Midget teen dump
damn nice
any face pics? gotta see if she has that dwarf face
Face isn't too bad
I'd fucking smash that pussy. Any creampie?
>dirty fingernails
Needs moar full body pics. Nice catch bro.
Unfortunately not
Lol the only other one I've got makes her look younger then she normally looks
Inviting ass hole
>looks at finger nails
Faggot detected
How small is she? She looks great fun
Nice ass and pussy keep posting dude
lool post it pussy
post everything you got dude, shes sexy as fuck
>looks at the asshole instead of the pussy
>calls someone else a faggot
agreed & bump
She is, and I can't remember the measurement. She was about as tall as my 11 year old brother. (Maybe smaller)
so is she actually a midget or just short? it doesn't look like she has the typical kinda weird midget body.
nice, how about some cum on her?
woah woah woah, how old is this fucking girl
Is that your 11 year old brother, jesus christ that is horrifying.
She had overall small everything pretty much.
Is she with you now? If so use your ducks measuring stick and report back
Ima need zome ID^
Potential "MOD" Situation a'brewin
She isn't. We parted a little while back.
*dick as a measuring stick.
Fucking phone
that aeropostale hoodie is the last straw op im suspicious
Because the daycare fired your pedo ass.
I would hit her like a damn freight train. Could she take a pounding?
Good call
Tell us about her anon. She kinky
She was pretty much an addict.
I think we potentially stumbled upon an MKAutist experiment. The government has been abusing children in this pizza parlour down the street from my house for quite some time.
but, how tall is your brother?
She's not a midget, she's 12
God damn. Why did you two break up?
Clearly she's atleast 11 otherwise fuck stick wouldon't compare her to his 11 year old sister.
That's actually a good point. I have no idea.
Daddy found out
kindly zip your collection and upload for our easy viewing.
Actually simply put different life goals. And eventually different towns.
Did you take her to winter formal?
Fucking saving!
if a girl sucks an uncut cock, she is trash for life
Mobile. Sorry but kinda a bitch
Um no friend. She is at least eighteen
It's very important that there is a mega link or other file-drop website before jealous people delete the thread. She is awesome by the way.
Yet your still jerking to her, how ironic.
Actually I don't have any of those. So not really possible.
has she felt the pleasure of being cummed inside?
did she liked it?
how old was she?
Dude we need an imgur, mega or something. . ArchI've your adventure w/
English is not your first language is it?
This is clearly a child abuse thread... fuuuuucking out.
Inb4 V& B&
yeah foreal make an imgur acct or something op
Even with Android you can easily use zarchiver to make a zip of all your wins and a myriad of cloud options. iOS is a little more flaky.
Did you meet her at school?
Sir you have a van tight behind you as we speak... they're coming...They gonna find you.
You know these two are directly one after the other? Only now deciding to call it out is kinda pointless.
Oh and btw I'm actually out of good stuff.
iOS here. So yeah it's flaky
And yeah senior year
So you're admitting you diddled a small girl... of questionable age?
Just throw it all on imgur :)
Bad wording. My bad. Age is fine. Appearance was always an issue. (Try to justify kissing someone who looks like that in public. It's a bitch.)
post literally anything you got brother
sooo age.....how old? legal?
Yeah dude we don't care if it's bad shit... this is 4chan. We jack off to horses and shit occasionally. I mean... this is as LOOOOWW as you can go in society.
More nudes/sex with fullbody and face
Fair point. Haven't watched horse stuff in a while. Ow actually. Guess I'll add that to the "to fap" list
>I'm out of good shit
any more asshole?
Kinda. All extreme close up.
18 when we met. 19 when we split
was she tight?
Is this her mum and pops?
post um, shes got a good asshole
>did an 18 yr old midget have tight holes
Do you hear how retarded that sounds?
Oh that's... godly. Reminds me of the exs little sister's 18th birthday. ;)
That shit ain't legal bro... wtf
More full body shots
More fullbody nudes
Welp. The wells dry now. Got nothing interesting left on her. I do have another girl saved up but hardly on topic. (A tad bit chubbier)
Post blowjobs
she have a kik?
Post her. Love chubby
Your hands are dry asf
No she does not. She even left snap a while back too.
It was a shitty winter
Haha u were in milo thread?
how tall was she, OP? I fucked a 4'11 girl once, she came like 3 times in the shower, and it was difficult to fit it all in initially.
Is this the same girl? She's packed on the weight
i hate pussies that look like that, but im being inconsiderate
there's no butthole?
Errybody else is jealous.