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Granblue Fantasy the Animation

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Thread replies: 532
Thread images: 156

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Waiting for subs
God that looks bad.
Looks good
Not that spectacular but looks okay.
>Kancolle already has a much better anime than GF
Grabluefags BTFO
I don't know how it looks.
There was a livestream of it just now

Episode 1&2 are pretty much the tutorial and it ends with Kat crashing.
Shit anime for shit """""""game"""""""
>over 8 animation supervisors for episode one

No wonder they decided to delay the proper broadcast by a whole season.
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The OP owns tho...

Also, what is Miwa doing there kek. is he escaping from BONES ?
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It looks all right, just so damn bland.

I don't think the anime will be bad, just forgettable. If it were disastrous we could get some trainwreck appeal out of it, but it just looks mediocre. Just do the bare minimum to promote the game and throw some codes or something in the disk boxes.
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I'm looking forward to the edits.
If you buy all the boxes you get a gold bar, damascus and a sunlight stone.
Every box comes with a ticket for a specific character, the first one has SSR Kat.
The only good mobage adaptation is one that goes full anime original. Those that try to stay too close to the source inevitably turn bland and forgettable.
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why is the mc a generic bland faggot
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It has some atmosphere so I can't hate it even though it's made of many awkward cuts to characters. Whatever
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>HEY! Gran-Teitoku! Lyria DESS!
I'm only picking this up for the seiyuu.
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Still a good chance that Lyria will steal the show, if IF she has any good scenes.
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What am I thinking?
Is that supposed to look good or something?
>CG dragon

Looks like everyone but Kyoani forgot how to draw dragons.
It's a worthwhile trade if Nakamura becomes a regular face on Hero Academia.
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>Granblue Fantasy comes to Lastation 4
>Noire decides Vira is best
Did Noire pick well?
She definitely picked the best element.
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Because the faggots behind the anime refused to use the sexy generic bland FeMC that like 90% of the playerbase prefers. To the point that her name is trending on twitter right now.
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They only want her ass.
I dont know why I spent so much money on that goddamn game. I barely even play now
>if you order all volumes of the BD you get the unannounced super secret SSR character
>you can get SSR Cat
Are you serious?
You also get a Gold Brick + Sunlight Stone + Damasucs Ingot set


Should this be here?
It's a "special" version so likely a weakened version with a nice outfit.
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I spent around 5k last year, yet I'm still hesitating about buying the Blu-rays.
The ticket says "special" so it may be a special version, or the ticket itself is special because it only works for a specific character
As in Earth or Dark? Imai has Summer Vira
Where are the goddamn raws?
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You get to post about how Tia is a disgusting loose whore when she shows up and how Vira is a cuck.
Only Rosetta baba memes because she is the only Memes character besides Vyrn to be featured.
Lyria being the food vacuum and Rackam screaming.

Also, tell Heles to stop encouraging Narumeia. It's annoying.
Ferry is like the ragdoll kitten of the 4koma.

Doesn't matter what anyone does with her, she just rolls over and accepts it.
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I can't wait for Kat's anime
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Outdated memes, water is bottom of the barrel now.
Not even Shiva can save fire from being shit.
At least it's not the worst shit any more. For now.
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Fire is still the bottom bitch even with Shiva. Fire only becomes "good" when you fork over thousands of dollars and for it to be great you need to throw a much much larger amount. You forgot your image.
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>The anime looks interesting
>But I don't even play the games

this is just gonna be another series where no one plays the games and just fap to the doujins like touhou and kancolle
You don't need a phone or google's botnet. It works on firefox.
You mean no one except people who play the game are going to watch the anime right?
Look how popular deresute got because of the anime.
Don't be retarded, it was always popular.
The GBF general on /vg/ is one of the fastest moving and most active generals on the site. Seems like a pretty active community for GBF.
Huh? No it wasn't.
Something also tells me that it's a shit community, from my experience slow threads are almost always better.
>Huh? No it wasn't.
Yes it was. Deresute didn't even come out until after the anime, by the way. So you're wrong on all fronts.
Sure thing, kid. I was watching the anime from day one. It was literal who shit before.
>Something also tells me that it's a shit community
Ever since the English patch it's only gone downhill.
Fucking A1. Why is it always the meltface studio
are you literally retarded?
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Don't play the game anon. Don't ruin your time and sanity to play it.
>water over earth
>wind over earth
Magna Earth, maybe. Titan Earth is the strongest of the main wheel elements.
>>Kancolle already has a much better anime than GF
>Grabluefags BTFO

I think it's going to be fucking damning that ufotable's take on Touken Ranbu is going to blow everyone off
The game is shit, don't let /gbfg/ tell you otherwise

The game has absolutely zero reward for the hell grind it puts you through and you need to invest a couple of hours everyday to make decent progress at a somewhat fast rate

Enjoy the fanart, fap to the doujins, maybe appreciate the soundtrack and that's it
That's the way you should enjoy GBF.
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It is so fast because it is nothing but pure shitposting and was since day one.
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>actively playing GBF
FGO is better
Spend a day in /ksg/ or /tf2g/ and come back and tell me /gbfg/'s shitposting is anywhere near that level.
>spic subs out before raws
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Come over, we have great waifus
The Touken Ranbu anime is shit and the only sales are going to be from fujos though.
>no dj

It's like they want this anime to flop. No one plays gbf for het, but for yuri.
The game is alright if you want an old school jrpg experience though. And by alright I mean it has big numbers
Sure, that's why all the doujinshi are of the big titty cows and Cog getting fucked.
In before triggered /gbfg/ grancers start flooding the thread.
Nice bait Satan.
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/gbfg/ is nothing but shitposting, mate and always has been. Don't try denying. Long before the English patch like 100 threads or so were 80% fucking anti-reddit posting and the great reddit purge.
Fix the shitty gacha first
>implying there's anything wrong with anti-reddit posting
Fuck off.
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I never said there was anything wrong with it, fucking with the spreadsheets because someone posted them on reddit was fucking fun as hell. But don't try denying it was shitposting.
>playing the Sawashiro card
but I don't want to watch it, it looks like another super generic fantasy RPG adaption
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>tfw stuff like the literally Redline event won't get animated
>80% fucking anti-reddit posting and the great reddit purge.
Oh, so that's where all of /a/'s oldfags are holing up nowadays, huh?
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>yfw the 4koma get those 3min animated shorts
Sup Muklas.
>Jumps out of her podracer and onto another dude's and poses

Based Djeeta
Post ID I want to sneeze on your profile.
>/a/ oldfags
Not even close.
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Not only that she then proceeds to beat the crap out of the pilot of that podracer before jumping back into hers. Playing with Kung Fu skin made it even cooler in my mind.

Truly one of the hypest events in recent memory.
>tfw I do everything related to a new event on day one and have nothing to do the rest of the time
At least GW is coming so I'll get to be autistic for a bit.
Is Lyria+Gran the strongest animu MC?
I bet OPM can't even touch them.
Before the English patch I'd say a good portion of the people there had some age on them and it was pretty diverse board wise. You could tell that there was more than just /a/, /pol/, /v/ and things like /r9k/.

Now it's mostly dumb SEAniggers from facebook and redditors really. Also 12 year /b/tard shitposters.
Depending on how this next one is, I'll probably leave my guild afterwards. I'm in a super seeded guild, but I really don't care about the game enough any more to put in the time and effort when the "endgame" is just marginal strength gains.

If the anniversary is shit, I'll drop the game all together. Going on for 3 years of this shit and it's worn extremely thin.
You can tell that they're still there. They're just being drowned out by the SEA infestation.

I miss seeing some of the older posters in the IRC as well, the ones that have been around at least since the beginning of CG. They've all retreated into their esports guild chats since English and I'm not strong enough to get poached into their secret clubs.
Dunno, I'm not expecting much from GBF, esporting is something I don't go out of my way to do, it's something I have casually in the background, not something I go full autism over for more than a couple of times a month.
lol u wish u are superior SEA gene.
Even Slavs are superior to you.
I blame the fgc, a ton of people got into it because some players were playing it. They are also incredibly easy to spot when they post.
False Flagging.
Since when does fast moving means good generals? Slow generals are usually the better ones.
I'm not really a fan of esports either. People around have the impression that I'm esports because I luckerdogged my way to a strong pool. It's the worst.
> Propiucus described them as barbarians, who lived under democracy, and that they believe in one god, "the maker of lightning" (Perun), to whom they made sacrifice.
>Regarding warfare, they were mainly foot soldiers with small shields and battleaxes, lightly clothed, some entering battle naked with only their genitals covered
Sounds like a retarded backwater race.
He never commented on the quality of the general.
You mean yaoi right?

Holy shit so many DjeetaxPercy stuff on booru
>he hasn't been to the FF XIV General

You wish gbfg was that bad
Nah, just chill, no reason to carry a bunch of babies that demand you grind points for them.
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i want to have sex with vira!!!!!!!!
>talks about game being dead and unpopular
>gets pointed out the general is fast and highly populated
>"w-well slow is better"
so when is HS ripping this?
Is it still attention whoring avatarafags and non-stop erp?

Though I'll be honest it's surprisingly hilarious are helpful they are when you actually ask questions about the game. Or it was back when I visited.
/gbfg/ was actually voted worst general on /vg/.
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It looks Mediocre[/soiler]. The song is nice though
But why?
Well that's low, you would need a miracle to be as bad as an mmo general.
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That's the wrong image, mate.
It is a trash filled with scum that takes form as a human.
Fast generals are usually filled with shitposts and shitty memes anyway.
Nice digits. But there are worse threads in my opinion.
Endless cuckposting
lurk more
So what is this anime about?
Where and when did this vote take place and where can I see the results? I'd have voted for /gbfg/ too
About showing how not to advertise your mobages.
Such as? I'm actually curious to see if you're willing to admit which shitty generals you frequent.
Old school pure fantasy story about a boy that has to find his dad and take down an evil empire in the process.
So like every general on /vg/? I was in places like /feg/ and /TERAg/ so people being awful is nothing new to me.
There would be less cuckposting if they stopped releasing cuck characters.
evil empire wants to awaken an ancient evil and the heroes stop them
Ye olde fantasy anime following the Hero's Journey to the letter.
That's not fun since it doesn't show the chariot, that is the cool thing
None of you even cared about Herja before she put the sweater on.
>what is Trigger
This. And god forbid someone doesn't your self insert's cock.
A cartoon studio.
/mbgg/ is comfy.
I mean I mostly lurk on /vg/, but probably /fgg/.
Mashing together more than one game it's like the recipe for a disaster. Add on that probably one of the most abrasive communities out there and there you have it. Other threads that I frequent are slow and more contained.
That also know how to draw dragons, yes
Do you have a Katalina mask Anon?
Not him, but I've mentioned this several times in the past.


Nothing in /gbfg/ compares to somebody shitposting about another person that quit a game 2 years ago because people made fun of his nasally voice by imitating them and pretending to be a trap.


Nor does it have people that literally posted an image of themselves wearing a chastity cage while playing Destiny. In the full res image, you could see wiry pubes and all.

And as far as generals go, /dg/ isn't even that bad.
The opening looks really dull even though it has a great song. Too bad.

The ending seems pretty generic as usual, song is okay.
>he hasn't been to /lolg/
>or /feg/
>or /xivg/
Yeah, there's already a million chicks after the self-inserts genitals, what's the harm in making a character that isn't after them for once?
cucks deserve nothing
Still works only on google, though.
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>The Destiny one

I've been to /feg/ and /pg/ so I know how bad those threads can go at times. I mainly stay in /eagg/ though.
God what the fuck is wrong with him?
>that Destiny post
Holy shit, I think I burst an organ laughing. It actually fucking feels like I've been stabbed and I'm getting dizzy. Should I be worried?
>**1位/478位 (***,**0 pt)[*,**0予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]

>that jump
The BDs have in game bonuses that look to be really good.
Instead it has people going through reddit, irc and discord and roll a d6 to choose a random name to start shitposting under, it has the most retarded cuckfags I have ever seen, oh and.tranny meme, thats also fucking unbearable, lets not forget how the entire thread turnsbinto dick measuring contest when GW starts
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it sells a ton because of the in-game bonuses.
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>grancuck fantasy
>everyone has to love me and only me!

Fuck off with your haremshit you whiny little bitch
It's funny as fuck looking back at it. I'm surprised the Kazuto poster is still at it. I really admire the dedication. Oh yeah, and a few people got doxxed and harassed in the past too.

As far as autism goes, /gbfg/ is mediocre in almost every aspect.

All the drama comes from sheltered autismos that have never experienced true shitposting or harassment, thinking they're billy big bollocks because they autismally wanpan magnas all day every day to get marginally stronger as if it's some kind of genuine skill to use the same pre-made weapon pools and character lineups..

It's still really tepid and low energy. It takes a few seconds to go to reddit and copy&paste, or take a puush screenshot of somebody's Twitter or discord chat. If /gbfg/ wasn't most people with double digit IQs, most of it could easily be ignored.
A SSR character for the price of 20 rolls? You can bet people are going to buy this.
>Such as?
/wfg/ is basically /aco/ or /d/ The peak of the thread is talking about robot farts.
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>every time that one Australian moosekin posts to his twitter someone has to screenshot it and post it to the thread
I don't get it.
Its hard to ignore a literal sea of shit, insecure faggots and stale shit memes, none of which can be purged because asking for moderation on /vg/ is like asking to roll 3 ssr's in 10roll outside of legfest, get 5 atk magnas and win lottery in one day
As in, it doesnt happen
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>didn't put djeeta in the anime
>but making anime original childhood friend for Gran

Nips went HOMOHOMO whenever those two interacted, sasuga.
Why the hell is it ranking so high on Amazon? Do japs really like this game a lot?
SSR char code + some other ingame stuff if you buy every vol
One of the most popular mobage in Japan right now. Extremely popular with both genders too.
Because SSR Cat being part of the disk bundle, also a gold bar and damascus.
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So the anime staff has no idea why everyone actually plays granblue?
It's dying though.
The sad part is that she also get a really tiny segment in the anime website as the anime promoter.

Talk about adding insult to injury.
How many volumes will it have? Isn't it just an OVA? I thought it was going to be just one.
What's the point if I'm not the most beloved person in my online chinese games
Mate, they were going to follow the game story no matter what, not invent a plot and cowspam.
You can play it on PC right now


but can you quit?
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>fujobait the game
>Nips went HOMOHOMO
what did you expect?
>and stale shit memes,
This is /gbfg/'s main problem, really. It's boring and stale. As far as communities go, there's a distinct lack of OC besides recycling the same tired old shit. Even a lot of the guild/e-celeb drama is constantly rehashed, just with different names.

Shitposting there is low energy.

I don't think they've even announced how many episodes the anime is going to be yet. I'd expect at least 6 volumes, though. Each with an SSR character like: Katalina, Rackam, Io, Eugen, Rosetta and then another.
Anon, do you even play Shingeki no Bahamut?
Why do you need to upset, then?
Oh, it's one of those type of games. Japs really have a simplistic taste when it comes to video games.
>but can you quit?
I did after like 5 or so months after realizing that the game was a chore to play and the entire grind was retarded

>leech bosses
>to get weapons
>to kill bosses
>to get weapons
>to kill harder bosses
>to get better weapons
>to kill harder bosses
>to get better weapons

Repeat ad infinitum, you grind to see high numbers on a screen, not for any other reason.
I agree. Everybody only plays gbf for dorafs.
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It's certainly reached it's peak but it's not dying anytime soon. I still see schoolgirls sperging out over GBF on the train every morning. Shoulda seen the amount of them showing off their Lucios when he was released.

Should have heard all the いいいいなぁぁぁ~s on the train that day man.
Yeah, but why would someone buy an expensive BDs just for an items in games
Welcome to MMOs. The only purpose of killing shit is to kill more shit.
Dem backs chart fucking when?
>play game
>you kill bosses
>it ends
wow really made me think
People spend the equivalent of $900US to spark characters monthly. These BDs are a bargain for those players.
Games don't need to be grand and complicated for people to like and play them, which is why stuff like SaGa fell into obscurity despite being pretty decent.
Because it's cheaper than buying the items in the game.
Broski, you don't know just how much fucking money people spend on this game, the BD is fucking bargain bin tier.
>DJ wasn't the childhood friend instead
Fucking ruined
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Oh God, fucking finally
Now comes the worst part
wrong thread, baka
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At least you'll never have to do that part again.
Ok, now that weird, arent the jps supposed to be smarter than that?

You have, a very popular character, loved by the fans of your game, twitter-trending, that is officialy part of the canon story of your universe, and now, you ELIMINATE HER from the anime version of said canon story? Only to relegate her to lame promotion shorts?


>Tfw we will never see this sex made clothes animated...

I honestly wanted incest/selfcest with Gran.
They have the best doujins.
Right so let's get this out of the way.

How shit is it going to be?
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Can't form your own opinion, anon?
Okayish and ripe for memes if you play the game.

Ignorable for everyone else.
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>Eugen in the OP

Thank god
Bland fantasy. Is there even any doubt?
Guess what, game and anime are first if all, marketed to young boys, they dont selfinsert as a girl
Hoping I'll roll his SSR once I save up enough to spark Mahira.
>tfw roll him and kat in summer legfest
And I dont even run earth, well now I do though, seems like fun element and got enough characters
Good luck! I hope you do! I have him and he's been a huge help
Ugly and mostly forgettable. A chance of improved Lyria, Pommern bullying and dank knight hijinks, but nothing to make wasting ~10 hours of time total worth it.
OP & ED: https://my.mixtape.moe/zifvea.mp4
She seems like best girl.

I need a new waifu this season
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>mfw OP made me realize there's going to be entire episodes revolving around Io because I completely forgot that cunt existed

just fucking kill me now

filler episode with the wacky adventures of sturm and drang when
>guy singing
Dropped. Also,
>running in the OP
Play the game and waifu whoever the gacha gives you. You're likely to end up with someone way more interesting, as painful as it is for me to say because Kat is a legitimately good girl, just not waifuable (even in-universe).
There is a lot of gasping in these first 2 episodes.
>not wanting to die from food poisoning
Her being a side protag, as the producer wanted, wasn't going to change the target audience. Cygames for some reason insisted on wanting that Boy Meets Girl premise.
I thought it was marketed to salarymen, considering the collabs they do
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I guess I'll check this out as a placeholder until S2 of Bahamut airs.

Though I already don't like how the MC looks like a generic MC as opposed to based Favaro. Hopefully he has an actual personality instead of being a self insert.
>fucking Samurai Showdown collab
It's airing the same season as bahamut; today's episode is just a special preview.
The OP animation is really fucking bad.
MC in Granblue supposed to be the generic base adventurer until he can change jobs but I'm not really sure how it will be played in the anime.
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Granblue would be better without Gran
You don't honestly expect Gran to change jobs in the anime, do you?
They should really make an anime with just draphs. It'd sell millions.
Not really but it's a part of the game that makes him strong and special compared to his followers.
>tfw no lucha Gran in the anime
No Djeeta. Why???
He better use something other than proto baha or I'mma be upset

then again anime gran seems the type of nigga to surprise ticket walder
>tfw no zerk Gran in the anime
**1位/**1位 (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [Blu-ray]

**2位/**3位 (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 【Amazon.co.jp限定】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [Blu-ray]

*10位/*11位 ○ (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [DVD]

That certainly didn't take long, huh.
>Implying they won't defeat every primal beast by summoning proto baha over and over again every episode
I don't care about animation. I care about cute girls.
Note that the radio event after the TV special had Kanemoto (Djeeta's seiyuu) and the anime producer. The latter explained why Djeeta isn't in the anime: he was actually considering including her so they would have 2 protagonists. However, when they went back to cygames for the actual production details, cygames actually wanted to preserve the "Boy meets Girl" aspect of meeting Lyria, hence why Gran is the only protagonist for the anime. There has been some "hints" that Djeeta might appear in the anime, but without any details, it could be just for the preview/some 3 min specials or even just some random cameo in the backgrounds, so there isn't anything much to expect.
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Sucks for you then since most of them won't be in the anime.
Post Lucha Gran and Percy
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Play the game nigguh, becuse aside from Lyria, Io, Rosetta, Cat, Orchis and Sturm there won't be too many recurring female characters.
I played the tutorial like half a year ago, but I'm just not a phonefag. I wouldn't play it at home and I don't want to play something which could reveal my power level at work.
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Lucha memes are the best thing to happen in a while
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The reasoning behind this sounds stupid. She could at least been a side character that tags along with Gran without it interfering with the " Boy Meets Girl" plot-line.
It's Gran's coolest looking class so yeah, why the fuck wouldn't you use it. Unless you're a dirty esports faggot.
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What's the deal with notDJ from upcoming Platinum game? Throwing DJfags a bone after she was not confirmed to be in anime?
Teh only thing wroth is because the girl voiced by Sawashiro?
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Remember that this is only the explanation for why she isn't a protagonist. This doesn't mean she won't appear at all which in fact is actually more likely than unlikely.
fuck off selfie
Works fine with firefox m8.
Probably is, considering she got shafted from the manga, vn and anime.
They animate the guild war, DJ has a crew made out of all popular characters
>Gran stuck with the main story losers + Walder
>DJ's crew has all the cute and cool gacha characters
>they only get a combined screentime of five minutes

How pissed will everybody be?
Nene you get baps.
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Kat is cool and cute
Rosetta is cute too
>**,**1位/***,**1位 (---,--- pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
***,**2位/***,**2位 (---,--- pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 【Amazon.co.jp限定】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(メーカー特典:「B2告知ポスター」付)(オリジナル特典:「シリアルコード【オリジナルゲーム内スタンプ(1種)】」付)(全巻購入特典:「B2布ポスター」「原作描き下ろしイラスト使用 全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
***,**8位/***,*10位 ○ (---,--- pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(完全生産限定版) [DVD]
***,*12位/---,---位 ○ (---,--- pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 【Amazon.co.jp限定】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1(メーカー特典:「B2告知ポスター」付)(オリジナル特典:「シリアルコード【オリジナルゲーム内スタンプ(1種)】」付)(全巻購入特典:「B2布ポスター」「原作描き下ろしイラスト使用 全巻収納BOX」引換シリアルコード付)(完全生産限定版) [DVD]

As expected of Super Popular game they will buy it no matter what
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Shut the FUCK up vivienne.
>Suddenly Lecia

Wat do?
Didn´t expected the actual anime to be good, only problem is the CGI. Now I have to wait until april for Durrayman, this is suffering.
Never play the game, who is the most popular girl?
they are cheating by adding SSR draw for preorder!
As of the last in game fan poll.
They only voted on her for the stats and you know it.
Erune win polls now.
Vira or Naru I think
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As much as I hate to say it,but its the dyke Vira
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Vira or Narumea
Both even got an official daki
>voted on her for the stats
I would expect Kurwa but she didn't win.
The most esport in the moment.
Which is Vira i guess?
Better this than Youjo Senki fags.
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My man.
Now post the sound clip.
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You say that but Korwa can be used in literally any attribute and still be useful and she wasn't #1
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Cake, Cuc and cummies.
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Yep her probably
That is why having really popular game help, it reminds me Monster Strike movie was no.1 in box office because game related too. If they spent so much money for that now they can even get the anime as bonus it is a more interesting deal
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Fake nee-chan is pretty up there
Except the only thing she has going for her is her design+voice as in gameplay she's so outclassed it's not funny. A 3 mil damage ougi every 7~8 turns is fucking nothing.
>not korwa
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No love for the doggo?
"I don't have Yuisis" the post.
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So what special bundle did they include? Gacharolls by the dozen?
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SV anime when
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Best nee-chan.
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Can't help but love Jeannu in whatever franchise she appears
new super secret exclusive SSR
Korwa is just a placeholder until you got good SSR
Well unless you run dirtnigger 120 summon
Talk to me about this yuisis meta then.
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Will you buy this dakimakura of her?
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Who is best boy then?
>he doesn't know how to cap her auto attacks
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Post box knight.
Yuisis + Monkey + Korwa with coda baha bow and GW dagger = 440k TAs on Yuisis in both stances.

Bring a Kaguya along and you'll be pushing 3.3mill ougis as well.
You're still better off with Mahira even with Tapioca, because, you know, Mahira actually does damage with a dirt grid while Korwa doesn't.
As much as I like some classic fantasy shows again I fucking hated the main story.

Holy shit it was god damn bland.
We need tracksuits specials
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>that telomereNA doujin
Bruh, random wind Rs can cap autos with the average wind grid, doesn't make them good suddenly.
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I have Sen. Tell me why does the dog go nya.
You already posted him.
Gran, Albert, Altair, Percy, Lanlan, Seigman, Vane, Lucio, Feather, Six, Quatre, Romeo, Siete, Shirou, Rackam, Vas and Eustace are all good boys.
Because everyone makes her do it since she looks like a cat
i'd rather have an animated fate/cross fate episodes, events and 4koma instead of the main story
Those Rs don't have a ridiculously high TA rate like Yuisis does.
Just finished watching it. It was a pretty mediocre start. The OP was shit, but the ED was nice.

I'll watch season 2 of Bahamut over this during the spring, but I might watch this all at once after it finishes airing.
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Is Metera the cute slut in this?
That's it? Whoptee fucking doo, I might as well run any other wind team then because on average the damage won't be any different.
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>best boy
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If you were in charge of production for 3 filler episodes, what would you pick for:

1. filler episode focusing on sidecharacters (knight bois, Society, Sturm & Drang, etc)

2. filler episode based on an event

3, filler episode revolving around fate episodes for a specific character
No that's Anthuria. Metera is just a normal slut. And I'm not insulting her like most people in /a/ usually do, she is literally a canon slut.

Neither will be in the anime.
2 of course.
Robomi here we go.
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Platinum Sky and Revenge of Bonito filler.
Gripping Freedom here I go
2, platinum sky
Youjo Senki has no offer so far

Will it drop so badly like what happened with Shingeki no Bahamut?
If the auto attacks aren't any different then her 3mill ougis set her ahead of the pack.

I get it, you really fucking hate Yuisis for some reason. Just be upfront about it instead of trying to imply she's shit.

Show me what other units in wind will cap auto damage easily with a baha bow and no other attack baha in your grid.

And take your Yuisis shitposting back to /vg/. She's not in the anime thus it's irrelevant here.
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This thread needs more potatoes.
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Give me manly fishing too while we're at it.
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I need my Forte mama fix.
>I get it, you really fucking hate Yuisis for some reason.
He's probably a Virafag.
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Metera a cute! A CUTE!!
Wew, I knew Yuisis fanboys were touchy but wow. This reeks of the good old "Beato is good, really!" nonsense from ages back.
>Your waifu is so SHIT her only fanart is a pencil drawing
based KMR
Beato is ok though
>just reached high level
>the anime will start
As a newfriend I'll finally get to be a sempai to the newfags so I'm happy
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Defy Cygames' "no popular characters!" decree and have an episode each for the top three.
She's a literal Bitchslut McWhore that hides her rotten personality behind a cute facade and isn't even that convincing. Most other erune girls do the "cute slut" thing better.
But yeah, Meteraposting to piss waifufags off is a thing.
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That's wrong though.
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The proper way to do an adaptation of a game is to implement mechanics of the game into the actual adaptation. So hopefully they change classes.
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Hey, I'm a Virasexual and I love Yui.
i love you /gbfg/
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Be careful when picking your waifu in Grancuck fantasy.
Yeah, but they won't.
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>tfw torn between ticketing yakuza or birdman next ticket and all the Yusis fanart is making that decision that much more difficult
She isn't dank Sarunan or Cerberus. The problem is that to work she needs setup that isn't really worth the effort since there are better options.
>I don't know how to use characters
It's okay anon just admit you don't know shit

In the meantime a 4th version joined the top ranks, lol.

**1位/**1位 (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [Blu-ray]

**2位/**2位 (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 【Amazon.co.jp限定】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [Blu-ray]

**8位/*10位 ○ (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [DVD]

*12位/---位 ○ (***,**0 pt) [*,**0予約] 17/04/26 【Amazon.co.jp限定】GRANBLUE FANTASY The Animation 1 [DVD]
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Actual Percy would burn her literally and figuratively if she tried to invade his personal space.
He doesn't like overbearing girl, he like sweet danchou Djeeta.
He probably has no clue how to handle her rotations.
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My brethren.
How about the main heroine in the anime? Is she good or bland? Seems no body mentioned her
mobage saves anime industry
She's bland, actually the only interesting girl in the main party is Rosetta
Lyria's shit.
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Actually I'd not be surprised if it was the same autistic shitposters who hated on Vira constantly at the height of her popularity who hate on Yuisis now because she's popular.

Alternatively, they may be buttmad players who missed out on Monkey and now are frustrated they'll never get the most out of her.

Ticket Yuisis if you have monkey, korwa and are willing to commit to making a coda baha bow. If you don't meet these standards then you'll never get the most out of her. She'll still be good but she won't stand far ahead of birdman's ease of use.
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And of course the autists from /gbfg/ already spilled over on here.

What is already a shit show with an even shittier community. Fuck off back to /vg/.
Where's the nippon guide?
If you have to invest effort into making a character work then they're not worth using.
>1. filler episode focusing on sidecharacters (knight bois, Society, Sturm & Drang, etc)
turn it into double feature Naru+Zoi, Zoi wants to learn more about humans and she wants to learn from Naru who's very caring towards everyone in the crew, hilarity ensues and gives spotlight to two extremely popular girls
>2. filler episode based on an event
Platinum Sky or the summer events, willing to go more towards summer events because that would give a big chunk of the cast something to do
>3, filler episode revolving around fate episodes for a specific character
Probably Cagliostro, I don't like him, mainly due to his rabid fanbase, but his case is indeed interesting so it would make for entertaining 20 minutes
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The only real answer to this is that the most popular character is the most desired one. That would be Zoi since her summer version is the most broken character in the game that they capped the damage limit, pretended she didn't exist and ignore dark as much as possible so that they don't have to provide refunds for the fuckup.
>Rabid fanbase
Take your cuckposting back to /v/ and never return.
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Cockblocking shit
I got Yuisis for my poverty wind team with a shit grid (Gawain, Sutera) and honestly wasn't expecting her to work well, but she still does the job.
Maybe I'll luck out and get kurwa one day
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has alchemy gone too far.jpg
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Cag's fanbase has actually quietened down a lot lately. I'd still love to see Cag's fates animated. Or animate Cag and Clarisse finally meeting.
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Rowen is cuter than Forte
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>Yuisis this Yuisis that
>Forgetting about the best erune
Look right to me.
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>Probably Cagliostro, I don't like him, mainly due to his rabid fanbase,
What? Since when were cog posters rabid, I can't recall this. Sure, cog is really popular but cog posters were hardly ever rabid and they eventually disappeared with only cogposter being left and he died after reddit niggers removed him from the thread due to
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>gets shot and stabbed to death
>comes back to life and murders everyone that murdered her
Cog is love, Cog is life.
【BD&DVD情報】第1巻の発売が4月26日に決定!表紙を飾るのはルリア!特典にはSSレアキャラ「カタリナ 特別Ver.」シリアルコードが特典封入され、全巻特典には「ヒヒイロカネ+金剛晶+ダマスカス鋼」セットと豪華特典となります!
My pig's wife.
> [BudLightSubs] Granblue Fantasy The Animation - 01-02 [720p].mkv
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I hate memesanagi so fucking much.

Wow. Fuck you. Cog is a cute girl.
dude doujins are canon lmao
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>he died after reddit niggers removed him from the thread due to
he just left on his own accord from what i could tell
it was sudden
How much would the bds sell if Monika came with it?
How about the guys?
Memes from /vg/ should really be banned on /a/ threads.
All memes.
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5* Bear soon
>MC is bland a fuck
>main girl is bland as fuck

Great start I see.
Asanagi cross board boundaries
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>the best erune
A challenger appears!
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But what about placenta's, anon?
Boy meets Girl is fucking narrative cancer killing Japanese storytelling. I enjoyed Sun/Moon but it was really limited by forcing the story into an standard "Boy meets Girl" story with Lillie.
/vg/ shouldn't even be posting here. They have their own board and their own general. This is supposed to be a discussion about the anime, yet just look at this thread.

I can wait until you cancerous fucks get banned when the anime actually starts airing and you keep shitting up these threads with garbage.
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So Heles has lost whatever little popularity she once had?
Ghost erune doesn't count. She's just as nonexistent as Akarin.
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best meme.
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>not playing 2nd best grill meeting best grill
You played the wrong game, anon.
anime is bland and boring i doubt anyone on /a/ watch it.
so apart from having an awful plot (no plot), what differentiates granblue from other shit airing?
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>there's people that care about granblue
>when there's a much better game by the same company
>with a better producer
Come on gramps, step up with the times
Keep dreaming anon. You are outright delusional if you think the modern 4chan mods will do anything about generalfags. You are even more delusional if you think the mods we have left even care about the site anymore. The manager fucking removed the only mod who actually cared about the site and put real effort into it for a dumb as fuck reason.
The mobage goodies that come with the BDs cost a fraction of what you'd need to pay to get them through the game itself.
>>with a better producer
KMR is now Granblue's producer
I doubt anyone will bother to pick up the game if they watch the anime honestly.
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>with a better producer
Oh, about that...
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So after watching these two episodes, Favaro>Gran.

Though SnB fell off hard after the halfway point, the first few episodes were fucking great. Granblue's start was generic and boring as fuck.
Shut up Luna.

Would still impregnate.
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>mfw I play both
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>>better producer
Probably because she's a hag
Bahamut dead after anime airing so let's hope granblue dont get same fate.
Bahamut is getting a makeover actually.
I play both, nigga. And SV is currently in Oz, call me when Dorothy gets deleted before I go back to laddering instead of being done for the day after finishing my dailies.
Granblue's main story is generic as fuck. An anime focusing on popular events and fate episodes with a good studio would be great.
Gran isn't half as bad as I was expecting him to be so far, but he's still too boring.

That already happened and nothing changed.
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1000% SICO
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>no SoL spinoff of dinging the dong
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Bahamut is still well and alive though. Tsubaki even got a new card a day or two ago.
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Who's producing Shitverse?
Dorothy is old and busted, Cerb into Howl is the new cancer
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>GBF fans
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>anime started
I should pay more attention to this
She looks like a chuuni, even with the fantasy setting and horns.
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Show proof.
She's basically a isekai protag.
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Why did they go with the same disgusting look as Occultic;Nine? It looks like it's animated without any Anti-aliasing or something. Looks like shit.
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Okay who of you fucks sent the phalanx sticker without casting it?
That's because of A-1. If it was done by MAPPA, it would have looked alot better with the exception of the CG dragon since MAPPA does that shit too. But they have their hands full with season 2 of Bahamut.
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I miss kamen rider
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Casting Phakelanx!
How long until she appears? The leopard print is doing things to my dick.
Should be one or two episodes later.
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HMegaton Kick.jpg
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Don't forget the awesome theme.

Hopefully more Kaiju shenanigans this year.
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I think Vira
I don't think that's part of the manga anon.
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Who the FUCK is this?
A reverse trap
It's Yuisis actually.
Childhood fuckbuddy
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>lewdifying lyria
get the fuck out
Didn't she come out like last week?
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Doujin are canon. Thta's how we know Ryan fucks the lizard all night
>adventure inspired by classic jrpgs
>steampunk elements like airships and muskets
>decent art style and voice cast
>thick midgets (very important)
I know next to nothing about the game but I'm pretty hyped for this.
SSR fujobait to make main girl jealous in the game.
That's a guy (female)?
Why does no one stop him
3 weeks ago. Popularity poll was last week.
>Gran as MC because pandering to male waifufag audience
>insert fujobait friend
Bravo Cygames.
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It looks so bad.
Turn back before its too late.
Weren't people just hyped for the semi-new girl?
Special event that includes him in the game when?
>>decent art style
>looks bad
>posts qualitysuba
We'll find that out in the next poll. She's still getting a lot of art so she's probably going to stay up there.
A shame we won't see any cute harvins.
That popularity poll is just people voting for their flavor of the month, Heles won it before too.
Who is the better producer anyway? Can someone knowledgeable inform me what's up about FRT and KMR?
Yakuza Yuisis
No yoda is going to suck ass.
Pretty much this >>152501220 but the story gets interesting after said evil empire is beaten with the politics of multiple kingdoms being involved. Sadly the anime likely won't reach that far.
I think it looks nice. Probably trying to imitate the game. Doesn't quite get there but I don't think this looks bad.
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Siero is 100% sure to appear.
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KMR is the first director of the game. HRT took his job, did a few nice things and managed to boost GBF popularity, but he went full retarded last year with monthly fucked up and bi monthly refund, and finally got replaced near the end of year.
KMR took control again, and so far he is busy fixing up all the shit HRT left behind.
>goes full retard and complains about a reaction image
Just like Gakuen Handsome it still looks better than Berserk from last year.
It's KMR. He's present and is credited in the shadowverse channel webshow as producer back at the RoB release stream with Sugita.
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awaken, my dick.jpg
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Who cares. Draphs are the real MVP here.
I thought so too.
HRT was pretty much the reason why surprise ticket was offered so regularly. Even if he fucked up so much with DO, Arcanum or the broken chars, we should at least consider how he made the game at least acessible.
lmao dude on the right is the dicklettest
Fuck off cowshitter.
Such a good design wasted on a shit character.
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>and so far he is busy fixing up all the shit HRT left behind
And every single thing HRT fucked up he's turning into gold
>We'll buff fire and earth, fire boss in february
>We'll reduce the ammount of tears needed for the ranks in tear shop
>We'll make it so 2nd and 3rd place in raids have a chance to get MVP reward as well
>We might make better rewards for hosting raids
>By the way here's 250 inventory slots for free so you don'thave to buy the fucking stash
>We added a button to skip the pointless 5-battle crap during stages
>We'll be adding Zenith Perks for characters
>New job every month
Damn those ears look bigger than I remember
But she's not cute, unlike Charlotta or Melissabelle.
Made for sex.
She has the super niche use of being useful when soloing Medusa HL so you can make a youtube video and brag about it. Otherwise she's awful.
They look a little too big to me.
For all it's worth, DO and Arcanum were fucking comedy gold.
Definitely one of his worst doujins

That's a dog, it's canon.
Shit race.
First half was great, the pig shit was garbage.
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Fucking gay.
She's a comfy girl.
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Of course not, you also have a crazy Asami Imai.
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>lots of friends
Sounds familiar!
>get a fresh artstyle that looks good
>"b-buuut this isn't like muh generic animated crap"
In twitter even those who yet to watch the anime said they will buy the BDs because it costs cheaper than gacha while give you the same prize
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