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Little Witch Academia Episode 3

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Thread replies: 555
Thread images: 165

Only one of it's kind? One of a kind items can be hard to price, tell you what, let me call a guy in who's an expert on flying brooms and see what he thinks
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Best girl
>Amanda is now the bitch instead of Diana
Akko is so fucking loud and annoying holy shit.
she's not though
What's with this labour camp? Are witches nazis?
This show is magical.
yeah, not really a likable MC
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When does Akko rip off her shit and show up boobs?
It's a refugee program, regular people would hunt them down and try to kill them.
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Akko is not annoying she's cute

Akko is very likable
They're paid very reasonable wages.
She's not. She's just a klepto. This was literally why she was put on the parade in the first place.
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>entire race was rigged against them
>they still win
How can one group be so based? How is Diana and her group not the heroes of the episode while Akko and her cheating friends not the villains?
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Akko a retard
Brown Barefoot Reporter Witch a best
gee? they have them tied up for clocks also
Is Amanda an American or Irish?
>can easily see through her behavior
obviously she's not really a bitch at heart. But that doesn't change the fact that she's acted rather bitchy towards others thus far in the series.

The only people who get seriously angry are some Akofags. Its obvious from the reaction images they use
I wonder how what happened in this episode will affect her relationship with Akko.

Amanda was a total bro in the 2nd movie to Akko that supported her all the way but now it seems like she'll be a little antagonistic to her over the broom ordeal.
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>How can one group be so based?

It was Diana carrying her team.
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Chum Lee should be in more anime.
She's American
Her autism is seriously getting out of hand. I don't mind an optimistic MC but she really needs to tone her shitdial down. Even NotChariot can't stand her and she's suppose to be the one who wants her in the school.
Because she didn't get Sucy'd
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American. O'Neil is a pretty fucking specific last name though.
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I like Akko, she's very cute.
I just wish she wouldn't sperg out over Chariot as often as she does. The OVAs had the right balance where Chariot was her inspiration but she still tried her best to work on her own with magic.
>But that doesn't change the fact that she's acted rather bitchy towards others thus far in the series.
How exactly?

Not to say that she hasn't done anything bitchy, but in all honesty her biggest crime is really not reigning in her fangirls, who are actually the ones doing most of the terribleness in the show.
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>she gets expelled and has to flip burgers until the day she dies
rip retard
Shut up, Sucy.
>go back
first time eh?
;-; why cant she fly
She's not a bitch. She's just a filthy theif.
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>she sees your dick
Alright. I'll admit it.

I had a good hearty kek.
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Akko is actually very talented and has a lot of potential!
For what fucking purpose? Clockwork isn't even under the "advanced tech doesn't fuck with magic" meme.

If anything the watch is less efficient now, this just just pure sadism.
I find her autism endearing.
>fellatio black belt
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>ginger hair
>brown skin
I like Barbara
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Would've it been too much for her to tame this broom?
Sadism infuses the sorcerer's stone with magic power.
It was one of Diana's bitches with the clock, of course they don't give a fuck about those gnomes, they live to bully.
>Not to say that she hasn't done anything bitchy
Then we have nothing to argue about. I'm not saying Diana is some vile person. I just think she's a bit stuck up and bitchy. At least on the outside
yes, she already asspulled her way through 2 episodes
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It's popular. Surprise!
The credit song is nice
Akko best character.
Yeah but why?
This is a good post. I laughed heartily.
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They are demons. Demons are inherently evil. It's not slavery when it's demons, it's just preemptive punishment
eh he was only brown because he was in the desert shirtless for weeks
I give it about a month and it will all die down. Hopefully.
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No brakes
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Akko is seriously one of the worst MCs in this entire season of anime. Not only is she a literal fucking retard she can't do shit without some bullshit deus ex machina item. Not sure why people compare her to Deku from BnH. He may have been just given his power but at least he trains and learns how to use his abilities. All Akko does is spout stupid shit then gets rightfully bullied after embrassing herself and instead of actually learning how to use the spell or techique she wants to use she just bitches and cries at her friends until her bullshit rod or some other retarded item solves her problems. This is going to be every episode I hope you guys are prepared for this nonsense.
Ganguro characters are so rare...
If the show is good and fun, it'll only get more popular.
And if it's shit then everyone will just stick around to shitpost. There's no upside.
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I've never seen a more perfect show than this.

Is this GOAT?
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Well, sex magick is supposed to be very powerfull. Doubly so when the act is breaking a cultural taboo (faggotry, pederastry, scat, zoophilia, necrophilia)
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>Akko is seriously one of the worst
stopped reading there
Yes anon.

Yes it is.
I feel like they changed Akko in order for her to GROW into the the OVA-tier Akko. Right now she's got so much damn gumption that she won't even stop and listen to what Ursula/others are trying to help her. I think it's going to be a long-run change in her character.
or at least that's what I hope. at the very least I don't hate her now, but that is with the belief she will grow
That's because you're a crossboarder who barely watches anime.
I want /mlp/ to leave.
>stopped reading there
I'm surprised Akkofags can read at all
>in order for her to grow into the OVA-tier Akko

If anything, she reverted in Enchanted Parade compared to her development from the first movie.
>yfw it's revealed that akko's extraordinary inhuman strength is actually her own brand of magic.
Sometimes I get mad when I see people bring up Naruto or Bleach into threads about shows I like. Hell, in the last thread we had people thinking upper body stretches were the fusion dance from DBZ.

But then I realize that it's something laudable that a show can appeal to fans from so many different backgrounds, and that it doesn't in any way lessen the amount that I can enjoy it.
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Yes, Akko is the Michael Jordan of anime.

Diana is Pippen
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Its easy when you have a BELIEVING HEART
Then stop mentioning it. You will make them reply.
It would seem to my naive mind that shooting yourself out of a canon to catch a sentient broom and force it into submission is a little more effort than the fucking flying (which everyone else apparently learned as toddlers).

Dunno why everything's got to revolve around the merits of hard work and studying. Do you literally need an affirmation of your life struggles from every anime you watch?
she wasn't even bad in Enchated Parade. She got really passionate about a project and as a result hurt her friends and later made up.
It depends on how much DEEP (magical) LORE we get.

Akko pioneering new and creative ways to be a sperg for comedy while we learn interesting shit about the magic and the universe.
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One of the animators tweeted this
Didn't she actually grow more in Enchanted Parade when it showed her studying up on magic and actually practicing?
>Shiny chariot retired, wanted a job in a school with a proper pension, and in order to do so with 0 professional credibility took an assumed name and sucked hundred year old clams.

Well we found the age-gap yuri, just not the one anyone expected.
You sound like the type of retard who is happy for western countries to be culturally enriched by arabs.

All this gaijin pandering is why it's flopping
Name 5 better.
But I want her to fly anon
And you sound like a crossboarder from /pol/.
Since when is it flopping?
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Please don't bring that into this thread, jesus fuck.
Yes, and it would have been a bad moral for them to win using tricks. But that doesn't mean they don't get points for trying.

Akko almost tames it, but she had to tie herself to it.

Remember she's a witch that can't fly and yet she almost tames a legendary artifact. Its amazing she got what she did and also using such an artifact just to win a race and even at akkos fastest she's no faster than her fastest competition.. Akko has the will power, she just needs the knowledge and that's why she's in school. but She just wants it for parlor tricks but she clearly can wield lots of power.
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I...I wrote a song for Akko. I hope she likes it.

You are my Akko, my only Akko
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my Akko away
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Are they watching us pirate their anime?
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Less than half.
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The Q&A session is going to awful isn't it?
Heh, that's the idiot who spoiled that episode 8 is a Sucy one
Listen to the op again. Since you've watched wakfu, you'll hear something familiar
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Congratz to that anon who made that video.
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> Implying Freddie isn't /a/
why exactly has Ursula lost her yay
It's going to be great you negative nancy
No dank meme reuse between seasons, Flip Flap anon.
I think I would like to see her tied up in my basement and shivering in fear.
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No it was about the stereotype Diana represent that is so obsessively abused in nipponia that make you think only overly stuck up and pathologically serious rich kids are gifted with skills. And how a "genious" can be depicted in a much more pleasant way. 2 main characters of the bestiality show are good examples of that.
In that respect, yeah. Her behavior to Sucy and especially Lotte was a step backwards from the original work. I get that the plot revolved around this and she developed by overcoming that but it was excessive. Maybe it's a petty complaint but it felt as though she had regressed in that regard.
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Did they watch the video that that one anon made?

Are you lurking, TTN?
I don't think so. She probably steals shit even more impressive than the broom on a weekly basis.
Especially considering who's making the show.
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She doesn't even know english, it'll be ok
Probably is somehow connected to when she lost her ability to use her special snowflake rod at some point.
The episode is literally titled "Don't stop me now".
I'm sure those 62 million people are just racist skinheads from /pol/.
Tattun's not only lurking, he's actively shitposting
Well this is the story from the beginning, while the other two take place during the school year.
Neat song anon, I'll sing it too Akko while we're in bed tonight.
Surprised you're not banned yet
Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, Trigger wants to make their own show instead of my little pony? Have you considered that they and others like Diana's archetype and prefer it to your autistic cartoon horses? Kill yourself.
The complaint is about her progress between the two OVAs, not the TV series.
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ReEd gOlDiLOCks DiS Tiem
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Mmmm. Nice rod, Akko
Your post is literally the first mention of "Trump" in here.
>oh shit they called out my ponyshit better deflect to /pol/shit that isn't even in here
Just fuck off already.
Because the only cartoons he knows are /co/shit and MLP.
the fact that you exercise your contempt for diana's character while doing this

i can't stop kekking while tossing my hair at the same time because i'm so perfect
Is this end boss?
jesus christ nuke this thread
>The complaint is about her progress between the two OVAs, not the TV series.
ITs because the OVAs haven't happened yet. I wouldn't be surprised if the first cour led into the first ova and the second picked up from the second. or if the events of them were mentioned at some point.
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What happened to the janitors from the first few threads, goddamn all this shitposting and false flagging
Small reference pool, obviously. And of course, they tend get pissy when they get called out on it.
Do you really think anyone here seriously think they can write or direct the show trough shitposting on /a/?
I don't know what you're misunderstanding. This isn't about the TV series whatsoever, it's literally her character progression from OVA 1 to OVA 2. I'm saying she regressed from what little development she had in the first OVA from what we say in the second.

I'm aware the TV series is starting from the very beginning, prior to even the events of the OVAs. That's not the point of contention.
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What if they decided to let this burn until the AMA?
Akko is like 99% genki and 1% charming I know
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Just ignore the ponyfag and post witches for fucks sake

This is my favorite witch. Say something nice about her please
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Is she from Boston?
What does that have to do with anything? The only thing that matters is that you should take your complaints about Diana not being like your literal horse shit characters back to /mlp/.
Are the OVAs canon?
Im not sure because Akko finding the shiny rod in two different scenarios
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I like her attitude
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Best girl. She needs to show off more of her gracefulness in the coming episodes. More of the Enchanted Parade girls in general.
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Yeah, this is much better.

Actually, no it is.
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Akko is dumb!

I don't know how you can think they still are.
Just report him and move on. Ignore ponyfuckers.
>diana haters are mlpfags
I should have known.
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Anybody else like witches
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She's much too cultured and charming to be from Boston
Why is she so perfect?
Dude is you and other triggered fags like you that are keeping up the MLP shitpost. Just quit the whining.
>there are ponysubhumans in this very thread
Can't you just kill yourself or something?
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Bully Akko.webm
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She's shown herself to be neither of these things.
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I like short ones
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They're ok
She's like a typical Irish American hoodlum though.
Post reaction images of ONLY THE CUTEST WITCHES!
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I dislike her smug aura.
It mocks me.
No, dumb shits like you defending /mlp/ is what's keeping up the shitposting. Somehow you can't accept the literal global rule preventing you from spewing your trash outside of your containment board. You literally have no case here. Fuck off.
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Anyone else feel those 20 minutes blow by in the blink of an eye?

I've never gotten so absorbed in an anime before LWA
Diana hater here and I've never seen mlp
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>Post reaction images of ONLY THE CUTEST WITCHES!
Cute snek
is amanda's hair red or blonde?
I didn't assume they were
but what a shame, the ovas are really good
make akko lose the rod so muh autism can be satisfied
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By replying to him, you are only encouraging more discussion about it.
Same goes to the /mlp/fag.
Drop it and hope it never comes up again.
The animation it it was really spot on. And i love all the details in the crowds. Trigger went all out with this show.
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>her smug aura
Prove it by posting your best smug Diana images
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> Akko didn't get to keep the broom
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It's hard to not pause the episode and screencap nearly everything. Need to watch it and fully enjoy it first and then go back to grab screenshots.
There's nothing wrong with being a passionate, happy-go-lucky witch like Akko. She just has a long way to go is all, and she has no talent for magic. She's hardworking and she really loves her friends, she's cute as well.

You guys should stop shitting on her for being a happy witch. She isn't a Amanda or a Diana, who have the talent. At least she isn't a Diana too, she's a know it all bitch.
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>Akko doing anything right
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I have exactly four images of Diana and none of them are smug.
I have the problem of pausing every five minutes to save a screenshot. But I agree that was a great episode
He said post pictures of cute witches not cunt witches
I expected she'd tame it by the end of the episode. I'm really glad I was wrong.
It coming back to her makes for a much better story.
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>those thighs
It's in a significant piece of promotional art for the TV series so maybe it will come back. Would be odd to only have it for one episode, though the promotional art prominently features it with the chains intact.
I love the lesson it taught her.
Yeah I wanted the broom to take a liking to her and become her broom but nope
It'll be used as a deus ex machina later on.
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This one.
Is this a meme show? Should I watch it for the memes or for the show?
She still has to learn to ride one on her own first.
She needs two hands?
>people like those dysmorphic unaesthetic fatblobs
Somebody post this image tomorrow around noon EST so I can be on my computer and save it
but the broom is still tamed in this shot. its got the chains on.
What? It literally shoved her off her original broom, took her for a ride then dropped her at the last moment. The only lesson for Akko to take away from this would be "don't trust magical artifacts with a mind of their own because they'll bully you just like everyone else does".

Just watch it and see whether you like it or not, no need to be a sperg about it.
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>Would be odd to only have it for one episode, though the promotional art prominently features it with the chains intact.
Why is she so cute? She's too good to be Diana's shadow
But that's exactly it. Its a magic artifact. Not some broom.
Agreed. Dianafags shitting on Akko like that are the worst.
Ursula isn't actually Chariot, is she? They're making it TOO obvious. I'm starting to believe that one anon who theorized that Ursula was her friend
> Mfw already worrying about what the fuck happened to Chariot to make her lose her spark and become a timid and drab teacher
Yeah, they're not right. Artist should fix it, shouldn't be hard.
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>you will never bully Akko with Hanna
wait witches can only use magic in range of the sorceror's stone?
She lost her YAAAAAAY
I love her because she is a magical girl, not a witch. But she has to become a witch.
The LWA website literally says she's Shiny Chariot
around the stone, witches have infinite mana
anywhere else, they've got a limited pool
So first Akko saved a bunch of once-in-a-century-appearing Magic Butterflies.

Now she saved a Mythical Broom-bird from a life of being chained down.

I'm sure there'll be more of the encounters, based on other Shiny Chariot cards we've seen.

I hope in the final battle they all come back and help her.
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They must have such a great time talking shit about her together
Literally already confirmed it in the OVA dumb secondary.
From Flip Flappers to Little Witch Academia, is this going to be a constant in the threads?
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It looks like she suffered. Will episodes 10-12 be the Ursula episodes?
Kill yourselves for liking these cunts
she's not a witch though, just a tryhard
>wait witches can only use magic in range of the sorceror's stone?
Or objects that contain magic like the magic broom in the episode. Or magic ingredients. Magic seems to travel on ley lines and the stone collects the magic that gathers at two intersecting ley lines.

It's not meant to be a secret from the audience, it's obvious as fuck that she's Chariot.
what's better, a big shapely butt like Diana's or a small, firm one like Akko's?
Can't wait for the Chariot Mindbreak episode
all witches are cute, anon.
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>not liking the bully squad
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Am I the only that likes Barbara more than Hanna? Though I guess I have a VA bias.
It'll only be worse if diana actually shows affection for akko.

Diana no.
but final battle will be against Nuclear Chariot

Andrew or Sucy's mom will be the first cour boss
All except those two
What destroyed her smile?
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Is this really face of Yay?
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This is a pretty awkward sentence. I had to pause it just to re-read it the first time.

Anyone else had the same issue?
It's awkward but it gets the idea across at a glance
Giving up her magical career for Andrew's dick.
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>yfw at a critical moment, Akko tells Ursula not to lose her way
You're just retard, sorry bud
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Reminds me of this
I just now realized there's Akko in the back
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Literally when are we going to get a sequel?
>yfw he pulled out the gun
I'm trying to think what it could be. The stuff Diana has said about her makes me think she was shunned at some point for having gimmicky magic. I'm also expecting some major betrayal is involved. I could see the dude from the OP being involved
No, I'm not autistic enough for that.
So this is spiral power, eh?
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>having tastes this shitty
Hopefully never you sick fuck
I liked it until Sucy grew a dick as well. One futa is enough for me.

Makes me wonder if anyone at the school knows she's Chariot, or if she's completely covered up her old identity.

Seems like if the teachers knew who she was after she was shunned out of the witch community, she probably wouldn't have been hired.
I'll hang you fag.
Well the other teachers seem to treat her like shit for some reason.
I want to like Akko because like most people rooting for the underdog, the MC, the genki, is preferable. But the writing makes it hard, they really make her obnoxious. Even the other characters I don't like much at all in the anime so far, except for maybe Lotte.
it's the glasses anon
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Why is she so smug
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>this is not the best decision i have ever made
People started calling her a hack and that she was spreading the wrong ideas about witches.

Diana overhears this and loses her faith in Chariot. Chariot doesn't have faith in herself anymore and loses the "magic of believing in herself".

And Trigger is going to pull a fast one on us by making Diana help Chariot find her way instead of Akko
Constanze art when?

Is that Shiny Chariot?
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Where is the Initial D edit of race?
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literally child bearing hips
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I want to see Amanda steal more shit. Dedicate an episode for it or something
Akko dies and Diana inherits the shiny rod legacy ala TTGL? Sounds good to me.
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So it's pretty obvious this is going to be a major plot point.

Anyone have any non-cliche ideas? Or is it just going to be the same ol' "big monster wants to eat/absorb/steal the stone and the witches have to stop it"?
it's because Akko is unlikeable and quite dumb in her endeavours, never once she treated magic with respect and dignity, to her it's all fun and games at which she's obviously bad at
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Diana doesn't have a big butt.
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Amanda steals it.
Welcome to Trigger anime.

Now all we need is the wildy inconsistent animation quality that they think is so cool, along with some rushed pacing ìssues and there you go, Trigger "saves" anime again.
>Akko gets the Shiny Rod
>Akko (temporarily) gets the Shooting Star
>Akko does nothing but exclaim her love for Shiny Chariot
>Akko is lined up to be the next special snowflake

>she loses to talent and hard work
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>big monster wants to eat/absorb/steal the stone and the witches have to stop it"?
Maybe I'm dumb and can't tell if your joking, but thats literally the plot of the OVA
Thought the same thing.

>spread legs

Well, that was kinda the original OVA's plot.
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My wife Diana doesn't look very good in this pic, I will send Trigger an angry letter.
>what if mako... was in harry potter?
and that's how LWA was born
A child literally bears these hips. Stop looking at witches with lewd eyes, anon.
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What do you call this?
Its Lotte supposed to be an upperclassmen or something? I mean she gets treated diffenrently from Akko and Sucy like how she wasn't considered new in the broom class or how it seemed like it wasn't her first time in the academy on the first ep
is this going to have a multi episode arcs or anything?
it feels kind of formula at this point
What is it about Diana that triggers crossboarders?
Well yeah, that's my point.

A giant dragon trying to eat the stone is good for a movie but bad for a multi-episode series. It's not like they can let a dragon run rampant for multiple episodes without it being too silly.
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Why do you fags like Diana so much?
Compared to the other witches it looks pretty mediocre.
it's kind of shitty that magic is limited to such places, isn't it? Shiny Chariot's artefacts seem to work anywhere, despite of outside sources of energy

maybe using them was unexpectedly very taxing on Prof Ursula's karma or whatever, bringing the world closer to some sort of cataclysmic event she has prevented by discarding her Chariot identity

that is what makes her so depressed - she recognises that Akko could destroy the world with all the Chariot memorabilia but admires her youthful yay, even though it will ultimately bring forth massive devastation

also it's not like the Rod was just thrown away, it was deliberately thrown away in the Arturus Forest, where nobody ever goes
Probably later on. These are still the introductory episodes to get us used to the characters. Can't drop TOO much plot too early.
Is Diana S or M?
ok, ill keep watching if only because I dropped several hundred on the ks.
why does the episode end with akko seeing the broom turn into a bird? what the fuck does it mean
Luna Nova has multiple years of schooling. Akin to Kindergarten, Middle and High School.
All witches went from Middle -> High School, whereas Sucy and Akko transferred from Overseas, so they had to evaluate their abilities.
There is a sweat girl inside that classy, intelligent but kinda cold witch.
Can you explain why you like your favorite food? Pizza for example? People love pizza cuz it's a pizza
she is a pure English rose, enjoys lemongrass tea and Jane Austen's novels
What kind of stupid question is that? Of course she's hardcore M.
man she really likes spreading her legs.
really makes you think...
Yeah sorry, I got what you were saying write after I posted it. I'm tired
I'll be surprised if they use the same conflict from the OVA though. They've already shown this is mostly a complete reboot
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I love all witches. I just love one of them more than the rest.
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>Diana smiling
Too cute
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Because Diana
100 percent M

Perfect. I'm going to be having some good dreams tonight thanks anons.
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Post your favorite thighs
I hope Akko will finally star listening to her friends and other people who try to help her soon. The constant just hearing what she wants to hear and ignoring the rest is starting to piss me off
It's basically subtly showing that Akko is learning a little more about the magical world by seeing the broom's true form. At first she just saw the broom as a tool, but it's so much more than that now.
she's gonna get schooled hard and lose her yay
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More like that's how you end up with a dull franchise by ripping off another dull franchise because both lack creativity.
Diana is totally kuudere right? It'd explain why I like her so much
Are people seriously mad that the cheating Akko team lost?
the good part is she'll get character development
the bad part is she'll get "character development"
So, she goes fast enough to go around the world, but not fast enough to finish a lap?
Oh ok. I still find weird that Lotte doesn't seems to know anyone there if she's supossed to had gone before
That's not what kuudere means. Diana shows plenty of emotion.

That seems mostly because she's timid and somewhat clumsy.

They treat her like a somewhat incompetent colleague, not like someone who was apparently shunned and disliked by the whole magical community.
>dirty foreign team keeps cheating but just cannot beat the Pride of Albion

Is Akko just a female Subaru at this point?
Thats dandere. Kuudere's are the ice queens
This is my broom. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My broom is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
Finns are autistic and dont like social situations.
Based Chum Lee
I'm glad they didn't do that putting broom near crotch and blush thing that strike witches did.
To finish a lap, you need to cross the finish line. Doesn't matter how fast you go if you're just going to fly off course.
>ctrl-f: Lotte
>5 results
>none of them praising her

it's good to see a thread with taste
I love Lotte, get over it!!!!
That would be too lewd. Trigger probably wants this to be an all ages anime
Is anyone else just stunned by the first 15 seconds of the ED?

It's just explosions of pastel color accompanied by some pretty music, but it's so magical
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it's a family friendly anime
Why do people like Sucy?
Lotte is my favorite character so far.
Thats why it makes sense. under her control this legendary artifact could only just keep up with diana. The fact that Akko could control it at all is what's impressive.

It broke free because it wanted to go faster and Akko finished the race in second.
I guess im too use to these type of things that I was expecting it to happen.
wasn't kanokon called family friendly anime by some japanese tv station?
probably all the smug
Why would anyone put all their stat points into luck? Akko is a dumb dumb.
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I wonder if they get sore crotches.
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When and how will Diana get some character development?
>wearing skirts while flying on brooms

Who thought this would be a good idea? It's way too lewd.
Agreed. Akko a cute.
Fuck the haters.
I can't hate Akko. She may not have a lot of skill, but I love that she is just willing to try anything and everything and never loses sight of what she wants and doesn't let anything stop her. I want to see her succeed more than anything.
>she sees Akkos dick
> Sucy was in the 'beginners' lesson with Akko
> We see her ride a broom just fine in the first episode

Seems to work out well for Brave Sir Iok.
sucy just likes taking it easy
The most powerful witch in the world.
muh potato famine
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She was lazy.
Witches grow up riding them but when you're a freshman you still have to take riding 101.
sucy just likes taking it.

and by it I mean dick.
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i think this is foreshadowing there's no way bottom left wont appear again
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>Rewatching the first episode
>Realizing how much flying a broom means to Akko

Might as well just call them magical sluts.
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>because I'm unpopular, I'll become a pokemon trainer
She's the Anti-Chariot
You had best unfuck yourself or I will tear your Shiny Chariot cards to shreds.
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I wonder if she is like kenpachi, reveal her other eye to unleash her true power.
I wanna fuck that purple witch.
Witches are lewd. They do orgy rituals.
Thats why they're called witches.
did you not see what they have under their skirts?
stop making me remember comfiness

hovering pagans was the best show ;_;
So then, if Chariot lost her YAY, does that mean this purple witch found hers?
But i think she is better than Diana.
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That's not smug.
You could always use padded pants and a cushion.
looks kind of like Diana
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She's better at potions, but she definitely used potion making as her dump stat.
Because she need to be a foil for our main character.
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Holy shit
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How did she manage to get second place when her broom was fucking off to somewhere?
Reminds me of a tulip or a rose. Any hidden meanings there?
I think they just have different specializations.
Diana as orthodox witch. Sucy as underground, banned magic, evil witch.
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nah she had the hips even as a schoolgirl

If it's already been introduced, it can't be a Deus Ex Machina. That's Chekov's Gun, fucking Narrative 101 you sperg, fuck off.
Probably don't even need a broom to qualify. Look at how many cheats her team had anyway. If that shit could fly then no brooms required to win could also fly.
Yeah, you can watch her feet pound holes in plywood and her hips crush plates of baked goods.
Add Snoop you piece of shit.
Why didn't Akko just use the broom to fly to Mordor?
it's most likely just a red herring though
>She's smiling while thinking of Akko in that scene

Even cuter.
>faggotry, pederastry, scat, zoophilia
A certain comics involving Tails from Sonic comes to mind.
If a sentient broom is bullying you, might be time to change something, like the autism maybe
Quit being a foggt.
When will we meet the Cavendish family?
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>Episode starts with Akko autism/bullying
>Ends nicely with Diana smiling
Perfect episode
So what episode do we expect Akko to find out that Ursula is Shiny Chariot?
> magic can only be freely used at magic school
> magic can barely be used in village next to magic school
> magic practically can't be used literally anywhere else
That sucks.
What are you staring at you filthy non-humans? That thing is not going to build itself.
When the anime gets to the chapter from the manga where Akko's slobbers on Diana's dad's schlong.
>literally the point
>Akko the retard
>finding out
They're fast
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Maybe they are scared of another inquisition if they mess around too much.
Because she's a perfect special snowflake Ice Queen with no personality to speak of yet.
Akko will find out and go "wtf, I hate shiny chariot now".
Chariot's Rod works anywhere

I smell a plotpoint
please use the spoiler tag next time you cunt
she needs a training arc
Akko probably rolled to a bloody heap at the finish line and no-one wanted to tell her she wasn't in second place. Behind Diana, but ahead of everyone else.
That was a totally wonderful episode.
"I want to fly so much that I will chain myself to a magic super-broom and if I don't make it, they're gonna have to bury our mangled corpses in the same coffin." Which is a downer way of putting it, but I love the amount of stubborn spirit that they showed for her. Victory or death!
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>waah shield me from years old spoilers
Seriously nigger?
>PSA episode where akko takes the magical equivalent to steroids to perform
will it happen?
Where are the red and blue bows on purple?
You and your shit taste need to go and stay go.
Learn to recognize ironic shitposting.
tossed across the finish line, or just walked the rest of the short way.
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What if the Stone actually limits the magic instead of making it stronger?
This is a family friendly anime, winners don't use drugs.

So yes.
>replying to bait pasta
Probably year indicators.
magic items can store power
Magic ingredients store power
There is broom flight along specific ley line routes.
What sexual positions would she like?
These threads are full of people who unironically don't even know where to get subs.
Magic potions are witchcraft.
Sucy already is a serious witch, without ever setting foot near the school.
this is why sucy is only studying the good witchcraft
Shiny Rod can also open gates to the Leylines.
Most likely another (rather) unique ability, if crossing the atlantic on a broom was such a newsworthy thing to do, due to no leylines around.
It does store power.
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>These threads are full of people who unironically don't even know where to get subs.
No, without it they run out of juice after some spell.
I want Diana to ride me in an uncouth way
So what if someone destroys it? Will it free all the power?
Missionary position with leg-lock.
footjob and missionary
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>2 props
very german
first OVA made it clear that it was part of the reason to have a lot of witches there. The unleash a dragon that consumes magic and it almost tries to consume the stone.

i.e. yeah probably nothing good.
What Ursula Sensei means by one day?

We already know that all the girls will get their own legendary artifacts.
>Hands slip
>Get shredded to pieces
Nice design
Amada and her crew has a green belt, while Diana's is blue.
It just marks your 'house'; it's set in Britain after all.
Sucy protected it fiercely against Luluco.
one to provide thrust. the other to counter the torque.

Probably a reason why its banned.
It's called pleb filter.
she plans to harvest their souls to summon Amaterasu
t. Tattun
I hope some day we will get a full map op Akko's scars and bone fractures.
So since Tattun got fired, who will coordinate the Q&A session?
This looks like a fun episode.
>Tattun got fired,
he did?
It will be cancelled and made as an AMA on reddit, handled by reddit mods.
>Sucy out in the burning sun all day
Why must they torture her so?
Face sitting, footjob, Facial Cowgirl, Chair-restrained Cowgirl Sex, Leg Locked Missionary Sex, Dirty Talk Missionary Sex
this will be a very unpopular opinion but
I think thats for the best
>retweeted the official LWA Twitter as of 50 minutes ago

What do you think?
It's some meme.
Tattun's fine.
Yes, Ohtsuk and Imaishi themselves were disgusted by the boob inflation
but I can't call him a faggot on reddit
I dont do twitter anon, maybey its just me being an old man but I just dont.
Implying she is some lesser undead that melt at the sun.
I bet this archlich like to sunbathe too.
Missionary position, for the sole purpose of procreation, anything else would be an uncouth riding style.
I think you're lying.
>Shitty super serious questions, filtered before he even filters them and popularity contests.
How is that for the best?
You don't need a Twitter account to see what he's up to. It should be especially prevalent in these threads seeing as he always confirms he's in the threads via his Twitter.
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How old? Are you a wizard?
just watched the episode
why is Akko so goddamn annoying
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Does she have the seven stars scar?
Was that family watching Inferno Cop?

>9 BDs
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you do it here and every other board will come over to shit post, doesn't matter if they like lwa or anime even. I saw that kind of shit it with /sci/'s thread on the rosetta lander.
B-be gentle?
The kid was; the parents were oblivious.
I wonder whats her favourite position.
Akko's boyfriend from back home.
on a broom a few kilometers above the ground
I can't wait for a shitstorm episode.
This is the usual Japanese sales method.
At least there are 3 EPs per Blu-Ray this time around and not only 2, like with most shows.
She's not annoying, just hyper active.
>Adorable loli-witch on the bottom right
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So what? It's still going through Tattun and we know he is cool with all kinds of questions that reddit wouldn't even ask or downvote
Fuck that shithole
she was actually flying so fast that she kept going for a while even after falling off the broom
Is the same thing.
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Bad Girls
purple glasses is best background witch

I bet you never knew when the log horizon author came here. It went fine
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Amanda's group could fuck your shit up
I bet she hates those donuts now
No, that's impossible! Shiny Chariot has red hair!
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Here's an Ocean's 3 comic about how the coup went down
That's why nude scenes and "the hot springs episode" should always occur in every anime, especially girl characters. You never know who's got a treasure map tattoo, ancient ninja society coded message, the secret of Protoculture, a demonic/angelic sigil, or the local version of the Yellow Sign hidden under their clothes. Or maybe just a short anecdote that fleshes out the character and makes them seem more human. Mushroom S'uce probably has a few interesting acid burns.

What video?
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She hates her fatty teammate.
/fit/ sports episode when?
Nightly beating with soap bar filled towels episode when?
/a/ can't handle any form of tension and progression in characters anymore.
It *is* red. The eyeglasses are camouflaging it.
I want to fuck Akko
Fuck off, us Bostonians are plenty charming
More like seventeen stars scar.
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I wonder if students can wear whatever color hat they want, or if this rainbow shit was just for the ceremony
Bitch, we're not even on page 10.
>fingerless gloves
Yes, very important item for thievery
More like her hat is camouflaging it.
>Hey guys, let's talk about this little girl anime about kid witches
>Arabs need to get out of the western world

...how the fuck?
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I mean, it's set in britain.
She just whored herself to that guy...
His line of reasoning was
>you seem accepting of newfags on /a/
>so you most likely also accept Arabs in your homeland
Since both do not integrate into the host society and shit up the place most of the time.
A bit farfetched but the line of thought is obvious.
Basically northern Arabia.
He's probably /pol/tard.
yeah, the fluid animations are so cool
Was this broom one of the cards?!?
Why are Diana and Amanda's role as the Series Jew being reversed?
At this point I'm seeing fucking Diana as more Akko's friend more than Lotte and Sucy.

They should've pretended the shorts never happened and built the friendship up from scratch.
How the fuck is Amanda a bitch/like Dianna? She just wanted her stolen broom back. She's always been a thief.
Lotte is friendly
She's a kid, gramps!
kids are annoying
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Sucy doesn't bully Akko much anymore. She even saved her from total embarrassment by giving her the frog-broom potion.

Somoene make a loss comic over those left 4 panels
Is Ursula's ass really that fat or it's her witch attire which gives that impression?
Literally what do you think.
What's annoying about her?
>and not only 2, like with most shows.
That's 1 cour anime.
She has a fat ass?
oooh it wasn't just a cool way of showing the sunset shining on her hair.

Fuck I'm retarded.
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It still amazes me how so many people never caught on that Shiny Chariot was Ursula
Yes, that Broom is for Amanda to tame.
Nice pasta, have a (you)
This webm is hypnotizing, can't look away.
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