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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 46

Trolling your workplace edition

Previous thread: >>62078848

What are you working on, /g/?
>the absolute state of government IT jobs
>calling something what it is will get you fired
preparing to tell my company's staff director that I identify as a little and need to feel that work is a safe space for me (and my nappies)
Are these people really so invaluable or why don't they just fire him and hire somebody who's not loonie?
>>62083544 #
I turn xher rhetoric against xher.
By suggesting that xher identity means xhe can't change xher own diapers, xhe is construing non-cishet gender identities and sexualities as a disability, which is offensive to xherself and also to other non-cishets.
No hire. Xhe has triggered me and therefore no hire
Is The Art Of UNIX Programming a good book?
C++ metaprogramming is like regex: one programmer having fun for 30mn, 100 developers pulling their hair trying to read it for years.
what other encodings are common?
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It died too soon
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>I identify as a little and need to feel that work is a safe space for me (and my nappies)
Why do people need to identify as littles?
As a developmentally stunted person I am actually neurophysiologically a little and even I don't need to identify as a little to function in society.
I just don't get it.
Special Snowflake Generation
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About to integrate my Flask backend with Google OAuth as soon as I get home. OAuth sucks.
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What's your deal making a /dpt/ yet using an inflammatory image like that?
I'm struggling a bit with a recursive function in my assignment (it's Minesweeper).

I have to reveal all adjacent tiles when I select a tile with "no number". Any idea how can I do this using recursion? I Googled already, sure, but it's not really working for me.
depends on your data structure/code; post something and say what you tried?
call a function on adjacent tiles, stop when you hit a tile that shouldn't be revealed or has already been revealed
>As a developmentally stunted person I am actually neurophysiologically a little
You should leave, this website is 18+ and even if you're legally of age you do supposedly have the brain of a child which is the point
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Leave Hotwheels alone, man
look up depth first traversal
it's that, but with grid positions
How important are numerical sequences in programming?
kodi plugin in python for an IPTV app. I'm going to add a login / register and pay online to subscribe page to the homescreen then redirect users to the IPTV stream.
I'm still experimenting with different method. When I feel like I don't have many options left I'll post here.

I'll take a look, thanks.
the only two important numerical sequences in programming are the nonnegative integers (universally important) and the primes (important for hash tables but not much else; however, hash tables in turn are pretty universally important)
not very
what the fuck
the guy in the cubicle next to me literally shit his pants like an hour ago
but we got pulled aside by HR and told not to say anything
I can't fucking work like this

javascript btw
>get told not to say anything
>leaks it all to 4chan
John you fucked up big time.
you really shouldn't make functions like that desu
make an IsBase64 and a DecodeBase64
it's much better practice
google flood fill
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    int n;

n = 0;
while (n < void) {

printf("%d", n);
n = n + 1;
anon@Erebus:~$ nano asdf.c
anon@Erebus:~$ gcc asdf.c
asdf.c: In function ‘main’:
asdf.c:8:16: error: expected expression before ‘void’
while (n < void) {

what did you mean by this
with gcc it would iterate only one time?
does your language support piping functions?
I got Flood Fill working here, mostly. The problem is that now I'm revealing ALL the non-bomb tiles in the game, instead of stopping like pic related.
Is Treehouse worth it?
you probably have to compile it with -std=c1958 or something.
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Is Rust the most brainlet-friendly language?
It's one of the least brainlet-friendly languages
no, Go is
>The key point here is our programmers are Googlers, they’re not researchers. They’re typically, fairly young, fresh out of school, probably learned Java, maybe learned C or C++, probably learned Python. They’re not capable of understanding a brilliant language but we want to use them to build good software. So, the language that we give them has to be easy for them to understand and easy to adopt.
– Rob Pike
Not at all.
t. C++ dev
Rust is like one of the brainlet-filter languages out there
>tripidiot disagrees
It's a brainlet language alright.
Which language do you suggest instead?
Wolfram Mathematica
I did it!
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My language supports embedding R so yeah.
Is that the only way to shill MUMPS?
That's not a programming language, mongrel
Is Go actually that bad of a language? I can't find any similar ones that are actually viable to make new programs in.

I don't like dude no generics lmao but it doesn't feel like a deal breaker to me.
why the fuck are you using oauth?
what are you actually looking for?

"similar to Go but not Go" is not much to go on
I would use it over C#, but there are better languages.
>want to finally get a degree next year
>pretty much only interested in programming
>my youpoor university only offers shitty IT programs where half of the courses are about economy
>and a "Computer Science" program that is pretty much a mix of US' software engineering and CS.

I'm not really interested in computers I just want to have software in focus.
Anyone here been to CS? If I don't know anything about CPUs, RAM beyond of what average /v/ poster knows how will I do in CS?
It has its own language, retard.
Who else is HYPE for Jai?
while he is a retard, he still is right
And that's not called "Wolfram Mathematica" you fucking idiot. Next time if you are trying to be smart, at least consider researching first
wew lad
Will it have modules at least?
>dumb wanna be sepples for games language
>If I don't know anything about CPUs, RAM beyond of what average /v/ poster knows how will I do in CS?
It's not like you won't learn a lot about this in your Computer Design/Architecture classes.
As anything in life, you'll probably do well if you're diligent. But yeah, somethimes shit happens even if you're a good student. It's hard to do well on everything, but try to stay with a positive ratio.
Still it's own language, moron.
Did I say otherwise? Fucking stupid little shit
Yeah, Visual Studio to.
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Anyone here still write Pascal?
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>brainlet is so buttblasted about being exposed as a retard he begins to sperg out
Do you do any programming? I guess not, you are here to post your plebbit memes
I think the retard here is you
meant for >>62085043
>mfw got a second gig making an android app for a dude

things are looking good, friends.
Did you think you can shitpost your way out of this embarrassment?
>resorts to samefagging
I think it's hilarious you're this butthurt. Not my fault you didn't realize Wolfram had its own language.
Something simple and C-like with memory safety and with OOP optional at most.
>Not my fault you didn't realize Wolfram had its own language.
Your fault you called Wolfram Mathematica a language.
unit uAboutForm;

{$MODE Delphi}


LCLIntf, LCLType, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
ExtCtrls, StdCtrls;

TAboutForm = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
Image1: TImage;
NameLabel: TLabel;
UrlLabel: TLabel;
IconImage: TImage;
Label2: TLabel;
MailLabel: TLabel;
RegLabel: TLabel;
Label1: TLabel;
procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }


{$R *.dfm}
{$R *.lfm}

uses uConst, uConfig;

procedure TAboutForm.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
UrlLabel.Caption := uConst.ProgUrl;
MailLabel.Caption := 'Contact: ' + uConst.ProgMail;

>samefagging this hard
What is that supposed to establish?
Which it is, you blithering idiot. Dig all you like, you were still exposed as a retard.
Not interested in having a discussion with brainlets who can't into pascal.
What was the deal breaker for C++?
Pascal is taught as a beginner language in colleges, you stupid mongrel
" Wolfram Mathematica " is not a language
>Which it is, you blithering idiot
No it isn't, Wolfram Mathematica is software suite, based on and using the Worlfram Language.

>Dig all you like
I guess Wolfram don't know their own products.
>Mathematica is based on the breakthrough Wolfram Language.
Do people just hate Go because of Google?
If you don't use Python then please shut up
no, because of Rob Pike, the community and how bad the language actually is.
No wonder a dumb underage like yourself can't understand it.
>can't understand it.
Who said this?
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What's the best general purpose ide? I used visual studio for an internship and eclipse for school.
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Everyone here thinks they are too intelligent for Python.
Is D actually gaining real traction? I've heard horror stories about standard library incompatibility and whatnot.

C++ being a clusterfuck in general.
function Parse(const FileName: string; out StatusText: string;
UseStringInterning: Boolean): string;
SyntaxTree: TSyntaxNode;
memused: Cardinal;
sw: TStopwatch;
StringPool: TStringPool;
OnHandleString: TStringEvent;
if UseStringInterning then
StringPool := TStringPool.Create;
OnHandleString := StringPool.StringIntern;
StringPool := nil;
OnHandleString := nil;
memused := MemoryUsed;
sw := TStopwatch.StartNew;
SyntaxTree := TPasSyntaxTreeBuilder.Run(FileName, False,
TIncludeHandler.Create(ExtractFilePath(FileName)), OnHandleString);
if UseStringInterning then
StatusText := Format('Parsed file in %d ms - used memory: %d K', [sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, (MemoryUsed - memused) div 1024]);

Result := TSyntaxTreeWriter.ToXML(SyntaxTree, True);
on E: ESyntaxTreeException do
Result := Format('[%d, %d] %s', [E.Line, E.Col, E.Message]) + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
TSyntaxTreeWriter.ToXML(E.SyntaxTree, True);

If only everyone used Python....


What did you expect? Whites lack a biological urge to thrive, niggers will just take the high IQ genes from them in a few hundred years.
Your quote transition is as accurate as your gender transition.
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Try Nim
how would you pass an array of integers to a process (written in C) called by another C program through argv? and yes it has to be passed through argv. it's a matrix multiplication program which uses worker processes to multiply the individual rows and columns. i can't think of any way to do this without a buffer which i printf the number into, and then scan on the other end. but a buffer would set a hard limit on the size of the matrices
Thoughts? No do loops required.

program average

implicit none
integer :: number_of_points
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: points
real :: average_points=0., positive_average=0., negative_average=0.

write (*,*) "Input number of points to average:"
read (*,*) number_of_points

allocate (points(number_of_points))

write (*,*) "Enter the points to average:"
read (*,*) points

if (number_of_points > 0) average_points = sum(points)/number_of_points

if (count(points > 0.) > 0) positive_average = sum(points, points > 0.) &
/count(points > 0.)
if (count(points < 0.) > 0) negative_average = sum(points, points < 0.) &
/count(points < 0.)

deallocate (points)

write (*,'(''Average = '', 1g12.4)') average_points
write (*,'(''Average of positive points = '', 1g12.4)') positive_average
write (*,'(''Average of negative points = '', 1g12.4)') negative_average

end program average
Why can't your program run as process that you talk to trough sockets?
Otherwise you just have to printf the parameters to your system call.
also the point of this is it's multithreaded so would using a buffer like that get screwed up? if i did that, i'd set up the buffer for one process, then while it's being run i'd modify it for the second one. would the sub processes use the same location in memory that the strings are stored in, or would they be given copies when they are called?
it's homework, so i can't decide to not do it with the argument vector. that's actually what part 2 uses though. the thing is that i don't know their length at compile time
I would not work for government as a hired guy unless they pay a fuckton. Where I live, civil servants are basically unfirable.
>also the point..
first I have to ask you what is the point of pressing reply 6 times?
draws attention
just malloc and realloc as you need, and you can't yous printf, you have have dynamic buffer that you sprintf the right format characters for each value.
Go back
Your buffer can always be dynamically allocated, or meant for multiple send/receive with a handshake or termination character.
Was piping ruled out already?
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I wrote a maze generator. It's not ideal (FUCK (only about half of the mazes it generates can be solved)) but it was my first attempt at making a maze generator, and I invented my own algorithm to do it.

hey that's pretty clean
generate first a random path to the exit then generate the rest of the maze without modifying that path.
you mean reallocate the buffer for every new process? is that necessary to prevent the subproceses from accessing the same memory location?
What is the point of gray sections?
Can you remove them if they're not used?
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Has anyone use the russian Kumir language (pic related)? or other russian programming languages?
Wikipedia suggests among others YMB (Yazyk mashin buchgalterskih), but I couldn't find a single program sample for that one.
I am sick of programming languages designed by atheist occidental white people and I want some new learning challenges.
it also seems that the path is not the shortest.
I mean gray sections that aren't connected to anything
This is a programming thread. Get out
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The gray areas are places that my really simple solving mechanism (which is basically just a simple recursive flood fill) didn't explore. This is what the maze actually looks like
russia's more atheistic than the west
Any opinions on Coursera's Algorithms (Sedgewick) class?

Any thoughts on coursera as a whole?
It's probably pretty good.
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Which programming language requires the highest level of intelligence to write complex things in?
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>tfw russin
>know language perfectly
>don't utilize it in any way
try APL or ATS

Even a Hello World program had to be created by an algorithm
What did you expect form an alt-right website like 4chins?even the programs are nazi.
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Can anyone here recommend a good Android app tutorial? Something intermediate and in-depth, I already figured out the basics by myself.

public class apples {
public static void main(String[] args) {
tuna tunaObject = new tuna();

tunaObject.setTime(13, 27, 6);


public class tuna {
private int hour;
private int minute;
private int second;

public void setTime(int h, int m, int s){
hour = ((h>=0 && h<24) ? h : 0);
minute = ((m>=0 && m<60) ? m : 0);
hour = ((s>=0 && s<60) ? s : 0);

public String toMilitary(){
return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, minute, second);

public String toString(){
return String.format("%d:%02d:%02d %s", ((hour==0||hour==12)?12:hour%12), minute, second, (hour < 12?"AM": "PM"));
>lowercase class names
It's shit
Look up "unix timestamp", please.
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Dumb meme language.
>t. brainlet
Someone post one of those small problem roulettes. It's friday night and I'm an autistic nerd, so I need to something to do.
How does /dpt/ feel about K?
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#include <stdio.h>

int n;

n = 0;
while (n < n + 1) {

printf("TRAPS ARE NOT GAY\n");
n = n + 1;
>The following expression sorts a list of strings by their lengths:

Reminds me of lolcode
>n = n + 1
Traps are extremely gay though.
it's good, mostly good experiences with coursera. Wouldn't pay for the certificates, and would advise others not to as well, unless you're currently poor/neet, then you can get them for free, search around for "financial aid". At least it was like this some years ago.
struct Trap;

impl Trap {
fn is_straight(self) -> bool {

fn main() {
'trap: loop {
println!("{:?}s are gay!", Trap);
if Trap.is_straight() {
break 'trap;
Did any of you take a Treehouse course? How was it?
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>Calls traps gay
a monad is a gonad of the class of endofunctors
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if Trap.is_straight() {
break 'trap;
>You'll never mindbreak a straight trap
Cool, I'll check this one out then. Yeah, this ones free, I'd never pay for an online course.
What is this meme language?
In case this isn't bait, it's Rust, and no, you shouldn't drink the cool aid.
This. Use Go instead.
Designed for literal retards
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Yes, please do.
And once you're done for the day, come to my office for a happy ending massage.
>void *
go doesn't have void* dumbfuck.
you can stop right there if youre implying what i think youre implying
PRINT *, 'A?'
PRINT *, 'A must be a positive integer.'
PRINT *, 'B?'
PRINT *, 'B must be a positive integer.'
PRINT *, 'The GCD of', NA, ' and', NB, ' is', NGCD(NA, NB), '.'

It's shit
I am, and I'm not.
Not stopping, that is.
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

>hasklels will defend this
What's wrong?
i am sad /dpt/
We're all sad and autistic here.
>FORTRAN 77 is shit
Sure thing kid.
>not strcmp
> he can't compare strings with an operator
Good stuff.
it's some of the most confusing and unintuitive shit i've ever seen
Haskell syntax logic is pretty random, but not all Flangs are like it, don't worry.
What is fibs? Is that like a Python generator? A function that computes nth fibonacci number on demand?
The fibonacci sequence is 0, followed by 1, followed by the fibonacci sequence zipped with its tail and added, i.e.

1 1 2 3 5 8 ...
0 1 1 2 3 5 ...
#include <unistd.h>
main ()
return (write (1, "kys\n", 4) - 4);
I am working on a c++ win32 directX program that works 100% fine on my own machine in debug mode and as an independent file. However on another computer that also runs win10 it just doesn't start (no error/explanation given). It's compiled in release mode with the /MT (multi-threaded). I can't find a solution on google to this issue has anyone on here ever encounter such behavior and how do I fix that?
>POSIX only for literally no reason
>doesn't compile with a C compiler
>using return when there's literally no need
>encoded string length
>writing 1 instead of stdout
>non-standard main prototype
>not just using puts(), function created for this exact fucking reason
>retarded indentation style however you look at it

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
>retarded indentation style however you look at it
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {

How does that compile if theres no explicit return?
main () {
preach ("kys");
>>using return when there's literally no need
>>not just using puts(), function created for this exact fucking reason
What is this, ruby for hipsters?
works on my machine
main doesnt have to return anything
if you use execvp to call another process in C, and then after that process has been created, the parent modifies the string buffer used by argv, does argument given to the child become modified?
Implementations are free to interpret whatever bullshit code you wrote anyway they want.

I think gcc assumes that if a int function ends it returns 0.
>using return when there's literally no need
programs should return state to their environment whenever possible. read a book, junior.
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>main doesnt have to return anything
It does. Otherwise it's UB.
>quoting C11
>quoting a standard without any implementations
i'll make a strawpoll to make it more fun and easier to reply
C should just support void main officially, arbitrary returns are nonsense.
>what is gcc
>what is clang
>what is icc
Probably many more.
Most of the time the arbitrary return is just %rax.
int main() without a return is the same as having 'return 0' as the last statement in its body.
Yes anon, you too, can read.
I see what you did there, but it still makes you a pedantic ass.
in context of the language, you mong
why does "zipWith" not call itself recursively?
>glibc still doesn't even support C11 threads
just give dumb faggot poster
No you are saying it is undefined behaviour, which it is not.
Dear internet wizards, I must ask for ye wisdom once again.
I am finishing college and I need a good portfolio, something that at least get my foot on the door, I am a competent programmer but I can't use my previous work to show it.
I am currently trying a back-end internship, so how do I get good portfolio ideas so I can show it to my corporate overlords?
As of today, what language is best suited for writing a high-performance 3D Game Engine from scratch?
what do you mean? zipWith is recursive

zipWith f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith f xs ys
zipWith _ _ _ = []
probably C(++)
>gonna poke around DCSS's source
what am I in for lads?
I misinterpreted you. I wanted to say that main *implicitly* returns, so it does return everytime.

<threads.h> are 100% optional. Still makes a conformant compiler.
Rust. Don't let any of the assholes here tell you otherwise.
C++ is pretty much the only choice.
Pretty much anything that gives you direct memory access, where you can allocate blocks of memory(think malloc, calloc), and doesn't rely on a GC.
>doesn't support native threads
>no unsigned type
>no native types, they are all boxed so calling c library requires unboxing and shit
>fucking awkward C interface
I'm writing my own in C. For now it's 2D, but I'll expand it into 3D later on.
>half the standard is optional
Games are unsafe.
>he uses single core hackery
>he uses C libraries
ohh anon.
What's your point, anyway? Neither C99 nor C89 support <threads.h>.
Do NOT listen to these shitters. C is not suited for gaming at all, ESPECIALLY not 3D.
haskell has games.
no excuses stringlet
>OPENGL is literally C library
dumb fuck
OpenGL has only a C API.

Do not listen to him, C11 is perfect for a 3D game engine.
>What is a library
It's an API.
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ITT: Butthurt C babies

Your language is outdated and dead as shit. Just let go already.
t. paid rust shill
OpenGL is a standard.
Mesa is the library that implements it.

Sure thing, hasklett.
Bitch, I'm writing my game engine in C11 and there's nothing you can do about it
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what did QtCreator mean by this
>zipWith (+) fibs
>fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith
it probably makes sense in some autistic way but it looks circular and nonsensical, having to mentally reason about how this works kills any sense of productivity with the language
this kind of garbage is why java/.net code apes are afraid of change
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It *is* an API, though. I wasn't wrong.
Reminder that C libraries are directly compatible with C++.

There's still time to save yourself.
sepples is not even language anymore.
C libraries aren't compatible with C++, C++ is compatible with C libraries. that's like saying the english language is readable by you, and not that you can read the english language
// Checkmate, sepples fags
extern void class(char array[static 1]);
Is Microsoft Visual Studio based?
I'm going to take a guess and say "no" on that one.
Not really, no.
based on botnet? Yes.
is is circular, the point is as you consume fibs it generates elements, if you think about it, zipWith consumes one from each at a time, and produces one element, tail fibs obviously means it's consuming the next, so it starts off with consuming the first two elements, and it produces an element for everything it consumes
It's an ABI ;-)
extern void class

but why

>haskell has games.
Every language has games, not every language can do 60fps at 1 million triangles
>can do 60fps at 1 million triangles
arbitrary triangle counts are one of the most misleading benchmarks in games and tech. Not saying hasklet is actually capable of a decent 3d engine, but please dont say dumb things like that.
No. It's *software* interface, it doesn't describe the underlying ABI. It doesn't describe how the functions should be called, whether in SysV ABI, or to use stdcall or fastcall.

It's APIm *not* ABI.
>performance is dumb
Haskell, everyone.
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I program my games in Lua
Lua a cute
>loo a cute
Sopa de Lua uma delicia
Wank-bait performance is dumb yeah, 60trillion triangles is really no different than 3 gorillion petaflops.

What matters is an actual game or scene being ran with everything encompassing a game.
>everything global by default
>accessing non-existant table value yields nil, not an error
>no stdlib fn to deepcompare and deepcopy a table, the core type of the language
>verbose as fuck

Still, best non-meme embedded scripting language there is. Shit.

15 kloc, 10 w/o libs, <300kB, beautiful.
Does /dpt/ like Fortran?
I suppose everyone likes it and nobody knows it.
>using performance in an argument about performance is strawman
Haskell fags, look at them.
i don't and never will use hasklet, so stop assuming as such.
Just want you to stop spouting /v/ermin nonsense.
name your gui elements you mongrel
where is it a clusterfuck?
Where can I find some standard trick questions with answers? I want to delve into the depths of C. Like, look at this gem:

File: maze.gif (2MB, 250x250px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 250x250px
hello, fellow maze generator maker
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1MB, 3000x2400px
Why haven't any of you made a Chess AI yet?
File: kizuna ai kawaii.png (546KB, 876x644px) Image search: [Google]
kizuna ai kawaii.png
546KB, 876x644px
the best ai already exists
has the other pc the msvc runtime?
>id rather make an assfaggots AI, desu.
Can you become a front end developer from studying with treehouse for 6 weeks?
It is very good software.

I wouldn't consider it "based", though.
Go is fine if you just want to engineer some software.
kind of easy to solve though isn't it
Why does dpt like Bucky Roberts again?

I mean, jesus christ:

Hi /r/programming

I've been working on a multimedia application using C, libuv (for async io, threads and ipc), SDL and OpenGL and I'm considering rewriting it in either Rust or Go but I'm having trouble deciding.

I need the following features (either out of the box or from STABLE libraries):

* SDL binding (for audio, video and input)
* OpenGL
* Dynamic Library/Shared object loading support (probably FFI)
* Asynchronous I/O
* Threading support
I write FreePascal/FreeBasic code from time to time but just to kill time.
who the fuck
literally who?
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>tfw to dumb to learn C
I can't even complete exercises in the first chapter. Guess I'll stick to web languages
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Come to Java baby. It's all you will ever need.
>Le sad reddit man
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178KB, 700x350px
Suggestions on what to use to make a GUI for my Ruby program?

> working on an image slideshow program
> using Shoes! and hating the terrible documentation

I'm considering VisualRuby, but I wanted /g/'s thoughts.
C is the ultimate comfy language to use on linux. you can type man fprintf and see the documentation on that function right there. it's such an enjoyable experience
>you can type man fprintf
i can already do that just by hovering over anything in my TE
PHP was a giant mistake.
You're probably overthinking it. C is a very simple language when you realize the type system is about memory layout and nothing else.
>>writing 1 instead of stdout
Are you retarded?
Why do webdevs love coming to this thread so much?
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83KB, 1920x1080px
But I can do that with a single F1 keypress on Windows?
to watch everyone itt struggle to perform the most trivial tasks in whatever superior language they decided inflict on themselves
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>spies on you
>terabyte hard drives cost less than a monthly phone bill.
fuck off
I'm not sure. I'm looking at the solutions on this page and it's confusing me. http://clc-wiki.net/wiki/K%26R2_solutions:Chapter_1:Exercise_13
Is there anything between C and Rust that isn't Go?
Anything in particular that's confusing? Are you having trouble understanding how word length frequencies are computed or how visual representation is generated?

How did you get an offline version of the specification in this format? Only a big-ass .docx file came with my installation.
Why are there so many transgenders in the programming community these days?
>paying $30 a month for your phone
i pay $10 and I even have a plan, i could probably do with <$1
Automatic garbage collection comes to mind. I like Go's channel implementation a lot more than rust's.
Programming skill = high IQ = low testosterone = trap
meant for
>so many
Google and mozilla propaganda is not "many"
My histogram just prints an absurd amount of '#'s, so I made the program print out the value of each position in the array and end up with this:
letterCount value = 7
One added to 7
i = 0| histogram = 0
i = 1| histogram = 0
i = 2| histogram = 0
i = 3| histogram = 0
i = 4| histogram = 0
i = 5| histogram = 0
i = 6| histogram = 0
i = 7| histogram = 1
i = 8| histogram = 0
i = 9| histogram = 0
i = 10| histogram = 4195408

I have no idea why the end is so high. this is my loop:
while((c = getchar()) != EOF){
17 /* if whitespace */
18 if(c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'){
19 /* if letterCount is longer than max letters, add 1 to end of array */
20 if(lCount > MAX){
21 ++histogram[MAX];
22 printf("\n One added to MAX ");
23 }
24 /* otherwise add 1 to the correct position based on digit */
25 else{
26 ++histogram[lCount];
27 printf("\n One added to %d", lCount);
28 }
30 /* reset letterCount */
31 lCount = 0;
33 /* if not whitespace */
34 }else{
35 lCount++;
36 printf("\nletterCount value = %d", lCount);
37 }
38 }

Looking at the solutions on that website, a lot of them are defining IN and OUT but I don't see the point of doing so when I'm able to detect if I leave a word just by checking for whitespace. Yet theirs seems to be working. I'm sure it's something obvious but I'm blind to it at this point
Can we see the full program? My guess would be you didn't initialize histogram[10] to zero.
New thread:
the reason everything seems dandy for webdevs is because the people who work on software fight those monsters on a regular basis. you are a little child and thats why webdevs get paid shit compared to programmers too
wow thanks that was exactly the problem
/* char, index, secondIndex, letterCount */
8 int c, i, j, lCount;
9 int histogram[MAX+1];
11 /* initialize */
12 i = j = lCount = 0;
13 for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
14 histogram[i] = 0;

a real rookie mistake.
Using windows. Can someone write me a script to make a folder and put 25 photos into that newly made folder then repeat? I don't know how to write scripts at all.
Have 1000s of photos that I need to change the exif data on manually, they are all in the same folder. exiftoolgui has a bug where if you try to edit more than ~25 photos then the exif data won't save. Instead of manually making folders and and putting in 25 photos with mouse I think it'd be easier with a script. But I don't know anything about scripting.

new folder 1, new folder 2, .... etc (each folder needs 25 photos in it)
IMG_XXXX.JPF is the file name pattern.
why wont this thread work? im just following he tutorial

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <pthread.h>

using namespace std;

#define NUM_THREADS 5

void *PrintHello(void *threadid) {
long tid;
tid = (long)threadid;
cout << "Hello World! Thread ID, " << tid << endl;

int main () {
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
int rc;
int i;

for( i=0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ ){
cout << "main() : creating thread, " << i << endl;
rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, PrintHello, (void *)i);

if (rc){
cout << "Error:unable to create thread," << rc << endl;


 gcc test.cpp -lpthread 
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