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what is the appeal of /ss/?

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what is the appeal of /ss/?
>don't have quetz in episode 5 at all
>deliver double in 6
How can anyone compete with GodAni?
mommy issues?
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It means you want to fuck your mother
I don't remember this in the episode preview
it's in the web pv
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for me its like a size difference fetish without being too weird or gross
for others I guess they just have mommy problems?
>what is the appeal of /ss/?
To answer seriously, it is about an ideal sexual encounter where the female is gentle, understanding, and isn't judgemental about the child's physical and sexual performance.

It is comfy sex. Sex without stress.
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Age gap is the purest form of love.
this here
Definitely one of the comfiest genre next to vanilla
What, you never fantasized about burying your face in an older woman's big tits and having whatever your brain thought sex was at the time when you were a kid? When I was like 8 one of my friends' mom had a huge rack and one of the first times I blew my load was after I saw her nips through a thin swimsuit at the beach. Which really explains a lot about my tastes in hentai now, come to think of it.
What /ss/ artists have the best art? I'm pretty autistic about proportions and shit in my hentai so the cartoonish balloon breasts in a lot of /ss/ kinda kills it for me.
Nothing, anything with shota is automatically trash and the people who like it are so pathetic cause the only female that pays attention to them is their mother so then they fantasize about fucking their mother or a mother figure
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that outfit just isn't as nice
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The female is desperate for the dick that a shota will please her lust no matter how small or big it is.

It's too hot.
almost everything related to sex is a dynamic of dominance vs submission; having control vs having no control. generally men are dominant and women are submissive, but while having sex they often will take turns. even very plain and normal men who are not submissive types can have fetishes like 'the teacher' or 'the nurse' which are submissive fetishes for the man. and ordinary women can have moments where they want to dominate and take control.

/ss/ is just an extreme version of a submissive fetish for a man. when you make the male a child it highlights his powerlessness and the power and control of the woman in the exchange.
what's /ss/? safe sex?
Cute boy against sexy woman? or maybe size difference? I can't really pinpoint the appeal but i liked it alot, though only if the woman boobs don't looks like baloon.
In lots of doujin having the boys extremly shy and unexperienced while having the woman having to lead him is kind of hot too.

Michiking is my jam.
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shotas are literally like an antidepressant to me at this point. i keep it 2D though ofcourse.
>>>/wsr/ and fuck off
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Higuma-ya is god.
>once you fuck succubus pussy you can never cum by jerking off again
>you will never fuck a cute cake succubus.
Wait a minute, are you a plump older lady?
>tfw was too ugly of a kid to get /ss/'d
pretty sure it's just a faggot
What if you aren't the shota?
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>implying you need to be plumb older lady to enjoy shotas
>implying there are any plump older ladies here
You've got higher chances of getting your kidney taken from you and yaoied in a process by onee-san male friend who just happened to be in a car too.
/ss/ is surprisingly uncommon in anime for how common it is in hentai.
That's because the /ss/ market is big enough to keep the hentai scene alive but not big enough for the anime scene.
because japan even more so than america, sees older women as old and busted, the pure virgin is the ideal.

>Tfw had a thing with teaching asst. when underage b& and she was ten years older
>current girlfriend knows and thinks I hated it and grossed out by it
>single hottest thing Ive ever experienced and love /ss/
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did the fucker dye his hair or is it a different person?
The moment he lost his face, I knew shit's up.
It's something that yurifags and women will never understand. Once you become a grown man, you'll know.
>grown man
Funny when you consider /ss/ is a manlet fetish. That, or self insertion for guys with small dicks.

Don't even deny this because if you really were just attracted to the older woman aspect you'd just look up christmas cake porn, while /ss/ is an explicit focus on shotas, though we can leave out the assumption it's for faggots since it's 'straight' shota.
>Little baby faggot thinks he's manly
It's ok son, you'll grow up one day. Or maybe not.
>projecting this hard
You honestly don't see the irony in defending /ss/ by calling others little babies? I mean you're self inserting as a little boy yourself.
>People want what they can't have
Yes, and since you're actually a little child with a little penis and less testosterone than a cockerspaniel, you don't see the appeal.
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not him but wtf, I'm jealous now.
What a nonsensical argument. It's like saying everyone who faps to porn is a virgin.

But let me humor your logic anyway. In /ss/ the woman always gets fucked silly by the small shota dick. From this we can infer that you like /ss/ because you want this, but can not have, because in reality dick size does matter and your tiny penis can't satisfy anyone except a fag's virgin butthole.
What is that hole in her outfit made for?
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Why do you even have to ask?
Actual femdom instead of the bait and switch shit you find everywhere else.
Not saying that /ss/ is immune to this shit, but it's a lot less prominent.
Is it fendom when the girl is just super motherly and kind to the shota?
>It's like saying everyone who faps to porn is a virgin.
Except it's not, because a virgin can get laid whereas a big strong man can't become a shota and get ara ara'd by an older gal. Swing and a miss on the comparison, faggot.

>In /ss/ the woman always gets fucked silly by the small shota dick
Oops. looks like you're wrong again. 0 for 2, not looking good.
Yes, because in most cases the shota is still being controlled or manipulated by kindness.
Considering how defensive and angry your tone is, I'd say I hit the nail on the head.

A small dicked faggot can't satisfy a grown woman. A manlet cannot get a taller woman to ara ara him. You are likely one or both of these. Defending a fetish where you self insert as a child and get dominated by belittling the masculinity of others is just a very obvious chest puff by a beta loser.
>Say a bunch of shit that's objectively wrong
>"Haha! I hit the nail on the head"
Looks like people who don't like /ss/ are confirmed for being actually retarded.
not him but
>A small dicked faggot can't satisfy a grown woman.
>can't satisfy a woman
>he fell for "a man is only man when he can satisfy a proper woman" meme
I've got some bad news for you anon, you have feminism and need medical treatment for it.
But your posts support my case. I'm calmly presenting my argument while you're constantly angrily retaliating with insults, including attacks at my masculinity, as if self inserting as a child and getting dominated is the most manly fetish around. It's like arguing with a trapfag who insists he's not gay and accuses others of being closet gays for not liking traps. If you were a cartoon character you would be the angry manlet archetype.

You pulled a lot of stuff out of random your ass for some reason. /ss/ always shows the woman getting into it. That's simply the fantasy. You sound insecure.
>You sound insecure.
You're dodging the argument.
>Say a bunch of shit that's wrong
>"HAHAHAHA you small dicked manlets fuck you and your shit fetish you're so mad right now!
You're a little twink, and probably a yurifag at that.
Do you expect him to ever understand:
>People want what they can't have

Honestly Konosuba nailed it with that dude from season 1.
Well you pulled an irrelevant argument out of nowhere. I didn't say anything about "a man is only man when he can satisfy a proper woman". All I did was say that in /ss/ the woman enjoys the small shota dick and noted that this could be an attractive aspect of /ss/ to people with small dicks, as it allows them to fantasize about having fulfilling sex with a woman.

Yes, I'm the twink for not indulging in a fetish for small dicked manlets, while you are a real man for doing so. Would not be surprised if you were a trapfag as well, the parallels in argumentative technique are stunning.
>Yes, I'm the twink for not indulging in a fetish for small dicked manlets, while you are a real man for doing so. Would not be surprised if you were a trapfag as well, the parallels in argumentative technique are stunning.
I'm a fully grown adult who powerlifts. I've probably got a bigger than you do, too. You're not going to fool anyone into thinking you're masculine, twinkboy.
Why did you even use woman satisfaction as an argument?
You sounded like you tried to offend that anon stating that he can't do it, meaning you honestly believe that's a crucial trait for a man.
Are you a feminist?
Just read Chichi chichi and petend the girl is Lucoa.
It's by the same author.
You're ignoring all the /ss/ hentai with fake shotas or well endowed ones. People aren't in it for the little dicks, it's usually all about the babes.
Is /ss/ always a topic that makes people embark on shit flinging fests?
>I'm manly and you're not I'm manly and you're not I'm manly and you're not I AM A REAL MAN AND YOU'RE NOT
Your obsession with this insult really speaks for itself. Really, it was your first 'rebuttal' against my argument and will probably be your last. Hell, I haven't even said anything about my own tastes besides obviously not liking /ss/. You're obviously very insecure.

Because if you fuck a woman it feels nicer if they enjoy it rather than lying there with an expression that says "I literally cannot feel this tiny dick". It's not feminist because it's for the sake of personal satisfaction, rather than her satisfaction per se. Every /ss/ artist seems to agree with me anyway because the woman always enjoys it too so trying to single me out for this won't work unless you want to insult them too.

But how does that invalidate my points? Those still fall under the "manlet" accusation. If it was about the babes then you would search for those female tags instead of looking up hentai for a child/manlet to self insert into.
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It's just magical.
Just the autistic girly-men like the one below you who can't make a point to save their life.
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>if you fuck a woman it feels nicer if they enjoy it
Who taught you that?
Women or society?
And how would you even know /a/non?
Literally L I T E R A L L Y saying "hurr i have a bigger cock then u random online chump" unironically
This place has been swarmed by normalfags who can't appreciate /ss/
Anon started the internet dick fight, not me. I'm letting him know that I definitely don't have a small penis, because he seems very concerned with my penis. Go be angry somewhere else.
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>I'm letting him know that I definitely don't have a small penis
He seems concerned with everyone's penis. Something is showing here.
It's actually yurifags. They've gotten pretty belligerent about it in Kobayashi threads.
Are you literally a woman or something? Making a woman feel good during sex is a testament to your own skill and/or dick size, which in turn yields self satisfaction. It's like in American Psycho where Bateman was looking at himself in a mirror dominating some hoes and getting a power trip from it. Honestly if this isn't common sense to you then you're either a woman or a faulty man.
Oh no anon, you're not tricking me into sending you pictures of my penis. Nice try.
are you underage?
> Making a woman feel good during sex is X
Who told you that and why everyone should accept this as a common sense?
Goddamnit, you'd think having an entire board would be enough for them.
I realized that too. Never has tolerance for loli and /ss/ on boards other tham/a/ been lower than these days. I want normies to leave, if I wanted to talk to holier than thou normalfags I would go to my uni classes.
On topic, the great Triumvirate of /ss/:
Honestly it would be even more embarrassing for you if I was, as you would have less understanding of male pride than an underage.

Do you need to be told that it feels good to be #1? Maybe I was wrong all along and you're all actually female shotacons. That would explain everything.
im not the same anon
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Will Kloah make a Maid Dragon doujin?
>male pride
Fat MRA neckbeard that thinks he so much better than chad for knowing that men only exist to pleasure women detected
Hurt your fee-fees chad?
Doesn't matter, my post could apply to anyone.

Funny because you're the one coming off as the MRA neckbeard here.
>lol why do you want to satisfy a woman are you a feminist or something?
And apparently you can't read either because I told you it was for the sake of self satisfaction, not the woman's satisfaction. You're really all over the place, sounds like I'm hitting a nerve here.
Which romance anime or manga has the biggest age gap in terms of /ss/, Spice & Wolf?
>Do you need to be told that it feels good to be #1?
Why do I need anything to feel good except to feel good myself?
When did males grown into accessory to woman's pleasure?
Woman orgasm is related to pregnancy which is instinctive drive behind desire for sex like car color affect it's speed.
You've been brainwashed by feminists and your values were twisted to fit female agenda.
>A smaller, weaker version of you that you can kill with your bare hands at any moment in a matter of minutes
>believing what it says about your sexual potency and skill
yes :^(
>no yokkora, Tanishi, matsumoto katsuya, Kloah or Jitsuma
And you call yourself an /ss/ connoisseur?
I like stuff that would be seen as shameful or degrading for the woman, which /ss/ falls into. It's great because it fulfills that role while still being vanilla, so I can still get my kicks without running into disgusting shit like gore or scat.

The size difference can also be nice for contrast, though I don't insert myself as the shota. I don't actually insert at all, and I don't know why this always is an argument with porn.
You sound like an underage whose whole image of sex, sexuality and relationships comes from porn. Seriously my friend, cut down on the porn
>that Phantom World episode with the shota MC
>adapting a work by an author known for hardcore /ss/
What will Kyoani do next?
It was a fantasy of mine when I was young to fuck my friends mom. As I grew older I got less attracted to her, but the idea of fucking her if I was a kid was still appealing. I'm guessing this is where my /ss/ developed.
>implying anything could stand next to Higuma
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>fukken saved
All that /r9k/ browsing has really rotted your brain. You're so dead-set in your "lol fuck women stupid feminists" mindset that you literally cannot read me telling you that you're misunderstanding my posts.

One more time: I'm saying it's nice to be able to pleasure a woman in sex because it is a testament to your own skill, as every man who isn't a neckbeard failure like you aspires to greater heights and self improvement. It's like I'm saying it feels good to scale a mountain because it shows off your skill and strength and you're telling me I'm some mountain loving hippie trying too hard to make the mountain happy.

Honestly I never thought /ss/fags were this mentally retarded. Really seeing you lot in a lesser light now.
Heh, he never goes big enough for my tastes.
And what do you base that off exactly? I feel good winning in sports, I feel good winning in video games, I feel good winning in exams. Why? Because they're achievements which prove my ability. Likewise, getting a woman addicted to my cock is also an achievement as it is a demonstration of my ability and superior dick. It has nothing to do with being a feminist, and you're just a bitter unironic MRA idiot.
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>big enough
You're not one of those a/ss/hats that likes shotas with huge dicks bigger than their body right.
> I'm saying it's nice to be able to pleasure a woman in sex because it is a testament to your own skill
>greater heights and self improvement.
Go climb a mountain of shit as a testament to your skill and as a height of self improvement.
You don't want to?
This is how your argument looks like.
You still failed to explain a basis under your assumption about "ability to please woman = crucial for a man".
It don't suddenly become common sense if you repeat it over and over shuffling words a bit.
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It was one of the few instances where the girl was allowed to be plump or even a bit fat since she was old so I guess was continioned to like it.
That has changed recently though, more artists are drawing chubby highschoolers now.
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I meant the girls aren't big enough, anon.
Compare any Jitsuma or Kloah girl to Higuma and the difference is made clear.
not the anon youre replying to, but thats like my number one fetish ;_;
>You still failed to explain a basis under your assumption about "ability to please woman = crucial for a man".
But when did I say it was crucial? Again, using the same analogy it's like I'm talking about how great it feels to scale a mountain and you're telling me I'm stupid for thinking mountain climbing is crucial for being a man. I don't know if you're ESL or just so angry that you cannot read properly but you should probably stop posting.
>your self worth is measured on whether you can satisfy a woman with your superior dick
Friend, just stop posting. You sound more insecure with every post you make. Next you tell me it's jamal's right to fuck your gf because of his superior genetics and bigger nigger dick.
That novel is an unadultered piece of garbage. It's so bad, I had literal nausea while reading it.
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This fucking author.
I somehow think that's more of a giantess fetish than /ss/
Also not cute!
>it's like I'm talking about how great it feels
You're talking how great it feels to YOU and instantly assume it's a worldwide standard while everyone not meeting it are somehow worse than you are.
Megalomania much?
>But when did I say it was crucial?
You use the opposite to try and offend other anons so you obviously treat this as a crucial ability for a man.
The point of /ss/ is that thick girls seem even thicker
How am I wrong? In case you're trying to put words in my mouth, I'm not saying it's literally the only measure or the pinnacle of self worth, just that it still counts as an achievement. That's why I listed several other examples such as sports, video games and academia.
>literally BBC cuckposting
Wow, you've really gotten desperate now eh?
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Greatest mom and son in the history of anime and manga.
It should feel good for every man who isn't a failure of a male. What man wouldn't feel proud about scoring first in an entrance exam to a prestigious school? What man wouldn't feel proud about winning a sports tournament? What man wouldn't feel proud of scaling the tallest mountain on Earth? An absolute joke of a "man" is what. And of course you can get through life without doing any of those things, and whether or not you achieve greatness isn't something I care about. I'm simply explaining the objective fact that men like it when they succeed, and you telling me that it's normal to not care about success says to me you're either a woman or a failure of a male.
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>It should feel good for every man who isn't a failure of a male.
Who told you that?
We're walking in circles: you assume it's true by default and fail to provide any backing besides "because I told you so" and "this much is known".
>he will never make porn ever again
Was that fat elf manga worth it?
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>I'm simply explaining the objective fact that men like it when they succeed
>succeed in goals implanted by feminists
>nice "male" achievements
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Reminder Ane no Mono has both doujins + an ecchi manga series by the same author.
Here is the question /a/

Onee-sans or mothers?
So if there was some world wide competition about some random shit and the prize was your waifu becomes real, you literally would not give a shit if you won?

Again, you're making it extremely obvious you're either a woman or some /r9k/ failure.

>it's a feminist plot for me to ace my exams and get a good high paying job
Geez did we always have so many MRA imbeciles on /a/? Or do they just gather around /ss/ threads? It's also pretty ironic that you keep accusing me of being a feminist as an insult when you're doing so in support of a fetish where the woman is dominant over the male.
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i hate /ss/ because i prefer to see my shota get dicked rather than dick others, but i usually end up fapping to it anyway because /ss/ artists always fucking amazing for some reason.
futa on shota is the only /ss/ i like
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onee-sans for sure
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Friend, you can't become chad willing it. And the way you talk about achievements make you soind like the HFY faggots that have never achieved much in their lives. Life is not a race where every single thing you do, even the vietnamnese wall paintings you fap to is a competition. It's ok, if you don't like /ss/ because you have to reassure your masculinity through your choice of porn. But please just don't embarass yourself any further
Don't remind me.
We were all molested by our babysitter and/or an older female family member and repressed the memory for years.
Then we see /ss/ and it feels familiar for some reason and we don't know why but we want to see more.
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>world wide competition about some random shit
>your waifu becomes real
>comparing personal value of waifu against feminist society brainwashing
>I don't have a waifu
>You don't understand the concept of waifu
>No guarantee she would choose me + I hate NTR = no thanks
>feminist plot
And looking at you - they're winning.
Women are not dominant, men are.
Women just subversive, subtle and persistent in their gradual brainwashing.
Not because they're evil, but because difference in physical strength and levels of aggression left them no other choice evolutionary.
You're blind if you don't understand their manipulative nature but then again: you judge a MAN by his ability to satisfy a WOMAN so I might be expecting too much of you.
I wish I was molested by some older female family member. My childhood was kinda boring.
>tfw you were never molested by a beautiful older lady
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Now, now, a gentleman shouldn't fixate on a sole way to appreciate a shota.
Well I never claimed such a thing. Maybe you're finding it hard to read so many words so I'll make a concise summary just for you.

Achievements feel good when you achieve them. Success feels good. That is human nature. You can go your whole life not having any achievements or success, but it is an objective fact that you will feel good about success if you should ever attain it unless you're a broken person.

What anime is this?
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Were there a sandwich?
>Achievements feel good when you achieve them. Success feels good.
Both are easily replaced by third party for their profit.
Namely - a feminists.
You fail to understand that.
>enter a kyoani show's thread
>already the first post is saying 'GodAni'

This thread is just a parody, right? I'm having a case of deja vu.
>fuck women
>fuck feminists
>men are dominant
>women shouldn't be allowed to feel pleasure, that's a feminist plot
>now let me jack off to my fetish where a dominant woman pleasures herself using a powerless child/manlet self insert
You're more feminist than me, and your abysmal reading comprehension supports this.
what if you actively avoid milf ss, and prefer oneeshota instead?
It's an SFW trap manga.
Again, how do feminists win if I do good in school and get a high paying job? The fact that you're telling me, a man, to not aim for success because of some boogeyman reason and so I should just give up and be apathetic, only makes a case for you being the true feminist, not me.
Holy crap anon you totally convinced me right there. Brb fapping to superior manly porn for manly men just as myself. Can't let my balls get all wrinkly from reading porn with small dicks and women that aren't getting their brains fucked out of their skulls.
One quick question though, are placenta handjobs manly enough for my throbbing Y- chromosome? I too am afraid that it could get a dent on the lower part and become an X through consumption of inferior porn.
Thanks in advance :D
Comfy sex where you don't have to take initiative.
>man should not put a woman pleasure before his own
>or build his sense of self-worth around it
>hmm let me see if I understood that correctly:
>"women shouldn't be allowed to feel pleasure"
I'll just assume you're baiting at this point.
>tfw Cool actually has /ss/ on sadpanda
They win if you do >>153281789 because they hold the reigns if you center your self-worth around their satisfaction.
Are you this blind to see that it's subjective and can be bended easily to get you do what you need if you rely on it?
> easily to get you do what you need
*get you do what they need
The man is a godsent
>man should not put a woman pleasure before his own
>or build his sense of self-worth around it
And where did I argue against this? Again, your reading comprehension is rubbish.
You sound insecure as fuck.
But where did I say you should do any of that? You're very obviously incapable of reading properly for some reason.
>And where did I argue against this?
You make offenses out of the opposite so I assumed that his is where you put it on your value scale.
If you don't - there is nothing left for us to discuss anymore.
>/newmod/ keeps deleting panda threads
>he let this one alive for hours
not that I'm againts /ss/, but his behavior is ridiculous and inconsistent
Because is not
Lucoa just want to be a mother for the boy
meanwhile she had sex with her sister, and that's canon, not your hetfantasies
No I'm pretty sure the "men" arguing that good feelings don't actually feel good are the insecure ones, because they are too afraid to confront the fact that they've never succeeded in anything.
>"men" arguing that good feelings don't actually feel good are the insecure ones

Who said that?
I've clarified my position like 3 times since the start of the argument. You're the one who's jumped in under a false premise and wasted both our time.
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My negro.
Go read every response calling me a feminist woman pleaser for saying it feels good to succeed in sports and academia.
Noone is arguing agains the fact that fun things are fun. Literally listing manly porn as an achievement however is insecure as fuck
Good shit. There's another prostitution one that's good too, but I forget the name.
There was one with strawberries or so. Good shit
It is forboden
I did. They seem to be say that it simply isn't everything.
You also used it lack of the ability or desire to satisfy a woman as offense to the manhood god knows how many times in this thread.
You're not being consistent: if it's not required for a male to center his sense of self-worth around pleasuring a woman nor it is required for a man to put woman pleasure before his own - why do you use it as an offense?
It's not offensive if it doesn't matter to a male and this is what you're saying.
Yeah that one. That artist in general is great, despite the same face issues.
If it was my only argument, sure. However, I said it was one of many things you can find success in, and therefore should feel good about. I mean you can feel good about passing a massive shit you've been holding in for hours. Does me stating this objective fact mean I have some insecurities or complexes about shit? You're the ones bringing your own insecurities into this argument.

And I never said it was everything. My only point is that they're still things. There's a million things you can find success in and you should feel good about succeeding in whatever it is, because it is human nature to feel good about success.

Sorry but having a small dick isn't something to boast about. You're sounding like a loser who's resigned himself to not caring anymore.
The things I do for you, anon
>Anon who feel insecure about their masculinity: the thread
Not that anon but I also like rape hentai where the girl is all tsun about it and then finally breaks down and likes it. I like /ss/ because the idea of a loving, protective, older sister typing is appealing. So what am I in your eyes?
How do you feel about /ss/lite, like Stalking Girl?
>Sorry but having a small dick isn't something to boast about.
Make up your fucking mind:
This either don't matter matter for a man >>153281840
or it's a must and a man can't be considered one if he doesn't follow your idea of a perfect male >>153281233
Obviously a feminist, because how dare you like it when women feel good? You need to be a bitter /r9k/ MRA retard like the rest of us.
I fail to see how any of that is relevant for our discussions, but that makes you a man with average not in bad way taste?
>that balls included blowjob
This is one of the best.
I don't know in what kind of fantasy world you live in, but your preferences in porn literally don't matter. Sports, academia, sure, hell even being kinda good at playing super mario can be an achievement a man/ woman/ faggot can be proud of. Stroking your dick regardless of size to specific mongolian finger paintings however says nothing and I repeat nothing about your manliness, your self worth, your achievements and your person in general.
Fapping to babies vetting fucked by horses doesn't make you a horse, just like fapping to bulky men with big dicks fucking a woman's brains out makes you more or less of a man
I've said it before and I'll say it again: it is one of many aspects which can be attributed to a man's success. It is not the ONLY aspect, but you're stupid or delusional to think it doesn't matter in any way at all.
/ss/ has the best artists like michiking. Big tits with a bit of a sag >>>>> baloons that defy natural laws.
I brought it up cause Manly(tm) anon You? was going on and on about how no one can be a true man if they dabble in /ss/. Which makes no sense, since many people have diverse tastes.
I didn't attribute success to porn fetishes, the current argument about success is about something else as the argument evolved.

Is there seriously no /ss/fag with competent reading comprehension? I've had to repeat and clarify myself for every single one of you because you're all too lazy to read an argument before jumping in and would rather just mindlessly lash out at something you 'feel' you should be upset about.
Yet the other anon was arguing that only true men fap to /ss/. What's your expert commentary on that?
You're all full of shit.
The argument didn't evolve, you're retreating from points you made while repeating points noone is arguing against. What everyone is arguing about is why you feel the need to start a lengthy discussion about manliness in a thread where people are discussing their fetish.
Same thing as when people claim only a true m/a/n can appreciate lolis or trume men like thicc girls.
It`s /a/, you are not supposed to take things seriously.
>expect Lucoa/MILF thread
>get /r9k/ vs /pua/ shitflinging contest
fucking hell
Yes it did. We went from "who faps to or doesn't fap to /ss/", to "dick size affects women's pleasure", to "success feels good". Maybe it was your plan to act retarded to get me to spoonfeed you a summary of the argument because you're too lazy to read but with that done it's been confirmed you're a dullard not worth responding to any more.
>Big tits with a bit of a sag >>>>> baloons that defy natural laws
A man of culture I see.
How do you like girl's nipples?
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It's not too late anon.
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This is a Cool /ss/ thread, so I'm going to make it less shit now. Enjoy chapter 1 of Chichi.
The fuck is PUA even mean?
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For me it's just regression to a more comforting and relatable scenario because I don't feel like I'm an adult at all. (Despite being 26, mods.)
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Japan really does have the shittiest taste.

They don't like actual woman, and sexually forward ladies that want to enjoy sex with them make their beta males "feel gay". What the fuck?
This has a bunch of chapter for how simplistic the premise is.
Its a shame it is so much rarer
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That's chapter 1. I'll TL more over the weekend and continue to dump in /ss/ Kobayashi threads.
Wait, this is getting translated?
/ll/= lustful loli?
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lesbian lolis anon
lesbian loli
lolis not doing anything with boys
distincting it from regular loli the same reason /ss/ is distincted from regular shota
Big, dark and leaking droplets of milk constantly.
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It's about having move than you could possibly eat.
Yeah that's usually what the English words on the pages mean.
Its specifically an older woman with a younger girl
I've seen the raws, this is nothing but paizuri.
I love it.
/ll/ means lesbian lolicon. A lesbian who loves lolis. Jesus christ
>SFW trap manga.

It's basically light femdom with incest undertones
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Mai Waifu Cagliostro, reimagined as a cute shota trap. This is literally like someone made a doujin just for me
tfw so little content with slightly more dominant shotas
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Why is such a genre so controversial?

I don't particularly care for /ss/ as it does nothing for me, but I don't get why those anons that don't like it are shitglinging at those that do.
Threadly reminder, /ss/ is the best fetish.
So the guy is a fake shota?
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I thought that was just a meme, I didn't know anyone actually made something about it...
He's an adult, but he's tiny. She's also a giant.
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>having taste this shit

I can only feel pity for you
Well no, the inclusion of incest varies. Sometimes its quite literally incest, no subtext about it.

I don't like the incest version, just prefer an older girl showing a young lad the ropes.
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Fuck off freud, you think the cause of everything is because you want to fuck your mother
Apparently Japs usually view blond haired people as delinquents or something.
But what if you self insert as the woman?
What does that mean?
Have you heard the one about the little boy and his three mothers?
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>a million years old vampire loli is still a loli
>shotas can't be shotas if they're not the right age

Is this how it works?
Both, and more.

Besides it being really hot, what can I say? I'm a sucker for true love. That and I'm not really sure who I am at times.
It's just not the same.
Thouzand year lolis still act like regular lolis, meaning they are insufferable but wathever.
Faux shotas rarely act like shotas.
Or foreigners, all people not from Japan have blonde hair and blue eyes

So delinquents are trying to be not-japanese? How shameful.
>X, while looking like an adult, would technically be her even smaller otouto

Someone fund this already!

That's not how it's supposed to work. Part of /ss/ is because she's the one above. She doesn't have to be dominant, but she's the main agent of change.
God bless you, anon.
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>That's not how it's supposed to work.
>this fetish can only work the way I want it to, there can never be variations!
Nope. Shotadom is still straight shota as far as any tagging system is concerned.
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But I'm tired of watching japan degredate chicks, its all they ever do, especially in porn
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He's a robot, I bet his extendable hydraulic penis is huge, and can vibrate
You can like what you like, I'm just taking issue with that sort of inane fetish gatekeeping.
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If he even had one
Wait. She has 3 boobs?
Why do you think Dr Light built himself a male and female pair of robots?

It wasn't for them to be just siblings.
I want to raise my husbando
Who Dibi here?
No. The shota's hand is just making an imprint on her (extremely large) left breast as a result of their exorbitant softness.
>Likes /ss/ because seeing little boys whimper is my fetish
>Don't have to worry about masculinity, muh dick size or mommy issues
Perfect for me
Heard they are making an OVA about classic QB with redesigned characters.
I wat to see new Cattleta so bad.
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Is that the maidragon artist?
This desu.
Yeah, the guy has been doing porn for a while now too.
You're an astute one.
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-I love stories where men and women switch roles, and the woman is the one who chases and lusts after the boy. It's awesome to see a woman lose her shit over how cute the boy is.
-It also seems like the only condition where femdom really could work, because no matter what dom/sub roles the boy plays, the woman could always overpower him at any time - it's not just that they're playing roles, like where the physically superior man allows the woman to dom him.
-overtly masculine guys in porn is a huge turnoff for me, and /ss/ often overlaps with straight traps / femboys
-/ss/ is usually emphasizes cuddly, soft and warm feelings with the girl being the guide, mentor or protector

The master class in detailed, proportionate artwork:

Tochiroku, Po-Ju, Pochi, Michiking, Sena Youtarou, Nora Higuma, Agata (somewhat inconsistent), Saigado, Jairou, Jingrock, Kuroiwa Menou, Mikemono Yuu, Napata, Tamagoro
>/ss/ is when pedophilia is okay

What went wrong?

er, Tachibana Roku.
>What went right?
>Genders are equal
Go be stupid somewhere else.
only if you fapped to the boy
??? anon didn't speak about gender at all
The superior /ss/ is the one where the woman has a dick. Prove me wrong you can't
I remember reading that doujin awhile ago and it fucked my shit straight up.

Getting crossed like that would devastate me.
Are you stupid?
2d pedos are cute
Big tits with a bit of a sag >>>>> baloons that defy natural laws.
how else would you draw them?

i couldn't bring myself to draw them without that loving, motherly sag
Inverted with puffy and big areolae.
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A lot of artists make them seem "stiff" or "plastic" because there's zero sag and they always end up looking fake to me. Lke picrelated.
I actually only like shotas, but I take what I can.
i mostly deal in huge breasts and those need sag for me. i can't draw them without it, even hitting mid alphabet letter sizes or more.

its like committing a crime or something
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not this one idiot.gif
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not this one idiot.gif?

but honestly you are right, he should really just hover over the spoiler image filename to see it
You are awesome.
>it's not pedophilia if it's a boy

Keep telling yourself that.
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>Be 6'2
>Main fetish is /ss/
>The only way I could ever practice it would be with a giant girl

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How many of you deviants sexualize shotas outside of /ss/? Why do you like little boys so much?
Little boys = cute
Big tiddies = sexy

The perfect combination
I want to be the little boy.
No I mean the people who want to fuck the shotas, not those who self-insert as them. Isn't shota gay?
>Isn't shota gay?
It's not gay if they have feminine penises.
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Shotas are not for lewding!
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>A little boy is raised with the help of his (hopefully NBR) onee-san
>He grows up to become a succesful teenager, popular with the ladies
>Onee-san's heart is broken but she hides it, knowing that it's for the better that her beloved otouto moves on and finds his own way in the world
>She can't help but admit joy and relief when he finally returns to her loving embrace
Its not lewd for a Woman to teach a young Shota how to be a Man
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>hopefully NBR
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They're really cute.
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Incest is bad and results in retarded, diseased babies.
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Reminds me of this.
>Source: my conservative parents
What if I self insert as the cake?
Juan goth
whats good about this is the mom approved it.
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Shouldn't the age difference make it more gross than her just being a lot bigger than you?
use saucenao
what a lovely view
nothing like a warm sun peaking over stunning mountains
>I've seen the raws
Where? I mean... for science.
Cute does not mean you sexualize them!
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I dumped both volumes on panda, though they got expunged almost instantly because it's a "nonporn" magazine. Just so happens there is at least 1 paizuri scene per chapter.
Any chance this series wouldn't get pulled from batoto? Was looking at best places to upload it.
>take this anon
The chapter where she hypnotizes him to behave like a baby was really cute.
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>that girl is literally shub niggurath
He is gonna colonize quetzalcoatl one day.
>firsr thin that comes to his mind is paizuri and breast feeding play
What a guy.
Watch "Stacy's Mom Has it Going On" and come back.
top one
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I jerked off to that when I was a kid
If you had a son and he was raped by a female teacher, would you sue her, or get angry at your son for not liking the experience?

Genuine question, I've never gotten this fetish, I want to know your opinion on this scenario.
Sue her. Rape is rape, no matter what gender or orientation.
Regardless of my own arousal, I'd be furious and sue for all her worth.
Kinks don't map to morality.
>If you had a son and he was raped by a female teacher, would you sue her, or get angry at your son for not liking the experience?
You are not meant to be the father. That's not how the fetish works. That's like saying when ever you see a hentai about a girl fucking multiple men at the same time, you say we should look through the perspective of the girl's dad. That's bizarre.
It depends, was it "rape" or was it rape? There is a difference. Its one thing if it was mutual, its another if she got him drunk or drugged him and then he woke up with his pants off, then yeah, its grounds for a lawsuit.
Sue her because that shit fucks you up on the long run and I don't want my kid commiting the same mistake I did.

In a less realistic scenario, I'd blackmail the shit out of her and double team her with my son.
Depends on how he felt. I mean, "rape" in this context can either mean consensual sex that's not really consensual or full on reclutant rape. If he consented to it with at least 12 years of age, I'm not gonna sue her. Otherwise, fuck her, she's gonna be paying for his college.
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Poor, innocent little boys getting abused by extremely hot nee-sans
Sorry for being a newfag, but what's /ss/?
Browse the thread and figure it out yourself. Or use google.
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>Your resistance only makes Mai harder
>got expunged almost instantly because it's a "nonporn" magazine
What? Panda has various stuff that isn't remotely porn
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It even has a tag called Non-H.
Dunno OP. About me i don't really care about the little kid himself. It must be the fact that for some reason the female counterpart in those situations is always big, curvy, and kind. And the male being a small kid make her take the lead avoiding all that rape/abuse stuff, or making it look less bitter when happen. Is comfortable and sweet, completely different from the lolicon that make the dude looking like a some kind of villain even when the loli is a little horny bitch starving for cock.
>That one ara ara VA that always makes you pick up a show or download a nukige
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The Ara Ara Queen.
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>implying anyone's talking about 3D

We're on /a/, you dingdong.
Getting breastfed while getting a hand job

Physical, emotional and sexual sustenance all at once
This. Gotta figure out if the kid was willing or not, or if he was coerced into it.
This too. I think for the average male reader is easier to empathize the shota than the loli. So while in lolicon mangas feel kinda awkward, /ss/ is basically wish fullfillement of the average male childhood dream. Not to mention the girls in /ss/ mangas are always the best and hottest ones.
Don't know why but big girls and small guys make for very sweet and cute couples. And the idea of a soft, curvy, body inwhich the kid can drown himself during sex is kinda hot.
it's infantilization

you go back to the simpler times of your childhood to live a fantasy about a hot experienced woman initiating you to the pleasure of the flesh, no responsibility, no competition, just fullfilling those fantasies you had in junior high about fucking your hot teacher

l'm not sure why it triggers so many people, it's a fantasy, why are you so concerned with people's sexual fantasies you a mormon or something

and big dicked shota are the best, secret journey is my favorite doujin ever
Yes, but non porn mags are forbidden. As in you couldn't like upload shounen jump. That's the type of mag chichichi is published in. Basically porn but still "legit"
>l'm not sure why it triggers so many people
But is childs!
Childs and sex is bad!!!!1!
She is stealing his innocence.
It makes you jealous that no MILF ever raped you and you get an envy boner
>you will never be one of those 6th graders that fucked his 11/10 teacher for years.
It almost never happen. In real life is very difficult to find a woman attracted by younger dudes. They are all gerontophile. At least come handy when you grow up, it make up for all the childhood frustrations.
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why is it so rare though
and from what i've seen of it, the art is never that good
Straight shota. Older girls sexually attracted to little boys.
>LWA and Maid Dragon going /het/
Fuck yeah, Mugino on suicide watch.
>He doesn't know that the author does /ss/
Next time before you label something as "yuri" do your research first, including the author. Otherwise, you'll get "bfto!"
I remember posting those pics of Iruru and the high-school boy when i found them.

>I-It's just a gag

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It happens with startling regularity if you actually look for such news.
I'd imagine plenty of cases go unreported, even.
It takes me back to when I was a little kid wanting to fuck older girls.
>less testosterone than a cockerspaniel
it's more than enough to get their dicks hard so it's ok
Heh, I'm no yurifag but Iruru had the best arc of the manga and her going all dokidoki for kobayashi after she "tricked" was quite nice (better than with Tooru really, i never bought that). I hope that if they decide to pair her up wih that schoolboy that they build it up nicely.
>link shota doujin
>get warned
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>>link shota doujin
Explain further.
Get fucked Lelouch. Why do you even like Emi you piece of shit?
Finally someone gets it.
From what I saw of the chapter, seems the boy knows the dagashi shop owner in some way. I could see him stopping by to check in on her from time to time, hijinks ensuing. Would also be nice to see her visiting his school which could lead to some predicaments.
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He's kinda /fa/
Needs more techwear
Was that the helping them 4 women in the kitchen or something? I'm surprised the cutest girl went first.
>If I had a son and he banged his hot math teacher, I'd be mad at the math teacher
You're a fag.
Honestly this.

I like giantesses and tall women in general too.
Lactation and "motherly" proportions are also a big plus.
Fat one>mother>her>shit>more shit>slender one.
I discovered Michiking because of this thread.
I also discovered I don't like him. His girls are too small for me.
That TL note gave me cancer.
That's ok Herkz, no one actually cares what you think.
Artist's name?
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It's dyed, he was copying his uncle's high school days a bit.
2d is different from 3d anon
definitely sue irl
Too much is ruined by incest. Give me the older neighbour girl any day.
What about step mothers whose husbands work overseas?
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Big dick shota is my favourite. Especially when they make cute looking ahegaos.
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fucking this.
>ruined by incest
Gays no welcome
Femdom with an actual sub

Or mutual sub stuff with a guy who's cute

It's easier to find than trap x thicc
Why do fully developed girls like cute guys so much?
they like cute shota, not cute guys
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It is their nature to like cute anything.
Are there reay ugly shota?
that one jingrock dragon quest doujin is top tier ss
Maybe if you fucked your mom you wouldn't be so mean and mad, anon.
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it's like vanilla except without a fat lardass/self insert bait (both in OP's case) as the male
I am also curious. Nothing turning up on reverse searching. Looks like it might be softcore and not porn though.
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I like my nice looking males, no homo
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I'd pound Astolfo up the butt until he can't walk. No homo.
my mom doesnt have a motherly figure desu, shes more like a boy really
I got nothing senpai, don't leave us hanging.
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male:virginity shotacon is always a good time

bonus points for male:orgasm denial
Sue her because I'm a Jew. I'm sure my son will get over it.
Because I'm into taller/larger women but ever fucking artist interprets that as giantess/miniguy.
[Ohmi Takeshi] Watashi no Fushidara
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>the shota ever not being a virgin
The real MVP. Thanks man.
It's the best when the shota isn't a virgin, but the older woman is.
>not enjoying shotadom

I hate shotas.
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Because they're cute. Traps are essentially the same thing in a skirt, what's the big deal?

Yes, so what? The dick only makes it better.
pls MEGA it or upload it.
Can't you do it instead?
Leave the shotas alone!
is that kANcOLLE?
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By Henkuma.jpg
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>no self-insert bait
speak for yourself

I have fond memories of my preadolescent youth, when hot older women thought I was cute as fuck. one of my older sister's friends was a hugger with an enormous rack, which meant that anytime she was around I would find myself face-first in her chest and using those boobs as earmuffs.

she was living proof that the vertically-ribbed sweater is indeed the ultimate garment for the boob demon, whether in fiction or meatspace.

I want to be my shota self again, goddamn.
Source? I've tried everything.
This isn't translated, is it? Says the prequel is though oddly it doesn't list chapters.
we see little boys have the childhoods we never did
why does she keep going younger?

a toddler is too much for even me
>I like giantesses and tall women in general too.
>Lactation and "motherly" proportions are also a big plus.
Are you me?
For me its the interaction between older, dominant girls and tiny dicks
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i love big fat fucking titties so much dude
>Big fat titties sandwiching a big fat shota dick.

It's because Freud wanted to fuck his mother. There, mystery solved.
What are some anime with canon /ss/
Is he afraid or just shy?
>big fat shota dick
disgusting. cute small shota dick is always better.
The girl can barely even appreciate it by giving it a titjob, and its head wouldn't even peek out from the top of her cleavage for her to lick on its head.
Repressed homosexual pedophilia.
I don't after finding out she don't have a cock.
Wat is this, looks fun.
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>paizuri blowjob
i honestly prefer it when a shota's cock gets completely enveloped by the breasts desu
What do you have against paizuri blowjob's anon?

what if its statuary rape?
I prefer when he's scared and doesn't really know what's going on for some reason.
i'm not really against them. it's just that i prefer the visual aspect of a penis getting completely enveloped by breasts. thinking about the warmness of the breasts on my tip also gets me pretty hard.

horse hung shota > all

sanzo is a miracle of the universe
No translation
That is the worst website in existence.
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