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Archived threads in /ck/ - Food & Cooking - 291. page

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Making some sambar today for with my dinner.
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
So that's okra, tomatoes, onions and ??
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>it thinks those are okra
Looks like peeled aubergine

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Hey, I need some help fixing some garlic bread I toasted a day ago. It went stale and I wanted to rejuvenate it. I was think pouring water over it and putting it back in the oven for a few minutes. What do you guys think?
8 posts and 1 images submitted.
Doesn't work. Once garlic bread is stale, it's done for. Maybe make some croutons out of it, that's the best you'll get.
they'll be some real good croutons 2bh
French toast is best with slightly stale bread.

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based on internal structure

what can you judge about my bread? what can i do better?
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
Not bad, OP, but looks a little dense on the bottom. Try not to overwork the risen dough -- be gentle when transferring it for the final proof. You've got good spring, though.
Your dough is too young. Let it ferment longer.
This, too. You doing the finger dent test, OP?

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How the fuck are you supposed to cook this shit?

At hight temperatures its just keep being uncooked inside

And low temperature probably gives samonolla and shit
30 posts and 6 images submitted.
There is a reason fast-food is superior
Brine your goddamned breast 12 hours in advance. Enjoy moist tender chicken. Never make this thread again.

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i'll be trying this recipe in a few days
seems delicious
if it was a success i'd post it on /ck/ and translate it in english
hopefully i make it,being the shit chef i am
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Mummsy used to make ham crêpes cake with mushroom cream (gateau de crêpes au jambon cuit avec duxelles).
Lay down a crêpe.
Spread with mushroom cream.
Top with several thin slices of city ham.
Lay down another crêpe on top of the ham layer.
Spread with more mushroom.
Top with more thin slices of city ham.
And so on.
And so on.
And so on.
Her mushroom cream was made of penny buns and leeks rather than the more usual button mushroom and onion.
Unlike your recipe, this could be served reheated (bake in a warm oven until warmed through) or room temp. Would recommend.

>translate to english
Here's the gist of it:
Saute some mince with onions, tomato and mushrooms, spread on crêpes, roll them up, cut them, put into casserole, top with cheese and bake until warmed through. It's basically Hamburger Helper for us Euros. Except it's actually good. There's really no need for a recipe.
Americans can make a facsimile with wheat tortillas.
>with wheat tortillas.
Why not just make crepe tho?

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5 posts and 1 images submitted.
In my experience costco meat is quality but I have no idea how much waygu usually costs so if it seems like a good price i'd buy em
They used to sell it in the stores itself. Kinda bummed I don't see them anymore.
beef fat is particularly bad for humans.

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>not having Lasagna Sundays

18 posts and 3 images submitted.
You can keep your diabetes.
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>muh authentico italian food for muh sunday family dinner

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So I have this pumpkin here, how should I prepare it?
I was thinking of just boiling it whole, is that a good idea? Also, how should I season it?
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
Roast it over the fire created by burning that fucking disgusting mousepad, you goddamn animal
I think the fumes would alter the taste in a negative way

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Hey /ck/ got any Ubereats codes for the UK. Pic unrelated
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
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Hello, I'm a traditional Irish chef. I moved to America a few years ago and often miss my homeland. However one thing I could take with me was my love of Irish cooking. Potatoes, cabbage, you name it. I'll cook it. Every month i get together with friends and make a traditional Irish meal for them. Irish beef stew is my favorite meal to make.
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
How is Irish beef stew different from other countries' beef stew? More booze?
>Potatoes, cabbages, you name it

Think you named it all for us, bud.

Got a loaf of Cuban bread. How do I make nice crispy pressed sandwich bread out of it without a sandwich press?
14 posts and 6 images submitted.

>make sandwich
>press with hands and 2 x irons
>crispy pressed sandwich
>preheat a pan in the oven
>butter another pan
>half the pan cubano lengthwise
>place each half bread side down to toast it
>assemble your sandwich
>butter both sides of the loaf
>grab preheated pan, press hard but evenly down on the sandwich, sandwich should not be and thicker than your hands stacked on top of each other flat on a table.
>make sure you cut on the DIAGONAL.
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thank you for being the best board on 4chan.
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
sorry thats /diy/
never been to diy. but everyone here is mostly chill and actually posts good stuff
>"actually posts good stuff"
since /cock/ happened board consists of 95% low quality shitposts

>I fell for the raw milk meme
Yesterday I was hiking through some mountains and I found a rural family that lives in a yurt and had a load of cows and horses. They sold me some fresh cow and horse milk, literally milked them right in front of me and poured it into some bottles. If you've ever been somewhere where livestock are kept you know how it smells. This milk tasted just like that, but slightly sweeter than usual.

Don't buy raw milk, it's a meme
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
You cook with it moran.
It tastes like whatever the animal was eating.

I had some raw goat milk and it legit tasted like I was drinking liquid alfalfa
Raw milk is awesome

I live on a farm and it tastes just like milk you buy at the store except better.

It really is a super food along with eggs from chickens that actually go outside and aren't pumped with hormones.

The shit in modern food you buy at the store is poison.

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Just got outta jail. Wanna know what I ate there?

Pic related, the reason I went to jail.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Where is this jail and how do I get in? My local one just serves bologna sandwiches.
The salad that you spent your time tossing.
Lol I didn't have nuggets I'm jail. It they're what I was going to get when I got arrested. I was even in the parking lot. So fucking close.

No bologna, and actually no meat at all which is good for me. Had...granola, honey bun, poptart as one meal. Pizza, chips, overcooked broccoli as another meal. PBJ, chips, applesauce as another.
The pizza was just like in elementary school. Chips weren't stale, nice. All meals with milk of course.

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Dont get me wrong guys, I love potatoes. But is there someway to make them less spicy? Removing the skin helps a bit but it's still too spicy, I really really want to like potatoes but the heat ruins the experience.

12 posts and 5 images submitted.
soak them in buttermilk for a few hours and let it rest in fridge
My god when will summer end.
googling isn't hard

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