[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y ] [Search | Free Show | Home]

Rules, Regulations and Moderation for /a/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 515
Thread images: 211

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Official New Rules (See >>147386171 & >>147425437 & >>147457754
1. Generals to be regulated.
2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on /a/.
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
5. kana captcha
6. /ma/ question mark

Hiro has asked us to create a thread on each board for discussing the problems that are facing us and how to deal with them. He also wants us to create our own set of rules so that the mods will be regulated to follow them.
Source: http://i.4cdn.org/a/1474181914334.png
Remember mods, Hiro talked to you guys and you said it was fine to have one ongoing thread up about this. This means you Janitor!
Mods please delete this thread.
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Reminder that you literally cannot prove this wrong and that we should act on it immediately.
When do you think we'll hear back from Hiro?
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We already have a thread
This is the worst general on /a/
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>1. Generals to be regulated.
start by following your own rules and quit making these threads, then maybe I'll take you seriously.
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Welcome to the shitposting general - /spg/!
OP is a faggot edition

Last threads:

Useful links:
>>>/random biased polls/

Thread pastebin: (read this before posting)

- OP is still forcing this thread
- weebs >>>/out/
Why is a board split even considered? Where's the argument for it? It's not like the suggestion is new either, so do people who want it even browse here? There's been threads for them on /qa/ for example, but they gets shot down every time.
I don't think anything needs to change, just more moderation.
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>Useful links:
Change this to www.reddit.com/r/4chan for the next thread
Or /r/anime
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Consider it proofed.
>Where's the argument for it?
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>rare meat
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What? It's undercook, that's not a steak god damn it
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How would you know it's new suggestion? It's been a thing for years but normally meta posting gets deleted quickly on /a/.
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>He also wants us to create our own set of rules so that the mods will be regulated to follow them

He never said this. You have the wrong idea. Stop passing off these "official new rules" as board-sanctioned when some of them are clearly your own personal wants.
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>shitposters go to other thread
>people who actually care about /a/ stay and can discuss seriously
What the fuck is that
What tiers?
I can't believe I considered this to be something serious for as long as I did.
>/a/ - Anime and Manga
>/ma/ - Manga, Manhua, and Light Novels

There's nothing wrong with this as it finally gives LNs and other asian comics a home as well as creates a space where you can discuss manga without it being bumped off the board after an hour and a half. I wonder if the anti-split folks never browse the slow boards, because at this point I've found that the highest quality boards on 4chan are the slower ones. If anything, /ma/ at least deserves a test run.
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Keep adding to the pile guys
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Is this my thread?!
Kill thineself at the utmost moment.
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1. Small set of manga that consistently get lots of posters, SnK, BNHA, etc.
2. Manga that can sustain threads every so often for chapter releases and similar.
3. Everything else.
Threads in tier 3 are basically a crap shoot if they will get posters and even then they won't survive long. Tier 2 threads can do okay depending.
Effectively manga discussion on /a/ ends up obeying pareto principle where vast majority of it is discussing the same popular manga ad nauseum. There's plenty of good threads that simply can't survive on /a/ because of the board speed and proportion of /a/ that is primarily interested in manga.
No one cares, faggot
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1. Small set of manga that consistently get lots of posters, SnK, BNHA, etc.
2. Manga that can sustain threads every so often for chapter releases and similar.
3. Everything else.
Threads in tier 3 are basically a crap shoot if they will get posters and even then they won't survive long. Tier 2 threads can do okay depending.
Effectively manga discussion on /a/ ends up obeying pareto principle where vast majority of it is discussing the same popular manga ad nauseum. There's plenty of good threads that simply can't survive on /a/ because of the board speed and proportion of /a/ that is primarily interested in manga.
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No come over here, this is the real thread now.


This thread is fake.
nobody want /ma/ fuck off
we're fine
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when I was a young boy in France my mother used to cook me steak hache like this... it brings back good memories

I have missed you mother
>6. Move /kancolle/ to /jp/.

Please and nobody cares about those shitty translations
Just bring back the text board
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>the utmost moment
Fuck off and check'em
As a mangafag, the absolute last fucking thing I want is to be separated from /a/ while being lumped in with webtoons and LNs.
Abandon this thread, here's the real one.
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>nobody want /ma/
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The fattest Love live.jpg
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Only love live shitposting can save this thread
Meat tastes better that way, every second of cooking is burning the flavor particles. It's why steak tartar is a thing.
You have to have quality meat and kitchen skill to do it safely though. Try it one day you might like it more than your well done steak with ketchup.
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He didn't include webtoons.
>with ketchup
Why would anyone ever do that? WTF™x10^99999
>shitty meta thread
Nah, fuck off.
I have no problem with this. But I do have a definitive problem with this
>/a/ - anime
>/ma/ - manga, manhwa and light novels
which is in all likelihood what would happen.
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What the hell is that?

>sand nigga
>Manhua, and Light Novels
No fuck off
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>Not using semen for maximum protein intake.
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I would if I had a source.
Smart umaruposter
>/a/ dies
>/moe/ is the new /a/
Bloody brilliiant, lad!
Where do I subscribe to your blog?
Can you translate to French?
Do you suck dicks?
He said "other asian comics," so I'm assuming he's including gookshit even though his greentext only mentioned chinkshit.
>comic sans
Kill yourself
1. Small set of steak that consistently get lots of eaters, sirloin, angus, etc.
2. Steak that can sustain customers every so often for meals and similar.
3. Everything else.
Steaks in tier 3 are basically FOOKIN RAW. Tier 2 steaks are barely edible.
Effectively steak preparationion on /a/ ends up obeying parrot principle where vast majority of it is cooking the same popular steak ad nauseum. There's plenty of good steak houses that simply can't survive on the market/ because of their shitass chefs and GET THE FOOK OUT, YOU TALENTLESS TWAT.
Merge /a/ with /pol/
>memes forbidden
what is the point of 4chan then?
You could have some of mine, I just throw it away anyways, not making babies or anything with it.
>/a/ will have to merge with /m/ to stay relevant
>considering splitting /a/

You people really want this board to be dead I see
>ids and flags
I know the perfect board for you and it's called /pol/
Your mother was trying to kill you.
>/m/ doesn't have these shitty meta generals
You've really outdone yourself, /a/utists.
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Has this woman killed anyone yet?
>little l/a/dy communists vs. neo-nazis
We'll call it Gundam Inverse Accelerated™

Don't believe op. He's a metafag. Report him instead.
Is this /frogpostgeneral/?
Kill yourself frogposting cancer
It's some fucking autistic little piece of shit who keeps spamming this crap, most of the board hate this
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This is a rare pekpek that I currently do not own.
Not any more than we hate these generals.
should pepe be allowed on /a/?
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Yes, just tell him to spam us with it, mongoloid.
I feel bad for these frogs, I'll stop.
Yes. Also, to post in this thread, report OP. 4chan has glitched or something and of you don't report him, you'll get banned.
Neither would /ma/.
Merge /pol/, /r9k/, all the vidya boards, /b/, /tv/, /mlp/, /sp/, [s4s]/, /soc/, /d/, /trash/, and /a/.
I was thinking of that other /ck/ meme lady who is horrible for some reason.
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75 percent body fat.jpg
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We just need our own forced board culture meme like how /g/ has Maki. We can have fate nozomi as our dsignsted Mascot.
What would be issue with turning on robot?
Yeah, it's helpful to tell which threads to avoid.
>elfen leid
thanks for confirming the obvious
Fuck off MAL
only in shitty meta threads like these, because they piss off autismos like OP and loli anon
But then we have to make it know on other boards then. Maybe make some bootleg bids on ebay for bluray copies too.
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You know what they say, the enemies of muh animes are my friends.
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>Acchi Kocchi
Does /v/ actually talk about that show?
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damn good anime.jpg
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>Implying any of those are bad anime
those are some damn good anime
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Fcking robits.jpg
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I think Eva shitposters and LotG fujoshit fags should go back to their containment boards too
>he does not remember
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Is this /bigdawg/ general?
Delete every board except /po/
Stop fucking shitposting you autists.

It is now
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What the fuck is po?
Why the fuck does /po/ even exist? I vote we colonize them and turn them into the manga board against their will.
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Get taste.jpg
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Sweet someone used my edit
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The origami board.
>OP is gook shilling again
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>tumblr hates mecha
shit taste desu
Kek saved
So this is a sign that the board is dying, right? This is like the cancer metastasizing.
>this doesn't belong on /a/
It's more like "this is what happens when Hiro tells the mods not to do anything."
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more like it's decomposing.
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Nippon strong.jpg
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No you're just a faggot
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so be it
If it's a Korean comic book, then no, it does not belong on the board for Japanese comic books.
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>I vote we colonize them and turn them into the manga board against their will
Please don't bully /po/
Just like how it's always been. If mods are not gonna delete this shit, we are gonna shitpost this thread to death. Now where is Accelspammer when you need him.
I'm gonna cum all over their paper
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no it does not.
lurking for loliposter
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Someone start a Umaru raid thread on /an/. That will show them for being a bunch of normalfags.
more like word art online
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Manhwa was always allowed.
There has never been a point in /a/'s history when it wasn't allowed.
You can bitch and moan all you want, but this isn't a change in policy.
Korean comics are /a/: always have been, always will be.
I used to be like you but then I read more and became experienced. Korean Webtoon are very big atm, and some of them actually great.
Manhwa and Manhua on other hand still dont compete with Manga and only titles really posted on /a/ are the ones /a/ related or where people who read them dont even know they dont read manga.
This is an especial kind of autism. Jesus Christ.
Merge /po/ and [s4s]
I like where this thread is going
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Why is /soc/ mentioning /i/ and /m/?
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>/a/ likes to shitpost but is tsundere about it

the more ya know
Oh? I thought I was the only one who read Kobayashi chi no maid dragon
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We already had this argument yesterday, you're a shit taste faggot who thinks The Gamer is good.
Why not just turn /f/ into a fagsonly manga general?
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A classic.
yes we'll post the manga from youtube over there in swf form
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Why not just turn every other board into one of our generals so that /a/ is general-free?
>wanting another manhwa discussion
Just fuck off already you fucking gook.
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a cute

new chapters never ever
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Sleep well Okay.png
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I'm pretty sure this shit was only translated like six months ago. I remember him dumping it.
>all that added sugar from the cans
Jamie Oliver is sad today.
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Le epik soundtrak for this le thread
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You're missing the "airs on Toonami" spike like two years later.
Requesting moderation for moderation threads maybe?
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Oh, that was me, actually
I didn't translate it though, it was translated long before that.
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>it was translated long before that.
MU says no.
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It's funny, I was looking at 2channel archives from around 1999-2000 and there were posts all the way back then of people saying "remember when this site was good? now it's not funny anymore"
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rec threads.png
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Huh. Well it was translated a little bit before that at any rate.
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>/gd/ and /i/ complain about /v/ more than anyone
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Fuck eva.jpg
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I want to know why /fit/ is talking about fucking /3/ so much.
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This shit was just ridiculous. Kind of fun though
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Goddamn I miss that show. Dumb but fun as heck.
New rule:
Ban metathreads.
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Nice to see some new ones
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So you essentially want to isolate unpopular manga and separate them from popular ones because you believe that the threads of the former last too short on the board.

If the purpose of this imageboard is discussion, and it is set-up so that threads have a limited timespan, why should one go out of one's way to prolong unpopular threads just because they happen to die the quickest? It's up to the ones who enjoy a discussion to keep it going, if no one who enjoys it is around then why keep it around?
Note that I'm not defending the generalplague.
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>/a/ - Jackie Chan

There's nothing wrong with this as it finally gives Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan-related media a home as well as creates a space where you can discuss Jackie Chan without being memed to death.
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naruto mistake.png
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This is the worst, don't read it.
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Fm 2003 greater than eva.jpg
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I assume they are enjoying this.
Or trying to make sense of it.
A mistake either way.

What the heck?


>casual vs junk and GitS
lel, ur memery is maximum, to/v/arishch!
>212 replies
>45 posters
really makes you think
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>gookshit are allowed
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Way ahead of you.
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17 (1).jpg
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This is the most shoujo eromanga I've ever read.
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Fuck man you know what this thread is missing, some of this sweet shit right here
Yeah, they often do it.
Like the faggot that keeps creating eceleb threads and when someone decided to spam it to death.
And then he took the big guns out and started posting CP, mods deleted everything specially the CP but not the thread.
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no it does not go back to re:ddit
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this final episode wasn't up to the mark
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Present day
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Why wouldn't this logic apply to /b/ before /a/ was made?
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Present time
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also, check em
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I have some too
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjnoDrZDs-U
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Make some new ones desu.
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Not him, but with 47 IPs in this thread I think we can safely assume that none of us were on /b/ before /a/ was made or can describe that well.
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Well done.
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Who's your favorite anime /a/?
How come a thread about OP talking to himself was up for hour and when was deleted they don't ban the poster
The Last Airbender
>pro-/ma/fags have been making cancerous shitposting threads for eight years straight
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Gundam 0079
What was the context of this?
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cute. Cute!
U only read one piece
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RIP in pieces, my sides
So, mods and Hirojewki trolled us good, huh?
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Check mine
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Can you only attract the mods by posting porn at this point?
>I'd rather have 2 boards /4chan/ & /5/
What the fuck is /5/ supposed to be?
Posting pictures that have a 5 theme
It was a real board at some point
nah, bra
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Well let's see what I can get away with
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Tonari no Seinfeld
Why would you save /pol/ crap?
>reading Mazinger Z for the first time
shit's intense
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Like with /pol/ use flags, pic related.

t. Canadian

And /a/ is a right-wing safe space, /r/anime is a left-wing safe space. Trump will find all of us a waifu, waifus isn't degenerate towards women and we aren't racist for a lack of diversity.
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yot instr.jpg
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This thread is pure unadulterated shitposting and yet not a single post has been deleted.
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How fucking new are you?
What the hell was the point of saving these?
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Yeah this
There are some Korean comics that are alright, but having to share a manga board with gook garbage would just be the worst.

Pretty sure that the people actually advocating for that are just trying to shit on people who like reading manga.
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Why'd you save that as an image instead of text, newblood?
You need to talk shit about BLM or Colin Kapernick to get the mods to do anything nowadays
Why don't we delete 4chan? It's the only way to be sure.
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>all the Texass tripfriends on /sp/ were anally annihilated
what's some porn for this dank feel?
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Do you have screenshot of
>I want to _____ Ange
What's the most kino anime you've seen /a/?
fuck off Jebus you're a fucking faggot.
bloody "rocket surgery" to people
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Good night /spg/ nugget is sleepy now
remove kancolle remove
pretty neighbor. it's a yotsubato doujinshi
Millenium Actress
ban this faggot
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So let me get this right, Hiro says "you can make one(singular) thread" and some autist has been making threads daily to push his personal opinions as new official rules?
You can have one thread up at a time.
Yes, he's also a mod/jani
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>using an image from 1/10 trash anime cereal experiments lame
Except Hiro clearly states one thread, not one thread at a time.
fuck off
It's not clear.
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Then learn to read, imbecile.
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I think the mods are just completely ignoring /a/ now. I've seen a lot of request threads get archived today. Has anyone seen any deleted posts lately?
ban page doesn't show every board all the time
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post rare bans
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some guy got banned on /b/ for posting garbage outside /b/
Except it is very clear, are you perhaps ESL?
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You just think it's clear because you dislike the thread.
This better be a dump.
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Eat shit and die.
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what did they mean by this
Oh yeah, I forgot to check if there were new chapters for this since where I left off. Thanks for the reminder.
/ma/ wouldn't have let you forget
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best historical manga, Historie a close second
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This is how you tell sourcefags to fuck off.
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>57 posters
I don't see how only a fraction of /a/ are discussing the "problem" do any good.
The only ones who might give a shit about these rules are the ones who participate in them, no one else would care.

>5. kana captcha

Fucking weeaboo, neck yourself.

That makes no sense, those manga thread wouldn't get any more attention with a split.
50% of the threads on the whole board do not go over 50 replies, that means a lack of interest. Having a very unpopular manga thread last mutliple days on some dead board won't help. It will become a circlejerk from the 5 people who are even interested? Do you not remember 'MARKED FOR DELETION OLD'?
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Kana's easy as shit, and requiring people to learn it would push more people to taking the plunge
This meta thread cancer needs to come to an end. If anything will kill off this place, this is it. All the proposed changes could only ever make this place shittier, I can't help but wonder what ulterior motives are at hand here.
>these threads still up
>they transformed into incoherent garbage
What about stop creating them
The mods want them around because they dislike Hiro and would rather destroy /a/ and 4chan than give over control.
Stop these fucking threads
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Well, obviously.
I'm not dumping manga because I want to seriously discuss /a/'s rules and regulations

Just spam them from now on. They don't serve a purpose or sufficiently represent 'the board as a whole', because strawpolls mean nothing.
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So these shitty meta threads are still happening huh.
>Kana's easy as shit, and requiring people to learn it would push more people to taking the plunge

I did not come to this board to learn japanese, nor do I have any interest in doing so. I'd go to /jp/ if I had any sort of interest in it.
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Learning kana isn't even on the same level as learning Japanese.
You've never been on a slow board, eh?
>I'd go to /jp/ if I had any sort of interest in it.
Yeah, that's why there's a japanese language learning thread HERE.
no one cares what you came here for. go back to gaia
I do that anyway so that people can't stalk me through images as easily.
But this is waste of time
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tfw meta threads.gif
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I hope these meta-shitposting generals get banned. Fuck what Hiro said, he's a moron who will go along with any idiotic ideas /qa/ shitposts about because he's too ignorant of the site to realize what he's doing.

Nothing good will come of letting this go on.
Browse a slow board before talking about hypotheticals.
>he's a moron who will go along with any idiotic ideas /qa/ shitposts about because he's too ignorant of the site to realize what he's doing.
/ma/ confirmed :^)
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>But this is waste of time

I actually have to go to sleep right now, so
A slow board does not magically turn all your niche topics into large, full threads, it just gives you dead niche threads that travel down the catalog more slowly. Responses don't increase in direct proportion to how long it takes to go to page 10 - there are diminishing returns. If only five people show interest after a thread's lived for two hours (which you can easily do on /a/ with only a single reply at many hours of the day, and maybe two or three at peak activity), then not that many more are going to show up if it hangs around for a few more. You'd go to from having 10 dead manga threads that die in two hours, 10 active manga threads, and 130 anime threads, to having 15 active manga threads and 135 dead manga threads (some of them marginally-less dead than /a/'s 10 dead ones, some just as dead or more) that die in five hours.
ur wrong phaggot
If pepes and wojacks are supposedly forbidden, then why do a couple of 4chan banners feature them?
I love how these are the most popular threads on /a/ right now. Everything else practically isn't moving and I swear I still see threads from yesterday up
>I swear I still see threads from yesterday up
There are literally always threads from yesterday up. Go on /a/ at any time, sort by creation date, and the last thread on page ten will be 30+ hours old. In fact, right now the oldest thread up is from Friday morning.
>Everything else practically isn't moving and I swear I still see threads from yesterday up
Much to peoples complains of the board being too fast, there is always days old threads up.
There is not a single person that has made a post in this thread, or any of the other threads, who deserves to post on this board.
All of you are responsible for the death of /a/.
>LNs and gookshit are allowed on /a/
>LNs are allowed on /a/. Gookshit isn't
Get your shit together /a/. It is or it isn't.
>Much to peoples complains
We need webtoon general.
>/g/ is mentioned more often than /co/
All fujoshit should be banned.
The posts you sourced literally says

1. /a/ won't split into /a/ and /ma/ nor will it merge with any other board.
2. LNs are allowed on /a/. Gookshit isn't.
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
5. Bring back visible Sage.
6. Move /kancolle/ to /jp/.
7. Keep the captcha system as it is.
8. Ban People asking for Source right away.

Then why change that to your own shit rules?
Exactly. List of things to ban:
1. Fujoshit
2. Reverse harems
3. Tumblr filenames
4. Women in general
5. Whatever the Tumblr circlejerk of the season is (Osomatsu, Mob Psycho, etc.)
I guarantee this will improve /a/ immensely.
Ban people who disagree
It doesn't matter if he changed it to his own rules, Hiro literally said he doesn't trust polls, so whatever bullshit he comes up with is just as credible as bullshit from polls that get posted around here.
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>Generals to be regulated.
Generals are a fucking cancer upon any board that allows them and should be deleted on sight.

>LNs and gookshit are allowed on /a/.
>>>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
>>>/trash/ - gookshit
If it's not animu or mango related, it doesn't belong here.

>Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
Shitposting is already bannable

>Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
I don't give a shit as long as we have Kino

>kana captcha
It's like you want to kill this board

goddammit anon I am so hungry, why must you torture me with rare Salisbury steak
I matters for me. I don't want /ma/, kana captcha nor gookshit on /a/. Even if this is a meme, don't put it in the OP. It could trick Hiro into believing this trash.
First thing that should be deleted is this fucking thread
Stop already
Can you just fuck off and stop spamming /a/ with your attention whoring?
Mods, we allow you to delete these threads and ban anyone who makes the for 30 days.
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mods on whining.jpg
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>hey guys let's change /a/ according to the whims of a horde of anonymous retards
Kinomod, why didn't you tell Hiro that this was a bad idea?
If none of the previous threads have been deleted, why do you expect this or any future ones to be deleted?
A couple or so have.
>muh elitism
that is some serious fedora right there
Even now, there is hope for /a/
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That's a quality reverse-double bait if I've ever seen one
Are you sure? Have you seen the state of the board this year? This month?
>If none of the previous threads have been deleted
At least one has.
"But if only one of the previous threads..."
Because they should be. Any movement gets coopted by idiots and people with an agenda, and these threads and the shitposters who keep making these are no exception.
You can start increasing the quality of this board by leaving first.
>This thread again
Did Buyfag, DJT, Sadpanda banned yet?
Nothing will be banned. These threads will result in no changes whatsoever, and the OP is a retarded faggot for thinking so.
then the first one to fuck off should be you fag

always sage to prevent this fucking thread from floating
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How can one be so retarded
>official shitposting thread
>wew you guys are not trying at all!
>kana captcha
how about kanji captcha
>Somebody saved my graph
You made my day, anon.
muh sekrit club
Ha, too bad I know kana and I'll still be shitposting.
how about ahegao face captcha
Anything to keep normalfags like you out.
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What about a captcha that contains manga panels or anime shots and you have to type in the name of the anime or manga to pass?
You mean normalfags like you.
No, you.
But America has enough cheese to feed every single person.
if that means only those who can sauce ahegao and characters can post, then why not
>kana captcha
This will be the undoing of me I guess. I will stop going here if I have to learn weeaboo shit.
r/anime is better anyway
>I will stop going here if I learn the very thing I consume
Learning Japanese =/ Watching anime
then please go
>not even reddit spew bullshit like that

This. All not who enjoy anime and manga are weeaboos/wapanese. Weeaboos belong on /jp/.
>thinking you need to know japanese to watch a subbed episode
Are you actually autistic?
Casual plz
Newfag plz
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If you aren't autistic you don't deserve to be on 4chan.
How do you think people knew some subs are shit and some are not? go back and watch streamed 144p doki subbed naruto
Yeah, man the best would be if only japanese were allowed to post on /a/, right?

By seeing if there are any inserted memes or not.
>cancer is not enough
>how about metacancer
>No one watching the anime knows moon
>I have no way telling the translation is accurate or not
>Collectively consume shit
Have fun watching doki subs retranslated from chinese
Everyone watches CR/Funi Subs ripped by HS in the first place, so your point is moot.
I have a feeling most of the oldfags have left /a/ for /r/anime. I made an account there two weeks ago, and I've made more interesting discussions there in those two weeks than on two whole years here.

Then again you can't shitpost as much, fun is not allowed and they're all circle jerks. And I can't stand all of those fucking recommendation threads.
So reddit is raiding us huh
You apparently don't even know what the word means. Learning Japanese hardly makes you a weeb and it isn't a negative thing either. Anyone who makes it seem negative or even makes the act of learning negative should hang themself.
You can stay there to be completely honest
>Funi is always correct and delivers perfect translation
>Old anime translations have no errors
Why the fuck is this shit still alive?
So have we gotten a consensus yet to ban the people who make these shitty meta threads yet?
Funi and CR are hardly the last place you go to for accurate or quality translations. Both literally don't care about any form of quality control.
I got it oldfag, guess watching madoka makes you an oldfag huh
I'm probably going to. /a/ is dead and has been for years I guess.
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440 posts
93 posters

Time to make this thread reach the bump limit faster
Doesn't magically change the fact that 95% of the board only consumes those subs and still understands the respective anime perfectly well.
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dubsman (4).jpg
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I concur
Fuck off and kill yourself cuck lol.
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>still understands the respective anime perfectly well.
How the fuck do you know that? You don't and anyone who doesn't have some checking it doesn't know. You could be reading the direct opposite of what is being said and no one will know if you don't have even half-moon speakers.
>You apparently don't even know what the word means.
Sure weeaboo.
>I am pulling stats from my ass
>Everyone on the board is also a pleb like me and dont know moon, we dont have a thread exclusively for studying moon
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download (2).jpg
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boy since when calling one a weeb on /a/ is an insult
By always consuming HS rips and never ever encountering a mistake during the discussions on /a/, again your point is moot.

>I am pulling stats from my ass
Almost everyone watched subbed anime here. Hs is almost always the only timely option. Makes you think, huh?
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This is more true for manga, which have worse translators. Anime is usually fairly well, as long as you don't download gg or commie. Or Hadena.
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>boy since when calling one a weeb on /a/ is an insult
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> I only watch new anime and i am an newfag
There is some real beautiful irony every time someone gets up and uses weeb like you. And you'll never know because you don't know the meaning of the word.

>and never ever encountering a mistake during the discussions on /a/
And what if everyone else in the thread only watched the HS rip. HOW? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WATCHED IS CORRECT? You don't because you are a braindead american who is allergic to the notion and especially learning foreign shit. Unless a moon speaker comes along, what you are watching could be wrong and you don't know nor can you reject what I'm say because its the fucking truth.
Why are you not banned yet?
great job singles man
The power of friendship
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Looks like it. Since I can't get dubs check this single number instead.
Well that would mean you both were lying and most people here don't watch raw anime which would prove my opinion once again. Good work.
Since this fucking thread keeps getting spammed, here's my suggestion: Could the mods do something about the stupid cunts who keep posting "/a/'s agreed AOTS" charts every year with obvious bullshit to rile up /a/? Shit's been going on for years and I'm tired of seeing it.
>There is some real beautiful irony every time someone gets up and uses weeb like you. And you'll never know because you don't know the meaning of the word.
Sure weeaboo. Keep telling yourself that.
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dubsman zoomed out.png
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>asking for source should be banned
Fags posting cropped manga without providing a source should be banned alongside them.
People watch raws and some watch non-speedsub, most also watch HS because they know what HS translated wrong.

I miss those days when newfags can just watch evetaku know good subs from bad subs
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Thank god, but now i have to get trips
No, the initial thing was about how you know subs are shit or not. Raws never actually came into this. So answer for me, in a thread without any moon speakers, how do you know the subs are correct? You don't and you physically CAN NOT know they are.
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Why lie though?

So when you read a lyrics of a foreign song translated into your language it must be a fake translation?
>I dont cannot know shit sub's difference with good subs
>don't cannot
Learn english. Also if there is only one sub available most of the time, there's no choosing anyway.
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>By always consuming HS rips and never ever encountering a mistake during the discussions on /a/,
That only means you watch shit shows that nobody who actually knows Japanese watches, you fucking moron.
Why are you grasping so desperately at straws when you know what you originally said is wrong?
People actually open up their TV and watch TVtokyo you know.
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Which is 80% of the airing shows every season.

That literally applies to you.

On 2ch
> I only watch shit anime
>Why lie though?
It isn't as much as lying as they were liberal with the translation. Instead of translatint directly, they translated with localization and with wording that made more sense. gg was pretty nazi about this.

I kind of agreed with them though. If it makes sense, it's okay I guess. Like the Kimi no na wa movie, the little sister calls Mitsuha "Onee-chan" but in the translation it say"Mitsuha" because Westerners don't call their brothers and sisters "brother" and "sister" (unless they're brahs).
>he doesn't dump anime related dubs images
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This thread doesn't deserve anime related dubs images.
>having no argument

Then I don't see what we're arguing here about.
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The good thing is, it acts as a fanal that directs /a/'s attention to it, ruining the shitposters' fun who were already preparing to flood /a/ with worthless Re:Zero-spam threads. They only managed like 15 threads at most.
It helps of course that the ending didn't end at the Rem-who? part, so they couldn't pretend to be surprised.
Is this legit? Haven't been here in a while but it's about time Hiro-chan did something.
/ma/ is a stupid idea but the rest is fine.
so how do you distinguish good sub from bad sub if no one know moon?
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cheq em.jpg
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By trusting the company who gets paid for translating it and seeing no one complain with proof while there are no memes in the subs like "X and chillin".

Start early, get everyone to do it. It's the only way we'll ever get rid of this shit
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Now check mine
Dont make a new thread
>By trusting the company who gets paid for translating it and seeing no one complain with proof
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off by one.jpg
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new thread

>Fags posting cropped manga without providing a source
Entitlement. How about you first rename all your pictures to have the source and also where you downloaded it from and also what program you used to download it so you can cater to every clueless, know-nothing newfag and make them feel welcome when they're lacking in the knowledge department and practice before you preach?
If you don't know the content being discussed then just don't post. If you're incapable of finding it out yourself, then just move on instead of posting your search queries here.
>It isn't as much as lying as they were liberal with the translation
Except for the parts where they just make up shit.
You're probably going to be banned for reporting, since Hiro has allowed a thread to remain up.
Oh you
Reverse (You)
How about you kill yourself.
Oh damn, I missed another shitposting thread.
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if google translate is the measure of accuracy then you is of an Idiots Please
ching chong nip nong
Fuck off autist.
Chong ching nop ning?
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