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If you are God, and the delusion becomes reality. About what kind of the noids you get?
Is it the sensual world? The despotic society? The destructive sanctions?
Is the anime any good or just a totally rushed turd like everyone was saying it was going to be?
I actually forgot it was even airing.
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It's rushing through the chapters quite fast and a lot of things are lacking from it. I wouldn't recommend watching it if you haven't read the Visual Novel. But if you have read it, it is ok. Seeing your favorite scenes animated is nice. I can't forgive them for changing the Sticker design though.
It's fine if you're used to rushed VN adaptations. Which is unfortunate considering the staff seem competent enough to make it good if they were given an extra cour.
This show is boring.
I liked the Chaos;Head animation that came with it. Seeing this scene animated really gave me a sense of satisfaction.
Are you not entertained, Taku?
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You called?
Waiting for upload to finish.
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Am I crazy, or does anyone else hear "sono me dare no me" around 1:00? Both that video and the other blog with the ear copy lyrics match what I hear except for that one phrase.
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I really liked that part about the OP.
I liked the VN. I sure hope they will have the sense not to animate the true route.
How long is the upload gonna take? You're just doing the patch itself, not the VN right?

Also uploading it to nyaa?
At least there's no TURBO MODE dialogue like Occultic:nine
Now that I think about it he may be patching the VN.
Last update was just the npa archive.
nyaa soon
Project Blue Sky's Chaos;Head PC Version English Patch

>Chapter 3 bug fixed (text that should have floated up on screen didn't)
>Chapter 6 bug fixed (selecting a trigger during delusion trigger 28 would have skipped an important scene)
>Chapter 7 bug fixed (loading a save from chapter 7 would have crashed the game)
>Chapter 9 bug fixed (a lot of text boxes were skipped over and the sprites were messed up as a result)
>changing "300-man Committee" to "Committee of 300" to keep in line with other Science Adventure novels
>changing "Knight-Hart" to "Neidhardt" to keep in line with the official Steins;Gate translation and the romanization in Robotics;Notes; this includes the background CGs and videos
>changing "Silverfish-sis" to "Sister Centipede" to keep in line with the Robotics;Notes translation
>changing "giga-lo-maniac" and "Gigalow Maniac" to "Gigalomaniac"; this includes the video at the beginning of chapter 9
>changing "Church of God's natural born light" to "Cosmic Church of The Divine Light"
>changing "animate" and "animeit" to "Animeight" to keep everything consistent
>changing "Loft" to "Roft" as the name is shown in CGs
>fixing various typos and line breaks
>fixing the text flowing out of the box in the B End
>changing measurements back to metric system instead of localized imperial system
>translating the videos at the beginning of each chapter; 将軍 -> Shogun 妄想 -> delusion
>inserting text to subtitle a background voice in chapter 8
>changing the BGM in chapter 6 from "Town Vanguard" to "Shogun" in the scene after delusion trigger 28 and before delusion trigger 29 ("Shogun" would otherwise go unused and in Chaos;Head Noah "Shogun" is used instead of "Town Vanguard" for this scene)
>changing the OP movie to a better translation

The Blue Sky we desire is the one you desire.
Thank you.
wew thanks
OH, any installation info we need to know?
Select the game folder when prompted to. It might seem like it's freezing when it's patching, but it's not.
Tho wait, so we install plain old Japanese Chaos;Head first, right? Do we need to install the old patch too or just this?
This patch is based on the RC2 LH3 version of the game.

aka, the prepatched one on nyaa.

Thus, it is required to have those patches in order for the patch to work perfectly
Okay, thanks
Nice thanks.
>tfw no yandere osananajimi that is completely loyal to my desires[/spoiler[
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Nyaa link: https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=894393
Thanks, and is this the prepatched version you're talking about? https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=273050

It also works if you have a manually patched version, but it's easier if you have that one.
Yeah, I manually patched it back when I first read the VN, remember it being a headache.
You need to seed it
God bless you anon
seeding it right now.
Hmm, not getting anything
wait now I am
Thank you so much. This is the choice of Steins;Gate. :)
Thanks but who would want to play this game when it is so old?
Don't take me wrong I don't mean offence but it'd have been better to spend the efforts on something more appealing, imho.
>Thanks but who would want to play this game when it is so old?
I also mean why would try to fix the bugs when it is this old.
Hey I just discovered the game after watching ep 0 of chaos;child.
Chaos;Child is airing right now. People are inevitably going to want to check out Chaos;Head, and since the anime is... well, you know, making the VN more accessible for new fans is definitely a good idea.
I just can't thank you enough! If I could hug you I totally would right now! (No homo)
Chaos;Head is the foundation of anything SciADV, and with Chaos;Child being animated we wanted to give everyone a chance to experience the story of Chaos;Head. We wanted to save them from the anime.

>why fix the bugs
Because I fixed one of them through fucking around with the script. After finding out how easy it would be to fix up some of the terms, we decided into putting all of our resources together and find solutions to those problems and fix the terminology.
Some of those fixes were hell though. The engine is just ugly to work with. We couldn't find a solution to the backlog, for example.
I wanted to create a setting which would stop skipping on delusion triggers when turned on, but this would have taken a lot longer so I decided against it.
N-no homo.
Why is Rimi so cute?
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Because it's the delusion I wished for.
God bless the delusion.
That was the best part of the O;9 anime.
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Taku loves Seira-chan and not Rimi.
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That is wrong. He loves Rimi and wants to keep Seira as his 2D wife. Takumi is the kind of man who knows what he wants, that is Rimi cosplaying as Seira while he fucks her senseless.
Seira Tan is only good for fapping.
Rad, cheers man
Nanami best girl.
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She is the best sister for sure.
Because without Nana, Onii wouldn't be able to do anything.
Should I watch the anime after reading the VN?
don't mean to burst everybody's bubble, but there's still the tips section left to go

I'm guessing that'll be covered by whoever-it-its' Noah translation
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Yes, we don't have a translator and making the TIPs translation line up with the script in the game would need even further editing. sonome.dareno.me is going to translate Noah, so you will have that in about a year's time. In the meanwhile, you can enjoy C;H without bugs.
Also, there is no way to burst this bubble now. The delusion will spread like a mad fever. You can't escape.
Should I need to start a new file? I still find "Night heart" instead of neidhardt.
The game will not take the new script if you don't begin the chapter anew. It should be Neidhardt when you get to a new chapter. This was annoying when verifying changes, as we had to start from the chapter prior to the one we were checking and then skipping through the chapter to find the scenes we made changes to.
Also, it's either Knight-Hart or Neidhardt.
I don't have any time to help them with the translation, but I sure hope this project goes well.

Noah is a very nice expansion of the Original plot, with several clever extra plot points.

Chaos;Child is in my opinion the best title of the series after Steins;Gate, so, the sooner the whole world could get to enjoy it, the sooner I would be happy as a fan.
Oh thanks.
Personally, I think that the routes in Noah are absolutely necessary to understand Chaos;Head. No question is left unanswered, I really liked how it tied up all those loose ends of the original's A and B route.
> I really liked how it tied up all those loose ends of the original's A and B route

Oh, absolutely!
You think this would be more popular since /a/ loves yanderes.
Thank you!
Does this have the bikini patch already applied?
I'm getting an invalid data error on cg.npa when trying to patch the prepatched version (https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=273050), check for corruption and there was no problems, any idea?
Try manually patching the game by putting the files on a separate folder, and then pasting them on the game folder
What do you mean? What files?
the patch files.
These? https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=360101
I'll try that.

I'm guessing the problem is that since the prepatched torrent ( https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=273050 ) has the bikini patch applied already and the patch files ( https://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=360101 ) don't (I'm guessing they don't), that's what's causing the invalid data error.
Can anyone explain me what bikini patch?
character sprites replaced with themselves in underwear
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Is ot unlocked after the end or something?
Question: Why does the patch need to be "installed" and where should I install it? This is different from the patches I'm used to where you throw an exe in the right folder than it just alters all the files for you after you run it without an installator. Is the installation going to do something to my registry or something like that? I'm a paranoid layman so if I could get a simple explanation I would appreciate it.
Thank you anon, this is the best birthday gift somebody can ask for.
Happy birthday, Anon.
No. The Di-Patch files.

The installation program is just a formality. It actually functions like a .rar. You can name another folder that it's not the game folder, extract the patch files there and paste them into the game.
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Do we have any reasoning for why they changed the seal design?
Fake seal. Takuru is breaking Senri out of the chaos world.

Expect events to start shifting.
A little late but thank you anon.

As a gag gift somebody gave me the chaos;head anime, so the patch coming out today is a funny coincidence.

Takumi is our hero. Fuck 3D.
Can someone please explain what happened with this anime?
Last time i remember it was about a boy living in a storage container drinking coke thinking he murdered ppl because of some pink haird girl who was only in his imagination. Then there were like 2 other girls with magic swords

Now its about weird murders? And his sister who always tried to help him got murdered? Where is pink haired girl? Where are the magic swords? and most of all why is he drinking mountain dew instead of coke?
>Hating on kozu-pii
I hope she kills you in the most brutally painful way possible
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Okay, what I don't get is since Kozu-pii is a complete loon why is Serika sane and stable? The can both read minds from what the spoilers say. Is Serika more complete?
>Now its about weird murders? And his sister who always tried to help him got murdered? Where is pink haired girl? Where are the magic swords? and most of all why is he drinking mountain dew instead of coke?
The anime we see now is a sequel. Both series have two different protagonist. Episode 00 was a sum up of the important events in Chaos;Head.
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Why is this series so dead?

Shit adaptations and business decisions.
It's a real shame the Chaos series is as fucked over as it is. Most people tend to ignore all of the other entries in favor of S;G, and that sucks.
Oh i thought the guy with glasses was him. I thought this was just season 2. Im so dumb.
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How much longer is it until it goes full gigilo?
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>install patch
>start game
Then I remembered I forgot to change the fucking locale.
It's an act, she's playing the perfect childhood friend for Takuru, everything about her is a lie.
>6 years later
>still in high school
Sure, it's the same fucking guy
No, it does not.
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I actually fucking dropped this show for this reason. The episode where they spent 7-8 minutes spastically infodumping via some illuminati-tier villians that we've never even seen before made me stop halfway through and never pick it up again.
rimi a shit!
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