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Too dumb to form your own opinion?
Convienient, cheap and makes big companies cry like little fucking babies.

Overall: great
Wait who am I kidding, look where we are.
the invisible hand of the free market is using a smartphone
Sometimes causes rapes so it's ok I guess?
Literally fucking antisocial cunts, I fucking hate them. I enjoy the 30mins of compelte fucking funny confusion when forgien taxi drivers talk to me

there was one guy who was telling me about his cocaine addiction while he was running red lights
Lyft is better, at least they don't hire felons
you seem sober and stable, faggot
Being from scandinavia i wouldn't have noticed them being antisocial.
soon autonomous
cry pls
she was hopefully joking
A step back to feudal society. It emplyos day labourers, living in uncertainty regarding what pay to expect each recurring month. No pension savings, work insurance, or taxes paid. Their success is a telltale sign of economic desperation among the uneducated masses.

A huge step back for everything unions have worked for over the past century.
>own three vehicles
>implying I need someone to drive me around
Very overrated financially, it's a good challenger towards traditional taxi companies.
Never caught on in Germany, because cabs here are usually some kind of Mercedes (mostly E-Class), anyway. They still constantly advocate law and regulation changes that would only result in a decrease of standards for customers. UBER exists to promote an alternative to a shitty cab-market. The German one is great, so they try to turn it into shit.
No it it isn't. They can only compete on pricing, and that's what's so scary about them. Taxi companies are obliged to serve any customer, while Uber/Lyft drivers can pick and choose. This makes for a taxi service that separates people, once/if they take over.

I'm all for competition and allowing new technology to enter the market, but I believe there must be some rules at place.
unfriended for faggotry

Of course they should follow whatever regulations there are in the countries they operate in.

But if an Uber can take me to Arlanda for less than 495 SEK I'll take that any day over some established company.
quit shilling for other companies, retards

soon autonomous cars will do it, so fuck cabs and shitskins that drive them. for now it's a good alternative. like why would you ever take a shitty cab?
Based. Haven't used a paxi cab since
The thing is that they're not obliged to follow any regulations at all. They're the result of fast technology facing slow lawmaking. They don't even pay taxes, at least not in Norway.
The world changes all the time. Let's all stop discussing Donald Trump because he's not relevant in 8 years right? Fegit
Bernie and Hillary want to shut it down

Fucking democrats and their unions

That problem is entirely your governments fault if so.
Yes, fuck the workers. Fuck 80% of your citizens.
What's the status in Söta bror?
What's this now? Did I miss something?
Here in America many places dont even have a cab service so I personally love them. Never have to drive to bars either, so that's great
>mad that he can't own three vehicles

I'm buying a fourth sometime this year hopefully.
lel mad african cabby confirmed
wut? It's NOW better than your faggy cab, habib, and soon you won't be needed at all. I mean, you're not needed anyway, but even more so in the future
No. I just want competition to be fair, for obvious reasons. Being exempt from taxes is an obvious and unfair advantage.

As >>61108761 states though, it's only my own government's tardiness to blame.
buy a leaf you sissy

In Söta?
why? it's cheaper, safer, cleaner. unless you're habib, you like it
Commie detected
Söta bror = Sweden
Never heard of this before?

As I've already stated, it's a step back for employees.

What's life in black and white-world like? Are you enjoying your false dichotomy?
>competition undercutting the shitskins who get awarded a monopoly on city government contracts


fuck them

Can't say I have, no.
doesn't seem like the math works

and i'd probably get stabbed driving for uber down here
gr8 1
Uber is doing a better job of growing the market, but Lyft definitely has better drivers and treats them better as well.
My brother drives for them. Seems legit.
ayay-ayay-ayay >your country<
I hear the canadian economy is doing well. Norway is on the shitter though right?
how can they, shill?
English, motherfucker.
There is definitely not a cabal of fat ugly jews who own the company and are laughing all the way to the bank while avoiding taxes and profitting off of direct contracts for other people's labor.

I, personally, can't wait until the contract idea moves into minimum wage positions. Walk into McUber's, flip some burgers for an hour, walk out with some cash. Nothing can go wrong, especially if the company has absolutely no liability for any errors in the service it provides.
I will agree that religions definetely had a big impact on creating societies, but they don't belong in a modern world
gr8 1 faggot. so how are they better? cause you're literalleeeehhhhhh the worst shill
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i find this the most attractive quality about Scandinavia. I watched a black metal documentary called "Until the Light Takes Us", and a guy summed up the Norwegian mentality by saying when you stand in line for the bus or train you make sure to keep a couple meters between you and the next guy. I fucking love that. The landscape is starkly beautiful too.
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>Norway is on the shitter though right?
We're alright.
where did you put the clock, boi?

Are you going to run budget deficits now that oil has collapsed?
wrong thread
Fucking dammit copy/paste. You really had to fail me now
No, we're gonna start slowly tapping our saved capital.

Budget deficits are for western plebs.

Hopefully not too many lose their jobs.
Muzzie and street shitting cabbies have literally chimped out and attacked vehicles they knew were Ubering. In the middles of the street.

It's based.
Norway has beautiful landscapes. Denmark on the other hand... We live on a pancake
That is already happening.
>loved the service
>applied to be a driver
oh? I heard even excons get hired, and they just eased screening. you still got raping, robbing, killing...
they're a taxi company that wants taxi regulation to not apply to them
I get motion sickness in vehicles whether driving or as a passenger.
enough nordic weirdos

they're legal, slaves get paid, monkeys get better service. what's the problem?
The problem is that they shouldn't be legal, slaves should get paid better, and they don't necessarily offer a better service.
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I drive a restored 1979 BMW 728i, and even though its in great shape, it didnt meet the *2005 and above criteria. Oh well.

Looks like pic but glossy white.
they do
rapists not welcome
They don't. The only factors they are better in is ease of procurement and pricing (except holidays).
>implying i want some hippie fag to drive me around with nothing more than liability insurance
they don't but they do? and not only that, but clean and safe too
Uber dont play by the same rules as taxi
In a taxi you are insured.
They aren't obliged to follow a certain set of rules and laws, like normal taxi drivers are. A normal taxi driver can't turn down customers (at least not in Norway), but an "independent" uber/lyft-driver can. Don't want to drive pregnant ladies? Too bad for preggies. The drivers are also being underpaid, there's a reason normal taxis are more expensive. Vehicle maintenance calculated per mile isn't cheap.
This, as I've stated before. You don't save any pension either, nor do you (or the corporation) pay taxes.
nobody pays taxes? are you retarded?
Uber/lyft doesn't, at least not in Norway. It's a big thing in the news these days.
prove your bizare claims, habib
How are they bizarre? It's simply a matter of slow lawmaking meeting fast technology at the door.
prove you kike
>I have no clue what feudalism actually is

Both reputable news sources
http://www.dn.no/tekno/2014/12/04/2152/Uber/uber-styrer-unna-skatt-i-norge ***
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lel this guy
Kek, he won't be relevant a year from now, bud.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you're a fag
t. underage, or ignorant adult

I'm out of this thread
ITT: Europeans try to convince themselves they won't be banned from entering the USA.

you know, cause you cunts are all muslims now.
wow... lol it only shows you guys are retards and they'll keep shitting on ahmed drivers, as a passenger- awesome

Not fair desu. Here in italy you've gotta pay tens of thousands of euros to get a taxi license and this shit gives em one for free. I'm glad this shit got banned in my city. Also as privates they've got no insurance of any kind so if you end up getting fucked up you'll have to pay for all that shit by yourself.
enter jewsa why? also, if spics can... but ot, so fuck off
>you like Trump you immature ignorant; gotta leave bye!

bye bitch
Pretty nice, used it twice when out on the town shitfaced.
Shouldnt you be ficki ficki right now?
I'm not you, de'Rayquanlashawtelle

Cheaper than an ambulance.
greatest thing invented in years, best app ever, only 1000x better than taxis.

come straight to you, easy, cheap, ever expanding options, dont feel like youve been kidnapped, very easy to get money back if any little thing went wrong, rating system keeps drivers friendly.... I could go on and on. I remember having to walk 'upstream' for miles to get a cab when all the bars let out at 2am in the freezing cold.
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>live in college town
>requires 3 drivers to be uber drivers to cover a week shift
>get two buddies to sign up with me
>we each make $250/week
>work probably 10 hours/week

Not bad if you're not looking for a real job. I just drive on Thursdays and Fridays for drunk people and it's a Midwest state with essentially zero black customers. Works pretty easily into class schedules, so I have no complaints and it means I'm essentially covering my living expenses so I don't dip into savings for grad school.

I would never do try this as an actual job, and the people that are complaining about it being capable of supporting a "living wage" are retarded.

Open for questions lads
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