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Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku

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Cutest little terrorist.

New QUEENS chapter:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JHsGSr1nc2bKURYWdHdWGLmCJ3kph1NnE3Orlrqcqsc/edit?usp=drive_web
So what were everyone's thoughts on the chapter?
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Deluge is suffering incarnate.
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>Ṣalīl' aṣ-ṣawarīm našīdu al-ʻabāh
Death to the Infidel Glassianne!
>Wa-darba al-qītali ṭarīqu al-ḥayāh
Today we shall be with Puck-sama in Paradise!
>Fa-beīn aqtiḥāmi yubīd iṭ-ṭuġāh
Allahu Puckbar!
>Wa-kātīmu ṣawti jamīli ṣadāh
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Puk Puck is love, Puk Puck is life!
Death to all who oppose Puk Puck!
Death to the infidels!
At least Pfle knows that she's a selfish self-serving bitch
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>you will never have your very own pet Heart-Shufflin
Osk should just push for the widespread replacement of Demons with Shufflins already. They're superior to Demons in every way.
TL-Kun here!!!

Spoilers are only for current chapter.

Glassianne's fight was amazing, even though she didn't make it out. Actually, I think she would've made it out if not for the sudden explosion.

I didn't expect her powers to be used like that. She's basically fighting Hotline Miami style, sasuga Asari for more creative power usage.

I know it's only been implied so far by both Lethe and Pfle, but if SW really did arrange the instructions for the Shufflin to kill Glassianne, then being Pucked could potentially also remove morality. I don't know for sure if that's the case though.

Pfle and Deluge's scene was very tense and I've been waiting for this reveal for the longest time. We get more info on the whole Pfle keikaku which is apparently Lazuline's keikaku this whole time, and I'm excited to learn more.

Pfle seems to be at her weakest here, in terms of planning compared to Restart for example. To me, she's clearly trying to get her reigns on a losing situation, she seems sloppier, relying a lot on other people instead of using people which she normally does. Although, she still displays her strengths in observing and adapting.

That scene with Deluge and Pfle was powerful for both parties, and I think this was the kind of love/hate relationship and tension that I've been waiting for ever since JOKERS, between Pfle and Deluge I mean.

I don't know how Lazuline 3/BBC is gonna be like. I keep hearing good things about her in terms of her personality and behavior so I can't wait to meet her.

I'll form more thoughts as discussions continue I think. I live for these discussions!!!
Pfle's getting sloppy; she's panicking about Mamori and that's affecting her badly.
I honestly wonder how long Glassianne trained for that fighting style, fighting from a birds eye view must be disorientating as fuck.
yeah I agree, Deluge and Plfe are constantly in a relationship of each trying to use the other. Plus I love both characters so that scene was great for me. Currently being Deluge is absolute suffering. Glassianne was a great fighter, surprisingly so, she would have won if not for the suicide bombers. Having Shufflin get taken over by PP is bad news, as well as losing Glassianne. On another note, PP is now public enemy #1 and a world class threat, and she still doesn't realize what she's doing is wrong
I see some people in other places hating on Deluge for threatening to kill Pfle, like how else are you supposed react to one of the people that literally ruined your life is revealed. Some Pflefags are awful, though most of you are alright
How can I read the previous chapters
she has a hard life, but she will rise again harder and stronger each time she is beat down
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Romance the rainbow.
I don't know if the TL left out crucial information again, but assuming it was decent, then Deluge trying to kill Pfle just for sponsoring the creation of MMMG was unreasonable.

It would have been understandable if Pfle had told her she caused that bloodbath by inviting all the veteran MGs to that facility. In that case, Deluge can blame her for all the deaths. But here, no. Pfle only said she wanted to create MMMG, so logically speaking, she isn't to blame for anything else. Why would you blame a cancer researcher just because some other bad dude try to steal her research? It's like that.

So Deluge had insufficient reasons to be murderous towards Pfle, which made her unsympathizable.
Pfle has really bad judgement when it comes to Mamori.

I wonder how much it's eating at her that SG will never love her like she does PP.
Pfle was the only one she could reach at that point and learning that she was even partially responsible for her suffering almost made her snap.

It's not a rational decision but emotions aren't rational. She did manage to calm down in the end.
But again, her life was literally ruined and she just found out someone she was working with was involved, it would be unrealistic for her to react rationally, then she gets the double blow that the one of the only people she cares about has been using and manipulating her. Her reaction makes perfect sense even if it isn't 100 percent rational. Plus after she calmed down she isn't after Pfle's life, so it's not like it's a permanent attitude, just a realistic first reaction
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Dead MGs tell no tales.
There's a point where you cannot explain something with "irrationality."

As you can read in this very chapter, Deluge never hated Professor Tanaka before this, even though she was someone who participated in the research of MMMG. Which means Deluge is rational enough to not blame the project. She knew her enemy is supposed to be the one who wanted to "capture the Pure Elements and kill all the witnesses."

Pfle confession that she spinsored the program means she's on the same side as Professor Tanaka. That mean, Deluge lashing out at her was unreasonable. Why does she want to kill Pfle yet worried for Tanaka? It doesn't make sense.

Deluge's anger would have been justified if only Pfle confessed she had a hand in the bloodbath creation.
Thanks homie
she was angry at Tanaka too the second she was mentioned in context of the plan that Pfle sponsored , she even said she should have thought of her.
You can explain everything with irrationality. Smart people do dumb things. Pfle herself is doing stupid things and she can't stop herself.

Humans are emotional beings, the trick is how well they can manage those emotions. Deluge did a pretty admirable job considering the circumstances.
yeah she was able to calm herself down and think rationally after a few moments
Everyone noticed that a Shufflin actually talked, right?

A long-standing question, finally answered.
Diamonds can talk, it's just the others who can't. Well, and Joker.
maybe it was because it was Puk'd
Wow, that was quick compared to the last few releases.
I don't have the book so can't comment on everything about the TL. But there are some QUEENS excerpts posted on nip blog, I'll let you compare one:

>Deluge knows Pfle is smiling and laughing, but there's no enjoyment to be seen. Right now, even though Pfle is hiding behind pleasantness and sarcasm, Deluge can feel tension emitting from her whole body. Both of Pfle's hands are placed on her knees, clenching so tightly that the red and white are clearly separated.

TL-kun's ver:
>Deluge knows Pfle’s smile. It seems like Pfle was capable of smiling in any situation, but now, it seems like she was hiding something.

>Pfle's entire body seemed to be tense. Both of her hands were gripped into fists.
Here's the discord, let him know yourself.

Man this chapter was wild, from Glassie's death to Pfle and Deluge's talk, and talking about Deluge, the more I read of QUEENS the more my love for her grows, she truly is a great protagonist that stands up against her suffering in the search of her revenge and answers, and I was impressed how much she can control herself with what Pfle said, truly a character worthy of having Calmness 5/5, and talking about Pfle too, it sucks that at the end she's the part of someone else's keikaku, truly life is about using others as pawns only to realize yourself are just another pawn to someone else.

>could potentially also remove morality
I'm pretty sure it fucking does it, the Puk faction is like a sect after all with her as the spiritual leader.

Given the situation I would headpat Deluge for controlling herself, any other person wouldn't have stopped and just hurt Pfle really bad if not killing her.
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Can someone shoop this to Glassiane/Shufflin II/Puck?
I don't have discord. Feel free to relay the post to him.
yeah Deluge is truly best girl
You can join it. It'll be faster to tell him in person.
It tells me I need to install an app.
Indeed, she was my favorite PE in Jokers so watching her grow and suffer so much has been a truly amazing experience.
You can also access it through the browser. I'm doing it right now.
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>even Tot Pop is afraid
He did it, the absolute madman.
i will kill if this anime does not get a season 2
This is actually the best.
https://discordapp.com works for me.
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Doesn't work on iOS.
Then you could DL the app? I'm typing this from a Mac desktop.
I just read a heartbreakingly cute RainPost fic. I will translate it later today.
Too bothersome so nah.
>Toko riding those clothes holes.
I wonder if she ever purposely got lost inside.
Fair enough.
Holy heck, I never noticed that. I didn't even notice those things on her clothes are holes and not buttons.
TL-kun here.

Thanks for the assist. I can fix that one as well no problem.

The JP people I check with seems to focus on any inconsistencies in what's being TL'd instead of grammatically matching the sentences one for one.

For example, they'll inform me Restart Ch 1 that Pechika actually ran away from Ninomiya on first meeting, and that I missed describing the 4th MG, and Snow's fight with Flamey supposed to be more brutal, how to properly make Rionetta more posh, as well as Keek more crazy sounding. Those kinds of things, as opposed to one-to-one sentence matching.

So, my guess is that since when they read the sentence and saw that I'd written

"Pfle was smiling. She's hiding something behind that smile. Her hands clenched into fists" that they thought it was okay and left the grammar handling to me.

Actually, I'm rereading the chapter and trying to compare myself and noticed that while this line still conveys the same thing, I written it slightly differently.

>(She) tried to draw out more information. Information isn't just numbers or data.
>Hammer's behavior and speech patterns, how she plays with things unconsciously, all were picked up.
>From there, she read how her mind worked, and determined how she responded to the topics brought forth.
>A rather difficult Magical Girl to grasp, but gradually, she revealed her true self.

To be continued in post 2, hang on.
I just realized Toko was in that image.
Wait, if Human Resources is with Caspar, doesn't that mean Lazuline I is also from HR?

What's with HR and Keikaku planners in general, they've got Pfle, Pythie and now Lazuline I.
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Man, Toko's tiny size gives me a good idea.
TL-kun part 2

How I did it after reading the whole sentence was something like

>she tried to draw out more information out of Hammer. This doesn’t mean just data, numbers, or facts. Information included Hammer’s habits, tics, and traits. Things like what Hammer does in response to questions, her movements, her way of speaking.

>Pfle picked up everything.

>From there, Pfle determined how she would react to discussion topics. Although she was a Magical Girl that was difficult to understand at first, gradually, she revealed more about herself.

My JP proofreaders didn't mention anything about this, but when I went over it again I noticed while it wasn't a word for word TL, it still conveyed the same thing.

This is all completely up to you guys, but yeah I can definitely change this to be a bit more word-for-word, making it flow as much as I can!

By the way, thank you all so much for pointing out any mistakes I've made. I appreciate every bit of help I get, that's why I'm resweeping almost all the time, and reaching out to JP people as well.

At the end of the day, I love MGRP and I love all the readers that I can talk with, so I definitely would work to hell and back to fix anything that can be fixed.
Because Human Resources is a place where you can get the most informations about the Magical Girls while also being able to restrict their access to potential enemies, or something like that.
TL-kun, why do you hate Sonia?
Probably has something to do with the fact that HR pretty much has access to everyone's public profile, no?

If you know the pieces in the board, that makes you a chessmaster.
Outside of the internal groups of the LoM, like the one Grim Heart was working for.
Saved this as my new desktop background pic and now listening to this >>153110704
I find it ironic that knowing Lazuline I hates the concept of MG's, she still went on to make Lazuline II as her successor who basically is like the perfect MG.
The desire sensor is strong in her indeed.
I truly appreciate you for bringing MSIK to the west. Without you, I wouldn't know this series exist. Because I normally never read LN.

I just want to say that yeah, please be more faithful to the original text. You seem too trigger-happy when it comes to changing the content, "Conveying the same thing" had made you freely change the characterization and the author's writing style.

MSIK isn't a difficult novel, I had tried translating odd pages in the past threads, and found it really easy to retain almost everything while still make read smoothly. Don't put in your own explanation, ignoring the text's intentional vagueness. Don't skip out on facial and bodily expressions just because you deem they aren't relevant. It's that easy.

I'm a VN translator. In all my years of working with other translators, I've never seen anyone changing the text this much, including the localization-heavy ones and the ones with weak moon skills.
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How can these two's relationship get fixed?
Intense fingering with Deluge's two metal claws.
what VN
Just Patricia cuff both of them on the wrist, throw them into a bed and just let them talk it out since they can hardly even move and have their physical strength drained by the cuffs.
Katahane and some Sonohana

Tane a best.
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Let's bet.

If there's no magic involved then Deluge would pin Bluebell down easily.
Believe me, that's why I'm doing all these extra checks and going through everything all again. I actually don't feel like I can rest unless I make everything the best it can be.

Thanks to anyone who can help point out mistakes and suggest stuff though.

Words may not mean much, but just know I'm doing everything I can.

I probably will continue to check, recheck, and improve even if everyone thinks it's already perfect.
I'm sorry if that sounded harsh. I do believe in your love for MSIK. Ganbatte!
It was pretty good and intense. Really sad about Glassianne's death and I wonder if DC really cares for her and Mi-chan deep inside. The reveal is really good though, I like how Pfle acknowledged her wrongs even though in the end, Lapis is the cause of all of these events. I wonder where's BBC now though
Lapis was the real Keikaku master this whole time
Whats Lapis II dying part of her plan?
With Luxury mode to boost Deluge's strength even more, that's most likely the case.
It's fine! I'm not one to shy away from criticism or ignore my own faults.

Also I've played some Sonohana in both JP and EN, I didn't know you TLd the EN ones. Didn't expect to be talking to you here of all places! (guess my plan of using MGRP to meet more fans worked). I love your work!

Thank you for taking the time to spot errors and help me fix mine!
Can Bluebell survive being fucked by a Luxury Mode'd Princess?
She was able to fool someone by transferring her MG name to her successor so I guess it was definitely a win for her.
You're welcome.
It would be very painful.
Well, she deserves it.
I'm honestly relieved that Deluge can lower the downsides that she has using Pfle's help so it won't hinder her that much.

I just fear for how heartbroken she'll be if she were to meet BBC and BBC just tells her about everything when she took care of her and judging from how she reacted when she guessed BBC used her, this isn't going to end well for Deluge.
TL-kun remember to use words instead numbers when dealing with quantities under 10.

For example with the recent Queens chapter:
>4 Magical Girls swung their maces towards Glassianne. It seems there was no hesitation. However, they were impatient to quickly get the job done. Glassianne had seemingly exposed her vitals with no resistance.

>However, 4 people moving in at once created a cramped space.

You should have spelled out the four. It should be fine to use number when identifying the Shufflins, like the 5 of clubs, 3 of hearts, and so on.

One request, how about using Shufflin II instead of Shufflin 2?
Another question is did Lazuline II ever know about Lazuline I's plans and her hating the concept of MGs? Her high intuition would've probably made her know about it unless Lazuline I hid almost everything about her so Lazuline II couldn't pick up anything about her.

Although if she did know about it then why would she still stay by her side? Does she agree with her? If that's the case then Lazuline II might not be as innocent as we were lead to believe but this most likely isn't the case.
I suspect Laz I transferred her name/title to Blue Comet and then had Blue Comet attract attention and make noise far away from her as a distraction while she did her own thing. Intuition wouldn't kick in because she wouldn't be focusing on her shishou.

Plus, she was probably trying to fingerfuck a baby into Bellsie at that point, so she wouldn't be paying attention to her master's secret lab.
Lapis II met Bellsie in the game. They didn't know each other before that.

I also heard that human Lapis II is bigger than the petite Shinobu. I can't stop squealing now.
Restart spoiler
So if I understand it correctly. Keek uploaded the MGs memories into digital avatars, ran the simulation, then downloaded the memories back into the original bodies. The simulation though only took a moment in the real world.

Was the killer heart attack a conventional heart attack or something more? I'm imagining what would have happened if an MG with a heart issues who has a implanted defibrillator was brought into the game. That or if someone had the brains to hang around the ER entrance of a hospital once they found out about it being a death game
Yes please.
It might be explained better in the original JP version? For now I guess Keek wired the Game Over condition with revoking a MG's magic power. Robbing someone off of their magic power will result in heart failure, as we learned in Unmarked.
Isn't that Fav's doing thought? Don't the testers usually just erase their memories after taking their powers?
The point is it's possible to do it.

Keek has control over a fairy, Fal, meaning she can programn her world to do whatever a fairy can do, including revoking magic power.
No. Taking back magic power always result in heart failures. That's why normal testers only erase memories and let the girls live their normal human life again, they never take back the power, the girls can still transform into a MG if somebody returns their memories.
I want Blubell to become my oneechan.
True. Still, Laz 2 did say her shishou wanted to retire and gave her the costume and title. If she was a decoy it makes sense she'd be sent as far away as possible.
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I wonder if Rippuru and Deluge would ever meet so they can share about the experience they had when they were manipulated and used by Pythie and Bluebell respectively.
Queens chapter 6

“Thank you, Fal. I also agree on that, even though you were doing it, I was actually concerned for my life there.”

“Though I wasn’t doing it to save you, Pfle.”

“Heh, you had that stance in the game, too.”

“I don’t remember that, Pon.”

“It’s fine if you don’t.”

What's Pfle talking about here?
maybe he was prioritizing Keek's defeat over their lives and helping them was just an extra boon? At least thats whats Pfle seems to be implying, thats my interpretation
Postarie: !
P: T- Thank you very much...
P: ?
P: Omette huh...
P: (munch munch)
P: It's good.

Rain Pou: Toko!! I did it!
Toko: Nice. So what did she say?
R: Ah...
T: What the? You! Are you an idiot?!

P: ?!
R: (menancing)
R: Er...um...
R: ...

That doesn't make sense either though. Fal was only opposed to Keek because of people were getting hurt. Was Fal's memories altered at some point?

Actually, I had a funny theory that maybe SW actually always takes Fal with her on missions, but always maintains a backup. The missions that Fal doesn't remember being on are ones where he's destroyed and the backup is restored without the knowledge of ever going on it at all.

It doesn't work though because if that were the case, SW wouldn't have kept Pfle's memories inside the battery compartment.
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Anon here who just read Akane's side-story. This series has made me seriously fucking hate Elves. Knife-eared bastards, genocide isn't enough.

I think the artist browse here / discord, not sure.
There were times in Restart when Keek was pretty much controlling Fal with some of the Fal dialogues ending in Bon instead of Pon! so Keek altering Fal's memories isn't that far off.
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Funny enough, I had always hated elves until this series.

I really hated what they did to these innocent girls, but at the same time I adore them. It's complicated.
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I'll pray for their deaths in every Anime/Book and kill the little bastards on sight in every game I'll play from now on.
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Nu bulli plis
We were wrong about desert warfare shufflin; they aren't tacticool, not at all.

They're jihadis.
Do you think Melly would be ok if hairfag started rubbing her hair and got blood in it from all the thorns she keeps in it but hairfag wouldn't stop?
This is why elves are meant for rape because if not they become killing machines.
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Pythie wouldn't even do it anon because she's Smelly Melly so Pythie wouldn't go touch her hair.
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Fuck this trash elf. Smelly degenerate scum fUCK you. You are shit fuck pile of smelly garbage Smellville, how dare you kill BEST gIRL! Taking a person who gave her food literally only a couple of chapters before and torturing her! BITCH! FUCK YOU ELF SMELLY WHORE! No wonder Cranberry died to dog, death was better than this degenerate, smelly, pointy eared bitch, who dresses like a WHORE, coming back to her! FUCK YOU!
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Hopefully Greatest Ally MS can help stop them.
Come on, Melly was just sexually frustrated after Cranberry kicked the bucket.
Gas the puckslims!
I blame Nokko-chan.
Thank you. Seeing such a passionate RainPostfag makes me inspired. Will translate that fanfic now.
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Do you think Mana would cooperate with a goyim in a crusade against the Shufflins?

Would BBC suffer from having an internal conflict between her caring and affectionate personality for Deluge as Bluebell and her old personality as Lazuline III?
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Who knows? She seemed like a decent person in her early cameo in the sidestory.
can you translate this one if it's not too much trouble http://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=7729109
So she literally want to feed MGs to the machine alive? Snow White's beautiful lady is more evil than I thought.
Nothing wrong with that anon.
Pic related sounds more fitting for Lazuline I for her hate towards the conecept of magical girls.
"Making the mother of all omelettes here, Snow- can't fret over every egg!"
Indeed, but the plan itself is more similar with the Puk one.
>Grace x Trick
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Who wants to feed a lot of corn to Cherna?
Pechika's little brother would.
Its good to see so many fellow Delugefags in these threads
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Just noticed the scribbled out nametag. That's amusing.
Many were killed to protect those legs.
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It's because she's truly best girl.
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I want to marry Pechika!
Would be a pretty good deal, you're guaranteed good food every day.
you don't even need to spend money on groceries, she can just turn trash into food!
I would totally spoil her as a reward.
I found Deluge to be a complete utter dick by the end. Its like she just wants to kill and its not even about revenge anymore, she just completely unstable.
I would feed her my cum
i would give her lots of headpats!

and cuddling, and handholding
And children, that's the most important thing.
maruino is really good at drawing cute boys too
I think the bigger point here is the fact that it wasnt just her threatening Pfle, but that she would have actually gone in for the kill if not for Fal before Pfle would even manage to explain herself.
>which made her unsympathizable.
Deluge a shit anon.
I like in the new chapter that Pfle recognizes CQ as a kindred spirit. That's pretty cool of her.
it's really a shame they both end up dead no?
>tfw you're just being chuuni with a weird cellphone you found and suddenly transform
Killing probably is the only thing Deluge can do from what we've seen in Aces aside from her having some fun with the ABC trio and her going completely ballistic at the end was more or less because Pfle had admitted to have aided on the man-made magical girl project which was the entire reason as to why Deluge's life became a suffering ride. To add salt on the wound she was told that BBC, who probably is/was the most important person to her, was using her for Lazuline I's plans.

She had suffered alot so I wouldn't blame her for lashing out at Pfle and at least she was able to calm down in a short period of time.
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My wives Swim2 and Nokko-chan are so cute.
Lashing out is one thing, I do expect for her to be angry, but if it wasnt for Fal, she would have most likely killed Pfle right there. Its a good thing they mentioned how BBC can actually completely change one's personality.
Still, Deluge seems extremely unstable than just an avenger.
Well, she was essentially conditioned into a terrorist general over the past few months and she's going into withdrawal from her BBC.
Deluge is gonna have severe trust issues with everyone now.
Much like SW if she overcomes the Pucking, I'll bet.
I wonder what Deluge's plan is when she goes against Caspar, would she try to talk BBC out to make her switch sides or would she kill her the moment they get the chance to fight? Only time will tell
SW has her mind reading ability.
Which was useless against Puck.
We can't get angry at Pfle if you put it like that.
My wife is so pretty.
I can already imagine the ending of the arc. SW is standing in front of a large wall with names engraved from edge to edge. Those are all the magical girls that SW was partially responsible for. All of them immortalized on the memorial for dying in the Three Sages War.
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Title: The place to sleep

Ninotsugi Kaori does not sleep in class.

For middle school students, sleeping in class is inevitable at some point. Reasons can vary from boring lessons to tiredness from club activities. There are even people who fall asleep for no reason.

Kaori doesn't do it, and not because she's a diligent student. She just disliked the idea of leaving a vulnerable time window, during which she can't protect herself. It's more comfortable to keep track of what is happening in class. Aside from pretending to sleep for a few minutes so that she could banter about it with other people, Kaori believed that leaving herself unprotected should be avoided.

Therefore, Kaori does not sleep in class. Sleeping in front of the others is absolutely a foolish act. Such an unusual middle schooler.

Unusual, but it didn't mean Kaori was the only one. There might be some diligent students who never dozed off in class, but this wasn't the time to talk about them.

Sakaki Tatsuko, the classmate who Kaori became friends with under Toko's direction, also does not fall asleep during classes.

Her reason was not the same as Kaori. If she fell asleep, the teacher would get angry and she would stand out. She didn't want to stand out, she never neglected observing her surroundings for that exact reason.

And so, just like Kaori, Tatsuko had never showed anyone her sleeping face.

Right then, Kaori realized a certain fact for the first time.

Ninotsugi Kaori had never seen the sleeping face of Sakaki Tatsuko.


"It's not like I want to see it or anything."

"Kaori-chan, did you just say something?"

When Kaori denied that she ever said anything, Tatsuko didn't inquire any further.

This is so silly. In the first place, isn't it more unusual to have seen the sleeping face of a friend? There's nothing good about it.
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Kaori thought it is foolish to sleep in front of others.

Toko was around so Kaori didn't really think she could drop dead from an unexpected attack mid-sleep, but there's no doubt her reaction time would be delayed. And if the opponent was a magical girl, there's a possibility to get mortally wounded.

Tatsuko was neither an enemy nor a magical girl yet, but Kaori had no reason to open her heart to the girl. Kaori only befriended her to make her a scapegoat. A shield to protect her covert in times of emergency. Why would Kaori expose herself to such a girl?

Besides, Tatsuko herself never fell asleep in front of others, which meant she also didn't want to be defenseless around anyone including Kaori.

Yeah, there's no mistake. Kaori didn't know if they're friends or whatever, but letting your guard down around each other would be the embodiment of stupidity.

"Kaori-chan, over there..."


When they took a turn at the crossroad, Tatsuko pointed at the direction they're going. Up ahead, broken debris and timbers were scattered behind a traffic ban tape. Apparently, a truck had toppled, so nobody would be able to pass through here for a while.

If they couldn't get through here, they would have to make a detour. But that other road is a long, long uphill.

Even though Kaori always paid attention to her surroundings, she couldn't do anything about the unexpected. She sighed again at the worldly familiarity.

Climbing that uphill road took quite a bit of physical strength. Trying to take a break, Kaori bought drinks at a vending machine and handed one to Tatsuko, before sitting down next to her and looking up at the sky.

Kaori was tired and didn't want to talk much, but she also felt uneasy about the prolonged silence. Even when they only talked about stupid things, and even though Tatsuko wasn't the type who actively talks, the girl always responded to Kaori properly. So it's unusual for her to ignore Kaori this much.

>"Here lie, in honored glory, the magical girls who died to save the world."
>Snow White squeezed her eyes shut, but the slight trembling of her body was enough to spill the tears brimming inside them.
>"God damn me."
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And for the first time, Kaori realized that Tatsuko was asleep.

Certainly, it's unavoidable to be exhausted after climbing that long slope. That was no thing to freak out about. But what amazed Kaori was that Tatsuko had leant against her, and the fact that it had surprised her enough to clench her fist tightly around the can in her hand.

There was nothing to be surprised about. Unlike a magical girl transformation, Tatsuko's face had not changed at all. It was still totally the same. But for some reason, Kaori could not keep her eyes off of what should be a familiar face.

"...Silly Tacchan."

Kaori muttered, closing her eyes.

Right now, Tatsuko was leaving her body defenseless in front of an assassin who was trying to use her. The pitiful girl didn't know.

Kaori didn't deserve that face.

That face should have been shown to a more trustworthy person. And yet she showed it to Kaori.

What a helpless girl.

That's what Kaori thought.



"Kaori-chan, you woke up?"

Woke up?

Kaori felt Tatsuko's voice was right next to her, her body was drowsy as if she just woke up from a nap.

"What happened?"

"It looked like I fell asleep for a while. When I noticed it, Kaori-chan seemed to have fallen asleep too. I thought it would be bad if to wake you up."


Kaori could not believe it. When did she fall asleep?

No, why did she fall asleep in the first place? Moreover, judging from their current position, it seemed she had kept her body close to Tatsuko this whole time. Kaori was stunned at herself for doing the exact same stupid thing that Tatsuko did.

Was this reality or an enemy's hallucination? But no matter how much Kaori thought about it, it could only be reality. And that made Kaori confused even more.


Ninotsugi Kaori did not know. She did not know that she had let Tatsuko into her heart more than she thought.

She did not know, yet.

Aw, that was pretty cute.
>Snow White felt a gentle hand on her shoulder as her body began to shake.
>"Everything will be alright. Come here."
>She turned to face who it was but it was difficult to see while her eyes watered.
>Despite that, she recognized that form. The same form that rescued her from the same fate as the rest of those on the wall.
>Snow White moved in closer and buried her head in the chest of accepting arms.
>The warm embrace calmed her as she dried her eyes. The feeling of slender fingers rested on her head.
>Snow White then softly uttered grateful words.
>"Thank you Pythie."
I gotta hand it to Lazuline I for being able to persuade Pfle, who can read everyone like a book and is known for her keikaku planning, to ally with her even though Pfle had said they couldn't meet eye-to-eye.
I find it interesting that BBC didn't take away Deluge's memories of hanging out and having fun with Arlie. Like if she was ordered to make a killing machine, wouldn't it be better if you make them stay emotionless as possible?
Hey, I ordered all the novels except Jokers will scan them once they arrive.
Scans for Unmarked and Restart are available btw, so we only need Limited, Jokers/Aces/Queens, Episodes, Episodes Phi, and the special edition book that had "Snow White Raising Project" short story.

Please include the instruction for how to give you a kiss too. Thank you.
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Nah, letting Deluge bond with her comrades will help them cooperate better on the battlefield.
I just finished Limited.

So, when the magical phones stopped working, that was Pfle's doing. Toko was working for Pfle as well. Apparently, Pfle requested that Shadow Gale add a signal disruptor to 7753's goggles. This suggests that Pfle was responsible for everyone's phones no longer being functional. Why did Pfle disable everyone's phones? And why only after the School Girls were attacked and scattered (IIRC, it's only after the Investigation Team clashed with the School Girls that the phones stopped working)?

Is it possible for my question to be answered without spoiling the future books?
>Inb4 her ability is to be able to persuade anyone.

Since she was able to persuade Pythie to join her, she was able to persuade the LoM to give her name to her successor and was able to persuade Pfle to ally with her.
Why is everyone suddenly think Pfle was being played by Lazuline I all along?

She wasn't. She participated in the MMMG keikaku because they both had the same goal, and it had worked out fine, see: Jokers.

After that, Pfle lost her memories. THAT was what made her vulnerable. She no longer remember who she should watch out, and thus she couldn't make a keikaku to defend against them. None of this would have happened if only SG had returned her the memories as promised. Pfle would have been able to protect SG and herself better.

If Pfle dies, it's all SG's fault.
Does anyone have the CN scans for unmarked?
Pfle was behind all 3 parties in Limited. Her goal was to kill the assassin and the aces of the divisions by pitting them all together.

The assassin: to seal her mouth. Reason will be clearer in Jokers.
The aces: to create a power vacuum that will destabilize LoM, benefit for her plan to reform LoM.
The prisoners: Pfle can't care less whether they live or die, but she released them in order to force LoM to reform its prison system to a more effective model.
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>The aces
I've never heard of this term before other than the existence of the book called "ACES" so already, I feel like I'm being spoiled.

And how do you know that Pfle is responsible for the release of the prisoners? That also seems to be based upon knowledge one can only have by reading the future books.
The aces are Hana and Maou Pam. They're the most important people of their respective departments.

Pfle was the one who sponsored Tot Pop to release Pythie. The current TL of Limited was rather bad so it might not be clear, but it's revealed within the book.
Oh I see. I didn't know Hana was so high-ranking (at least, within her division).

Does Tot Pop know that she was being sponsored by Pfle however?
Yeah, both Tot Pop and Pythie knew.

You should go read previous threads, more interesting info on Limited.

Didn't Pfle even admit that she got played by her? and the the talk between Pfle and Deluge that was

“And you just believed in those kinds of things?”

“It seems I did…”

Might imply that even Pfle got played by Lazuline I after all that talk about changing the LoM right at the start of them teaming up.
Here is the thing: Pfle had known all along that Lazuline I hated the concept of MG. That's not something she just found out. So why did she agree to cooperate on the MMMG project? Can only be because she has her own keikaku too, which needs MMMG.

I hate that I can't trust the TL to not mess up. It's difficult to discuss things. But as far as I can see it, Pfle might wasn't "admitting to being played at all, but simply gave a guilty admission that she cooperated with Lazuline even when knowing that would put the Pure Elements in danger.
>The prisoners: Pfle can't care less whether they live or die, but she released them in order to force LoM to reform its prison system to a more effective model.
Where did it say that?
The prison system was forced to reform in Jokers.
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I meant the part about it being Pfle 's plan.
thats why its nice when the ABC trio care for her at the end of Queens with no prompting because they care about her
Has any character had their life constantly shit on more than Deluge, like every fucking book she gets beat down, being Deluge is suffering
There's Ripple I guess.
I'd say SW because she's been around the longest and she even gets shat on in the Drama CD.
But Ripple was completely happy for 2 years.
That was false happiness anon.
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And Deluge was a popular and happy schoolgirl until recently. What she experienced is nothing compared to Ripple and Snow.
Deluge actually gets her worldview shattered like its a common thing. Plus she just gets tossed around like a pawn constantly. I have faith that she will rise from the ashes of defeat time and time again harder and stronger each time
Maybe, I think.
In Limited, Pfle told SG
" In fact, that division is also in opposition to our division. Thanks to it...... "
I bet BBC is gonna one of Deluge's top priorities post-Queens so she can try to get her back to her side while also gaining answers from her through interrogating her if she gets cuffed.
I love Lady Lethe for ants.
I disagree, SW and Ripple had each other to cling to for like a year after Unmarked, Deluge had no one at all, and when she did find someone, it turns out she was being manipulated by them. In addition she witnessed all her friends die over and over on videotapes, she had a way worse post trauma experience imo
I believe she, along with Armor Arlie, Blade Brenda, Cannon Catherine, and Shadow Gale are hunting for both Lazulines
I don't know whether Bluebell will be Deluge's top priority in the next arc, but cuffing her is definitely on Deluge's to-do list. Bluebell's power is just too dangerous to let her run free.
I can't wait to see Lethe actually get to use her weapons.
Ripple's life had been shitty for its entire duration. The brief 2 months with Top Speed and 6 months with Snow White were nothing. She is now also suffering from the memories of those two Pythie years.

Deluge's suffering had much briefer duration. And whatever you say about Bluebell being manipulative, the fact remained that she truly cared for Deluge during those 6 months and Deluge loved it.
For SW:
- Unmarked: LP and HA die, she is left with the knowledge that she basically did nothing to save them
- SWRP: betrayed by Pythie and distances herself from Ripple
- Restart: only arrives in time to mindbreak Keek, 13/16 of the girls she should have saved die.
- Limited: Ripple dies (?)
- Jokers: watches her childhood friend die
- Aces: watches Ripple kill the person she was supposed to protect
- Queens: gets Pucked
- Nemurinland Drama CD: attacked by Sou-chan and has to watch him walk off with a dream version of herself, knowing she can never be with him again.
Deluge's major problem is Pythie since if BBC actually got some hair from her before leaving completely, she's screwed since both Lazulines would be able to see what she's planning to do before she is able to do it and plan accordingly.
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Why is such a top-tier character in design, personality and power, barely got any screentime. I love CQ and all, but I want Lethe's POV too.
Or hell, Pythie could just Pukin her through her crystal ball.
that'd be pretty bad, and I'm pretty sure Pythie would have some of her hair, thats why she's always able to stay ahead, because of her observation abilities on every major character
Pythie making the ABC trio try and kill Deluge one by one using Pukin's rapier to make her suffer even more by being forced to kill them when?with BBC saying to Pythie that it's messed up and leaves the Caspar to find and heal Deluge for real this time with no ulterior motives.
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>crystal ball
>Pukin's sword
>5/5 Intelligence
>4/5 Strength

Things that should never be equipped by a 5/5 Pervert.
What would Deluge's hair be like?
Who knows, we'd need Pythie's commentary. For her I think the best hair in terms of quality has been Prism Cherry
Pythie controlling Deluge with the rapier, pulling her in and making her commit perverted acts to make BBC jealous when?
How can other villains even compete?
>implying Bluebell cares
The only one who will be needy at the end of the day is Deluge.
If BBC feels anything for Deluge then Pythie can use her for leverage.
I swear if I hear that word one more time...
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Same. Nearly ripped my hair out while reading Limited and somewhat Jokers. Hopefully v2 TL change up that word.
It's a good word, don't diss the leverage
Why is everyone so bothered by leverage anyway? It's not like Overlord where "ammonia" "puppets with strings cut" and so on get repeated like clockwork.
It doesn't mean what I think TL-kun think it means. In some cases it was correct (the use of someone as a stepping ladder), sometimes it's completely wrong (should be "hostage" instead).
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A wild Tot Keek appeared, what do?
grope her flat chest
You can use a hostage as leverage though, it's not an incorrect usage
Those 6 months that she had gained for affection for Deluge would probably mix in with her old personality so she might still care for her. This is the same girl who had said that a certain person's memory is precious and had said after taking said memory that it felt wrong since she removed the memory of a special person in her life so her still caring for Deluge, albeit slightly less, isn't completely that far off.
BBC's love for Deluge its all fake untill now ?

It's incorrect in the context of the text. The gratingly repeatitive and misuse of leverage was what prevented me from rereading Limited.
Make her my girlfriend.
that topaz clean
You two are misunderstanding something. Bluebell isn't a cold-hearted or smug person. However, she isn't that sentimental either. She's kind when she can afford it, but has no qualm about manipulating somebody or even purposefully arriving late to let someone be killed.
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The mad dog Glassianne fighting style is really cool, fucking Shufflins always ruining everything, we're gonna build a magical wall and make the Osk's faction pay for it.
Reminder that Deluge is the real heroine of this story.
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>Heartbroken 5/5

How ironic that it's a few days before Valentine's day.
Has a Shufflin ever relayed orders before? It seems pointless when CQ can contact anyone at any time. It was a major red flag the moment that Shufflin started talking and Glassiane/Dark Cutie should have picked up on it. Or maybe Lethe is still so relaxed about Puk being her opponent that they haven't been on high alert. Maybe she thought there'd be a few more hours of dress-up before the first attack.
Drak Cutie didn't know Pfle was with CQ. She thought Pfle just grabbed a random Shufflin as lackey to summon her.
According to a nip analysis of Bluebell when ACES just came out, it seems she acted even more affectionate with Deluge than what the current TL suggests. Which means Deluge's heartbrokeness might be worse than what we think.
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I really want to sire half-elves on her now.
>Magical Girl Raising Project: The Anime! (0%)
wtf is this?
best oneechan
But she only wants iPS full-blooded elven babies.

Where do you always find new twitter pic, anon?
I just follow some japs on twitter. The artist of this one is korean (@hey36253625).
BBC X Deluge this ship will never fall apart I'm swear for my life
But anon, one of them is guaranteed to die in most likely the future arcs just like every other pairing in the series.
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Thank you anon.

I suspect that artist might be Melly in disguise. What a huge Clamberryfag.
dont dare you trig me anon i cant bring my self for belive your word this ship its my life
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That ship is progressing exactly the way I wanted it to though.

Most pairings in the series are either both dead or both alive though. I don't count it as being torn apart.
Elf-fags are disgustings!
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I'm the leading villain
I hope it gets destroyed.
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you're fucking demon
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elf-fags are cute!
The only thing that will get destroyed is Bluebell's vajayjay. Deluge won't forgive her for the betrayal.
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A bold claim when she can hardly play an anime villain of the week. There's no way she can compete with all the monsters in this series. Hopefully she's not beyond curing at this point.
>In the language of flowers of lily of the valley means “pure”, “happiness is back”, “beauty not aware”, “return of happiness”

here, have faith and calm the fucking down.
Indeed,I hope she doesn't and I wouldn't be surprised if the ones that actually healed her were 7753's family and BBC took advantage of it.
>bind by a promise
Yeah you aren't that hot now that you're the objective of Mana.
Nothing a simple favor for Lazuline I and III can't do anon and I bet they even recruited an MG that can deal with Mei.
>tags: ryona, femdom, yuri, fingering, licking, tribadism
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Lazuline I sure has a good taste.
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It seems the official translation for Bellsie's name is Detec Bell. Detick is still closer to the Jap spelling tho.
Indeed, also I love that artist's art.
Lazuline I for best mentor.
Oh, so this fan art is about Dark Cutie's extreme hand flexibility in the latest chapter. Also, she's been training to be the villain every waking moment since she became a merc. I think she can handle it.
>Dark Cutie
>Hand Flexibility 5/5

I wonder if she'd switch sides to Caspar once she knows they are the true villains.
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I keep losing my interest in this series.
Maybe because the character keep changing?
I want to see Dark Cutie compete against Funny Trick in terms of flexibility!
Usually yurifags annoy me but this is kinda cute.
Why compete when they can work together? They could twist their bodies into shapes that your mind couldn't even being to fathom. Back to back 69.
Well, as for me, my interest in this series has increased twofold.

>limited is my favorite book
>I can read it again with all new experiences

so excited.
How about Queens anon?
I wonder if some moments of headcanon will be better than actual canon, though.
Such as?
If only Swim Swim was still around, Her autism could have cured everything.

What is this exactly?
Anon, what does auhtism mean? Did I write it right?
>they're pitting tama against CM

n-no pls
Pretty sure what that anon means is that there's so much bad shit going down currently that you need bad shit like Swim Swim to counter it.
we're family Deluge

“I don’t care. Thick and thin, I’m going to stand by your side. You’re family, Deluge. Family sticks together, no matter what,” said Blue Bell.

so hurt..
Clearly the solution is more elves. If things have already gone to shit, we can have cancel it out by making more things go to shit.
Finshed Chapter 4 of Restart:

Typical the moment I start liking a character, they get killed off. RIP Masked Wonder. I'm pretty damn sure its Melville who killed her, can't think of anyone else.
So I was right that Genopsycho would die early on to hype another character, except the hype didn't last for very long. I was not expecting @NyanNyan to be so strong.
Pfle's spider tank was hilarious, I was actually surprised she still lost against Chena Mouse, speaking of which her death kinda pissed me off a little. This new master is pathetic for adding candy drop out in the last moment.

Damn only 4 chapters in out of 11 and already 5 MGs are dead. I swear this seems even faster than Unmarked. Also I believed I figured out why all of them were selected. I'm pretty sure now its because all of them are survivors of Cranberry's previous killing games.

Finally Fal is actually a nice fairy, which was a nice touch seeing as that Fav was an utter piece of shit.
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Does Lapis 1 want to crash LoM with no survivors?
Yoooo do you have any place where you post your art? This style looks familiar to me.
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This is actually just from Twitter.
>This new master is pathetic for adding candy drop out in the last moment.
Keek's not making anyone's favorite villain, that's for sure. Even the author goes out of his way to bully her in side stories.
Ah rip. I was hoping you were the drawfag who made the pukin pillar men.

This suddenly makes me want a picture of Dark Cutie singing villain number 1 with the other villains as her henchmen.
Keep posting these anon I l9ve reading your thoughts, curious on your opinions of all the survivors so far.
Will Deluge go nuclear when she faces of against BBC?
>hating MGs as fuck
>being the best mentor anyway
I feel this would be a better franchise if the girls were all boys instead
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Like boys that turn into magical girls or boys that turn into magical boys?

Would Bizarro La Pucelle be a dirty fujoshi that dreamed of being a boy so she could star in her own BL scenario?
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how about we don't have any magical gender swap characters at all
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Or does La Pucelle stay the same but literally everyone else is a magical boy

So Unmarked's plot is now Poor Little Magical Girl (Male) and directed by Brazzers

That would be boring
I just realised: You didn't actually answer my question.

Why was it advantageous to Pfle's goal to disrupt the functionality of everyone's magical phones and keep them unable to contact each other? Yes, she wanted everyone dead but how does disabling their magical phones and keeping them unable to regroup so easily assist with this? Is it that they'd be forced to wander around aimlessly seeking out their comrades and inevitably find themselves in combat?

She also lied about nuking the city, to force them all battle to death to protect it, instead of hiding until the barrier wear out.
>“You’re a selfish, self-serving bitch.”

>“I know… You’re right…”

At least Pfle is self aware
The Deluge x Bluebell ship or that anon's outburst?
Why are you all acting like that's a revelation? Pfle is perfectly aware of herself, she always agree when SG insults her to her face.
I'm assuming the outburst, there is no way that ship ends happily
>there is no way that ship ends happily
And what does that have to do with it being cute?
fair enough, it was pretty cute while it lasted
Shadow Gale, Mana, and now Deluge.
Who will be the fourth to call her a bitch?
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As for the pillar men drawfag, I'm here, sadly I've only drawn a couple other MahoIku things, I really don't draw as much as I'd like. Trying to draw more though.
you forgot herself, so thats 5
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So when will she become the mvp and carry her faction to victory?
drawfag, are you an Oskfag?
Ooooooh you hang out here too?
Who wouldn't be an Oskfag when the only other options are Puk and unknown?
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it was a request, he also drew this
down with all factions, Pfle and Deluge are best girls, CQ, Uluru, and Mana are good too
I drew that. There are 2 drawfags here.
It's bootiful, though.

Have you considered drawing Deluge using all four of the PE weapons at once to smash Shufflin, in a montage shot? Like say, throwing Tempest's boomerangs, dual-wielding her trident and Inferno's scimitar, and power stancing with Quake's lust I mean hammer?
oh, ok, I get confused at which drawfag drew what, my bad
I second this
Why didn't Pukin detransform after dying?
there was nothing left
I think she did. It's just hard to tell as pieces of meat.
Your opinions are very interesting to me. i want to understand your thought process.

What makes you think that Melville is the only reasonable explanation for whom the killer could be?
What made you think that Genopsycho would be sacrificed?
Why did you think they were all survivors of Clamberry's tests?
I would only accept to be an Oskfag if I am allowed to fuck Lethe once and CQ whenever I want.
I agree nofactionfag is the only way to go, CQ can come too though
That might be the only time Grim Heart isn't a mistake.
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Hi! I love the images and reactions and general discussion here. It's pretty comfy.

Yeah, thats not mine. It's really nice though. And I feel like theres more than 2 drawfags here..

Funny you mention that, I actually started a doodle of Deluge last night. Although it was just going to be the scene of her in ACES mercilessly firing ice shards into a dying Shufflin's windpipe. Thats a really cool idea though, I might see if I can give it a shot.
There was also an elf fag one as I remember, when it comes to drawfags.
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Thank you! And if it's not too much trouble, for the Deluge weapon montage, could you consider having the ghosts of the PEs helping her wield the weapons? Particularly Inferno and her scimitar, since she seemed pretty close to Deluge.
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“I thought you sent for me.”

“And who told you that?”

“The card soldiers. The Diamond.”

“I never sent for you.”

Oh shit.

Everything will be daijoubu right? RIGHT?
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wew, It's getting a little steamy in here.
"I had reach, but she had flexibility."

These two flirting was the hottest part of Jokers. Luckily Bluebell herself isn't sloppy at all when it comes to being Deluge's gf.
Honestly I feel like >>153146059 would be better for this, I'm pretty awful with poses.. so I won't make any promises, as cool as that idea looks in my head
rest in kill meganekko-chan

remove shit fetishes

aloha snack bar
What do you have against Glassianne? I had always liked her.

Speaking of which, it's lucky that she isn't a pervert despite having a highly-intrusive stalking power.

Currently my favourite is Pfle. Her being able to stay so calm, composed and analytical in her situation is commendable. I really like the chemistry between her and Shadow Gale Too bad one of them is bound to die, with the way this series goes.

I'm liking the development occurring within Team Clantail. Pechika has gained confidence and is now an acknowledged member of their team. Even Rionetta likes having her around. They're a pretty fun group, although I'm expecting one of them to die very soon as they're the only team now still with all their members.

>Team Bell
Not much to say about them really, I mean I was surprised that Bell must be at least 25 years old. But I haven't seen that much of them especially compared to the other teams.

>Team Daisy

Its pretty depressing what's happened to them, I mean how they're still clinging onto the hope that Genopsycho is still alive, it would probably be better for them to accept she's gone but I can understand why they're behaving this way. Although it was funny to see Nokko-chan making @NyanNyan too happy one time.

I mean overall its only really the master that I dislike and Akane a bit.


For the first question its simply down to two things. 1. She looks too much like Cranberry, I wouldn't be surprised if they were closely connected. 2. Her magic enables her to blend into her surroundings. Its very possible when Pfle and Shadow Gale turned up, she was still there, but they couldn't see her.

For the second question. Her magic seemed to be really broken so I just felt that she would be killed to show just how threatening her murderer was.

The way, the mastermind trash talks them and is trying to find an 'ideal MG' like Snow White. (Who hasn't killed anyone) also when @NyanNyan said after killing Akane that this wasn't the first time she killed someone.
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Can we at least finish this, if at all possible
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Pfle best girl in the entire series. Good taste.

Pfle x Gale also have official arts. They only lose out to Lazuline x Bellsie and Ripple x SW in that aspect, but otherwise completely dominates the fanart and fanfic crowd.
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>They only lose out to Lazuline x Bellsie
To me this couple seems rather odd. I guess its to do with something I don't know about yet. Also is Pfle's wheelchair going to be fixed? Or will she ride Shadow Gale's back from now on?

Well off I go to read the next parts of Restart. Again I'll add my opinion once I've read chapter 6.
Looking forward to it
Keek is the only villain who is universally disliked (at least on /a/. I knew there is one rapid nip Keekfag).

You will love Akane after you read her side story.
>Prism Cherry

Deluge is a slut!
She didn't do anything to Cherry!
>Akane a bit
Anon, she's crazy.
Not the good kind, she's literally mentally ill.
It's not her fault, poor thing.
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Here, enjoy.
Fuck you.
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Never noticed the purple fringe she's got
Why is she so perfect?
Pfle is just so beautiful.
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Same. Though it seems most artists noticed it.
Is it wrong to be gay for Pfle?
If that is wrong, I don't want to be right.
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I love you so much
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Pukin having pumpkin soup v.3: Toko and Sonia Bean added in properly + some small edits.
Needs more Postarie.
They're in there, you can't see them cause they've been cut into really tiny pieces.
Pukin's collar makes her look a cupcake.
That'd be a delicious and cute pumpkin flavored pastry.
That's adorable, I kept seeing a frilled lizard while drawing though.
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I'm digging this.
"You're going to be my peg girl tonight, Kayo."
>BBC vs Deluge chapter
>Chapter title is Break my heart, Break your heart.
it wouldn't be the first heartbreaking chapter with that title
How many chapters left on Queens?
Ha I get it ;_;
Only four more.
Chapter 7: Take My Hand (この指止まれ)

Chapter 8: Charge Into Battle! (思い切ってぶつかってみよう)

Chapter 9: The Magical Girl Hunter (魔法少女狩い)

Chapter 10: All for You (全てはあなたのために)

She'd most likely going nuclear and I'm guessing her goal on BBC is not to completely beat her in a fight but instead just to cuff her to try and talk it out with her to try taking her back to her side unless she can steel herself to kill her.
>Chapter 7: Take My Hand (この指止まれ)

>"Kono-Yubi-Tomare" is Japanese common phrase, and a literal translation is "Take/touch this finger.".

>"Kono-Yubi-Tomare" is a cliche when a kid gathers those who are for his suggestion, especially used for children's games like tag, hide and seek and so on.

Puk time?
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That means we'll get to see her using that toy Hammer now.
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>Chapter 9: The Magical Girl Hunter (魔法少女狩い)
>yfw Snow White dies
I would gladly follow and support pucksama, she is doing literally nothing wrong.
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"Today Snow White joins the hunt."
IMO if there's a fight between SW and Deluge, this is the right song for it.

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Someone tell that fujo to get her filthy hands off my wife.
Daisy ;_;
Speaking of her, doesn't daisy wear knee-high boots?
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Someone stop me.
We'll never know what her wand do.
Anime prop.
Can turn into a Daisy Beam lightsaber.
I need more Darku Qts, please post some.
Pukin is best lizard.
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>ever taking her hands off of @NyanNyan
>even in the final moment
Hah, good one.
>Ideal Pukin vs Ideal Ruler
I need this.
Alright, drawfag here, finally have some free time to do quick art. Any suggestions?
Draw your favorite character sucking my dick.
The scene where Grace complimented Trick's sexy net tights perhaps?
Filuru doing something Spiderman-like
Draw an even Tot Pop is afraid image to go with >>153110072.
>Any suggestions?
7753 and Mana walking in front of Mei while she looks behind her only to see the Namiyama magical girls telling her to be strong, happy and having the chance to eat a ton of delicious things so Mei nods and follows her new family.
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Grace molesting FT.

Alternatively, >>153146195 and >>153147856.

Or Pfle and SG in the Kannamiko pose.
Deluge crying over BBC's dead body or Marika and Grace hanging out in Grace's pirate ship with FT and Mimi at the back looking over them.
Mmm there are some good suggestions this time around, but I'll do this one first.
You gave me the idea of Mariko breaking down in front of Mimi's grave while she consoles her as a ghost with a headpat or something.
Grace becoming a ghost pirate and going around roaming with her ghost pirate ship with a ghost FT just watching over her.
I second this.

And this might be relevant.

Does their magi-cool catchphrase ever catch on?
Decently I guess. The angels are surprisingly popular among cosplayers.
Rionetta laughing like an ojou at a frustrated Miyokata
Or is it better of Miyokata does the laugh?

Or Swim Swim daydreaming about Ruler wielding Ruler and looking badass
La Pucelle using her sword as a pogo stick
Deluge dreaming about Bluebell feeding her and Arlie's at the back with a question mark above her head because she's confused as to why Deluge is smiling when sleeping.
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I thought this guy was a breast man but it sounds like he's into thighs too.
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Draw a "Desert Warfare" Shufflin.
Huh, the original was written more like an actual novel.
I believe there is a side story about it, in some bonus material.
It's always been like that. TL didn't keep the original paragraph structure, and most paragraphs were reduced into one single sentence.
yeah there was a noticeable improvement when he redid Restart chapter 1 compared to what he did before
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Puk Puck saying pic related but instead of saying justice,she says friendship.
the most fucked up thing about PP is that all the people under her are happy and willing to kill themselves as fuel for the machine
She even has a similar hairstyle going on.
I'm off to Nemurinland, see you all in the next thread
The other MGRP fanfic from that author is rather impressive. Though the writing style seems really similar to Translator-kun.

I've never seen a fanfiction that breaks such a clear the self-insert fantasy in favor of real problems. Especially such a meme-tastic fantasy as marrying Marika.

was this marry Marika anon in disguise?
Not that anon but it could be, and on that topic, marrying a magical girl must be hell, sure, the sex is incredible, but you'll have to learn to live with the fear that the moment your wife gets out of the house that could be the last time you'll ever see her, and that's without considering how she could easily kill you if you fuck it up or how another magical girl could use you as a hostage if your wife is important in LoM.
thats why you gotta marry low on the ladder, like a desk worker
Unless it's Mei who would just do gardening in the yard.
Like they're safe, one day they have a job and the other they end like Filuru because some asshole's keikaku makes her lose her job, and talking about jobs, given how LoM pays jackshit you'll either need a good job or prepare yourself to have a hard life.
I'm not talking prison warden, I'm talking R and D researching magical girl sleeping habits or some mundane shit like that or in PR making low tier anime
Yeah, that could work, till some crazy person enters and destroy everything, but as bad as it could sound I would be glad to marry a Magical Girl, these girls are way too lonely.
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Yes. I still want to MARRY her though.

Ideally, you'd become an MG too, so at least you can defend yourself and live in the same world as her. But yeah, realistically there was no way it could have worked out.
just stay away from anyone remotely involved with HR in the slightest and you're good, Jobbing Affairs is also sub-optimal
PR sounds like a safe bet, but Examination sounds like trouble.
R&D and PR seem like the safest places desu.
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PR pays like like shit, just look at Daisy, unless you are in Production or higher up within the deparmtnet.
R and D as long as you don't experiment on man-made girls
To be fair, Deluge doesn't seem to have actually killed any of them.
yeah she just fucked them up and saved ABC trio
I just want Kanoe to marry Mamori and live happily ever after
She was the star of a series though, she ought to have gotten more than living in a shitbox apartment.

Just work in Magical Phone manufacture, everyone needs those and so they'll keep you alive no matter who takes over.
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Just as planned.
Did you want me to look at or fap to Daisy?
Because I can do both. Oh boy I can do both. I don't mind fapping to Mimi and LP too.
I don't know if that was part of the plan now that you mention it, even if it was, now that Deluge knows about the betrayal it may come back to bite the Lazulines in the ass letting her have 3 devoted friends and allies
You're one dedicated guy.
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well I fked up and made something completely different. Oh well.
Still good. Someday we'll get the Tot Pop piece, I'm sure.
If Pythie has a strand of Deluge's hair, she can just use the rapier on her surroudings like let's say the ABC trio to give orders to kill Deluge so that they'd reduce her forces by killing each other till she's the last one left.
still good, good work drawfag
Oh my god this is amazing
Kek thanks
Alahu Pukbar
Kanoe is already mine.
Poor gas mask girls; they deserved better.

Hopefully one of them survived Pukin's recruitment and has taken Tot Keek's torch.
Not all of them died, IIRC. And Team Evil didn't bring them into the barrier either.
reading volume one
>only seven people left
>something something magical items, now it's gotta be four magical girls
Yeah, yeah. Should've seen this coming
yeah there were 4 and Pukin only killed 2 I believe
If that were to happen, I wonder who could even help Deluge recover from that.
I don't remember the total number there were but I do reamember only 2 died.
I tink she would just go full nuclear and crash LOM with no survivors
in Tot Pop's side story I think it mentions that she walked up to 4 girls in gas masks, so I'm assuming there were four or more overall
There's BBC I guess if she felt symphatetic for her after that.
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>it later gets revealed that Lazuline I is behind all the revolutionary groups
Please make it so Asari.
Enjoy the ride anon.
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Make the next thread's OP one of the new drawfag pics
New thread >>153164425
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