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new feet thread, other one reached limit

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 262
Thread images: 150

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new feet thread, other one reached limit
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Any dude with a fat cock willing to tribute our amateur feet pics?
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rate :3
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more group feet
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comme ca?
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why are people turned on by feet.
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I would like more group soles

comme ça ici
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Hard wiring in the brain or early exposure to women feet (colour of nails, shape, maybe odor).

Many motives. I'm crazy for soles, for example
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j'ai toi fam
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(I'm an italian trying to speak french in this english board)

Les pieds des filles sont ma vie!
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Almost thought no one was going to ask this time.
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They are curios...
They need to be educated...
Feet are everything. One day they'll know!
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kek and im german
That's never gonna happen
again this fucking thread...
Because they're hot
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Wir liebe fussen Zusammen!
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itt: some idiot who is so fucking newfag that he doesn't even understand the basic rules of a footfag thread

1. You do NOT just post feet. You have to be severely retarded to do this. Most often, it is male feet posted by fags. You post feet with face. Nobody posts feet alone, unless it is a creepshot thread. This is not a creepshot thread.

This same faggot has been doing this shit for like 2 weeks now.

2. GTFO!
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You are right. Feet pics go with face or nothing.

Your french and german speaking italian foot lover
Da fuq? Since when?

I went to one of these things and couldn't stay for longer than 2 minutes because FAGS were there, and it smelled like this horrible men's gym locker room

other than that the girls were beautiful
Never. Ignore him
This >>679019481
Been on 4chan for almost 10 years now. Never seen footfag threads with just "feet" in them. Shit's gay and retarded.
How is it to have a foot fetish in europe? How do girls react?

easy there, newfag. remember, 2 months of lurking before posting
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i agree

since the beginning of time.
4chan has always been feet with face or gtfo!
it's rule #1 of a feetz thread
everybody knows this
as opposed to what, mars?
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They react like you are a child molester.

Especially in a little town like mine.

I feel so ronery... no feet 4 me.
>calls other "newfag"
>doesn't even understand the basic idea of a footfag thread
>likes posting male feet mixed in
>thinks it's funny
>pretends to be an oldfag
>makes threads like this for 2 months now
>doesn't actually surf the interwebs and see that nearly all foot fetish sites require feet with face
>doesn't understand what foottrap is
>being this newfag
>being this gay
>precious lil homofag
Of course, what were you thinking, Jupiter?, don't be silly
That sucks, I thought they'll be more open about it
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>mfw I've never opened up to a girl before
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Welcome to 4chan
Fuck that, welcome to the internet if you don't know this
Always feet with face else gayboy thread or creepshot thread
Foot thread always feet with face
Dubs have spoken
I'm nearly 40 and single. In my younger year never "come out of the closet" about feet... maybe I lost so many occasions.

Maybe new generations are more open...
>glitter nails
gross, stop.
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>I'm nearly 40 and single
saddest thing I've read all day
Aw come on, what's wrong with glitter? Lol
Yeah bro, you did. See I was too stupid to think about what people thought when I was a teenager, and I just told chicks I was talking to already what I thought if I thought it. Always worked out well for me.
It would be sadder one day when you will be 40 are still here... in this board... with me.

Guys. Don't do that. Go out, speak to girls. Have fun... Life is short
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>I'm nearly 40 and single
fucking...wow dude
fuckin this >>679019481

since when do fagits post just feet

wtf is this shit?

feet with face or gtfo has always been the rule
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Anyone have more of this girl?
pls be kool anons and post sum matures
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I give this about 6/10.

Anyone else care to rate?
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I belong to r9k... but they call me "normie"... maybe I was wrong telling my experience with whores... 2 at a time...

...wonderful feet. Asian, European, Black. I tasted everything.

40, single, loser... but fuck... when I can I enjoy life
I'll give it a 7 and would love to see her tops
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Anyone got more of this chick? Or a name perhaps?
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Me too, unfortunately this is all I've ever seen of her. =/
4chinz has gotten so bad that this literally needs to be explained?

Pretty fucking obvious why you have to post face with feet.
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This chick. 13/10 imo.
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Hes right

it's actually rare when they have nice toes, hers are very aesthetic
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See newfag manual:
he's obviously right
not a creepshot thread
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Enjoy my gf's feet
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Word fam.
dude, stay, post more, now, i need that
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Love Princess Rene's looks, hate her bitchy attitude in her vids.

post more brah
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>face, or foottrap
>face, or gtfo
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her feet (creepshot)
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dragonfeet here

just gave her a note saying
"U have REALLY cute feet
Like holy shit.
I'm on 1800% panic mod, pls don't kill me"

she took the note, laughed to herself, smiled at me, and then
THE FUCKING TEACHER shows up and is like 'hey, you guys can't be passing notes!'
the girl's like "it's okay, Mr. C, Anon gave it to me after we were done with the test."
He's all like "You want to at least tell me what that says?"
He looks at me "Well as long as its academic"
the two of us chuckle

Teach leaves, she folds up the note and puts it in her pocket.

a little later, she turns to talk to me and the guy behind me, all the while staring directly at my eyes, seeing if I look at her feet.

Help me anons
Maybe she likes you , or maybe you are soon to become the laughing stock of your peers
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moar in socks?
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no socks >>679028490
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screams softly

it wasn't a rude laugh, I think she just found it funny I found her feet attractive.

I also think she likes her feet, too. I catch her staring at them a lot, and she often teases guys with them a lot

even if this all does go to shit, I'm a senior, so I'm out of here in less than a month.

Maybe it can go somewhere , if you say it as it is
I don't intend to have people believe me. Do you anon
would be happy to see my name written on them.
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dude try something, it cant go wrong you are out in a month so do something crazy, i swear
You're in anon. Just play it cool and offer to massage her feet if she brings it up later
Phyco bitch?
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yeah, but I doubt it.

i told her just to spice up my otherwise boring day, she's headed to Texas for next year, and I'm staying here in Colorado. I'm not a huge fan of long-distance relationships.

the most I can hope for is she sends me a few sole shots, but even thats pretty unlikely.
If thats all women, I would literally pay 1000 dollars to be in the middle, being naked, humiliated, and allowed to do anything i wanted to anyones feet, while being harassed by all of them.
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Was planning on this. Only if she brings it up, tho.

This was pretty crazy already. If she brings it up, I'll take that as a greenlight. Otherwise, I'm not gonna push it and appear too outwardly obsessed with her feet. That doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Also, I already got this pic of her. Definitely enough to remember her by.
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if you use such reactions in your real life as well, You should not even dream about of it because your class-school would already had labeled you as an authentic autistic.

on the other hand, you had a chance. you had to keep staring on her feet and if she manages to catch you, you only have to smile genuinely. So she would feel more comfortable about this, however since you beta'd the fuck up she may end uneasy about this.
you are stupid
Also you are the newfag because these threads were not always like that and male feet are almost always identifiable.
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In MY experience, girls like being outwardly complimented on stuff instead of just staring.

And people these days are a lot more accepting of fetishes. Telling a girl you find part of her attractive isn't "autistic", its honesty. And people often can't know otherwise.
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Autistic was for;
"screams softly"

dude you have only creepshot experiences, if otherwise. I've got down to feet alot as well. and I say she'll only tease you but never let you get into action. Cause you failed at marketing big time. You have to assure her that this is completely normal, yet your autistic urges kicked in and you felt embarassed. People fuck each other in public why the fuck you would feel embarassed? Feet? Then you have insecurities bro and that will end up with a solid cuckold fetish.

And I told you to stare and smile to her face. not only stare that would make you a creep.
more plz
just cuz of dubs
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Yeah, I get what you're saying.

IDK, its just personal opinion, but I've always felt coming on a little less strong is okay because it makes you seem like you're showing your vulnerabilities, and letting people think you've opened some part of them you're hesitant to open to others isn't a bad thing.

I totally understand what you're saying, and i think that would also work very well, if not better.
I hope she finds out about all the creepshots you taken and posted.
Now that would be a funny conversation
wait are you in class now dragonfeets?

I'm making a vid for something unrelated, actually. At one part I break the fourth wall, and stare at the camera and say "If you're watching this, now would probably be a good time to tell you I have 600 pictures of you on my computer"
before an abrupt scene change.

I wonder if she'll connect two and two together, or even watch the vid.
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Not anymore, no
Is she the only sexy feet in camera distance?
I would recommend not doing this unless you're much more attractive and less autistic in person than you come across on /b/
Oh man i wanna bite that heel
ah fair what where her facial expressions throughout then? i mean i know you said she laughed but what about afterwards she look at you at all? didn't talk to you after

+when would you next see her?
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Nah, I had a gf last year, who actually started getting with me bc of my foot fetish.
uh.... people tell me I'm cute? I don't REALLY think so, but girls compliment my hair a lot. /trash/ thought I was cute, but they're all gay, so it doesn't count.

like in that pic? Not really sure what you mean...
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She did talk to me after, but not about that. She did turn her entire body to face me tho, feet and all.
IDK, I'm not an expert in female expressions, one look can mean about 20 different things, but she SEEMED to react positively. She kept eyecontact with me, and all that.
This, this right here.

I love the smell of my girlfriends feet after she's worn heels with panty hose.

It's even better if she's recently painted her toenails.
I mean is she the only female around you?
so did she keep doing any shoeplay stuff and showing off her feet after? and I know you say you two are moving apart soon but if I was you i'd just go all out, obviously don't ask her crazy shit but keep persuing it dude you never know

may aswell try and play with her feet before she moves dude might get lucky, if nothing happens no harms done
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Well, in the pic you replied to yes

In my math class, (which all the non close up ones are from), this girl is to the right of me, but we don't talk at all.

the class which i'm sorrounded by girls in is Psych. I literally have girls all around me and they're all hardcore shoeplayers with super attractive feet.
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Have you ever smelled their feet stink from where you were sitting?
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yeah, if she shoeplays, I'll probably glance at her like i always do. No more creeps of her, tho.

She didn't really do anything like that. but that might totally just be because she doesn't connect "cute feet" with "shoeplaying is hot"
Not everyone fully understands how foot fetishes work straight away.
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Not really? foot odor doesn't travel that far unless you've been working out for 3 hours, and you just take off your sneakers.

I assume you're talking about for psych, since I'm surrounded by girls, but that goes for all other classes too.
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Great posts dude. Also following your t. Keep up the good work /b/ro
true good point, well make sure to keep us updated dude and yeah her feet are crazy cute, im rooting ror you man best of luck

p.s theres no way her finding out could lead to your sister finding out about your foot fetish, I mean all girls talk gossip and chances are you just became it
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Poverty feets
Really depends on the person, not only sweat smells it can also be bacteria, or fungus/mold on the shoes
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Any TayTay fans?
Get in here
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thank you, man! Always really happy to hear you guys enjoy my stuff!
I'll try to get some of my newer stuff up soon, organizing is kinda a pain tho.
I'm at over 50 followers in just 3 weeks. Trying to figure out what i could do for a 100 follower thank-you, tho...

MIGHT show sister's face if I ever get to 1000 followers. contemplating it, certainly.
Followers on what site?
url plz
So people know about your fetish at school?
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will do, thanks a lot, bud!

and yeah, I REALLY doubt it. stuff spreads, true, but they aren't even close to being in the same social groups.
Is this girl your taking pictues of your sister?
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I've told people privately, it isn't something I just come out and say to the world.

So far I know for a fact 3 girls (at my school, anyways) know. One is dragonfeet, one is this girl, and one is a friend of dragonfeet.

One other girl MIGHT know, bc she caught me staring once, and immediately started shoeplaying to see if i noticed, but got bored and stopped.

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Awesome :D Thanks!!
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is that girl taking pics of pics of my sis?

oh god no, I take all my pictures. Except for the old ones of dragonfeet, those she sent to me.
women think foot fetishism is cute a lot of the time
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Those are 9/10 are there more of her?
Ignore that i didn't know about your tumblr that had pics of sister
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No, they think it's weird. They just roll with it because it means they're more likely to get foot massages
can you put more of dragonfeet on your tumblr i remember you used to post loads of her stuff but i swear not all of it is on that tumblr

+who's the girl who might of caught you and shoe teased you more?
No prob at all!
for the record, I only post stuff on there that I've posted on here at least once before. Nothing new goes there, its just an archive, because people have been wanting me to set up a blog ever since I started coming here.

Plus, I just like the environment of 4chan more. Its more social, honestly, and i like getting feedback. I do plan on getting most of the non-repeat pics on there, eventually, tho.
If the girl likes footrubs and likes that her boyfriend takes an interest in what kind of shoes she wears they love it
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try drawing mario
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dragonfeet web.webm
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yeah, the reason I'm holding back is just because my stock of her IS very limited. I can post stuff here for you, tho.
Just.... eugh, you know what, I'm in an okay mood with that note passing stuff. I'll post her face, if you guys want me to.
So your problem is that you want to see the face so that you're sure it's a female's?
What, are you afraid it's gonna be a trap?
A beautiful face is a good addition but if a foot looks really good it won't need a face as an extra.
If the foot is too masculine and you think it's shit, well just ignore man. About 60% of every single foot thread are just plain shitty disgusting feet, but that's okay, I can ignore.

you don't put the rules you >starFuck
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My gf's. She's finally starting to really let me kiss/suck/lick them and get footjobs a lot now, love it
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So that's why you call her that
link video pls
yes pleaseee post face dude
actually, i think i've posted about 2/3 of her stuff on my tumblr already, if not more.
MOST is on there already save for a few dildo pics
heh, yee
that IS the video, boss
I'm not gonna do this for a while, so save while you can.
literally the only reason i did this last time was bc an anon was headed off to basic training for a few weeks and needed jack off material, and I can totally understand that.
happy you're enjoying yourself, anon!
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which one starting from left
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Size looks great.
this blue hair just gets me everytime.
How did you get these pictures of her?
christ no,
traps aint got tibby like this

plus I can confirm she has a vag

short hair =/= male
this was for some gay pride parade or something, and just to screw with people she attended practically naked.
Is she a feminist?
Hey, I was lurking!

It wasn't BCT, it was just my yearly training for the National Guard.

but yeah, much appreciated man!

i need moar creeps of this girl to bust to
any more of her soles?
naw, not really

anarchist, maybe
really really appreciating her face man
yeah, sure
aw, sorry 'bout that, the second you say it, I remember. still, I don't do dumps of DF's face for just anyone, and someone who's gotta go thru the shit to serve the country is definitely worth posting for,
posted a fuckload earlier, boss

yeah, but Image limit's about to be up. i think MOST guys want to see her face, since I don't post her often. I do have a lot of sole shots on my tumblr, tho
Someone should make a new feet thread

holy fucking disgusting.
sorry, replied to the same guy twice

I'll keep posting her until image limit's up, happy you guys like seeing her, again!
hmm post tumblr?
thanks for the pics man.

are you autistic?

are you blind? literally the most disgusting person I've ever seen, you actually have to have autism to think that man is attractive.
I'm prolly gonna bounce next thread, honestly, sorry

I'll be happy to cap off this one, tho!
No worries, that's fine. I certainly appreciate what you're doing for this thread. She's cute af
her face is really feminine to begin with,
and she has giant breasts too.

jesus christ, you're autistic.
dunno why there's a stick up your ass.
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AMIS (65).png
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Fuck off pls, I want more and you're ruining it :(

yeah, get your eyes checked.
my male feet are better than this.
those are 100 percent male feet, fuck off with this stuff.
yee, agreed. too bad things didn't work out. =/
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r00d =\

>face is feminine to begin with

top kek. someone is in major denial.
Yeah, faggots in this thread are ruining it! I wish more people would appreciate her
actually, even tho I know this is like one guy this is about half the reason I never post her, just bc shitheads come out of the wordwork and start bashing her.
the other reason is 'cause I kinda regret breaking up with her =[
is the breaking up with her set in solid stone? no way to get back in contact try to start things again dude?

She cute as fuck
She looks like a friend of mine. got any more?
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Someone make a new thread fam
i think she's with someone else now, and the school's placed a "restraining order" on me saying we can't talk to eachother.
I REALLY don't like going into detail about this kind of stuff, so all i'm going to say is we both did some bad stuff.
go on....
and when i say "on me" i mean "on us"

it was a wonderful month and a half, that ended with me being sent to the hospital for 2 weeks, and she started self-harming again. good stuff.
I like you, you're always welcome here, anon. You sound like a nice guy
shiiiiiiit man didn't release it was like BAD break up like that, just assumed you two had moved apart or something like that
sorry to hear that man well best of luck with this new girl hopefully
im sorry and all but just saying .. don't overshare, think about it.
thanks though.
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