still stands.
>can copy techniques
>can't copy Kaioken or go SSJ
What a joke.
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>strongest human
>hurt by a bullet

I think that copy gimmick will return for his fights to make him surprise a stronger fighter
Probably because he wasn't powered up and was at low keeeeeee?
adult gohan was weaker than teen gohan
SSJ2 Gohan only killed Cell because Vegeta distracted him with a ki blast (Goku yelled now when it happened)
Super Perfect Cell > Broly = Perfect Cell
That was before he redeemed himself with Goku in that island.
>yfw you realize Cell was a bad guy because he had Gokus genes.
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Gohan was gimped into using only one arm thanks to Vegeta anyways. Two armed Gohan would likely beat Cell.
Cell's tournamentfaggotry came from Goku's genes.
Let that sink in.
Saving my stones for this and Vegito Blue.
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You dare call perfection bad?
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Broly would trash Cell, fuck outta here boy.
It's okay you are something beyond human
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i knew dbz fans were autistic, but good lord
it is just not that bad
in fact the one on the right just looks more accurate
Cleo was fine from the beginning, thanks anyway
he was getting pushed back by Cell until Vegeta threw that Ki blast but you are right he was at 50% power
sad how he looks like a really shitty OC
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>Tien basically does nothing but train
>faggots still say Krillin is the strongest human
Burakku Burakku go commitu sudoku
based Cell
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Your opinion on his design doesn't change the facts.
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get the fuck out of here negro
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>but train
If you kept lifting a 5 pound weight your whole life you wouldn't be getting any stronger
When will Asura Tenshinhan be canon?
Broly isn't even canon and those forms are even less canon
will you be posting ssj5 Broly next?
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More like perfected after my nigga Broly trashes him.
Is this what mexicans get as toys?

The only limits were when Raditz happened and saiyans were introduced as special snowflakes that need just to scream, get injured, get into near death state, or just fight to get 1000x stronger and faster.
Until then guys like Tenshinhan and Krillin could keep up by training, but always a step behind, like Krillin and co go to Korin while Goku was already in Kami's. When Krillin and co got into Kami's they got a bigger power boost in less than a year than Goku did in like 3 years.
Piccolo was supposed to be a special namek warrior that could be as strong as saiyans, until "NOPE", because he can't, nameks are bald and can't have shiny spiky hairs.
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What does Broly being canon have to do with his strength in comparison to Cell? Your logic is flawed.
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even my little lad can handle you
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>Should Tenshinhan be at least ss2 level considering he never stopped training?

Lol what. Tenshinhan isn't even 1st form Freeza tier

>b-but he use neo-tribeam on second form Cell

Yeah, ki can be manipulated in order to have various effects. Earthlings in particular are very good at creating techniques that don't rely solely on power. Krillin was able to cut off Freeza's tail with his Kienzen. His neo-tribeam basically just knocked him back long enough for Android 18 to escape. Not only did Cell take no damage, but Tenshinhan was on the verge of death.
Broly being uncanon, I should say.
the fuck are you talking about? It is pretty much established by now that you get rusty if you don't train enough. As far as we know Tien never stoped training. Ever. He IS stronger than Krillin currently, there is no denying in this
Much stronger than someone who doesnt even lift that 5 pound weight for sure. You dont even have nose. Fuck you Krillin!

Why is she so cute
>None of the Cell Jrs were recruited as good guys
Missed opportunity there
damn, this is true
>Lol what. Tenshinhan isn't even 1st form Freeza tier
eeeeeh don't know about that. He might very well be. Not on final form Freeza level but he could probably give the former forms a good fight if he didn't stop training. Talking about Namek Freeza here obviously
>Keep hearing Super is worse than GT
>After the movie arcs end kept having fun
>Watched about 40 episodes in a sitting
I have shit taste but I'm liking this

Nightmare SSJ3 a best Broly.
No I just want a show of high enough quality that it takes the time to at least give a little fleshing out to all 120.
gold Cell beats any form of Broly even if it's not a canon form
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But Tien is the strongest human.
Krillin beat forest of terror. I bet Tien wouldn't last a minute there.
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did someone say STRONGEST HUMAN?

pic unrelated

It really is hard to guage. The problem is that Tenshinhan never had any focus of training outside of the year gap for the Saiyans. He spent 6 months on King Kai's planet and outside of that it was just training in Earth's gravity. Fuck he was so out of his league he passed up the chance to train in the RoSaT.


>If you kept lifting a 5 pound weight your whole life you wouldn't be getting any stronger

Training and getting stronger is inconsistent as fuck in Dragon Ball. Piccolo went from being as strong as 2nd form Freeza to stronger then 100% final form Freeza in the 3 year gap before the Android arc while training on Earth.
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Golden Rose SSBKK Perfect Cell with Dark Dragon infused.

Hell. My nigga Cell could even go Oozaru if he wanted.
what kind of autism is this
did he died
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You forget Tien fucked Imperfect Cell, who was Cell with 17 absorbed.

Tien coulda beat 17.

>Tien is stronger than Piccolo
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Is 18!Buu cute?
Zamasu was super strong for a supreme kai and a dead supreme kai gets rid of their GoD and attendant.
>Tien never stoped training.
and using my example using a 5lb weight all your life won't make you stronger, His training is stagnation
>Tien coulda beat 17.
Vegeta couldnt beat him in saiyan form
whose really nose
Tien's strongest attacks revolve around killing himself.

He's sand nigger allah ackar tier at best
He was nervous.
The second greatest DB related OC outside of Daily Dose.
What are her fetishes?
Because Freeza Race only comes in the male variety. And humans and sayians are exactly the fucking same.

Training with Goku could be an excuse to get such power boost. Any 3 year training was always a huge-ass boost, so anyone should be used to that shit

>no GT ritual with 4 Cell. Jr to achieve Full Power modu
>no absorbing spirit bomb inside of you, like the movies did with Goku
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Goku got stronger during his trip to namek than all his other training combined, then got dozens of times stronger just from getting his ass kicked by Ginyu
This nigga creeps the fuck out of me. I bet he suggested Zeno to destroy losing universes
very cute
>Caring about Redditz
Hasn't he gotten better at improving suicide moves into near-suicide moves?
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Difference between Gold cell and SSJ4 Broly is that one is an official product and one is not. Use your brain.
It would have been a pretty cool parallel with Piccolo Jr.
wow good job you missed your attack and are now one hit from death, great move
He is Bannon to Zen'O's Trump. Watch him closely.
To be fair Piccolo can train against himself. He always have an opponent of his same strength ready to punch. That skill is invaluable. Goku wouldnt need Vegeta if he could become 2 gokus

Also access to the time chamber
At least he could retreat or let his more powerful friends finishing the job.
Because she's awesome
So he got on the Multiversal Security Council just by putting a paper in front of Zen'O and saying "Here, sign this. No, you don't need to read it."?
>if he could become 2 gokus
Shit I'm surprised he hasn't wished for that already seeing how there are two Zenos
>Vegeta kills thousands
>Goku wants to reform him
>Frieza literally genocides
>Let's reform him too
>"I hope you get reincarnated =)"
>Frieza back but Golden
>Leave while you can. l don't want to kill you.
>his own brother

Why is Goku a shit sibling?
But he stagnated at his peak.

Krillin got his strength lowered by not training.

This is a fact.

Ten Shin Han right now is stronger than Krillin.
End 11 universes like a game
What planet are those totally-not-humans under Freeza's employment from?
He could have been Gohan's apprentice. It's like pottery.

>Goku, would you kindly shut your fucking monkey hole while I'm talking?
Because Goku gave Raditz a chance. He blew it, like Frieza did.
Oh so Krillin can finished it off
>peak human
Daily reminder that Goku learned to read minds thanks to enhanced gravity
I prefer bein erased to being a Fridge's slave.
Planet Freeza 419
Keep Rabbit girl, Beerus and Champa, kill the rest of that drawing's characters and Super retarded designs for the rest of the gods.
Make the angel race dominant throughout everything.
What the hell was that crap? He never did it again. Just like Frieza and Cell never used their psychic powers again.
>He could have been Gohan's apprentice. It's like pottery.
I was thinking butthurt rival pissed because the hero killed their family.
Could Frieza ever become a good person
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maybe during the tournament...
That looks so much fucking better.
>e-even though you didn't say it looked bad
>therefore you aren't backpedaling anything..
>but you definitely are!
(you) (you) (you)
Kid Buu who was pure evil became a good person because of a wish made on a magic dragon. Same could be forced on Freeza.

Actually, Tenshinhan was one of the few characters, like Piccolo, to meditate a lot. For some reason he was a sort of master when he appeared and could learn attacks just by watching them once.
That's was one of the reasons why Roshi gave up, because he found someone that gifted to keep the martial arts going into a new gen.
This reminds me how great was DB and how Roshi was. Fucking Roshi just to teach someone a lesson just did a simple, giving up, let that assassin wannabe with doubts, and fucking worked.
How many times has Krillin canonically used a kienzan? I mean really. That's his only powerful move,and it's not even a signature move - there are plenty of other warriors that create cutting discs.
>use Dragon balls to resurrect Frieza again
>tell him he needs to help with the tournament or risk being deleted along the universe
>Frieza joins and goes full Tsundere
I'd watch it.
If only Toei could hire good writers I would be willing to watch Super again. Toriyama senile writing, dA tier designs and the hack at Toei killed the show.
So you're saying Grand Preist is infinitely based while being a bit over aggressive and grandiose?
Sounds on point. This anon has his head on straight.
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anyone done any crazy theories about how Universe 7 has seen their future so they obviously are going to win or at the least nothing actually gets deleted?

Or time travel is confusing and perhaps the tournament never happened in those timelines?

fuck. brain My of is full
I bet Cell is depressed he is missing out on a tournament
>Goku asks Vegeta to go train with him
>Vegeta says he has to stay with Bulma until she gives birth
>genuinely confuses Goku, while Vegeta realizes there are some things that are more important than fighting

>Goku asks Gohan to enter the tournament with him
>Gohan declines
>Goku tells him if universe 7 loses it'll be wiped out
>For the first time Gohan looks down on his dad, calls him irresponsible
>Enters the tournament for the sake of his family

>Universe 7 wins
>Goku gets bored, realizing he is the strongest non-God of Destruction/Angel in all creation
>Challenges Gods of Destruction
>Zen-oh finds this amusing, says Gods that lose to him are worthless and should be erased
>Goku doesnt care, his saiyan thirst for fighting having grown exponentially from what we've seen in all of DBZ or original DB
>Vegeta and Gohan train to defeat Goku

I'd be pretty disappointed with anything other than something like this happening. You cant have your main character jeopordize the lives of trillions across multiple universes FOR FUN and end the arc like "oh, well we just wanted to have a fun time. Please dont erase the universes because then we wouldnt be able to do this again, zen-chan <3" though that's probably exactly how it'll end.
I hate Goku apologists.
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Goku died in that timeline so he never gave Zeno the idea to do it
How can goku, the "hero" act so indifferent like it is some game about other universes and maybe his own going to get erase ? He still seem to see the situation as a normal fun match for fun and there is nothing bad/ scary/evil/ about this whole match and zenos .
He even said Hello and want to talk with champa, who because of his stupid and irresponsible action, may get erase and kill along with his universe.
Goku doesn't even shoe any regret or sadness about the situation.
The writers just don't seem to know that people should be serious and not making joke in this situation
Boner, pls!
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Last time he used it during the Roshi training in the forest.
>The ending of Dragon Ball should be written by John Steinbeck.
Goku didnt want to give him a chance, theres that important line
>Goku, this guy isnt like Piccolo, he wont reform!
>I know I'm being selfish but let him live so I can fight him again
It wasn't until Vegeta cried bitch tears and died on Namek that anyone cared about reforming him
He is only hero to Earth&Namek, everywhere else can die for all he cares
>this is what people think good animation and good art style is
holy fucking shit
regardless of teh rest of the pic, that rabbit girl is fucking godly
Reminder that a evil crazy Legendary Super Saiyan appeared 1000 years ago on Universe 6 Sadla
Reminder that another evil crazy Legendary Super Saiyan appeared 1000 years ago on Universe 7 Sadla

Reminder that a Super Saiyan God appeared 1000 years ago on Universe 6 Sadla, to stop evil saiyans
Reminder that another Super Saiyan God appeared 1000 years ago on Universe 7 Sadla, to stop evil saiyans

Reminder that a Legendary SS and a SS God fought on Universe 6 Sadla
Reminder that another Legendary SS and another SS God fought on Universe 7 Sadla

Reminder that Universe 6 Sadla's SS God won, and evil saiyans were obliterated
Reminder that Universe 7 Sadla's Legendary SS won, and good saiyans were obliterated

Reminder that Universe 6 Sadla's SS God created a good race of saiyans who lived peacefully in their planet
Reminder that Universe 7 Sadla's Legendary SS destroyed the planet and the evil saiyans survivors runned away to another planet, and the crazy SS became a leyend
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>whis will not train himself the team
Goku is naive but not a bad guy.
I hate retards like you.
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Toriyama isnt as smart. This is the logical conclusion of the series.

>Goku realizes everyone fights at their best when everything they love is at risk
>He starts putting everything at risk to push people into fighting him
>Cell tournament faggotry didnt come from Freeza's evil, it came from Goku
>Goku realizes that saiyans didnt enslave and destroyed planets for profit, they did it to fight people at their best
>DBS ends with Goku asking the dragon to fix the head injury.
>He smirks to the camera.
>series ends
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I´ll see you in hell

really wish they didn't reuse the same hairstyles over and over for saiyans
>Tien fucked Imperfect Cell,
wrong, it did no damage and only slowed Cell down, Tien almost killed himself to buy them like a minute, which was worthless anyways
Roshi could already do that, why wouldn't Goku? One of the things were having a calm mind and perception. Goku clearly got that with Kami's training, but with the gravity training+near death zenkai boost because of Vegeta's fight, Goku got into a much higher level. For some reason he could sense things from way afar, while Gohan and Krillin just when more nearby. Piccolo had a higher reach sense because Namek-magic with antennas.
>Whis isn't the God of Getting Pussy

He's nabbed the biggest pussycat of them all. The angel thing is just a cover assigned to him by his "Totally not end boss" dad
He looks better than what he looked in the previous arcs. He looked cringeworthy.
>How can goku, the "hero" act so indifferent like it is some game about other universes and maybe his own going to get erase ?
Flanderization. Wait for the manga.
Can /badending/ fags stop being delusional?

Why does he wear glasses

like you wouldn't want to see it bardock
Why did Goku never wish his parents back to life?
>why people need glasses
The only thing i can think is that he still don't believe zen-oh can be a bad guy. But then again goku is retarded now, this is just the cherry on top
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Shit, you're right. Welp.
Because he doesn't care about any of that.
>Lol what. Tenshinhan isn't even 1st form Freeza tier

what nigger? by the end of buu arc krillin could have soloed final form freeza
>d-do they fuck each other with their tails?
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Jokes on you Tienfags, at least Krillin managed to get himself a wife.
grandpa gohan was the only parent he ever knew, and that never bothered him. Until meeting Raditz he had no idea if his parents even were alive, and he met dead grandpa gohan and knew he had found peace before having the chance to wish him back.
Goku have no parents, Kakarotto have.
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Androids can't really train because their power (both physical strength and ki) comes purely from the machine components inside them. Without those they are just ordinary humans. They would have to train remaining organic parts from a power level of 5 or less to the level of a super saiyan before they gained any useful increase in power. They could train their skills but they are presumably are preprogrammed with legendary master tier martial arts skills.
I want to rub Bulma's belly.
isn't tien canonically married to launch?

Shit I wish they did more with Erasa. We needed more high school Gohan SoL episodes.
Is Tien gay?
>Androids can't really train
Except Toriyama said they can, you fucking retard

Saiyans aren't people
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>realdolls are wives
robots like 16 cant train, androids can.
>isn't tien canonically married to launch?
No. She doesn't even exist at this point.
They could get an upgrade from Dr. Briefs or Bulma.
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there are multiple facts and sources stating otherwise
but you're choosing to ignore them because you feel like you are more correct
Why does he still call himself the prince of saiyans?
Isn't he the king now?
With the Evil Buu removed from him, how strong is Buu anyway these days? We haven't seen matches where he got sliced/diced to pieces only to regenerate back too.

He's just going to have a sumo contest with Pooh from U6, right?
Popo's training actually.
Kami didn't teach Goku shit.
Ironic thing?
The son of his evil half taught Goku's son, the most powerful mortal on the world up until piccolo trained himself up to 3k.
no, he's not interested in her so she just visits his farm every once in a while
they got reincarnated only people who die for very noble causes like goku and z fighters get to keep their body
>doesnt exist
ok well that's just flat out not true. She was in the Buu arc and the Goku and friends return OVA.
No coronation so he's still a prince.
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We need Yamamuro to fuck off and get Nakatsuru back.
Those facts were released before DBS. Now with DBS we know for FACT that Krillin stopped training.

We are not arguing who was stronger during the Buu saga. We are asking who is stronger now. And Ten Shin Han is stronger because Krillin stopped training for years.
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I want to say technically no, unless he actually and formally takes the throne, as there is no 'throne' right now.
no, Tien's too busy fondling Chiaotzu's boipussy to pay attention to Launch.

There's obviously going to be prep time since they need to gather the team first.

Considering we got a new opening centered around this arc, I'm guessing it'll last a long time.
But he is right, retard!
Gohan is half people half Saiyan you ningen
There is a difference between native and just plain indifference to the death of entire universes.
Krillin has canonically stuck his penis into a vagina, artificial or not. The closest thing Tien has gotten to is Chiaotzu's asshole.
never crowned
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>save the universe for me, Gohan-san!
Even if they could train they couldn't get any stronger than their regular human strength + their mechanical improvements or maybe a bit more than that. The could get at most twice as strong before reaching their natural limit.
why the fuck did you post it then?
who the hell posts an unremarkable inbetween frame because they "like it"?
also just to be clear i'm not the anon you've been talking to
"Wakusei Sadara", "planet Sadla" for you, gaijin scum
That's not becoming a good person, it's becoming a different person entirely.
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they already have what they need with those tails
>implying Toriyama knows his own canon.
youre just making stuff up. it may sound right to you, but it's still made up.
I ll have to see the episode first. Frankly I dont see Krillin recovering his power level in 2 weeks.
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Goku has black zamasu inside in
Briefs and Bulma are universal geniuses yes.
But their knowledge about robotics and even bio-tech are not even in the same league as Gero's.
That's canon.

As a matter of fact, Bulma and Doc Briefs barely understood enough about Gero's tech even with some blue prints to put 16 back together. And he was WEAKER then he was when he fought first form cell if I recall.

Yeah, they can add, if they are lucky as fuck, a few hundred k from training their human bodies.
But they aren't going to be able to train their tech. That's just silly bullshit.

Toriyama is all about efficiency as the ultimate show of mastery correct? I mean that's actually what being a master of a martial art or movement means. Being so good at it that it takes nothing to do in terms of thought or effort.

What happens when the androids take full advantage of their limitless ki and stamina and teach themselves crazy as fuck techniques that other people can't do because they lack their unique abilities?
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Alright let's be realistic here.
Let's say Daishinkan is behind all of this shit, and manipulating Zeno into destroying universes.
Let's say he somehow incapacitates them and takes control over everything and needs to be stopped.
Let's say the Angels all turn off, turn evil, or do nothing to stop either sides.
Exactly how HYPE
Would you be to see Beerus and Goku teaming up to fight a legitimate threat?

I feel like the arc taking place in the void is foreshadowing that God of Destructions will need to fight in a place where they can't accidentally destroy planets and universes.

Nice head canon senpai

>>153394909 is right
But Tien isn't human, so of course he can't be the "strongest" earthling
Whatever it is Whis and Vados are probably in on it

Not even ningens are poeple you filthy degenerate
Is it me or the new OP has some similar rhythm to the old TMNT opening?

Roshi is going to make the series great again, right?
The androids seem to have biotech instead of mechanical parts. They were absorbed by cell who appeared to be fully organic.
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>Sorry but who the fuck are you, bitch? Get out of my estate or I'll shoot you in the face and I don't even need a gun

>Goku got stronger during his trip to namek than all his other training combined, then got dozens of times stronger just from getting his ass kicked by Ginyu

Well technically it was Ginyu's ass that got kicked while he was in Goku's body and then the switch happened.

Also that was a zenkai boost...a really far out bullshit one and Goku was training in 100x gravity during that trip to Namek.


>To be fair Piccolo can train against himself.

Was that in the manga? Because I'm not sure if it was. When he and Krillin split into four against Nappa, that was filler.

Nevertheless even so, Piccolo went from 400+ to 3000+ in just a year. How does Piccolo go from 1,000,000+ to 120,000,000+ (or even 150,000,000+) in three years?

Amazing how people claim it was bullshit for Freeza to get so strong in just 4 months despite being born with a power level of 60-120,000,000 while other characters are able to make absurd leaps whenever the plot needed them to.
I think it really is just Beerus who doesn't get on with his because he is lazy and doesn't want to work.
>Thing I like
>"Toriyama said it so it's canon xD"
>Thing I don't like
>"W-well he's senile, he doesn't know what he's talking about!! xD"
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>I feel like the arc taking place in the void is foreshadowing that God of Destructions will need to fight in a place where they can't accidentally destroy planets and universes.
Should have cut off his tail.... goku has never been the smartest person.
Bit stronger the SSJ2 Vegeta during the Buu saga.
He did almost no damage to Kid Buu compared to SSJ3 Goku and at most only pissed him off by being annoying.
If he didn't have his unlimited stamina and durability he'd have been outright obliterated in that match with no effort on kid buu's part.

And we know for a fact that fat buu doesn't train or workout ever.
Basically Piccolo and everyone above him can handle buu in a fight if you discount his magic abiities.
>Amazing how people claim it was bullshit for Freeza to get so strong in just 4 months despite being born with a power level of 60-120,000,000 while other characters are able to make absurd leaps whenever the plot needed them to.

That's why it's so tough to gauge how strong Cell is. He could be 5 times as strong as Frieza, he could be 50
>Stop being so silly, Gohan!
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>I feel like the arc taking place in the void is foreshadowing that God of Destructions will need to fight in a place where they can't accidentally destroy planets and universes.
>yfw Daishinkai and the angels seal everybody in the void and take over the universes
It's the obvious implication of the canon. Being mechanically enhanced doesn't change their human nature. Unless the androids enhancements work by multiplying the power of their organic parts instead of outright replacing them.
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Gohan was way more badass in GT than in Super
Tien being stronger is literally an alternative fact
>Briefs and Bulma are universal geniuses yes.
>But their knowledge about robotics and even bio-tech are not even in the same league as Gero's.
>That's canon.
That WAS canon.

Whats up with mongs believing that statements from 10 years ago in the time line still hold true? In 10 years Bulma learned a shit ton of stuff. She even had access to the androids and gero data. Is not hard to understand 10 years old technology.
Ah, she occasionally visits his farm because she loves his country fresh cucumber.
Maybe she sometimes brings over her twin sons. The calm psychic black haired one with three eyes and the agressive violent blonde one that always wants to fight him.
I don't think we know that for sure. We've never seen a confirmed Makaioshin.

Still, the point stands that he was the king of the demon realm and its strongest person.
He sure was aggressively flying away from Rilldo
>i'm not the anon you've been talking to
>why the fuck did you post it then?
To upset autists like you.
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>I feel like the arc taking place in the void is foreshadowing that God of Destructions will need to fight in a place where they can't accidentally destroy planets and universes.

O shit
Because Toei doesn't seem to remember that Goku can actually be serious and understand the gravity of a situation
How would he incapacitate the Omni-Kings?

let alone


are the kitty brothers strongest GoD or just in the middle
>Goku and Beerus fuse
>Geekus/Beerku absolutely shit stomps all the angels with SSB and Kaioken along with the Permanent fusion
It'd be interesting to watch.
Idunno man maybe they have off switches.
>had to have his life saved by the biggest jobber in the history of jobbers Majuub
Piccolo was a self declared demon king would didn't even know their was such a thing as a demon realm. In reality he was just a slugman with anger issues.
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i have notice that out of all three high ranking gods, the angels while looks the most human, seem to be the most inhuman of all .
Both the Kais and GoDs still show emotion about life and death.
while the angels doesn't seems to care at all. even their own life or universe getting erase
Vados and Whis almost let champa and beerus get a death sentence from zeno when they complain about the brothers right in front of zenos without showing a bit if caring.
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>isn't tien canonically married to launch?

Is stalking someone relentlessly considered marriage?
Krillin not having his power level decreased due years of not training is literally FAKE NEWS
>never been the smartest person.
>Irony the post
Have them erase one another.
>it's basically a purple SSj4 with a slightly emaciated face
>Grand Priest says the award is "Nothing."
>Not "the honor of winning."
>Just "Nothing."
Do they get the void?
it was retconned, he was never a namek back then
No wonder he was so happy about there being a second one.
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Dubs confirm, this guy is black.
They get to live that's something right?
Since when the king of anything was the strongest person?

Is kaioshin the strongest in the universe? Is king kaio the strongest of the galaxy? Is king vegeta the strongest saiyan? is kamisama the strongest on Earth?
What bothers me is that after stating that there was 18 universes at one point, not once do they exhibit fear about being erased like their other 6 siblings.
they get to keep their universe
Close too Geek-O like in the shitty movie
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let me show you some real dubs
No it's actual tech.
They both had mechanical bombs inside of them and they were switched off with a remote control in Cells timeline.

Bitch didn't even understand the time machine and she had it for decades AND she was the one who built it in the future.
She didn't even know how to power the fucking thing.

Just because she's the smartest alpha brain bitch in existence(and technically a princess if you think the wealthy+influential means royalty) doesn't mean she knows everything
why would i lie about that?
>To upset autists like you.
fucking bullshit
i might be autistic but at least i'm not a liar
Remember that part? The only entertaining part of the black saga?
>i might be autistic but at least i'm not a liar
>Is king vegeta the strongest saiyan?
Actually yes, he was, the only other saiyan as strong as him was Bardock
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Stop molesting my husband, you whore
That Gohan is somehow much worse than this week Kitano's. Anybody know who is this?
you are not autistic but he is a faggy liar
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>I feel like the arc taking place in the void is foreshadowing that God of Destructions will need to fight in a place where they can't accidentally destroy planets and universes.

>Zenos erase each other
>Daishinkan gets the beatdown by Goku and Beerus
>They use the Super Dragon Balls to bring back Zeno
There's the whole arc, you're welcome.
If they reincarnate him as a good guy, but if they resurrect him as a good guy, he should be about the same only brainwashed.
>implying Videl wasn't secretly wanting a threesome where they both peg Gohan
Oh wait, was King Vegeta a SSJ? no? And what about a legendary ssj? Neither?

Even before that awful retcon Bardock was more powerful than the king.
I got one
It turns out that Zeno does indeed intend to destroy the loser universes but neglects to mention that he also has been wanting to merge the universes and has been planning to transplant the galaxies from the other 11 into the winner universe and destroy th husks all as part of his child-god keikaku. Allowing for a whole new arc of crowded-universe hijinks. Toei hiring me when?
do you have a colored manga picture of school outfit gohan?
i wanna know what color his clothes are.
hahahaha god dammit kill yourself please
>Since when the king of anything was the strongest person?
They don't have to be but I didn't say they always were. I only said Dabura was.

It's a fact that Dabura was not only the demon realm's king, he was also the strongest in the demon realm. Supreme Kai said so.
There were no super saiyans when King Vegeta was alive and LSSJ is not canon you faggot
You're dumb.
Of course I have, but there was two school outfits so...
We don't know if the angels themselves actually get erased. They clearly aren't from those actual universes.
Also they are clearly of different rank to everyone else, since when the High Priest comes along, everyone bows except for the angels.

What we do know is that they become "inactive" when there is no God of Destruction, so maybe they will just become inactive until Zeno decides to create a universe again.
>DBM failed at giving us a King Vegeta vs Bardock match
I swear, if only I had several God tier artists who obey my every order like that fucking retard Salagir
Gohan being badass and serious = shit getting done and done in the most violent and sadistic way possible.

Think Golden Frieza would be a problem for super serial Gohan?
Hell no.
He'd take his glasses off go mystic gohan and stomp his ass while he's in the middle of a speech about his true form.
All we'll see is two episodes of gohan kneeling on top of reborn Frieza punching the shit out of him.
Think he'd let Cell power up or give him a senzu beans. Fuck no.
Imagine 3 episodes of Gohan beating the shit out of him in the most violent manner possible while letting heal just enough to get his nerve endings back then going back to work. When he realizes he can't beat the asshole out of him he'll annihiliate him then go home.
>newfag detected
That.. actually would make sense and I could see it happening
Which is why it won't happen
>non existing bitch


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I hope we get to see the other Universes Demon Kings.
there were?
i can only remember one
LSSJ is canon now faggot!

>Gohan was way more badass in GT than in Super

What did he do that was badass? Get his ass handed to him by General Rildo in his first form?
That's an interesting concept I didn't really consider
Gohan has choked every single battle where he's been given the lead and had to be bailed out by Goku or Vegeta

That second Gast special is in a league of its own and is probably the only reason people like the giga nigga namek.
I meant LSSJ as in Broly, doesn't count to this argument when Brolette is from another universe
Nuh uh bitch!
LSSJ is now canon in this universe as well!
The first tournament and twin universe canon outright states it.
Hopefully it won't be some LOL SO FUNNEH loli who transforms into the hulk. Not she hulk. The actual hulk.
Yeah and goku and vegeta were both bailed out of their main battles multiple fucking times.

Name one canon instance where this wasn't the case.

I reiterate, Gohan would get shit done.
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The first one have the same colors in both versions, manga and anime
Ad hom is not a rebuttal you waste of spunk.

LSSJ is now canon, now all we need is for one of the lost low born saiyans in goku's universe to be awakened/become the LSSJ.

I can think of one single point when Krillian was stronger than Tien in the entire franchise and that's when he had his powers unlocked by Guru
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Is Dabura Toriyama's favorite design or something?
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Post YFW Vegeta jobs to Tumblr and Gohan saves the day with his Super Saiyan Mystic form only to lose to Ayyyyy.
Wait, isn't Dabura your favorite design? You make me sick
Let's see,
A kind heart /wise old grandpa type that ofen overly trust younger folks and spoiled them.
A Handsome,emo bad boy that know martial arts and has strong yaoi undertones
A Pink elephant
It's every teenage/little girl dreams
I'm retarded and blew all of mine on Oozarus.

I probably have enough missions to do for another 2~4 fifty stone summons

After that I dunno, don't really want to gamble 50$ on stones for summons
I believe that's her fetish
>mfw goku black arc was just foreshadowing
I loved how much GT bullied Uub.
my fucking sides
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