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What do you think of Saber's final form?

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What do you think of Saber's final form?
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I prefer her Lion King version. Her boobs seem too big here.

Also glorious white cape over red cape.
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Delicious. But I really love all of Arthuria's forms anyways
At least she won't be getting a scale figure since the horse has to be included.
Reminder that these three are all Grand Caster candidates and none of them likes to use magic.

I appreciate the upgraded boobs.
Ahhh yes, this just reminded me of the Gil genderbend doujin.
Gay as fuck
Solomon has the right idea.

Sasuga King of Magic
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Is that Merlin?
>this artist
Appropriately busty. Upping her her upper-carriage was a clear improvement over the base design.
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Yes. Merlin, Solomon and Gilgamesh (Caster)
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Jeanne is the ultimate saber form
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If only Ishida could draw some thighs
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I prefer older model
Gilgamesh has some advanced tastes, he's not one of those simpleton plebs that are simply content with boobs and ass.
I'd lick her armpits
THe criteria is that you have to be A) legendarily good at magic and B) famous with the occasional C) you did it first, actually LIKING to use magic has nothing to do with it.
I still scratch my head at how authors get in though.
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Tits are disproportionately big. The Armor design is great but that guy can't draw for shit
How the fuck is Gilgamesh even comparable to Solomon and Merlin when it comes to magic?
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What you say?
Because he's Gilgamesh.
Will Gilgamesh wank never stop?
>I still scratch my head at how authors get in though.
Buildup for Nasu eventually inserting himself as a servant.
Just wait until the Babylon arc gets animated if you think it's bad now.
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But we're discussing the older Saber?
Casters need the Clairvoyance skill at high level to be Grand candidate. Gilgamesh has it.

Oh boy you are gonna like Babylon a lot.
He isn't. He barely even knows magic. He does have clairvoyance and whenever the need to cast spells comes up he just takes enchanted items and staves from his treasury.
Clairvoyance is all you really need to be a Grand Caster though.

Bluebeard barely knew how to do magic and had his grimoire do all the work for him and he qualified as a Caster in Fate/Zero.
Do the people around her still somehow think she's a male?
There should be more alt-classes of the original Servants. Where's Archer Hercules, or Saber Kojiro at?
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True, but they mention True Archer isn't the real Hercules at full-power since he was exposed to the Grail mud and lost his divinity.
>Actual arrows
What is this
He was summoned as Archer Heracles though, his Master corrupted him with the grail mud and Commande Seals after he refused to harm children.
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>Saber Kojiro
Never knew I wanted this.
How was gilgamesh wanked at babylon?
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>final form

Wait until slutty loli Santa Avenger Arturia Alter from the future wielding military weapons that can turn planet earth into cubic sponge
Absolute perfect king of Uruk. Knows all the citizen of the city and take care of each one of them.

Summoned Merlin, Ushi, Benkei, Gozen, Amakusa, Ibaraki and Koutarou to help him fight Tiamat and supply them all with his own mana.

Built a wall to protect the city from the corrupted water when Tiamat awoke.

Supply the citizen who want to fight with weapon from his Gate.

Die from overworking so much and bring himself back to life.

Tank a mortal strike from Tiamat to protect (You) and keep fighting for a while before dying.

Join you again in the Underworld as a spirit for the final battle against Tiamat, one of the few time you could see a 100% serious Gilgamesh.
So Gil is Takeuchi's self insert?
Is Caster Gil the best Gil?
Tell me about 100% serious gil. Does he blow up the earth with his np?
He fucks Tiamat up, that should be enough.
>Absolute perfect king of Uruk. Knows all the citizen of the city and take care of each one of them.
>Built a wall to protect the city from the corrupted water when Tiamat awoke.
Join you again in the Underworld as a spirit for the final battle against Tiamat, one of the few time you could see a 100% serious Gilgamesh.
To be fair, these are all things he does in his original mythological Epic. Also Berserker Gil when?
I came here for Saber's giant tits, Gilgamesh pls go.

At least post femGil.
Wrong on a couple points.

Although he did summon a full 7 servants it did magically cripple him for a few months, which is why he just does paperwork for most of Babylon, and although he brags about summoning more he knows the effort would kill him. Also the servants supply their own Mana. Gil pays for the summoning but after that he doesn't need to do anything else, just eating and sleeping can sustain a servant back in the Age of Gods.

He also needs help from (You) to bring himself back to life after he dies to paperwork.
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I will post this just because you got quads.
Thanks for the clarification anon.
Will camelot and babylon eventually be animated?
Did Gil summon a Servant version of himself?

The "knows all the citizens" is nonsense people started wanking over after a single line. He knows the wife of one of the army captains is about to give birth and that's it. It's Leonidas who's actually running the army at that time and Gil actually caring enough to remember someone's name is treated as an honour.

He's also far from being perfect. Siduri keeps throwing cool water on him whenever he's getting carried away, and his stubbornness about not relying on outside help makes you waste a whole month that turns out you didn't have to spare when everything ends up on a week-long countdown to Tiamat fucking you up.


>supply them all with his own mana

He told them all to manage their own energy supply by resting, sleeping and eating as much as possible. They're all in the same situation as Artoria during FSN. Merlin can't use Clairvoyance precisely because he has no energy to spare.

>Die from overworking so much and bring himself back to life.

It was Ereshkigal's Garulas who reaped him when he left his guard down. Roman notes that if Gil could die like that, he himself would have gone a long time ago. First thing Gil does when he meets you in the underworld is order you to go beat up Ereshkigal to free him since he can't get out himself without her permission no matter what.

Incidentally, the Babylonia Absolute Frontline wall is revealed to have actually helped Tiamat since it gave her monsters a place to pick out food, and the only reason it lasted that long is because Tiamat never ordered them to try and break through in the first place. She was trying NOT to invade Uruk until the Lahmus were ready since it'd break the alliance. Coupled with Ereshkigal being very slow and Quetzalcoatl chilling in the forest, he basically spent those six months "enduring a siege" from three enemies who weren't really doing much at all.

Seriously, you people need to stop basing your judgments on fanboys making mountains of scraps of text.
No, he was already there since the battle takes place in the underworld.
But that's Lancer!
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I didn't vote for it.
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Post Director.
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I prefer Lion King.

There is only one Lion King.

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Is the Lion King Lionhearted.
We'll see Director again soon, right?
It's retarded. If she's fighting, her breasts need support. Her chest is also literally wide open to any attack. I can't get a boner when all I can think about is how fucking stupid the character is for dressing like that when she's supposed to be a masterful fighter
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Pretty much this. It's impossible to take her seriously with the ridiculous tits, I can't even see it as Saber. But I'm a sucker for cool armor designs so I'm conflicted.

I'll just stick with original flavor.
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The whole purpose of her final ascension is so you can look at her body

If you want to see how she looks in battle then pic related
It's a waifu slot machine, there has to be tits, her armor looks like this >>151953911
She gives me the impression she'd be into mommy femdom.
It is a gacha game with waifu bait. Max level bond with female hero=less clothes.

She canonically fights with armor.
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But she's a father, with a very rebellious son.
what else do you expect from the grand archer candidate?
>bring himself back to life.

He used his "EX Rank Presence-Disguising Meditation" skill, which is how he tries to give a brave-sounding spin to "I cowered behind a rock holding my breath so the Garulas couldn't find me and waited until you came to save me."

The amount of ridiculous fanfiction that chapter generated in people who only read bits of summaries is ridiculous. You had people claiming he single-handedly fought his way out, and then you read the chapter and it tuns out he just crouched behind a rock until you passed by.
>Genderbent Gilgamesh.
So, Arcueid?
I'll be as rebellious and in need of punishment as she wants me to be.
Throwing bows at things
Daily reminder that Lion King is the superior arturia in every way imaginable be it in body type or in not destroying your fucking country.
Mufasa was the superior Lion King.
>Dying to a black friday mob
>Superior anything
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Well Lancelot turnedout to be a traitor. Again.
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His son's (daughter's) opinion of him > King.
Poor Saber. Her life went to shit because of a bunch of French OCs.
Well even Mashu was angry against Lancelot in Camelot.
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Could Saber Lancer defeat this jaguar (tiger)?
That's some drastic change.
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Better than cases like Merlin where he hardly changes.
>Poor little red boy
Can anyone translate what's written?
And he still beat Lancelot despite being wake against him due to magical bullshit yhatt makes you weak against what killed you in the legends.

Agravain a best.

Fuck Devs for not putting him in the pool.
Best Fategirl

Will watch Apocrypha just for her
To be fair for Lancelot, Agravain drugged himself before the fight, and Lancelot wasn't moving after the verbal assault. Even after that, Agravain lost an eye, an arm and most of his internal organ were hanging out. He dies shortly after the fight.

If you are talking about Jeanne Alter then she isn't in Apocrypha.
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>Serenity had a 100% chance of dying a virgin
How would you take Serenity's first time since being immune to her poison?
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>Saber Alter was Santa in 2015
>Jeanne Alter was Santa in 2016

Will 2017 be Mordred Alters time to shine?
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Then you will be disappointed since she is a Grand Order servant.
I meant Jannu in general.
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Don't stick your dick in the crazy.
Nah. 2017 Mashu Alter.

Senpai is going to get raped by a more aggressive Mashu who bullies and threatens other female Servants.
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Serenity isn't crazy though. Only Brynhildr, Ushiwakamaru, Tamamo, Tamamo Cat, Kiyohime, and Raikou are crazy.
Serenity is starved for human contact, she isn't a yandere unlike Kiyohime or Raiko, she would kill herself or the whole world for her Master if he asked her to do it.
will she have two shields?

Casko won't do anything as long as her relation with her Master isn't clearly established, you are free to love other girls, but you choose her and then cheat on her, you are a dead man.
Despite all the wank over the years, Solomon is far more important in Fate universe than Artoria or Gilgamesh. Without him, miracles (magic) and magecraft wouldn't be accessible to humans, and without him the Age of Men wouldn't have happened. All Heroic Spirits now are following "his grand order", his will to protect his legacy of love toward humanity. He's somewhat like a Messianic figure right now.
Yes with something like the Bonewheel Shield from dark souls.
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>get summoned as caster
>dont actually know any magic
>shoot magic staffs and spellbooks out of the gate and hit people with a big axe

how can magicians even compete
Being important to backstory isn't the same thing as being wanked
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Wasn't Tamamo a consort? Shouldn't she be used to have her Emperor (Master) having a relationship with other women?

Wouldn't Kiyohime and Raikou know that there Master would have consorts as well?
But he's the center of Fate Grand Order and who restores history and defeats the villain, sacrificing himself. Magic, magecraft and science are consequences of his presence and choices. How the fuck that isn't important? While Arturia (Lancer versionx2) was just fighting the pillar demons with the rest of the Servants and Gilgamesh appeared in the end to praise Solomon and insult the pillar demons.
I didn't say he wasn't important?
Tamamo wants to be a wife, not a mistress. She also does not approve of harems so she's not going to share her Master with anyone.
Explain how Gilgamesh is wanked in comparison to Solomon? I agree he's powerful, but he didn't completely overshadow everyone.
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Olga is dead. The explosion of Chaldea still happened.

He's the best one, personality-wise. He's older so he's not as physically strong as Archer Gil, but he's far smarter and is capable to work with a team.
>Tamamo wants to be a wife.
Not according to the beach event. She literally made herself the Mistress/Consort when you build a castle.
Nasu said Roman was the most like him.
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>avoided F/GO like the plague since it was first released
>starting to consider actually getting into it
To be fair, Gilgamesh is the one who asks Roman if he has a plan without anyone prompting him.
>The jew who slacks off and waits until the last minute is most like him

How fitting.
>Mfw this takes place in Avalon
>Mfw shirou will eternally live with his 5 arturias
Meanwhile archer is crying tears of blood everyday while doing his counter-guardian job.
There is no justice in this world.
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>“This is so embarrassing… but thank you. I hope you do not mind if I act a little more bolder from now on.”
>“My, a new battledress… fufu, it’s wonderful knowing that you are relied upon. I will continue to do my best, Master.”
>“Master… Master… fufu, it is a good feeling to serve another. Not as a general, but as simply a woman. It’s a very new sensation to me.”
>“I wish… to become as deeply bonded with you as I am with the Four Kings, for our names to be as connected… does that trouble you…?”
>“Fufu… come here, Master. It is said that one’s birthday should be celebrated with family. Please, feel free to think of me as your mother and spoil yourself.”
>“Um… so, we know each other quite well now… I think it’s about time… for me, to stop calling you ‘Master’… is that all right, dear?”
>“Fufu… please, come here. Why not rest on my lap if you’re tired? My Minamoto Lap Pillow… is it comfortable? Good. By the way, Master… I’m very protective of what is mine. Please don’t make me sad and do this with anyone else…”
>“I swear to you, Master… that I will love you as my own child. So, please, do not betray your mother. If that happens… why, I don’t know what I may do.”

What did she mean by all this?
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It is fun, just don't be a dumbass that pisses money on the normal gacha.
Nasu always called himself a good for nothing and has low self-esteem. He even says he likes Rin because he'll need someone to take care of his hopeless self. This is fairly like how Da Vinci handles Roman.
>only 5
Shit, you could write an entire harem comedy with the amount of different Arturias we have by now.
I just try to avoid mobile games. Is it possible to still get all 3 of the Raita Servants? I think I read that one of them could only be obtained from some event, but I don't know how those things work.
Yes, only piss money away on the event ones, like the New Years ones this week.
Authors are magicians of words, no shit. They're also people that spin tales of wonder and create words that are like magic.

Stories are magic
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FGO goes from shit to good to fantastic story wise with the advance of the chapters.
There needs to be more Persian servants
Berserker Kintoki was in a rerun gatcha yesterday, and he'll show up again in a few days. Other than that no, they're all event-exclusive and won't be available until DW decides to be generous again.
There's only one Arturia in Avalon. Merlin confirmed it in Camelot. Lancer Arturia became a divine spirit (yes, even regular one, she just didn't lose her heart). Alter Lancer became the leader of the Wild Hunt. Saber Lily is simply younger Saber. Saber Alter is an altered, bad end Saber, so she never went to Avalon.
You literally just missed Kintoki's rate up. but he will be part of the all rate up in 3 days, the others are event only that could come back down the line.
Are Events ever redone, or what do you mean by deciding to be generous again?
All that matters about F/GO is that gil is best king.
Some events got reruns: Halloween and Christmas.
>Lancer Arturia became a divine spirit
What's the difference with heroes spirit (servants)? And how did she do that?
Nice cherrypicking
Pretty sure Solomon is miles better. Even Archer Gil is willing to follow him and acknowledges him as leader of Chaldea in his interlude.
Seasonal ones have been rerun but some of the themed ones like GUDAGUDA Honnouji have yet to rerun, but they could come back as a normal rate up.
>3 days
Do I have to get to a certain point in the game to be able to get him, or will I just have to roll for him or something?
She's bonded to her spear like Romulus.
No, you can roll for him right after starting the game, it's 24h gacha though.
Rerun events, or throwing them in a limited gatcha like they're doing at the moment. As of now only seasonal events have been repeated, but they might do some over in the lull between the end of part 1 and whenever part 2 starts. IIRC, the only new content confirmed as of now is a new Valentines event.
Just the tutorial roll is all. after that you can roll the normal gacha.
Kings, in order of canon bestness

Solomon > Gilgamesh post-Enkidu >> Arthuria > Gilgamesh asshole phase > Iskandar > ?
>no Darius I
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Will Gudao/ko be recorded in the Thrones of Hero for being Magi Jesus and saving all of Humanity and it's history?
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King of Combat is a terrible ruler.
>All my Sabers is filmed before a live studio audience
>solomon better than caster gil

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I'm a massive Gilfag, but it's clear Roman is the best leader (ruler). That's why (you) have only the highest respect and regard toward him. Not Gil, Ozzy or Arturia or whoever flavor of the Singularity.

Roman singlehandedly organized an understaffed Chaldea to save the world, humanity and history despite having no special attributes, gifts or powers aside of his massive determination. And he succeeded. Under his command, there was (you) and the other Heroic Spirits (you) summoned. "Grand Order" is all about his will he left behind so (you) and the rest will carry on.
>To be fair for Lancelot, Agravain drugged himself before the fight, and Lancelot wasn't moving after the verbal assault. Even after that, Agravain lost an eye, an arm and most of his internal organ were hanging out. He dies shortly after the fight.

You can't fucking mesh these two mate.
Either Lancelot stood still, and Agravain killed him and then succumb to the aftereffects of the drug, or Lancelot somehow fought back and injured Agravain in turn.

The side effects of the drug aren't losing limbs and eyeballs. Lancelot may have frozen in the moment before the scene ends, but it's pretty clear he did fight back at some point and Agravain still won.
>Solomonfags exist now
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He is, though. Caster Gil needed to be stopped by Siduri from making stupid choices.
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I'm a massive Solomonfag but it's clear Gil is the best leader (ruler). That's why (you) have only the highest respect and regard toward him. Not Roman, Ozzy or Arturia or whoever flavor of the Singularity.
king gil is not perfect but the shit he had to deal with in babylon is very impressive.
Could Solomon be regarded as being on the same level as creatures from other non-Fate TM works?
so I watched a good amount of the UBW adaptation not realizing that you were supposed to play the Fate route first
i'm now close to finishing the Fate route
is the UBW adaptation faithful enough that I could skip the route in the VN and go straight to Heaven's Feel or should I just play it anyway?
Yes, Lancelot lost because he froze after Agravain verbal assault, but they were fighting before that and Lancelot pretty much destroyed Agravain. That's why it's a double kill in the end.
Play everything, bad ends included.
You should have noticed by now how monologue-heavy Fate is. UBW is the same, and most of it was omitted in the anime adaptation. Just play through all the routes in order.
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>Olga is dead. The explosion of Chaldea still happened.
i'll be back in 50 hours
You are an idiot. Druggyvain was already fucked up while Lancelot was fine. He's shown covered in blood. After he cheapahpts Lancy he still gets more fucked up and is shown mutilated when he crawls to the throne room.
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What's your point? That Lancelot held still and Agravain accidentally ran himself onto Arondight to create those injuries?
That's some motherfucking loyalty right there.
So loyal to Artoria, he'd forget about his woman-hating just to be with her.
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There's a line in the game you shout out you have the highest respect for Roman when he disappears, so nice try to falseflag? Roman, not Solomon. Solomon was a system who was just God's self-insert. So, of course, not sure if it counts. Archer Gilgamesh accepts to follow Roman in his first Interlude, he's just testing (you) and Mashu who he has less faith of.

He made things worse in Babylon, while the situation was fucked up, Chaldea had to face that fuck up situation and many more. Read >>151952615 Yes, he's not bad, but he's not great.
my point ia Agravain's life ending injuries came AFTER the cheapshot you moron.
In Avalon, regular Seibah will be seeing Saber Alter having sex with Gudao, Lancer Arturia with Agravain, and Saber Lily with Merlin.
That has to be awkward.
>Seriously, you people need to stop basing your judgments on fanboys making mountains of scraps of text.

It's not that, it's that FGOfags are EOPs and they believe fanfiction from BLor outright create their own fanfiction. They've been doing it since FGO started, all of them reading poor translations
Then that's not a response to the point I made and you're being an aggressive asshole while also making it apparent that you're a fucking idiot.

The point was that Lancelot did not freeze forever after Agravain rightly called him out as a traitor. He fought back, Agravain still won.
>Lancelot and Agravain start fighting
>Lancelot is trashing Agravain
>Agravain realize he is losing
>Starts shit talking Lancelot
>Lancelot freeze
>Get killed by Agravain
>Agravain dies shortly after because of his wounds.

Agravain was already missing an arm an eye and had an open wound in his stomach when he started talking to Lancelot, he was doomed, but he still killed Lancelot before dying.
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By the way if you do start playing feel free to add me so that you can use some support servants.

It would be far more prudent to lie about these things somewhere that people can't directly post evidence that contradicts your bullshit.

Here is his rant at Lancelot that causes him to freeze >>151959546
Count his eyeballs.
> Saber Lily with Merlin
That sounds dangerous. Merlin is a huge guy.

This shit makes me angry.
Sounds like a good doujin plot.
Thanks, I'll try and do it later today if I can figure out how all this works.
>Saber Alter having sex with Gudao
Where is this?

Merlin's too austitic regarding Saber. Also Lancer Arturia likes (you), not Agravain.
Holy shit you are a dumb retard. Agravain cheating still couldn't achieve anything more than a stalemate you cock eater.
Merlin found out that he loves Saber after Camlann and from what we've read from him, he would sex beast her up if he went for her. The summoned Lancer "likes" Gudao, but Agravain was there first.
He had none if those injuries before the pause in their fight.

I guess we throw out all the fights Lancelot used Arondight for.
Oh, wait, no. That's perfectly fair because it benefits Lancelot.
Might explain why so many completely miss the storyline and Nasu's message. Nasu said that he wanted to emphasized with FGO themes the readers of FSN ignore or didn't notice.
Once again, Gilgamesh wasn't an awful ruler and person by all means, but he wasn't this perfect flawless person. Nobody was.
Lancelot is badass to be able to do that to a fellow KotR. And then we learn that even Lancelot fears Galahad.
>Lancelot is badass to be able to do that to a fellow KotR
>He is a badass for killing a fellow knight and trying to kill his King

What ?
>Gudao teaching Saber Lilly vanilla stuff.
>Gets caught and tagged teamed by Lancer Arturia and Lancer Arturia Alter
>Saber Alter and Saber Santa Alter jump in because you can't leave them out.
>Regular Saber watches from the door.
>Gets caught by Mysterious Heroine X who is there to "assassinate her"
>Gudao having a six way with Saber, while Saber on Saber is going on outside the room with them watching.
>those supports
>those levels
You're a bastard, anon.
I might friend you
Why is MALE Master so canon? From drama cd to anime, he's an actual harem master.
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That's enough, too far
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She doesn't want to involve herself to anything serious, because she already has a partner.
It's (You) from F/Extra timeline.
Can anyone confirm how much does she actually remember from F/Extra events in F/Grand Order?
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My niggas.
You forgot Saber (Archer)
You are a super retard
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Go for it, i am also working on some other servants so i can mix my supports up like Scathach, Drake, Altera and some others.
So why was Magi Mari mad that Roman only spoke about (you)?
Because GO Tamamo still has her memories from Extra. She acts as Gudao/Gudako's Servant, but her love is still reserved for Hakuno/Hakunon/Francis Xavier.
In her valentines event she confirms that her heart is not for Gudao/ko but for someone else already and as such, she will keep her perfect wife act but it will never be serious.
I think in one of her interludes, she mentions that she's spoken for. Her first one is all about her competition with Kiyohime as well, which she first mentioned in Extra.
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Is this from Fate Grand Order?

Is that mobage still JP only?
>Whoops I have no logical counterargument maybe if I keep calling him a retard nobody will realize I am in fact the retard

Come on mate. Every knight has a ridiculous pile of bullshit they throw out in every fight. Tristan has a "Bow". Mordred had the power to burn her soul for NP gauge in Camelot. Even Lancelot got a gift. There's no logical definition for "Cheat" where it's fair that Lancelot uses a sword that makes him a better fighter in every way while Agravain can't do anything at all in response.
That's Lancer Arturia, yes.
Christ, how much whaling did you do?
Yes and it is in moon runes if that is what you mean but can be played from any region.
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Vanilla Saber has Shirou so she will be okay with it.
Tamamo (Caster) confirms she remembers the events of Extra and claims when she was summoned she wasn't suppose to have those memories, and that it bothers her.

Still she doesn't mind being Gudao's wife in GO timeline if they say so.
Does that also hold for Nero Saber?
Yes. Nero Bride is all over your dick though.
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Nasu doesn't seem to want foreign translation moneys.
>Still she doesn't mind being Gudao's wife in GO timeline if they say so.

Didn't she say in her Valentine lines that her heart is for Hakuno ?
>Trusting Valentine interludes.
You know Byrnhildr who only loves Siegfried straight up says she loves Gudao as their own person in her valentine interlude?

You can't trust that shit worth a fuck.
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Just the three paid gacha and one of those only gave me a NP2 Jeanne.

I have been playing since day one and have had mostly good luck except for Mo-san who i truly desire always evades me.
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>Sexualzing the Agravain

He just wants to be the very best knight to his king but he is surrounded by idiots.

I want a antalogy manga of him playing the straightman in Round Table hijinks
Brynhildr is fucked up in her head. I don't trust a girl who get the urge to kill the people she loves.
Carnival Order when?
If Arturia wants to fuck him, he will comply.
>that pic
my my
i just downloaded that yesterday

Vom Saberen, no matter what best saber is a saber in lancers arms
That's false equivalence.
>marrying a mega-super-exhibitionist that loves fucking a harem of men and women
Well, lucky for you, Mode Red is one of my few SSRs. She's currently at level 60 and is my Saber support slot. I'd kill for Jeanne myself.
Oh okay

I guess i won't be playing it any time soon then

Thanks have a nice day
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You don't trust Kiyohime or Raikou either huh? When they are the most loyal servants in all of Chaldea.
Chivalric OTP
>Madness Enhancement EX

Nope. Not dealing with this shit.
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Kiyohime is easy to deal with

Just don't be a idiot and give her regular dickings.
She wants to be a proud Japanese wife and as long as you don't betray or lie to her you will be fine.
You get a BELL END the moment you lie to her, even if it the smallest possible lie. Not worth taking the risk. There are plenty other waifubait if that's what you want.
Fucking disgusting.
Are you saying you can't keep from saying 1 lie?
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>tfw there is no event where Gudao/Gudako has been kidnapped and is being held as a prize for any female Servants to win as their husband/slave in a battle royale.
>tfw no Mashu entering into the event with Mordred and few other moderates/tsunderes on her team to try and win Senpai.
>tfw no yandere team vs. Stheno team vs. Mashu team vs. Saber team vs. any other team in the event.
Why would you do that? Do you lie in real life too?
That's disgusting!
Sometimes you lie withour even realizing it, like if someone asks you what you were doing and you said nothing. That's a little lie, nobody cares about it, but it's a fatal mistake with Kiyohime. It's not worth it.
Being a borderline pathological liar, I can assert that there is no way I could spend even a few hours in Kiyohime's presence without accidentally lying about something.
Nice billshit goal post witch kun.
Kiyohime interprets "can you light a fire so we can dry off from the rain" as you wanting to die along with her in a fiery blaze. The other servants routinely keep watch on her so she doesn't kill you with her crazy, especially Tamamo who casts ice spells on her whenever she's getting carried away.

Also there's that time she raped Fou because she thought it was you who crawled in the futon and was too excited to notice the fur.
>>tfw there is no event where Gudao/Gudako has been kidnapped and is being held as a prize for any female Servants to win as their husband/slave in a battle royale.

Wasn't that the last day of the Valentine's event. We rescue Guda as Mashu to give them a cake
>female servants
into the trash it goes. Good thing husbandos will have their chocolate scene during Valentines re*run, they are better than the cunts.
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So just out of curiosity, but what is /a/'s opinions on the most bullshit civilizations in Fate universe?

With my limited knowledge it seems

Babylonian (ALIEN tech) > Hindu (ALIEN tech) > Egyptian (ALIEN tech) > Irish (causality warping up the ass) > British (KotR OP) > Everybody else because I don't know that much about the Fate world.
Here >>151965589 and also this >>151965650
Bottom Lancer is so good... Goddamn it, why couldn't we have a serious Taiga route.
It was released in chinkland though so they aren't completely against it
Don't forget. Kiyohime straight up asks if you want to commit murder-suicide with her when the two of you are alone.

And if you ever want to end it all, just come talk to her.
Fou should just stay away from the crazies and sleep with Mashu or Roman.
Whatever alien civilization built the Moon Cell.
Sweet jesus Takeuchi
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But You forgot the best king.
Israel had shit from God himself and it was a paradise under Solomon.
I do love Takeuchi's artwork.
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absolutely based
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>Motherfucker throwing away his Grand title to be summonable as a simple Assassin just so he can help you with Tiamat
>Force in her the concept of death so she can finally be killed
>Save cursed arm Hassan back in Camelot by killing the demon in his arm
>Help you in your fight against Gawain
>Voiced by Jouji Nakata

Why is he soo great ?
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>Gil openly accepts Solomon as a true king and a person he should consider listening to.

Best boy

I vastly preferred him and Roman over Gilmeme and Artoria.
>Save cursed arm Hassan back in Camelot by killing the demon in his arm
It wasn't as much about the demon as it was that as King Hassan he was obligated to kill whoever woke him up, since by doing so they had proven themselves unworthy of his title.

Apparently he took some pity on Hassan and just killed what made him "Hassan" rather than actually take his life.
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Who are all the crazy/delusional Servants for their Master: Tamamo, Ishtarin, Raiko, Byrnhildr, Serenity, Tamamo Cat, and Kiyohime?

Am I missing anyone?
So why didn't we got our genderswapped ruler route romance like Hakuno and Shirou? We just got Mashu and she's cute but kind of boring.
Ishtar friendzones (you).
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He's a Hassan and a King. It's simple math.
Nah. Ishtarin confirms her feelings and promises to stalk Gudao/ko even to the underworld in order to have them as hers.

The Master better have Gilgamesh around to protect them from Ishtarin rape.
Ishtarin likes Gudao in the same way Gil likes Saber. She doesn't give a fuck about (You) on a romantic level, she just finds (You) interesting for being one of the last humans.
The Ishtar (you) summon friendzones you and doesn't remember Babylon.
>Its cheating that Lancelot uses his own natural powers and skills
>Its not cheating when Agravain needs to cheapshot him
>And I'm gonna totally ignore how Agravain even boosting himself on drugs and potions was already getting completely dominated by Lancelot in their duel which is why its only Agravain's blood covering the two of them
>Or the matter that even with the cheapshot the end of the fight shows Agravain suddenly missing an eye, an arm, his internals pulped and falling out and him still dying in a fight that ultimately ends in a stalemate
>Muh Arodnight is cheating!
You should never post again.
>Tamamo, Ishtarin, Serenity.

None of them are crazy. Ishtar is simply a slut, and Tamamo is normal. Serenity just asks for human contact, that's all.
>Last humans
You know there exists an entire fucking support staff of humans in Chaldea right?
I only said it would be cheating for Lancelot to use Arondight, which is not a natural skill but an enhancing outside mechanism.

I only even said that because you're retarded enough to claim it's cheating for Agravain to use an outside source of power when that's what Lancelot does in literally every fight he has.

You either accept that other people can do shit to make themselves stronger or you disregard that every single time Lancelot has his hands on Arondight he has a stat boost from it. It is a literal magic sword that he was given.
>Promises to kill the entire world on your order.
>Promises never to harm you and will let you abused and even kill her.
>Sneaks into your room at night and hangs around Kiyohime and Raikou who she takes lessons from.
>Not crazy.

Isn't that because the Chaldea is removed from normal space-time so its not affected by Solomon's "time razing" bullshit?

Not him but that's wrong. Arodnight is Lancelot's NP, its part of his legend, its not magically outside of his possession like Avalon is for Saber. Your argument makes literally no sense at all here.

Arodnight = Lancelot
Drugs ! = Agravain
It's not cheating to use shit that wasn't from your legend though.

It's certainly not cheating to call someone out for being a shit, only for them to be so weak willed and stupid that they never realized how horrible they are and are frozen momentarily by that realization.
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>Its cheating for Lancelot to use his sword
I guess every time Goku uses Kaioken in DB its cheating since its a stat multipler right? Oh wait, Ardonight's is passive.

>literally no rebuttal and more non-sequiturs
Please end yourself.
>have to drug self
>need a cheap shot
>still die like a bitch
>your king gets defeated by Lancelot's son (female)
Agravain stop posting you eternal salty faggot.
This is just extreme loyality. You are the first human who can and want to touch her, of course she would do anything for you.
I'm not actually arguing that it is cheating to use Arondight, I'm pointing out that "H-he cheated!" is a whiny and desperate attempt to deflect. Lancelot didn't cheat, Agravain didn't cheat. Lancelot did LOSE though.
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Why is Okita the most fit Servant to become their Master's spouse?

Aside from Nero Bride who else qualifies for such a thing.
>Inb4 Kiyohime
>Agravain didn't cheat
Agravain literally used a pause in the fight to make Lancelot go into shock to stab him in the stomach, that is the defintion of cheating when you use a low blow like that.

>Lancelot did LOSE though.
Not really. Agravain died, and horrifically at that, his wounds made even Lion King shock. Same Agravain is also the KoRT whose known for never "taking any wounds" in the first place.

If you think attacking someone from behind or using cheap tactics to save themselves in a fight they know they can win doesn't qualify as cheating then you are questionable as a human being. Its like saying you and me agree to have a duel with no ranged weapons, just knives and while we're negotiating the terms of the duel you suddenly stab me and then pull a gun on me in a place that's supposed to be neutral settings, its fucking cheating.
>Not really.
No, really. Lancelot lost. Either accept that or go write fanfiction.
Keep telling yourself that, sub-human. That's why he bleeds out moments after the fight concluded even with his drugs and cheapshot.
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More like obsession to a horrifying degree.

Also, since Mashu's skills make Guda immune to Serenity poison, wouldn't they give her immunity as well?
I'm sure you'll make it real far in the Grail War by whining about the ways in which your servant got wrecked, Kayneth.
Okita is a good waifu. Strong, genki, and freaking adorable. Just need to get past the tuberculosis issue.
Sure thing Agravain, just remember how your bitch of a King got done in by a 14 year old Eggplant whose Lancelot's son (female).
of course
Everyone lies.
>Literally hasn't actually read the Order

Oh lawd.
Waka? Why?

Shuten on the other hand.
>Literally hasn't played Order.

Oh retard. Are you the samefag that claimed Arodnight isn't part of Lancelot's legend too?
Tell me though; how do you think the Order actually ends?
Shuten isn't crazy. She'll fuck her Master and Kintoki both, but that doesn't make her crazy.
But that is a boy
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The only thing that ended was Part 1 with Babylon.
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Yes, makes a great wife.
Shirou won't be able to have more that one because that one will kill him.
She is into incest play.
Wow a fucking slut. Fuck if all the servants can remember then, they are fucking sluts and whatever they say has literally zero meaning.

All Fate waifufags are fucking Cucks all of them.
He means that Mashu did shit aside of tank for Bedivere to get close and give her back Excalibur. Lion King was fine. She even appeared later to bail Camelot people in Solomon.
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Shuten isn't insane but her values as an Oni are fundamentally different from people.
She really might end up killing you if you're not careful, because things that involve her idea of "Playing" can also fall in the category of things that are lethal to humans.

You don't beat the Lion King in any meaningful sense, she's legitimately too strong. You pin her in place long enough for Bedi to return Excalibur to her and that's it.
Dats gay though!

>She’s a brutal oni, even if she looks refined. She might even have attacked Gudao out of mere boredom.
Rhondy was completely nullified by her shield. That's like the second or third EX rank NP she's straight up no-sold.
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what? No he'd be your wife not your husband. Jeez you're dumb./
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I recall Arash also using Stella to match Lion King Saber's spear at one point too, though he had to kill himself to do it.
That's fine, but it's not the same as what this actual factual no-nothing idiot said >>151966882

Lord Camelot will literally block anything so long as the wielders heart does not falter. Its effects are so strong they keep going even if the wielder fucking dies in the process of using it.
>It's (You) from F/Extra timeline.
Hakuno isn't a self insert retard.
You are the moron literally spouting bullshit about Arodnight not being Lancelot's natural weapon or not from his legend and claiming Agravain was already dying when fighting him, you autistic poison the well abusing fuck tard.
Yes he is. MC=Self-insert.
That's kind of the problem though. She was miles away safely in Camelot firing them off, Arash had to kill himself to stop one shot. Assuming he survived, she could have just fired again and again and again. The Lion King specifically, not Arturia, is a divine spirit. She's an entire order of magnitude worse than what you fought up till that point.
>Multiple anons saying that Tamamo won't get romantic with Gudao because she loves Hakuno and remember him
>Take the single anon who tell otherwise and stat shouting cuck
Nobody said that, you're retarded for trying to lie about it when people in the thread can scroll up and look.
Distance as nothing to do with how her NP works. Also Arash also soloes a Demon God in his interlude, too lazy to recheck translations but I'm certain that's what he does.
>No one said that
What's it like being illiterate?
The distance is relevant because she has the ability to fire them off from so far away that most servants can't reasonably respond at all, and those that can expend energy in ways that they can't replenish while she will more or less be fine doing it till the end of time.
Remove the limiter for Arash and pretend that he can fire off his NP without dying, he will still reach the limits of his endurance long before she does and likely never get close enough to respond at all.

What's it like losing an argument so badly that all you can do is lie about what somebody else said in the hopes that someone will be dumb enough to believe you?
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>tfw one form of playing for onis is to get drunk and let go of all your inhibitions.
>tfw Gudao is immune to poison thanks to Mashu.
>tfw Gudao can't get alcohol poisoning.
>tfw Gudao knows only healing spells, magical buffs to make things more powerful/bigger, and protection spells
>tfw Gudao can just get shitfaced and perform mana transfers all day and night with Ibaraki and Shuten both.
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I don't normally like long hair, but oh baby.
All demon gods return to life. It's impossible to actually fight them realistically until Solomon did Ars Nova.
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I asked you what's it like being illiterate, samefag kun. You brought up Arodnight being cheated, then you tried to do another goal post change claiming its not from his legend. You're so full of shit its not funny anymore, you are Melvin tier bad.

>"Agravain won"
>"N-no Lancelot using Arodnight is cheating because its a stat enhancement. Let's ignore how its his NP and from his legend and part of his standard powers/NPs."
>"Arodnight ain't from Lancelot's legend!"
>"Agravain totally won!"

Kill yourself.
>Rhondy was completely nullified by her shield. That's like the second or third EX rank NP she's straight up no-sold.

It also gets you no closer to beating her. You never manage to overpower her at all, just keep her busy enough for Bedivere to do his thing.
*being cheating
Why did Arturia act more like a goddess than Ishtar or the fucks of Babylon? They were embarassing.
Don't forget
>He does it for free
You said something retarded and now you keep diverting to another issue to pretend it wasn't so. When the hell did Mashu beat the Lion King?
Lion King and Lancer Saber are different.
I never said Arondight was not from his legend.I made an argument that if Agravain "Cheated" then Arondight might as well be considered cheating too. It being from his legend has nothing to do with it, whether or not something is from your legend has nothing to do with it, it's a fucking war. There is no cheating. There is no "That's not fair". You win or lose doing what you can to make sure you're the one that wins. Saying the other side cheating is meaningless.

You are literally trying to lie in order to trick people into thinking that you won an argument you lost, and you lost it because you're trying to create fake rules of engagement that nobody accepted or even pretended exists.
>Nobody said that:
Then what is >>151964480 this where you alleged an NP that has nothing to do with the Judgement Gift that the Lion King gave to Lancelot is somehow being tied with his Arodnight?

You quite literally go on and claim that Arodnight, something Lancelot has ALWAYS had, is cheating when he fights. This makes no sense at all. There is no sense to your argument or claim. Agravain does not normally have drugs/magic power enhancing potions but he overloads on them to face Lancelot in Camelot.

That is cheating. That is boosting himself because they are not standard abilities.

Now you are samefagging >>151968019 here as well claiming a passive ability of Ardonight is cheating.

You are one schizophrenic autist.
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This. You can tell the fanart is Lion KingxAgravain because of the tag and the shade of green of the eyes.
Are you legitimately retarded?
The only one saying retarded stuff is you with the amount of mental gymnastics and fallacies you are abusing since you are literally incapable of making an argument honestly while being disingenuous as possible. So let me make it clear to you that no one is buying that shit.

Arodnight is part of Lancelot, its his ability, its his power, its something he can always use whenever he wants to. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this. Arodnight's abilities are an extension of Lancelot's abilities, just like EAM or KoH.

Its further backed up by you being unable to formulate a rebuttal here again >>151968149

Neck yourself, kiddo.
Where in that post does it say "Arondight isn't part of Lancelot's legend" ?

It says Lancelot using Arondight may as well be cheating as well, because it's a boost that Agravain doesn't have. That's nothing to do with the legends of either, but the concept of "Cheating". Cheating means doing something against the rules, that is unfair. But what are the rules? That you only use shit that you had when you died? That you call your attacks outloud before hand? Or are those not the fucking rules, because there never actually were rules?

You don't get to retroactively pretend there were rules to justify a loss. Agravain didn't cheat because at no point did he and Lancelot set out rules for their fight which didn't involve using drugs. Just like they didn't set out rules that say you can't use NPs. Get your head out of your ass and at least try to address the point that I'm making rather than trying to meme your way into a totally different argument.
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Sure thing Melvin.
You are ranting like a retard over something nobody said because you have no reading comprehension, and the amount fo text you're producing relative to the span between posts pretty much confirms that you're banging keys angrily rushing to retort.

Also you keep dodging the part where you claimed Mashu beat the Lion King which is what you were called out on. What happened to that?
You won't be able to make a surprise party for her because she would jump to conclusions and murder you right away.

Worst anniversary date ever.
I want to watch Archer watch me mana transfer with Illya.
>quite literally ad naseum semantics
You really don't have a clue what you are talking about. You don't get to misrepresent information by telling lies and half-truths like that and expect to get away with it.

>Cheating means
Cheating literally means using an underhanded tactic to win. Now let's look back at Agravain vs Lancelot, samefag kun:

- Agravain boosts himself with a shit ton of those drugs/potions before facing Lancelot
- Agravain is very clearly losing the duel; both Lancelot and Agravain are covered in Agravain's blood with Agravain having several wounds on his body
- Before Lancelot puts the killing blow on Agravain, Agravain goes on a long winded rant about his life, history, mother, and the reasons for everything before turning it around about Lancelot being the traitor
- Lancelot is shocked and Agravain is able to use his confusion to stab him
- Fight continues then off-screen and we're shown before the fight with Lion King Saber him crawling to her throne room utterly mutiliated, fatally wounded, and dying; missing an arm, an eye, entrails and innhards spilling out, not able to even do more then crawl

Agravain even with that advantage died. Arodnight has nothing to do with any concept of cheating, stabbing someone while talking to them however is.

Nope. Also never said shit about Mashu, that's a different anon.
To be fair, the Nasu Vimana is probably based off of the Vaimānika Shāstra, which is a Hindu text. The authenticity of it is debated, but it isn't like Nasu is the type to care about the actual lore anyway.
No, you faggot. You are illiterate. You tried equating Arodnight's passive boost which Lancelot has ALWAYS had with Agravain stabbing him during the traitor talk. Once again, neck yourself, you are a sub-human.
Shit like all of Grand Order.
>ITT didn't ascend Ishtarin
I thought Illya prefers Shirou not ARCHA?
>Cheating literally means using an underhanded tactic to win.

There are no rules of engagement unless agreed to by the participants in the fight. You might be able to swing wide and say Kiritsugu "Cheated' to kill Diarmuid since he and Saber had agreed to a fair and honest duel beforehand, but even then he didn't really cheat because it's a war, not a fencing match, not a sport.

Agravain and Lancelot didn't calmly talk to one another and declare what would or would not be acceptable during their fight; even if they did it's not like Lancelot is going to say "Hey don't dope on that shit." Nor will Agravain say "Don't use your magic fairy sword."

The more you talk the more ridiculous this becomes. There's no codified rules to violate, thus there is no cheating in the fight. Agravain did not cheat.

>Agravain stabbing him during the traitor talk.
Agravain ranted, Lancelot was paralyzed with the realization that he had fundamentally misunderstood him and had, in fact, betrayed his King again. Agravain didn't attack mid sentence; he finished and then resumed the fight. He's not called upon to stand around and wait for Lancelot to finish having his panic attack before they call "Allez!"

Where the actual fuck do you think they are? Is it the Camelot Highschool gym? Is the coach standing off to the side? Where's the rulebook?
>Nope. Also never said shit about Mashu, that's a different anon.

Ah yes, the legendary "some other dude who only made one post in this unbroken chain, during the one period where I was not replying to the conversation that I had been carrying and continued carrying before and after that singular post, which I also did not disavow for several replies." He's gotten very prolific as of late.
>There are no rules of engagement
Still semantics.
>Agravain and Lancelot didn't calmly talk to one another
Never said they did, strawman kun. The more you post the more you show everyone here in this thread how much of a moron you are with these pointless attempts at deflection.
>Agravain ranted
>Lancelot was paralyzed
And that is when Agravain stabbed him, in which Lancelot resumed the fight following that attack. That's all there is to it. What the fuck are you babbling about trying to make it seem like Lancelot was ready fight after he finished his rant?

You are such a god awful liar its painful.
You can keep alleging all these fictitious claims you wants, its not going to make any more true outside of your little head.
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I really would like to be in the room when Gaius Terentius Varro returned to Rome, and declared with a cracking voice to the Senate that Hannibal had totally cheated and it wasn't fair.
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>Still semantics.

No, that's absolutely the only thing that matters here. If there are no rules of engagement, there is no cheating. Cheating is by definition breaking an established set of rules. If those don't exist, the action of cheating is impossible.

How do you define "cheating" without rules of engagement?
Wrong. Agravain gives a rant, Lancelot is called a traitor, because the irony was Lancelot thought Agravain was the traitor. Agravain goes on to rant and rave more and Lancelot is frozen in uncertainty, he still doesn't recover until Agravain attacks him which leads to Agravain gloating.

Fight on-screen ends and continues off-screen, then as others have mentioned Agravain dies of several more wounds which he did NOT have before the fight. This is the reason why Lancelot is the strongest Knight of the Round Table.
Secondaries don't know though.
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How are you this fucking narrow minded and stupidly obstinate? All your trying to do is obsfucate fact with half-truths if not blatant lies by exaggerating accounts of Agravain and Lancelot's fight and spreading misinformation here.

Anyway with a half brain would consider stabbing a guy whose in shock from a major revelation from the man he considers his greatest enemy goes on to stab him while he's not continuing the fight. The original fucking tangent this branched from was how it was a cheapshot which you tried to turn around repeatedly by claiming its okay because Arodnight gives Lancelot's parameters a one up in every category.

This is fucking pathetic of you.
So why did you post >>151967544 in reply to a post that's only dealing with the Mashu thing, and why did you wait until >>151968352 to disavow this post when you did not even mention that wasn't you in >>151968180, even though that is also replying to a post that's only calling you out on the Mashu stuff?
Artoria takes her job very seriously.

Maybe it has something to do with Arthur being a more Christian figure where as ancient gods were like normal people but bigger and stronger.
>Never said they did, strawman kun. The more you post the more you show everyone here in this thread how much of a moron you are with these pointless attempts at deflection.

Didn't say you actually said it, but it's the kind of retarded thing that would actually have had to happen for someone in that room to have "Cheated" at a fight to the death.

>What the fuck are you babbling about trying to make it seem like Lancelot was ready fight after he finished his rant?
I literally said Lancelot was paralyzed, but it's not cheating for Agravain to continue their FIGHT TO THE DEATH after he's finished responding to Lancelot.

Lancelot is the one that starts the dialogue. He calls Agravain the traitor and basically implies that he has always been a traitor, and that the destruction of Camelot was Agravain's fault.

Agravain responds, explains that he was never the traitor, and affirms once again that Lancelot is responsible for his own actions. Lancelot freezes, but the opponent not moving is not a reason for Agravain to have to do nothing until Lancelot calms down, because this is a fight to the death rather than a sport. Agravain attacks Lancelot while he is frozen, but this is not "Cheating", because it's a fucking fight to the death.
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I already said nothing about Mashu posts have to do with me, goalpost switching kun.
Your projection disgusts me. The only real goalpost moving has been this attempt to turn the argument into whether Arondight was actually part of Lancelot's legend, which is bullshit you basically made up to pretend you had an actual argument.

But the cape color is wrong.

You're either talking with a secondary or someone who lacks reading comprehension and even the reddit cucks could tell with their poor summaries.
>Didn't say you actually did
No, you were just lampshading it by blatantly implying it.
>I literally said Lancelot was paralyzed, but it's not cheating
Yes it is, a cheapshot by any definition is more or less how someone cheats. Nothing else fucking matters with your autistic misguided attempts at dissembling from the source topic, that Agravain used a cheapshot on Lancelot during the lull in the fighting.

That's the end of the story, nothing you lying about otherwise will change that.
>spreading misinformation here.

Like what?

>Anyway with a half brain would consider stabbing a guy whose in shock from a major revelation from the man he considers his greatest enemy goes on to stab him while he's not continuing the fight.

Try saying that again in English. You wrote the verb "consider" but never actually delivered on the qualifier needed to make that sentence have any sense. Also, you probably meant 2ANYBODY with half a brain." This is you being so mad that you're rushing to reply and missing words, isn't it?
King Hassan is the result of years and years of Assassin jobbing and suffering. I was so very happy that we actually got a Assassin that was not a jobber, is a bro, and actually kills shit and stuff.

People may meme about Lancers being unlucky but the truly most shat-on class is Assassin.
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>Your projection disgusts me.
I never projected anything, please learn what "projection" means, you ESL sounding aspie.
>goalpost moving
Was you trying to claim Arodnight was cheating, that's that. Now you can keep making those terrible strawman arguments, constant non-sequiturs all you want but it won't change but I'll be glad to keep giving you more (You)s if you want.
Someone explain why (you) is so, I don't even know, powerful? How can he survive all these pretty much world-ending events and stuff while being just a shitty human that's even a worse Magus than Shirou?
>Like what?
All your posts, for one.
>Try saying that again in English.
Bait harder kiddo.
>Y-y--your totally mad
Sure thing, salty. Whatever *you* say.
>Yes it is, a cheapshot by any definition is more or less how someone cheats.

And what is a cheapshot? If you have no rules, what defines a cheapshot
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What the fuck is the point of this argument
You're projecting your own fallacies onto other people to try and, again, pretend you actually have an argument.

Allow me to try

Things that are fair:
Whatever Lancelot does to win, including using For Someone's Glory to disguise as a peasant and sneak up on Arash.

Things that are not fair:
Whatever kills Lancelot.
So why did you post >>151967544?
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Why do Servants remember their previous summoning memories now?

How many old Servants has (you) cucked?
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>"Arodnight is cheating"

Do you legitimately consider yourself an equal fighter to someone if you can only match if you have to pull out all the unfair advantages you can to harm them to equalize your standing with them in combat? Hit them when their down, stab them in the back, using dirty tactics?

Honestly answer me.

No, I'm not. Once again and for second time, you don't know what projection means and the only one guilty of fallacy abuse is you, that is how desperate you are.
I hope she gets a figure
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Servants get contextually appropriated knowledge since the throne is outside of time. Outside of very peculiar cases like Emiya they don't know the outcomes of wars they're summoned into at all, but they do have general impressions of events from their other summonings.

Basically the Throne or Grail make a value judgement on what they should or shouldn't "Know", even though all their experiences are equally recorded onto the Throne.
Stop posting tits Saber it's gross
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Sure thing buddy.
You don't.

You're basically along for the ride, handling diplomacy while the Servants do the job. There's only a couple of occasions where the main character is an active participant in combat strategies, like Vs Herakles or Vs Quetzalcoatl, and those are situations where he acts as either bait or bluffs his way into a victory.

The main character's only outstanding quality is being very good at handling Servants of all types and occasionally trying/being forced into extremely risky/retarded stunts that end up working, not fighting.
>Going back to Arondight is cheating
>I'm not projecting goalpost moving!

Listen mate.
War kinda fucking sucks.
In war, knights get dragged down from their horses by multiple people. They're pinned, and then they're stabbed through the gaps in their armor by long pointy knives.

Is that fair? Is it nice? No, but it's equally unfair when the Knights charge through the peasants en masse on horseback and cut them down.
Neither is really cheating. Neither is really "Cheap". It's fucking war. Lancelot stepped into that room prepared to kill Agravain, Agravain prepared to kill Lancelot. Neither can complain about what the other does at that point. There are no rules, there is no "You can't do that! It's not fair!" You only want to pretend it's that way so you don't have to accept the end result.
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I'm not, I'm posting tits Lancer
Saber Lancer or Lancer Saber whatever
Her tits are an abomination
>still trying to move the goal posts again
Man, you are stupid. My entire discussion here with you is to point out that Lancelot is superior to Agravain as a fighter. That Agravain had to overdose and abuse magic drugs/potions to compensate for his lack of Gift and still getting his shit completely wrecked by Lancelot in a fight until he needs to use a cheapshot on him and still only ends up with a stalemate.

That's it.
That's war not a duel though.
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Well since this board does not belong to you, this thread was obviously not STARTED by you, and some people like her, no.
>Do you legitimately consider yourself an equal fighter

Who cares about "equal fighter"? What matters is who won. Are you really trying to argue that fights where the underdog outsmarts his technically superior opponent to defeat him don't count? In a Fate thread?
>his lack of Gift

So Lancelot's GIFT is perfectly fine!
That thing he got from the Lion King? That magical boost he received which made him stronger but was not part of his legend? The one that made Da Vinci legitimately believe we had no chance to win the Singularity unless we could neutralize it, the one that most of the Singularity is predicated around stopping? The entire reason Bedivere has to be there?

Even THAT is fine, but Agravain is still being cheap by using the drug the bog standard Knights got?

Again. Everything Lancelot does is fine.
Everything that kills Lancelot is not fine.

I'm glad we have this understanding.
Some explain this to me. According to the beach event the kingdom Gudao/ko build eventually becomes a full blown civilization with advance technology right?

Does this make Gudao/ko the King/Queen of the Piggies and a person that qualifies to enter into the Thrones of Heroes as they were the Lord (Master/King/Whatever) to the piggies goddesses?
>even more non-sequiturs
>That's war not a duel though.

What do you call Lancelot chasing after him in the middle of a siege with the intent to kill him? If you're claiming that was a gentlemanly duel, you better point out the scene where they settle on some fighting terms.
Probably not, since most of it is actually Scathach fucking around with runes anyway.

>Everything Lancelot does is fine
>Everything that anyone does to Lancelot is not fine
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Reading through Camelot now. Brings a tear to my eyes to see Hassan being a heroes.

Also if Assassins weren't jobbers they would be the best class.
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You'd expect a class designed to kill Masters to be weak.

Lee Shuwen was ridiculously OP though, especially for someone who lived 100 years ago and that almost nobody has heard of.
Does the Rhongomyniad bless any girl with large dairy dispensers?
>Most of it actually Scathach fucking around with runes.
But even without Scathach the piggies advanced, and wouldn't all her achievements be credited to her King?
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ass assassins
>had to overdose and abuse magic drugs/potions to compensate for his lack of Gift

Are you trying to say that drugs were cheating, but the monumental powerboost granted by a Divine Spirit, which turns all the Roundies into colossal threats that need numerous Servants to defeat each, is not?

What's the logic at work here? The Lion King's Gift is so terrifying that most of the time you have no chance of victory unless you have numeric superiority or/and (usually AND) Bedivere's arm to overpower it.

How the fuck do you justify "Drugs=cheating / Gift = okay"?
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Why would you let your daughteru wander around London in such an attire?
The Nine Sisters are the ones that end up being a legend, and Scathach just makes them all forget all that in the end so that the island will go back to normal and not mess up the surrounding world.
>Famous for killing whores
>Dress like one
>Was servant for one once
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Best ass
Most of those times before you were fighting the Knights of the Round Table when they are fucking boosted further by the Holy Grail itself, hence the Grail icon being shown the first time you run into Mordred, Gawain, Lancelot, Tristan, and so on.

Not the same thing as the Gift themselves.

>Stabbing someone while their paralyzed is fine
>Overdoing on multiple drugs that a single one for a nameless Camelot Knight makes them a threat to Heroic Spirits is fine

I can do this too, retard.
That's a decent point, but I'd still say that the basics of it are her giving them the ability to advance, and the entire thing takes place in a closed space which is a chunk of her territory. Even if Gudao is her master, it's still definitely "Scathach" that is responsible for what happens.
I think it comes down to how Shirou and Rin aren't getting added to the throne even though they basically saved the world in certain routes. There's other qualities that we aren't getting, but those qualities are scaled back when you're already a servant, so you get things like the Santas and Alters.

You seem to have missed my explanation so allow me to clarify for you.

>Everything Lancelot does is fine
>Everything that anyone does to Lancelot is not fine
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>tfw before the Hassans back in the days of the Romans in 1AD there existed an order of zealot jew assassins who purged Romans from their territory and fit back into crowds.
>tfw Nasu doesn't give to shit about actual history and none of them will become assassins.
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Fate threads are really the most chuuni shit on /a/, I respect that
I can do this too, retard.

No, you can't. The fact that you think this is the same thing is fucking hilarious.

What I'm doing is pointing out the ridiculous inconsistency. Those two points you've made are consistent. It can't both be not fine for Agravain to take advantage of something while it is fine for Lancelot to take advantage of something else. It's not even consistent within the singularity, for Lancelot, because he used For Someone's Glory to set up an ambush earlier in the story.

And before you even fucking say it I am NOT SAYING that him doing so was cheating, I am not saying him using Arondight was cheating, for the last time, I am using those words to point out your double standard, while not seriously holding them as my own position.
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On one hand I prefer the SF Jack more because he can be literally anyone true to the idea of Jack the Ripper.

On the other hand Loli Jack has that ass.
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Much better, i want being teasing by her
In SF Jack tries to take the form of a normal girl and is incapable of becoming any girl that isn't his stripperific Assassin self.
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What exactly is the difference between the two versions?
Two aspects of roughly the same person. Alter is representative of the legend that Arturia became one of the leaders of the Wild Hunt, while the other one is simply Arturia who used Rhon instead of Excalibur.
No, retard you can't. Because the boost from the drugs are even greater then Lancelot merely getting a Ruler class equivalent of defense parameter enhancements from his Gift. A single drug makes a nameless cannon fodder Knight in Camelot a threat to Heroic Spirits, Agravain had taken many, not just "one" to juice himself to fight Lancelot.

Secondly, no matter how much backpedaling you do to try and deflect its not going to change the fact you originally claimed Arodnight being used by Lancelot is the same as Agravain stabbing him during the lull in their duel before the second half of their fight started after that. The only one with double standards is you here.

That simple. Lancelot did not "take" advantage of anything like stabbing Agravain during a talk or hitting him when his back is turned to him, that is what Agravain did to Lancelot. This is the same Lancelot who stopped Da Vinci from blowing herself because he's that good.

Only thing you can say about Chauvism kun is that he needed to use every underhanded tactic he had because as it was fucking shown, in a straight fight even when augmented beyond his normal level he stands zero chance of beating Lancelot ever.
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Ok, thanks
Just wait for OPM S2 and the obligatory powerlevel thread.
I will get so chuuni even Rikka would fell ashamed
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Nope. The titty monster within OT Arturia was sealed when she took hold of Caliburn. Rhongomyniad had nothing to do with Lancer Arturia's huge jugs.

Of course, Mordred shares half of her genes with Arturia, so maybe she grew big tits in some other timeline.
>Only thing you can say about Chauvism kun is that he needed to use every underhanded tactic he had because as it was fucking shown, in a straight fight even when augmented beyond his normal level he stands zero chance of beating Lancelot ever.

I will admit in a fight where Lancelot sets the rules for what can or cannot be done he will never lose, so congratulations on that. You've won the day!

By your own rules of course.
So why there are two Vlad?
>Not the same thing as the Gift themselves.

Someone tried this idiotic shitposting in /fgog/ a while ago and nobody bought it either. The powerboost IS the Gift, along with the complimentarily effects. Da Vinci was not terrified of Tristan being douchier and and poison-resistant when he hissed "IT'S THE GIFT!", he was flipping out about the fact that he was too powerful and would fucking kill you.

There is no distinction or separation ever made in the story between the powerboost and the Gift, because the particular perk of Tristan's gift is nearly irrelevant in battle. I read the actual story in Japanese so feel free to point out in what scene such a distinction is ever made. I'll even hand you the scripts to prove it if you point me to where it is ever mentioned. Agravain not having a gift is brought up down in the fortress prison when they realize he doesn't have any special powers. Lancelot still had the Gift, which is why he could not join you against the Lion king precisely because it made him essentially her Servant and powerless to oppose her directly.

In short, you're making shit up completely.
All I'm getting here is you are conceding your bullshit, neat.

Not what I said at all. Not even remotely related in the least to the tangent of the discussion with Agravain vs Lancelot. Gift ! = Grail boost.

>what /fgog/ thinks

Oh yes, the general that uses translations that most of the time are proven incorrect or at best "half right" when compared to proper ones from BL or even fucking reddit of all places. Oh man, you got me there totally.
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>Loli jack has that ass.
I want to do mana transfers with the daughteru.
But his stuff right here is dimensions above 'goku vs saitama' shitposting. It's like they actually earnestly research and care about this stuff
nah only thing Lancelot's gift does is boost him with Ruler equivalent defensive stats, that's what his "judgment" does just like Gawain's lets him reverse shit or however it works to spam his Numerals iirc
One is the religious zealot, the other is the legend of dracula.
No, even when you see Tristan initially in the singularity, what Da Vinci is scared of is not "That is an archer who is strong against Lancers but weak against Sabers", but "That person has THE GIFT, and that means we are physically incapable of beating him unless we shut it off."

While those specific things might or might not be said of other Knights during the story, it is said that with the exception of Agravain who got no gift, they all have that thing which made Da Vinci scared. Nearly every time you fight and win against one, it's because Bedi is there and the psuedo NP arm he has can turn their gifts off. Without that you cannot win.
>Because the boost from the drugs are even greater then Lancelot merely getting a Ruler class equivalent of defense parameter enhancements from his Gift.

Are you retarded? That's gameplay, you idiot. Rulers don't get defense boosts in the story.

The Gift is a massive powerboost that requires enormous brute strength to overcome plus idiosyncratic effects granted to each knight on request. What the hell do you think made Tristan so scary to Da Vinci?

>A single drug makes a nameless cannon fodder Knight in Camelot a threat to Heroic Spirits

The Enforcement Knights were already magical constructs made with the spear's magic and dangerous on their own. The drugs were made to enhance them further. They were never rank and file humans.

You haven't actually ready the chapter, have you? The Gift is scary because of how it strengthens the knights, Gawain is the only one whose idiosyncratic effect is ever a serious threat because of what it does. Tristan is treated as a terrifying enemy for the whole order because of the Gift, but his particular non-psychological effect never comes into play until the very last fight.
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>That is an archer who is strong against Lancers but weak against Sabers
Stop bringing up gameplay mechanics as if they matter in lore. Also again first time you fight the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot Singularity, they are all fucking being boosted by the god damn Holy Grail.

I never said they were humans, you fucking retard. What is with you and attacking things I never said but still trying to act like I did? Go ahead and post where I said they were humans in my earlier posts, I dare you.

You have no idea what you are talking about. Just like how (You) are continually ignoring that every single first encounter shows them being boosted by the Holy Grail itself, which is why there's a fucking gigantic icon for it and the next times you fight them while they still possess their Gifts nothing has jackshit to do with the Grail itself and makes it possible to beat them.

God damn you are stupid.
I literally said that's not why Da Vinci is scared to make the point that it's not about the gameplay mechanics. What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
>nah only thing Lancelot's gift does is boost him with Ruler equivalent defensive stats,

What "Ruler equivalent defensive stats"? That doesn't even exist in the story you fucking moron. What are you talking about?

> just like Gawain's lets him reverse shit or however it works to spam his Numerals iirc

You got literally every bit of this wrong and ar mixing Gawain, Tristan and Mordred.

>Gift ! = Grail boost.

like I said, you're making shit up completely. The Gift IS the boost.

If you claim there's a separation between the two, what scene are you saying this was explained in?

Also, I of course I assume you can read the original text, because otherwise what other translation ar eyou going on from?
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Alter uses everything she can to stop from becoming a divine spirit and retain her humanity, grail mud, becoming the wild hunt and things likes that.
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SFW Jack butts need to be more common.
>Stop bringing up gameplay mechanics as if they matter in lore

Quoth the retard talking about "ruler defensive stats"? Are you trolling?

>Also again first time you fight the Knights of the Round Table in Camelot Singularity, they are all fucking being boosted by the god damn Holy Grail.

Which is the Gift.
Gift is not the same as the Holy Grail boost itself. They possess both when you first encounter them each time in Camelot, you moron. Where is your evidence showing this otherwise?

Out with it, faggot.

(You) did an assjob of it if you think you made that clarification earlier.

>Which is the Gift.
No, its not.
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SFW Jack butts is uncommon?
>boosted by the god damn Holy Grail
Not you but your post drew more attention to this and I never even noticed how dumb that point is.

Ozymandias has the god damn holy grail. Rhon becomes Psuedo grailish and maintains the singularity as well, but a grail is not what is empowering the Knights.
The grail icon is a GAMEPLAY ELEMENT

>what Da Vinci is scared of is not "That is an archer who is strong against Lancers but weak against Sabers"
(You) should have just read more carefully rather than flying off the handle in an autistic rage.
(You) should really stop lying so much because the Holy Grail icon is posted on the screen every time you encounter the Knights of the Round Table the first time around because their being boosted by the Holy Grail. After they start coming after you, they aren't being boosted by it but still retain their Gifts which is why their much stronger then normally.

Its that simple.

No amount of mental gymnastics you invent will change that.
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I wasn't saying they were uncommon. It's just that I want more.
The Grail icon is a gameplay element and not actually indicative that they are empowered by a Grail. I don't actually think it's ever said in the story that they are, it's just there for the player to know something is making them stronger.

When they don't have the empowerment, the strength, it's because Bedivere is neutralizing that aspect of the gift to make them beatable.

Do you think counter-guardian TOHSAKA has fucked lancer Arturia in the throne of Heroes?
Has anyone explained to Kiyohime that Servants can't get pregnant?

Also how does the hierarchy of Servants work in Chaldea? Who protects the Master from Raikou and Kiyohime?
>Grail Icon is a gameplay icon
In this case, its indicating their being boosted by the Holy Grail is not a facet of gameplay mechanics. So not true.
>Gift is not the same as the Holy Grail boost itself.

Yes it is. Point towards the scene where they say otherwise. C'mon, you claimed you read it, right?

>Where is your evidence showing this otherwise?

I don't have to show evidence to prove a negative, you retard. Where the hell are you getting this never-mentioned Separation between the powerboost and the Grail?

Just explain this to me, WHAT was Da Vinci so terrified about when he says in no uncertain terms, "IT'S THE GIFT!"? What, she was scared that Tristan was a douche? Any mentioned throughout the entire story refers to the Gift as one thing. The thing Bedivere can cut through is the Gift. The explanation about their powerboost refers to it as the Gift. What the fuck do you think Bedivere's cutting through, Tristan's personality switch?

Also, are you still pretending you didn't claim Ruler defensive boosts are a thing in the story?
How are they being boosted by The Holy Grail when their side doesn't actually have one?

Ozymandias has it. He stole it before the Singularity began, it's why he's the one that turns into a pillar. Arturia's side was never in any way related to the grail. Their side was always predicated on Rhon.
>Point towards they scene otherwise.
Point where they do.
>I don't have to prove my claim
Classic shitposter.
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>predicated on Rhon
Is this supposed to be English?
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Isn't the most popular assassin Shuten now though?
His point is more convincing than yours.
Don't you mean (You)rs?
Yes. Predicated, as in based on. They are there because of Rhon, not the grail. The Lion King arrives in the singularity without being summoned by the grail, and she is the one who summons her knights there. When you take the one and only grail in the Singularity from Ozymandias, the singularity continues unlike every other time because Rhongomyniad is still there.
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It seems so, and she's even drawn with the same pear-shaped body Jack has more often than not.
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You mean Sasaki
I'm just watching both hate fuck each other.

Don't be so defensive.
Rhondy has some similarity to the Holy Grail, which is why she manifests as a Divine Spirit and is so bullshit OP.
>The Grail icon is a gameplay element and not actually indicative that they are empowered by a Grail. I don't actually think it's ever said in the story that they are, it's just there for the player to know something is making them stronger.

The Lion King has the real Holy Grail, or something Da Vinci says MIGHT be like it. It's never elaborated, so maybe it's just a facet of the authority she gets as a Divine Spirit. It's what she's using to grant power to her Knights, which is referred to as the Gift.

>it's because Bedivere is neutralizing that aspect of the gift to make them beatable.

That's not actually true. Bedivere's arm is never mentioned as being capable of neutralizing it, just cutting through it. I saw people quoting a reddit summary claiming that "Bedivere neutralized the gift" when he attacked Tristan, but the actual "line" that was describing was a textless sequence where Bedivere slashes Tristan and the ensuing conversation makes no mention whatsoever of this weakening him, just that the hit connected.

You beat the Roundies because you outnumber them and Bedivere is being a trooper about forcing himself to the limit, but there's never any situation where they're mentioned as losing their powers.
Why is Shuten so sexual? What does she gain being that way around her Master?
That anon is incorrect in the sense Lion King Arturia isn't using THE HOLY GRAIL to bolster them but even with their Gifts she's further augmenting them with her own power as a Divine Spirit.
>>dont actually know any magic
>>shoot magic staffs and spellbooks out of the gate and hit people with a big axe
If it ain't broken, don't fix it. Gates of Babylon it until the problem goes away.
That's fine, well and good, but the knights are not separately given a gift and then Grail empowerment. Both are connected, and both are through Rhon. While Bedi can temporarily cut off the source of power to the Knights, you can't actually have one without the other in either direction. You don't get the power without a "Gift", and you don't get a "Gift" without empowerment.
Gil please.
Does Gil honestly really need his stats? Some AGI and his LCK and he should be golden
They are separately given the Gifts then further boosted by her on top of that. Also see: >>151971252
>>151971215 posts. You can get the Gift and become stronger, but that doesn't mean you can get more buffs even while possessing them.
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>Gil please.
Well, if you don't want the Gates of Babylon solution, the only other thing Gil knows how to do is to wrestle the problem to the ground through sheer brutality and then have sensual sodomy with it.

That's the Gilgamesh way of doing things.
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Her cloak is white too in the Agravain pairing pictures. So Lion King.
Not even up to date anymore.
>Don't talk to me or the altered me or the past me or the theoretical me or the alien me or the altered me dressed like Santa or the theoretical theoretical me or the me with a watergun or my son or my son with a surfboard ever again.
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>the alien me
>By the time it's updated Sailor X will be out
You just can't win with Takeuchi.
>the me with a watergun
filled with piss and/or inca cola
What is this
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Someday Jeanne might catch up. I just hope her boom lasts long enough.
We need to make it larger.
We need more isolated Saber sprites to add to it
>Point where they do.

Okey dokey.

Fifth Singularity, Chapter 5:









>ガウェイン卿が口にしていただろ。王に授かったギフトがある、って。 あれは聖杯の祝福だ。

The gift is, in no uncertain terms, the Grail's blessing. No distinction is ever made. If you claim there is ever any such mention, post it.
>debating events with fluff and lore in a story that's based off and developed for a mobage
>a mobage derived directly as a continuation of Fate
>What is this
>A new figure to be announced at WonFes, is what.
Prove me wrong.
I'll take ten
Thanks for proving my point, moron.
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>Don't talk to me or the altered me or the altered me with extra EDGE....
You know, I kind of hate it and yet I love it. The blending of a kimono and her ball gown is interesting.
See >>151971564

You're making shit up.

>They are separately given the Gifts then further boosted by her on top of that.

You're gonna have to source that because it's pretty fucking hard to get anything out of 王に授かったギフトがある、って。 あれは聖杯の祝福だ。except "It is the Gift granted by the King. That is the Grail's Blessing."

Nothing you're saying meshes with anything actually written in the order and assuming you're right makes scenes nonsensical. Again, Da Vinci didn't tell you to stay put and watch Tristan murder civilians because he was scared shitless of him being resistant to poison.
Any and all shown Saber variations will be made into a scale figure eventually. It's a proven fact. We even have Sakura Saber.
>Sakura Saber
You mean Okita.
I think is more about his mana output.
>Thanks for proving my point, moron.

Now you're pretending you can read that and that it doesn't prove you wrong. Alright. I don't suppose you could explain which line says you're right, let alone translate it, right?
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Her arms remind me of Heromans.
>Da Vinci
And you are a still a moron on top of thinking I'm not the only one calling you out here. You were claiming it wasn't part of the Holy Grail boost, but now you even conceded it is one way or another.

Even a machine translation gives a rough idea of what's being stated, you dumb monkey.
What's the story with this flavor of Saber
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Who was Sakura Saber before someone decided to make her canon.

We forgot
>Roman not-Me
>Roman Bride not-Me
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Can't forget,
>Japanese not-Me
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>We forgot
>>Roman not-Me
>>Roman Bride not-Me
>Idol Roman not-Me
What's the count at?
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>Endless supply of Saber figures.
>Medea Lily figure coming out but no new FSN Medea figure.
>No King Hassan figure.
>You were claiming it wasn't part of the Holy Grail boost

This was in reply to:

>Not the same thing as the Gift themselves.
>Gift ! = Grail boost.
>Gift is not the same as the Holy Grail boost itself.
>Point where they do.
>They are separately given the Gifts then further boosted by her on top of that.

What the fuck are you talking about?

And yes, Da Vinci is a man, idiot.
That's literally not the point I was ever making. Did you fail at even getting a GED or something?

power is beautiful and da vinci has power
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>tits like that
You can't stop the Saber
There's always a question of how many different outfits you want to accept as a separate Saber. I feel like just putting on a new hat doesn't qualify.

Richard is not a Saberface?
Proto Saber too
>Loli Jeanne Alter
>Santa Saber Alter

the fuck did I miss
Solomon in his bio was the absolute perfect king, his choices were loving and perfect, literally everyone loved him and for good reason, he had relations with thousands of leaders around him, he gave his subjects magic freely, his kingdom thrived.

However he felt odd about this since his choices were not his own, his choices were all god telling him what to do. So the perfect king was really god working through man.

The only choice he made himself ended the age of gods.
>I feel like just putting on a new hat doesn't qualify.
If it's a Saber variation, it should go in the "Don't Talk to Me or my X."
By rights, Saber Lily shouldn't even exist since more than anything else she's Saber in a different dress that had backstory added later.
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He's not in Grand Order, where Saberface is a character trait.
Uh, we can pretty well localize it to Christmas by that list. That's what you missed: an entire month.
An Arthuria clone has big boobs, but that image doesn't make sense. Sakura has no reason to be jealous, the biggest boobs in Nasuverse belong to a Sakura clone.
>That's literally not the point I was ever making.

So what was the point you were making when you said:

>Gift is not the same as the Holy Grail boost itself.

There is no distinction ever made in the text or any line that ever hints at anything similar. the Gift is the idiosyncratic effect and the power-boost in one.

I realize this is wasting time considering you just admitted you're google translating, but exactly where do you say that the text backs up your claim that the gift is not the same as the Grail Boost when it fucking says "the Gift is the Grail's Blessing."

Also, can we get back to Lancelot supposedly not having the gift for some reason because they were supposedly not the same thing, or are we pretending this isn't what that was about along with the claim that "Ruler defensive boosts" are a thing in the story?
Santa Alter is Alter who decided to be Santa for a year, then proceeded to beat people up and gave them presents. That's really all there is to her.

Jeanne Alter Santa Lily is... a lot more complicated.
>What was the point you were making?
If you can figure something that simple out you are beyond hopeless man.

>Lancelot supposedly not having a gift
Never said he didn't. What's with you and constantly making things up I never said?
I want to milk those udders.
>Loli Jeanne Alter
This years Christmas event. Jeanne Alter drinks Gil's youth potion and becomes a loli.
>Santa Saber Alter
Last years Christmas event. Saber Alter takes on the role as Santa.
I wonder when we'll get SF servants in GO?
I want to see #1 Saberfag Richard.

I hope we get SF Hassan and is literally nothing for 90% of animations.
Who has more clones at the moment? Saber or Sakura?
I think Narita said that with the exception of Enkidu no servant from SF would be added until the LN is over.
>This years Christmas event.
Better loli story than Illya
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Well Enkidu is in Grand Order.

If they did add more I would hope for Richard, Dumas, and Prelati.

Saber hands down.
If this becomes a fig and I'm sure it will considering it looks a Takeuchi ver, I hope they change the pose. This static sidelong smile pose sucks.
>Never said he didn't

Ok, slight miswording. You were claiming Lancelot was no longer boosted and only had a "ruler defensive boost." Both things are wrong, the latter being proof you've never even read the story since that's not even a thing that exists, and make you an imbecile for saying them.

>If you can figure something that simple out you are beyond hopeless man.

I'll take this as you realizing you can't continue the argument and trying to save face. On an anonymous message board.
Not hard. The Prisma event was the worst written event in the entire game's run, made worse by how pointlessly wordy it was.
I want to marry Lancer Arturia.
>If you can figure something that simple out you are beyond hopeless man.

Is that all you've got after getting dunked on the whole thread?
I take you are a retard. That's like the third or fourth time minimum you've invented a claim or statement I never said and tried to retroactively insert it into my posts like with the nonsense involving with Lancelot's sword, claiming Knight troops being humans, and so on.

>You were claiming Lancelot was no longer boosted
I never said Lancelot didn't possess his Gift of Judgement at any point in time in this thread. So you are a fucking moron for assuming that again. Just like you're an idiot and liar for glossing over Divine Spirit Saber's powers being similar to the Holy Grail repeatedly being brought up in the Camelot Chapter.

I'll just take it as a giant concession in general you are an idiot.

>On an anonymous message
What an astute observation to declare where we are posting on, Nostradamus! Do you want some kind of award for that?
>save face
Never needed to ever resort to this. But again looking over your long chain of replies with all the lying, half-truths, misinformation, and delusions its pretty amusing how you try to fancy yourself as some sort of expert.

Please kill yourself.

That said I have better things to do then continue to entertain myself with your stupidity, have good night faggot.

You didn't "dunk" on anyone in this thread at any point.
Artoria Pendragon
Artoria Pendragon (Alter)
Artoria Pendragon (Hana no Miyako)
Devil Saber
Galactica Saber
Goddess of Rhongomyniad
Hungry Saber
Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne d'Arc (Alter)
King Saber
Lancer Artoria
Lancer Artoria (Alter)
Master Artoria
Mysterious Heroine X
Nero (Bride)
Okita Souji
Rider Santa Alter
Saber Lily
Saber Lion
Swimsuit Artoria
Swimsuit Mordred
Ultra Heroine Z

There might be more.
>There might be more.
We are doomed.
>Imagine having a Saber way with all the Sabers.
R.I.P Gudao.
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>Artoria Pendragon (Hana no Miyako)

Oh yeah, that exists.
Is the VM bullshit the only way of playing this game on pc? I'm fucked right?
>I never said Lancelot didn't possess his Gift of Judgement at any point in time in this thread

Whoever said anything about judgemental? You said he didn't have the power boost. Look at this nonsense:

>the boost from the drugs are even greater then Lancelot merely getting a Ruler class equivalent of defense parameter enhancements from his Gift.

You're claiming he had "Ruler class equivalent of defense parameter enhancements" which is something that doesn't even exist in the story. Moreover, this implies the Gift didn't inextricably involve a massive powerboost to every knight. Which he does have, all the time and never loses.

Unless you're implying that the drugs are stronger than the motherfucking Holy Grail, you better explain how he lost that powerboost.

Also, you kept saying "the first time you fight them they are being boosted," but that's true every single time you fight them. Look at:

>the first time around because their being boosted by the Holy Grail. After they start coming after you, they aren't being boosted

This is ridiculous nonsense. Nothing in the story ever remotely implies that they got weaker. Nor does it make any sense since the Lion King never loses the thing that boosted them.

>Just like you're an idiot and liar for glossing over Divine Spirit Saber's powers being similar to the Holy Grail

It's not the spear she uses to empower them, it's the Holy Grail from King Arthur's legend which she gained access to as Divine Spirit.



There's no hint that she's using the spear for that. Point out where it says so if you claim as much.
Don't forget Nero Venus.
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Ia, ia, Seiba ftagn
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Do you still haven't realized that you've been getting owned by several people throughout the thread?
Can Lovecraftian abominations become Servants?
(You) aren't several people and you have owned no one, mate. That's why this is so laughable, because you think you're fooling anyone pretending to be multiple people while using shitty translations and misinformation constantly from /fgog/ of all places.

So no comment on:

-Claiming "Ruler class equivalent of defense parameter enhancements" are even a thing that exists.
-Nonsensically claiming the Knights loose the Grail boost for no imaginable reason after the first encounter and against any indication of the story
-Somehow pretending Lancelot and the rest didn't have the Grail's boost at all times.
-Some fanfiction about the Grail Boost coming from powers "similar to the grail, coming from the spear" when the text names the Holy Grail from King Arthur's legend by name as the source.
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I take it you are a supreme autist. Oh well I've done my job of proving how full of shit you were earlier, so have fun trying to get the last post in after me to think you've fooled anyone into thinking (You) were different people arguing the same things. The funniest thing giving it away is your constant need to put words in other's mouths they never said over and over again, constantly ad naseum.

You should end yourself either way. Have fun, loser.
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You're both good guys and are also very rad.
>the Holy Grail icon is posted on the screen every time you encounter the Knights of the Round Table the first time around because their being boosted by the Holy Grail. After they start coming after you, they aren't being boosted by it

The icon is there in every fight:


Why would they lose the boost given by an object possessed by the boss you never encounter until the end? In fact, you never even see that grail in the story, much less neutralize it.
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