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DAZ content

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 66

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Now where KAT is gone (RIP my friend), where do you get your DAZ content now?
There was an impressive community posting all DAZ shit available.
It was a great possibility to test out stuff before buying (I bought 90% of the content after torrenting)
Picture related, my DAZ render
noob here

I just started using it. I spent maybe 4 hours on a scene and then my power went out.

I'd also be interested in where to get things. I'm still just using the models it came with
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Same here OP. I try my luck wirth "daz3d torrent" followed by product name. Otherwise there is slow shitty web DL with dazposer.net and other sites.

OP here
Save whenever possible...Check KAT mirrors for already released stuff. For example kickasstorrentsan dot com

kat dot am looked promising. There have been 2-3 new releases with some of the guys saying "hopefully the kat guys find their way here". I think some ppl of the community migrated there but somehow the page doesn't work atm. Definetely worth checking once a while.
Besides kat.am I couldn't find new releases anywhere. It's a shame.
How long have you used DAZ and what are the pro's and con's? What do you like and hate about it?
Not OP but about a year now.
Main gripes are no auto saving, lack of collision detection between various characters, no "drop to object" option (there's already a drop to floor) and the big one is customizable keys
Do you have a gallery I can checkout?
nah, i haven't really uploaded anything besides the odd >>530737 in these threads.
Which are barely anything different than the base models with a couple sliders moved.
Let me know your Daz username. You made some good suggestion. I want to gift some stuff.
OP here.
I'm using DAZ for about 3 months now.
It's a very simple free tool where you can create cool things with little effort.
There is a huge amount of content available .
I also like the support of iRay.

The cons are some minor usability things.
Of course the missing collision detection is a big minus. But such a complicated function hardly finds its way into free software.
>where do you get your DAZ content now?
The same places I got it before, fellow kid.

Let's avoid shitting up /3/ with pirate requests.
if you're going to post then say where or fuck off
Daz forum username? ashthezombie
Enjoy the $200
Hory chet! thanks!
You work for Daz or something? haha
Ya, I spoke with the software team about the autosave, collision detection between various characters and the drop to object.
where or gtfo
You must be new here
cgpeers master race
cgpeers barely has any daz content
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So far, I've just been watching the KAT mirrors for someone to start posting. I noticed there were a few key uploaders but I can't find them anywhere else but KAT. Here's to hoping CGPeers takes over.
goddammit I just need that one:
Don't use Kat or its mirrors. They are all honey pots
Can DAZ help you make custom characters? I don't mean from scratch. Can I make for example "kerrigan" type characters somehow, easier than modeling everything by hand?

What about monsters / furries? ( since they are the same thing to me... pls no bully

And what about animating and liquids? This possible? I never tried or looked into DAZ cause it reminded me of Poser which people seem to avoid like DAZ.

I'm learning 3D modeling on Blender / Maya but... Wouldn't mind being able to put together things vastly faster. Just for fun stuff.
>Can DAZ help you make custom characters?
Yes you could it use it for basemeshes that you get as close as possible to the character you want by using the body and head morphs. Then you can export it and sculpt the rest.

>What about monsters / furries?
It has some monster/furry morphs, but they aren't that great. Still same rules as above apply.

>And what about animating and liquids? This possible?

>I'm learning 3D modeling on Blender / Maya but... Wouldn't mind being able to put together things vastly faster. Just for fun stuff.

DAZ is good for that.

Thanks wow wasn't expecting a fast answer. Guess I'll give DAZ a look. I really enjoy 3D modeling but I'm maybe potato tier right now. Drawing was pretty hard at first I figure 3D is the same way cause well, lots of tools I still have trouble figuring out etc... Thanks
DAZ does animation but it's clunky. Iray Render times are fucking retarded as well unlessh you're using some great cards. And no, DAZ does not animate liquids but SickleYield did a good guide on importing DAZ models to blender for fluid sim
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1st go... I did it mom, 10/10 would use without learning it again.

I already mastered 3D t-thanks.
Wow nice one. Now render with iRay for more realism.
Well I'm OK with my render times with my GTX 970. Using iRay without a NVIDIA card doesn't make much sense. There are some tweaks for faster rendering also. iRay is a very solid renderer so it is normal taking more time than opengl or 3Dlight or whatever it's called.
If you like furries and League of Legends this might be interesting:

It's just Genesis 2 but look pretty good.
you will need the genesis 2 female morph bundle to change sizes of individual parts.


I uploaded my collection of body/face morphs for genesis 2 and 3, if something is missing, please share it.
Daz anon, any chance on a Linux port? Your program is the only thing holding me back from going full Linux. Virtualization options are pretty limited.
I'm on a 970 as well. Does your Daz just slow down sometimes? Even stuff like the new 3feetwolf Gen and it's laggy as fuck.

Side note: anyone know about scripting in Daz? I've seen a couple of stuff which come which do amazing stuff with just scripts.
unoptimized assets with a stupid amount of polygons because MUH DETAIL.
Though, it would be nice if daz dynamically reduced topology in viewports
Do anyone have any tips for lighting?

Sometimes I'll put a light directly on a character's face and it'll still come out dark in the render, and then a light will appear on the other side of their face where no light shines
That and turning on collision. Turn it on and suddenly everything shits the bed. Wish you could just freeze/lock assets, pose, then enable everything before rendering.
You using Iray? Iray has it's own 'light source' if you don't use camera. (Assuming you didn't know)

But having a camera with headlamp is ok-ish but I personally hate it since it looks fucking awful when you render.

Best option is using a distant light (and tweaking intensity dooooowwwnn) and under the render settings limit the light source to just the scene. (Imho, that gives me the most control over the light in the scene)
Oh okay, that makes sense. I'm almost done with a render so I'll try what you just said next.

Do you have any advice for settings? I wanted to see how good I could make a render look so I bumped quality settings up to 5 from what I believe was originally a 1. It looks pretty good but I can't see myself waiting 4 hours for each render.
There are some simple rules you have to follow when using DaZ...

1. Create a camera, position it and use it as the view to render your scene from. The "Perspective View" doesn't allow you to turn off the "Headlamp" light in Render Settings that will show up in your renders and mess up your lighting layout.

2. Turn off the Headlamp in Render Settings in the Render tab. Set it to off or set it to only be on when there are no scene lights. Emissives do not count as scene lights.

3. In Iray the only lights worth a shit are spotlights and emissives. Don't bother with point lights or distant lights...those are only good for 3Delight.

4. You can adjust the shape and size of your spotlights to be things like rectangles, spheres, discs, etc..and either make them huge or small. When making a sphere spotlight you will have to crank up the Luminous Flux to ridiculous amounts for it to give off light (like 1 million or more)....because a sphere spotlight like an emmissive sphere gives off light in all directions and the Lumens give the total amount of light which is why a Point shaped Spotlight with a million Lumen will be very bright but a sphere will not. To get a large diffuse light you'd do something like make a spotlight, set it to rectangle, increase it's size to like 100x100 or more and then increase the spread angle to max. The larger you make it and the wider the spread angle the more Lumens you'll need to get light. Best rule of thumb is to add a 0 to the end till it's close to what you want and then adjust from there.

5. With Iray it will help to learn photography lighting techniques, like 3 point lighting.
Quality setting doesn't do alot afaik. Setting the Max Time and Max Samples really high though will give a better render with less grain or fireflies. But doing so also significantly raises render time.

GTFO low poly cuck. DAZ genesis 2 and 3 has great topology. They arent models you use for gaming but models you use for renders and animations, that's why they are detailed, as they should be.
Stop arguing and post some sexy DAZ girls instead you autists.
Thanks, I appreciate it
What's your setting for spotlights? I've been going distant lights cause of the ridiculous levels you have to crank up to.

And distant is great for godrays tho
>le ebin meme namecalling
I'm saying there are plenty of third party assets out there that can do without so many polygons. Specially with the same assets being subd'd at render time anyways.
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never mind that I'm rendering from perspective.
Is there some at-render sub division setting that is smoothing out the detailed muscle tone?
I think thats your flat lighting that eating all the detail. Use sidelights and they will bump out more.

Also is there a rigged FBX of those girls to use it in other programs as well ? I wanna use these in maya and unreal
You can export as obj/fbx etc but the morphs and shapes wont transfer. So do your final tuning in Daz/Poser before export.
There are a few tutorials around and some scripts to assist with transfers, to blender at least.

Also the light issue makes sense, will try and report back.
Do you have the daz packs ? I'm looking for this specific girl but I don't have DAZ. Even an unrigged Tpose of her would be fine. I can rig her and repost back here for public use.

Can you provide her ?
I don't recognize the character or hair. Most authors will use their own personal waifus for product advertisements.
It's using the Genesis 3 female base at least.
As I remember she's a modified Victoria 4 but dunno what kind of facial she's got.

No hair is also fine, I'm mostly interested in that specific face and body with the high-res textures. I can't find shit like this anywhere else.
Take a look at Daz studio, its free and has some limited base models. morphs/shapes/etc sold seperately.
Ok then. Lastly, do I have to download bunch of packs and extra shit to get to these models/clothes/hairs or are they included in their default setup ?
Everything sold separately.
There are quite a few freebie sites out there too though.

Also sites like renderosity have free sections.
aite thanks
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Why is Arabella the best character?
What is the difference between Genesis 1,2 and 3? Which one should you use?
Are they all compatible with each other?
I have a lot of Victoria content such as clothes and characters, will they work with Genesis?
Generally clothes are made for only the one character but there are things like http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-for-genesis-2-female that allow fitting one characters clothes to another.
Nothing in the works but I'll check and get back to you.
These are evolutional steps of the models. Genesis 3 is the newest. You should stick with Genesis 3 whenever you can, even if there is more content for Genesis 2.
Daz Studio can autofit most clothes etc. from G2 to G3, so don't give up on G2 completely.
I just don't use G2 models.
For those just starting out, the official Daz3D youtube channel seems to have uploaded quite a few guides in the last month. https://www.youtube.com/user/WWWDAZ3DCOM/videos
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OP here.
The models name is Sasha. The Hair is called Libelle. I only own the Krayon hair which is only the updo part without the hanging hair.
I exported the tmodel into an obj for you with the Krayon hair. The first time I am exporting anything so sry if I fucked up.


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I've got to say, those official youtube videos are huge improvement over the community ones you really had to hunt for.
Can you post edges and bones? How did they manage to make the shoulder deform so nicely.
Thanks bro. I'll check it out when I get home.
CTRL+ALT+M1 lets you pan without using that damn cube
I don't know what you mean by edges bro.
Why don't you play around yourself and get the results you want?

ow[]ly XG4s302NMEv

ow[]ly iB4f302NMHe
You can export as rigged fbx model but the deform won't be the same, since DAZ applies some morphs when you rotate a bone in order to get proper muscle deformation.

The rigged fbx models are still very useable though
You should export as fbx so it comes rigged.

Genesis 2 > Genesis 3 imo

Genesis 2 is more detailed.
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So, I just started rendering with a new asset Deep Underground Command Center.
My render time has increased ridiculously.
I've tried applying uber shader to everything as I'd heard that may help with render time but made no difference.
Also tried rendering through the cameras that came with the prop/environment.

Resetting my render settings to default seems to have fixed it. I guess I had some insane settings from other content.

>where do you get your DAZ content now?
right now, at daz3d.com while a lot of it is on sale
>Genesis 3 is the newest. You should stick with Genesis 3 whenever you can
Low res meme garbage aimed directly at exporting to game assets and otherwise a fucking waste. If the only way you can get detail on a medium res character is through displacement maps fuck you.

Everything up to this point was a step forward, but outside of weightmapping G3's a step backwards for no reason requested by the users or demanded by the tech.

It says something that there are now clones for autofitting G3 clothes to G2.
I really don't get why they removed so many anatomy defining loops for the genesis 3 figure. Genesis 2 is so much better.
The same reason they dumbed down the maps: G3's endgame is exporting videogame character assets for engines like Unity, so everything has to be as oversimplified as possible.

They should have just come out and said it, except then the user base might have replied "go fuck yourselves, we're sticking with G2 not Genesis Vista" and then DAZ would have had to delete half the forum again.
But you aren't even allowed to use daz models in any real time context
why not?
it's pretty cool but max or maya could that too
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>cubes with subsurface scattering

here she is (don't have her, though):

image reverse search and reading the item description helps, cheers!
I love her devious yellow eyes
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I'm having some problems navigating scenes that have lots of geo. Similar to this one.
very choppy or low fps while moving cameras or anything really.
My first thought was CPU as it is a few years old.
Please suggest away.
After checking out the DUCC scene assets for that scene. There arent really that many polys. Maybe it's a texture size and memory issue?
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>But you aren't even allowed to use daz models in any real time context

Funny about that, there's a separate site DAZ runs for selling content optimized to Unity type game engines. The base figures are Genesis 2 Male and Female and the hair/clothing are available in the regular DAZ3D.com website for DS. Sure, they're all converted to less specific formats, but it's clear they're G2.

If they're willing to do this with G2, it's inconceivable G3 wasn't created to make characters that rig and run even faster, esp. considering Unity's adoption of dual quaternion skinning just at the same time G3 integrated it.

Indie game devs are a more reliable income stream from two ends: the honest devs who buy those prerigged models they don't have time to scratchbuild, and the idiots they can sue blind for releasing commercial games with unlicensed, stolen models.

currently down and cgpeers as almost nothing from daz, no community
the last time I was on cgpeers their selection of DAZ content was best described as 'nonexistent to piss-poor' compared to both KAT and literally any DDL site

from what I saw in recent uploads and searches, cgpeers is for people trying to go pro and need multi-gig pro applications/content packs, not poorfags who refuse to buy software that costs less than $1000 or content packs under $200
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> old KAT torrents with deliberately out of date seeder/leecher stats

Demonoid's shit and I can't believe it was ever a private tracker.

I'll make this clear for you and the nitwit who posted cgpeers: if you want to pirate large amounts of DAZ content now that KAT's gone, get used to combing DDL sites on a daily basis because the torrent scene is d-e-a-d.

There are no private trackers that give a shit about this type of content. The torrents you find in web searches are all just references to torrents that originated on KAT or Demonoid. There are a tiny handful of ancient Chinese torrents with dying seeds and that's it.

DDL's selection is pleb, most uploads either expire within 2 months and their filehosts disappear in 6, one of the biggest names in the scene embeds advertising into the files of his uploads, and you'll get bored with the amount of time and energy involved you could have spent actually learning/rendering.
Yep. So far the most we can do is just to sit here and wait for the two main uploaders to start posting torrents somewhere.
>wait for the two main uploaders to start posting torrents

The scene's torrent uploaders only come in two flavors:
1. Long-term platform users whose uploads reflect their favorite themes and creators. Uploads frequently include NLAs and older content, and all have original notes rating them.

2. Underage pirate king wannabes competing to be the first to upload shiny new product within 48 hours of release so they can get their upboats and 'you da REAL mvp, dogg' comments. No original comments on product because they never actually use it.

The "main uploaders" you refer to all come from the second category. These younglings could have started posting torrents again somewhere else the day after KAT's takedown, but without another Reddit-flavored, blog and forum-infested attendance trophy """community""" like KAT it's not fun any more to them.
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Is there any way to increase the zoom speed/rate when scrolling the mouse wheel in perspective view?
it's not down, it's cgpeers.to not .com
OP, go check out torrentz.eu
It's dead, jim.
Well that's a fucking shame. Was hoping they were more of the first category. Nothing to do now except wait, I guess. Well, unless everyone just decides to go to cgpeers
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>Well that's a fucking shame

It would be if most pirates did not have shit taste and actually bothered to know whether what they just bought was an imitation of a better product, badly made, or the plebbest imaginable type of that specific content.

Torrents and DDL sites are fun for a while until you realize you're mostly eating McDonald's out of a dumpster.

Then again, people who fell for the Genesis 3 meme aren't exactly known for thinking for themselves, so maybe it doesn't matter much.
Find some niche fetish video site.
Make niche fetish porn.
Sell it on said site.
> asks question about how to profit from 3D content in thread about piracy

how the fuck do you not fill your pants with shit on a daily basis
Anybody got any dynamic clothing they would like to share?
All clothing is dynamic, you just have to import its .OBJ into the Cloth room.

Oh, that's right, you can't do that.
It's the ram, hit 4gb and that card is fucked bro.
> poor people

I guess no one should be surprised, you can't even afford 3D software
Oh no, I'm even worse off. My card is a [spoiler]GTX 560ti[/spoiler]

I'm worse than poor my friend.
I'm a big guy

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>Load up new scene, add Archaic Ruins iray prop/environment
>hmm, navigation is very choppy now. Lets just check the poly co- mother of god.
Is there some sort of dynamic multiresolution or LOD plugin?
> giant sale last week
> acquired roughly $1800 worth of content for under $30, including items unavailable on any pirate sitte

Like your penis, this isn't hard anon
Slightly off topic but does anyone know how to handle the eyes and mouth when you work with morphs? An example would be if I make the eyes bigger/higher, how do I deal with the new eye position?

You've just figured out what most character designers already know: a character head morph isn't just a morph target.
Conveniently pose injection files like .PZ2 can do pretty much anything that poserscript allows, so a morph injection pose can do the business of applying the morph target's deltas, then afterward scale and position the eyes/mouth directly. And by directly, I mean referring to those objects' properties, not twiddling the public-facing dials.

Before you tell me you're using PlebStudio, DAZ had to reverse engineer enough of poserscript to make it possible to use most Poser assets in DS, so the approach is the same either way. Even if you really really want to only make DS compatible content and bypass poserscript, the general principle's the same: one pose file that first applies the deltas and then directly sets eye-mouth scale/position.

The rest is up to you to research on your own.
>Slightly off topic but does anyone know how to handle the eyes and mouth when you work with morphs?
Do you mean when you use Daz asset morphs or when you create your own morphs?

If you are making your own morphs from the Daz meshes in some program like Blender, you will need to adjust the rigging bones to match the new geometry. There is a bone editing tool to do this.

If you are using morph dials within Daz, things like eyes and mouth should already be adjusted. Just use the dials to taste.

If you are just scaling different parts of the anatomy separately... well that's not how it's done.

I suggest you go to sharecg.com and d/l some of the morphs available there, and play with them. They range from amateur crap to some nice stuff. A good start is DieTrying's 182 morph collections.
>well that's not how it's done
Let people who have actually done this kind of work before answer the questions, Captain Wikipedia.
Post your shit, proboi
Read the post above your own, retard
Which is advice for using Poser, not Daz.

You claim you are a character designer, so what have you designed, oh guru?
I'm using zbrush via GoZ bridge. I normally just group the eyes and mouth and just make them invisible. But obviously by the time I'm done, the eyes and mouth are out of place. Should I use blender to fix this?
Personally, I move and size the mouth elements and eyes/lashes, etc. when I'm doing the sculpting, so they don't get out of place and match the face I'm doing. Plus, I rarely leave the teeth alone, because perfect teeth look fake to me.

That way, they reposition and resize as part of the overall morph.

But, if they are moved significantly, you will need to adjust the rigging so that, for example, the eyes rotate around the axis correctly. If you are completely shifting stuff to a non-human config, I'd probably think about adjusting the weight mapping, but that's something I've generally haven't needed to bother with, since my morphs are all basically humans.

I'm using Blender and Hexagon, because, well...free and it's a hobby, not life, so I can't speak to z-brush directly.
I'm just making it more stylished I guess. Smaller face, eyes further apart etc

> pc is kill

And so is that girl's reproductive system.
You can do a lot of that sort of minor tweaking with the morph dials in the "head morphs" and "body morphs" collections, without making custom morphs in a sculpting program. You can then save it as a character preset.

Load up some of the freebies mentioned and play, unless your goal is to learn how to make custom morphs.
How so?

Regardless of DS/Poser, if you sculpt any change that involves rescaling or moving the eyes/mouthparts, the library item you create for applying the resulting morph target will also need to manually apply the scale/position transforms on the eyes/mouthparts.

GoZ can't do that for you, because it would have to be able to tell the difference between a scale and a morph.

> weightmapping
> facial geometry
pick one
>> weightmapping
>> facial geometry
>pick one
Morphs of facial geometry and weightmaps applied to geometry bends aren't the same thing. Feel free to look up triax weightmapping, which is different than the way Poser does it.

When you create a morph in Daz using Morph Loader, it will include the deltas for the eyes and mouth if you moved and resized in the modeller. No need to do it manually afterward.

I'm sure you are a real wizard at making Poser scripts and .INJ files and such, but pro tip: Daz ain't Poser, and doesn't use .PZ2 except for old legacy stuff. Vickie 4 is 3 generations ago.
>Feel free to look up triax weightmapping
I would if DAZ hadn't already shitcanned it with Genesis 3

>but pro tip: Daz ain't Poser, and doesn't use .PZ2 except for old legacy stuff

Not my problem that DS won't use .MC6 chum, it's not like they can't figure the format out.
I'm aiming to learn how to make custom morphs, so I've tried my hand at it. Also, the morphs don't really work as 'well' as I'd like. So I've just resorted to a 3d modeller to create my custom morph. How do you move your eye/mouth? Just highlight move?
>How do you move your eye/mouth? Just highlight move?
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The new super suit for Genesis 3 is pretty jewy.
So many options sold separately and doesn't look very good at all.
dont trust kat mirrors for ur own sake OP
> garbage content for garbage figure
color me shocked
So if I'm making stuff for unreal engine go with 3 or 2?

DAZ is dragging their feet going anywhere with Morph3D (i.e. Genesis 2) that isn't Unity.


You're probably stuck with Mixamo for now.
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Th-thanks.. daz...

That's a pretty damned good Brownstone model.
Anyone know any decent multihosting sites they would recommend?
skyback.ru and dazposer.net are all I know
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Where can I find celebrity morphs for figures newer than v4?

Forender only has pic related so far for g2
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The pros don't bother with meme figures for the most part.

Yeah, I've been through there too mostly V4 :(

go tell DAZ to make better models for your free software
I value your input.
I'm noobish as well. I was just wondering what type of morphs and stuff you guys have to make sexy looking models. I'm dabbling with game dev and wanna just do all the animating and building in daz. any help is appreciated.
What's your setup? I literally just started using this tool like a month ago.
where do I buy the genesis 3 female? I bought a bunch of morphs and stuff for her, but can't seem to find it in the content library.
>paying for posershit
>being a poorfag
alright so
where do you get DAZ content..?
inb4 hurdur you pay for it
I believe you can put content in from all kinds of shit, like poser. But native content is hosted from their authorized web-site.
> where?
-- The obvious:

-- The less well-known, in no particular order. Not spoonfeeding you any further, go to all of them and assume nothing based on their domain name:
posermocap.com (DS as well as Poser compatible mocap)
poseraddicts.com (ignore the name, they sell DAZ content)

-- The free:
pfddelights.com/?action=forum (free clothing items made for texturing challenges, textures available in the threads and on sharecg)
redeyecat.wordpress.com (bloggers love sharing stuff)

If you only go to Rendo and DAZ3D you're cucking yourself.

If you REALLY want to look hard, there are a shit ton of Japanese only Poser/DS sites out there with freebies. Google Translate is your friend.
The only thing that's exclusive to daz3d.com is content that's DRMed or has HD morphs (because the SDK for them requires you to agree never to sell products using it outside daz3d.com).

Left out a couple:
runtimedna.com (since their merger with DAZ3D most of their products have either migrated there or disappeared, but there's still some stuff)

With precautions, I'm downloading Poser/DAZ 2011-12 content from Demonoid. Commendably, most of the magnets are still good.
This is really good info. Shame most of the sites have layouts from the 90s


> he torrented a program he can download for free off of daz3d.com

his next question:

> where's the slider for Geneis 3 Female's cock, I can't find it anywhere
Also from there:
>My goal is to sculpt the girl of my dreams, then write up a JOI script and have some slut on /soc/ read it, then animate my model to pair it up with the JOI audio.

A man can dream
G3F and G3M come with the free base install from Daz.
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3MB, 1920x1080px
Scars or no scars?
How do I use the domina character and victoria? I can find the genesis and victoria 5 figures but I can't find V7 in the directory or get domina head to work with genesis.
Required Products:
Victoria 6
Needs a cock. Bulge visible.
Try GIFauthor for that
Why wouldn't V7 show up when V5 does?

Fixed with:
The biggest improvement can be achieved under Display Optimisation. It’s set to “none” by default, which means no hardware acceleration is at work and your CPU does most of the calculations for the viewport. Try “better” or “best” and see how your hardware holds up. The change will be effective immediately, there’s on need to save anything or restart the app.


What genesis products do you have installed. You will need at least Genesis 2 (which should be installed as it comes free. You can use Domina without V6 but some of the morphs may be off.
Assuming you installed via default method with Daz Install Manager. All characters available for a particular base figure (g2/v7) should show up in smart content.
Otherwise, check the "Content Library" tab and navigate the directory tree from My Daz 3D Library > People > Genesis 2 Female > Characters. Pic related. Though Dokkalfar doesnt show up in characters root folder, it's something I can apply.
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Forgot image.
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This should help general understanding of character relationships.
Clothing is only cross compatible if you have the appropriate addon.
Skins/texures and morphs usually end up with some third party converter but IMO they're usually crap.

Genesis 3 / Victoria 7 isn't on this chart but you should get the picture.
Thanks for the help dudes
Cgpeers nigger, happy user with a ratio of 6.12
lmao mine is 0.4
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How do i stop the animations from automatically smoothing? I don't know what to call it but when i move an object it takes a few frames to get up to speed and then slows down when it gets near the end, is there some setting I need to disable?
You may need animate or one of the other animation addons. In other apps you could change the smoothing/blending via an animation graph.

Also, dem thighs! What base model/morphs?
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Damn, that's annoying.

genesis 3 with 60% emaciated and the 'older teen' growing up preset
Excellent work so far, definitely fearbone. Have a blog/site/etc?
Where'd you find a character/skin so pale? Custom?
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I don't have anything like that, i just like to look at the cute girls.


It's arabella 7's skin, I edited the limbs, but everything else is just messing with translucency and "tone mapping", whatever that is.
Good choice, Bella is my favorite. Did you edit the map itself in photoshop or through the surfaces tab in daz?
I've been trying to get something decent going via surfaces with no luck so far.
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I'm not sure what you're asking me, but the pale greenish skin is caused by messing with exposure and stuff in render settings, here's one with the basic settings.
Ah, will try toying with that then, thanks.

finally some clever and creative usage of DAZ,
No lights or low light?
Can we grab a copy of that scene senpai? Don't need to include the girl.
You want the file created by "save as scene"?
yeah, thanks
I hope I'm doing this right.

This one is the whole scene

This one is just the render settings


Thanks again
Did you edit the actual jpg's yourself to add veins and paleness?
Shows some custom jpg's missing at load. Just curious. I have considered doing the same myself but I'm bad at art.
I used gimp to increase the contrast of the arabella 7 SSS layers which had some veins, then faded that into the diffuse layer.

Are these what were missing?
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Yes. Nice! I never noticed there were veins in SSS layers. I'll have to do some tests as well. Thanks!
Also I noticed you have no cameras in your scene and are rendering from perspective view?
Perspective view renders have the headlamp function forced on.
Try playing around with low lights and a camera with head lamp turned off in its properties to see what other neat things you can come up with.

Check out second-circle and sickleyield on DeviantArt for some decent lighting and general tutorials.

SC's light presets here are pretty awesome: http://second-circle.deviantart.com/art/Freebie-Daz-iRay-Studio-Lights-V2-615920853

To compare, the attached is just the headlamp rendered in perspective view. Naughty bits covered because this is a blue board of course.
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Here is the same frame from a camera with "three point lighting" two spots and a fill.
Are you on the /3/ discord?
Let's say I export a gnesis 3 model to 3ds max and edit, changing the actual polygon count / topology, but keep it rigged to the DAZ skeleton.

Can I import the model back into DAZ studio for rendering / posing?
[9:26 AM] Dovalization: why is daz such cancer?
[9:27 AM] Dovalization: i mean i'm just looking here, and there are a lot of daz threads
[9:27 AM] Adroid96: because its not 3d thats made by an artist from scrach
[9:27 AM] Adroid96: its just presets that any hack can use to take away from artists who put blood sweat and tears into their work(edited)
[9:28 AM] Dovalization: hmmmm
[9:28 AM] Dovalization: sounds stupid
[9:28 AM] Adroid96: it is

Why would you want to join the /3/ discord that is full of amateurs with amateur opinions?
Probably, as a separate/different figure.
What exactly are you trying to do?
Exactly what I described in my post. Editing a DAZ figure to my liking (which will result in different topology / vertex count) but rigged to the same skeleton. I already did the edition, so far I just did the posing/rendering outside of DAZ. Now I'm just wondering if I can port the model back in, so I can use it alongside default DAZ models on the fly.
It's got some decent refs. Perhaps it's time for a seperate Daz discord. Would be nice if the old KAT community had one.
This program is addicting. I haven't done a single productive thing but dress and pose waifus. What the hell else is there to do besides post shitty broken engrish comics with poor lighting?
Is there a packed DAZ library torrent with everything inside? I can't use anything I download coz it's always missing something required.
refer to chart here >>534879
When in doubt, check author/daz page it will show required base figures or morph/addons.
Or the heavy handed way of just downloading every PRO character package you see.
[spoiler]Buy it faggit[/spoiler]
That would be nice, would be real easy to share stuff that way.
>buy it faggit
no :c

I mean if the prices for one character covered a nice pack of it, it would be buyable. But for every character, body morph, face, hair, you have to pay like $15 - $25, which means you need to pay a loaded amount of cash just to have a moderate library.

There has to be someone who uploaded their own big-ass library somewhere.
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Pro packs are like +$100 usually too, heh
Used to be loads of pro packs on KAT.
Pretty much all you want for the basics is Michael/Victoria and their respective #. Currently 7. You should have Genesis 2/3 with your default install from daz.
As far as legacy stuff like Michael 4 and victoria 4. I've found it's too much of a headache to deal with in Daz Studio despite the huuuuuuuuuuge amount of available assets across the internet. Those assets quality greatly vary.

There will be people saying don't use X or Y figure for whatever reasons.
Don't listen to any particular person though. Try the figures out for yourself.
Are there any ways to speed up the startup of the iray view mode? Not the rendering, I just find that sometimes it takes excruciatingly long for just the viewmode to start, makes it very annoying when youre changing textures/lighting and want to see how it looks.
change to interactive rendering in render settings and draw settings. Will not be as accurate but should be faster. I'll post the tutorial if I can find it.
Ah, the one thing I didn't try. Thanks, lets see if it works!
Am I crazy or does DAZ get progressively more and more sluggish when rendering the more you use the same scene file? Is there something its not cleaning up properly?
You could always export to blender with mcjteleblender
Anyone got any good advice for setting up outdoor lighting?
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This is a quick way.
HDR environment maps

Iray or 3Delight render engine?
Does anyone have any experience with using Daz and Zbrush together. I can send my models to Zbrush and create morphs but the models have to be set to lowest subdivision and base mesh before i send to Zbrush otherwise it wont load as a morph when i send it back to Daz but rather a new OBJ. Is there any way to keep the higher subdivision levels and details i add in Zbrush and be able to transfer it back to DAZ while still retaining all the bones and weight maps?

I have no experience doing this so far but if the above isn't possible is it possible to add the details in high subD in Zbrush and then export it as a normal/displacement map that i can then re-apply to my model in Daz?

No, because you can't change the order of the vertexes for the mesh so you have to work with only the base mesh or the geometry won't match. (when you export a subdivided model you're exporting extra vertexes that aren't on the original base mesh so it won't work).

Same with Sculptris, if you add levels of detail or symmetry your geometry won't match when you try to load the morph.

What I do is I work on the base mesh to get the basic shape, then I work on a subdivided mesh to add details, then I bake the high resolution model to the modified base mesh.
Anything new? I'd love to see more.
I'm interested in making textures for DAZ3D models, already done so with photoshop but I'd like to move on to some other program with more support for different maps. Any suggestions?
You can always throw things together in any PBR rendering like marmoset toolbag.
Daz does work with all sorts of mats too though.
> CGPeers takes over.

Speaking of that.. SIGN UPS END TODAY!!!
You just replied to him.
Cheers and keep up the good work!
Thanks for the inspiration. Dug out an old character for this.

Thanks tho
check'd 666 fearboner from hell
what dick is that
Christ that looks awful.

Hello Gifauthor.
How do I end up with this kind of rendering?

Whenever I try to render something on DAZ it ends up all washed up, with weird lightening
If its too bright then its probably gamma adjustment. Which body mod is that btw ?
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Yall niggas find a replacement for the KAT community yet?
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Where can I get a realistic vagina for my DAZ girls?

And THICC models that look good?
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renderotica for both
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Default "Heavy" slider not enough?
Not enough ass
Check out guhzcoituz's morphs on renderotica.
or just pirate them
both the gen2 and gen3 morphs are included here;
you can find guhzcoituz's stuff on dazposer and skyback too. Dem shapes man.
whats skyback?

I'm not so much a fan of how he did the breasts but the morph is good for a base.

I found the Aiko 7 morph also pretty nice as a base, gives it a good slim hourglass figure.

The metamorphosis morphs for gen3 are very nice too.

Together with the base morphs and shapeshift, pretty much any shape is possible.
another webdl site for daz stuff.
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Can I even use pirated things? I paid for a lot of stuff from the original store, and I login from time to time inside the app
yeah, daz doesn't check, really.

Nice render.
Started as M3Gens.
How do I make my final render in the "Cartoon Shaded" render?
I like how the cartoon shaded option looks but whenever I press to render it goes for the 3d realistic look
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I think our best bet would be to just form a discord group and share resources that way.
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>Aiko 7

she's pretty cute.

It took them 7 iterations but they finally nailed it.
>Am I crazy or does DAZ get progressively more and more sluggish when rendering the more you use the same scene file?

If you have 3Delight textures, the render engine takes longer.

Convert everyone to iray base.
So the summary is you need an anime camera preset.

Does that come free with daz studio? Poser had a free firefly setting for cartoons.
this is totally a street fighter model

no originality and I'm an angry old man
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>no originality

well duh. Daz Studio is all about rehashing stuff you've already seen.
Why is there a dead african child on the ground also nice grain filter.
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I really need this beauty but it's incredibly rare
Has someone seen this? Or somenone has it?
Pretty sure Ive seen it on Renderotica.
Its available on forender: http://forender.com/component/mijoshop/product/1362-mik-for-v4.html
What sliders?
Hey anons I'm new to this software.
if I download from daz3d site, can I still use torrented content? if so is it safe? thanks!

Yeah but you know…free
god, you have unlimited morph options, and THIS is what you pick.
Looks pretty accurate to me. They even got her giant tumor ass right.
I'm looking at this model, and it screams something at me

"Man, I worked really hard at getting the feet and legs to be really accurate and realistic, but by the time I got up to the thighs, I kind of just died and didn't want anything to do with this anymore"
Bumping my question,
Please and thank you.
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So working on an adult game in RPG Maker, and I wanna use DAZ3D for the sex scenes.

Does DAZ come default with nude models or you gotta download them somewhere else?
honestly I have no idea what to download when it comes to DAZ
I've used plenty of pirated content with Daz Studio. Just installing in offline mode and never logging in via the client. Though I end up buying like 75% of what I try. From Daz at least.

They have basics unless you buy/pirate the rest. Most base packages dont come with genitals.
refer to chart: >>534879 for general character base types
>people still making stuff for V4
Let it go man, let it go.
>inb4 that anti genesis autist
Sweet thank you.
that chart doesn't really explain anything to people that don't know atleast some basic stuff about DAZ.
Yeah, these threads need an intro copypasta. Daz is so convoluted from a beginner's perspective though.
Yeah. Everyone says DAZ is so easy to get started on and use, but there is barely any info on what it contains or what a beginner should search for finding the right things.

The adult game I am working on got about 50 characters planned that need 3D models.
So many diffrent character types with diffrent body shapes.
Anything from mature cuvy busty milfs looking women, young adult/late teens male and females, a muscle woman, an alien woman, some fat looking guys, slightly crazy looking old guy, and otherwise regular looking people.

With clothes to make them look like anything from office worker, teacher, highschool student, biker gang members, bikini model, and just plain casual clothes.
And then there is backgrounds to match those places the people and clothes would be used.

Yet I don't see much info on where and how to get these things.
And other people i've seen use these things aren't that helpful on sharing what things are called.
Do you want the characters to look semi-realistic or cartoonish? If cartoonish, try the aiko series.
Victoria 4 probably has the most content available for her shape as far as clothes and morphs but they are fairly dated unless you are grabbing super detailed textures and morphs from sites other than daz.
Genesis 2 and 3 are probably easier to get started with.
What you will get from Daz Stydio are the base shapes for G2/3 male and female. In order to make muscle/fat/etc you will need the morphs for genesis 2/3 male/females that usually come with the pro packages.
For instance, a good base to start off with is Victora/Michael 6+7 Victoria/Michael 6 for Genesis 2 and V7/M7 are for Genesis 3.
Pro bundles will usually include several outfits and different "skins" or characters.
These pro bundles will usually have genitals but I've found that third party genitals from Renderotica generally provide more options.

ALSO, if you plan on selling this adult game you will need check for the permissions available for the individual items you use. (I think...)
Gonna be similar to other RPG Maker games with 3D scenes, like... [spoiler]Incest Adventure, Incest Story, Milf's Control, Taboo Request, The Artifact, Stranded With Benefits, Playboy Adventures, The Imaginarium, Keepin’ It In The Family, and The Boxer.[/spoiler]
Which are found on the adult cartoon board's Western Erotic Games thread. >>>/aco/884815
>Do you want the characters to look semi-realistic or cartoonish?
As realistic as possible.

>ALSO, if you plan on selling this adult game
Nope, gonna be free, if I ever publish it.
Then carry on with Genesis 2/3. Renderotica should have some decent adult poses, morphs, "attachments"
These are usually easily found on dazposer.net or skybak.ru. mostdigitalcreations has some pretty good looking characters as well.

One thing I suggest, don't skip on the lighting of your scene. So many 3d comics and some of the games just have full bright scenes or leave the default headlamp on. Check out Daz's official youtube for some tutorials.
Kinda starting to understand the chart from before.
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Here's some girl I've playing with,
Don't know what to do with her now.
add cock
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I might make her fight some bad guys. Meanwhile here she is, just flying around.
have some video tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF3LSR7D48MfrVf5aBHaMN1Dh-eKvu9_L
Not that anon, but I'm thinking about making a cover for a book and and using an unholy combination of Daz3 + Photoshop for it... any idea where I can find a commercial license for Daz3D?

I can't seem to find their conditions for commercial use anywhere, the eula just blabs on about how to non-commercially use it. Utterly useless for my purposes.
Nevermind, I found an inde-game license for special at 150, regular price 500. Can't really afford that right now, especially since all I hope to make from first book is 500 tops.
see >>536649
I wanna try daz, which version should i DL?
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Thank you amigo!

am i missing something here

says i need to register to dl anything then it wants credit card info

whats up wth that are you really using it?
Check this very thread, there is a small learning curve to how the packages/characters/etc are used.
Latest version from daz3d will be fine but only comes with minimal genesis 2/3 characters and little to no shape sliders.

can someone speak onthis

do i just have some trojan or are all of you really registered?
That's a scam site. Kat is dead.
The only sites we know of have already been listed in this thread. Unfortunately they are mostly webDL.
Is there any good futa mod around?
So far i've found only shitty ones...the only one that seems good is this
But it actually turn the girl into a trans, instead of a futa....
Most "artists" just build their own using the male character's penis as a base and retexture to match the female they are modding for.
>implying both arent gay.
Futa: female with both cock and pussy, without balls ( at least that's how i prefer them...)
Trans: male with boobs...
OMGDK3 is for G3M but can be used with G3F. It has hermaphrodite morphs that do what you're looking for.
Does anyone have that and is willing to share it?
its on ps-ds.info
just do a search for it.
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Anybody know where I can get something like picrelated for G3 or G2?
I tried the emaciated slider but I just want the rib definition.
I'm not aware of anything for either.

Due to the low poly count of G2 and G3 which does not allow a lot of definition at the base poly level, you'll need to find or make a normal map that does it for you.
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Does someone know where I can get some shyness effects?
>shyness effects
Like, shy facial expressions?
Or do you mean shiny, like gloss or sweaty texture over the skin?
shy facial expression*
and like red face's like this
In most cases its best to use expressions for the specific figure. Expressions for victoria/Josie/etc.
Alternatively you create your own morphs. Tutorials available on the official daz youtube channel.
That one can work, thank you!
Someone know where I can get ponytail hairstyle fre
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Does the left eye look weird? It seems like it is lower then the right one making her face weird. Or am I being too critical?
I think its a case of the lighting fucking with your eyesight actually, might wanna try changing the light on her face a bit and see how that turns out?
somethings weird with the shadows from her panties

Where to get normal fucking clothes?

Im trying to build up a scene for work for some marketing shots using a few DAZ models, but can't find appropriate clothing anywhere, even payed stuff.

Any direction bois?
pls tell me where you got just casual clothes like that
Is it just me, or does DAZ really lack some priest / bishop outfit? O.o
DAZ3D > Shop > People and wearables
Filter by Genre of "Contemporary" and your figure of choice. There will be SOME every day clothes in there but you have to dig.
Also search for common terms "blazer" "casual shirt" etc.
Though, most of the normal clothes I've seen have been for Genesis 3.
Stop doing religion porn.
Honestly it might be some dumb reason like that.
daz is not used only for porn!
No, ok, joke apart....there are tons of nuns outfit, from normal one, to sexy, to totally sluttysh; it's seems quite strange that there aren't priest outfit too ( normal ones)
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Any DAZ model that looks sorta like this?

I have Star but her body, holy crap, it's like giant spider legs and arms with big feet, even with mods the body looks weird
Having trouble finding free hairs!

I just want a bit of variation, nothing crazy. I have been dling a shit load of DAZ stuff from the tpb thread but they all seem to be lacking hair? Im 99% sure im installing them correctly but it just seems like the models dont come with hair.
Dazposer.net just search for "casual" and should find somethings.

How do you get teeth to not be dark or look like they are dirty? Does it have to do with the lighting or is there another setting to adjust?
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Ugly teeth for reference
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Alright Dazfriends, what's your favorite environment?
I love the west park asylum pieces but can never align them properly. Guess I should just stick to room per scene rather than trying to piece together the entire building.
Wellp, looks like thread is autosaging. RIP.

noice, the only thing missing is the genesis 3 generations and also the "growing up" morphs which are basically childs and pre-schoolers, they arent daz standalone characters but it'd really help people if theyre looking for more options
You can use your own 2d renders as you want. What you can't do is resell 3d assets derived from existing models.
There are a whole lot of normal casual clothes here:
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